Julia on we read from the matrix. Your Destiny Code: Numerology for Beginners

The first turn of the Matrix - Relationships
A person comes to the Earth Matrix (without retrograde and violent death of the souls of other galaxies on the territory of the Earth) from the planet Venus.
The main task of man on Venus was to learn how to build family relationships, give birth and raise children, as well as inspire, protect and support them on the path of evolutionary development. Therefore, on Earth, a Venusian incarnates at the first round of development. ( approx. you can determine the origin of the soul by the Loshu map)

Now, a newborn earthling needs to improve in what he has already studied well on Venus. In addition, on Earth, the task is to create conditions for the well-being of loved ones. Protect them from disease, inspire. In fact, all 13 incarnations a person must serve the interests of his relatives and friends, create coziness and comfort in the house. Thus, in care and virtue, sympathy and compassion, sacrifice and readiness to help, the human soul fills its subtle bodies with goodness. But do not forget that at this stage of development it is necessary to concentrate only on personal life.

Matrix season - Spring. The element is water.
The main interest of a person at this turn is family life, the birth and upbringing of children.
Permissible mistakes: a person will not learn to sacrifice, understand and love other people, will bring up rudeness and capriciousness in himself. For this, a person is allowed to enter the second round with matrix diseases - diseases of the cardiovascular and hematopoietic systems. They will haunt him until the lesson of the first round, the lesson of True Love, is learned.
The sins of the coil = grounds for retrograde: betrayal, betrayal, abortion, voluntary loneliness, refusal to have children, leaving loved ones in illness or danger.

The second turn of the Matrix - Intellectual development
Now that a person has learned to build family relationships, received the first lessons of love, understanding and care, he needs to nourish his mental sheath with knowledge. First, the child learns to understand and love his parents, and only then begins to learn about the world.

On this round there are 13 lessons with a program for professions and talents. It is necessary to overcome temptations in order to master new knowledge for yourself. Moreover, just as in an institute, a person at higher stages of development is determined by specialization - scientific or esoteric. Further progress depends on this choice ( approx. admission to esotericism is determined by the lines of the Matrix, nines in the cards of consciousness, subconsciousness, Pythagoras)
A person on this coil, as a rule, is very inquisitive, has a sharp mind and a good memory. Learns and improves quickly. His goal is no longer personal life, his gaze is turned to the acquisition of knowledge and communication. Such a person is full of ideas, suggestions, hobbies and interests. The best gift for him is a book, the best compliment is an assessment of his intellectual achievements.

Matrix season - summer. The element is air.
Acceptable mistakes: hide your talents, unwillingness to develop intellectually. Matrix disease is a disorder of the brain and nervous system. Pursues until a person learns to share knowledge with others.
The sin of the second round is the refusal to transfer one's knowledge, theft of other people's ideas, copyright infringement, distortion of the truth, leading a secluded or reclusive lifestyle, the use of rudeness and arrogance in communication. Inevitably, a person will be thrown back by 1 turn of the Matrix.
The main interests of the coil are intellectual development, the choice of a professional path

Free interpretation, as well as citation of the book "Sacred Codes of the Matrix" Airen Poe, Julie Poe. Publishing house Institute of Esoterics

Numerology according to Julie Poe is a complex system that has absorbed almost all currently existing methods for analyzing a person’s personality and predicting his future. At the heart of its popularity is the ability to meet the needs of not only beginners in the field of esotericism, but also those who already have a certain practice in one of the sciences related to this area.

Who is Julie Poe? First of all, a person with a clear craving and remarkable learning abilities. As a result, behind this Russian woman is the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (architecture), Russian Academy advocacy (jurisprudence) and many other, quite "canonical" courses in various specialties.

However, the craving for occult areas of knowledge, in particular, for the sciences about the influence of numbers on the fate of a person, eventually won. Therefore, in addition to the classical Western, in the arsenal of Julie Poe there are such varieties of karmic and predictive numerology as Tarot numerology, matrix, Chaldean, Chinese and Vedic numerology, as well as astronumerology and rodology.

Esoteric Skills by Julie Poe

Julie Poe's list of esoteric skills is able to impress even people who have a very vague idea of ​​​​the occult. This is palmistry, and physiognomy, and divination on Lenormand cards. Well, and purely practical methods of healing: reiki, visceral therapy, medicine, making amulets.

Obviously, some of the above are sacred practices. What is Julie Poe's sacred numerology? How to understand this phrase, which combines sacred (divine) influence and ancient science?

And this should be understood as follows: having mastered a huge amount of knowledge in the field of esotericism, Julie Poe, unlike many other numerologists, did not attempt to reduce numerology either to pure mathematics or to pure occultism. In fact, she found a point of balance between God's providence (the purpose of a person's coming into the world), and the physiologically determined qualities of his personality, which can be expressed in numbers. And there is no contradiction in this. After all, even Einstein said: “I cannot imagine a real scientist who would not have deep faith. It can also be expressed this way: you cannot believe in godless science.

Therefore, Julie Poe's karmic numerology - as a method of practical forecasting - is based precisely on the sacred numbers of various numerological schools that exist in our time.

Works on numerology from Julia Poe.

Peru Julie Po owns such books on numerology as "We are from the matrix" (the most famous and popular work), "Sacred codes of the matrix", "Chinese school of numerology", etc. Read them, extract useful information and anyone can draw up graphs of their own life cycles on its basis, regardless of the level of preliminary preparation.

And although opinions about their value, as usual, are divided, everything, in the end, is decided by individual practice. Only on the basis of personal experience can we conclude to what extent Julie Poe's numerology is applicable in real life.

Have you heard of such wonderful person like Julia Poe? Numerology Julie Poe is a new modern section of this science, which is very popular. Julie Poe herself is a unique person who surprised her inner circle from an early age, she can engage in several activities at the same time, she is constantly in search of something new and interesting. In this article, we will dwell in detail on those issues that are related to a person’s karma, according to the Julia Poe school of numerology.

Julie Poe is the founder of his own school of sacred karmic numerology and the author of many books.

Julia is seriously engaged in the study of human karma. She developed a certain method, called Julie Poe's Sacred Numerology, thanks to which one can achieve success in all endeavors. It consists of 4 principles, which are presented below.

  1. What are sacred numbers and how to use them? It is to this question that the initial principle is devoted. Thanks to him, we can conclude that one number can affect the life and fate of a person in different ways. If we use Vedic numerology, then the number nine occupies a special place in it, and in Tarot fortune-telling it is the number twenty-two. They should act as the basis for certain calculations.
  2. Thanks to the second principle, accurate calculations can be made. For example, if we take the number 27. How to calculate correctly? From the tarot point of view, it will look like this: 27= 2+ 7=9. According to the method of Julia Poe, this is an incorrect calculation. In fact, the calculation should be like this: 27-22=5. In this case, you need to look at the meaning of the number five, but not the number nine.
  3. Of no small importance is the influence of the Sun on human life or solarity. But how does this happen? For example, a person's date of birth is November 23, 2001. In this case, you need to pay attention not to the year, but to the day and month of birth. It is this data that has a cyclical effect.
  4. To succeed, you need to strictly use the algorithm, do not go beyond. Many beginners often do this when several teachings are mixed into one. Then the calculations are not accurate. If a person professionally begins to get involved in numerology, then you need to develop in one direction, that is, use one method without involving others. The following principles should be put in the first place: cyclicality, sacredness, solarity. If all this is observed, then it will not be difficult to make calculations.

Schools of numerology

Don't be surprised, but modern world there are places where they teach numerology. These institutions were called "School". The name itself speaks for itself, which means that they should be engaged in training there. Each school uses its own methods in preparation. The calculations are also different. But at the same time, they seem to complement each other, although the interaction is not traced. It's like an invisible thread, we don't see it, but we know it's there. So it is with these organizations. Next, we will look at what these organizations are like, but we will draw an analogy with trees.

According to Julie Poe, different schools of numerology do not contradict, but complement each other.

  • The crown of the tree is occupied by the school of the West. The founder is Pythagoras. How are payments made at this school? is the basis of this doctrine. A graph is drawn up, thanks to which you can see the characteristic features of a person. The subconscious in this direction is not considered at all.
  • The Chaldean school resembles tree branches. Here the basis is the name of the person, surname and patronymic. Every letter has its own meaning. Thanks to these calculations, you can find out what abilities a person is endowed with, help direct them in the right direction. Also find out what type of activity suits a certain personality. This data can save you from problems and failures.
  • The next direction is . In this case, it is the trunk of our tree. Thanks to this teaching, one can get to know a person well in a short time. Troubles can arise due to generic programs that are imposed on the family. You can help to cope with failures, remove the curse.
  • The Chinese school of numerology, Julie Po calls it the next step. This organization is the biosphere, that is, what is above our tree. What could be higher? Of course the clouds. Here, scientists prefer the study of the human subconscious. Thanks to this technique, you can understand what is happening inside each of us. What role does the human soul play? Karma is what is given to us from birth. Each person has his own, and he must go through this path on his own. Scientists can only direct, suggest how to behave in a given situation. Everything else depends on the person.
  • The Kabbalistic school is the root of the tree. This direction occupies a leading position. Thanks to him, you can learn how to act correctly in situations in order to succeed. Here the basis is a graph that can tell a lot about a person. He can also tell in detail about what to fear in the near future.
  • The organization of the Tarot is the fruits found on the tree. Thanks to this teaching, one can understand how a person’s life flows from an early age, what abilities a person has, how to develop them correctly.
  • The following direction, which is called astro-numerology, acts as stars. The karma of a person is the basis of this teaching. Scientists help a person to understand why he came into this world, what mission he must fulfill, what successes to achieve and what difficulties to face.
  • The final element of the tree is the occult science of numerology, it acts as shallow roots. Being engaged in this doctrine, one can easily influence the fate of both an individual person and humanity as a whole. The karma of a person is of no small importance in this direction.

Karma by date of birth

Any person comes into this world not by chance. It is predetermined from above when a person should be born, so we are born on different dates of the month. Already from birth, we have our own destiny and our own, which we carry throughout our lives. Having learned what kind of life a person led earlier, you can use calculations to find out in detail about what awaits him in his current life.

According to the teachings of Julie Poe, your date of birth speaks of your karma and karmic debts.

Number 1 to 9

According to Julie Poe's karmic numerology, a person born on these dates has worked out the tasks of karma by eighty percent. Such people face problems and failures throughout their lives, having coped with which, one can achieve success. Important, perhaps difficult trials haunt a person throughout life.

The main thing at such moments is not to withdraw into oneself, to gather willpower into a fist. If you can’t cope with problems on your own, you need to be able to ask for help from relatives and friends. By learning to cope with these trials, life will become bright and exciting.

From the 10th to the 19th

Such a person has worked out the tasks of karma by eighty percent. In this life, devote yourself to spiritual development. Over time, the Almighty will give you a sign, thanks to which he will direct you in the right direction. You have a certain mission with which you came into this world.

From the 20th to the 29th

Those born on these dates completed their tasks by only sixty percent. In this case, you need to try to fill the world with beauty throughout life. It can be very difficult to achieve success, a person is determined, but this does not help. Learn to help others, direct your energy in the right direction.

From the 30th to the 31st

If your birth date fell at the end of the month, it can be difficult for such people in life to adapt to the surrounding reality. You will face difficulties and setbacks. Nothing can be changed, so take it for granted.

Working off karmic debts

Now let's dwell on some numbers that can help in working out "". According to the teachings of Julie Poe, numerology by date of birth focuses on the following numbers:

  • 14 - in past life the person was stingy, tried to material prosperity, did not provide help to others. In the present tense, you need to accept what the Almighty gives you.
  • 16 - in a past life, a person brought pain to someone, thereby destroying the worldview of a dear person. In this life, he should be more attentive to others, help those in need. It's time for spiritual enlightenment. No need to impose your point of view, learn to listen and hear others.
  • 18 - in a lived life for such a person it was not difficult to mislead others. Relations with people were not built in the best way, he was treated with distrust. It's time to do creative activities, pay more attention to family and friends.
  • 20 - in his life, a person brought a lot of pain to his family. It's time to pay for your deeds.
  • 22 - in a past life, such a person did not know how to restrain his emotions, in connection with this there were frequent conflicts with others. Creating a family, he did not want the birth of children, did not engage in their upbringing. Now such people may face problems in the birth of a child. Take a newborn from the baby house, give him love and affection, then the Almighty will give you the opportunity to give birth yourself.


Thanks to this teaching, which is offered by Julia Poe, a person can find a way out of any situation, the main thing is to be able to correctly answer for his actions. Before you do something, think it over a few times, only then make a decision. Then problems can be avoided.

Video "Date of birth of a person"