Where does German Sterligov live? German Sterligov: I will live on two farms - in Russia and in Karabakh German Sterligov where is he now

Businessman German Sterligov went down in Russian history. As a contender for the post of President of the country in 2004. It was good PR for a person who generates myths about himself. Having run a sprint in the political arena (he was removed from the election race), Sterligov that same year retired to a village a hundred miles from Moscow.

For four years he was not heard - not seen. But rural life is boring and does not excite the blood. Sterligov needed a good PR reason to return. Taking part in presidential elections a second time would be trivial. But, fortunately, in 2008 the global financial crisis occurred. Sterligov rose to his full mighty height to fight him. He came to the attention of the Russian public with a clearing project - the Anti-Crisis Settlement and Commodity Center.

German Sterligov dreamed of entering the Kremlin...

It must be admitted that Russia has already forgotten what barter is. Even the 1998 default did not bring back the times of exchanging stewed meat for cars, steam locomotives for felt boots, coffins for baby carriages. Over the past 10 years, the country's financial system has been filled with liquidity and the ruble has sounded proudly. It could even be converted into euros at some money changers in major European cities. The global financial crisis has driven cash into the red. When Russian banks ran aground, entrepreneurs remembered the commodity exchange schemes of the late 80s and early 90s.

German Sterligov began sending messages from television screens and newspaper pages: barter will save business. It is necessary to build exchange chains between enterprises in the country. And the System to which the regional offices of the ARTC will be connected will help. Those wishing to become a representative of the Center were asked to pay from 30,000 to 200,000 euros, depending on the status of the territory - a region of Russia or a foreign country. And businessmen, attracted by the idea of ​​making money on barter, reached out to Sterligov.

Over the course of several months, the failed president of Russia “sold” several neighboring countries, as well as Russian regions. Businessmen signed agreements to open 33 centers. After concluding the agreement, some transferred tens of thousands of euros to the ARTC account, others hundreds. But the result was the same for everyone - Sterligov did not give them anything in return. Instead of the promised clearing settlement program, only new articles about Sterligov’s super-project were displayed on the laptop screens of regional partners. At press conferences, he used ARTC's million-dollar "turnovers" and examples of successful deals, but in reality it was just expensive PR for the bearded mythologist. Few people know, but Sterligov is not good with computers. When talking about a global System based on a computer program, a businessman cannot even write a letter in Word.

Sterligov hoped to “sell” all Russian regions...

Omsk businessman Igor Sadovnich was the first to decide to leave the mythical System. He invested 350 thousand euros in Sterligov’s project. In May 2009, under suspicious circumstances, Sadovnic died in an accident on the Omsk-Novosibirsk highway. The curator of the American “wing” of the project also lost his life - he allegedly accidentally fell from the stairs.

When a number of other businessmen lined up to get their investments back, Sterligov’s Moscow office turned them away. And German Lvovich’s former partners turned into plaintiffs.

One of the most famous is Ekaterinburg resident Dmitry Zaikov, who filed a lawsuit to recover 10.5 million rubles. He planned to do business in the Tyumen region and Kazakhstan, but, like other victims, he simply lost 230 thousand euros. When, at the request of Zaikov, the court seized the account of the Anti-Crisis Settlement Center, there were only 44 thousand rubles on it.

In his interviews, German Sterligov claimed that he spent from 15 to 18 million euros on the creation of ARTC, which were lent to him by friends and associates. Sometimes he jokingly said that he dug up a couple of million euros from under an oak tree in his house near Moscow.

GThe main part of Sterligov’s strategy is myths about himself

RusBusinessNews has financial documents, from which it follows that in 9 months, ARTC collected less than 2 million euros from regional businessmen, which were spent on its mythologization.

Over 30 million rubles of this amount were spent on maintaining the ARTC office. Without taking into account the costs of regional partners, 38.5 million rubles were spent on advertising the Center. The lion's share went to large federal newspapers. Part of the funds went to outdoor advertising. Who were the advertising banners in the center of Moscow addressed to? Most likely, foreign business. Foreign investors had to appreciate the scale and significance of Sterligov’s personality. Would the authorities allow such an advertising campaign to just anyone in the center of the Russian capital? Are Russia's leading newspapers really going to advertise a financial pyramid?

For his image promotion, German Sterligov hired an advertising company specializing in guerrilla marketing. It is possible that it was she who organized Sterligov’s roadshow in London, where the Russian businessman tried to convince foreigners of the promise of his new project - minting “goldens”, which could be used to pay for transactions in different parts of the world. At the London presentation of ASCENT (Anticrisis Settlement & Commodity Centre) the One Troy Ounce Fine Gold 999.9 coin was demonstrated.

Sterligov needed start-up capital to jump into the money of Arab sheikhs and Asian moneybags. London is the best platform for creating the myth of the bearded Russian messiah. German Sterligov found money for the startup in Russia - it was brought to him by regional businessmen who fell for the ARTC project and did not see under the mask of a pious entrepreneur the guise of a financial pyramid builder.

German Sterligov has prepared a “golden bait” for foreign business

Dmitry Zaikov, who started a legal battle with Sterligov, assumes that ARTC will not have the funds to pay the bills. In this case, he is ready to criminally prosecute the dodgy businessman, who in his interviews states that those who entrusted him with money are themselves to blame - they did not read the agreement carefully. “I haven’t forgotten how to read Russian,” retorts Zaikov. “Sterligov did not fulfill his obligations and created nothing except another myth around his person. But why should strangers pay for this? With our money, he published a copy of the Bible, bought tractor with trailer for your country estate."

The country life of German Sterligov is another myth. He claims everywhere that he lives in the village of Sloboda, Mozhaisk district, a hundred miles from the capital, where he was allocated 37 hectares of land. In fact, since 2008, his family has been in the village of Nizhnevasilievskoye, Istrinsky district - twice as close to Moscow.

Last year, Sterligov essentially bought a good-quality house there from Alexander Fedorov for next to nothing. And he turned it into an impregnable fortress. The perimeter of the land plot is surrounded by barbed wire. Sterligov’s house contains a Kalashnikov assault rifle (!), with which he appeared several times on Russian television. Sterligov likes to shoot with military weapons from the porch of his house to scare his neighbors.

Only after the villagers appealed to the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, the businessman-shooter calmed down. But not for long. In September, he deliberately hit Fedorov's horse with a jeep. With a knife he rushed at the wife of the former owner of his house - the granddaughter of the Russian princess Irina Golitsyna. The Fedorovs now remember with an unkind word the day when Sterligov appeared in this village. Having bought their house, the businessman literally gave them a blackout: the line from the transformer to the Fedorovs’ new hut goes through Sterligov’s plot, and he simply cut the wires.

The true face of Orthodox businessman German Sterligov is not easy to discern. He has a real beard. Everything else is in question.

Childhood and youth of German Sterligov

Today, German Sterligov is known as an extravagant millionaire, capable of giving up his fortune at a moment and devoting himself to agriculture, and then also unexpectedly returning to his previous business. However, the childhood years of Sterligov, the heir to a noble family, were not spent at all in an atmosphere of wealth and idleness.

When German was 5 years old, his family moved to Moscow, where the boy went to study at a specialized school with an English bias. After graduating from school, he was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet army. Sterligov remembers his army years with nostalgia, viewing service as a good school of life that cultivates true masculine character.

Having repaid his debt to his homeland, German returned to the capital and worked as a turner at an automobile plant for about a year. He devoted the next year to studying at the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University, from where he was forced to leave after a conflict with one of the teachers.

The beginning of the career of businessman German Sterligov

Failure did not break the young man, who was not used to sitting with his hands folded. Then German Sterligov decided to organize a cooperative, called “Pulsar”. The organization was designed to provide legal services to the population.

In 1990, Sterligov became the founder of the country's first commodity and raw materials exchange, Alice. The project turned out to be so successful that by 1993, Alice had become a large holding company with 84 subsidiaries both in Russia and abroad. With the capital he earned, Sterligov acquired shares in various organizations, sawmills and fish factories.

One of the first Russian multimillionaires, in 1991 German Sterligov headed the Russian Club of Young Millionaires, whose activities were aimed at improving the Ryazan region, but the declared improvement work was not carried out, which is why all the activities of the organization gradually came to naught.

German Sterligov in politics

German Sterligov approached active participation in big politics slowly and in small steps. In 1992, he visited Chechnya with the prospect of representing its interests on the world stage. In 1996 he became leader of the Moscow nobility.

In 2002, German Sterligov became a candidate for governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. A year later, he nominated himself for the post of mayor of Moscow. He was supported by members of the social movement against illegal immigration, whose ranks he joined shortly before his nomination. Despite the ongoing election campaign and all attempts to attract the maximum number of like-minded people to his side, Sterligov lost the election, taking third place and receiving 3.65% of the vote.

German Sterligov: We are being treated like suckers

2004 was the year of the next presidential election, in which the increasingly popular politician simply could not help but take part. The election campaign literally became an expensive pleasure for Sterligov. The need to repay numerous loans led to the fact that the house on Rublyovka was sold, and the Sterligov family was forced to move to the Mozhaisk district of the Moscow region.

Personal life of German Sterligov

At first, life in new, unusual, and sometimes completely unsuitable conditions was not easy for members of the Sterligov family. Four small children, the eldest of whom, Pelageya, was only 12 years old at that time, and a pregnant wife were forced to live in an army tent. The construction of the country house has not yet been completed. However, the way back was impossible and the former socialite of the 90s Alena Sterligova became the real wife of the Decembrist, who did not leave her husband in a difficult life situation.

Today, past hardships are behind us, the Sterligovs live in a cozy hut. They are engaged in agriculture, and consider their children to be their main wealth. The daughter and four sons of the Sterligovs received a good education at home. They did not go to school, but a hired teacher came to their house to give private lessons.

Herman did not allow his eldest daughter to go to university, since he does not see a woman’s calling in making money. Now Pelageya is happily married and has given her parents two granddaughters.

Return of German Sterligov to business

In 2008, German Sterligov abandoned his hermit lifestyle. In Moscow, he founded the Anti-Crisis Settlement and Commodity Center, which was a commodity exchange. Today the center has ceased to exist.

Sterligov. Bread 450 rubles???

In 2009, Sterligov created his own unit of account - “Golden”, which he offered as a means of payment throughout the world.

German Sterligov today

Now German Sterligov calls himself one of the poorest people in Russia, which does not prevent him from traveling and staying in expensive and comfortable apartments and donating money to improve the environment in Russia. What's the secret? According to Sterligov, farming, baking natural bread and selling it are all the family’s sources of income. Despite the fact that his fortune has decreased tenfold, German Sterligov only now felt himself to be a truly rich man, living life to the fullest.

About a hundred miles from Moscow in the Riga direction, in the village of Nizhnevasilievskoye, Istrinsky district, lives German Sterligov ( Wikipedia about him), in the past - a businessman and almost an oligarch, now - a Russian peasant farmer with unusual views on life and history. He is 49 years old. We went to visit him today: every Saturday from 12 to 16 o'clock on his estate ("German Sterligov's Sloboda") there is an open door period, when everyone can come there, look at its buildings, receive books dedicated to Russian history as a gift, drink Russian tea (Ivan-tea) with bread and honey made by him, and, if desired, purchase some of his organic products without GMOs. So we set off.

Previously, I studied the teachings of German Sterligov on the website www.sterligoff.ru. His teaching is firstly, in his view of history. In short: until the 1500s, the Russian people lived happily, suffered almost no illnesses, killed very little in wars, and were engaged in productive work. Gradually, as a result of the harmful actions of sorcerers-scientists, the life of the Russian people (and other peoples) deteriorated, first under the rule of the Romanovs, then under the rule of the Bolsheviks, and then Yeltsin. They moved to cities and began to engage in harmful activities. The true history is hidden and glossed over, but its source is the Chronicle Code compiled for Ivan the Terrible, this is a more or less accurate overview of Russian and world history, and the last part - from Grozny to Putin - was summarized by Sterligov himself, and described it in separate volume. These volumes of history, both ancient and new (from Adam to Putin), can be downloaded for free on Herman’s website, or you can receive them as a gift in Sloboda. You shouldn’t argue about this in comments with me: let everyone study the volumes of history themselves, at least the last one, but the argument is not with me, but with the author, and he won’t read my LJ, because “live journal” was also invented by sorcerers - scientists.

Secondly, his teaching is this: they say, the true faith is Orthodoxy, but the current Russian Orthodox Church MP has moved away from the truth. The Russian Church fell into heresy around 1600, and before it the Greeks, the Latin Church, etc. fell into heresy; in general, there was no visible Orthodox Church left on Earth. How the fall of the Greeks and the Russian Church happened is described in Sterligov’s books and on the website, I will not repeat myself, find out for yourself if you wish. In general, there are few truly Orthodox people left, one of whom is German Sterligov himself and his family. Priests and bishops are not visible in the true church now. The whole people and the Russian Orthodox Church MP need to repent of their sins and heresy, and pray that God will reveal correct churchmen who are not infected with heresy.

Thirdly, in his opinion, the path to happiness is this: abandon technological progress, resettle megacities into villages and farmsteads, give land to everyone who wanted it (he even came up with the “Committee for the Resettlement of Megacities”), ride horses, bake bread themselves, raise bees, etc. In addition, the state should switch to a gold chervonets, change the military doctrine from nuclear forces to partisan troops in case of enemy attacks, live like a Christian, raise children through labor, and not smoke. You can't smoke, it's very strict. But the wine is still sold in Sloboda, handmade. In addition, learn the Old Russian language, read history from chronicle sources up to and including the 1500s, grow a beard. To help people with this, Herman published many books (reprints of ancient chronicles, mainly) and distributes them free of charge to those who can read Old Russian. Whoever comes should dress modestly, not in shorts, women - in scarves and skirts (in a hijab, in short). Men preferably have a beard.

Every Saturday, citizens, mostly those with cars and beards, come to him in Sloboda to learn about life and get some advice. (Today's lecture was on raising bees.)

I (A. Krotov) am not an adherent of the “teaching” of German Sterligov - it is varied, and in some ways he is right, in some ways he is wrong, and in some ways his teaching is applicable for some people and not for others others - but, as usual, I decided to understand him and this man’s way of life in more detail. So the five of us went: Roman P. (driver of the car), wise Oleg Morenkov ktotam (who usually lives in Switzerland, but here on vacation, came to see the cheap life in Moscow), a good woman, Ksenia Churakova ksunray , Anton (me) and another Anton lusfert . Let's go by car. I was the only one with a beard, the rest were slightly stubbled (except for Ksyukha).

Mobile phones and cameras - “inventions of sorcerer-scientists” - are not held in high esteem in Sloboda, but some people there filmed something and even recorded it on camera. I also took pictures, but I tried without flash so as not to irritate people. Therefore, the pictures turned out different, some sharp, some not so sharp, especially indoors. Well, oh well, it’ll do just fine; anyone who doesn’t like that will go and see for themselves. There is quite a large area, but in general guests can only see 1) a shop-cafe, 2) a general hut of meetings, where lectures are held and books are issued, 3) a women's model house, where dresses in the old Russian style are sold, 4) a barnyard. The rest is surrounded by a large fence with barbed wire on top. So!

My photos of today's interesting trip are under the cut.

We're approaching

The inscription "Rus"

"Women only wear long skirts"


Shop-cafe at the entrance to Sloboda.
These are found in distant countries, in the USA, in Europe, such as “Farm products” without GMOs
at five or 10 times the price, but everything is peasant and their own. Here's what's on sale inside:

Shampoo for 900 rubles. Soap too.

Ointment for 1000 rubles and tar for 300 rubles

Flour from Sterligov

Bread for 550 rub.

Wine for 3000 rub.


This is what bread looks like for 550 rubles

Ksenia Churakova

In the shop

Many people come by car because it’s a bit far from the railway station

Main meeting house, big long hut

Special skis


Herman, like my house, also has a lot of books in stacks

Most Popular Book

Children's coloring books can be received as a gift

Children's coloring books based on ancient Russian language

This is what the Chronicle Code published by him looks like.
The text is in Old Russian and the pictures are from there,
on the left is a translation into modern Russian.
There are a lot of volumes there. Not everyone can receive them as a gift, but you need to understand the topic a little.

This is the output. 1500 copies on ancient Russian books,
10,000 copies “From Grozny to Putin”, it is written there.

The chronicle was published in many volumes

They're pretty thick

There is an ancient letter hanging on the wall, I don’t know, maybe it’s real

Even with some kind of stamps, maybe natural ones
The sockets are real too

Bread-tea from G. Sterligov

Romance with tea and a piece of delicious honey from Sterligov

This is the psalter they distribute

This is such a book

I walked around, I think it would be interesting to get hold of such a Psalter for general development.
It seems like I would like to, but I understand that the cost of the book is very high, more than 1000 rubles for sure.
But I also see that there are many of these Psalms. I decided to ask the guy (who distributed and gave books there).

The results of my speed reading did not satisfy him, he read the passage to me and said:

If you don't read well, go study! - and gave me a small book in Old Russian so that I could practice.

Learn to read, citizens.

But this book was given out free of charge without question. They are not for sale, they are given away for free

Lecture on beekeeping

There's a person on the right filming with a camera, so I thought I might as well film


Oleg Morenkov


About 35 cars arrived, so people are interested in G.S.’s teachings.

German Sterligov himself was one of the people with beards, but since I’m not good at reading faces, I don’t know who exactly German was, and I didn’t take head-on photographs so as not to end up in a similar fate with the “sorcerer-scientists.” It was not he who gave the lecture about bees, but someone younger. In general, he (Herman) has five children, so apparently one of them is engaged in beekeeping. And here

German Sterligov, the first official Russian millionaire, is known in society for his bright, extravagant actions and strongly expressed nationalistic views. In his youth, after the collapse of the USSR, he was a fantastically lucky businessman, and over time he turned from the richest man in the country into a hermit, because he believed that absolutely everyone was jealous of his wealth, and he and his family could tragically pay for their great success.

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German Sterligov in the village

Sterligov returned to the world because he saw himself as a fighter against the global crisis, and proposed a system of global barter. Behind him is an unsuccessful “entry into politics” and ruin. German dared to compete with Vladimir Putin, fully aware of the political situation. The entrepreneur responded briefly to accusations of recklessness:

“I saw what monstrous things were happening around, but the rest were embarrassed to even talk about it, let alone speak out. If someone had volunteered, I would have supported him, but there was no alternative, so I had to take the risk myself.”

Childhood and youth

German Lvovich Sterligov was born on October 18, 1966 in the city of Zagorsk (Sergiev Posad), located in the Moscow region. He became a descendant of Russian nobles, whose genealogy dates back to the 16th century. His father Lev Sterligov, a famous professor of medicine, was considered the best diagnostician of that time, and his mother Margarita Arsenyevna was the daughter of a peasant, the keeper of the family hearth, who devoted her life to raising children.

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German Sterligov

The childhood years of the future multimillionaire were spent far from wealth and festivities. But this did not prevent Herman from receiving a good secondary education in the capital’s special school No. 19 with an English bias. True, the school certificate became Sterligov’s only document on education - he entered the Faculty of Law at Moscow State University, but after studying one course, he dropped out and did not spend any more time on it.

After school, the businessman was drafted into the Soviet army and repaid his debt to his homeland in Mongolia. German Lvovich remembers his army years with nostalgia and considers serving in the army a useful school of life, which strengthened his masculinity, responsibility and character.


The biography of German Sterligov after the army is continuously connected with business. At the time of the collapse of the USSR, the young man did not miss his chance to become a successful entrepreneur and, with the financial support of his older brother Dmitry, founded the first commodity exchange in Russia, Alice. Over the course of several years, the company has become the largest holding company, with 84 subsidiaries not only in Russia, but also abroad.

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Businessman German Sterligov

On the first day of the exchange's operation, Sterligov became a millionaire because the company had absolutely no competitors. A year later, the activity of the exchange fell, which did not prevent the businessman from opening the Young Millionaires Club, the activities of which he directed to the development and improvement of the Ryazan region. True, the planned projects remained unrealized, and therefore the organization had to be curtailed.

In the mid-90s, the businessman decided to expand his range of interests and entered politics. At the same time, German continued to develop the business, which even today cannot be given clear parameters - Sterligov made a colossal fortune from nothing.

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Bread by German Sterligov

Now in the cities of central Russia a network of food stores of German Sterligov has been opened. However, the prices there are such that only an oligarch like the owner before could afford to shop constantly. For example, a loaf of bread there costs from 650 rubles, a kilogram of whole grain flour - from 200 rubles. True, the poor buyer receives a quarter of the loaf for free. Products are sold in branded packaging.

A store in Perm had to be closed after a scandal that erupted due to a sign of a homophobic nature - in the windows of the businessman’s establishments there is a sign “Fag...entry is prohibited.” But Herman himself said in an interview that the store closed due to poor delivery organization.


An ambitious and extravagant businessman, accustomed to getting everything at once, burst into the political world like a boomerang. Sterligov decided to skip all the lower stages of the classical political career and immediately wanted to become the governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, and a year later he ran for mayor of Moscow. In the popular election for the mayor of the capital, he failed and received 3.87% of the votes, taking 3rd place in the standings among the candidates.

German Sterligov - "Visiting Dmitry Gordon"

The loss in the Moscow mayoral elections did not break morale - German did not waste time on trifles and tried his hand at the 2004 presidential race. Then his name did not appear on the ballot, since the candidate was not registered. This period became a turning point in the fate of the businessman.

Sterligov spent his entire fortune on the election campaign and was forced to leave Rublevka with his family and settle in Mozhaisk near Moscow. First, he built a luxurious mansion for his loved ones, which was later burned by neighbors. Sterligov’s family regarded this as a sign from God, so they organized their future life on a remote farm, where there is not even electricity or access roads.

German Sterligov - about Putin, gays and female beauty

In 2008, German Sterligov abandoned his hermit life and decided to return to business. He came to Moscow and created the Anti-Crisis Settlement and Commodity Center, which worked by analogy with a commodity exchange. In 2009, the businessman presented his own unit of account, “Gold,” which is a high-grade gold coin weighing 1 ounce.

German Lvovich proposed using these “gold” as a single means of payment throughout the world, creating for this purpose the “Gold Exchange”. But the Federal Financial Markets Service refused to issue Sterligov an exchange license, so this entrepreneurial idea remained unrealized.

In 2015, businessman Sterligov, who made his fortune on financial pyramids, was detained at Domodedovo airport while returning home from Yerevan. For extremist activities in Nagorno-Karabakh, the Basmanny Court of Moscow issued a decision to seize the property of an entrepreneur who was also suspected of fraud and misappropriation of funds from business partners.

German Sterligov

Despite everything, German did not lose hope for a bright political future and announced his intention to nominate his candidacy for the State Duma elections in 2016. Sterligov developed a desire to implement political ideas with a pronounced nationalist character at the parliamentary level and the confidence that millions of Russians would support him in this.

In 2018, German announced that he would run as a self-nominated candidate for the post of mayor of Moscow, but did not submit the necessary documents to the election commission on time. In his election program, Sterligov proposed leaving pensioners, officials and security officials in the city, and evicting others to the countryside in order to feed the townspeople “abundant natural food from millions of new peasant farms.”

Personal life

Sterligov's personal life is not as vague as his career. Even at the dawn of the establishment of the business, he married the daughter of the capital’s intellectual Alena, a graduate of the Printing Institute. German Lvovich was very lucky with his wife - for many years she has shared her husband’s political and nationalist views, unquestioningly obeys his decisions and is content with the role of mother and keeper of the family hearth.

Russian businessman German Lvovich Sterligov became famous not only for his financial success (he is the first legal dollar millionaire in Russia), but also for his eccentric behavior, which does not fit into the framework understandable to ordinary people. Having become truly rich, he lived on Rublevka for several years, then went bankrupt, took his family and went to live in the forest. Their new home had no running water or central heating. Herman asked his wife, who was accustomed to luxury, to wear a headscarf, cook food in a simple cauldron with a fire, and give birth to children at home.

The man transferred the children to home education, taught them to shoot a machine gun and wield a saber. Of course, they also had to forget about TV, as well as brushing their teeth. Rumors that Sterligov tyrannizes his children and beats his wife quickly spread in the media. German’s wife, Alena, decided to answer the spiteful critics and wrote a book about her love and family life, which she ironically called “Beating My Husband... What I Had to Go Through with German Sterligov.” The presentation of the book took place in Kyiv. With a sparkle in her eyes, the woman spoke about her extraordinary life and the trials that her and Herman’s couple went through during their 25 years of marriage.

Today we will find out how one of the most unusual married couples lives and why they chose this particular path in life.


German Sterligov was born in 1966. At the time the future couple met, he was twenty-three years old, and Alena Sterligova was about the same age. For some reason, the girl’s year of birth is not indicated anywhere, but oh well. Herman was already earning decent money for his age. By this time, the man managed to serve in the army, work for a year at a factory as a turner, and study for six months at the Faculty of Law of Moscow University. He had to quit his studies due to a conflict with his history teacher, an avid communist. Having called the communist regime the bloodiest in history, Herman fell out of favor with the teacher and soon decided to end his studies and start making money.

Emelyanova (that was Alena’s name before her marriage) at that time had just received a diploma from the Printing Institute and was preparing to start her adult life. Alena's father earned good money, and her family always lived in abundance, but when her father died, her mother got into debt and was forced to rent out the apartment. At that time, Herman was just looking for an office. One day, when he was talking with Alena’s mother about a possible interaction, Alena came into their room, said hello and left. After taking a couple of steps, she heard Herman ask her mother: “Would you mind if I marry your daughter?” The owner of the apartment took this question as a joke, but on the same day a promising businessman proposed to a young girl. His main argument was the phrase: “I will be a millionaire.” And this was at a time when everyone dreamed of becoming doctors or engineers. At that time, people only knew about millionaires from books.

Alena, of course, did not agree, because she knew that one should marry for love. Herman was a completely inconspicuous young man - below average height, a strange mustache and glasses on his eyes. His image could not win over a normal girl. Alena was then courted by other guys who looked much more advantageous. But there was something in Herman that was able to hook the girl, some kind of inexplicable charisma. And yet she intended to refuse him. The next day, German was arrested and kept in a pre-trial detention center for several days, then released due to the lack of evidence of a crime. According to Alena, in those days for the first time she felt that she was worried about someone. Either out of pity, or simply in the heat of the moment, Alena finally agreed to marry the man. A year later, Herman truly became a millionaire; he literally kept money in bags.

Alena's career

Immediately after the wedding, German said that Alena would never work. This caused indignation on the part of the parents, but the businessman did not care. Just in case, Herman even threw away his wife’s diploma. Today, Alena understands that if she had started working then, their family would have broken up.

To the question: “What about self-realization?” - Alena Sterligova answers simply: “You won’t get bored with such a husband, I’m either a millionaire, or a sheep farmer, or a teacher, or a mother of many children.” Dedicating herself one hundred percent to all household chores, the girl finds such a life exciting. She also adds that a woman should always be under the protection of her husband. The equality that is glorified in the modern world leads to an imbalance of masculine and feminine principles. As a result, people do not live happy lives.


Having sorted out his wife’s career, German Lvovich Sterligov cunningly removed her friends from her life. As soon as he found out that his wife was going to meet someone, he immediately offered to spend time with him. And since he knew how to arrange rich and interesting leisure time, his wife always chose him. Frequent moves completely cut off contact with friends. But Alena does not regret it, since her mother-in-law and eldest daughter Polina became her best friends. According to Alena, the days she spent apart with her daughter before her marriage can be counted on one hand.

By the way, Polina’s love story is very similar to her mother’s story. One day, a friend of Herman’s came to the Sterlings on business. There was a young man with him. Polina set the table for them and left. Three days later the guy came to make a match. He brought a white stallion as a gift. Of course, Polina said that she did not love the young man, to which he replied: “You will!” And so it happened. Alena Sterligova is happy for her daughter. She believes that behind such a man is like behind a stone wall.


One day German Lvovich Sterligov came home and saw his wife watching that same “Santa Barbara” in the kitchen. And he doesn’t just watch, but also strongly empathizes with the characters. The man tried to explain to his wife that she needed to live her own life, and not other people’s fantasies, and finally added: “Either I leave, or the TV.” Alena rashly chose the TV, and after sitting in the car for a few minutes, he returned and shot the TV with a pistol. This act made a strong impression on Alena, but at night she still watched another, small TV, which her husband forgot about. During such sessions, she felt as if someone was standing behind her. Ultimately, the woman herself got rid of the last TV in the house.

Married without love

In the book “Battered by Her Husband,” Alena says that during the first years of her married life she did not love her husband. But after a while, Herman was still able to win the girl’s heart. On their first wedding anniversary, Herman gave his wife 365 roses - one for each day they lived together. His parents were indignant that he spent the money so recklessly, but Alena still remembers this bouquet. Having learned about the birth of his first daughter, the man brought a whole carload of flowers to the maternity hospital. They were placed literally throughout the maternity hospital.

Alena Sterligova has been married for a quarter of a century, she has five children and four grandchildren. Their life together with Herman was not cloudless. Quarrels and scandals with fists hitting the table were everywhere. But in all this, the woman feels her husband’s care. She understands that when a man indulges all the desires of his wife, this is not a concern. It’s another matter when he takes responsibility for the health of the family, the richness of life, adaptability to it and comfort. For this, Alena once fell in love with her husband.


The Sterligov family moved 32 times. When the head of the family became a millionaire, he was the first in the country to open an office in New York. Then London and Washington were conquered. Then the family was surrounded by enormous attention from the media and competitors. Since it was dangerous, they had to constantly change their place of residence. For a long time the Sterligovs did not have their own home. As soon as they got used to one place, Herman said that it was time to move again. Then Alena and her daughter stayed for two years in New York, and upon returning, the family settled in Rublyovka, supposedly forever. Herman was then 27 years old. Rublevka had all the conditions for a comfortable and stable life, which the family had dreamed of for so long. Alena Sterligova’s house has become the personification of prosperity and family happiness. After the move, three boys were born to the Sterligovs, one after another.

Last move

In 2004, German Lvovich Sterligov went bankrupt. It all started with the fact that he decided to run for president of Russia. The campaign campaign required enormous expenses. The man not only spent all his savings, but also took out a serious amount of debt. And suddenly, unexpectedly for everyone, his candidacy was removed from registration. Without thinking twice, German told the family that they were moving again, and the house on Rublyovka would have to be sold to pay off debts. A week later he announced that the family was going to live in the forest. Alena's indignation knew no bounds. The girl did not want to give up her comfortable life, but the main reason for panic was her next pregnancy. Herman reassured his wife, saying that when the time comes to give birth, they will already have a beautiful home. Alena understood that it was simply useless to resist her husband, so once again she allowed him to take complete control of the situation. As a result, the family went to Malaya Sloboda. At first they lived in a simple tent. Constant hunger and discomfort depressed Alena, but this did not last long.

Herman kept his promise, and the house was ready for the birth. Alena still doesn’t understand where her husband got the money for the construction. The house was wooden, with a tiled roof. The whole family was crazy about him - a fairy tale, not a house. But the adventures of the Sterligovs did not end there. One day, all dreams of a new life for the family were literally incinerated. On the eve of the housewarming, Alena woke up to the shouts of her neighbors: “We’re burning!” Opening her eyes, she saw their fairy-tale house on fire. Unknown people set it on fire, cynically using the owners' gasoline.

As Alena says in her book “Battered by Her Husband,” all these events completely changed her attitude towards luxury and comfort. Having experienced true wealth and extreme survival almost in the wild, she realized that a washing machine and hot water were enough to make a mother of many children happy. And she also realized that if her husband is the very person whom you can trust with your life and the lives of your children, then with him you can really build heaven in a hut. And if a man is boring, cowardly and simply unworthy, then even in a luxurious palace it will be bad for him. The last story was often encountered at Rublyovka, recalls Alena Sterligova.


At the moment, the family lives in nature, without a fence or any creations of civilization. She has a large farm with sheep, goats, turkeys and horses. Children feel confident in the saddle and with a gun in their hands. The head of the family taught his sons carpentry, so almost everything in the house was made by their hands. And the eldest son, who is now 16 years old, has already built his first wooden house. The sons sell their crafts, as well as meat and homemade bread. When the farm brings good profits, the family goes to the shopping center to buy new clothes.

The Sterligov sons can easily slaughter an animal so that it does not suffer. However, such procedures are mainly performed by adults. Together with their father, the boys go hunting and pick mushrooms. Every day there is something for every child that could be useful to him in life. The family completely abandoned school. The eldest daughter went to school for several years, but that was in a “past life.” The children study the Bible and study with teachers personally selected by the father.

Marital happiness

Alena’s book is called “Battered by Her Husband,” but in fact, her husband never raised a hand against her. Of course, such an eccentric couple often has quarrels, and many times the spouses were on the verge, but it never came to blows. German believes that you need to communicate with your wife, like with a child. Alena Sterligova in her youth thought that a real man would never “fall for” the harmfulness of a woman. But after 25 years of marriage, she realized that a weak and defenseless girl can infuriate even the most balanced man.

Women from all over the country often come to Alena. Each of them talks about their fate and married life. Over time, Alena began to understand that the main reason for a woman’s unhappiness lies in the lack of respect for her own husband. Many women love their partner, but do not respect him. The heroine of our story recalls that she was like that too. However, thanks to Herman’s originality and activity, she discovered Humility and complete trust in her husband generate his gratitude and, as a result, harmony, says Alena Sterligova.

In her youth, the girl often argued with her husband, resisted, followed the principle, and defended her point of view to the last. But over time, she realized that Herman could not be manipulated, and even the strongest emotions would not force him to change his point of view. Now Alena under no circumstances argues with her husband. Even if she completely disagrees with him and everything is boiling inside, Alena turns on her reason, looks into the future and understands that there is no point in aggression. And if Herman is wrong, then he himself will admit it over time. Perhaps it was thanks to her husband’s ability to admit her mistakes that Alena learned humility.

When sorting out relationships, it is difficult to maintain natural female attractiveness, says Alena Sterligova. The husband only understands arguments, and scandals are a stupid waste of time. Hysteria kills femininity, as does total control. Alena never checks what her husband is doing; she knows that he is always busy. Scenes of jealousy have no place here. This is how such an unusual family lives.


Today we got acquainted with the story that Alena Sterligova told in her book. The biography of this woman deserves great interest, as does the story of her husband. Having become interested in the Sterligovs' idea of ​​living in nature, many Russians became their followers. Today, Alena Sterligova, whose books have become a salvation for unhappy women, holds meetings with readers and master classes dedicated to all kinds of women's crafts. Herman, in turn, teaches men who are in search of themselves, for little money, what a real head of a family should be and how to build an environmentally friendly farm that can be profitable.

Some consider this family to be extremists and mentally ill people, while others envy their fortitude, as well as their ability to live in harmony with nature and love all living things. Having been in different conditions, earning incredible money and going bankrupt, the Sterligovs ultimately consciously returned to their roots. They could have gotten out of debt and become wealthy again, but they chose not to. These people rethought the value of life. And be that as it may, each of us can learn a lot from them.