Lesson summary "introduction to local history". Open lesson on local history Notes on local history in elementary school

MAOO "Leninsk Sanatorium Boarding School"

Extracurricular activity

"Local History Marathon"

Educator: Popova Tatyana Grigorievna

Class – 4

Topic of the lesson: “Local history marathon”

Training stage: basic

Tasks:-to form students’ abilities for a new way of acting

Reinforce the concepts of “symbol”, “coat of arms”, “flag”, “hymn”, develop the ability to explain these concepts

To form in children the image of their native country, the region as the Motherland

Develop research skills

Foster a sense of love for the Motherland, respect for comrades

Type of lesson: comprehensive application of knowledge and skills

Techniques, methods:verbal methods: explanation, conversation, story; visual methods: visual clarity, slide show; practical methods: partially search; methods of stimulating motives of interest in learning: cognitive tasks.

Form of organization: game - marathon

Equipment: laptop, multimedia, musical accompaniment, handouts for group work (puzzles, markers, pens, paper, descriptions of plants, photo slides of plants), traffic lights, squeaky toys 2 pcs., tokens of different colors, additional literature on the topic.

Planned results:

Personal: Students will develop: the ability to accept and respect the basic values ​​of “homeland”, “region”, the ability to evaluate their attitude towards their own activities and the activities of their peers; Students will gain experience: attentive attitude to their own experiences and experiences of other people

Metasubject: students will learn to determine the purpose of the activity, the plan for completing tasks; learn to adjust the completion of a task in accordance with the plan, evaluate your assignments; be able to work in a group, negotiate with each other; participate in dialogue and collective discussion; listen and understand others, give reasons for your opinion.

Subject: students will have the opportunity to extract information presented in the form of text and illustrations; see the problem and solve it.


1. Klimov V. Treasured treasure. Komi - Permyak book publishing house, 1997.

2. Echoes of past centuries. - Kudymkar: Komi - Permyak book publishing house, 2005.

3. Silkan Magazine No. 5. Kudymkar, 1998.

4. Silkan Magazine No. 1. Kudymkar, 1998.

Lesson stage

We will begin our lesson with reflections. Pay attention to the slide, read each to yourself the proverb “ People love their homeland not because it is great, but because it is their own.” - How do you understand these words? Much about what you think about your homeland can be learned from your writings.Exercise: Let's close our eyes for a minute and try to find ourselves in our favorite place.How precious and pleasant this moment turned out to be!People say: “The people who don’t remember and don’t appreciate and don’t love their history are bad”

Try to determine the topic of today's lesson.

    Regulations for preparation The right to use additional literature Every student takes part in the game. The result of the game is summed up using points, which are calculated with tokens The team's readiness to give an answer is indicated by a signal
Game "Traffic Light" (set up for the game)

Settlements, like people, have their own biography.Question : What does the word " car"translated from the Komi-Permyak language?Each country has its own distinctive symbols.-What do you think I'm talking about?- What symbols do you know?Exercise: Draw the symbols of the city of Kudymkar.Mystery: You can’t count the different trees -One is more beautiful than the other.But where can you find a tree?More relative than our birch tree!Birch has been revered and loved since time immemorial. There are other plants without which we cannot imagine our childhood, our life. Work using cards: (the task is different for each team) Annex 11) guess the plant from the description 2) write the name of the flower in the Komi-Permyak language3) color the answerGame “What will you give to your native land?” I think after your words and promises, if even a small fraction is fulfilled, then our Motherland will prosper and be proud of its children.- Which city is the administrative center of all districts?- What other districts are included in KPO?Exercise : Solve the puzzles (Appendix 2)Showing illustrations of the Kudym-Osh sculpture.- What kind of architectural object do you think this is? Finish my sentence.I think that it is……….Exercise: Tell everything you know about Kudym-Osh.- Why did we conduct such a lesson?- Have you achieved the goal of the lesson?Summing up the game. Rewarding.Continue the sentences: It was interesting…It was difficult…I will praise myself for...I praise my classmates for...Can you apply words of praise to me as well? What would you praise me for?

Students read the proverb.

Statements from students.Exhibition of essays.They close their eyes and remember their birthplaces.

Read, think, give answers

Express their versions

Determine the objectives of the lesson


choose a captain

come up with a name for the teamExplain the meaning of the word

With the help of a “traffic light” they show their mood.

Participants' response, information search

They discuss and come to a consensus.They discuss, work with literature, draw symbols.


Work in a group

color the drawings


Reasoning, looking for informationSolving puzzles


Express their opinion

Students' answers

Angelica Savina
Lesson notes on local history.

Local history lesson notes

in the senior group

"Russia. State symbols of Russia"

Compiled by the teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 325"

Savina Anzhelika Vitalievna

Educational area: "Cognition"

Target: Educational: to form a basic idea of ​​the symbolism of our country, its meaning.

Developmental: develop cognitive interest in the history of the state.

Educational: to cultivate patriotism, love for the Motherland.

Material: Russian flag, globe, pictures of dolls in Russian costumes.

Progress of the lesson.

Tell me what is the correct name for the Earth?

Is the land expensive? Is the land golden?

No, it's better to tell her: “Dear!”

The earth is our dear, kind mother!

It will sound more affectionate and truer

After all, everything we love

Everything was created by her -

And mountains and rivers,

And the forest and flowers,

Both autumn and summer,

And the rain and you.

Tell me, where do you and I live? Our country is called Russia, and all the people living in our country are called Russians.

Our Motherland is big and beautiful, every Russian loves his country. Why do you love your homeland?

There is no better country than ours. Ask the crane that flies over the entire Earth about this.

Zhura - Zhura - crane,

He flew over a hundred lands.

Flew around, walked around,

Wings, legs strained.

We asked the crane

Where is the best Earth?

He answered as he flew:

There is no better native land!

Our country is located on a huge planet. What is it called? (Earth)

What other countries are on our planet?

Each country, each state has its own distinctive signs and symbols. What are these symbols? (Flag, coat of arms)

Publications on the topic:

Objectives: Educational: -To consolidate children’s knowledge about the characteristics of the natural conditions of the tundra and the characteristics of reindeer. -Form.

Summary of an integrated lesson in local history in the preparatory group “My Tambov” Summary of an open integrated lesson in the preparatory group “My Tambov” Educational objectives: to form ideas.

Lesson notes on local history. Topic: “If the stars light up, then someone needs it” Goal: to contribute to the expansion and deepening of knowledge and ideas about changes in nature in the fall. Establish connections and causes of phenomena.

Synopsis for a lesson in local history “Tula is my native land” Notes for a lesson on local history in the junior group “Tula is my native land” Natalia Chernikova Notes for a lesson in local history in the first junior group.

Lesson notes on local history in the middle group Topic: My hometown Goal: to continue working on the patriotic education of preschoolers. Objectives: To introduce children to the concepts of “city”.

Summary of a lesson on local history in the middle group “Our Motherland - Russia” Our Motherland is Russia Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the nature of Russia: forest, river, sea, field (endless, mountains, emphasizing that Russia.

Synopsis for a lesson in local history “Hometown - Kopeysk” Goals: Continue to introduce children to their hometown, enriching and expanding knowledge about the city’s memorable places; cultivate love for your hometown.

Municipal autonomous educational institution

"Secondary school No. 25 of Chelyabinsk"

Lesson notes

"Introduction to Local History"

(tourist and local history direction)

Primary school teacher

Brunetkina Irina Aleksandrovna

Chelyabinsk, 2016

Topic: “Introduction to local history”


To interest and attract children to work in a children's tourism and local history association.


Expanding basic knowledge of the geography and history of the native land;

Development of creative and cognitive activity;

Fostering love for the native land, developing the ability to see the beauty of the Ural nature.

Types of educational technologies:

Information and communication;

Technology of using gaming methods;

Research methods.

Equipment: multimedia equipment, screen, selection of slides on the topic, collection of ornamental stones, map of the Chelyabinsk region, set of chips, audio recording with the legend of the Uvildas, costumes of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, Slyshko, Fathers of the Urals, felt-tip pens, blank cards.

Greetings. Game "Let's get to know each other"

It was a comic game, but you will learn what to take on a real hike in our classes.




Do you like to travel? Then our classes are for you. I invite you on a journey through my native land, so amazing and unknown, which holds so many secrets. We will discover them with you in local history and tourism classes.

What is local history? (slide 1)

What about tourism? (slide 2)

1 min.

Main content block


What is the name of the region in which we live?

(slide 3).

The Southern Urals are located in the very center of Russia. It includes, in addition to our region, Orenburg and Kurgan, as well as Bashkiria. All of them are located in the vicinity of the Chelyabinsk region.

The history of the Ural region is rich in both events and interesting characters.

I invite you to take a trip and find out what secrets our region keeps.

Let's start from the north-west of the region (slide 4). We see mountains. What are their names? The glory of our region began with them. How many mountains are there in the Urals? A lot, not a hundred or a thousand, but much more. And almost every mountain has a name. And the name is a monument to the language, history, and spiritual culture of our people. Is there a legend about the mistress of the Ural Mountains? She lives in a palace, which is located in the largest mountain in the Urals - Big Sholom on the Zigalga ridge. (slide 5). The Old Russian word “shelom” - “helmet” also means “hill”, “hillock”. This word is fixed in the name of the highest peak of the Zigalgi ridge, but with an addition indicating its size - Big Sholom. So the Mistress may appear here and there.

The Mistress of the Copper Mountain appears, holding a box in her hands:

Hello guys! There are many riches in my kingdom: both minerals and ore metals (slide 6). But the most beautiful are the semi-precious stones, hidden in the depths of the Ural Mountains. Great power lies in these stones. They bring beauty and joy to people.Try to guess some of them.Oh, where did all my stones go from the malachite box? Could it be that the thieves robbedme?Here is my tale: “Whoever finds my precious stones will return themI will get them.”

- Guys,let's help Mistress Coppermountains!
( Assignment: find drag in the tales of P.P. Bazhovvalued stones. Childrenfind quotes in the tales of P.P. Bazhov that contain descriptions of otherprecious stones)
1. “The walls of the palace of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain... malachite with diamond”
2. “And along those mowing spoons where the goat was jumping, people began to find pebbles. The green ones are bigger. They are called...chrysolites"
3. “There is a sign on this stone. Like a little girl dancing. Where such a Jumping Girl appears, there will be...gold. There is gold in that stone, not just in sparkles, but in large drops and nests.”
4. “The Ural craftsmen made all sorts of things from this stone, it’s amazing. It is of the highest price, it pleases the eye, it brings spring to the heart, it gives joy to a person...” (malachite)
5. “And in Stepan’s hand there are green grains clutched. Just a handful. Then one person who knew happened, looked at the grains from the side and said: “But this is a copper emerald.”
6. “Both were timid in grief, at Gumeshki, that is. Malachite was mined and... blue tit..."
7. “And from this stone the Urals
local craftsmen made currants"(agate)(slides 7-13)

Mistress of Copper Mountain:
- Well done boys! They found all my precious stones, from which the Ural masters performed miracles.For this I will thank you!

And now it’s time for me to return, but we will meet again, I’m waiting for you in my kingdom in the Ural mountains. Goodbye!


Let's once again admire the precious stones of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. (Slides 14-15)



We continue our journey, and our path lies to the east. The mountain ranges are left behind, giving way to a hilly plain, where dozens of blue lakes are located on rocky shores with numerous bays. This is the famous Trans-Ural lake region (slide 16). Father Ural keeps many legends and stories about him. Would you like to listen to one of them from the owner himself?

A long time ago this lake did not exist, but there was only a small river. There was a castle on the bank of the river. The evil Karym lived in it. He was small in stature, with a small head and boa constrictor eyes that did not blink, but poured out coldness. On this same bank lived the beautiful Saima. I once met Karym Saima and decided to marry her. He grabbed the beauty and took her by force to his castle. Before the wedding, he gave her a black pearl. Saima took this gift, placed it in her palm and began to cry. The girl's tear fell on the pearl. And it began to shine—it began to glow like a blue wave. It was as if Saima knew the secret of the pearl: if it began to turn blue, then all the springs on earth would open. Then Saima ran to the window, opened it and threw Karym’s gift into the river under the window. The water in the river began to rise and filled the valley. In the morning, the palace disappeared under water, along with Karym and his servants. From then on, where the palace stood and the river ran, the lake with clear, crystal-like water shone. People called this lake Uvildy - “Blue Pearl”. And the village near the lake was called “Saima” (slide 17).

You guys listened to me very carefully, and now let’s play and find out which of you is ready to become a local historian.

(An outdoor game for attention and knowledge of the names of geographical objects)


Thank you, Father Ural, for the interesting story. Did you guys like it? You can learn many legends and stories about other Ural geographical names in our classes. (slides 18-22)


Now our path lies to the south of the Chelyabinsk region, where grandfather Slyshko, famous in the Urals, lives.They called him that because he constantly addressed others: “Hear me.” What does "Do you know" mean?

Grandfather comes out:

Listen, guys, I visited different parts of the Urals. I want you to admire its beauty too.

My favorite corner is the Ilmensky Nature Reserve - a famous natural and historical monument of the Southern Urals; I can spend hours admiring the harmony of its nature. On the territory of the reserve there are more than three dozen charmingly sparkling lakes, several dozen rivers and streams, and warlike forests. The pride of the reserve is the museum, where it is impossible to take your eyes off the Ural jasper, blue topazes, purple amethysts...(slide 23)

Second place is shared between the “Heart Lake” and the “mountain heart of the Urals” - the Zyuratkul and Taganay national parks. The high-mountain lake Zyuratkul (located at an altitude of 724 meters) is covered in amazing legends. A heartwarming story recorded from the words of local residents tells: “In ancient times, the beautiful Yurma lived in these places. One day, in anger, a capricious bride broke a magic mirror given to her by the hero Semigor. One small fragment flew far into the mountains and turned into a beautiful lake, clean and transparent, like the tears of a lovely girl.” In addition, they say that in the mountains near Lake Zyuratkul, a snowman walks and wanders... You can often hear footsteps in the silence of the night, but even mice don’t live at such a height... (slide 24)

In third place is the Sikiyaz-Tamak “cave city”, which is located in the valley of the Ai River (Satkinsky district) - the only monument of this kind in Russia. It has 43 caves and grottoes with traces of ancient man from all historical eras - from the Paleolithic to the Middle Ages. According to legend, Bigfoot also comes here, whom locals call “shurale” - “goblin.” (slide 25)

Near Verkhneuralsk there is a mountain popular with local residents - Kamennaya Sopka. This is where nature has done its best: when looking at the rock, the figure of a resting camel sunk on its chest is clearly visible (slide 26)

Hey guys, I have a task for you. I made a travel map of my favorite places, but it was torn into pieces. I’m getting old, I can’t see well, help me compile it and use chips to mark those places in the Chelyabinsk region that were discussed today.

Hey, guys, while you were collecting the map, I made a wish and it will definitely come true, so that we can meet you again in my favorite corners of the Urals.

Bottom line


The names of rivers, gorges, mountains and cities of the Southern Urals and Chelyabinsk region conceal many mysteries. For many years, scientists and local historians have been trying to unravel them. They managed to unravel some things, but questions remain. Who in ancient times gave names to mountains and rivers, why were they named that way and not otherwise? We will continue this work in our classes and will travel a lot. But what would a trip be without hiking, without stories around the campfire?

I would like to know more about you, for this you should talk to your parents at home, tell them about the activity. And if you liked it with us, then fill out the dating map and the travel map of where you want to go.

Legends and stories of the Urals were told to you today by the pupils of our association “Young Local Historians” (name the children, the Mistress of the Copper Mountain gives stones, Grandfather Slyshko - a travel map, Father Ural - a dating map)

See you in the next classes.

5 minutes.

Municipal educational institution "Gymnasium No. 32"

Republic of Tatarstan, city of Nizhnekamsk

Lesson summary on the history of Tatarstan

on the topic “History of the region”

prepared by the teacher

history and social studies

Bulycheva Svetlana Vladimirovna

Nizhnekamsk, 2013

Topic: History of the region.

Type of lesson: learning new material

Goals and objectives of the lesson:1. Educational : introduce children to the history of their native land, give basic concepts - “Volga Bulgaria”, “ceramics”, “archaeological expedition”.

2. Developmental : develop interest in the native land, historical and archaeological sciences; logical, abstract and creative thinking, oral speech.

3. Educational : contribute to the formation of patriotism, cultivate respect for each other and nature.

Lesson format: lecture, with game elements

Methods and techniques: story, conversation, game, explanation, display of visual material, partially search.

Progress of the lesson

    Organizing time.

Children’s goals: to tune in to the lesson and carefully study the material in order to apply it in practice.

Methods and techniques: telling children about good impressions of the day, for an emotional mood for the lesson.

The teacher's goal: to achieve a favorable environment in the team;

motivate children to work.

Methods and techniques: an introductory story about how interesting it is to study your past by adding stories from expeditions.

    Learning new material.

- Let's move on to the topic of our lesson. I will now tell you in general terms about how Tatarstan was formed and developed, starting from ancient times. Guys, listen carefully and participate in the conversation with me. You will learn a lot of new and interesting things from the history of our republic.

— What do you think is the topic of our lesson today?(History of the region)

— Yes, that’s right, the topic of the lesson is “History of our region.”

The first people appeared on the territory of Tatarstan about 100 thousand years ago in the so-called “Mousterian era” of the Paleolithic. The earliest traces (40 thousand years BC) of ancient people were discovered during excavations of the Krasnaya Glinka tract in the Tetyushsky region of the republic. At that time, with its cold climate, the territory of Tatarstan was a periglacial forest-tundra, through the expanses of which herds of mammoths, reindeer and giant deer roamed; woolly rhinoceroses could often be found in the coastal thickets, and huge bears in the caves. It was possible to hunt these powerful animals only as a group using pens and trapping pits, so the first few inhabitants of the Middle Volga region - the Neanderthals - lived in large groups of several dozen people.

— How do you think we can learn about how people lived so many years ago?(based on archaeological excavations and written sources).

- That's right, guys. Of course, so much time has passed that we can study ancient history only from some finds, studies of sources of all types: written, material and even oral.

—What did people do in ancient times?(hunting, fishing, gathering)

— That is, the most primitive activities. Very good. What animals did we have in our region?(mammoths, woolly rhinoceroses and huge bears).

- Yes exactly. Do you guys know that even in the territory of our city 40 thousand years BC? e. There were also mammoths. And this has been confirmed by recent excavations (showing photographs from mammoth excavations).(See Appendix 1.)

Let's see how the history of our region developed further. Do you have any guesses about this?

(during the course of evolution, people developed and went through a certain stage of historical development).

— Yes, and in the course of the historical development and evolution of people, powerful tribal alliances arose.

On the stand there is a diagram:

Kin family

Tribe association of clans

Union of tribes union of tribes

Consider the diagram. This is how, guys, states were gradually formed. And already in the first millennia AD. There were huge and powerful states on our territory. These are: Turkic Khaganate, Khazar Khaganate.

It is believed that the Tatar peoples descended from the Turks. By this time, cattle breeding had appeared and the Turkic tribes were nomads, constantly looking for new territories and pastures. And so, during various large-scale wars for the redistribution of land between tribes: the Turks, Bulgarians, Essegels, Khazars, Avars, Suvars, Alans, Barsils and many other nationalities gradually moved to the territory of the Volga region. And already here in this territory the extensive construction of cities began. At firstXcentury, a vast and powerful state appears, known as Volga Bulgaria. We know of many cities dating back to this period. For example, Krasnokadkinskoye settlement and Dzhuketau.(showing photos from archaeological expeditions). (See Appendix 2)

Based on the finds found at these ancient settlements, students of our association wrote various research papers and took prizes at republican and regional conferences.

Archaeological expeditions usually find ceramics of various types and sizes, remains of iron knives and arrowheads, as well as fragments of women's jewelry. Based on the finds, one can determine how a person lived and what he did. Here you can see how we reconstructed pottery and jewelry, as well as styled clothing. - Let's play a little. Now you will imagine yourself as a medieval man of our region. Put on some clothes, each take a clay mug, and let’s experience the life of our ancestors.(Children dress in costumes, drink tea from homemade clay mugs and try to have a conversation about the important affairs of the tribe. Among them are the leader, warriors and ordinary people. This gives a good incentive to study their region, many questions arise that the children want to explore themselves, there is a desire to try their hand at an archaeological expedition. Thanks to the collective tea party, one single team is formed. At the moment of the lesson, the children are in a better mood and are in the mood to come to the next lesson.)

Learning new material is all about story and play. After carefully listening to the preliminary story, children should try to act out a certain plot from the story, and imagine themselves in the place of a medieval person. This allows children to easily and quickly remember the material and mentally prepare for the summer archaeological expedition. It is also a good incentive to make your own household items, which develops a full-fledged personality in the student.

    Reinforcing the material covered.

And so guys, you and I began to study the history of our region. What did you learn from our topic today?

(On our territory of the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as in other regions of the world, life began before our era. In the course of human evolution, alliances of tribes of Turkic peoples appeared, who are our ancestors. Such a long history can be studied from archaeological research and written sources.)

— What is most often found on the territory of the river. Tatarstan?

(ceramics, household items and remains of weapons)

—What was the first state that arose in our region inXcentury?(Volga Bulgaria).

- All the guys are great. I hope you enjoyed our activity. And everyone, when summer comes, will be able to take part in exploring our region. We'll stop there. In the next lesson we will continue to consider the history of our region.

    Homework assignment.

Using various available means, look for information about the clothing of our ancestors. And we will make it with you in the next classes. For this you will also need to bring fabric.

List of sources and literature used:

    A.Z.Nigamaev /History of Tatarstan (from ancient times to the middle of the 16th century). – Elabuga, 1998

    F. Kh. Valeev, G. F. Valeeva - Suleymanova / Ancient art of Tatarstan. – Kazan, 2002

    History of Tatarstan: Textbook. allowance for primary school.// ed. B.F. Sultanbekova. – Kazan, 2001

    Photographs taken during archaeological expeditions.

Annex 1

Excavations of a mammoth in the Nizhnekamsk region, 2011.

Appendix 2

Archaeological expedition, Dzhuketau, Chistopol district 2007

Ceramics collected in the village of Staroye Romashkino, Chistopol district, 2009.

Summary of the lesson "My Small Motherland" for children of the preparatory group

Education of a citizen and patriot of one’s country, formation of moral values. Creation of a subject-development environment in a children's institution that is conducive to this upbringing.
1. Formation of a spiritual and moral attitude and a sense of belonging to one’s home, family, kindergarten, city, village, to the nature of one’s native land, to the cultural heritage of one’s people.
2. Fostering love and respect for your Motherland - Russia, for your nation. A tolerant attitude towards representatives of other nationalities, peers, their parents, neighbors, and other people.
3. Fostering a respectful attitude towards the working person, the results of his work, his native land, defenders of the Fatherland, state symbols, state traditions, public holidays.
4. Instilling in children a love for nature, a desire to preserve and protect it.
Preliminary work:
Looking at photographs of the old and new "Kolyvan"
Didactic game "Trip around the city."
Consideration of the plan - city diagram.

Progress of the event:

Children stand near their chairs, the Russian anthem is played.
Educator: Hello guys, sit down. What music were you listening to now? That's right, this is the Russian anthem. An anthem is a solemn song in which people glorify their country.
- What does the Motherland, Russia, mean to us? (children's answers) The teacher continues the conversation.
There can be many answers to this question:
- Homeland is the country in which we were born and live.
- Our Motherland is Russian forests, fields, seas and rivers.
- This is the land on which our ancestors lived and worked.
- The land that our ancestors defended from enemies.
- The Motherland is our region, city, village.
- The homeland is the place where people close and dear to us live: mother, father, grandmother, grandfather.
- This is the place where our kindergarten, our school is located.
- This is a place that people miss when they are in a distant land, on a foreign side.

The most beautiful word in the world is Motherland, Motherland. Every person has a homeland and everyone loves it. Loves the place where he was born and lives. What is the name of our Motherland? That's right - Russia. There are many cities in Russia - St. Petersburg, Rostov, Kursk. What is the main city in Russia? Moscow. 8 million people live in Moscow (this is the population of 10 cities - that’s how big Moscow is). Each country has its own flag, coat of arms, and anthem. Who knows what a coat of arms is? Yes - this is a sign.
The child reads:
The majestic Russia has a double-headed eagle on its coat of arms
So that to the west, to the east
He could have looked right away.
-Who remembers what flag Russia has?
White color – birch
Blue is the color of the sky
Red stripe - sunny dawn!
Educator: Yes, we all have one homeland - this is Russia, but we have another homeland - a small one, where we were born, grew up, go to kindergarten. Our little Motherland is the village of Kolyvan, Novosibirsk region
The village of Kolyvan is a settlement in the Novosibirsk region, which is distinguished by its nature and picturesque places. The village is located on the Chaus River, which is a tributary of the Ob. Kolyvan is a historical settlement, which was founded in 1713 as a small fort with several huts, and is now an urban-type village.
After the founding of a small fort in 1713, a settlement appeared here, founded by Ishim peasants, which by 1741 acquired the status of a Chaussky volost. By this time, the fort had lost its significance, since it had never been attacked and, moreover, the border had shifted to the south. After the construction of the Siberian Highway, there was no end to prosperity and wealth, trade and handicraft production developed.

At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, a railway appeared 50 kilometers from the settlement, and the development of the city of Novonikolaevsk, today's Novosibirsk, began. This led to an outflow of population from Kolyvan and, accordingly, decline. The revolution of 1917 also had a deplorable effect on the settlement, but after the Great Patriotic War the village of Kolyvan began to recover and became an urban-type village. The village of Kolyvan is interesting for its attractions: the Alexander Nevsky Intercession Monastery and the local history museum. There is also a river that is famous for its fishing spots.
Meet the house of merchant Krivtsov
Merchant of the 2nd guild Fyodor Kirillovich Krivtsov, philanthropist, one of the richest people of Kolyvan (as employees of the Kolyvan Museum of Local Lore said, he is the adopted son of the wealthy Kolyvan merchant Kirill Klimovich Krivtsov, who built at his own expense the Church of Alexander Nevsky and the chapels in the Cathedral of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity ). The two-story brick house, built in 1895, is an example of folk architecture with elements of romantic modernism in the design of the facades.

Where did that mask on the roof of the house come from?
In a merchant's house, while the roof was being repaired, a mask was found in the attic, which is now kept among the exhibits of the Kolyvan Local History Museum. In this mask you can see the facial features of the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

According to employees of the Kolyvan Museum of Local Lore, in 1899 the City Duma decided to purchase two masks for the city in honor of Pushkin’s centenary. A transparent portrait (as the mask was called) was mounted on the building of the Kolyvan school for boys, and the second - on the Vladimir parish school for women.

The village traces its history back to the Chaussky fort.
Kolyvan is a very beautiful and ancient village with a rich history. The village traces its history back to the Chaussky fort, which was founded in 1713. Many years have passed, but the people of Kolyvan honor their history and carefully preserve their chronicle within the walls of the Kolyvan Local History Museum.
But most of all, the streets of our native village can tell us the most. Even an ignorant person can guess that the buildings that have survived to this day belonged to rich people.
Cathedral of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity
The Cathedral in the name of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity became the first stone building built in the “new” Kolyvan.

The construction of the Cathedral was associated with the name of the prominent Siberian philanthropist and public figure of the Kolyvan merchant Kirill Klimovich Krivtsov. Being a merchant of the 2nd guild and a very rich man, Kirill Klimovich Krivtsov was actively involved in charity work: in 1868, he repaired the Kolyvan military hospital for free and donated 11 rubles. for the construction of a cathedral in Tomsk, contributed money for the maintenance of prisoners in the Tomsk prison. In 1872, Kirill Klimovich Krivtsov built a wooden house for a women's parish school at his own expense. He repeatedly received gratitude from the authorities, and in 1874 he was awarded a gold medal on a Stanislav ribbon to be worn around his neck “for services in the spiritual department.” In 1876 he was elected as a member of the city duma, in 1879-81. was the guardian of the Kolyvan Vladimir parish school.
For the Cathedral in the name of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity, Kirill Klimovich Krivtsov built two chapels in 1876: the left one “In the Name of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine” and the right one “In the Name of the Saints St. Kirill and the Martyr Natalia.”
The cathedral existed in its original purpose for about seventy years. During the years of Soviet power, the building lost its domes, burned, and was reconstructed for functions incompatible with the temple. During this period, not only Orthodox values, spiritual life skills and the appearance of the church were lost, but also few residents remembered the very name of the church. According to the testimony of old-timers, the interior decoration of the Cathedral was incomparably richer than in another Kolyvan church in the name of Alexander Nevsky, destroyed in 1968.
The Cathedral in the name of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity is the first stone building in Kolyvan, located on Cathedral Square in accordance with the “highly approved city plan” of 1834 by the architect K. Tursky, and is associated with the public and charitable activities of the prominent Siberian philanthropist Kolyvan merchant of the 2nd guild Kirill Klimovich Krivtsov, reflects the history of the existence and destruction of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Novosibirsk Ob region, as well as the newest stage associated with awakening attention to the origins and values ​​of national culture.
Road to the Temple
The road to the Temple for parishioners, the point of entry and the beginning of acquaintance with Kolyvan for tourists.

Reconstruction of the Cathedral in the name of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity, 2012
The Alexander Nevsky Temple currently operating in Kolyvan is also an example of the charitable activities of Kolyvan merchants.
On October 29, 1878, at a public gathering of citizens of the city of Kolyvan, it was decided to build a new stone church on Nizhnyaya (later Alexander Square). Fundraising for its construction began among parishioners, but after the assassination of Tsar Alexander II, the Kolyvan merchant Kirill Klimovich Krivtsov “wanted to use his own funds to build a church named after Alexander Nevsky in memory of the murdered Tsar Alexander II according to the plan approved for the Church of the Intercession.” Krivtsov’s son Fedor also took a great part in the construction, and with the opening of the temple he became its church warden. Destroyed in the 60s and restored again, this temple is today the calling card of Kolyvan, and the memory of the father and son Krivtsov will forever remain in the history of Kolyvan.

The house of the richest merchant of Kolyvan keeps the mysterious history of the Krivtsovs
But the most interesting thing in this story is the secret of the house of the merchant Fyodor Kirillovich Krivtsov. The two-story brick house, built in 1895, is an example of folk architecture with elements of romantic modernism in the design of the facades. As the indigenous residents say, there was a prison in this building during Soviet times; the bars still remain in the attached rooms.
So, this merchant was considered the richest, but no one found this wealth after his death. Where did he hide them? No one has ever found them, although there were attempts, but apart from Pushkin’s mask, they never found anything. It is also known for sure that many underground passages run from this building, some of them were found, but there was no treasure in them.
Summary of the lesson.
- Guys, the village of Kolyvan is our small Motherland, the most dear place on Earth. You and I are residents of our hometown. It depends on us what it will be like in the future.

While you are still preschoolers, you still have to do great and good deeds. In the meantime, you need to be proud and love your city.