Icon of the intoxicating cup. Icon of the Mother of God Inexhaustible Chalice: everything about the icon

Alcoholism is a disease that cripples not only the body, but also the soul. Unfortunately, today this disease has become a real disaster for the nation. Of course, it is necessary to fight alcoholism first of all using medical methods. However, it is quite obvious that in this case one cannot do without spiritual help. The Orthodox Church has vast experience in the fight against drunkenness. It is believed, for example, that praying to the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon can help you give up this bad habit.

Peasant's Dream

Prayers near this miraculous image are held in many churches in our country. The history of the icon is very unusual and interesting. At the end of the 19th century, one peasant of the Tula province (Efremovsky district), returning from military service, began to drink bitterly. His illness developed so severely that he was left completely without a livelihood. However, this did not stop him. The peasant continued to drink until he stopped drinking. But even after that, he did not give up his bad habit.

One day, in a dream, a gray-haired old man appeared to him and advised him to go to the city of Serpukhov, to the Vladychny Monastery. There, by order of the saint, the peasant had to say a prayer in front of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon against drunkenness. At first, the retired soldier did not pay much attention to this dream. But when the elder appeared to him for the second, and then the third time, he still decided to obey him.

The path to Serpukhov and healing

According to church tradition, a peasant who decided to get rid of drunkenness, since he could no longer walk, went to the place indicated to him on all fours. On the way to Serpukhov, he visited villages where he stopped for the night. In one of the villages he was taken in by an old woman. Taking pity on the drunkard, she rubbed some ointment on his feet. Thanks to this, the peasant covered the rest of the journey on his own two feet.

At the request of a visitor, the monks, at the request of a visitor, found the then unknown icon of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” hanging on the wall in the passage leading from the temple to the sacristy. After the peasant prayed in front of this image, he was truly healed of his addiction. When they brought him to the shrine of Saint Barlaam, he recognized in this saint the elder from his dream.

The fame of the miraculous image quickly spread throughout Russia. The icon, of course, was transferred to the temple. People came to the monastery in thousands in order to recover from alcoholism or to rid their loved ones of this bad habit. Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice” has helped a huge number of believers.

Description of the image

This icon is (according to the type of writing) an image of the Virgin Mary Oranta. This is the name of those icons on which the Mother of God does not sit with a baby in her arms, but stands with her hands raised to the sky, as if praying for sinners. The difference between the image in question and other Orants is that it depicts Christ immersed in a cup standing on the table in front of the Mother of God. This symbolizes communion. The day of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon is traditionally considered to be May 18, the day of the death of Varlaam of Serpukhov. In the Vysotsky Monastery (where the icon is located today), on Sundays after the liturgy, a prayer service is performed, and then an akathist is pronounced. At the end of the ceremony, the names of those who wish to be cured of drunkenness are read out. Of course, it can be read in other churches in Russia.

This miraculous image was kept in the Vladychny Monastery until 1919. After the revolution, this monastery, like many others, was closed. The icon was transferred to the Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Bely on the street. Kaluga. In 1929, the Soviet authorities decided to close this temple. Almost all the icons in it were subsequently burned. Apparently, the same fate befell the miraculous image. All that remains of such a once revered image of the Virgin Mary as the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon is a photo. Prayer to this image has helped hundreds of people heal. However, after the closure of the Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Bely, no one ever saw this again.

The veneration of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” image was restored only in 1992. Since the original had disappeared, the priests decided to make an exact copy of it. The image was recreated (based on photos taken before the revolution) by the domestic icon painter A. Sokolov. It was consecrated in the Vysotsky Monastery in May 1993. Since then, the prayer to the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon has been said in the monastery constantly, and the flow of pilgrims has not dried up.

Chasuble for an icon

They say that many healings from drunkenness took place in front of the image of the “Inexhaustible Chalice”. So, for example, it was this icon that helped the Moscow merchant Stefan Fedorov get rid of hard drinking. In an outburst of gratitude, this wealthy city dweller ordered a beautiful iconostasis for the image, and also placed an expensive chasuble on it.

The wonders of a new look

Despite the fact that the image available today in the Vysotsky Monastery is just a list, it still helps people recover from alcoholism. The first miracle before the “Inexhaustible Chalice” occurred in 1995. During one of the services, an unknown person placed an icon case wrapped in cloth at the entrance to the church. A few days later, a new icon arrived at the temple - the “Inexhaustible Chalice”. The priests decided to try on the discovered icon case for it. And surprisingly, it suited her perfectly.

As for healings from drunkenness, since the existence of the new icon, the number of people who have been freed from cravings for alcohol amounts to hundreds. By reading a prayer in front of the image, people are cured not only from the “green serpent”, but also from other harmful habits - smoking and even drug addiction.

Prayer in front of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon: where it is allowed to be said

Of course, in order to heal yourself or heal your loved one, it is best to go to the Vysotsky Monastery to see the image itself. The monastery has a special pilgrimage building where those who wish to turn to the Mother of God can stay for three days. You can also simply order a prayer service by email at the monastery or by phone.

According to many believers, not only the “Inexhaustible Chalice” located in the Vysotsk monastery helps against drunkenness, but also any other such icons. Of course, in order for the prayers said in front of the image to be heard, it is necessary to desire healing yourself. And, of course, the patient needs humility.

One should pray to the Mother of God for healing from drunkenness, smoking or drug addiction every morning and evening. This can be done both in church and at home. You can even pray to a photograph of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” located in the Vysotsk monastery, found, for example, on the Internet. But it is better, of course, to acquire a real consecrated image. Actually, the prayer itself to the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon can be read by one or two people.

What prayer should you say?

In order to recover from alcoholism, you can even simply ask the Mother of God about it in your own words. However, it is better, of course, to read a prayer before the image. In this case, the appeal will be heard faster. In church or at home, you can say a prayer to the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon in Russian or in the Old Church language. The following words are traditionally read:

In order for the prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice” to work faster, it must be said by candlelight (blessed in the church, of course). Such an appeal to the Blessed Virgin often helps against drunkenness. If a miracle occurs, in the future this same prayer should be read periodically for prevention. In this case, the healed person will never return to his addiction.

What else can you pray for in front of the image?

Of course, turning to the Mother of God in front of the image of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” can be done not only to heal someone from drunkenness, smoking or drug addiction. There is evidence that this icon also helps in solving various kinds of housing issues. If, for example, you can’t sell or exchange an apartment, you definitely need to buy such an icon and periodically pray in front of it. This image can also help when any other everyday problems arise. It is also believed that prayer to the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon promotes healing not only from alcoholism itself, but also from those diseases that arise against its background.

Image today

After the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon was consecrated in 1993 and decorated with a chasuble, a small reliquary with a piece of the belt of the Blessed Virgin Mary was inserted into its lower left corner. d. the image of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” began to periodically flow myrrh. Also, some priests and believers note that sometimes the eyes of the Blessed Virgin seem to come to life.

Prayers before the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon (against alcoholism and other misfortunes) thus helped many people. But, of course, for a miracle to happen to you, considerable spiritual work and boundless faith in the Creator are necessary. In any case, this image, now located in the Vysotsky Monastery, although it does not represent any special historical value, is, of course, one of the main shrines of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Friends, good afternoon. Today I want to tell you about the amazing, miraculous icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”. This image is widely known and revered throughout the Orthodox world. In addition, this icon has an interesting, unusual history. Before the “Inexhaustible Chalice”, first of all, they pray for the healing of alcoholism, drug addiction and other bad habits.


The legend about the appearance of the icon belongs to the nun Elizabeth, who was a churchwoman at the church where the miraculous icon “The Inexhaustible Chalice” was found. Nun Elizabeth witnessed the appearance of the icon and served it until her death. Here's her story.

The appearance of the icon occurred in 1878.

At that time, one peasant, a retired Nikolaev soldier who lived in the Tula province of Efimovsky district, lost his legs. The reason for this was a weakness for wine and continuous drunkenness. The retired soldier drank his entire pension, and, despite his poverty and weakness, continued to drink.

One day, a luminous elder appeared to a soldier in a dream, who ordered the drunkard to go to the monastery of the city of Serpukhov, find there the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon and serve a prayer service in front of it.

“And after this you will be healthy, both in soul and body,” - this is what the holy elder promised the soldier.

But the soldier, judging that there was still no money and his legs couldn’t walk, disobeyed the elder, didn’t go anywhere, and, as usual, got drunk again.

But for the second, and then the third time, the luminous old man visited the drunken peasant, but he no longer asked, but angrily demanded that the old man immediately set off on the road. So the peasant did so, and in the morning, on all fours, he crawled to the city of Serpukhov in search of the mysterious icon.

The path was long, but God did not abandon the old man on the difficult path, and one day, upon waking up, the retired soldier felt strength in his legs. After which the old man managed not only to get to his feet, but also, with the help of two sticks, to continue his difficult path. So the retired soldier reached the Vladychny Monastery in the city of Serpukhov.

Despite the month of July, he came in felt boots, but already with one staff in his hands.

Having told the novice Zechariah (later nun Elizabeth) about his wonderful dream, the peasant persistently asked that a prayer service be served in front of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon.

But in the monastery no one knew the icon of the Mother of God with that name.

“Isn’t this the same icon that hangs in the passage from the St. George’s Church to the bell tower? It has a picture of a bowl on it!” - suggested one of the parishioners.

And what a surprise it was when on the reverse side of the icon they found the inscription: “The Inexhaustible Chalice.”

It is also significant that when approaching the shrine of the Monk Varlaam the Builder, the peasant recognized in the holy face the same luminous elder who commanded him to go to the miraculous image.

It immediately became clear to everyone that this was God’s providence.

The former soldier came home completely healthy: both spiritually and physically, and his penchant for alcohol disappeared forever.

The news of such a miraculous appearance of the holy icon spread first through neighboring volosts, and soon throughout all the villages of Russia. A great many people, obsessed with the passion of drunkenness, began to come and come to the miraculous icon “The Inexhaustible Chalice”, in the hope of being cured.


Unfortunately, that icon has not survived to this day, but in the city of Serpukhov there are two copies of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon: one in the Vysotsky Monastery, the other in the Vvedensky Vladychny Convent. Both icons are miraculous, they stream myrrh, and people who pray to these miraculous icons gain physical and spiritual health.

Here are some healing cases today:

“Well, today is exactly 9 years since God healed me in Serpukhov in front of the Icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice”... Instant Healing near the Icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice”.”

Kirill, who has not drunk for 10 years 10 months 12 days

“My husband started drinking and fell into the deep end. On May 22, 2000, we arrived at your monastery and both fell before the miraculous icon of the “Inexhaustible Chalice.” Now my husband has stopped drinking and has returned to his previous job.

There are no limits to gratitude to the Most Holy Theotokos “Inexhaustible Chalice”. Joy, peace and silence came to our home.

We bow deeply to all the priests who prayed with us.”

Lyubov, Volgodonsk

“I thank the Most Holy Theotokos, called the “Inexhaustible Chalice,” for helping me get rid of the disease of drunkenness. I haven’t drunk for seven years now, I work, I serve as a bell ringer in a church.”

Servant of God Victor

“My son is 31 years old, 7 of which he was a drug addict. In the Moscow church we were advised to go to the Serpukhov Monastery to see the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”. We did everything we were told. For a month, morning and evening, I read the akathist, without missing a single day. And now I continue to read it on weekends. I really believe that it is only thanks to the Most Holy Theotokos, called the “Inexhaustible Chalice,” that my son has not been using drugs for a year now.”

Alexander, Moscow

I suffered from the disease of drunkenness for more than twenty years, often fell into despondency and found solace in wine. The disease progressed and he went on long bouts of drinking. I was coded, but after 2.5 years I started drinking even worse. Relatives brought him to the Vysotsky Monastery, to the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon of the Mother of God. After some time, the craving for wine disappeared, and peace appeared in my soul. The wife’s father also received healing from this illness. Now I’m telling everyone about this.

Thank God for everything!"

Nikolay, Moscow region

“Dear sisters of the monastery! “I am very grateful to you that you sent me the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice” for blessing, I gave it to my son Anatoly and I am very happy for him that now he does not drink and works and everything is fine in the family.”

With a deep bow, Sister Valentina.

“Inexhaustible Chalice” - healing by the power of faith and the intercession of the Mother of God

If you or someone close to you has an addiction: smoking, drinking or drug addiction, do not despair. You just need to type in a search engine: “Inexhaustible Chalice - cases of healing,” and in response you will see thousands of examples of healing.

Many cases of healing occurred not only in front of miraculous images in the city of Serpukhov, but also through prayers to the Holy Icon in other churches. A prayer service for the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon can be ordered in churches and monasteries online, indicating the name of the sick person.

Why can healing occur in front of any icon?

The whole point is that we pray not just to one specific, miraculous icon, but we pray, in this case, to the Mother of God Herself, through the image of the “Inexhaustible Chalice.”

The most important thing is the sincerity of your desire to “take the right path,” but God and the Mother of God hear our prayers in front of any icon and never refuse to help us.

It is not for nothing that, having lost one image of the “Inexhaustible Chalice,” we immediately found two (in fact, there are more) miraculous icons with the same name, which, like the original, help all those who suffer in the fight against passions. All strength is in faith - perhaps this is what the Lord wanted to show us by allowing the loss of the original.

Prayer service “Inexhaustible Chalice” - the power of the Holy Church

But, my friends, do not neglect the power of the Holy Church. Order the “Inexhaustible Chalice” prayer services. Not everyone knows that such prayers can be ordered either once or for a month, for 3 months, for six months and even for a year.

To do this, you need to order the “Inexhaustible Chalice” requirement by visiting a temple or ordering the “Inexhaustible Chalice” prayer service via the Internet.

During the “Inexhaustible Chalice” prayer service, the names of those who suffer from addiction to wine and drugs and need the gracious help of the Mother of God are pronounced.

The “Inexhaustible Chalice” prayer service is usually held in churches once a week, but the schedule should always be checked with the church where you order this prayer service.


Dear friends, perhaps one of your loved ones is obsessed with the disease of smoking, drinking or drug addiction, and in their hearts they want to start a sober and correct life, but do not know how to do it.

Start small: earnestly pray to the image of the Mother of God for the sick person and order the “Inexhaustible Chalice” prayer service. Time will pass, and your loved one will replace the dope in their head with the joy of real life.

God bless you.

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1. Days of celebration of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon

Unfortunately, the day on which the icon was revealed is unknown. In the 19th century, the celebration of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon took place November 27(Old Art.) / December 10 (New Art.) on the same day as the icon of the Mother of God “The Sign,” since these icons are similar in iconography.

In 1997, when the veneration of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon was restored, its celebration was timed to coincide with the day of the repose of St. Varlaam of Serpukhov - 5 May(Old Art.) - May 18 (Old Art.), since the icon was revealed through the intercession of this saint.

Now in the Vladychny Monastery, with the blessing of Metropolitan Juvenaly of Krutitsy and Kolomna, along with church-wide veneration, the tradition of celebrating the icon of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” is being revived. November 27(old style) /December 10 (new style), as it was in the 19th century.

2. The legend of the appearance of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice”

This legend, in fairness, belongs to the entire Vladychny Monastery, but more than that, it is still the legend of the nun Elizabeth (+1910), because she was a churchwoman at the church where the miraculous icon “The Inexhaustible Chalice” was found and at that very time. She served the holy icon until her death. Here's her story.

What happened happened in the first year of Mother Maria’s abbess (1878). One peasant of the Tula province of the Evfremovsky district, a retired Nikolaev soldier with a pension, had a weakness for wine. He drank everything in the house and his entire pension and reached a beggarly state. To add insult to injury, his legs became paralyzed. But even then he did not stop drinking. Being in such a state of mental, physical and material discord, he one day sees a dream: a handsome-looking old man comes to him and says to him: “Go to Serpukhov, to the Vladychny Monastery, there in the St. George Church there is an icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”, serve before it pray and you will be healthy both in soul and body.” But the peasant, despite the fact that the dream was apparently extraordinary, did not go to Serpukhov, because he did not know how to get there without legs and without a penny of money. Then the same old man appeared to him a second and third time and demanded that his order be carried out so threateningly that our peasant decided to immediately set off on his journey. He moved on all fours. He stopped at villages along the way to rest and refresh himself with food. At one of these stops, an old peasant woman took him in for the night, gave him something to drink and, to relieve the soreness of his legs, rubbed them and laid the sick and tired traveler on the stove. And this is what happened then: at night, waking up, the traveler felt a pleasant sensation in his legs and immediately, with great care, lowering them from the stove, he tried to stand on his feet. Although very weak, he was able to stand on his feet! He waited impatiently for the morning to set off on his further journey: now, perhaps, not on all fours, but on his feet, albeit with the help of sticks! But the kind old woman kept him for another day and again rubbed his feet at night. Apparently the patient felt better. And he really did go now, though, first with two sticks, and then with one. So he reached Serpukhov and the Vladychny Monastery. He was wearing warm felt boots, despite the month of July.

At the Vladychny Monastery, he told about his wondrous dreams to novice Zacharias (later nun Elizabeth), a churchwoman at the Church of the Great Martyr George, and persistently asked that a prayer service be served to the Mother of God in front of her icon “The Inexhaustible Chalice.” The last thing he did was put everyone into great difficulty, because no one in the monastery knew the icon of the Mother of God with that name. Then a thought arose: is this not the same icon that hangs in the passage from the St. George Church to the bell tower or to the sacristy? There is an image of a bowl on it. And what a surprise everyone was when on the back of this icon they actually saw the inscription: “The Inexhaustible Chalice.” It was also significant that when our traveler was brought to the shrine of the venerable builder Varlaam, in his holy face he immediately recognized the magnificent old man who appeared to him in a dream and ordered him to go to Serpukhov to the Vladychny Monastery to the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice” .

The news of the miraculous phenomenon quickly spread throughout the city of Serpukhov and then throughout the near and far villages of the Serpukhov district and far beyond its borders. Those obsessed with the passion of drunkenness began to come and come to pray to the Mother of God before her newly appeared icon. Some appeared again to thank the Queen of Heaven for her great mercies and healings. Thus, the Moscow merchant Stefan Fedorovich Fedorov completely got rid of his drinking, and in a grateful feeling he built a beautiful iconostasis for the icon, placed a silver-gilded robe on it instead of the foil one, and ordered an exact copy of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God for his home. Soon after the glorification, the holy icon of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” was transferred from its previous location to the cathedral church and placed in an extremely convenient place.

Holy icon “Inexhaustible Chalice” of beautiful antique writing. The face of the Mother of God is completely alive. What does this icon represent? Apparently, this is an accurate depiction of the “Sign of the Mother of God.” Only the Divine Infant is written standing in a bowl. The Chalice with the blessing of the Infant God is the Chalice of Holy Communion. This cup is truly inexhaustible or undrinkable, because its lamb is “always eaten and never consumed.” And the Mother of God, with her most pure hands raised upward, obviously intercedes for the sinful human race. And there is also no other surest means of acquiring for us the love and favor of the Mother of God, as also through the Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

(Hieromartyr Jacob Briliantov. 1912, Serpukhov. Published with abbreviations)

3. History of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon in the 20th century

The miraculous icon “The Inexhaustible Chalice” was in the Vladychny Monastery until 1919, and after its closure - in the Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Bely on Kaluzhskaya Street. The further fate of the icon is unknown. According to the legends of the old-timers of the city of Serpukhov, it is known that many icons from the Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Bely were burned on the banks of the Nara River. The sisters of the monastery hope that the Mother of God saved her miraculous icon and that it will someday be found.

In 1981, the young hieromonk Joseph (Balabanov) (now Bishop Joseph of Birobidzhan and Kuldur) was appointed to Serpukhov in the Serpukhov Church of the Prophet Elijah to perform his priestly ministry. Having read in the pre-revolutionary church newspaper "Sunday Leaf" an article by Hieromartyr Jacob Brilliantov about the appearance of the miraculous image of the Mother of God "The Inexhaustible Chalice", Hieromonk Joseph decided to write a copy of the miraculous icon from the image of this newspaper in order to resume the veneration of this image in Serpukhov. The first prayer services began to be held in the Elias Church back in the 80s of the twentieth century in front of this newly painted icon (which is now kept in the Vysotsky Monastery).

In 1991, upon the opening of the Vysotsky Monastery, Archimandrite Joseph ordered the icon painter A. Sokolov a new copy of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon, so that it would be more consistent with the surviving description of the miraculous icon revealed in the 19th century - it was Greek, i.e. purely iconographic Byzantine writing.

By May 1993, the image of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice” was painted, and a silver basma frame was made for the icon. This icon was solemnly brought into the Vysotsky Monastery, consecrated by Archimandrite Joseph, and immediately after the consecration, miracles began to be performed from this image of the Mother of God, healing those suffering from the ailments of drunkenness, drug addiction, smoking, and demon possession. Thus, the veneration of this icon was revived after many years of fighting against God.

Icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice”, located in the Intercession Church of the Serpukhov Vysotsky Monastery. Painted by icon painter Alexander Sokolov with the blessing of Archimandrite Joseph in 1993.

Russia quickly learned about the newly revealed miraculous image of the Mother of God, and those suffering from spiritual ailments flocked to the Vysotsky Monastery.

In 1995, in the first year of the revival of the Vladychny Monastery, Abbess Alexia received the blessing of Metropolitan Juvenaly of Krutitsy and Kolomna to revive the veneration of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon, as revealed in the Vladychny Monastery. In the same year, an exact list of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon was written from an old photograph. When writing, all the proportions of the icon and the academic style characteristic of the original were preserved. The first miracle of healing from drunkenness is associated with the time of painting the icon, when the image was still in the hands of the icon painter.

Icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice”, located in the St. George Church of the Serpukhov Vladychny Convent. The icon was painted by icon painter Valery Polyakov and consecrated in 1996.

“Nun Rachel. At the beginning of Bright Week, during the Divine Service, someone left an icon case wrapped in a curtain on the porch of the church. All the people left the temple, but the icon case still stood. When the sisters unrolled the fabric, they saw that the icon case was ancient, with carvings and completely intact. Everyone was perplexed as to who could have brought it, and were amazed at the unexpected find. And when on Friday they brought the new icon “The Inexhaustible Chalice”, everyone was even more surprised: it turned out that the icon case was exactly the right size for it. So this icon is still in this icon case. About a year later, a woman came to the temple, looked at the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon and said: “So this is my icon case!” This woman said that when she brought the icon case to the monastery, her son stopped drinking. That’s how it happened - no one knew what icon would be in this icon case, but the Mother of God had already healed the man.” (Chronicle 1996, p. 5, April 19).

The icon has been periodically streaming myrrh since August 19, 2000. Some people and entire pilgrimage groups testify that sometimes the eyes of the Mother of God become as if alive: they squint or open wider. This unusual phenomenon was twice recorded in photographs.

4. Miracles from the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon

The miraculous icon “The Inexhaustible Chalice” is famous for its speedy healing of those suffering from the ailments of drug addiction, alcoholism and smoking, and the resolution of housing problems. It has been noticed that the icon not only heals, but also helps to change the way of life of a lost person, leading him to awareness of his sins, to repentance and a pious life.

The miracles described here are only a small fraction of evidence of the unfading mercy of the Mother of God towards people who are suffering and thirsty for help and consolation. A huge number of miracles have been recorded, but even more are unknown to anyone, because people completely unreasonably believe in the superstition that if you tell about the healing, “everything” will come back. Of course this is wrong! Miracles must be told so that the name of God and the name of His Most Pure Mother, the Lady Theotokos, are glorified.

Healings from drunkenness

My son Evgeniy smoked and drank very heavily. I ordered the “Inexhaustible Chalice” for the prayer service to the Mother of God. The Magpies read the Psalter in the convent. Now, thank God, he doesn’t smoke or drink.

I, Nikolay, living in the Tyumen region, Salekhard. I first heard about the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon in the magazine “Peasant Woman”. I had an addiction to alcohol and smoking. I first came to the Vladychny Vvedensky Convent in 2000, and after that I didn’t drink for a year. Then at this time I cheated on my wife. It was some kind of anniversary with my mistress, and it was difficult for me to refuse her, so as not to drink. After I tried Cahors, I began to increase the dose over time and returned to my previous binges. Although no one knew that I was drinking except my wife. I understood what was contributing to my return to my past life: the reason was adultery. I broke off all relations with my mistress, stopped cheating on my wife, and in 2002 came to your monastery again. I attended the “Inexhaustible Chalice” akathist and from that time on I lost my craving for alcohol and, I don’t know which is worse, smoking, because I suffered from smoking for more than 20 years. I feel better and have gained 14 kg. I began to perform the morning and evening rule, once a month, to the Inexhaustible Chalice. I thank Mother Abbess Alexia and all the nuns who pray for all of us sinners.

Around the end of the summer of 2002, my sister, R.B. and I Tatiana, we were at your monastery for a service on the feast of the Mother of God. They defended the “Inexhaustible Chalice” at the service and prayer service for the Mother of God. We brought with us my sister’s son Alexei, who at that time was drinking a lot and was under investigation under the article “For exceeding official duties.” At the liturgy and prayer service, we tearfully asked the Mother of God to correct my dear nephew Alexei, to save him from drunkenness, prison, trial and investigation. The trial lasted 2.5 years, we were all very worried: whether we would go to jail or not, whether he would get drunk or not. And the Mother of God heard us. Now the trial and investigation are over, and Alexey does not drink. I thank the Lord for leading us to faith through sorrows. I thank the Mother of the Lord for hearing us sinners and praying for us. God bless you, mother, for your work and your prayers.

R. B. Marina, b. B. Tatyana.

6 years ago I was visited by great grief - my husband started drinking. After I visited the monastery with him (this was 4 years ago), my husband was healed and stopped drinking.

Lukyanenko. Moscow. 03/23/2002.

Dear sisters of the monastery! I am very grateful to you that you sent me the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice” for blessing; I gave it to my son Anatoly and I am very happy for him that now he does not drink and works and everything is fine in the family.

With a deep bow to you, Sister Valentina.

I, K. Elena, want to tell you about the miracle that happened. My father stopped drinking. And he hasn’t drunk for about a month. I understand that the period seems short, but you need to know how my father drank. He couldn't go a day without drinking. He himself achieved everything in life: from a simple family, he graduated from school with a gold medal, from college with honors, and rose to the rank of colonel. But in 1991, times of unrest came, and everything in the state changed. The father turned out to be unnecessary. And he started drinking. At first a little bit, and then more and more. Lately he has been drinking heavily every day. We came to the Vladychny Monastery on May 18 to celebrate the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”. After that, he began to drink less, and recently he stopped drinking completely. It was his birthday on June 11, and I was very afraid that he would get drunk, but they only drank a bottle of Cahors, which I gave him. This is a great relief for us, his family. And he himself is glad that this miracle happened to him.

Peace to you and low bow, Mother Alexia! Due to my ignorance, I don’t know if I’m addressing you correctly. First of all, I express my deep gratitude to you and the sisters entrusted to you for your prayers for my son Alexander. I am filled with joy that your prayers and my prayers and tears were heard by the Lord and the Queen of Heaven! My son leads a sober lifestyle. I was afraid to talk about it so that the grace would not leave. Told about. Andrey, rector of the Church of the Intercession on the Moat (I go to this temple), and he gave his blessing to write to you. The son lives in Togliatti, worked as a watchman in garages, where there was breeding ground for drunkenness. Moreover, he worked as a foreman at a commercial construction site, the high salary helped, he was drawn into this terrible illness. I prayed that the Lord and the Queen of Heaven would instruct me to leave work. Your nearly two-year prayers and mine have been heard. First I left the garages, and then the construction site. I fasted throughout Great Lent, confessed, and received communion. He got a job as a watchman in a temple under construction, and now works as a foreman in the same temple. On July 8, she came with pilgrims to Serpukhov to thank the Queen of Heaven. I couldn't meet you. I left a gold chain for one of your sisters. She told me that decorations are hung on holidays in order to preserve them. And she also left money for the next 40th. I just ask you to pray not for someone who is sick from drinking wine, so that the Lord and the Queen will help in God-pleasing work. He writes about insufficient funding, and most importantly, workers drink. I also want to inform you that I received your leaflets. Thank you, I distributed them among the temples. I sent some to Togliatti and will send more to Makhachkala. Many people there need such information. Pilgrimage trips are not made from there. Thank you again. May God help you and the sisters in your prayer work and in the restoration of the monastery.

With sincere respect, sinful Mary. 21.07.00.

I, M.N.I., born in 1952, living in Moscow, have a son, Andrei, born in 1973, who has been addicted to wine since 1995. I learned about the gracious help of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon of the Mother of God from a television program and turned to her with prayers and petitions for the healing of my son. In October 1996, I came to the Vladychny Monastery for the first time to pray at the miraculous icon. Praying for my son in my own words, every time I began to get confused and remember my (!) sins, and meanwhile my son drank even more heavily. Then I went to the priest in the church near the River Station. He told me to prepare for a serious confession and pray to the “Inexhaustible Chalice.” After which I began to repent with tears of my sins and ask for mercy on my child. This year, on May 18, I was again at the monastery and prayed for my son’s deliverance from the passion of drunkenness. And since that time my son has not drunk. Today I came to the monastery to order the magpie icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”, to thank the Queen of Heaven for her intercession and mercy towards me, a sinner, and to testify about this to the abbess of the monastery, nun Alexia.

Healings from drug addiction

Since 1994 I started using drugs. This went on for seven years. The doctors said I was hopeless. It seemed that the chance to heal was forever lost for me. But after visiting the Serpukhov convent in 2001 and reading the akathist at the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon of the Mother of God, with God’s help I managed to break away from this addiction. For more than two years now I have been remembering the past as some kind of ridiculous dream. Now I was able to visit this monastery again and thank Mother Theotokos. I also hope that it will help me get rid of the sin of smoking.

Rodion. Volzhsky. 2003

Dear mother! Please accept my maternal gratitude and low bow to you and all the sisters of your monastery for your bright life and blessed work for the glory of the Lord. By the grace of God and your prayers, my son took the righteous path. I ask you all to support the servant of God Nicholas, so that he may strengthen himself on him.

Astrakhan. Y.B.L. (Nikolai, a drug addict, was registered for a year to be commemorated at the Akathist to the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”).

My nephew Dmitry suffered from heroin addiction for 3 years. In your monastery we ordered magpies and gave the sick person water from prayer services. He is now healthy after 2 years of prayer. Graduates from the Moscow Law Institute.

Svetlana is writing you a letter from Pyatimorsk, Volgograd Region. Last year I had a correspondence with you. I turned to you and my sisters with my misfortune, and the Lord helped us through your prayers. I want to tell you what happened to us. I have a son Artem (23 years old). In 2001, he became a drug addict. I was in despair, I prayed to the Lord in my own words. She shared her misfortune with Father Gennady and Deacon Dionysius. They gave me the address of your Vladychny Monastery. I wrote and began to wait for an answer. A few hours before I received a letter from you, I had a dream (it was Sunday and I intended to go to church). I see in a dream: a woman comes to me, beautiful and stern, in a red robe, on her head a red hood trimmed with fine dark fur. He sits down at the table, calls me to him and holds out his hand for me to kiss. I was taken aback by her greatness and did not immediately kiss her hand, but she seemed to mentally say to me: “Look, what pride!” But I heard her words and I felt ashamed that she recognized my proud thoughts. And then she stood up, took my hand and told me: “You will now come with me.” And I went. I recognized this woman as the Mother of God. The next morning I was given a letter from your monastery. And the next morning I knew for sure that I would be in Serpukhov at the Vladychny Monastery. I came to you 10 days after this dream. It was early December 2002. At the monastery I immediately ordered an enhanced prayer for my son and a prayer for the akathist. I already knew how to pray to the Lord for mercy on my son. She prayed, reading an akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos for 4 hours a day, and so on for 40 days in a row. For several nights I slept in the monastery church under the icons (at that time it was very cold in the cell, and you, mother, gave your blessing to sleep in the church). When I arrived back home, my son was no longer a drug addict. On top of that, by this time all the places where people sold heroin to our children had been “closed.” So, through your prayers, the Lord saved my son.

With great gratitude to you and the sisters of the monastery, Sister Svetlana.

Healings from smoking

I testify with gratitude to the miraculous deliverance that happened to me from my addiction to smoking. I knew and understood that smoking is a sin, but I couldn’t quit. In December 2002 At the Orthodox fair in Moscow, I purchased a brochure about the Vvedensky Vladychny Convent in Serpukhov. I learned about the Monk Varlaam and how he helped cast out a demon. But addiction to smoking is not only a sin, but also a demon that controls us - reading the brochure, I realized. January 31, 2003 I arrived in Serpukhov at the Vvedensky Vladychny Convent just in time for the akathist to be read before the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice.” Before the tombstone of the Monk Varlaam, I asked the Rev. Father Varlaam to help me, including quitting smoking. And while reading the akathist before the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”, I realized that drunkenness and smoking have one root (demon), which takes possession of a person’s will. And man - his mind, his will is not free, but is darkened by a demon. And I thought that the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice” would help in getting rid of smoking. I bought oils from lamps from 4 shrines: from the miraculous icons “The Inexhaustible Chalice” and “The Entry of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Holy of Holies”, from the tombstone of St. Varlaam and from the myrrh-streaming Cross. I ordered a magpie for the sisters to read the psalter. And with that she left. Since February 1, every time after smoking a cigarette, I asked God to help me quit smoking, and at night I smeared myself with oil. But I couldn’t even imagine how soon and how it would be! February 8, 2003 I suddenly get sick with the flu with a high fever and brittle bones and muscle pain. Everyone who smokes knows that when he gets sick, his need for smoking decreases. On February 11, I understand that an unexpected illness was given to me by God to help me quit smoking. The body's need for nicotine has disappeared! Only in the first few days do you consciously drive away the habitual thought of smoking, but there is no need. I realized that God will help anyone who really wants to get rid of sin and addiction, just ask. What a wonderful feeling when your mind is not darkened and free! For me, it’s like I just graduated from school and my whole life is open to me! I once read that faith also gives healing - now I know that for sure! I praise and thank the Lord God, the Queen of Heaven for this monastery and St. Barlaam for the prayers for us sinners, for the corrections and healings given to us. I sincerely express my gratitude to the sisters and all those serving for the glory of our Lord at the Vvedensky Vladychny Convent of the city. Serpukhov. I wish you prosperity and strengthening of the monastery. Reverend Varlaam, our father, pray for our souls to be saved!

I, God's servant Nina, would like to describe a miracle that happened to me after visiting the Vladychny Monastery in August 2000. I am 50 years old, I smoked for 10 years. I really wanted to quit, I turned to healers, paid a lot of money, and also to acupuncturists. Since 1999, I have been going to the church in the village of Akulovo, Odintsovo district, to see my spiritual father Igor. It was he who blessed me for a pilgrimage trip to Serpukhov to the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”. After the trip, I still read the akathist to the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice” for 40 days at home. And, by the grace of God, I stopped smoking. And also through the prayers of the Mother of God.

Help with housing issues

I, God's servant Anna, want to talk about the miraculous help of the Mother of God after praying in front of Her icon “The Inexhaustible Chalice.” I couldn’t sell the apartment my grandmother left me as an inheritance. The apartment was located in the Urals, and I live in Moscow and do not have the opportunity to go there for a long time to start selling. That's why I sent the power of attorney to my aunt. Several months passed, but things did not move forward. When in August 2002 I was at the Optina Pustyn courtyard in Moscow, a woman unexpectedly came up to me and said that in Serpukhov there was a miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice”, which helps not only in healing from the disease of drunkenness, but also helps in solving the housing problem. My son Anatoly and I went to the convent on September 7, ordered a prayer service, held a prayer service with an akathist, took holy water, venerated the icon, and ordered ourselves a magpie for health. Less than a month later, they called me from the Urals and said that they had bought my apartment. I told my friend, who could not leave her ex-husband and suffered all sorts of harassment from him. In November, we came to the monastery with her, I ordered a thanksgiving prayer service, but she was simple. At the end of December, her issue was also successfully resolved.

I, G.I.A., want to testify my gratitude to the “Inexhaustible Chalice” for quickly providing me with assistance in exchanging an apartment. We separated from my ex-husband, who, being engaged in debauchery, did not want to leave and exchange the apartment, but wanted to drag me into the abyss of “dirty” affairs. After arriving at the monastery and turning to the Mother of God, the issue was quickly resolved, and now my daughter and I live in our apartment in peace, love and prosperity.

Other miracles

In 2002, in August, I was on an excursion passing through the city of Serpukhov with a visit to your monastery. During the prayer in front of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon, I made a promise that I would return here with wedding rings as a sign of gratitude for starting a family. Exactly a year later, in August 2003, everything happened as I had prayed for. And today Sergius and I together donate wedding rings and a cross to the icon. 11.01.04.

February 10, 2002 - the day of the new martyrs and confessors of Russia - an excursion came from Tula. After the excursion, we went to the bell tower to the place of the appearance of the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”, the group stood in front of the lattice doors to the bell tower, while singing the glorification of the Mother of God, three women from the group and a little girl felt warmth in their feet. According to them, it felt like they were standing on a hot radiator.

Troparion, tone 4

Today we are the harbinger of faithfulness to the Divine and wonderful image of the Most Holy Mother of God, who waters the faithful hearts with the heavenly inexhaustible cup of Her mercy and shows miracles to the faithful people. Seeing and hearing, we spiritually celebrate and cry warmly: O Lady of Mercy, heal our ailments and passions, begging Thy Son, Christ our God, to save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 6

Thy belly became the holy Table, having the Heavenly Bread, Christ our God, from which no one who eats poison dies, as everyone says, the Mother of God, the Nourisher.

(Website materials used: inokini.ru, vidania.ru)

Dependence on something is the scourge of the modern world. Many people suffer from alcoholism, drug addiction, harmful gambling or overeating, making their loved ones unhappy. Of course, they try to fight it - but modern medicine is often unable to heal them. After all, such problems are caused not by physiological characteristics, but by psychological and even spiritual difficulties, loss of moral guidelines, and disappointment in eternal values. Therefore, it is necessary to seek help from those who heal souls, not bodies.

And it is precisely in such situations that the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon is needed. What helps, where to hang the image of grace, what is its history and theological significance - you will learn all this from our article.

The appearance of the relic “The Inexhaustible Chalice”

This shrine, like the prayer “Inexhaustible Chalice” against drunkenness, was given by the Virgin Mary to people not so long ago - in 1878. This is the legend associated with its appearance.

The chronicles say that in the Efremov district of the Tula province there lived one retired soldier, obsessed with the disease of drunkenness. His addiction reached such an extent that he sold all his property, becoming practically a beggar. Then the man's legs became paralyzed - but he continued to drink alcohol.

For blog readers we give an 11% discount for the icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice” using PROMO CODE: neupivaemaya_11blog

But somehow in a dream an old man appeared before him, crowned with a shining halo. The righteous man ordered the soldier to go to a monastic monastery located in the city of Serpukhovo and order a prayer service there before the image of the “Inexhaustible Chalice.” At first the sinner did not listen to these words, mistaking them for a delusional vision. In addition, he did not have a penny and could not walk at all. But the dream returned again and again. The third time, the tone and words of the righteous man became so menacing that the man nevertheless set off on the road, and he had to cover the entire distance on all fours.

Having finally arrived at the monastery, the sufferer told the monks about what had happened to him and asked to conduct the Divine Liturgy. But none of the brethren knew of a relic with that name. Finally, one elderly monk remembered that in the passage leading from the cathedral to the sacristy there hung an image showing a cup. And indeed, when they examined it more carefully, on the bottom of the icon they found the inscription “Inexhaustible Chalice.” She immediately held a service - and what a surprise and delight all those present were when the soldier was completely healed of all his ailments! And later he recognized the old man who appeared to him in a dream. It was the Monk Varlaam, a miracle worker from Novgorod.

The news of what had happened spread very quickly. People suffering from drunkenness and other harmful addictions came to the blessed shrine from all over the country.

Now there are lists of the image in almost every temple. But where is the icon of the “Inexhaustible Chalice”, in which the very first healing was revealed? She still resides in the Serpukhov Vysotsky Monastery. Every Sunday a prayer service is held at the shrine, and then an akathist is read about those who suffer from excessive addiction to alcohol. But you can also offer prayers at a home relic, because the Mother of God hears everyone who turns to Her with faith, hope and repentance.

It is not known for certain who and when the shrine was painted, because for the time being it was hidden from human eyes. But, looking at the photo of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon or a list poured out of natural amber, one can note that the master who created it belonged to the Byzantine school.

This relic is considered one of the oldest types of images of the Most Pure Virgin - “Oranta”, that is, the Blessing One. She shows the Heavenly Queen with her arms raised and outstretched to the sides - this pose symbolizes Her constant intercessory prayer for every person.

But the main feature of the icon is undoubtedly Jesus standing in the bowl. It personifies Holy Communion, given to Christians as a sign of atonement for original sin. The grace emanating from it never runs out, so the cup is truly “Inexhaustible” - just as there is no limit to the Lord’s mercy and patience. The Son of God became a sacrifice for the sake of people, so no one should reject Him, exchanging eternal salvation for fleeting pleasure from tobacco, alcohol or drugs - this is what the image reminds of.

Icon “Inexhaustible Chalice”: what it helps with and where to hang it

Many people in need resorted to this relic, and through prayer offered to it, various miracles were performed. Most often, relief from cravings for alcohol is observed, which is why, when listing what the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon helps with, they first of all remember the healing of drinking family members. But the shrine saves not only from this - it can heal addiction to any drugs, smoking, gambling. The grace of the Mother of God strengthens faith and gives willpower, helps to resist sinful temptations, protects from evil and powerful devilish power that pushes a person to self-destruction and death.

There is also evidence that the image has repeatedly contributed to the solution of housing issues. Thus, it facilitates the conclusion of transactions for the purchase, sale or exchange of an apartment, allows you to timely identify a problem with documents and resolve problems with inheritance. Of course, your thoughts must be pure, and your actions must comply with legal and moral standards.

In addition, the akathist “The Inexhaustible Chalice” is read by parents who are sending their children into adulthood. It helps to avoid distortion of moral guidelines, protects against the dangers and unpleasant vicissitudes of independence, and guides on the righteous path.

As for the location of the icon in the house, for healing you need to place the image of the Mother of God at the head of the bed of a person suffering from alcoholism.

And, of course, you must pray before the blessed icon every day, expressing your requests, hopes, wishes and sorrows. An image can become an inexhaustible source of spiritual joy, support and consolation - you just need to approach it sincerely and with faith. And the online store “Amber Polesie” will help you purchase it - our craftsmen carefully and lovingly poured a unique relic from shining precious stones, making it truly alive and spiritual! IN

In the Intercession Church of the monastery, in front of the Miraculous Image of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”, a lamp burns inextinguishably day and night, as a symbol of those prayers that at all times from different places are addressed to the Prototype for salvation, correction, healing of drunkards, drug addicts, smokers, fornicators, everyone, those suffering from physical and mental illnesses. The many precious gifts that decorate the holy icon are evidence of the gracious help received from the miraculous icon, and of the hope that those in need of such help place in the intercession of the Mother of God through prayers before this icon.

“The beginning and cause of passions,” says Saint Gregory of Sinaite, “is abuse, abuse is inclination, inclination is the movement of a desired habit, the fulfillment of desire is a pretext by which we are allowed to discover what our autocracy is” (Philokalia, vol. 5, M, 1889, p. 210).

In terms of its iconographic plot and ideological content, the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice” is especially close to the Nicene icon, which became famous for its miracles in 304. The Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council established to sing before her: “Thy belly was a holy table, containing the Heavenly Bread, Christ our God...”. According to iconography, it belongs to the type of one of the most ancient images of the Mother of God - “Oranta”, only the Infant of God is depicted standing in a bowl. Undoubtedly, the artist’s pious thought was transferred to the most holy sacrament of the Eucharist. The cup with the blessing God-infant is the cup of Communion, exuding to those who approach it with faith all the blessings bestowed on the sinful human race by the redemptive feat of our Lord Jesus Christ. This cup is truly inexhaustible, or inexhaustible, inexhaustible, because its Lamb is “always eaten and never consumed.” And the Mother of God, with her most pure hands raised upward, like a mighty high priest, intercessively lifts up this Sacrifice to God - Her slain Son, who borrowed the Flesh and Blood from Her most pure blood, into the heavenly altar for the salvation of the whole world, and offers it as food to the faithful. She prays for all sinners, wants everyone to be saved and, instead of low, destructive addictions, calls everyone to an inexhaustible source of spiritual joy and consolation, proclaims that an inexhaustible cup of heavenly help and mercy is prepared for everyone in need.

The appearance of the prototype of the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice” occurred in 1878. One peasant of the Efremov district of the Tula province, an honored retired soldier, was obsessed with the passion of drunkenness. He drank away his entire pension, everything he found in his house, and reached a beggarly state. His legs were paralyzed from excessive drunkenness, but he continued to drink. And then one day this already completely degenerate man sees an extraordinary dream. A magnificent old schema-monk appeared before him and said: “Go to the city of Serpukhov, to the monastery of the Lady Theotokos. There is an icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice”, serve a prayer service in front of it and you will be healthy in soul and body.”

Without control of his legs, without outside help, without any means, the peasant did not dare to go on a long journey. The holy elder appeared to him again, but he still did not dare to carry out what he had heard. The elder appeared to him for the third time and ordered him to carry out the command so threateningly that the unfortunate drunkard immediately set off on his way on all fours. In one village he stopped for the night. The compassionate old lady housewife, to relieve the pain, rubbed his legs and laid him on the stove. At night, the traveler felt a pleasant sensation in his legs, tried to stand up and, although very weakly, was able to hold on to them. The next night he felt even better. So, leaning first on two, and then on one stick, he reached Serpukhov.

Arriving at the Vladychny Monastery, the sufferer spoke about his dreams and asked to serve a prayer service. But no one in the monastery knew the icon of the Mother of God with that name. Then someone thought: isn’t this the same icon that hangs in the passage from the cathedral church to the sacristy; it has an image of a bowl on it. Imagine everyone’s surprise when on the back of the icon they actually saw the inscription: “The Inexhaustible Chalice”! It was also significant that in the face on the shrine of the Monk Varlaam, the ailing peasant immediately recognized the magnificent old man who had appeared to him in a dream. The newfound image was transferred to the temple and a prayer service was performed in front of it. The former drunkard returned from Serpukhov completely healthy. Not only did he receive healing for his sore legs, but most importantly, he stopped experiencing an irresistible craving for the destructive cup of wine.

Soon this good news went beyond the walls of the monastery, and many pilgrims from the city of Serpukhov, its borders, and also from more distant places began to flock to the newly appeared image. Possessed by the passion of drunkenness, their relatives and friends sought to offer their prayers to the Mother of God for healing from their illness, and many came to thank the Lady for the mercy shown to them.

The icon was especially revered in Serpukhov. In the center of the city, at the temple of the blessed prince Alexander Nevsky, the Alexander Nevsky Temperance Brotherhood was created. Every Sunday, with a large crowd of people, in front of the copy of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice” in the church, prayer services were held with the reading of an akathist, usually ending with religious and moral conversations. The veneration of the holy icon was mainly of a local nature, as evidenced by the lack of mention of it in pre-revolutionary church literature (except for a few local articles).

In the post-revolutionary years, monasteries and churches in Serpukhov, as throughout Russia, began to close. After the closure of the Vladychny Monastery, the miraculous icon was transferred to the Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Bely. In 1929, St. Nicholas Cathedral was closed, all its shrines were burned on the banks of the Nara River. During the hard times, icons depicting the image of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice,” including the prototype, disappeared without a trace, and prayer services ceased.

In 1990, Archimandrite Joseph, now Metropolitan of Kurgan and Belozersky, initiated the opening of the Serpukhov Vysotsky Monastery. With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Yuvenaly, on April 10, 1991, the ancient monastery on Vysokoye, founded by St. Sergius of Radonezh in 1374, began to operate again. Having become rector, Archimandrite Joseph resumed the prayer service for the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon in the Vysotsky Monastery, and the following year, with his blessing, the famous Russian icon painter Alexander Sokolov painted the icon, now famous throughout the Orthodox world. The image was decorated with a silver basma chasuble, and later a reliquary with part of the belt of the Most Holy Theotokos was inserted into the lower left corner of the icon. This image of the Mother of God quickly gained the love of the Orthodox people, for the Queen of Heaven generously endowed Her icon with grace, which from the very first days was abundantly given to everyone who came to her with faith and hope. “And they do not depart in vain, O Most Pure One, from the inexhaustible cup of Your Divine gifts, but endlessly receive benefits from Your miraculous image, O All-Good One” (Ak., 12 cond.).

The many precious gifts that adorn the holy icon are evidence of the gracious help received from the Miracle-Working Icon and the hope that those who suffer place in the intercession of the Mother of God.

In the Vysotsky Monastery, for the first time, a service was compiled and an akathist to the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice” was published, which previously existed in several different manuscripts.

On May 30, 1997, with the blessing of His Holiness the Patriarch, the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon was first included in the Orthodox Church calendar, which was the official recognition of the all-Russian veneration of this image of the Mother of God. A year earlier, on May 6, 1996, in the Serpukhov Vvedensky Vladychny Convent, the site of the appearance of the prototype in the 19th century, the newly created List of the Miraculous Icon was consecrated.

Many copies of the icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice” are distributed throughout the Orthodox world, some of them are glorified by the flow of myrrh and bleeding, which is a visible sign of Divine grace.

The flow of grace-filled help and healings from the wondrous image does not dry out. In the hearts of the believing people, the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "The Inexhaustible Chalice", located in the Vysotsky Monastery, has become a truly all-Russian shrine. The Mother of God, raising Her Most Pure hands, prays to Her Son and God for all sinners, wants everyone to be saved and calls for an inexhaustible source of spiritual joy and consolation, proclaiming that an inexhaustible cup of heavenly help and mercy is prepared for everyone in need.

On the Day of the celebration of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "The Inexhaustible Chalice" on May 5/18, with a huge crowd of people in the courtyard of the monastery, the Divine Liturgy is solemnly celebrated by the bishop's rank of archpastors and clergy, and then a majestic religious procession with the Miraculous Icon begins.