Interactive map of the solar system. Solar system - the world we live in

The endless space that surrounds us is not just a huge airless space and emptiness. Here everything is subject to a single and strict order, everything has its own rules and obeys the laws of physics. Everything is in constant motion and is constantly interconnected with each other. This is a system in which each celestial body occupies its specific place. The center of the Universe is surrounded by galaxies, among which is our Milky Way. Our galaxy, in turn, is formed by stars around which large and small planets with their natural satellites revolve. The picture of a universal scale is complemented by wandering objects - comets and asteroids.

In this endless cluster of stars our Solar System is located - a tiny astrophysical object by cosmic standards, which includes our cosmic home - planet Earth. For us earthlings, the size of the solar system is colossal and difficult to perceive. In terms of the scale of the Universe, these are tiny numbers - only 180 astronomical units or 2.693e+10 km. Here, too, everything is subject to its own laws, has its own clearly defined place and sequence.

Brief characteristics and description

The interstellar medium and the stability of the Solar System are ensured by the location of the Sun. Its location is an interstellar cloud included in the Orion-Cygnus arm, which in turn is part of our galaxy. From a scientific point of view, our Sun is located on the periphery, 25 thousand light years from the center of the Milky Way, if we consider the galaxy in the diametrical plane. In turn, the movement of the solar system around the center of our galaxy is carried out in orbit. A complete revolution of the Sun around the center of the Milky Way is carried out in different ways, within 225-250 million years and is one galactic year. The orbit of the Solar System has an inclination of 600 to the galactic plane. Nearby, in the neighborhood of our system, other stars and other solar systems with their large and small planets are running around the center of the galaxy.

The approximate age of the Solar System is 4.5 billion years. Like most objects in the Universe, our star was formed as a result of the Big Bang. The origin of the Solar System is explained by the same laws that operated and continue to operate today in the fields of nuclear physics, thermodynamics and mechanics. First, a star was formed, around which, due to the ongoing centripetal and centrifugal processes, the formation of planets began. The Sun was formed from a dense accumulation of gases - a molecular cloud, which was the product of a colossal Explosion. As a result of centripetal processes, molecules of hydrogen, helium, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen and other elements were compressed into one continuous and dense mass.

The result of grandiose and such large-scale processes was the formation of a protostar, in the structure of which thermonuclear fusion began. We observe this long process, which began much earlier, today, looking at our Sun 4.5 billion years after its formation. The scale of the processes occurring during the formation of a star can be imagined by assessing the density, size and mass of our Sun:

  • density is 1.409 g/cm3;
  • the volume of the Sun is almost the same figure - 1.40927x1027 m3;
  • star mass – 1.9885x1030 kg.

Today our Sun is an ordinary astrophysical object in the Universe, not the smallest star in our galaxy, but far from the largest. The Sun is in its mature age, being not only the center of the solar system, but also the main factor in the emergence and existence of life on our planet.

The final structure of the solar system falls on the same period, with a difference of plus or minus half a billion years. The mass of the entire system, where the Sun interacts with other celestial bodies of the Solar System, is 1.0014 M☉. In other words, all the planets, satellites and asteroids, cosmic dust and particles of gases revolving around the Sun, compared to the mass of our star, are a drop in the ocean.

The way we have an idea of ​​our star and the planets revolving around the Sun is a simplified version. The first mechanical heliocentric model of the solar system with a clock mechanism was presented to the scientific community in 1704. It should be taken into account that the orbits of the planets of the solar system do not all lie in the same plane. They rotate around at a certain angle.

The model of the solar system was created on the basis of a simpler and more ancient mechanism - tellurium, with the help of which the position and movement of the Earth in relation to the Sun was simulated. With the help of tellurium, it was possible to explain the principle of the movement of our planet around the Sun and to calculate the duration of the earth's year.

The simplest model of the solar system is presented in school textbooks, where each of the planets and other celestial bodies occupies a certain place. It should be taken into account that the orbits of all objects revolving around the Sun are located at different angles to the central plane of the Solar System. The planets of the Solar System are located at different distances from the Sun, rotate at different speeds and rotate differently around their own axis.

A map - a diagram of the Solar System - is a drawing where all objects are located in the same plane. In this case, such an image gives an idea only of the sizes of celestial bodies and the distances between them. Thanks to this interpretation, it became possible to understand the location of our planet among other planets, to assess the scale of celestial bodies and to give an idea of ​​the enormous distances that separate us from our celestial neighbors.

Planets and other objects of the solar system

Almost the entire universe is made up of myriads of stars, among which there are large and small solar systems. The presence of a star with its own satellite planets is a common occurrence in space. The laws of physics are the same everywhere and our solar system is no exception.

If you ask the question how many planets there were in the solar system and how many there are today, it is quite difficult to answer unequivocally. Currently, the exact location of 8 major planets is known. In addition, 5 small dwarf planets revolve around the Sun. The existence of a ninth planet is currently disputed in scientific circles.

The entire solar system is divided into groups of planets, which are arranged in the following order:

Terrestrial planets:

  • Mercury;
  • Venus;
  • Mars.

Gas planets - giants:

  • Jupiter;
  • Saturn;
  • Uranus;
  • Neptune.

All planets presented in the list differ in structure and have different astrophysical parameters. Which planet is larger or smaller than the others? The sizes of the planets of the solar system are different. The first four objects, similar in structure to the Earth, have a solid rock surface and are endowed with an atmosphere. Mercury, Venus and Earth are the inner planets. Mars closes this group. Following it are the gas giants: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune - dense, spherical gas formations.

The process of life of the planets of the solar system does not stop for a second. Those planets that we see in the sky today are the arrangement of celestial bodies that the planetary system of our star has at the current moment. The state that existed at the dawn of the formation of the solar system is strikingly different from what has been studied today.

The astrophysical parameters of modern planets are indicated by the table, which also shows the distance of the planets of the Solar System to the Sun.

The existing planets of the solar system are approximately the same age, but there are theories that in the beginning there were more planets. This is evidenced by numerous ancient myths and legends that describe the presence of other astrophysical objects and disasters that led to the death of the planet. This is confirmed by the structure of our star system, where, along with planets, there are objects that are products of violent cosmic cataclysms.

A striking example of such activity is the asteroid belt, located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Objects of extraterrestrial origin are concentrated here in huge numbers, mainly represented by asteroids and small planets. It is these irregularly shaped fragments that are considered in human culture to be the remains of the protoplanet Phaeton, which perished billions of years ago as a result of a large-scale cataclysm.

In fact, there is an opinion in scientific circles that the asteroid belt was formed as a result of the destruction of a comet. Astronomers have discovered the presence of water on the large asteroid Themis and on the small planets Ceres and Vesta, which are the largest objects in the asteroid belt. Ice found on the surface of asteroids may indicate the cometary nature of the formation of these cosmic bodies.

Previously one of the major planets, Pluto is not considered a full-fledged planet today.

Pluto, which was previously ranked among the large planets of the solar system, is today reduced to the size of dwarf celestial bodies revolving around the Sun. Pluto, along with Haumea and Makemake, the largest dwarf planets, is located in the Kuiper belt.

These dwarf planets of the solar system are located in the Kuiper belt. The region between the Kuiper belt and the Oort cloud is the most distant from the Sun, but space is not empty there either. In 2005, the most distant celestial body of our solar system, the dwarf planet Eris, was discovered there. The process of exploration of the most distant regions of our solar system continues. The Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud are hypothetically the border regions of our star system, the visible boundary. This cloud of gas is located at a distance of one light year from the Sun and is the region where comets, the wandering satellites of our star, are born.

Characteristics of the planets of the solar system

The terrestrial group of planets is represented by the planets closest to the Sun - Mercury and Venus. These two cosmic bodies of the solar system, despite the similarity in physical structure with our planet, are a hostile environment for us. Mercury is the smallest planet in our star system and is closest to the Sun. The heat of our star literally incinerates the surface of the planet, practically destroying its atmosphere. The distance from the surface of the planet to the Sun is 57,910,000 km. In size, only 5 thousand km in diameter, Mercury is inferior to most large satellites, which are dominated by Jupiter and Saturn.

Saturn's satellite Titan has a diameter of over 5 thousand km, Jupiter's satellite Ganymede has a diameter of 5265 km. Both satellites are second in size only to Mars.

The very first planet rushes around our star at tremendous speed, making a full revolution around our star in 88 Earth days. It is almost impossible to notice this small and nimble planet in the starry sky due to the close presence of the solar disk. Among the terrestrial planets, it is on Mercury that the largest daily temperature differences are observed. While the surface of the planet facing the Sun heats up to 700 degrees Celsius, the back side of the planet is immersed in universal cold with temperatures up to -200 degrees.

The main difference between Mercury and all the planets in the solar system is its internal structure. Mercury has the largest iron-nickel inner core, which accounts for 83% of the mass of the entire planet. However, even this uncharacteristic quality did not allow Mercury to have its own natural satellites.

Next to Mercury is the closest planet to us - Venus. The distance from Earth to Venus is 38 million km, and it is very similar to our Earth. The planet has almost the same diameter and mass, slightly inferior in these parameters to our planet. However, in all other respects, our neighbor is fundamentally different from our cosmic home. The period of Venus' revolution around the Sun is 116 Earth days, and the planet rotates extremely slowly around its own axis. The average surface temperature of Venus rotating around its axis over 224 Earth days is 447 degrees Celsius.

Like its predecessor, Venus lacks the physical conditions conducive to the existence of known life forms. The planet is surrounded by a dense atmosphere consisting mainly of carbon dioxide and nitrogen. Both Mercury and Venus are the only planets in the solar system that do not have natural satellites.

Earth is the last of the inner planets of the solar system, located at a distance of approximately 150 million km from the Sun. Our planet makes one revolution around the Sun every 365 days. Rotates around its own axis in 23.94 hours. The Earth is the first of the celestial bodies located on the path from the Sun to the periphery, which has a natural satellite.

Digression: The astrophysical parameters of our planet are well studied and known. Earth is the largest and densest planet of all the other inner planets in the solar system. It is here that natural physical conditions have been preserved under which the existence of water is possible. Our planet has a stable magnetic field that holds the atmosphere. Earth is the most well studied planet. The subsequent study is mainly of not only theoretical interest, but also practical one.

Mars closes the parade of terrestrial planets. The subsequent study of this planet is mainly not only of theoretical interest, but also of practical interest, associated with human exploration of extraterrestrial worlds. Astrophysicists are attracted not only by the relative proximity of this planet to Earth (on average 225 million km), but also by the absence of difficult climatic conditions. The planet is surrounded by an atmosphere, although it is in an extremely rarefied state, has its own magnetic field, and temperature differences on the surface of Mars are not as critical as on Mercury and Venus.

Like Earth, Mars has two satellites - Phobos and Deimos, the natural nature of which has recently been questioned. Mars is the last fourth planet with a rocky surface in the solar system. Following the asteroid belt, which is a kind of inner boundary of the solar system, begins the kingdom of gas giants.

The largest cosmic celestial bodies of our solar system

The second group of planets that are part of the system of our star has bright and large representatives. These are the largest objects in our solar system, which are considered the outer planets. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are the most distant from our star, huge by earthly standards and their astrophysical parameters. These celestial bodies are distinguished by their massiveness and composition, which is mainly gaseous in nature.

The main beauties of the solar system are Jupiter and Saturn. The total mass of this pair of giants would be quite enough to fit in it the mass of all known celestial bodies of the Solar System. So Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system, weighs 1876.64328 1024 kg, and the mass of Saturn is 561.80376 1024 kg. These planets have the most natural satellites. Some of them, Titan, Ganymede, Callisto and Io, are the largest satellites of the Solar System and are comparable in size to the terrestrial planets.

The largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter, has a diameter of 140 thousand km. In many respects, Jupiter more closely resembles a failed star - a striking example of the existence of a small solar system. This is evidenced by the size of the planet and astrophysical parameters - Jupiter is only 10 times smaller than our star. The planet rotates around its own axis quite quickly - only 10 Earth hours. The number of satellites, of which 67 have been identified to date, is also striking. The behavior of Jupiter and its moons is very similar to the model of the solar system. Such a number of natural satellites for one planet raises a new question: how many planets were there in the Solar System at the early stage of its formation. It is assumed that Jupiter, having a powerful magnetic field, turned some planets into its natural satellites. Some of them - Titan, Ganymede, Callisto and Io - are the largest satellites of the solar system and are comparable in size to the terrestrial planets.

Slightly smaller in size than Jupiter is its smaller brother, the gas giant Saturn. This planet, like Jupiter, consists mainly of hydrogen and helium - gases that are the basis of our star. With its size, the diameter of the planet is 57 thousand km, Saturn also resembles a protostar that has stopped in its development. The number of satellites of Saturn is slightly inferior to the number of satellites of Jupiter - 62 versus 67. Saturn's satellite Titan, like Io, a satellite of Jupiter, has an atmosphere.

In other words, the largest planets Jupiter and Saturn with their systems of natural satellites strongly resemble small solar systems, with their clearly defined center and system of movement of celestial bodies.

Behind the two gas giants come the cold and dark worlds, the planets Uranus and Neptune. These celestial bodies are located at a distance of 2.8 billion km and 4.49 billion km. from the Sun, respectively. Due to their enormous distance from our planet, Uranus and Neptune were discovered relatively recently. Unlike the other two gas giants, Uranus and Neptune contain large quantities of frozen gases - hydrogen, ammonia and methane. These two planets are also called ice giants. Uranus is smaller in size than Jupiter and Saturn and ranks third in the solar system. The planet represents the pole of cold of our star system. The average temperature on the surface of Uranus is -224 degrees Celsius. Uranus differs from other celestial bodies revolving around the Sun by its strong tilt on its own axis. The planet seems to be rolling, revolving around our star.

Like Saturn, Uranus is surrounded by a hydrogen-helium atmosphere. Neptune, unlike Uranus, has a different composition. The presence of methane in the atmosphere is indicated by the blue color of the planet's spectrum.

Both planets move slowly and majestically around our star. Uranus orbits the Sun in 84 Earth years, and Neptune orbits our star twice as long - 164 Earth years.


Our Solar System is a huge mechanism in which each planet, all satellites of the Solar System, asteroids and other celestial bodies move along a clearly defined route. The laws of astrophysics apply here and have not changed for 4.5 billion years. Along the outer edges of our solar system, dwarf planets move in the Kuiper belt. Comets are frequent guests of our star system. These space objects visit the inner regions of the Solar System with a periodicity of 20-150 years, flying within visibility range of our planet.

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According to the stories of astronauts, there is no more beautiful and bewitching picture than the view of the Earth from space. When you look at a small ball consisting of white clouds, brown earth and blue water, it is impossible to take your eyes off...

Today we will look at several cool online 3D Earth globes, which you can use directly from this page. They are all interactive and you can interact with them. There is no need to download and install additional programs like Google Earth, etc. - just open this page in your browser and enjoy.

Photorealistic 3D Earth globe

This is a three-dimensional model of the world, on which photo textures obtained by NASSA satellites are stretched.

You can spin the ball in different directions by holding down the left mouse button. Rotating the mouse wheel up increases the viewing scale, downwards - on the contrary, decreases it.

At maximum zoom, the textures become blurry, so I recommend that you do not get too carried away with scaling.

The blur is due to the fact that the model uses low-resolution photographs. Otherwise, loading them in the browser would take too long.

This 3D globe allows you to see our planet almost the way astronauts see it. Well, or close to it :)

Virtual globe of the Earth

This is a three-dimensional interactive virtual globe on which the borders of states, names of cities, regions, settlements, etc. are indicated.

This 3D model of the world does not have raster textures, like the previous one, but vector ones, so here scaling can be done down to individual buildings. At maximum magnification there are even house numbers and street names.

Historical globe

It demonstrates how our ancestors saw our Earth at the end of the 18th century. Its authorship belongs to the famous geographer and cartographer Giovanni Maria Cassini, and it was published in Rome in 1790.

It is also fully interactive, you can twist, rotate, zoom in or out of the map. Looking at it, you understand how much the world has changed in just 200 years, and how many events were behind it all...

And here is the actual globe itself (1790), from which this online 3d model was made:

Finally, a stunningly beautiful video about what the Earth really looks like from space:

Friends, share your impressions, opinions and ask questions in the comments!

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> Interactive 2D and 3D model of the Solar System

Consider: real distances between planets, a moving map, phases of the Moon, the Copernican and Tycho Brahe systems, instructions.

FLASH Model of the Solar System

This solar system model created by developers in order for users to gain knowledge about the structure of the Solar System and its place in the Universe. With its help, you can get a visual idea of ​​how the planets are located relative to the Sun and each other, as well as the mechanics of their movement. Flash technology allows you to study all aspects of this process, on the basis of which an animated model is created, which gives ample opportunities to the user of the application to study planetary motion both in the absolute coordinate system and in the relative one.

Control of the flash model is simple: in the upper left half of the screen there is a lever for adjusting the speed of rotation of the planets, with which you can even set its negative value. Below is a link to help – HELP. The model has a well-implemented highlighting of important aspects of the structure of the Solar System, which the user should pay attention to while working with it; for example, they are highlighted here in different colors. In addition, if you have a long research process ahead of you, then you can turn on musical accompaniment, which will perfectly complement the impression of the grandeur of the Universe.

In the lower left part of the screen there are menu items with phases, which allows you to visualize their relationship with other processes occurring in the Solar system.

In the upper right part, you can enter the date you need in order to obtain information about the location of the planets for that day. This function will greatly appeal to all astrology lovers and gardeners who adhere to the timing of sowing garden crops depending on the phases of the moon and the position of other planets in the solar system. A little below this part of the menu there is a switch between constellations and months, which run along the edge of the circle.

The lower right part of the screen is occupied by a switch between the Copernican and Tycho Brahe astronomical systems. In the heliocentric model of the world created, its center depicts the Sun with the planets revolving around it. The system of the Danish astrologer and astronomer, who lived in the 16th century, is less well known, but it is more convenient for carrying out astrological calculations.

In the center of the screen there is a rotating circle, along the perimeter of which there is another model control element, it is made in the form of a triangle. If the user drags this triangle, he will have the opportunity to set the time required to study the model. Although working with this model you will not get the most accurate dimensions and distances in the Solar System, it is very easy to use and very visual.

If the model does not fit on your monitor screen, you can make it smaller by simultaneously pressing the "Ctrl" and "Minus" keys.

Model of the Solar System with real distances between planets

This option solar system models was created without taking into account the beliefs of the ancients, that is, its coordinate system is absolute. The distances here are indicated as clearly and realistically as possible, but the proportions of the planets are conveyed incorrectly, although it also has a right to exist. The fact is that in it the distance from the earthly observer to the center of the solar system varies in the range from 20 to 1,300 million kilometers, and if you gradually change it in the process of studying, you will more clearly imagine the scale of the distances between the planets in our star system. And in order to better understand the relativity of time, a time step switch is provided, the size of which is day, month or year.

3D model of the solar system

This is the most impressive model of the Solar System presented on the page, as it was created using 3D technology and is completely realistic. With its help, you can study the Solar System, as well as constellations, both schematically and in three-dimensional images. Here you can study the structure of the solar system looking from the Earth, which will allow you to make an exciting journey into outer space that is close to reality.

I must say a huge thank you to the developers of who made every effort to create a tool that is truly necessary and needed by all lovers of astronomy and astrology. Anyone can verify this by following the appropriate links to the virtual model of the solar system they need.

Pluto By decision of the MAC (International Astronomical Union) it no longer belongs to the planets of the Solar System, but is a dwarf planet and is even inferior in diameter to another dwarf planet Eris. Pluto's designation is 134340.

solar system

Scientists put forward many versions of the origin of our solar system. In the forties of the last century, Otto Schmidt hypothesized that the solar system arose because cold dust clouds were attracted to the Sun. Over time, clouds formed the foundations of future planets. In modern science, Schmidt's theory is the main one. The solar system is only a small part of a large galaxy called the Milky Way. The Milky Way contains more than one hundred billion different stars. It took humanity thousands of years to realize such a simple truth. The discovery of the solar system did not happen immediately; step by step, based on victories and mistakes, a system of knowledge was formed. The main basis for studying the solar system was knowledge about the Earth.

Fundamentals and Theories

The main milestones in the study of the solar system are the modern atomic system, the heliocentric system of Copernicus and Ptolemy. The most probable version of the origin of the system is considered to be the Big Bang theory. In accordance with it, the formation of the galaxy began with the “scattering” of the elements of the megasystem. At the turn of the impenetrable house, our Solar system was born. The basis of everything is the Sun - 99.8% of the total volume, the planets account for 0.13%, the remaining 0.0003% are the various bodies of our system. Scientists have accepted the division of planets into two conditional groups . The first includes planets of the Earth type: the Earth itself, Venus, Mercury. The main distinguishing characteristics of the planets of the first group are their relatively small area, hardness, and a small number of satellites. The second group includes Uranus, Neptune and Saturn - they are distinguished by their large sizes (giant planets), they are formed by helium and hydrogen gases.

In addition to the Sun and planets, our system also includes planetary satellites, comets, meteorites and asteroids.

Particular attention should be paid to the asteroid belts, which are located between Jupiter and Mars, and between the orbits of Pluto and Neptune. At the moment, science does not have an unambiguous version of the origin of such formations.
Which planet is not currently considered a planet:

From the time of its discovery until 2006, Pluto was considered a planet, but later many celestial bodies were discovered in the outer part of the Solar System, comparable in size to Pluto and even larger than it. To avoid confusion, a new definition of planet was given. Pluto did not fall under this definition, so it was given a new “status” - a dwarf planet. So, Pluto can serve as an answer to the question: it used to be considered a planet, but now it is not. However, some scientists continue to believe that Pluto should be reclassified back to a planet.

Scientists' forecasts

Based on research, scientists say that the sun is approaching the middle of its life path. It is unimaginable to imagine what will happen if the Sun goes out. But scientists say this is not only possible, but also inevitable. The age of the Sun was determined using the latest computer developments and it was found that it is about five billion years old. According to astronomical law, the life of a star like the Sun lasts about ten billion years. Thus, our solar system is in the middle of its life cycle. What do scientists mean by the word “will go out”? The sun's enormous energy comes from hydrogen, which becomes helium at the core. Every second, about six hundred tons of hydrogen in the Sun's core are converted into helium. According to scientists, the Sun has already used up most of its hydrogen reserves.

If instead of the Moon there were planets of the solar system: