Automatic opening of greenhouses. Automatic device for opening greenhouse windows with your own hands

To protect plants from sudden temperature changes, site owners install automatic window openings in the greenhouse with their own hands. The need for this is explained by the fact that plants do not cope well with both high and low temperatures. In modern realities, it is impossible to constantly monitor climate conditions independently. An automatic opener solves this problem.

The built-in thermal drive will automatically regulate the mode, opening or closing the transoms for ventilation.

An automatic device for opening a greenhouse window is a simple device. A correctly and competently installed system helps to increase productivity.

An automatic window for a greenhouse can be of the following types:

  • electrical;
  • mechanical.

The electrical system responds well to temperature fluctuations inside the greenhouse. There are options where the device operates in timer mode. There are known models of regulators that are programmed and controlled via the Internet. Electric automatic machines control the end and side windows. Such devices are technologically advanced, compact and effective. They have great power.

Electronic devices should be located in close proximity to electrical sources. If the automatic greenhouse window opener suddenly stops working, the plants may die. Therefore, experienced gardeners prefer to acquire an additional power unit.

Mechanical windows are divided into horizontal and vertical types. These bimetallic systems are based on the principle of expansion of metals at different temperatures. These systems do not require electricity and there are no foreign odors. All this helps to create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere inside the greenhouse.

However, such devices are not easy to set up, because such mechanisms have great inertia and are not cheap. The latest modifications of mechanical automatic window openers for greenhouses operate on pneumatics. Thermal energy is taken into account here.

How is automatic ventilation organized?

Thanks to automatic ventilation systems, you can create ideal conditions for plants. If the country greenhouse has significant dimensions, then ventilation is carried out using a pair of vents, which are located one above the other. When the greenhouse has an elongated shape (as, for example, in the “2DUM” greenhouses), then the end windows of the greenhouse, located at different heights, are opened using automatic machines. The interior of the greenhouse is blown through.

Other special devices are also used in which automatic vents are placed in the walls of greenhouses. High-precision ventilation systems are equipped with sensors that measure the temperature and humidity of air masses.

Assembling a simple hydraulic machine

Devices that open greenhouse windows automatically can be created on your own. Homemade versions work according to the following principle:

  1. The sun's rays heat a sealed metal container filled with air and liquid.
  2. Under the influence of internal pressure, the greenhouse window opener pushes it out, and the liquid ends up in a liter jar.
  3. Once filled, the glass container becomes heavy and begins to close the window.
  4. As soon as the temperature inside the greenhouse drops, the process will go in the opposite direction.

To make a device for opening windows, you will need minimal costs. This could be a hydraulic system that uses regular plastic bottles. There are a lot of them in any home. The service life of this design is at least 3 years.

To assemble such a mechanism, you need to stock up on the following parts:

  1. A large five-liter plastic bottle.
  2. Black plastic film will come in handy. It is advisable to wrap the vessel with this cloth so that the system functions more efficiently. Once covered, it will quickly warm up to 80°C.
  3. A small plastic bottle of 1.5 liters.
  4. A set of rubber stoppers that can seal the vessels hermetically.
  5. The containers are connected to each other using tubes from medical droppers. Their ends are inserted into the plugs. A similar automatic window for a greenhouse works successfully if the connections are airtight. It is advisable to use hot glue.

The window itself can be installed vertically on the side surface of the wall. In some versions, self-opening transoms are cut horizontally into the polycarbonate greenhouse roof. The smaller bottle is fixed on the upper, lighter part of the window. As the pusher acts on the working fluid, the window will begin to swing open.

Bottles are hung in such a way that their necks are located at the bottom. To ensure the necessary ventilation, the device is adjusted to the temperature at which the device operates properly. You should also clearly determine the height to which you will have to raise a large container. The higher it is located above the ground, the faster the automation will work, starting the process of ventilating the greenhouse. Such hydraulic mechanisms regularly control the vents, the weight of which ranges from 4-5 kg.

Automatic ventilation for a greenhouse (video)

Setup process

An automatic window opener for greenhouses is assembled as follows:

  1. Take a pre-prepared container (empty and sealed).
  2. A tube is inserted into it, through which the internal volume of the base container is filled by 40%. The working fluid can be water, antifreeze or used machine oil. At the end of the procedure, the container is tightly closed and firmly attached to the top crossbar of the greenhouse.
  3. Next, a hole is made in the lid of the liter jar into which the tube is tightly inserted.
  4. After filling the working fluid, both containers are connected to each other with a flexible hose.

An automatic window opener for a greenhouse is installed when the outside temperature remains normal and the greenhouse flap remains closed. Finding the right balance requires trial and error. If the window is heavy, the structure is reinforced with the weight of the jar. With the correct balance, the device copes well with rather bulky windows. The latter will swing open under their own weight. For this purpose, it is enough to weight the lower fragment of the frame.

Complexes that provide automatic opening of greenhouse windows are relatively simple devices. They are used by many gardeners who equip their garden plots with greenhouses and hotbeds. And although, for example, oil thermal drives operate more slowly than their electronic counterparts, they are more reliable in operation. The use of automobile gas shock absorbers or cylinders from under office chairs will bring good results.

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Automatic window opener for greenhouses ensures favorable growth for greenhouses

Why do you need an automatic window for a greenhouse?
In order for growing plants in a greenhouse or greenhouse to be as successful as possible, it is necessary to provide them with the most optimal climatic conditions indoors. And here you can’t do without additional equipment, since you will need to equip an automatic ventilation system.

To do this, it is necessary to install: automatic vents for the greenhouse, working in conjunction with other devices included in the forced ventilation system (thermal sensors, fans, and so on).
All greenhouses with automatic ventilation are divided into three main categories:

  • Autonomous systems.
  • Automated systems.
  • Non-volatile.

Let's take a closer look:

  • The first option is the simplest and cheapest. To implement it, it is necessary that automatic vents for greenhouses be installed.
  • The second option is more complex and requires the interaction of all components of the ventilation systems. But to install a non-volatile ventilation system, it is necessary to install a backup power source.

Note. Each of these systems has its pros and cons; if the main advantages of the first are its ease of manufacture and low price, then it should be taken into account that it is suitable mainly for small summer cottages and individual households.

  • An automatic greenhouse window opening machine can be installed both on small structures and on entire greenhouse complexes.

This is due to its ease of use and high technology, but it has a very significant drawback - a failure in the power supply can cause irreparable harm to the plant or even their complete death.

Advice. Therefore, for large greenhouse farms, the arrangement of energy-independent ventilation systems can be considered a priority.

Vents for automatic opening of greenhouses

Regardless of which ventilation system is chosen, they all have one common characteristic detail. These are windows for automatic greenhouses. They can have different fundamental designs and devices.
Automatic window openers for greenhouses are of the following types:

  • Bimetallic
  • Pneumatic
  • Hydraulic
  • Electrical

Note. In addition, the automatic opening of vents in a greenhouse can be carried out according to various preset parameters, for example, at a precisely set time, according to certain temperature indicators.

Do-it-yourself automatic window openers for greenhouses

How to equip a machine for ventilation with your own hands

For a long time now, many gardeners have successfully used automatic greenhouse window openers, made by themselves, which work when exposed to natural energy.
Their main advantages are:

  • Low price, which is several times lower compared to factory models, especially since the latter are dangerous to leave unattended.
  • Simplicity of design.
  • Reliability.
  • Possibility of using inexpensive improvised means.
  • Does not require special skills or special tools.
  • Versatility.

Note. One of the most common and reliable is an automatic device for opening a greenhouse window, the operating principle of which is based on the application of the force of movement of an expanding liquid (as the temperature rises).

The disadvantages of this type of system include:

  • Cannot be used with side windows.
  • Closing delay (about 20-30 minutes), which can sometimes be critical.
  • Requires periodic maintenance.
  • Low power.

Note. In second place in terms of distribution are automatic greenhouse window openers with pneumatic drive. They can also be either factory-made (industrial) or made on your own using improvised means.

Types of construction

The simplest option can be considered the automatic opening of a window in a greenhouse, the operating principle of which is based on the effect of the difference in expansion (linear) of various materials. The undoubted advantages of this mechanism include its simplicity, the ability to regulate power, low cost, and the ability to close and open the side windows.
Automation is much simplified:

  • In fact, creating automatic opening of windows in a greenhouse is absolutely not difficult and absolutely anyone can cope with this task.
  • In addition, maintenance will be very easy. They are ways to serve a wide variety of scales.

Advice. In any case, it should be noted that they can be created practically from improvised means, although you will still have to buy certain goods.

Electrical accessories:

  • The main advantage of this method can be considered ease of installation, as well as relatively low cost.
  • They are equipped with special relays that instantly respond to the overall temperature inside and in products with the new model it is possible to set the standard temperature range and will also allow you to regulate the switching on and off of the system.
  • But the fans themselves are currently able to independently regulate the strength and direction of air flow.

Note. The most important and obvious disadvantage of this type of machine in order to ventilate using a special device is the need to purchase equipment in order to ensure an uninterrupted electrical supply.

A stop in the supply of electrical energy can completely destroy growing crops in just a couple of hours. But the main disadvantage is power consumption.
Bimetallic method:

  • This machine is designed for automatic ventilation of greenhouses of various sizes and sizes. His work is based on the use of such properties of metal as its expansion and contraction under the influence of temperature fluctuations.
  • To implement this in practice, you just need to take two metals with different expansion coefficients.

Plates made of metals that expand much faster simply push the window out when heated. And when cooling, on the contrary, they close it.


Devices of this format are a standard cylinder, which is filled with a special liquid (paraffin mixed with oil). A special rod is fixed at one of its ends.

  • The main principle of operation is based on the full thermal expansion of any oil. If the temperature inside the greenhouse itself rises, the common oil, heating up, displaces the rod itself, which opens the window or door.
    The higher the temperature inside the room, the larger and wider the door opens.
  • When the air temperature drops significantly in the evening or during the day or during rain, the oil inside the cylinder begins to compress and the window, accordingly, closes (thanks to the return spring).
  • Before purchasing, you should first consult with qualified specialists who have extensive experience in carrying out such work. They will help you choose the most suitable and convenient option for each specific case.

Advice. In any case, it should be noted that at the moment there are a large number of factors that influence the choice of the type of automatic window opener in a greenhouse.

  • If you make the right choice, then the purchase can pay for itself in the shortest possible time. At the same time, it is important to note that today, every person can afford to choose the most optimal type of automatic opening of vents in greenhouses, depending on their capabilities, preferences and features of the entire structure.
  • If you decide to purchase a special automatic machine, then it is advisable to pay attention first of all to such an indicator as the maximum weight of the window and window that it can open. In most cases, the indicator has a limit of 5-7 kg. and it is quite enough for manipulating lapel windows.
  • It is worth paying attention to the total weight of the device in order to first determine the place where exactly it will be fixed. In this case, it is necessary to take into account what maximum weight this section of the greenhouse frame can support.

Various devices can initially be designed for certain operating temperature conditions. We recommend watching a video on how to set up automatic window opening.

Any gardener knows that the temperature regime in a greenhouse is critical to the successful cultivation of any crop. The most common way to solve the problem of ventilating a greenhouse is to install a thermometer in it and periodically check the temperature, if the temperature rises too much, the owner himself can open and close the windows, vents, and doors of the greenhouse. However, today the problem of ventilation can be solved with the help of a special automatic device, different options of which can be selected in hardware stores or supermarkets.

The average temperature in the greenhouse should be from +16 to 25 degrees, and at night should drop by no more than 5-8 degrees.

Which automatic greenhouse window opener should I choose?

Modern mechanisms for automatic ventilation of greenhouses can be divided into two categories:

  • electrical;
  • hydraulic.

An electric automatic window is, of course, a chic device that will most accurately regulate the temperature in your greenhouse. However, here it is worth thinking about two important factors: firstly, will an amateur gardener be satisfied with such a device for the price, and secondly, can he afford to electrify his small greenhouse? Therefore, today the hydraulic system for opening windows is much more popular. Let's consider what characteristics should be used to choose a hydraulic automatic machine that provides temperature-controlled opening of vents in greenhouses.

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Factors influencing the selection of hydraulic openers

Each automatic hydraulic system for opening a vent or window in a greenhouse has its own specifics, based on which the appropriate choice is made. We list the main factors that determine which system is chosen for a particular greenhouse:

  1. First of all, you should focus on how much financial resources the owner of the greenhouse is willing to spend on such equipment. The price for efficient and reliable hydraulic devices starts from 1,500 rubles. Having learned about this, many owners of small greenhouses prefer to ventilate them manually.
  2. If you decide to purchase a machine, be sure to pay attention to the weight of vents or windows it can open. Typically, this indicator is limited to 5-7 kg, which is quite enough for manipulating the greenhouse window.
  3. Pay attention to the weight of the device itself. Having previously calculated where it will be attached, you need to think about how much weight this section of the greenhouse frame will support.
  4. Different devices assume different triggering temperatures. It is most convenient if adjustment of this indicator is provided. Before purchasing, it is important to read this information in the instructions for the opener.
  5. Before you go shopping, be sure to measure the opening angle of the vent, door or window required in your case. This indicator is also one of the decisive ones and must be indicated in the characteristics of the hydraulic device.
  6. Assess the standard wind conditions in the area where your greenhouse is located. If gusty multidirectional winds blow quite often, then it would be advisable to purchase an automatic machine with an anti-hurricane stall system.

Thus, having thought through all the above characteristics that a system that automatically opens the windows to ventilate your greenhouse should have, you can go shopping. What options can be presented to you in any hardware store?

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Offers existing on the market

When choosing an automatic thermal drive, pay attention to the weight that this mechanism is designed to lift.

Trusting domestic manufacturers and wanting to save money, you can purchase such popular ones among domestic greenhouse owners as:

  • automatic machine "Dusya-Sun";
  • ventilator (hydraulic cylinder) “UFOPAR”;
  • automatic system for ventilation of the greenhouse “Tuymazy”;
  • automatic thermal drive for opening doors in a greenhouse.

All these devices are quite reliable, easy to install, and their manufacturers guarantee a fairly long service life. The price range of these devices is from 1500 to 2000 rubles.

If you are ready to fork out for a device whose cost will exceed 2,000 rubles (sometimes several times), then you can pay attention to imported machines, among which the Danish openers “Gigavent” and “Megavent” and the English machines “Autovent XL” have proven themselves the best ", "Autovent MK 7" and "Super Autovent MK 7". If you have a really serious greenhouse business, then you can think about purchasing expensive foreign devices.

Then all the plantings will simply die. Some people try to open the greenhouse early so that it does not have time to get too hot from the inside. Then they close it early to keep the warm air inside the greenhouse longer. Automatic from the need to constantly monitor the temperature inside the greenhouse.

The system of automatic opening of greenhouse doors serves for timely ventilation. It is not always possible to open and close a greenhouse in time, so devices for automatically opening doors or vents are very popular. These devices are based on the principle of heating the contents of a container under the influence of the environment. In other words, if the greenhouse is very hot, the container placed inside will heat up. The temperature of the liquid inside the device increases. Due to the expansion of the liquid volume from heating, the opening mechanism is set in motion.

This is how ventilation is carried out. When the temperature in the greenhouse drops, the reverse process occurs. Ventilation of the greenhouse occurs at the moment when it is really needed.

The automatic greenhouse door opening system can be installed both on greenhouse doors and on vents. The massiveness of the structure depends on the weight of the door (window). If the greenhouse is large, then there may be several such devices.

There are several models of automatic opening devices on the market.

  1. Dusya-San.
    • cost – 1530 rubles;
    • manufacturer – Belarus;
    • warranty - 1 year;
    • lifting power – up to 7 kg;
    • filler – oil.
    Provides automatic opening of vents in the greenhouse, can be installed only in one plane, since the fastenings are not equipped. The mechanism is not resistant to strong winds. Not suitable for installation on greenhouse doors due to lifting power limitations.
  2. Thermal drive.
    • cost – 1500 rubles;
    • manufacturer – Denmark;
    • warranty – 10 years;
    • lifting power – up to 20 kg;
    • filler – fusible wax.
    Very easy to install and remove. Suitable for installation on greenhouse doors. Mounted in any plane due to rotating fasteners. You cannot try to close the door manually with such a device, it will simply break. Before closing the door, you need to remove the latch; to do this, the locking spring on the latch is raised slightly.
  3. Ufopar.
    • manufacturer – Russia;
    • lifting power – up to 100 kg.
    • filler – oil.
    The device is a hydraulic cylinder filled with oil. The device is quite heavy, difficult to install, and responds slowly to increases and decreases in temperature in the greenhouse due to its large volume. The oil does not immediately warm up and cool down. The advantage is a large load capacity, thanks to which massive doors are held.
There are also electronic devices that allow you to control the temperature in the greenhouse. These devices are expensive, so most summer residents use hydraulic devices based on physical properties.

How to make such a door yourself

The operating principle of all hydraulic devices is the same, and the design is simple. To save money, you can create a device for opening the door in the greenhouse yourself. To make automatic opening of greenhouse doors, you will need materials that can be found at every dacha.

  • 2 containers (of different sizes);
  • a stopper for sealing the container (can be made from a piece of foam or rubber);
  • a tube for draining liquid (plastic or metal, suitable for a dropper);
  • hose.

The manufacturing process of a device for opening doors in a greenhouse:

  1. To begin, we tightly fasten one of the ends of the tube to the container. Use sealant.
  2. Fill the container 40% with liquid: water, antifreeze, machine oil. Oil or antifreeze is preferable, since they do not evaporate like water, and you do not have to constantly add liquid.
  3. We securely secure the closed container in the greenhouse.
  4. We take a second container with a smaller size. We insert a plug into it. We insert a hose into the plug through the hole. The connection must be tight.
  5. Liquid is also added to this container, the level of which should be 1 cm above the cut of the tube.
  6. Both containers are connected with a tube.
  7. The tube connecting the containers must hang freely in any position of the door. Plants should not touch it either for the system to work.

How the device works

  • When displaces liquid under pressure. When heated, it flows into another container (which has a smaller volume);
  • the overflowing liquid increases the weight of the second container;
  • We connect the container to the window/door using a cord. The container sinking under the weight will open the window/door.
  • When the temperature inside the greenhouse decreases, the reverse process will begin.

Adjusting the automatic opening mechanism

Self-opening doors must be adjusted. This means adjustment depending on the weight of the door.

The heavier the door, the more liquid is poured into the container!

If it is very heavy, adjustment cannot be made by endlessly increasing the volume of liquid in the container. To do this, you can make the lower beam on the door heavier and control the weight by shifting the center of rotation.

Adjustment work must be carried out in warm weather!

Automatic window opening

The door to the greenhouse can be in the form of a window, horizontal. Automatic opening of greenhouse doors is carried out using a hydraulic device, regardless of the design. To ensure that the door closes tightly, a counterweight is used on the outside. Closing occurs under the weight of a counterweight.

The opening of the windows in the greenhouse must be limited with a rope, otherwise if the window is opened to the limit, it will turn over.

A homemade automatic opening system can work for years until the components wear out.

It is possible to grow a large harvest of vegetables with high marketability and taste characteristics in a greenhouse only if the climate inside the greenhouse is controlled. Otherwise, plants in closed beds will suffer from overheating. The simplest and most effective way to regulate the temperature and humidity level in a greenhouse is to install an automatic window. What advantages and features does the machine have, how to make an automatic opener from improvised means - read below.

An automatic window is the simplest and most affordable method of regulation made of glass and polycarbonate. The main task of the window is heat exchange: the air temperature in the greenhouse on hot days can reach 40 °C. Overheating, in this case, can destroy the seedlings.

An automatic window protects plants from overheating and regulates humidity in the greenhouse through heat exchange.

Greenhouse doors in large and long greenhouses often do not cope well with high-quality aeration: only that part of the greenhouse that is located closer to the door is ventilated, while the seedlings in the middle or end of the greenhouse suffer from overheating. In addition, using doors for ventilation causes a sharp temperature difference, which can negatively affect plants.

Automatic opening of the greenhouse: operating principle

Modern production of components for automated greenhouses offers gardeners many options, varying in size, appearance, efficiency and cost.

Today, automation for greenhouses according to the principle of operation differs in:

  1. Hydraulic installations. Such openers work on the principle of increasing pressure in containers with liquids when exposed to high temperatures. Hydraulic systems are the safest. Their disadvantages include a delay in closing the transoms, which can negatively affect the condition of the plants.
  2. Electrical. Such systems are the most accurate, easy to install and do not take up much space. The downside of the devices is the need for a permanent connection to the power grid. If the greenhouse is fully electrified, to eliminate the possibility of the devices stopping, you can purchase an electric generator.
  1. Bimetallic. Opening and closing in the case of bimetallic systems is based on the ability of metals to expand. Such installations can be used to automate homemade windows on a wooden frame: they will not be able to open heavy transoms or doors.

You can equip any window (top and side) and door with automation.

How to choose an automatic window opener for greenhouses

The choice of opener depends on the distance of the garden plot from power lines, the financial capabilities of the gardener, the type of greenhouse (film, glass or polycarbonate), the crop to be grown (optimal temperature values ​​for effective cultivation).

When choosing an automatic opener, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. If the greenhouse is electrified, then it is better to choose an electric device for ventilation: it works faster and “feels” the temperature more accurately.
  2. It is better to choose products made of galvanized steel (the Univent mold opener is a good choice).
  3. When choosing, you should take into account the estimated weight that the pusher can lift (it must correspond to the weight of the window).
  4. Pay attention to the temperature range of the opener (the most popular is within +15-25°C).
  5. If the area in which the site is located is characterized by gusty winds, then the system must have protection against hurricane failure.

The cost of domestic automatic openers varies from 1.5 to 3 thousand rubles, depending on the principle of operation. Imported automation costs many times more. If it is not possible to purchase a system or you want to install a temporary opener, then you can make an automatic window opener yourself from available materials.

Do-it-yourself device for automatically opening a window in a greenhouse

The simplest and safest solution for making it yourself is to assemble a hydraulic drive. In order to make a pusher, we will need two wooden blocks, a weight, two plastic bottles of different capacities, a flexible tube and several metal pipes.

The device is manufactured as follows:

  1. Place one block on top of the other and knock them together at one end.
  2. Fix the bottom bar with the frame of the greenhouse, attach the top bar to the movable plane of the window.
  3. Attach a weight to the block on the side of the window with enough weight to keep the window closed (1.5-3 kg).
  4. Secure an empty 0.5 liter bottle between the bars.
  5. Hang a large 5 liter bottle with a lid from the ceiling of the greenhouse and pour water into it. For greater efficiency, the hydraulic cylinder can be painted black or wrapped with black film.
  6. Connect the containers using iron pipes and a flexible tube.
  7. Check the tightness of the containers (if necessary, treat the joints of the containers with the tubes with sealant).

The principle of the mechanism is as follows: when the sun's rays heat the side cylinder (under the greenhouse ceiling), the pressure in it will increase, and hot air moves into a small bottle, which expands and pushes the lever. This puts the mechanism into action and the window opens. When the temperature drops (for example, as night approaches), the pressure in the containers equalizes and the window closes. This country house opener will last for more than one season. At the same time, the cost of the system will be minimal.

Self-opening windows in a greenhouse: features

Any gardener can install a purchased automatic transom opener in a greenhouse. To do this, you only need a screwdriver and self-tapping screws. In addition, the system usually comes complete with fasteners and instructions.

However, the installation and operation of automatic vents in a greenhouse has its own characteristics:

  1. Self-opening windows should be located under the roof of the greenhouse: this is where hot air accumulates to the greatest extent.
  2. You should not place windows on the leeward side.
  3. For every two linear meters of greenhouse length, one transom with dimensions of 0.9x0.6 cm should be installed.
  4. A window with an automatic opener must be equipped with a stopper on a spring with a chain: this will prevent the mechanism from breaking when the window is opened suddenly due to gusty winds.
  5. The thermal drive must respond specifically to the temperature in the greenhouse, therefore, if necessary, it must be covered with a material that repels the sun's rays.
  6. If the greenhouse is not used in winter, at sub-zero temperatures, it is recommended to remove the cylinders of hydraulic installations to avoid ruptures of the containers.
  7. Light automation can be installed directly on the window frame; heavier systems (for example, an Ufopar opener with a hydraulic cylinder) must be attached to the frame of the greenhouse.

In addition to the above, greenhouses can be ventilated using a fan:

Automatic opening of greenhouses (video)

Growing vegetables in a greenhouse is a complex and labor-intensive process. An automatic window that opens and closes depending on the temperature in the greenhouse can make the gardener’s work a little easier. Today, there are many autonomous installations, different in principle of operation. Their choice depends on the financial capabilities of the gardener, the area of ​​the greenhouse, and the material from which the greenhouse is made. At the same time, you can make effective automation for the window with your own hands! Choose the most suitable option and enjoy the simplicity and convenience!