Where to register for pregnant women. The first visit of a pregnant woman to the doctor

The joyful news that you will soon become a mother should set you in a responsible mood: there are still many months of “work” ahead for the sake of the life and well-being of the baby under your heart. And for a woman at any age, pregnancy and childbirth is a serious test. Many organs (kidneys, for example) work "for two", often at the limit of their capabilities. Chronic diseases are on the rise. That is why you must be under the obligatory supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist for the entire duration of your pregnancy, and the first thing to do is to register for pregnancy at the medical institution of your choice.

Where or where to register during pregnancy?

A modern woman has a large choice of where, depending on the goals pursued, to get on such a list.

Of course, you can contact your district antenatal clinic, where you are observed free of charge under the compulsory health insurance program, and in which your medical record has been continuously maintained for some time now. The card contains diagnoses and other information about your health - everything that should be useful for the competent management of your pregnancy. However, you have the right to choose any medical institution (antenatal clinic or medical center at a maternity hospital) included in the unified system of compulsory health insurance, regardless of your actual place of residence and official registration.

The criteria for your choice may be, for example, the desire to be observed by a certain doctor (you can also choose him if the “district” doctor for some reason does not suit you), transport accessibility, or some other important circumstances. Another example - if you are registered at a medical center or an antenatal clinic at a maternity hospital, then it is possible that the same gynecologist who observes you will plan (who needs it) and deliver the baby. In any case, medical services will be provided to you free of charge. The main thing is to present a compulsory medical insurance policy and a passport. The place of issue of the policy does not matter. From the antenatal clinic, where your medical card is located, you will need to submit an extract on the examinations passed, past diseases and their treatment.

If you don't have a policy, you can't get free public health care - only emergency care. In this case, and also if you consider it necessary to pay for any special conditions for pregnancy management that the compulsory health insurance program cannot provide, contact commercial medical centers. It is better to choose a center based on the reviews of other pregnant women about the quality of services and the qualifications of specialists. Be sure to conclude a legally binding contract, which spells out the necessary examinations, depending on your gestational age, the number of visits to an obstetrician-gynecologist and other specialists. The cost of such services is a significant amount for many families - from 15 to 70 thousand rubles and more.

Introduction to pregnancy

The order of observation of a pregnant woman is approximately the same in all types of medical institutions - both public and commercial. When registering, an exchange card is issued, where all data on the health of a woman and a child, obtained as a result of examinations, regular observations and consultations of specialists, are entered. This is an important document, it is issued at the 28th week of pregnancy. In the absence of a card, you will be taken to the observational department of the maternity hospital, where women with infectious diseases or who have not been examined give birth.

Important: a commercial medical center, in addition to licenses for various types of obstetric medical activities, must have permission to issue this main document to a future woman in labor. “Sick leave” and maternity leave are also not issued everywhere - it is better to find out in advance. The indicated disability certificate (called "for pregnancy and childbirth") is issued by an obstetrician-gynecologist. In the absence of complications, its duration is 70 days before childbirth and the same after childbirth - a total of 140 calendar days. In case of complications, the total period of prenatal and postnatal leave will be 156 calendar days (according to the formula 70 plus 16 plus 70) and 84 calendar days plus 110 calendar days for multiple pregnancies.

Early registration allowance

The scheme of pregnancy management includes examinations and consultations, starting from the shortest period. The state encourages pregnancy registration as soon as possible. If you do so early before 12 weeks, you will receive half the minimum wage as benefits when you go on maternity leave. In addition, the start of observations during these periods is in your interests: you will get a chance to prevent the occurrence of complications as early as possible, both in you and in the child, to detect pathologies and begin treatment.

Tests for registration during pregnancy

According to the standard reflected in the compulsory insurance program, the following examinations are carried out free of charge: ultrasound, general urinalysis, general blood test, blood test for various infections (HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B, C, TORCH infections), analysis for blood type and Rh factor (this analysis will also have to be passed to your husband), a biochemical blood test, glucose determination, prenatal biochemical screening to determine the risk group for fetal chromosomal pathology, smears on the flora from the vagina. Also, the expectant mother will be referred for a consultation with specialist doctors - a general practitioner, dentist, ophthalmologist, and in the presence of any diseases - to doctors of this direction (for example, to a nephrologist or an allergist). Examinations above the standard are carried out for a fee.

Your obstetrician-gynecologist will build an examination plan for you, who will systematically observe you throughout the entire period of pregnancy. When you come to him for the first time, he will ask detailed questions about your state of health, analyze the documents you brought (extracts from your consultation and hospitals about surgeries and treatment received (if any), certificates, results of medical examinations) and will try to foresee difficulties , which can be feared during pregnancy and childbirth, will perform a chair examination with a vaginal smear test, as well as weigh you and measure your pelvis.

Such manipulations will have to take place at each visit to the obstetrician-gynecologist at key milestones. The doctor will issue directions for consultations and examinations, tell you how to pass them correctly (on an empty stomach, where, at what time of day), how to correctly collect tests. It would also be correct to bring a diaper and socks with you to the reception.

It is necessary to take a visit to an obstetrician-gynecologist seriously, follow his recommendations on nutrition, prepare and write down questions that interest you in advance, keep your own diary, and monitor your weight. In the event of any complications, pathologies, or other situations that interfere with the planned course of pregnancy, your doctor may refer you to a larger or specialized medical center for a consultation or examination. For example, at the Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology (MONIIAG) on Pokrovka or at the Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after academician V.I. Kulakov on Oparina Street can send patients from the Moscow region.

Tip from our magazine:

Every mother wants her child to be healthy and look her best. Beautiful clothes for girls and boys are sold only in trusted stores that have all the certificates and provide only the best to their customers.

Author of the publication: Leonid Guryev 

How pregnancy registration takes place, what documents are needed for this, addresses of antenatal clinics and private clinics in Moscow, an appointment with a doctor online, the term for the provision of services and the amount of a one-time allowance for pregnant women who registered up to 12 weeks in 2018.


The procedure for registering a pregnant woman takes place in several stages:

  1. Visit to the gynecologist for examination. The doctor starts an exchange card, measures the woman's pressure, weight, abdominal circumference, the height of the uterine fundus, takes a smear for flora and oncocytology.
  2. Conducting examinations and taking tests in the issued areas (blood, urine, ECG, ultrasound, etc.).
  3. Examination by an otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, dentist, therapist and other specialists (if indicated).
  4. Visit to the gynecologist with the results of tests and examinations.

List of documents

To register for pregnancy, a woman must prepare the following documents:

  • statement;
  • passport (+copy);
  • insurance policy;
  • a coupon for a visit to the doctor (issued at the reception);
  • recent results of fluorography of adult family members living with a pregnant woman;
  • medical card from the clinic (if there are health problems);
  • results of recent tests and examinations (if available);
  • an extract from an outpatient card in another antenatal clinic (LC) - when registering outside the place of residence;
  • certificate of deregistration in another residential complex (if any);
  • certificate of absence of registration in the LCD at the place of residence - when registering at a place other than the place of residence.

After submitting documents and examining a gynecologist, a woman receives an exchange card in her hands, which must be taken with her when contacting any doctor until the moment of delivery.


You can register for pregnancy at any antenatal clinic or private clinic that has the right to provide services in the field of obstetrics and gynecology, issue exchange cards and birth certificates.

On the availability of a gynecologist in the state and the possibility of registration for pregnancy, check with a private clinic by phone.

Online doctor appointment

You can make an appointment at a state medical institution for registration through the State Services portal. The system offers to choose not only the organization, but also the doctor.


Registration for pregnancy occurs on the day of treatment. Within 5-7 days, a pregnant woman passes the necessary tests and undergoes examinations.


Women registered before 12 weeks of pregnancy in 2018 are entitled to a one-time allowance in the amount of 628.47 rubles. The basis is the corresponding certificate from the antenatal clinic.

Already in the first weeks of pregnancy, the girl needs to submit various certificates to the hospital and to work. This is necessary in order to receive all due benefits.. When and where do I need to apply for registration and for receiving maternity benefits?

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Documents for registering a pregnant woman

To register for pregnancy, contact your gynecologist at the clinic, you need to bring take the following documents:

  • Passport
  • Compulsory health insurance policy

What documents are needed for work during pregnancy in order to switch to light work? When visiting the clinic, take a certificate from the doctor stating that you are pregnant. You need to take it to your employer. During pregnancy, a woman cannot work on weekends, at night and overtime. If you provide a document confirming the pregnancy of the mother to the registry office, you can speed up the registration of marriage.

In addition, you will be issued a certificate of early registration (up to 12 weeks). When you provide her with a job, you will be paid a one-time allowance in the amount of 581 rubles. 73 kopecks. This certificate can be provided to the employer, both immediately and before you go on maternity leave. This allowance is not allowed.

By law, when the period reaches 30 weeks, and if a severe or multiple pregnancy is 28 weeks, a woman is granted sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth. Its duration is 140 days.

Important! The amount of payment for sick leave is considered to be 100% of the average earnings for the last 2 years. Years are considered closed only. This means that if you go on sick leave on December 30, 2016, then 2015 and 2014 will be used to calculate your average earnings.

It is worthwhile to calculate in advance in which case it will be more profitable for you. The doctor is obliged to issue sick leave at 30 weeks, but many pregnant women try to resolve this issue with their gynecologist, since the difference in payment can be very noticeable. A woman has the right to go on sick leave later. But in this case, it is not extended, but simply reduced for these days.

If the pregnant woman is a student, then the amount equal to the scholarship will be paid for sick leave.

In addition to the sick leave, before going on maternity leave, the consultation issues the following documents for receiving sick leave and maternity benefits

  • - a document that gives the right to receive money to the clinic for the management of your pregnancy. It consists of several coupons. One remains in the antenatal clinic, the second part is transferred to the maternity hospital, you will receive the birth certificate itself when, as confirmation of the assistance provided during childbirth.
  • Exchange card- a document of a pregnant woman, in which, throughout the entire period, the results of the analysis and the peculiarities of the woman's well-being are entered.
  • Refusal of hospitalization. It is obtained if you do not plan to go to the hospital before giving birth. It can only be issued if there is no threat and the pregnancy is proceeding normally. After receiving this certificate, you can come to the hospital when you feel that the contractions have begun.

Important! Childbirth may not start on schedule, so after the 30th week, women are advised to carry all of the above documents with them, as well as a passport, policy and SNILS.

By the way, it is for the same reason that it is better to collect a package with essentials, which relatives will immediately bring. So you can be sure that in a hurry you will not forget anything.

Documents upon discharge from the hospital

Upon discharge from the maternity hospital, you will also receive documents that will need to be submitted to various institutions in order for the child to become a full citizen. In all, be sure to check the correctness of your data and the child, then it will be extremely difficult to correct.

What documents, where we provide:

  • Certificate of birth of a child. Provided to the registry office for the child to be registered. Also, data from the registry office is transferred to the pension fund, in a couple of weeks you will be able to get SNILS for the baby.
  • Exchange card and part of the birth certificate, which is transferred to the local pediatrician.
  • Help for women's consultation.

What documents do I need to provide for work or social security?

When you received a child's birth certificate, it's time to go to work to write an application for.

To do this, you must submit the following documents:

  • Child's birth certificate.
  • Certificate of registration of marriage.
  • A certificate from the other spouse's place of work on non-receipt of payment.

In 2016, this payment is 15512.65 rubles. This amount is paid to everyone, regardless of seniority.

One week before your maternity leave ends (some employers may accept the application right away) it is necessary to write an application at work for receiving benefits for caring for a child up to 1.5 years old.

To do this, we provide the same documents as for a one-time payment, only the certificate from the second spouse must indicate that he does not receive benefits.

Important! To find out what the benefit will be, we take 40% of the average earnings for the last 2 closed years. For example, in 2016, 2015 and 2014 will be taken into account. In the event that one of the periods you were on maternity leave or earlier the salary was higher, you can replace one year with the previous one. For example, do not take into account 2015 and 2014, but 2014 and 2013. It is worth calculating everything in advance, you can even take a certificate of income from work to check everything.

If a woman does not work, then monthly payments will be fixed- 2908 rubles, and at - 5817 rubles.

The allowance for caring for a child up to three years is now 50 rubles a month.

If you have already had a second child, then you are also entitled to maternity capital, in 2016 this amount is 453,026 rubles.

Oddly enough, but the dairy kitchen is still functioning. Pregnant women and children under one year of age are eligible to receive dairy products. If the child is exclusively breastfed, then receiving dairy products is possible after the child is six months old. If there is no dairy cuisine in your area, then you can get compensation 349 rubles. To do this, you need to apply to the social. protection. You need to have a certificate from the local pediatrician with you.

These are the benefits you can receive during pregnancy and after childbirth. Each year, the amount of payments may change, and some regions have their own payments for women who decide to have a child.

Legal view on the payment of benefits:

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