What can be opened in the basement. What kind of business can be opened in the basement? Renting the basement of an apartment building: the nuances of design

The basement floor of a residential building or the basement of a private property can become a source of consistently high income. Creativity, a sought-after offer, and a little persistence will turn unused space into a center of profitable activity. Which business in the basement of an apartment building is guaranteed to bring profit - the best ideas are presented further in the text.

Actual business ideas in the basement of a residential building for 2018

To create a highly profitable business, it is necessary to regularly assess the state of the market at the current time. Consumer demand and preferences change and transform every year, so finding a worthy niche can only be done by analyzing the market immediately before creating an offer. Below are business ideas that can be implemented in the basement of a private or apartment building in 2018, developed taking into account the specifics of the market and the current needs of consumers.

A business in the basement of a private house may not always be associated with trading activities. The best option is to organize the production of goods with the subsequent delivery of products to sales offices and retail outlets. The production of traditional frame and wooden furniture requires bulky equipment, separate workshops and storage facilities. But, frameless furniture can be sewn without all this.

How to save time and money on the purchase of goods and services -

The production of frameless furniture is a profitable idea for a business in the basement of a residential building, both private and multi-apartment. To get started, you need to purchase equipment - specialized sewing machines, materials, filler and consumables. You can switch to self-sufficiency from the first orders.

Almost every family has pets that need daily basic needs. Animal food, vitamins, hygiene and preventive products are goods that are in demand in every microdistrict. This is an actual idea for a business in the basement of a residential building. A pet store can become a source of passive income, as its work is easy to automate. How to do it?

  1. Convert basement to store.
  2. Arrange storefronts and storage space.
  3. Make a purchase of basic goods, find regular suppliers with the most favorable pricing policy.
  4. Find a seller with advanced administration skills.

According to statistics, up to 85% of men and 35% of women living in the countries of the former CIS are fans of football, hockey, boxing and other sports. Fans tend to watch every significant sporting event together, sharing emotions and impressions. Sports bars are created in order to provide this target audience with an atmospheric place that unites like-minded people. Such a business in the basement of an apartment building will be in demand among local residents, and possibly become a cult place for the whole city. Sports bars are not very common, so the chances of leadership in a niche are higher than in other areas. What do you need?

  • Registration of appropriate permits, licenses and business registration.
  • Carrying out communications (gas, electricity, water,).
  • Re-planning, creating an interior that meets the requirements of the bar and the general idea.
  • Purchase of equipment, furniture.
  • Menu development.
  • Opening and promotion of the bar.

A sports bar in a residential area of ​​a big city should be versatile, so that on days without significant events in the world of sports, it will not be empty.

At the current time, the craze for wellness practices is at its peak of popularity. Yoga, meditation and other oriental techniques are in trend today. Therefore, the creation of a yoga club in the basement of a residential building is a relevant and profitable business in 2018. Organization of a yoga club does not require huge investments. An approximate action plan for implementing the idea is described below.

  1. Re-equipment of the basement, creation of comfortable conditions according to the purpose of the premises.
  2. Preparation of relevant documents.
  3. Purchase of inventory.
  4. Finding and hiring instructors, developing programs.
  5. Advertising and promotion of their services in all available ways.

The club can pay off in a short period of time, as it does not require regular injections of financial flows.

Interesting fact! Until the eighties, yoga was banned in the countries of the USSR. In part, this fact served as a prerequisite for the massive spread of Eastern ideology with the end of the era of communism. Analysts predict a steady growth in demand for training courses, schools and trainings in Eastern practices for the next 20 years.

Fashion analysts predict demand for individual style in the coming decades. Every year the idea of ​​a unique, exclusive look becomes more popular, so people are less likely to buy mass-produced clothes, preferring individual tailoring. How to organize the work of the studio - practical tips below.

  1. The space needs to be remodeled and refurbished.
  2. At the next stage, organize jobs - a cutting table, sewing machines, a fitting room. Purchase equipment and tools.
  3. Select highly qualified staff. It is advisable to hire universal seamstresses in order to save on wages.
  4. Purchase of consumables - threads, fabrics, accessories and other small things necessary for sewing.

In this material:

Finding a business premises takes a lot of time and effort. There is a trend that the closer the building is to the city center, the more expensive a square meter. That is why aspiring entrepreneurs prefer sleeping areas and outskirts. Rent there is almost half the price, and the purchasing power is identical. But there are many such businessmen who accidentally or purposefully organize entrepreneurship in the basement floors of buildings. Opening your own business in the basement is far from new, but many are still afraid of this, mistakenly believing that buyers will not want to go down into a dark space. In fact, there are many areas of entrepreneurship for which the basement is not considered a hindrance, and for some it is an ideal start.

Basement as a business premises: advantages and disadvantages

It is a mistake to think that if you open a business in the basement, it will be unprofitable. Such premises have a lot of positive aspects:

  • A wide choice - each apartment building is equipped with a basement. More than 80% of the area is still not occupied for any reason. That is why the entrepreneur has a chance to choose a basement in the part of the city he likes.
  • Easy to design - opening a business in the basement is not difficult. It is enough to get the consent of the residents of the house, draw up standard documents and get to work. Undoubtedly, the premises must be brought to the appropriate form on the basis of current sanitary standards, as well as repaired depending on the chosen activity.
  • Originality - locating a business in the basement is not so popular that you can find 2 identical outlets. And if most stores look the same, then on the basement floor you can organize an individual layout.
  • Low rent - indeed, basements are not popular, so the owners reduce prices to a minimum, just to have at least some profit.

Reference. Basement and basement are not exactly the same thing. The difference in ground level above the room. If for the basement the height of the earth cannot exceed half the height of the room, the opposite is typical for the basement - the level cannot be less than half. Thus, the basement floor is much lighter due to the possibility of installing almost full-fledged windows. The basement may be completely without sources of natural light.

Cons of a business in the basement:

  • Dampness - depending on the age of the house, communications and location features, the basement may turn out to be damp with the spread of the fungus. This is determined during the first inspection of the premises. It is a mistake to think that after processing the situation will change, because you will either have to process the basement of the whole house, or carry out events with a regularity of once a month. Constant dampness adversely affects human health (sellers, administrators, entrepreneurs), causing serious illness.
  • Technical work - given that important plumbing and sewerage nodes are concentrated in the basement of a residential building, the selected room may turn out to be the center of regular plumbing work. This distracts the businessman from his direct duties, forcing him to close the establishment for an indefinite period.
  • State of emergency - pipe burst, flooding from above, smoke. The basement is dangerous for emergencies.

If you correctly approach the organization of business, then the disadvantages are easy to avoid. For example, carefully choose a room so that communication nodes do not intersect with a retail outlet, exclude houses infected with fungus and dampness.

Renting the basement of an apartment building: the nuances of design

There is nothing complicated about renting a basement. It is enough to follow the algorithm of actions:

  1. Appeal to the housing department - the entrepreneur writes a statement indicating the purpose, duration and cost of the lease. If the apartment building is the property of the municipal authorities, then the employees of the housing department independently send an appeal to the city administration.
  2. Obtaining permits - contacting Rospotrebnadzor, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, as is done when opening a store in a regular room. Structures are required to check the indicated area for compliance with the standards and issue a conclusion. Based on the documents received, the municipality makes a final decision.
  3. Drawing up a lease agreement - the entrepreneur applies to the city administration with a package of documents. The contract specifies all the nuances of transferring the premises for temporary use, including the term, conditions, cost of rent, payment time.

Reference. If the house does not belong to the municipality, but is on the balance sheet of the management company, then the sequence of actions is similar. Only points are added: the meeting of apartment owners, the vote of residents for renting out the basement or against this decision.

The transaction is considered successful if more than half of the owners voted positively. Funds for renting premises are used to pay for general house needs, which helps to reduce the amount in the receipt for each apartment.

What kind of business can be organized in the basement of an apartment building

The basement is not only semi-legal slot machine establishments, as many have been accustomed to think since the 90s. Today, the use of the basement area provides for numerous solutions for a wide variety of business areas.

Grocery store

Investments: Investments 685 000 ₽

The franchise of the Remontoff group of companies operates in the market of repair and finishing services. Our company works in three areas and provides a full range of services for its customers: interior design, repair and finishing works and supply of materials to the facility. What is the uniqueness of our business model in comparison with the others: 1) Under the Agreement, we guarantee 10 clients per month for the apartment finishing service…

Investments: From 500,000 rubles. We will reimburse 50% of your costs for the repair and decoration of the store. Low investment risks. 40% of investments are exhibition samples, which remain a liquid asset in case of problems.

Any business starts to make a profit. With frendom sofas from business, you will also get a lot of positive emotions. Selling this furniture is a pleasure! Your partner is a manufacturing factory, whose history begins in 2006 in the city of Engels, Saratov region. The company is a permanent participant of international exhibitions. Residents of eighty-nine regions of Russia and neighboring countries ...

Business in a private home: features of doing + advantages and disadvantages + registration procedure + 11 relevant ideas.

The need for financial independence and not wanting to work "for an uncle" anymore makes a lot of people think about different ways to earn money on their own.

But only a few can bring their thoughts to life.

Unfortunately, many have reasons why they cannot start their own business - lack of money, lack of knowledge, fear of new things, inability to make decisions and banal laziness.

But for those who live in their own home, such excuses are not accepted, because their owners have a unique opportunity to open their own business without leaving their own home.

Therefore, having a real desire and certain knowledge, you can start your own private house business.

Features of doing business in a private house

Organizing a business in a private home will essentially differ little from opening and doing business in a traditional format.

Here you also need to decide on an idea, draw up a business plan, register with the tax service and start working.

So, have you already decided exactly what you want to start leading?

Remember that you do not live alone.

And the matter here concerns not only household members, but also neighbors who may not be satisfied with your activities.

Therefore, a home business must meet the following requirements:

  • do not create unnecessary noise;
  • not endanger people;
  • be non-explosive;
  • do not have hazardous waste.

Also, before deciding to open a business in a private home, you need to answer a few questions.

The answers to them will determine the profitability and relevance of the conceived business.

So, answer these questions:

    What would you like to do?

    Do you have a hobby that you can develop to earn money?

    What is required to open a business?

    Perhaps you need to redo some premises, buy equipment, hire additional people.

  1. How much are you willing to invest as start-up capital?
  2. If the business is successful, is there room for expansion?

By answering these questions in turn, you can decide on an idea for a business, and begin to draw up a business plan, and then to implement it.

Advantages and disadvantages of a business in a private house

A home based business has its pros and cons to consider when deciding to start one.

So the benefits boil down to:

    There is no need to spend money on buying or renting a room.

    This significantly reduces not only the initial, but also the monthly investment in the business.

    Opportunity to work alone or with family.

    This results in savings on the payment of wages to employees.

  • A businessman himself makes a schedule for himself, according to which he can work as he wishes.
  • There is no need to get to the office, everything you need is located in your private home.

    Again, it all comes down to saving money and time.

  • It is possible to combine a home business with another job, or run another business in parallel.

The notable disadvantages of running a home business are:

  • Over time, the house is perceived as an eternal work.
  • At home, it is harder than at the office to tune in to work.

    At home, there are many distractions from doing business: family, computer, TV, household chores.

  • The first time you need to devote as much time as possible to achieve success.
  • At first, a home business is characterized by unstable income.

    This is due to the fact that it is not always possible to unwind and express yourself.

Thus, a business in a private home suits freedom-loving and stress-resistant people who can organize the whole process without paying attention to distractions.

Business registration

Many mistakenly believe that a business in a private house can not be registered and operate on an informal basis.

On the one hand, this is true, but then you become the owner of an illegal business.

And an illegal business is one that:

  • not registered with the tax authorities;
  • carried out without obtaining a license (if required);
  • violates the terms of the license.

But on the other hand, if your business is not systemic in nature, and the income received is so minimal that it barely covers expenses, then such a case does not need to be registered.

But for personal reinsurance, you can or LLC.

Choose the shape that best suits your idea and its scale.

Business ideas in a private house

In general, a business in a private house can be implemented in four areas of activity:

  1. mini production
  2. Service
  3. Trade
  4. Agriculture.

Separately, we highlight such ideas that can be implemented right in the basement.

And let's talk about them first.

1. We use the basement for doing business in a private house

Many private houses have basements that residents use as a place to store vegetables, fruits and preserves.

But for future entrepreneurs, it can be a source of income.

In the basement, you can organize the following types of business:

    mushroom cultivation

    This is the first idea that comes to almost everyone's mind.

    And this is not surprising, because mushrooms love dampness and darkness.

    The most popular are oyster mushrooms.

    Investments will consist of the purchase of racks, substrate and mycelium.

    It is also noteworthy that mushrooms do not require constant attention and care.

    Raising fish or crayfish

    By placing special aquariums in your basement and buying fish seed, you can start breeding fish and crayfish at home.

    Such an idea is much more difficult and costly to implement than the previous one, but the game is worth the candle.

    With the right approach, as well as the availability of a sales market, you can organize a profitable business right in a private house.

    Nuance: such a business needs to be given a lot of attention and ensure that mold and fungus do not appear in the room.

    Growing flowers for sale

    To realize this idea, you do not need to spend a lot of money and make enormous physical efforts.

    You will need to purchase a special greenhouse and seed.

    Monthly expenses will include electricity, water and fertilizer.

    Mostly women like to grow flowers, who quickly find buyers in the person of their girlfriends.

2. What kind of production can be organized in a private house?

The scope of production is quite extensive and includes many ideas.

Both men and women can realize themselves in it.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that in order to implement production ideas, you will need to invest quite a lot of capital.

You will need to buy special equipment, engage in advertising and delivery of released goods.

Production ideas for a business in a private home:

    food industry

    Such a business in a private home is more suitable for women who love and have to cook.

    The most common options in this area are:

    • making jam and jam;
    • freezing fresh vegetables and fruits;
    • fresh bakery;
    • making custom cakes and pastries;
    • molding dumplings and dumplings.

    The advantage of the home food industry is that you can adjust production volumes.

    That is, you collect orders, purchase raw materials and make exactly as many goods as required.

    Furniture manufacture

    Exclusive custom-made furniture has always been valuable.

    Do not be afraid of this area, because large manufacturers will not be your competitors.

    People who turn to small manufacturers want to know that the table / chair / playpen they ordered will be made in one copy.

    Most often, it is wooden furniture that is produced at home - tables, chairs, sideboards, chests of drawers, as well as various accessories - frames, lamps, figurines.

    You can make furniture exclusively according to your drawings and look for someone to sell it to, or you can take orders and take into account the wishes of customers.

    Production of building materials

    To implement such a business in a private house, you need to choose a narrow specialization - the manufacture of tiles, drywall, foam blocks or dry building mixtures.

    Such an idea is suitable for those who were related to construction and know the production technology.

    You also need to purchase special equipment, hire additional people, find a market and get to work.

3. Service sector in a private house

If you have previously worked in the service sector, you can easily organize such a business in a private home.

If you still have a client base from a previous job, or have many acquaintances, then you will not be left without income.

In the service sector, you can embody such ideas:


    If you have knowledge in a certain area, then share it with others for a fee.

    Various courses are relevant among schoolchildren and students.

    Classes can be both individual and group.

    Equip a specially designated room where you will study with your students, purchase educational material, create a program, advertise on social networks in your city and start working for yourself right in a private home.

    Beauty services

    If you are a hairdresser, manicurist, massage therapist or make-up artist, then the idea of ​​​​a private house is definitely for you.

    Many clients do not like salons because of high prices, so they will gladly go to a specialist at home.

    It remains for you to purchase all the equipment, supplies and provide your customers with good service.

    Atelier or shoe workshop

    Such a business is suitable for those who know how to sew or repair shoes.

    These services are available at all times.

    The main thing is to fulfill them on time and with high quality.

    How to look for clients?

    And the more there are, the faster your profit from a business organized in a private house will grow.

4. Trading

The private sector always lacks retail outlets.

There is not always time and opportunity to go to the supermarket, and here small shops opened in private homes come to the rescue.

They can sell food, essential goods.

The prices of goods will usually be higher, so you will be able to get a quick return on your investment.

If you have your own production at home, then your own store is a great opportunity to sell goods directly from the “conveyor line”.

5. Agriculture

“Go and do it - you will always have time to justify yourself later.”
Grace Murray Hopper

Many owners of private houses also have plots where agriculture can be realized.

It is worth noting that this is a difficult job that requires a lot of time and physical labor.

You can implement these ideas:

  • grow plants: vegetables, berries, grapes;
  • plant an orchard and harvest annually;
  • engage in animal breeding - birds, rabbits, cattle;
  • study .

It is important that your activities do not interfere with your neighbors and that you properly dispose of waste, as well as monitor the quality of the products received.

What other type of business can you do at home and have a good profit,

you will learn from the video:

Business in a private house- it's quite real.

With the right organization and self-discipline, you can earn money right in your room, while remaining independent.

Therefore, if you have certain skills and knowledge, or you quickly learn something new, then do not hesitate and start taking active steps to implement your idea.

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As you know, small and medium-sized businesses need small premises. However, the rental price of commercial real estate is now far from cheap, and sometimes renting it, and even more so buying it, takes most of the profit from a businessman. To a greater extent, this applies to large cities, where the shortage of space for business is felt especially acutely.

In this regard, basements and semi-basements, as a rule, residential buildings have become one of the most sought-after segments of the market. This is explained by the fact that the relatively low purchase price or relatively low rental price of such commercial real estate significantly reduces the entrepreneur's expenses, which ultimately makes his business much more profitable.

However, such premises are not suitable for all types of activities. Therefore, before renting or acquiring such real estate, an entrepreneur must first decide which business can be organized in the basement and which cannot.

In addition, it will be useful to learn how to properly create a “basement” business for a businessman so that in the future you will not encounter serious problems. In a word, having understood all the nuances already at the initial stage and approaching the organization competently, you can guarantee that the business in the basement will flourish.

It should be noted that opening a "basement" business in most cases is troublesome - but profitable, provided that the business is planned to be organized for more than one year.
If the entrepreneur needs the premises for a short time, then he is unlikely to feel a big benefit.
The exception is extraordinary cases when the basement is rented out at a very low price and in a ready state, with all available permits, which is practically impossible in our time.

What kind of business is forbidden to do in the basement, and what kind

According to urban planning standards, it is not forbidden to locate your business in the basement of apartment buildings. However, there are limitations to this, which are already taken into account at the planning stage.

So, the entrepreneur will not be able to locate the following commercial facilities:

  • industrial premises (exceptions are restoration and art workshops);
  • medical organizations;
  • entertainment facilities (casinos, floppy disks, dance and other circles);
  • funeral homes;
  • laundries or dry cleaners;
  • public toilets;
  • baths or saunas with pools.

All other private institutions may well exist in such premises, but certain requirements are imposed on their activities by various structures. So, for example, to open a store, an area not exceeding 400 square meters can be used. m. However, there are no restrictions on storage and utility rooms at the store.

The assortment at such a point of sale can be the most diverse (except for flammable goods), but the opening time is limited - up to 23 hours. Hairdressing salons can open on an area not exceeding 300 square meters. m. There are no significant restrictions on offices, but, alas, it is forbidden to locate wholesale and small-scale warehouse facilities in the basement in accordance with SNiP.

As for cafes, they can operate under the following conditions:

  • operating time up to 23 hours;
  • there should be no musical accompaniment;
  • accept no more than 50 visitors at the same time.

Possible problems when creating a business in the basement of an apartment building and recommendations for solving them

Legal issues

An entrepreneur who is going to open a business in the basement must first determine its status. According to the current legislation of our country, basically all auxiliary premises of multi-apartment buildings belong to the community of owners. The collective property also includes the nearby territory and basement areas, which are intended to service a residential building.

In this case, a businessman, in order to start a business in such a place and use it for his needs, will need to obtain permission from most of the people living there. This significantly complicates the task, since someone will definitely be against this idea.

Here it will be necessary not only to apply all your charm, but also to provide reasoned evidence that the business will not provide any inconvenience or problems to residents in the future. It will be desirable to convince them that the activity created under their apartments will be very useful to them.

If an entrepreneur plans to acquire a basement as a property, then it should be noted that in the premises where important intra-house communications are located, the transfer of such objects to private ownership is prohibited by law. The solution to this problem may be the re-registration of some part of the basement, in which there are no important communications.

In this case, it will be necessary to redevelop the basement, which is also a difficult task. In this case, a businessman will need a lot of strength and endurance, since such a process is very complicated and paperwork will take a lot of time and nerves.

In particular, an entrepreneur, in addition to the residents of the house, will have to apply to many structures and obtain permits from organizations such as:

  1. Chief architect of the city.
  2. Project organization.
  3. Notarial office.
  4. Surveyors.
  5. District administration.
  6. Fire Department.
  7. Sanitary and epidemiological station.

There are also “independent” basements that are on the balance sheet of some organizations, so an entrepreneur who decides to open a business in such a room should know that only these institutions have the right to give him the go-ahead for this. In order to get information on who owns the basement, a businessman will need to contact the BTI, since it is there that they own such data.

It is much easier to organize a business in the basement of a private house, since it is already in the possession of the owner of such housing, therefore, there will be much less paperwork.
The main thing is that when arranging such a room for any business, the safety instructions should be observed, and existing standards should be taken into account.

Organizational matters

In order for the entrepreneur not to run into problems and not ruin his own business with his own hands, you should adhere to the following tips at the initial stage of arranging the basement and in the process of doing business:

  1. It is necessary to organize the installation of systems. If they are already there, then you should check their functioning.
  2. It is also very important to organize isolation from noise and odors, which, as a rule, always occur during any work process. If these aspects are ignored, and they disturb the tenants, then a couple of collective complaints from them to the appropriate authorities will create many problems for the entrepreneur, up to the closure of the business. In this regard, spoiling relations with the residents of the house is highly discouraged.

Image of a basement with soundproofing material (zvukizol).

As you know, small and medium-sized businesses need small premises. However, the rental price of commercial real estate is now far from cheap, and sometimes renting it, and even more so buying it, takes most of the profit from a businessman. To a greater extent, this applies to large cities, where the shortage of space for business is felt especially acutely.

In this regard, basements and semi-basements, as a rule, residential buildings have become one of the most sought-after segments of the market. This is explained by the fact that the relatively low purchase price or relatively low rental price of such commercial real estate significantly reduces the entrepreneur's expenses, which ultimately makes his business much more profitable.

Photo of a minibar located in the basement of a residential building.

However, such premises are not suitable for all types of activities. Therefore, before renting or acquiring such real estate, an entrepreneur must first decide which business can be organized in the basement and which cannot.

In addition, it will be useful to learn how to properly create a “basement” business for a businessman so that in the future you will not encounter serious problems. In a word, having understood all the nuances already at the initial stage and approaching the organization competently, you can guarantee that the business in the basement will flourish.

Very important!
It should be noted that in most cases it is troublesome to open a “basement” business - but profitable, provided that the business is planned to be organized for more than one year.
If the entrepreneur needs the premises for a short time, then he is unlikely to feel a big benefit.
The exception is extraordinary cases when the basement is rented out at a very low price and in a ready state, with all available permits, which is practically impossible in our time.

What kind of business to do in the basement is prohibited, and what kind of business is possible.

Small shop in the basement.

According to urban planning standards, it is not forbidden to locate your business in the basement of apartment buildings. However, there are limitations to this, which are already taken into account at the planning stage.

So, on the basement area of ​​an apartment building, an entrepreneur will not be able to locate the following commercial facilities:

  • industrial premises (exceptions are restoration and art workshops);
  • medical organizations;
  • entertainment facilities (casinos, floppy disks, dance and other circles);
  • funeral homes;
  • laundries or dry cleaners;
  • public toilets;
  • baths or saunas with pools.

All other private institutions may well exist in such premises, but certain requirements are imposed on their activities by various structures. So, for example, to open a store, an area not exceeding 400 square meters can be used. m. However, there are no restrictions on storage and utility rooms at the store.

The assortment at such a point of sale can be the most diverse (except for flammable goods), but the opening time is limited - up to 23 hours. Hairdressing salons can open on an area not exceeding 300 square meters. m. There are no significant restrictions on offices, but, alas, it is forbidden to locate wholesale and small-scale warehouse facilities in the basement in accordance with SNiP.

As for cafes, they can operate in the basement of a residential apartment building under the following conditions: opening hours up to 23 hours; there should be no musical accompaniment; accept no more than 50 visitors at the same time.

Possible problems when creating a business in the basement of an apartment building, recommendations for their solution.

A small barbershop in the basement of an apartment building.

Legal issues

An entrepreneur who is going to open a business in the basement must first determine its status. According to the current legislation of our country, basically all auxiliary premises of multi-apartment buildings belong to the community of owners. The collective property also includes the nearby territory and basement areas, which are intended to service a residential building.

In this case, a businessman, in order to start a business in such a place and use it for his needs, will need to obtain permission from most of the people living there. This significantly complicates the task, since someone will definitely be against this idea.

Here it will be necessary not only to apply all your charm, but also to provide reasoned evidence that the business will not provide any inconvenience or problems to residents in the future. It will be desirable to convince them that the activity created under their apartments will be very useful to them.

If an entrepreneur plans to acquire a basement as a property, then it should be noted that in the premises where important intra-house communications are located, the transfer of such objects to private ownership is prohibited by law. The solution to this problem may be the re-registration of some part of the basement, in which there are no important communications.

When acquiring or renting a basement, you should pay great attention to its condition (the photo shows an object that requires huge unprofitable investments).

In this case, it will be necessary to redevelop the basement, which is also a difficult task. In this case, a businessman will need a lot of strength and endurance, since such a process is very complicated and paperwork will take a lot of time and nerves.

In particular, an entrepreneur, in addition to the residents of the house, will have to apply to many structures and obtain permits from organizations such as: the chief architect of the city, design organization, housing office, notary office, BTI, surveyors, district administration, fire department, sanitary and epidemiological station.

There are also “independent” basements that are on the balance sheet of some organizations, so an entrepreneur who decides to open a business in such a room should know that only these institutions have the right to give him the go-ahead for this. In order to get information on who owns the basement, a businessman will need to contact the BTI, since it is there that they own such data.

Sauna for doing business in the basement of a private house.

Very important!
It is much easier to organize a business in the basement of a private house, since it is already in the possession of the owner of such housing, therefore, there will be much less paperwork.
The main thing is that when arranging such a room for any business, the safety instructions should be observed, and existing standards should be taken into account.

Organizational matters


System ventilation device for offices, cafes, hairdressers and other commercial facilities located in the basement.

In order for the entrepreneur not to run into problems and not ruin his own business with his own hands, you should adhere to the following tips at the initial stage of arranging the basement and in the process of doing business:

It is necessary to organize the installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems in the basement. If they are already there, then you should check their functioning.

It is also very important to organize isolation from noise and odors, which, as a rule, always occur during any work process. If these aspects are ignored, and they disturb the tenants, then a couple of collective complaints from them to the appropriate authorities will create many problems for the entrepreneur, up to the closure of the business. In this regard, spoiling relations with the residents of the house is highly discouraged.

Image of a basement with soundproofing material (zvukizol).

Since dampness is usually constantly present in the basement, the entrepreneur should definitely take care of organizing high-quality waterproofing in it. Otherwise, the fungus that appears will not only adversely affect the decoration of the room and furniture, but will also create an unbearable atmosphere for people to stay in it.

With great attention, you also need to approach the organization of good lighting, since almost no natural light penetrates into the basement. To save energy, which will need a lot, it is better in this case to use economical modern lamps.


Basement waterproofing scheme inside and out.

Having chosen the basement as a commercial premises, it is advisable for a businessman to organize the business in such a way that it is beneficial not only to him, but also to the residents of the house.
For example, having arranged the nearby territory, the entrepreneur will win over both grandmothers sitting on a bench and mothers walking in the yard with children.


Thus, it became clear that basements can be used to open almost many cost-effective activities, and they will help the entrepreneur to significantly reduce both the initial investment and further expenses. Watch the video in this article and you will learn how to use the basement for business more efficiently.