Heroes of Britain. Famous people of Great Britain

There are a large number of very talented and promising stars in Britain. We invite you to see which English celebrities are included in the top ratings.

English celebrities

Christian Bale. Christian showed himself to be a talented actor after his first role in the film Empire of the Sun. He was awarded an Oscar and other awards for acting in films. Even if Christian is not the most handsome, he is still incredibly charismatic and attractive.

Kim Cattrall. Born in Liverpool. She played in the famous TV series Sex and the City. A very talented actress who was able to play an outspoken American in this series, despite all the restraint and correctness of the British. She also became a sex symbol after her role in the film “Police Academy”. Received 5 Emmy awards and 2 Screen Actors Guild awards.

Ben Barnes. Native Londoner. He played in the film “The Chronicles of Narnia”, where he showed all his charm and beauty. He also excellently played the role of Dorian Gray, where he showed all his acting skills. What can I say, the guy is really talented. Soon to be included in the list of the most famous English celebrities.

Cheryl Cole. The singer was born in Newcastle upon Tyne. She was a member of the group "Girls Aloud". During her musical career, she won many awards and was also a member of the British show “X Factor”. After this show, Cheryl became one of the most famous English celebrities. In 2009 she received the title of “the most beautiful and sexy girl” in the whole world.

Colin Firth. The actor was born in Grayshot, Hampshire. Colin's legendary role in the film "Pride and Warning", where he plays a proud, worthy man - a real gentleman - brought incredible success. He also received a Screen Actors Guild Award for his excellent role in the films The Picture of Dorian Gray, Bridget Jones's Diary and others. Oscar winner.

Keira Knightley. Born in London. She became famous after her role in the film “Pirates of the Caribbean”. This actress “took” the audience with her energy and rebellion. A good combination for such a beautiful and fragile girl.

Kate Winslet. Born in Redick, UK. The parents named their daughter Kate Elizabeth Winslet. Since childhood, the girl already wanted to play in films. At the age of eleven I went to study acting in shock. Of course, Kate became famous after the legendary film Titanic. The talented English actress has received a large number of awards for her hard work.

Hugh Laurie. Originally from Oxford. Hugh is versatile, he has established himself not only as a successful actor, but also as a director, producer, etc. The actor gained popularity after British comedy television series. Known to everyone as Dr. House. After this series, Hugh became a world famous actor.

Elizabeth I Tudor(Elizabeth I) (1533-1603), Queen of England from 1558.

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Alleyn, Edward(1566-1626). The famous actor, not associated with Shakespeare's theater, was also known as a lion and bear tamer. He once demonstrated his talent as a tamer to James I. In 1619, he donated a significant sum to found a school in the London suburb of Dulwich College. Part of this money came from the proceeds from the brothels that he, like his father-in-law Philip Henslowe, owned in the theater district of the capital. ( Suami A. Elizabethan England / Henri Suami. – M.: Veche, 2016, p. 330).

Ann Bolein

Arminius Jacob(1560-1609), Dutch theologian, radical critic of Calvinism.

Babington, Anthony(1561-1586). A nobleman from Derbyshire, an active supporter of Mary Stuart. He became close to the Jesuits who came to England to ensure the escape of the former Scottish queen, but was exposed thanks to Walsingham's service. Babington was accused of attempted murder of the queen and sentenced to a terrible execution for treason and attempt on the life of the monarch. One of the consequences of Babington's trial was the acceleration of the legal proceedings that led to the conviction of Mary Stuart. ( Suami A. Elizabethan England / Henri Suami. – M.: Veche, 2016, p. 330-331).

Burbage, James(1530-1597). Actor, impresario, theater builder and theater director. Burbage's origins are unknown. He studied to be a carpenter and joiner. Driven by his interest in the theater, he became an actor, then, returning to his first profession, built a theater in the London suburb of Shoreditch on the north bank of the Thames, called simply “The Theatre,” which was probably the first building in England specifically designed for dramatic productions. Before this, theatrical plays were performed in taverns, castles, universities, church squares and other places where the troupe could perform in front of an audience. ( Suami A. Elizabethan England / Henri Suami. – M.: Veche, 2016, p. 331).

Burbage, Richard(c. 1567-1619). The son of James Burbage, a famous actor who specialized in playing leading roles, very often played in Shakespeare's plays, for example in Hamlet. He took an active part in the construction of the Globe Theater, erected on the south bank of the Thames using materials left over from the destruction of his father's theater. Burbage was also a talented artist. ( Suami A. Elizabethan England / Henri Suami. – M.: Veche, 2016, p. 331).

Bird, William(c. 1543-1623). Organist and composer, worked in all genres, and also wrote for soloists and choirs, organ and various instruments. Being an adherent of Catholicism, he did not escape the problems and fines that were imposed on Catholics, but Elizabeth, who appreciated his music, took him under her protection. He continued to compose masses in Latin even in those periods when people's distrust of adherents of Catholicism was intensifying. Along with the works of Tallis and Dowland, Bird's music continues to be performed in the UK, and sometimes abroad, to this day. ( Suami A. Elizabethan England / Henri Suami. – M.: Veche, 2016, p. 331-332).

Burton, Robert(1577-1621). A clergyman who published his Anatomy of Melancholy in 1621, which looked more like a moral treatise or literary fantasy than a serious work on psychology. This treatise was published under James I, in contrast to the work of Timothy Bright mentioned above. Melancholy was one of the important themes of Elizabethan culture, and Burton's book was written in a verbose, somewhat erratic style, imbued with unrestrained humor, so that the influence of François Rabelais was felt, so this treatise must be attributed in spirit to the previous era. ( ).

Blount, Charles, Baron Mountjoy (c. 1562 - 1606). He replaced Essex as Governor of Ireland. He treated the Irish with contempt and behaved very cruelly towards this people, but proved himself to be a much more competent governor than his predecessor. Blount's victory over Tyrone and his Spanish allies in 1691 led to the final conquest of the island and the establishment of English dominance. Before his appointment as viceroy, Blount fought the Spanish in the Netherlands. His mistress was Essex's sister Penelope Devereux, wife of Lord Rich. When Rich divorced his wife, Blount married Devereux. ( Suami A. Elizabethan England / Henri Suami. – M.: Veche, 2016, p. 332).

Blythman, William(John) (c. 1525-1591). Organist, conductor and composer, succeeded Thomas Tallis as organist of the Chapel Royal. Only fifteen of his organ works have survived to this day, thanks to an anthology published by organist Thomas Mulliner (c. 1520-1590), the exact date of publication of which is unknown. Blythman's student and successor was John Bull. ( Suami A. Elizabethan England / Henri Suami. – M.: Veche, 2016, p. 333).

Boleyn Anna(1501-1536). Wife of Henry VIII. Mother of Elizabeth I.

Bright, Timothy(1551-1615). Physician, author of "Treatise on Melancholy" (1586)

Bacon, Lady Anne(1528-1610). Daughter of Anthony Cooke (1505-1576), wife of Nicholas Bacon, mother of Francis Bacon. She opposed what were considered neo-Catholic trends in the Anglican religion. (Suami A. Elizabethan England / Henri Suami. - M.: Veche, 2016, p. 334).

Bacon, Sir Nicholas(1509-1579). Francis Bacon's father, brother-in-law of William Cecil*, was a lawyer who held important administrative positions under Henry VIII. Despite his adherence to the Protestant faith, he was not removed from office under Mary I. Bacon and Cecil were the main characters in the establishment of Anglicanism in 1560. Notes: * William Cecil was married to Mildred Cook, the sister of Nicholas Bacon's wife Anne. - Note. lane ( Suami A. Elizabethan England / Henri Suami. – M.: Veche, 2016, p. 334).

Bacon, Francis(Bacon, Francis) (1561–1626), Baron of Verulam, Viscount of St. Albans, English statesman, essayist and philosopher.

Bull, John, Chorister, organist, composer - primarily the author of works for the organ, professor of music at Gresham College in London. Bull's commitment to the Catholic faith, as well as his dissolute life, led to him going to live abroad. ( Suami A. Elizabethan England / Henri Suami. – M.: Veche, 2016, p. 335).

William I of Orange (Willem van Oranje) the Silent(1533-1584), leader of the Dutch Revolution.

Henry VIII Tudor(Henry VIII Tudor) (1491-1547), English king from 1509, father of Elizabeth.

Howard, Sir Thomas(1561-1626). The son of the Duke of Norfolk, executed in 1572, a navigator who actively participated in operations against the Invincible Armada. He commanded a flotilla defeated by the Spaniards near the Azores in 1591. ( Suami A. Elizabethan England / Henri Suami. – M.: Veche, 2016, p. 338-339).

Grenville, Sir Richard(c. 1542-1591). A navigator and corsair, he constantly attacked Spanish ships. He died on his ship Revenge during the infamous battle with the Spanish flotilla off the Azores in 1591. ( Suami A. Elizabethan England / Henri Suami. – M.: Veche, 2016, p. 338).

Green, Robert(1558-1592). A prolific author of literary works of all genres, he lived a turbulent life and died in poverty. He is especially famous for the fact that in a pamphlet written on his deathbed, he attacks his rival, the playwright, in whom Shakespeare is guessed. Greene calls him a "Shake-scene" and "an upstart crow who has adorned himself with our feathers." Note: *Pun based on the fact that Shakespeare's surname literally translates to "Shake-spear". – Approx. lane ( Suami A. Elizabethan England / Henri Suami. – M.: Veche, 2016, p. 337-338).

Grindel, Edmund(1519-1583), Bishop of London in 1559, Archbishop of York in 1570 and Canterbury in 1575.

Gresham, Sir Thomas(1519-1579). A famous financier, considered the richest commoner of his time.

Dudley, Ambrose, Earl of Warwick(1528-1590). Thanks to the queen's favor towards his brother Robert, Dudley received the earldom of Warwick in 1561. In addition, a year later, Elizabeth entrusted him with leading the military operation in Normandy, which ended, despite the capture of Le Havre, in defeat. In 1569, Ambrose Dudley went to fight rebel Catholics in the north of the country. In his county he patronized the Puritans. ( Suami A. Elizabethan England / Henri Suami. – M.: Veche, 2016, p. 339).

Dudley Robert, Lord Leicester (Leicester, Leicester) (1532-1588), favorite of Queen Elizabeth.

Devereux, Robert, Earl of Essex(1566-1601). A brilliant courtier of the Elizabethan era.

Johnson, Benjamin(1572-1637), personal friend and dramatic opponent of Shakespeare.

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There are countries on our planet that everyone and everything knows about, and one of them is Great Britain. Looking at the huge lists of the 100 great inhabitants of this country, one gets the impression that the United Kingdom has collected all the minds and talents: a lot of politicians, scientists, stars and writers were born here, leaving a huge contribution to world history. And many famous people of Great Britain made a huge contribution not only to the development of this country, but also to the science and culture of the whole world.

1. Queen Elizabeth II (1926 - present)

The current reigning queen of Great Britain, Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, was born in London in 1926, and in 1952 ascended the throne and to this day delights the whole world with her reign.
Queen Elizabeth II is the daughter of King George VI and the heir to the famous Windsor dynasty, which has ruled England for many years. As a child, she did not even dream of ascending the throne, because she was only the third contender after her uncle Edward VIII and her father. But Edward VIII abdicated the throne because of his love for a married woman, and George VI died of thrombosis in 1952. As a result, a young girl at the age of 26 ascended the throne.
Even before this significant event, Elizabeth II married Philip Mountbatten and managed to give birth to two children - Prince Charles and Princess Anne. During the reign, the crowned couple had two more children.
Throughout her life, Elizabeth II actively took part in the political activities of the country, received an excellent education and even taught herself some disciplines. Today she is the main modern symbol of Great Britain, an example to follow not only for royalty, but also for ordinary Englishmen.

2. Diana Spencer (1961-1997)

Lady Di, or officially Diana Spencer, Princess of Wales. This person needs no introduction, as she has been living in the hearts of thousands of people for many years, especially in the UK. She was married to Prince Charles, gave birth to two children from him - Prince William and Prince Harry, but in this marriage she never found her love and happiness.
Princess Diana, heir to the ancient and famous Spencer-Churchill family, was the standard of style and kindness during her lifetime, and remains so now.
In the last years of her marriage, Lady Di experienced many scandals - the publication of information about her husband's infidelities, the official declaration of her own infidelity to Prince Charles and the constant excessive interest of the media, which ultimately led to the death of everyone's favorite. Queen Elizabeth II insisted on Diana and Charles' divorce, and it was officially signed in 1996. A year later, Lady Di was in a car accident in Paris with her lover Dodi al-Fayed (the son of an Egyptian billionaire), as a result of which she did not survive.
Princess Diana's role in charitable and global activities has brought her well-deserved popularity and love throughout the world.

3. Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

Winston Churchill is one of the smartest and most quoted politicians in the United Kingdom, who managed to stay in the political system during the reign of 6 British monarchs (from Queen Victoria to Queen Elizabeth II). Churchill became a favorite of the British during the Second World War, it was at this time that he raised the spirit of the country's inhabitants, who did not believe in victory and were waiting for the German invaders. Churchill was also responsible for the initiative to start the Cold War, so this politician can be called the “cutter” of the modern world as we see it today.
Everyone remembers Sir Winston Churchill as the Prime Minister of Great Britain, but besides this, he was also a writer, a journalist, and even a winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, which he received in 1953.

4. Queen Victoria (1819 - 1901)

Alexandrina Victoria, or Queen Victoria, was the reigning monarch of Great Britain and Ireland from 1837 until her death. Until recently, she was the longest-reigning monarch in the history of the United Kingdom, sitting on the throne for 63 years and 7 months. In honor of this ruler, even the era of her reign was called Victorian, since Queen Victoria was able to significantly expand the British Empire, create a constitutional monarchy as we see it today, and ensure cultural, industrial, scientific and military progress. The House of Commons also succumbed to the reforms, increasing its influence.
Victoria became Queen at the age of 18, a year before she met her future husband, Prince Albert. The couple had 9 children, and the Queen was often called the “Grandmother of Europe” for the fact that throughout her life she arranged the marriages of all her children and 42 grandchildren across the continent. After the death of her mother and her dear husband in 1861, Queen Victoria went into mourning and wore only black robes for the rest of her life.

5. Margaret Thatcher (1925 - 2013)

“The Iron Lady” Margaret Hilda Thatcher is the first female prime minister of a European state and Great Britain in particular. At one time, she harshly criticized the leadership of the USSR, for which she received the nickname “Iron Lady,” but in her country she was very loved and revered, especially after the victory in the Falkland Islands. Respect for this political person can be indicated by the fact that she was re-elected to the post of prime minister 3 times.
During her political career, Margaret Thatcher carried out many economic and political reforms, for example, she was able to keep inflation at an incredibly low level, achieved permission to privatize some unprofitable state-owned enterprises, and solved unemployment problems in the country. The result was economic growth and stability in the UK.

6. William Shakespeare (1564-1616)

It is impossible to imagine English literature without William Shakespeare. He is an outstanding playwright and poet. His immortal works, in particular Hamlet and King Lear, are staged more often than others all over the world.
William Shakespeare is called the poet of England; he wrote 38 plays, 154 sonnets, and many comedies and epitaphs. However, there is no evidence that all these works were written by Shakespeare, nor are there any surviving manuscripts of the writer. In addition, William Shakespeare did not receive an education, although all of his works are incredibly deep with a large vocabulary reaching 29 thousand words. And although there is a lot of controversy surrounding the figure of the great playwright (about the authenticity of his works, religion, appearance and even his orientation), he was and remains a unique personality with a worldwide heritage.

7. Isaac Newton (1643-1727)

The famous scientist, mathematician, one of the founders of classical physics, astronomer and mechanic - all this is Isaac Newton. We have known about him since school: it was he who expounded the law of universal gravitation, explained the 3 laws of mechanics, developed the theory of color, integral and differential calculus; He has more than one mathematical and physical theory to his credit.
This is a scientist with a capital S, since he considered even eating and sleeping necessary, but wasted time that could be devoted to science. Newton did not have direct students, but a number of English scientists grew up on his books and research.

8. Charles Darwin (1809-1882)

We all know Charles Robert Darwin from the main theory in our history of the evolution of life on Earth, namely the evolution of man from the ape. He was a biologist, naturalist and explorer who circumnavigated the world after graduating from Cambridge University in 1831. After publishing works that resulted from research during his travels, Darwin began collecting material on the evolution and heredity of plants and wild animal species, studied natural and artificial selection, putting forward the hypothesis of heredity.
Most biologists recognized Darwin's theory of evolution during his lifetime, but it became generally accepted only in the 50s of the last century. Now “Darwinism” has become a household word, meaning a scientific view of evolution in the modern world.

9. Charlie Chaplin (1889 - 1977)

One of the most recognizable images in cinema was created by the inimitable Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin, who was not only an actor, but also a director, screenwriter, composer, and editor. At the age of 13, he began his career, inheriting acting talent from his parents, music hall artists.
Although Charlie Chaplin played not only in silent short comedies, but also created films with serious social themes, he is remembered throughout the world for his image of the tramp Charlie. The actor worked not only in England, but also in the USA, where he became the co-founder of the United Artists film studio. This talented silent filmmaker will forever remain in the memory of cinema, being included in the hundred greatest stars of world cinema.

10. James Cook (1728 - 1779)

The name James Cook is associated with oceans and trips around the world. This brave discoverer left behind many accurate maps, which he compiled with such care that they were used by many generations of sailors afterward. He explored lands where few had previously reached - the east coast of Canada, some parts of Newfoundland, New Zealand, Australia. James Cook has completed 3 round-the-world expeditions across the World Ocean.
James Cook was very friendly and tolerant of the local aborigines, wherever he sailed, however, it was at their hands, or more precisely, the inhabitants of Hawaii, that he was killed with a spear in the back of the head.

11. Paul McCartney (1942 - present)

A member of the legendary group The Beatles, Sir James Paul McCartney is recognized as one of the best bass guitarists of all time. He has received a Grammy Award 16 times, is a Commander of the Order of the British Empire, and is at the same time an active public and charitable figure, calling for the fight for animal rights, etc.
Paul McCartney is even included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most successful musician and composer in recent history for 60 gold discs and more than 100 million singles sold.

12. Charles Dickens (1812 - 1870)

The writer Charles Dickens is one of the main pillars of literature in England. He was the most popular English-language writer during his lifetime, and after his death his name was placed next to Shakespeare. Such novels as “The Life and Adventures of Oliver Twist”, “David Copperfield” and others made Dickens a classic of world literature, the greatest prose writer of the 19th century.

13. John Tolkien (1892 - 1973)

England is rich in famous writers, but it was John Tolkien who was able to introduce “high fantasy” into the genre that has been read by thousands of people around the world for several decades. Great films have been created based on his books; people of all ages read “The Hobbit, or There and Back Again,” “The Lord of the Rings,” “The Silmarillion,” without even knowing that the author of their favorite books was not just a writer. John Tolkien worked as a professor of Anglo-Saxon at the University of Oxford, was a linguist, philologist, translator, and received the title of Commander of the Order of the British Empire from Queen Elizabeth II. His contribution to modern literature is enormous, and it is not for nothing that he has been ranked among the 50 greatest British writers since 1945.

14. Stephen Hawking (1942 - 2018)

Who would have thought that in the modern world a physicist could be so popular, and even have physical disabilities. However, Stephen William Hawking succeeded, he became a popularizer of science, promotes his theory of black holes to the masses, is one of the most influential theoretical physicists, and the founder of quantum cosmology.
Stephen Hawking is almost completely paralyzed (only part of his cheek remains mobile); he was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis at a young age. However, thanks to a speech synthesizer, the physicist communicates with others and leads an active social life, even flying in zero gravity.

15. David Beckham (1975 - present)

A list of famous British people would be incomplete without David Beckham, the former Manchester United midfielder. This footballer gained worldwide fame thanks to his execution of set-pieces and free kicks. Not only with his excellent game, but also with his attractive appearance, Beckham was able to achieve the title of the highest paid football player in 2011. He is also famous for being married to Victoria Adams, one of the members of the mega-popular group “Spice Girls”. Now the couple are very famous in the fashion world.


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No name 16.05.19 15:43
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Cookie Cat:z 10.03.19 16:53

WITH P A With And b O

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PolinaCat ;3 10.03.19 16:49

Thank you

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PolinaKit:3 10.03.19 16:46

Oh thank you)) very helpful

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No name 12.02.19 19:10

Good facts thx????

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Hello my beloved readers.

What do you think of when you hear about Great Britain? Tea, the Queen and Big Ben? Oh, how neglected everything is!;) But I’m absolutely sure that somewhere on the shelves of your memory lies this little knowledge that you carefully hide.

So today I will remind you what Great Britain is famous for, besides tea and the Queen! I’ll also give you a topic in English with translation, where I’ll briefly tell you the most interesting things.

Great places

  • Cities

Surprisingly, there is only one major city in the UK - London with a population of more than 7 million people. Other cities stopped at about half a million.

Every city in the country is beautiful, but there are famous places that everyone wants to visit.

Liverpool known for the group " Beatles"and the seaport, which was first built here and made the delivery of goods much faster.

By the way, the residents of Liverpool were given the nickname “ Scousers» after the same name of a popular dish in this area - potato stew. Moreover, the local dialect and accent also received this name.

Manchester famous for its football team - Manchester United. Hundreds of football fans come there every day.

The city also received a number of nicknames during the history of its existence. These were " Madchester" - from the word " mad" - crazy - and " Gunchester"in an era of rising youth crime. But, nevertheless, it still remains incredibly beautiful and popular.

  • Universities

If you are asked which famous universities you know, you will immediately think about and. Well, maybe remember about London University. The merit of this is that Oxford and Cambridge universities are on everyone's lips. They take first place in the rankings, and almost everyone dreams of studying there.

  • Attractions

Surely everyone knows Shakespeare, Dickens And Thomas Hardy. Everyone has heard about Jane Austen and her " Pride and Prejudice", about Lewis Carroll and an incredible journey " Alice in Wonderland"(this is still my favorite book!), about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and his The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes", which are becoming more and more popular every year.

And about Joanne Rowling and loved by many " Harry Potter“It’s not worth saying.

Great scientists like Isaac Newton And Charles Darwin were born on this land. Famous politicians like Margaret Thatcher- the first woman in history Prime Minister And Winston Churchill significantly influenced the course of history not only of their country, but of the whole world.

And now in English

Remember, I promised at the very beginning to tell all this in English? Well, catch it.

Surprisingly, but the UK has only one big city - London, with its population over 7 million people. Other cities have on average half a million citizens.

Liverpool is famous for The Beatles and the seaport, which was the first to be built here and made the delivery of goods much faster.

By the way, the citizens of Liverpool were given the nickname “scousers” by the name of popular in this area dish - potato stew. Moreover, the local dialect and accent got this name too.

Manchester is famous for its football team - Manchester United. Hundreds of football fans arrive there every day.


If you are asked what the most famous universities are, you instantly think about Oxford and Cambridge. Well, maybe, about the University of London too.

The reason for this is that everyone heard about Oxford and Cambridge universities. They took the first place in all rankings, and many people want to study there.


We can write a three-volume book about the places to visit in the UK. From Big Ben to Loch ness lake, Tower of London, the Big Eye, hundreds of museums and galleries are all located here.

Great people.

It requires several days to name all famous people of the country. All the singers and actors, writers and poets, great political figures, and famous historical figures.

If the only famous musicians you can name are the Beatles, then you are far from the country’s music world. Mick Jagger and Sir Elton John, Tom Jones and John Lennon left a significant mark in musical history.

And as for JK Rowling and the extremely beloved “Harry Potter” it’s no use mentioning.

Great scientists like Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin were born in the country. Famous politicians like Margaret Thatcher - first female Prime Minister and the Whinstone Churchill greatly influenced the course of history of not only their country, but the whole world.

Useful expressions:

to have on average - to have on average

population over (5 million) - population more than (5 million)

popular dish - popular dish

the delivery of goods - delivery of goods

the reason for this - the reason for this

it requires - required

to influence the course of history - influence the course of history

not only... but also - not only... but also

To fully immerse yourself and feel the whole spirit of Great Britain, you need to either devote a significant part of your life to studying it, or go there on a long trip.

However, it will be interesting for children to visit Harry Potter's castle, and adults will enjoy the beautiful views of the castles and the historical spirit of the country, not just by looking at the photos.

If you want to receive even more interesting and useful materials, subscribe to my blog newsletter and stay up to date with everything new.

Until new interesting meetings!

Any country, as you know, is famous, first of all, not for its mineral resources, rich deposits of gold and diamonds, but for its inhabitants. “Who are the most famous - you ask. As for this country, it has made a huge contribution to the treasury of world culture, history, economics, politics and other spheres of society. Therefore, the list will be very extensive.

Every year, based on the results of a traditional survey carried out in the country, a special list is compiled, which includes the most famous people in England. Only the most worthy of them, who have made the greatest contribution to the development of this country, are included in it. So who are they, the great and famous people of England? In this article we present to your attention only some of them.

Sir Cliff Richard

Let's start talking about the most famous personalities of the country of Foggy Albion with a person unfamiliar to most of our fellow citizens. Just like other famous people in England, in particular his colleague Paul McCartney, Cliff Richard bears the title “sir” before his name. These two distinguished people have common rock and roll roots.

In the late 50s of the last century, Cliff instantly became the king of rock and roll and the idol of many British teenagers. As part of the great band The Shadows, which accompanied the musician, he reached the pinnacle of his career. At that time, Cliff Richard's group was put on a par with the American The Ventures, noting their enormous contribution to the popularization of rock and roll. By the mid-60s, Richard's fame seemed to know no bounds. Many famous people in England came to his concerts.


However, the new fashion that emerged pushed the great musician far and long away from the top of the charts. Only in 1976 did he manage to take revenge with his song "Devil Woman", which became his first hit in America. In the 80s, Cliff Richard's career continued successfully; he managed to stay afloat in the 90s, and entered the new millennium as a legend.

In the UK, this performer is ranked on a par with “The Beatles”. To date, more than 250 million albums of this musician have been sold worldwide. He became the real king of the British hit parade, taking first place 25 times.

Charles Darwin

To the list of “Famous Englishmen” we will add Charles Darwin, who needs no introduction. He is known throughout the world as a great naturalist, the creator of the famous book "The Origin of Species", the founder of the hypothesis that the human race descended from monkeys.

Charles Darwin scientifically substantiated the idea that in the course of evolution, which took place over centuries and millennia, not only humans, but also all living organisms evolved. Moreover, they all had common ancestors. Scientists are still arguing about whether this theory should be considered reliable. Famous and famous people from Great Britain and other countries spoke out and debated about it, but never came to a consensus.

The main driving force through which this process occurs, as Charles Darwin believed, is natural selection. In his ingenious assumptions, the scientist relied on artificial selection, which received significant development in the agricultural sector of Great Britain at the end of the 19th century, that is, during the lifetime of the researcher.

His hypotheses and ideas became a solid basis for modern biology; there is a whole doctrine based on the idea of ​​natural selection, called Darwinism. Many famous Englishmen and representatives of other countries are his followers and are called Darwinists.

David Beckham

The list of "Famous People of England" includes David Beckham. He won world fame as part of the Manchester United team. David's parents were simple people. His father worked and moonlighted as a coach for a local team, his mother was a hairdresser. They were very fans of Manchester United and attended all the matches with the participation of this team, which took place on their home field.

Therefore, one might say, fate itself prepared Beckham a chance to become famous, and he took advantage of it by attending a training session of the Barcelona club, and at the age of 14, signing a contract with his beloved Manchester United. The footballer first attracted attention when he scored the decisive goal against Crystal Palace, which allowed his beloved club to take the British Youth Cup in 1992.

Since then, David Beckham has been invited to play in various teams that include some of England's biggest names in the football world. Thus, he worked in the clubs Real Madrid, Milan, Paris Saint-Germain and other strong and famous teams. Despite the fact that he has now completed his career, David continues to hold the record for the most matches played in the Great Britain national team, which he captained for six years.

With his good looks, David Beckham was also voted the highest paid player in football in 2011 and is now a global brand name.

A year after the divorce, Diana was killed in a car accident in Paris. Then, in 1997, a remake of the song “Candle in the Wind” by Elton John was dedicated to her; earlier, in 1973, dedicated to Marilyn Monroe.

In 2007, this hit became the best-selling single in the world. In addition to music, the name of the great Lady Di was immortalized in cinema and literature, and in 2002 people recognized her as the third of the hundred great citizens of Great Britain. Not only ordinary residents, but also many famous people of England and other countries were inspired by her example.

Charlie Chaplin

Charlie Chaplin's fame was also very great. This representative of London inherited his talent from his parents, who worked as artists in the music hall. The image of the tramp Charlie brought him the greatest fame. Actively starring in short comedies that combined slapstick comedy and pantomime, he achieved maximum fame. At that time, namely in 1910, such comedies were the most popular silent film genre.

Mature period of creativity

Then, in the next decade, Charlie Chaplin began to address serious social issues in his work, being simultaneously a producer, director, scriptwriter and composer. But it was the early image of the extravagant vagabond that people in Britain and the world remember most. At the end of this decade, Charlie Chaplin moved to the United States, where he founded United Artists with three other artists."

This great man began his career at the age of just 13 when he first appeared on the music hall stage, and was active for 75 years, almost until his death. At the turn of the millennium, the people of Great Britain named him tenth of the hundred great stars of world cinema.

Many books have been dedicated to the brilliant comedian, and dozens of different films, feature films and documentaries, have been made about him. The name Charlie Chaplin has become a household name, which indicates enormous popularity, which has not diminished to this day.

James Cook

Let's add to the list of "Famous People of England" the brave navigator, James Cook, who truly glorified his country. Since the time of Vladimir Vysotsky, he has been haunted by the incorrect stamp that he was allegedly eaten by cannibals. In fact, the great captain fell in a battle with the Hawaiians, famous for their thieving antics, for the property belonging to his ship. At that time he was already making his third voyage around the world.

James was very brave and famously went through his life's journey from a cabin boy of a Hercules coal miner to a world-famous navigator. On the spot where he was struck down by the Hawaiian spear, there is now a monument built by their descendants in recognition of the great merits of this explorer.

The legacy of the great navigator

As a legacy, James Cook left behind many carefully compiled maps, which served as guides for posterity for a long time.

Despite the fact that the navigator had to leave home for a long time on long expeditions, Cook was married and had six children. Even as a cabin boy, he showed a penchant for studying maritime affairs, reaching the point of fanaticism. James Cook was thirsty for knowledge, and this made him go further and further in his voyages.

The captain is also responsible for the discovery of a remedy for the treatment of scurvy, a terrible disease that claimed the lives of many sailors at that time. James Cook became famous for his tolerance and friendliness towards the Aborigines.

Later, in our time, the spacecraft on which the fourth American landing on the Moon was named after the ship Endeavor, the first ship whose commander was Cook. Together with Ivan Kruzenshtern and Francois de La Perouse, this Englishman is the greatest navigator in the world.

William Shakespeare

It is simply impossible to avoid this writer when creating an article on the topic “Famous people of Great Britain”. He is the author of truly immortal literary masterpieces, which to this day are staged on the stages of world theaters.

Each of us is familiar with the famous saying “To be or not to be?” This author created an impressive and significant legacy of tragedies, comedies, chronicles, poems, and three epitaphs. His most popular and beloved creation is Romeo and Juliet. The stories of Hamlet, Othello and Macbeth are also very famous.

Doubt about the identity of the author

There are legends about William Shakespeare; sometimes they say that he was not one person, but a pseudonym behind which a whole group of writers was hiding. This was due to the fact that history has not left us information about what kind of education this author received. However, William Shakespeare's vocabulary was about 30 thousand words!

In addition, the works of this man reveal his deep knowledge of history and literature. Another reason for doubt is that none of his manuscripts have reached us. The orientation of the great playwright and poet is also disputed.

A number of researchers believe that the basis for this opinion is the sonnets of William Shakespeare, supposedly of an autobiographical nature. However, despite all the rumors, William Shakespeare (or other famous people of Great Britain under his pseudonym - this question has not yet been resolved) remains a classic of English literature. He died at the beginning of the 17th century, but his creations are still alive.