Journal “Philological Sciences. Questions of theory and practice" (included in the new list of the Higher Attestation Commission)

PI No. FS77-32096 dated 05/30/2008.

· Published since May 2008.

· Articles receive expert assessment from the journal's editorial board.

· Each issue contains more than 50 scientific articles on linguistics and literary criticism.

· Journal materials are posted in the national information and analytical system RSCI(Russian Science Citation Index)

· All issues of the journal are presented in the central scientific libraries of Russia.

· Subscription index of the publication according to the United catalog "Press of Russia" - .

Accepted for publication articles by applicants for academic degrees (postgraduate students, doctoral students), candidates and doctors of science, scientists engaged in scientific research. All authors’ materials receive expert assessment from the journal’s editorial board. Issues of the journal are formed from articles approved by the editorial board and paid for. The cost of publishing an article is 350 rubles. for one page, designed in accordance with the requirements (see below). The minimum length of an article is 6 pages. The number and volume of articles accepted for publication from one author are not limited. The cost of the author's copy is 350 rubles. Shipping an author's copy within the territory of the Russian Federation - 200 rubles. The cost of shipping outside the Russian Federation is 450 rubles. Authors who have an academic degree and title must send copies of a diploma of a candidate (doctor) of science and a certificate of an associate professor (professor). WITH release schedule journal and the terms of publication of articles for graduate students can be found on the journal page Materials for publication should be sent by email to the responsible editor of the scientific publication Ryabtseva Elena Viktorovna, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.


Articles and information about the author(s) are accepted by email. If you have any questions, please contact us at the above email addresses, as well as by phone 8-910-854-68-57 (Arestova Anna Anatolyevna), 8-910-755-97-92 (Ryabtseva Elena Viktorovna). More detailed information can be obtained on the website of the Publishing House "Gramota" www. gramota. net .

If your article is accepted for publication, you will be sent an already completed receipt with the Publisher's details by email, by printing which you can pay for the publication of your article at the nearest bank or post office. Payment for publication can be made by the organization where you work or study.

If necessary, you can order an additional copy of the journal issue you are interested in. In this case, the cost of each additional copy will be 500 rubles. taking into account the cost of shipping by registered parcel across the Russian Federation and 750 rubles. - taking into account the cost of shipping outside the Russian Federation.

Filling out an application for publication of an article

Materials for publication should be sent by email to the curator of the scientific publication. We draw the attention of the authors that articles are published in scientific publications in accordance with the Agreement on the publication of printed materials. By submitting an application for publication of scientific materials, the author accepts the terms of this agreement. You can view the terms of the agreement on the Publisher’s website

Information about the author(s) should include:

1. Last name, first name, patronymic.

2. Academic degree (if available).

3. Academic title (if available).

4. Place of work.

5. Position held.

6. Postal address with INDEX (for sending the author's copy of the magazine).

7. Email address (e-mail).

8. Contact phone number.

Requirements for the format of articles

· Text editor - Microsoft Word.

· Format- A 4.

· Fields- 2 cm on all sides.

· Font- Times New Roman (if necessary, another one; if the font is not included in the list of generally accepted ones, it must be sent as a separate file).

· Font size- 14.

· Line spacing- 1,5.

· Paragraph indentation- 1,25.

· Orientation- book, without page insertion, without hyphenation, preferably without page-by-page footnotes.

· Editorformulas- Microsoft Office package (MathType).

· Graphs, tables and figures- black and white, without color fill. Hatching is allowed.

· UDC(See for example: or

· Scientific direction(select one from the list): physical and mathematical sciences; chemical sciences; biological sciences; Technical science; agricultural sciences; historical sciences and archeology; economic sciences; philosophical sciences; philological sciences; legal sciences; educational sciences; medical sciences; art history; psychological sciences; sociological sciences; political science; cultural studies; geosciences.

· Brief summary of the article in Russian(italics) . The abstract contains a description of the main topic, the goals of the work and its results. The abstract indicates what is new in this article in comparison with others related in topic. The recommended average length of an annotation is 500 printed characters.

· Key words and phrases(at least 5-7).

· Article title- centered, without indentation, in capital letters.

· Article text- width alignment.

Sample article format

UDC 7; 18:7.01

Art history

The article reveals the content of the concept of “scientific art”, which is becoming increasingly widespread in aesthetics and art history to designate a transdisciplinary area within which a synthesis of discursive thinking and intuitive judgment is carried out, numerous attempts are being made to adapt the methods of natural and exact sciences to create scientifically based art , and art methods - for the formation of new scientific theories. The author focuses on a critical analysis of alternative concepts, including the terms “scientific art”, “scientific art”, “art of research”, “science art”.

Key words and phrases: contemporary art; scientific art; science arts; the art of research; science art.

Erokhin Semyon Vladimirovich, Doctor of Philosophy n.

Moscow State University named after. M. IN. Lomonosov

address@yandex. ru



Recently, in Russian-language literature one can increasingly find the term “scientific art” (the term “scientific art” is also found in the literature). In most cases it is used as a synonym for the English term " science art", serving to designate intensively...

· List of used literature, drawn up in accordance with GOST, is given in alphabetical order at the end of the article in the form of a numbered list.

Example of a list of references


1. Abuzyarova N. A. problems of ensuring legality in labor relations (theoretical aspect): abstract. diss. ... doc. legal Sci. Omsk, 2000. 46 p.

2. Agafonov A. Yu. Fundamentals of the semantic theory of consciousness. St. Petersburg: Rech, 2003. 296 p.

3. Acts of Zemsky Sobors/ answer ed. A. G. Mankov. M.: Legal literature, 1985. 511 p.

4. Aristotle. Collection cit.: in 4 volumes. M.: Mysl, 1984. T. 4. 830 p.

5. Berdyaev N. A. Philosophical truth and intellectual truth // Milestones: collection. articles about the Russian intelligentsia. M.: News, 1990.S. 5-26.

6. Braudel F. Material civilization, economics and capitalism of the XV-XVIII centuries: in 3 volumes / trans. from fr. L. E. Kubbel. M.: Progress, 1986. T. 1. 623 p.

7. Vasilkov Ya. V. From shamanism to yoga: what happened during the “Axial Period”? [Electronic resource]: report read on October 27, 2005 at the second meeting of the scientific seminar “East: philosophy, religion, culture.” URL: (access date: November 25, 2005).

8. The concept of increasing the efficiency of interbudgetary relations and the quality of management of state and municipal finances in the Russian Federation in 2006-2008: approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 467-r dated 04/03/2006 // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation (NWRF). 2006. No. 15.

9. Mychko E. I. Practice-oriented technologies for the formation of a teacher’s communicative culture: dissertation. ... Dr. ped. Sci. Kaliningrad, 2002. 421 p.

10. National Archive of the Komi Republic(NARC). F. 1346. Op. 1.

11. NARC. F. 1348. Op. 3.

12. About conscription and military service: Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ (as amended on December 8, 2011) // NWRF. 1998. No. 13. Art. 1475.

13. On monitoring for each public office the integrity of the apartments allocated to it so that nothing is lost from the outbuildings: Senate Resolution No. 12762 of October 16, 1766 // Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire (PSZRI). SPb.: Type. II Department of His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery, 1830. Collection I. T. XVII.

14. About the compulsion of ordinary people to build apartments for housing dragoons and soldiers: Resolution of the Senate, in confirmation of the imperial decree of February 12, 1725 No. 4936, July 19, 1726 // PSZRI. SPb.: Type. II Department of His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery, 1830. Collection I. T. XVIII.

15. On the general legal classifier of branches of legislation: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 2171 of December 16, 1993 // Collection of acts of the President and Government of the Russian Federation. 1993. No. 51. Art. 4936.

16. Political science: encyclopedic dictionary / general. ed. and comp. Yu. I. Averyanov. M.: Publishing house Mosk. commercial Univ., 1993. 431 p.

17. Practical guide for state notaries on the protection of citizens' rights to inherit personal property [Electronic resource]: Letter from the USSR Ministry of Justice dated 04/21/1980. Access from the reference legal system "ConsultantPlus".

18. Regional legislation[Electronic resource]. URL:
index.php?ds=671170 (access date: 01/26/2011).

19. Semyonova V. I. Worldview origins of funeral rituals in the culture of the peoples of Western Siberia in the Middle Ages: abstract. diss. ... doc. cultural studies. Tomsk, 2006. 47 p.

20. Khoruzhy S.S. The philosophical process in Russia as a meeting of philosophy and Orthodoxy // Questions of Philosophy. 1991. No. 5. P. 26-57.

21. date: 03/24/2010).

22. JamesE. ABOUT. Prehistoric Religion: a Study in Prehistoric Archaeology. N. Y., 1957.

23. NicolichM. 1968: Student Protest in Yugoslavia // New Politics. 1989. Vol. 2. No. 3.

24. Scelling F.W.J. Stuttgarter Privatvorlesungen. Torine, 1973. 120 S.

List of journals of the Higher Attestation Commission for researchers of media and communications in the specialty 01/10/10 “journalism” (journals 01/10/00 - “literary studies”) that are suitable for the topic, as of 08/09/2018.

Baltic Humanitarian Journal

Verkhnevolzhsky Philological Bulletin

Bulletin of Adygea State University, series “Philology and art history”

Bulletin of the Baltic Federal University. I. Kant. Series: Philology, pedagogy and psychology

Bulletin of Bryansk State University

Bulletin of Volga University named after V.N. Tatishcheva

Bulletin of Voronezh State University. Series: Philology. Journalism

Bulletin of Kalmyk University

Bulletin of Kemerovo State University

Bulletin of Kostroma State University

Bulletin of the Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after. V.P. Astafieva (KGPU Bulletin)

Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series “Philology. Theory of language. Language education"

Bulletin of Moscow State Linguistic University

Bulletin of Moscow State Linguistic University. Humanitarian sciences

Bulletin of Moscow State Regional University

Bulletin of Moscow State Regional University. Series “Russian Philology”

Bulletin of Moscow University. Episode 10. Journalism

Bulletin of Moscow University. Episode 9. Philology

Bulletin of Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University named after. ON THE. Dobrolyubova

Bulletin of Nizhny Novgorod University named after. N.I. Lobachevsky

Bulletin of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University / Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin

Bulletin of Novosibirsk State University. Series: History, philology

Bulletin of Omsk State Pedagogical University. Humanities studies

Bulletin of Orenburg State University

Bulletin of the Pedagogical University

Bulletin of the Orthodox St. Tikhon's Humanitarian University. Episode 3: Philology

Bulletin of Pyatigorsk State University

Bulletin of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Series “Educational Issues: Languages ​​and Specialization”

Bulletin of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Series “Literary Studies. Journalism"

Bulletin of Samara University. History, pedagogy, philology

Bulletin of the St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design. Series 2. Art history. Philological sciences

Bulletin of St. Petersburg University. Series 9. Philology. Oriental studies. Journalism

Bulletin of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University. Series Humanities and Social Sciences

Bulletin of the North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosova

Bulletin of Slavic Cultures

Bulletin of the Tajik State University of Law, Business and Politics. Humanities Series

Bulletin of the Tajik National University. Series of Philological Sciences

Bulletin of Tver State University. Series: Philology

Bulletin of Tomsk State Pedagogical University (Tomsk State Pedagogica lUniversity Bulletin)

Bulletin of Tomsk State University

Bulletin of Tomsk State University. Philology

Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Humanities studies. Humanitates

Bulletin of Udmurt University. Series History and Philology

University Bulletin (Russian-Tajik (Slavic) University)

Bulletin of Chelyabinsk State University

Bulletin of Cherepovets State University

Bulletin of the Chuvash State Pedagogical University named after. AND I. Yakovleva

Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Series "Linguistics"

Issues of theory and practice of journalism (Theoretical and Practical Issues of Journalism)

Questions of Philology

Humanities and pedagogical education

Humanities and social sciences

Humanities and legal studies

Humanities studies

Humanitarian vector

Journal of the Siberian Federal University. Humanitarian sciences. Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences

News of Volgograd State Pedagogical University

News of Voronezh State Pedagogical University

News of the Dagestan State Pedagogical University, series “Social and Humanitarian Sciences”

News of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen

News of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Literature and Language Series

News of Saratov University. New episode. Series “Philology. Journalism"

News of Smolensk State University


News of the Ural Federal University. Series 1. Problems of education, science and culture

News of the Ural Federal University. Series 2. Humanities

News of the Southwestern State University. Series Linguistics and Pedagogy

News of the Southern Federal University. Philological sciences

Communication Studies

Culture and text



Human Science: Humanistic Studies

Scientific thought of the Caucasus

Scientific review: humanities research

Scientific bulletins of Belgorod State University. Series: Humanities

Research and development. Modern communication studies

Scientific dialogue

New Literary Review

Political linguistics

Teacher XXI century

Problems of history, philology, culture

Russian Humanitarian Journal (Liberal Arts in Russia)

Russian speech

Russian literature

Siberian Philological Journal

Slavic almanac

Modern science: current problems of theory and practice. Series "Humanities"

Contemporary research on social issues

Solovyov studies

Social and humanitarian knowledge

Social and human sciences in the Far East

Text. Book. Book publishing

University scientific journal. Series “Philological and historical sciences, art history”

Ural Historical Bulletin

Scientific notes (Nomai Donishgokh) Khujand State University named after academician B.G. Gafurov. Humanities and Social Sciences Series

Scientific notes of Kazan University. Series Humanities

Scientific notes of the Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky. Philological sciences

Scientific notes of Novgorod State University

Scientific notes of Oryol State University

Scientific notes of Petrozavodsk State University


Philological sciences at MGIMO

Philological sciences. Questions of theory and practice

Philological sciences. Scientific reports of higher education

Philological class

Philology and culture. Philology and Culture

Philology and man

Philology: scientific research

It is quite easy to popularize scientific research given the modern capabilities of the information society. One of the leading publishing houses in Russia, Gramota, provides materials from its periodicals not only to a narrow circle of scientists, but also to all interested readers who seek to deepen their knowledge in various fields online. Specifically, the journal "Philological Sciences. Questions of Theory and Practice" is dedicated to the study of the diversity of language and literature. Moreover, a person with special knowledge and desire can publish his work without making a direct visit to the editorial office. We will describe in detail in our article: where to subscribe, how to get acquainted with the list of works and who needs to be published.

Founding history

In May 2008, the first issue of “Philological Sciences” was published. Questions of theory and practice". Tambov is the city where the magazine's editorial office is located. The publication was founded with the aim of covering in periodical literature the latest trends in the study of linguistics, literary criticism, theory and practice of studying the Russian language. With fresh ideas and relevant methodological developments, young and promising authors teamed up to work on the magazine. This creative process takes place under the auspices of the famous publishing house “Gramota”.

It should be noted that the popularity of the magazine extends beyond Russia: regular readers are located within the CIS, as well as in foreign countries. Some authors are foreign researchers. This once again confirms the thesis that science has no territorial boundaries. The magazine is published monthly in a circulation of 1000 copies. The volume of the publication ranges from 400 printed pages and above.

"Philological sciences. Questions of theory and practice": about the editors

The editorial staff employs experts in their field, which is proven by many years of experience in publishing such periodical literature. The director of the famous publishing house “Gramota” and concurrently the editor-in-chief is D. N. Ryabtsev. The editorial board of the magazine includes people who are professionally involved in philology, and they have achievements in this branch of knowledge.

Among the editors of the publication are the chairman of the board Babina L.V., who is a professor at Tambov State University, Nevzorova S.V., who also has an academic degree of Doctor of Philology and is a professor at one of the Polish universities, Grishaeva Yu.M., a teacher at Moscow State Pedagogical University, and many, many others. The geography of the editorial board unites all of Russia and even foreign scientists.

This journal is a treasure trove of useful research in the field of philology. The publication is divided into thematic sections, which is especially convenient for navigating the electronic version. Articles are divided into the following categories:

  • in a secondary school;
  • teaching methods in the secondary vocational education system;
  • teaching methods in universities;
  • linguistics and its teaching;
  • literary criticism, literature, folklore and their teaching.

Each issue contains more than 100 articles on the study of current issues in linguistics, literary criticism and pedagogical activity. Before publishing information in one of the issues of “Philological Sciences. Issues of theory and practice”, conduct a thorough review of it. Reviewers are experienced and reputable specialists.

Who will benefit from the information posted in the magazine? The materials provided in it are necessary for the successful writing of advanced training papers by students, graduate students and researchers. These include: bachelor's and master's theses in philology, dissertations for obtaining academic degrees at various levels (candidate or

Current Research Topics

Editorial office “Philological Sciences. Issues of Theory and Practice” does not provide strict criteria for choosing a topic for an article. This may be a fresh look at ancient sources of literature or language, or highlighting trends in the modern process of their development. The main thing is that the material fully complies with the publication rules. And then the experts establish the actual significance of the subject of research and draw a conclusion about its scientific value.

Language and literature contain an inexhaustible number of subtleties that require more detailed consideration. This is painstaking and highly intellectual work. Few are able to continue scientific activities after studying language and literature in higher education. But those people who do not give up their hobby in their professional activities find more and more new facets in their study, starting from the pseudonyms of writers, their artistic world, features of the chronotope and composition of works, ending with the expression of emotions at the syntactic level, linguistic substandards, etc. d. These are just a few examples of topics that philologists take on.

Authors of works

In “Philological Sciences. Questions of Theory and Practice” students, graduate students and teachers from various educational institutions apply to publish their research. This increases the prestige of the institution, gives a positive characterization to the author of the article, as well as the necessary experience for further scientific work.

To let the rest of the world know what research and discoveries are taking place in the field of philological science, there are such useful publications. Each author grows in professional authority if he regularly publishes the results of his fruitful work.

Application Form

An application for publication can be submitted to the editor electronically. It should contain comprehensive information about the author (his full name, scientific status, place of work or study, current address and telephone number where he can be contacted). If the potential author has supporting documents, they must be scanned and attached to the letter. A separate file should contain the text of the article itself with the title, author's abstract and list of keywords. A more detailed design sample is available on the official website.

"Philological sciences. Issues of theory and practice": reviews from authors and readers

Judging by the circulation and how rapidly the magazine has developed since 2008, it is in demand in the intellectual environment. His readers are people who in one way or another relate to philological science. Students of philological specialties reverently evaluate the results of more authoritative researchers and quote them when writing their own term papers and dissertations.

As for the authors of published articles, this is an excellent platform for both young and more experienced scientists. Postgraduate students simply need to confirm their place in the scientific community; this obliges them, in the process of studying and preparing to write a candidate’s dissertation, to share their first results in authoritative sources. And for researchers with a more serious status in the scientific community, it is necessary to declare themselves, the range of their professional interests, and topics that have not been sufficiently studied until this time.

About the Higher Attestation Commission

The publication "Philological Sciences. Questions of Theory and Practice" is included in this. This is a very important fact. It undergoes mandatory review and is also recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission for scientific purposes “Philological Sciences. Questions of theory and practice” magazine. VAK - this abbreviation stands for Certification Commission of Scientific Publications. It was formed under the Ministry of Education of Russia. First of all, it should ensure a unified state policy in the field of confirming the certification and level of education of scientific employees.

The full version of the articles can be read on the publisher’s website; they are open to public access. In addition, all articles are indexed in the RSCI system. This respected publication brings great benefits to the development of philology in Russia and abroad. Anyone can study the achievements of recent years in this area without leaving the Internet.

About the magazine:

    Peer-reviewed scientific monthly open access journal. Scientific articles on literary criticism, linguistics and methods of teaching language and literature in Russian and English are published. Published since May 2008. The publication is intended for scientists, doctoral students and graduate students.

    Indexed in RSCI(Russian Science Citation Index). Indicators of journal publication activity are available.

    Published articles are assigned a DOI(digital object identifier) ​​– digital object identifier, an international standard for designating information about an object presented on the network (GOST R ISO 26324-2015); accepted in the scientific community for data exchange between scientists.

    Indexed by Google Scholar. Google Scholar is a search engine for full texts of scientific publications of all formats and disciplines. Included in Google Scholar Metrics rankings.

    Hosted by EBSCOhost– international interactive reference and bibliographic system.

    ISSN 1997-2911(print).

    Registered in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Certificate of registration of mass media PI No. FS77-32096 dated May 30, 2008.

    • 10.01.00 Literary studies
      10.01.01 Russian literature
      01/10/02 Literature of the peoples of the Russian Federation (indicating specific literature or group of literatures)
      01/10/03 Literature of the peoples of foreign countries (indicating specific literature)
      01/10/08 Theory of literature. Textual criticism
    • 10.02.00 Linguistics
      10.02.01 Russian language
      02/10/02 Languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation (indicating a specific language or language family)
      10.02.04 Germanic languages
      02/10/05 Romance languages
      02/10/19 Theory of language
      02/10/20 Comparative-historical, typological and comparative linguistics
      10.02.21 Applied and mathematical linguistics
      13.00.02 Theory and methodology of training and education (by areas and levels of education)
      13.00.08 Theory and methodology of vocational education

    Contact Information

    Editor-in-Chief of a scientific publication Arestova Anna Anatolyevna:
    tel.: 8-910-854-68-57 (from 12:00 to 19:00 Moscow time).

    Editor of a scientific publication Lyabina Olesya Gennadievna:
    tel.: 8-905-048-22-55 (from 09:00 to 17:00 Moscow time).

    Chief Editor:

    • Arestova Anna Anatolyevna, candidate of philol. Sc., associate professor; leading researcher at the Center for Comprehensive Artistic Research of the Saratov State Conservatory named after L. V. Sobinov

    Editorial team:

    • Babina Lyudmila Vladimirovna, Doctor of Philology Sc., professor; Professor of the Department of Foreign Philology and Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Philology and Journalism, Tambov State University named after G. R. Derzhavin
    • Bittirova Tamara Shamsudinovna, Doctor of Philology Sc., Honored Worker of Science of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Ingushetia, member of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation, member of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation; Leading researcher at the Balkar literature sector of the Institute for Humanitarian Research - a branch of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Nalchik
    • Borgoyakova Tamara Gerasimovna, Doctor of Philology Doctor of Science, Professor, Honored Worker of Higher School of the Russian Federation, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Honorary Scientist of the Republic of Khakassia; Director of the Institute of Humanitarian Studies and Sayan-Altai Turkology, Professor of the Department of Foreign Linguistics and Language Theory of Khakass State University named after N. F. Katanov, Abakan
    • Borodulina Natalia Yurievna, Doctor of Philology Sc., Associate Professor, Honorary Worker of Education of the Russian Federation; Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, Tambov State Technical University
    • Vorozhbitova Alexandra Anatolevna, Doctor of Philology Sc., D.Ped. Sc., Professor, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation; Professor of the Department of Social, Humanitarian and Philosophical Disciplines of the Social and Pedagogical Faculty of Sochi State University
    • Galimzyanova Ilhamiya Iskhakovna, doctor of ped. Sc., professor; Head of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​and Intercultural Communication of the Kazan State Conservatory named after N. G. Zhiganov
    • Glukhova Natalya Nikolaevna, Doctor of Philology Sc., Professor, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation; Head of the Department of Finno-Ugric and Comparative Philology, Institute of National Culture and Intercultural Communication, Mari State University, Yoshkar-Ola
    • Gurtueva Tamara Bertovna, Doctor of Philology Sc., professor; Professor, Department of Russian Language and Literature, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Türkiye
    • Dzuganova Rita Khabalovna, Doctor of Philology n.; Leading Researcher of the Kabardino-Circassian Language Sector of the Institute for Humanitarian Research - a branch of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Nalchik
    • Elovskaya Svetlana Vladimirovna, doctor of ped. Sc., professor; Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​and Methods of Teaching them, Michurin State Agrarian University
    • Ziyatdinova Yulia Nadirovna, doctor of ped. Sc., associate professor; Head of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​in Professional Communication, Kazan National Research Technological University
    • Igna Olga Nikolaevna, doctor of ped. Sc., associate professor; Professor of the Department of Romance-Germanic Philology and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages, Tomsk State Pedagogical University
    • Kolodina Nina Ivanovna, Doctor of Philology Sc., professor; Professor, Department of English, Voronezh State Pedagogical University
    • Komarova Yulia Alexandrovna, doctor of ped. Sc., Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation; Head of the Department of Intensive Teaching of Foreign Languages, Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen, St. Petersburg
    • Kuznetsova Anna Vladimirovna, Doctor of Philology Sc., professor; Professor of the Department of Russian Literature, Institute of Philology, Journalism and Intercultural Communication of the Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
    • Lutfullina Gulnara Firdavisovna, Doctor of Philology Sc., associate professor; Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, Kazan State Energy University
    • Luchinskaya Elena Nikolaevna, Doctor of Philology Sc., professor; Head of the Department of General and Slavic-Russian Linguistics, Kuban State University, Krasnodar
    • Makeeva Marina Nikolaevna, Doctor of Philology Sc., Professor, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation; Head of the Department of Foreign Languages, Tambov State Technical University
    • Nifanova Tatyana Sergeevna, Doctor of Philology Sc., Professor, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation; Professor of the Department of General and Germanic Linguistics of the Humanitarian Institute of the Branch of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov in Severodvinsk
    • Osmukhina Olga Yurievna, Doctor of Philology Sc., professor, expert in the Federal Register of Experts in the Scientific and Technical Sphere of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation; Head of the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature, Mordovian State University named after N. P. Ogarev, Saransk
    • Polyakov Oleg Gennadievich, doctor of ped. Sc., professor, international examiner for Cambridge Exams; Head of the Department of Linguistics and Humanitarian Pedagogical Education at the Pedagogical Institute of Tambov State University named after G. R. Derzhavin
    • Popova Irina Mikhailovna, Doctor of Philology Sc., Professor, Honored Worker of Higher School of the Russian Federation; Head of the Department of Russian Philology, Tambov State Technical University
    • Popova Larisa Georgievna, Doctor of Philology Sc., professor; Professor of the Department of Germanic Studies and Linguodidactics, Institute of Foreign Languages, Moscow City Pedagogical University
    • Repenkova Maria Mikhailovna, Doctor of Philology Sc., associate professor; Head of the Department of Turkic Philology, Institute of Asian and African Countries, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
    • Rudenko-Morgun Olga Ivanovna, doctor of ped. Sc., Professor, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation; Professor, Department of Russian Language No. 3, Faculty of Russian Language and General Educational Disciplines, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow
    • Sedykh Arkady Petrovich, Doctor of Philology Sc., professor; Head of the Department of German and French Languages, Belgorod State National Research University
    • Tarnaeva Larisa Petrovna, doctor of ped. Sc., associate professor; Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​and Linguodidactics, St. Petersburg State University
    • Shultz Olga Evgenievna, doctor of ped. Sc., professor, expert in the Federal Register of Experts in the Scientific and Technical Sphere of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation; Professor of the Department of Linguistics, Volzhsky Branch of Volgograd State University
    • Davydenkova Olga Alekseevna, candidate of philol. Sc., associate professor; Texas, USA
    • Lyabina Olesya Gennadievna, candidate of philol. Sc., associate professor; editor of the Publishing House "Gramota"
    • Noblock Natalia Lvovna, candidate of philol. n.; Associate Professor, Department of English, Saginaw Valley State University, Research Fellow, University of Michigan, USA
    • Trubitsina Olga Ivanovna, Ph.D. Sc., Associate Professor, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, laureate of the St. Petersburg Government Prize for outstanding achievements in the field of higher and secondary specialized education; Head of the Department of Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages, Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen, St. Petersburg
    • Chekhanova Irina Vladimirovna, candidate of philol. Sc., associate professor; Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Philology and Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Philology and Journalism, Tambov State University named after G. R. Derzhavin