Apple tree flowers from foamiran - master class with photos. Decorative apple tree Apple tree flowers print

A blossoming branch of an apple tree looks very beautiful, but, unfortunately, it fades very quickly. From white and green foamiran you can make a flowering twig very similar to the real one, which, moreover, will not wither.

Apple tree flowers from foamiran - master class

To make apple blossoms from foamiran we will need:

  • white and green foamiran;
  • white threads;
  • yellow acrylic paint;
  • transparent adhesive moment “Crystal”;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • pink pastel;
  • floral wire;
  • paper;
  • foil;
  • green tape.

Operating procedure

  1. Let's make a pattern for an apple tree branch. We will need a petal for a flower, a petal for a bud, sepals and two leaves - large and small.

  2. Apple tree flower template from foamiran

  3. From white foamiran we will cut out 15 petals for flowers and 10 petals for buds.

  4. From green foamiran we cut out three large leaves, two small leaves and five parts of sepals.

  5. Tint the edges of the petals with pink pastel.

  6. Roll each petal into a small tube.

  7. Let's straighten the petals, giving them a convex shape.

  8. Now you need to make the stamens for the flowers. Take three pieces of white thread, each about 30 cm long. Lubricate the threads with PVA glue and let dry. After this, each piece of thread needs to be wound into a small skein. To do this, you can loosely wrap your finger with thread, and then remove it - you get a small skein.

  9. We tie each skein in the middle with thread and cut the ends. We will get three small bundles of thread.

  10. Paint the ends of the bunches with yellow acrylic paint.

  11. Let's take three pieces of wire. Fold each piece of wire in half, insert the stamens into the resulting loops and twist the ends of the wire. Glue the stamens with drops of glue.

  12. Let's form flowers. To do this, we glue five petals around each bunch of stamens.

  13. Let's take two pieces of wire of different lengths. Make a loop at one end of each piece and wrap it with foil to form the base for the buds.

  14. We cover each base for the bud with five small petals so that the foil disappears under them.

  15. We will collect the parts of the sepals together and twist them.

  16. Let's straighten the details of the sepals.

  17. We will make a hole in each part of the sepals. We put the sepals on the wire and glue them to the flowers and buds.

  18. Roll the leaves into small tight tubes.
  19. Photo18
  20. Let's straighten the leaves, giving them a voluminous shape.

  21. We wrap the wire with tape, securing a leaf near each flower and bud.

  22. Let's assemble a twig from the flowers and buds, wrapping the flowers and buds with tape to the longest stem.

Our master class on making apple blossoms from foamiran is over. The blossoming apple tree branch is ready. It can be turned into a brooch; to do this, you need to glue a pin or a special brooch mount to it. This branch will also make an excellent hair decoration if you glue it to a hoop or hairpin. You can also make from foamiran

To make apple tree flowers you will need:
* Foamiran is white and green.
* Floral wire.
* Hot gun.
* Semolina.
* The threads are white.
* Strong hold hairspray.
* Scissors.
* Dry pastels of yellow and pink colors.
* Green tape.
* Mold catteley.
* Cotton buds.
* Iron.

Method for making apple blossoms:
To make apple blossom we need templates. Irina drew blanks of petals on paper that we will need to work and create flowers. The photo shows how many petals, leaves, sepals we need and shows the size; we will need this to create one apple tree branch.

We take white, thin threads and wrap them around the index and middle fingers. We make 7-8 turns and get this small skein of thread.

We tie our skein in the middle with the same white thread. We unravel the loop and get these stamens.

We take floral wire (if you don’t have one, you can wrap it with corrugated paper. Be sure to coat it with PVA glue. You can also use tape). In the place where we secured the threads, we attach the wire. We wrap the wire in the middle of the threads and twist it as shown in the photo.

We should have five of these blanks for making apple blossoms. Spray the finished bundles thoroughly with hairspray. We give it a little time to dry and continue to form our stamens.

Drop a little bit of hot glue into the middle of the base and press the area with your fingers. Let's fluff up all the threads with a needle, and these are the shaggy things we get.

Take semolina and crumble dry yellow pastel into it. Rub everything together thoroughly with your fingers.

Dip the stamens into PVA glue and then immediately into colored semolina.

Here they are our ready-made stamens for making apple flowers. You can spray them on top with hairspray again. In a suspended state, with the bunches down, we leave them to dry.

Let's start with the petals. We cut out the petals according to the templates and tint them with dry pastels on both sides. We place accents on the details in a chaotic order. We make some details brighter, some paler, and some we leave unchanged, that is, white.

Now we begin the process of forming the petals. We heat the part on an iron, fold it into a small accordion and twist it. Then carefully straighten the petals and pull them a little, as if stretching them over your thumb.

Glue the petals to the stamens, apply glue to the very tail of our petal.

This is how you should do it.

Glue the remaining petals in this way.

We process the smallest petals as follows: we apply the part to the iron and heat it until it begins to bend. We remove it and leave it as is.

We collect two buds from small petals.

Now let's prepare a cotton swab, we will use it to create a bud on the apple blossom. After all, the apple blossom has both open flowers and buds too.

Apply glue to the entire petal and glue it to a cotton swab. Next, glue all the petals in a circle. There are four petals in one bud, but you can glue five. We will need two such buds to create an apple tree branch.

We cut out petals from green foamiran according to the template and cut them out. Next we need to give it a texture. On the mold we add texture to our petals.

On the inside of the petal, glue the wire for a moment of gel.

We process the sepals, apply our workpiece to the iron, hold it for a couple of seconds and remove it. The sepal should bend.

We do exactly the same with the rest of the blanks.

We put a sepal on each bud and glue it.

We wrap the stem of the apple tree flower and leaves with green tape. The blanks are ready, let's move on to assembling the apple tree branch.

We place the blanks next to each other one by one, forming a flowering branch of an apple tree. Wrap the junction with tape.

Composition of branches “Apple blossom”. Master class with step-by-step photos

Chichkina Elena Vasilievna, teacher, MBDOU "Ermakovsky kindergarten No. 3", p. Ermakovskoe, Krasnoyarsk region.
Description: This master class is intended for children from 7 years old, additional education teachers, parents and creative people who love to create beautiful and unique things with their own hands.
Purpose: Souvenir, gift, voluminous souvenir, home decoration.

You know, if it weren’t for apples, there would be neither me nor you, either in the virtual world or in the real one. Just remember, who were the first people? Do you remember? Well, of course, Adam and Eve. But, after all, they lived in paradise, and they had everything. They only had one prohibition - not to pick an apple tree, not to eat apples.

But there is just one problem with the human mind: if something is forbidden, then you already want it! And then there’s the tempting snake... eat it and you will be happy!
And the apples, so juicy and plump, hang on the tree, just begging to be put into your mouth! I wouldn’t be able to resist either, what can we expect from primitives.
So on my summer cottage there are also several apple trees of different varieties, both sweet and sweet and sour, and red and green.

Whatever you say, the apple tree is a favorite tree among the people. After all, they love it not only for its wonderful fruits, but also for its special, unique spring beauty. Among many peoples, the apple tree was revered as a symbol of spring, youth and purity. Some old wild apple trees were generally considered sacred trees, they were worshiped and sacrifices were made. A person who cut down such a sacred apple tree, according to the ideas of the ancients, was bound to inevitably die. Anyone who lifted an ax to a living apple tree was subject to the most severe condemnation among Belarusians.

Magical powers were even attributed to individual branches. Some residents of the Caucasus kept a forked branch of an apple tree in their house as a sure remedy against the evil eye. The mountaineers believed that a person with an “evil eye” would be immediately neutralized if an apple tree branch was pointed in his direction. They fully admitted that the “evil eye” could even break a branch, but were unable to do anything with the person in whose hands the apple branch was.

Where are you, April breeze,
adorable, in love with an apple tree?
They bloom, they bloom, and you are a snowball
blowing away this fragrant...

In the good old days,
in a cold pink fog,
yes, they fell sweetly,
flowers of simple charms.

Vladimir Nabokov

Target: Making flowers yourself
- continue to get acquainted with the seasons: spring;
- teach how to make souvenirs from paper and waste material;
- develop interest in artistic creativity;
- develop fine motor skills, eye, imagination, aesthetic taste, compositional skills;
- consolidate skills in handling tools - scissors, paper;
- to form a work culture: teach accuracy, the ability to use materials carefully and economically, and keep the workplace in order;
- cultivate independence, patience, perseverance, a sense of satisfaction from the habit of finishing things;

Cultivate love and respect for parents and relatives, the desire to give them a gift made with your own hands.
Manufacturing technique:
- paper plastic
- design
Materials and tools:
- scissors;
- large needle;
- a simple pencil (pen);
- PVA glue;
- colored paper for copier (white and green);
- wire (fishing line);
- 2 templates (flower and leaf);
- tree branches for composition.

Safety rules when working with scissors

1. Use well-adjusted and sharpened scissors
2. Scissors must have blunt, rounded ends
3. Place the scissors in the rings towards you
4. Watch the movement of the blades while cutting
5.Do not leave scissors open
6. Pass the scissors rings first
7.Don’t play with scissors, don’t bring it to your face
8.Use scissors as intended

Rules for safe work with glue

1.When working with glue, use a brush if necessary.
2. Take the amount of glue that is required to complete the work at this stage.
3. Remove excess glue with a soft cloth or napkin, gently pressing it.
4. Wash your brush and hands well with soap after work.
Our templates:


We take a white sheet of paper and lay it horizontally, and begin to trace the template on it, filling all the space on the sheet.

The more you fit, the more elegant the branches will be

We cut out all our flower blanks with scissors

Take 1 flower and begin to fold it alternately - fold inward, fold outward

We should have a flower like this

Next, for work we need wire and fishing line

We create the stem and core for our flower, for this we attach the fishing line to the wire

And we lift the line up, make as many stems as we have white petals

Now take the petal template and green paper and trace it. We need as many green leaves as we need white flowers.

Cut out all the green leaves

Now we make a hole in the white petals to insert our stem and core

It is also necessary to make a hole on the green leaves.

We immediately string white petals onto our stem, and then a green leaf, not forgetting to lubricate it with glue first, so that our flower has a unified structure and does not wobble

We fix the resulting flower on our branch.

We do the same with all the flowers.

And we fix the finished flowers on a branch

Good day. Most often, people decorate their interiors with flowers or decorative trees made by themselves. Today, together with you, we will make a decorative apple tree from scrap materials.
For this we need:
- Wire.
- Wire cutters.
- Fabric in brown and green colors.
- Scissors.
- Pencil.
- Cardboard.
- Glue.
- Scotch.
- Pot.
- Cement or plaster.
- Woolen threads of red and brown colors.
- Hook.

Take the wire and use wire cutters to cut off 5 pieces of 25 centimeters each and 6 pieces of 30 centimeters each. And 22 small segments of 3-5 centimeters.

Let's take one long piece and use tape to attach two small pieces to it. These will be additional branches of the apple tree. We do this with all segments.

Now we need brown fabric. I took velvet. It always looks rich and elegant. We cut the fabric into strips 2 centimeters wide, as long as possible. We wrap our branches with these strips and fix the ends of the fabric with glue. At the same time, we leave the ends (3 cm) untouched.

We do the same with the remaining branches.

Cut another strip of fabric 3 centimeters wide. We put our branches together and wrap them tightly with a strip of fabric. Lubricate the ends with glue. The resulting tree is “planted” in a pot. Fill with gypsum or cement solution.

Now we straighten the branches.

Now let’s take green fabric, maybe with a pattern, it’ll be even more interesting. Let's cut out leaves of different sizes from it. To prevent the material from spreading, carefully burn the edges with a lighter. Just don't bring the fabric close to the fire, as it will melt easily.

The tree is almost ready, all that remains is to make the apples. Let's take cardboard and draw a circle on it with a diameter of 1.5 centimeters. In it we will draw a circle of smaller diameter. There should be two such blanks.

We put two blanks together. We take red woolen threads and use a hook to wind them around the resulting ring. We wrap until the hole disappears inside the ring.

We cut the ring in a circle, push the cardboard disks apart and use a brown woolen thread to tighten our pompom. We remove the disks. The brown thread needs to be tied to form a loop.

Cut out two leaves from green fabric and glue them to the apple.

You need to make as many of these apples as you want. I made 15 pieces. We hang our apples on the tree. Decorate the pot as you wish. So our decorative vase is ready.

In fact, it was not in vain that we hung the apples by the loops instead of gluing them. Your tree can change at least every day. It can be with or without apples, or you can hang flowers on it. It all depends only on your imagination and mood. Goodbye.

    It's the month of May, and everything is blooming around: cherries, peaches, apricots and apple trees! But this beauty, unfortunately, is not eternal; in a few days the color will fly off and will no longer delight us with its beauty until next spring. Let's extend spring in our home!

    How? We Let's make a flowering apple tree branch out of paper!

    You will need: cut branches of a tree or bush, paper, glue, scissors and detailed Master Class 🙂

    Let's make an apple tree branch like this:

    Also prepare a pot or glass and filler to plant our blooming apple tree made of paper. It could be pebbles or small stones, etc.)

    Plant the branches in a pot, cut corrugated paper as shown below:

    Glue step by step flowers:

    Another detailed master class:

    Do blooming apple tree made of paper you can also like this:

    To work you will need colored paper, glue, scissors, and a simple pencil. You can use wire or dry thin branches of rowan or birch as branches.

    It should look something like this:

    We cut brown or green paper into narrow strips, and after smearing the branch with glue, we wrap it until it is completely covered with a paper layer. Let the glue dry.

    On light paper, on white, we mark individual leaves. Cut them out carefully with scissors. We form flowers and attach them to the branches with glue. You can use a glue gun.

    I also really like pink shades, but in the classic version, these are white flowers.

    This is what the markup looks like:

    Here is an example of how to use glue from a hot-melt gun:

    It's spring outside. In the coming month you will be pleased with the fragrant blossoms of apple trees; if you look closely, they bloom white and with a red tint. And during needlework, a beautiful flowering twig can be made of different colors from soft paper. Treat dry natural branches with potassium permanganate and varnish. Then, cut out petals of different sizes from crepe paper and combine them into a flower, and glue them to a dried twig. Cut and shaped leaves on a blooming apple tree will add beauty in relief. All that remains is to combine the blanks and place them in a vase.

    To make a beautiful flowering apple tree branch, we will need white and green paper, wire with fishing line, tree branches for the composition, PVA glue, scissors with a needle, pencil, two templates (like these):

    First, using a template, draw and cut out apple tree flowers from white paper.

    We fold the white flowers several times like this:

    From wire and fishing line we make branches like this:

    You need to make a hole in the flowers and leaves so that you can insert the stem into the core.

    Now you need a wire with a fishing line as a stem, on which you string first the flowers, then the leaves, pre-lubricating with glue so that the flower does not wobble.

    Attach the finished flower to the branch, and do the same for all other branches. Attach the blanks to real branches.

    The apple blossom branch is ready!

    Nice idea! What could be more beautiful than a blooming apple tree? Well, maybe a blossoming peach).

    I would make a paper apple tree, but using dry natural twigs, so to speak. We won’t touch the twigs, but we’ll work with the paper.

    It is necessary to choose paper that is as close in color as possible to the natural colors of a blooming apple tree. It could be pink leaf, fuchsia, salmon, white of course would also work.

    We cut out paper blanks. We will need to make a lot of small flowers. They can be drawn on paper with a simple pencil and then cut out with scissors.

    Now we work with flowers. We will attach them to branches. But it can be secured using thinly cut tape. And you can also take glue. Hot glue works great for this purpose.

    You will get a very beautiful, blooming apple tree.

    A blossoming twig of an apple tree will be an excellent decoration in your home and will bring a spring mood at any time of the year. We will need: Twigs, glue, paper, scissors, pencil, a figured flower punch. We use a hole punch to cut out flowers. Glue the flowers onto the twig and draw the middle. We also cut out the leaves using glue to the twig.

    Very beautiful apple tree flowers, can be made from crepe paper. To do this, we need to make a center for the flower, to do this we need to sprinkle the stamens; we can also use corn grits or semolina. Then, we cut out the flower petals from crepe paper, draw a little color with pencils, and you can create a flower.

    Detailed steps of how such an apple tree flower works can be seen in the photo; you can repeat all the steps yourself, and you will get a wonderful flowering apple tree branch. You can also make tree leaves separately. And then all the flowers and leaves can be attached to a regular branch, and we will get a branch of a blooming apple tree.