Feng Shui Buddha. Sculpture and religion

Porcelain figurines are objects of Chinese art from the 17th to 19th centuries. These are talismans endowed with a special meaning, in the images of creatures and deities, an ancient culture is conveyed, which is always revered and appreciated. Craftsmen know how to make high-quality, beautiful products from porcelain that are popular.

What are the figurines made of?

Chinese porcelain has been used to make figurines for many thousands of years, presumably since 206 AD. AD. This material is part of the traditional culture of the country. It includes:

  • White clay(kaolin), which is formed due to the destruction of various rocks;
  • feldspar, a rock-forming mineral from the silicate class:
  • quartz, a mineral of igneous and metamorphic rocks.

What do talismans symbolize?

Today, many different figures are produced. They mainly symbolize joy, happiness, success and traditional values. On Taobao you can find interesting items for every taste. But there are the most popular and legendary products that true connoisseurs come to buy.

Three star elders

The elders, each of which has a specific meaning, are an antique set of products. The original figurines were made in the mid-20th century and are sold only in specialized “shops”. Their cost is quite high and it is difficult to find authentic copies.

Today, the production of porcelain sages has been put on stream; each master depicts the figurines differently, but what the elders symbolize remains unchanged. The idea is based on ancient Chinese astrology, namely, the three stars of the constellation called Carina, also called the Southern Dipper. And the triad is called San-sin.

The red star Canopus, rising low from the horizon, is personified by an old man Show-shin. The image has a long white beard and an elongated head. In one hand there is a paper scroll and a pumpkin, in the other a peach. In ancient paintings it is customary to depict a deer next to the deity, but on porcelain figurines it may not be there.

The Elder of the South Pole brings longevity, prosperity and a happy old age. The owner of the figurine must achieve good health. This symbol helps to heal deadly diseases.

Legend says that the image of this deity was created in the Northern Song Dynasty by the emperor, who connects one event from his life with this. One day he saw an old man on the street who needed help and took him to his palace. As a result, the emperor lived for a long time without knowing sadness or illness. Temples were even built in honor of Shou-shin.

Fu-hsing notable for the bright red caftan worn by the sellers. He holds a baby in his arms. There is also a scroll in the composition.

The deity symbolizes wealth, prosperity and career success. In addition, the increase and health of offspring. If the owner of the deity figurine sincerely believes in the power of the talisman, then fate will turn out well.

There is a version that Fu-xing is a real person Yang Cheng from Daozhou (VI century), the mayor of a society of dwarfs. There was a problem in the city: every year the sovereign ordered people to be selected from the tribe in order to make jesters out of them. Yang Cheng, no longer willing to endure the separation of the families of his townspeople, managed to convince the sovereign that the outrages should stop.

Since then, the influential and courageous official, who was not afraid for his position and put human values ​​first, has been deified as a stellar spirit, helping in career matters. There are many more legends, but this is the most common.

Third Elder Lu-sin can be depicted in two forms: with a scroll and a scepter, or with a baby in his arms. The presence of a child or several children in a deity symbolizes the continuation of the family, worthy and caring heirs. An old man with a scroll helps its owner in gaining power.

The figurines can be purchased separately, but since ancient times, in folk culture, it has been customary to keep them together. The triad will attract happiness with increased power.

There is no need to install talismans in a specific place; you can “settle” them in any corner of the house. To ask for help, you only need to believe in the fantastic power of stellar spirits; you don’t need to utter special words.

Seven images of Buddha

In modern Feng Shui, the worship of the gods of happiness is actively practiced. The talisman of the sage Hotei can be seen in many homes. There are seven traditional Buddha statues, each of which has a specific meaning.

Laughing Buddha or god Hotei, is a pot-bellied man with a bald head. There is always a smile on your face and a bag in your hands. Figurines of any configuration have a common and main meaning: protect the house from negative (negative) energy.

  • Classic version with a burden in hands: coins attract wealth to the house, a pearl helps to gain wisdom, a staff protects against illness, and a pumpkin brings prosperity.
  • Surrounded by children. Symbolizes healthy and numerous offspring. Should be located in the living room.
  • Peach in hands The god of happiness brings excellent health to the residents of the house, longevity and the acquisition of endurance.
  • If Buddha holding a fan, the owner of the talisman can count on the help of the spirit in the successful completion of old affairs and the beginning of new ones.
  • God of happiness with an umbrella will protect you from accidents, blows of fate, and any tragic events that life brings.
  • If the deity is riding a dragon, this symbolizes good luck in financial matters.
  • Buddha sits on a hill with coins. This interpretation is the most popular in Feng Shui, because the meaning of the composition is to attract a lot of money.

In order for the magical figurine to help make your dreams come true, you need to rub the deity’s belly 300 times clockwise. At this time, you need to clearly formulate your desire.

Other Sages

In addition to the above, several more sages are traditionally issued, which also have a certain meaning.

Two gods of happiness Daikoku and Ebisu. They are made standing inseparably next to each other. Daikoku carries a bag of heavenly rice, a hammer and a rat. The rodent is not at all a bad symbol, but on the contrary, it is considered a friend of man; in this story, it accompanies the old man in order to gnaw at the bag and sprinkle rice, thus enriched with happiness, into everyone’s palm.

Ebisu is holding in his hand the Tai fish, known in Chinese mythology, which is a symbol of spirituality and promotes the self-development of thinkers.

The sages have an interesting meaning - union of two friendly sages represents the balance between abundance of money, power, fame, and spiritual purity.

Also deities are made and separately, in this case one symbolizes wealth, and the other mental well-being and happiness.

Hearthkeeper Zaoshen. The sage holds objects that together represent happiness in family life, protection and strengthening of the home. Has a tablet on which you can write down requests when you need the help of a deity.

There is a beautiful legend that explains how the old man makes the wishes of the owners of the talisman come true. Once a year, the sage goes to the very ruler of the Celestial Empire, to the sacred mountain Kun Lun. Namely, this happens on a significant date - December 24. At the reception, Zaoshen tells what useful things he has done for the family he protects, and hands over a sign with wishes. Thanks to this, dreams come true.

No less interesting character, the god of immortality Jurojin. The amulet promotes a long life full of happiness. In his hands is majestically placed a scroll on which is written “Heaven grants immortality.”

And, musical instrument, when playing on which, with the human appearance and body, the process that everyone dreams of is carried out - rejuvenation.

Sage Fukurokuju- patron of scientists, helps in solving mental problems, getting an education and any activities related to science. The old man is difficult to confuse with others; he has an elongated skull, symbolizing the presence of a non-standard, rich mind.

And in the forehead, large wrinkles are literally squeezed out, one glance at which is enough to immediately understand that this old man is distinguished by special wisdom. The staff completes the image.

Bishamonten, patron of warriors. Depicted in military uniform and with weapons. Promotes the acquisition of a combination of the following qualities: courage, fortitude and wisdom. It also helps to understand how to act fairly.

Deities - ladies

There are also female deities in Chinese mythology. They are presented in five images, each of which is endowed with deep meaning.

Goddesses - patroness of Chinese girls

Moon Fairy Ame no Uzume. Helps in finding true, eternal love, which makes a person happy and brings joy. It is also believed that it was thanks to her that performing arts and ritual dances were created. The goddess of love is depicted with a plump, kind face and long hair.

Mother of the West - Siwanmu, immortal queen of heaven. Symbolizes love and health. Protects against accidents on the water.

According to legend, in the Kunlun Mountains the goddess kept a garden planted with miracle trees, and peaches grew on them. The fruit, already known in Chinese mythology, could heal hopelessly ill people and make a person immortal. The trees bore fruit once every thousand years, the goddess collected the harvest and prepared medicine from it.

Goddess Benzaiten helps girls find love, get married successfully and live a happy, prosperous life. The lady is also a symbol of art; a musical instrument and a snake woven into her hairstyle are added to her image.

Guanyin- patroness of women in labor, pregnant women and people in distress. In addition, it is designed to help children. Her name translates as “hearing everything in the world.”

On the talismans, the goddess holds in her hands (always ready) a large thick book, a container (jug) with water, a powerful staff and a rope. It is generally accepted that symbols help save people from trouble in various situations.

According to legend, when urgent help is needed, a woman activates thousands of hands, and eyes appear on her open palms, thus helping everyone in need.

Amaterasu, chief among the gods of happiness. The goddess is a symbol of a real woman, who must combine the following qualities: unearthly beauty, great and deep wisdom, virgin purity and harmony. The owner of the statue receives help in striving for the ideal.

Fire Dragon

The most powerful cosmic energy “qi”, which gives life to all living things, comes from the breath of the dragon. It is considered the most majestic symbol in Feng Shui, as it is capable of transmitting the requests of worshipers from earth to heaven. In addition, it repels evil spirits and attracts success.

The energy emitted from the dragon helps the owner of the figurine to activate the potential of all important levels: body, awareness and soul.

If most talismans do not have clear requirements for their location in the home, then the dragon should be placed only in accordance with the recommendations, otherwise its power will not act in the right direction and incorrect energy flows will appear that destroy the energy of the house.

Feng Shui says that the animal should be located in the living room or in the corridor, and always on a stand, facing East. In the first case, the talisman will help family members improve their health and achieve well-being. Standing on the left side of the front door in the corridor will protect the home from negative energy entering the house.

No other place in the apartment is suitable. This is explained by the fact that the presence of a dragon creates strong energy. For the same reason, it is not recommended to keep several of these figurines in the house at once. If you place the creature in the bedroom, the raging celestial energy will disturb your sleep.

When choosing a figurine, you need to pay attention to the number of fingers the dragon has. A five-fingered animal (imperial) cannot be placed in the house, it sends too powerful energy and is only suitable for the workplace.

Only the most popular porcelain figurines are listed here; there are many more images that are usually personified in the form of figurines.

Buddha has two meanings in Buddhism. In the first case, this word means Buddha Shakyamuni. In the second case, this is the name for the spiritual perfection that other beings who have achieved bodhi may possess. Buddhist doctrine says that upon achieving the dharma, anyone becomes a Buddha and thus turns into a “mediator between people and higher powers.”

Buddha is a teacher who helps sentient beings come out of samsara. It is considered a great talisman for followers of Buddhism, which everyone definitely wants to have in their home, office or meditation room. Buddha symbolizes prosperity and wealth. As soon as this buddha figurine appears in the house, then with it comes joy, luck, happiness, fun, and also abundance. That's why many people buy buddha figurines and decorate the space around them with them.

Variety of figurines

Buddha figurines do different sizes and designs. They are made from various materials: wood, porcelain, bronze, copper alloy, ceramics, ivory. Often craftsmen make gold or silver plating. There are figurines that are entirely made of precious metal.

The variety is impressive too. poses and gestures - you need to understand very well what does it mean one figure or another. For example, figurines with a staff in hand symbolize health and well-being. If you need a symbol of financial wealth, then it is best to choose a Buddha with coins. A figurine with a pearl carries the energy of wisdom.

Need to understand meaning figurines before you buy them. In accordance with the Feng Shui tradition, it is not enough to simply place a figurine on a shelf or in a closet - its location must correspond to the sectors of the room. Then the energy of the figurine will begin to be released and have a positive effect.

If you place action figure so that it faces east, then the energy of well-being will be attracted to the house; if at the entrance to the house, relations with neighbors will improve. Figurines, which are located in the southern part of the housing attract money. The only place where it is not recommended to place Buddha figurines (in any pose, with anyone gesture and decoration) are the bathroom and kitchen.

In any case, a figurine placed in an apartment will cleanse the house of harmful negative energy and fill it with favorable qi. Just don’t show disrespect for the deity by placing it in the bedroom, bathroom and kitchen.

The meaning of Buddha figurines

Before you make a purchase, you need to decide what you need it for. Buddha and what is the meaning has the selected figurine. pay attention to gestures And poses, because it is from them that one can understand What it symbolizes. For example, Buddha surrounded by children will protect a large family from troubles and will contribute to its replenishment. Head great Buddha attracts wisdom and activates thought processes. Buddha with umbrella means that your home will be protected from all the troubles and shocks of life. Thanks to this figurine your social position may improve significantly. Buddha in relaxed pose with a smile surrounded by coins attracts financial luck. Among gestures the most popular is Abhaya mudra, when the hand is turned with the palm outward, and thumb lags behind the rest.

In Feng Shui stores you can find many different figurines that can decorate your interior and bring good luck, success, love, and wealth. Today we will tell you the meaning of popular Feng Shui figurines and how to use them correctly.

The meaning of feng shui figurines

Star elders (Lu-hsin, Fu-hsin and Shou-hsin ) endow their owner with happiness, luck, wealth, health and longevity. They bring the energy of good luck and prosperity to the house, giving a long and prosperous life.

Laughing Buddha (Hottei) . One of the key and significant symbols for the teachings of Feng Shui is the figurine of a laughing Buddha. The second name of the Hottei symbol. To find out the symbolism of the figurine you are holding in your hands, look at what the Buddha is holding in his hands. If coins, this figurine will bring wealth, a staff - a symbol of health, a pumpkin - prosperity, a pearl - a symbol of wisdom, which attract abundance and prosperity to the house.

Stork image symbolizes renewal (the arrival of spring), changes in life, promotes favorable changes in life. He is the keeper of family traditions and customs and attracts happiness to the house.

Dog in Chinese ideology - an example of devotion and love. But its main task is to stand guard and protect the peace. "Foo" dogs have small horns on lion-like heads and an exotic deer-like body covered in scales. These are the protectors of your home and family.

Cat in feng shuiattract good luck, symbolize strength and energy, for women sexual energy and attractiveness. The wondrous animal is a “lunar” symbol, meaning connection with mysterious forces, intuition and clairvoyance.

Horseinfluences a person's career growth. It is best to purchase a figurine of a horse that will be depicted in motion, for example, running forward or stretching upward. This talisman will promote your endurance and good reputation.

Phoenixwill bring happiness to the house. It is a must-buy for married couples who have long wanted children, but for some reason are unable to have children. The most successful image of this figurine would be a bird with its wings spread, ready to fly. This talisman can be combined with other talismans such as turtle, tiger or dragon.

Ducks are mandarin ducks. This talisman is worth buying for a girl who really wants to get married. Ducks will definitely contribute to this. Ducks must be purchased in pairs and they will bring sincere love, unanimity and understanding to your home.

Elephantsattract wealth and good luck to the house. If you buy a figurine of an elephant with its trunk pointing upward and place it on the window with its trunk facing the window, then this talisman will attract financial well-being and happiness from the street into the house.

a lionshould be placed at the entrance, as it protects your hearth from the evil eye and negative energy. If you know that you have some negative place in your house, then you can place a lion figurine there, thereby clearing the negative place. In addition, Leo activates the functions of a protector, allowing the owner of the house to become stronger, recharge with the energy of fearlessness and greatness.

Turtlewill help you avoid diseases and improve your physical condition. The turtle is a symbol of longevity. It is good to purchase for families where elderly people and newborns live at the same time. The turtle can be placed in the northern part of the house in the living room or hall. It is not advisable to place a turtle in the bedroom, as it can ruin the romantic atmosphere in the room.

Three-legged toad- an ancient Chinese talisman used by Feng Shui masters to attract wealth, financial well-being, good luck in business and career to the home. Most often found in the form of a figurine of a toad sitting on a pile of coins, with a coin in its mouth.

The Dragon- the animal is usually depicted with an open mouth, holding a pearl in one of its front paws (but sometimes the paws can be empty). This figurine is considered a universal talisman: it attracts good luck, prosperity, well-being, protects from troubles, and helps to achieve career success.

Fishsymbolize high ambitions, success and wealth. But fish are different - big and small, peaceful and aggressive. You need to choose a figurine that will suit your pace of life, business and household management. Most commonly seen, carp are known for their courage and ability to always swim against the tide, and are therefore a symbol of achievement, perseverance, and career success.

Snakewill endow the residents of the house with intuition, cunning and spiritual strength; It will allow the fair half to preserve beauty and youth, and the stronger sex will strengthen masculine strength.

How to use feng shui figurines correctly

If you really want to get practical benefits from Feng Shui, figurines should become not just an ordinary piece of furniture, but one of its most important components, a conductor of your thoughts and feelings into the divine world. Therefore, there must be a special approach to them.

1. The figurine works effectively only when it is located in the area intended for it . For example, the wealth zone is in the southeast, family is in the east, love is in the southwest, and so on, see the picture. Try to place the figures exactly there. And if the layout of your apartment does not comply with the principles of Feng Shui, place the figurines in those areas that you have in reality - figurines of love in the bedroom, figurines of wealth - in the study, on the safe, protective figurines - in the hallway or on the window. If this is difficult, let the living room be the place for the figurine, where it will always be in sight.

2. The figurine should always be clean and in a visible place. It is very important . If you bought a figurine and then abandoned it, it stands somewhere in the dust in the far corner, there will be no effect. Moreover, Feng Shui experts believe that such a figurine may “take offense” at you and, on the contrary, will hinder you from achieving your goal. Therefore, do not consider this child’s play; take the choice of a figurine seriously.

3. Don’t turn your house into a Feng Shui shop by filling it from floor to ceiling with different accessories. . In this way, you will fill your home with different energies, often opposite in spirit, and, as you know, you shouldn’t chase two birds with one stone. Decide what you need at the moment, and buy just such a figurine or several, but working in the same direction. Then there will be no conflict of elements.

4. A Feng Shui figurine is only a conductor of your ideas into the divine world, it enhances your energy, but the figurine by itself cannot solve your problem . If you need a man, and you sit at home all the time, it is unlikely that anyone will appear for you. It’s the same in business - if you are not looking for a good job or are not developing a business, a profitable order or offer will not come by itself, you have to look. Feng Shui will help those who are looking, but those who wait for the weather by the sea will not.

The Buddha figurine (its second name is Hotei) is one of the key symbols of the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui. It represents a plump, smiling man sitting on a stand. The figurine of a laughing god is a very powerful talisman that fills the home with positive and pure Qi energy.

There may be some things in his hands, each of which has its own meaning. For example, coins symbolize wealth, a pumpkin promises prosperity, a staff or peach will give good health, and a pearl will attract abundance to the house. God, surrounded by children, gives healthy offspring. Well, if Hotei has a fan in his hands, then the amulet will help sweep away any obstacles from your path.

If you want to enhance the effect of the talisman, you can regularly stroke the figurine on the stomach. This will make the effect of the figurine in the house more noticeable.

How to properly place a Buddha figurine in the house?

It is best to place the figurine in the living room so that the Buddha's gaze is directed to the east. This will help the owners of the house gain wealth and climb up the social ladder. Also, the figurine can be placed near the front door, which will bring honor and respect to neighbors and surrounding people. A Buddha placed in the southern premises of the house will contribute to the accumulation of wealth.

Correct placement of Feng Shui figures is the key to concentrating positive energy in the house. We present to customers from Moscow and other cities a large collection of Feng Shui symbols and amulets.

Gestures of Buddha, or how to use mudras in the house.

1. Mudra Abhaya - fearlessness

Let's start with one of the most popular hand gestures of the Buddha, called Abhaya Mudra. It bestows the energy of fearlessness. This is a very popular gesture that is found in many objects. home decor depicting Buddha, be it sculptures, drawings or even candlesticks.

Buddha is fearless and protective.

So, what is Abhaya Mudra? "Abhaya" is translated from Sanskrit as "fearlessness." This gesture is performed with the open palm of the right hand extended outward at chest level or slightly above. Looking at this hand gesture of the Buddha, one can feel the energy of protection, peace and a strong sense of inner security. This great addition for Feng Shui of any home.

The best place, according to Feng Shui, for Abhaya mudra is the hallway or living room.

2. Mudra Dhyana - meditation

Dhyana or samadhi mudra is a hand gesture that promotes the energy of meditation, deep contemplation and oneness with the higher energy.

Connecting with the energy of the cosmos.

The circulation of energy created by the triangle of touching thumbs of both hands also helps to cleanse any “impurities” of extraneous energy at the etheric level. Just by looking at this hand gesture of the Buddha, one can connect with the energy of deep peace and serenity.

The best place, according to Feng Shui, for Dhyana mudra is a meditation room, an altar, the center of the house or a study.

3. Mudra Namaskara - greeting and worship

Namaskara or Anjali Mudra is a hand gesture that signifies greeting another person with utmost respect and worship to the divine in all things. As is easy to see, the greeting is expressed in the form of a gesture of prayer coming from the heart or third eye.

Only with the heart can one comprehend this world.

Namaskara mudra can be depicted with palms at the level of the heart or forehead, since only with the heart or deep spiritual insight (third eye) can a person comprehend that everyone around is a manifestation of the same light.

It is interesting to note that the Buddha no longer made this hand gesture after achieving enlightenment. The reason for this is quite simple - when he became one with the light and divine energy, he no longer needed to express adoration, because expressing worship of something means that one is beyond what he worships.

The best place in the house for Namaskar mudra is the front door, dining room, living room or home office.

4. Mudra Bhumisparsha - calling the Earth to witness

Bhumisparsha Mudra is translated as “Touching the Earth” or “Calling the Earth to Witness the Truth.” This gesture is always depicted right hand, and the left hand lies on the knees with the palm facing outward (Varada mudra).

Bearing witness to the truth.

Bhumisparsha mudra is considered the gesture of the Buddha at the moment when he achieved enlightenment. It symbolizes unshakable strength and truth, as well as the liberation of the Buddha, which helped him overcome the darkness (Mara) that threatened the Buddha before he reached the light.

The best place for Bhumisparsha mudra is the center of the house, the front door or the altar.

5. Mudra Varada - compassion, sincerity and fulfillment of desires

Varada Mudra expresses the energy of compassion, liberation and benefit. This mudra is done with the left hand and is most often seen in combination with other mudras such as Bhumisparsha or Abhaya.

Compassion, sincerity and fulfillment of desires.

This mudra is also called the blessing mudra because it helps impart certain qualities to the energy that are unique to an enlightened being. Often a sacred image, such as a mandala or an eye, can be seen on the palm of the Buddha. This expresses the powerful energy emanating from the enlightened being through his hands.

The best place, according to Feng Shui, for the Buddha showing Varada Mudra is the northwest corner of the house or office.

6. Mudra Karana - expelling negativity

Karana Mudra expresses a very powerful energy through which negative energy is expelled. This gesture is also called "driving out evil." Just by looking at this gesture, you can sense a very determined, focused energy.

Buddha banishing evil

If one has an image of Buddha showing Karana Mudra, one must be very careful about where it is placed, whether at home or office. It is impossible for Kanana Mudra to “look” at front door (there should be energy of greeting near it). Likewise, you should not place this image in your bedroom or children's room.

The best place for Buddha to show Karana mudra is any place in the home that needs a lot of negativity clearing, or a problem area of ​​the home (such as windows facing a low energy alley).

7. Vazhrapradam mudra - self-confidence

Vajrapradama Mudra is usually translated as “Mudra of Unshakable Self-Confidence,” but this hand gesture means much more. Or at least not what is commonly understood as self-confidence. Perhaps the first words that come to mind when a person looks at this gesture of the Buddha are: “I come in peace, because I am the world.”

I come in peace because I am the world.

He emits a whole blazing river of the most beautiful golden energy - soft, kind, shining, healing and eternal. It would be more correct to call this a gesture of trust in the “I” - the true “I”, which is one with the Divine energy.

The best place, according to Feng Shui, for Vajrapradama mudra is the center of the house, the living room or the front door.

8. Mudra Vitarka - transmission of teachings

Vitarka mudra is interpreted as a hand gesture that evokes the energy of learning and intellectual discussion or argumentation. Basically it can be expressed as conveying a certain teaching without words, and the circle formed by the thumb and forefinger creates a constant flow of energy/information.

To become wiser.

As with Abhaya Mudra, the energy created by this hand gesture allows knowledge to be transmitted in a protected way, so that no fears interfere with it.

The best place for this mudra is a home office or library.

9 Mudra Dharmachakra - wheel of Dharma (cosmic order)

The Dharmachakra mudra expresses the continuous energy (symbolized by the wheel/chakra) of the cosmic order. The hands are placed at the level of the heart, with the thumbs and index fingers forming circles (similar to the Vitarka mudra). The right palm faces outward and the left palm faces the heart.

Peace passing through the heart.

This mudra is associated with the first sermon or teaching of the Buddha. It is often described as representing the teaching of cosmic order emanating through the heart.

In the apartment best place for Dharmachakra mudra there will be a home office or living room.

10. Uttarabodhi Mudra - highest enlightenment

Uttarabodhi is called the mudra of supreme enlightenment. It is formed by both hands located in the area of ​​the heart. The index fingers touch each other and point upward, the remaining eight fingers intertwine.

Internal unity.

Such a gesture of the hands clearly evokes a feeling of unshakable unity within oneself. If you try to perform the Uttarabodhi mudra for a couple of minutes, you can feel a subtle energetic shift in the body.

Uttarabodhi Mudra would be best placed in the north or south of your home or office. You can also try placing it in a prominent, high-energy place in your living room.