Presentation on literature "visual and expressive means of language." Means of artistic expression Expressive means of language The earth sleeps in radiance

Means of expression

Identify means of expression in prose and poetic texts.

Exercise 1

1. Will be replaced more than once by a young maiden
Dreams are easy dreams;
So the tree has its leaves
Changes every spring. (A. Pushkin)

2. Chalk, chalk all over the earth
To all limits... (B. Pasternak)

3. Again, sarcasticness. Pathetic, powerless. (Yu. Trifonov)

4. Leave your region deaf and sinful,
Leave Russia forever. (A. Akhmatova)

5. Spring and pernicious spirit. (A. Blok)

a) Oxymoron,

b) hyperbole;

c) parcellation;

d) comparison;

d) anaphora.

Task 2

1. And our northern summer,
Caricature of southern winters,
It will flash and no... (A. Pushkin)

2. It’s already evening... The edges of the clouds have darkened,
The last ray of dawn on the towers is dying. (V. Zhukovsky)

3. Time sometimes flies like a bird, sometimes it crawls like a worm. (I. Turgenev)

4. – Hey, beard! How can we get from here to Plyushkin without passing the manor’s house?.. (N. Gogol)

5. Your mighty verse will not die,
Memorably alive,
Intoxicating, ebullient,
And warlike-flying,
And wildly daring. (N. Yazykov)

a) Antithesis;

b) personification;

c) epithet;

d) synecdoche;

d) paraphrase.

Task 3

1. It’s not like on silver – I ate on gold. (A. Griboyedov)

2. You have to bow your head below the thin blade of grass. (N. Nekrasov)

3. And the impossible is possible, the long road is easy. (A. Blok)

4. There was something elusively oriental in his face, but from the gray darkness his huge blue eyes shone, burned, and shone. (V. Soloukhin)

5. O Rus', peaceful corner,
I love you, I trust you. (S. Yesenin)

a) Gradation;

b) litotes;

c) metonymy;

d) oxymoron;

d) paraphrase.

Task 4

1. Dawn with the hand of cool dew
Knocks down the apples of dawn. (S. Yesenin)

2. They buried him in the globe,
But he was only a soldier. (S. Orlov)

3. In the hut, singing, a maiden
Spins, and, friend of winter nights,
A splinter crackles in front of her. (A. Pushkin)

4. I need them at once
South and north
East and West,
Forest and steppe;
Seas and stone mountains,
And the free reach of lowland rivers. (A. Tvardovsky)

5. And only the golden harness
Visible all night... Heard all night. (A. Blok)

a) Antithesis;

b) parcellation;

c) synecdoche;

d) metaphor;

d) paraphrase.

Task 5

1. Live, keeping the joy of grief,
Remembering the joy of past springs. (V.Bryusov)

2. I will not break, I will not waver, I will not get tired,
I will not forgive my enemies a single grain. (O. Berggolts)

3. The pot is angry and mutters on the fire. (K. Paustovsky)

4. Did you sing everything? - This business!
So go ahead and dance. (I. Krylov)

5. And no one since the beginning of the world has seen such a feast. (A. Pushkin)

a) Personification;

b) oxymoron;

c) irony;

d) gradation;

d) hyperbole.

Task 6

1. On the trout river, in the northern province,
Don't shoot ducks in a boat on a blue evening. (I. Severyanin)

2. Anchar, like a formidable sentry,
Standing - alone in the whole universe. (A. Pushkin)

3. And the sun warms itself on the ice floe. (B. Pasternak)

4. No wonder all of Russia remembers
About Borodin Day. (M. Lermontov)

5. And wax with tears from the night light
It was dripping on my dress. (B. Pasternak)

a) Hyperbole;

b) epithet;

c) metaphor;

d) oxymoron;

d) metonymy.

Task 7

1. I got engaged to silence,
Always singing in silence. (K. Balmont)

2. It’s so irreparably quiet around him,
You can hear the grass growing. (A. Akhmatova)

3. I read Apuleius willingly, but did not read Cicero. (A. Pushkin)

4. The song cries and laughs. (S. Yesenin)

5. And blue, bottomless eyes
They bloom on the far shore. (A. Blok)

a) Hyperbole;

b) antithesis;

c) metaphor;

d) metonymy;

d) oxymoron.

Task 8

1. I go out alone onto the road. (M. Lermontov)

2. And likewise you will fall,
Like a withered leaf falling from the tree!
And you will die like this,
How your last slave will die. (G. Derzhavin)

3. Perhaps it won’t drown in Lethe
A stanza composed by me. (A. Pushkin)

4. I saw how she squints:
With a wave, the mop is ready! (N. Nekrasov)

5. Primordial of all else is love,
In the song of youth the first word is love,
Oh, wretched ignoramus in the world of love,
Know that the basis of our entire life is love! (O. Khayyam)

a) Comparison;

b) inversion;

c) epiphora;

d) hyperbole;

d) paraphrase.

Task 9

1. Like the nights of Ukraine
In the radiance of the never-setting stars,
Filled with secrets
The words of her lips are fragrant. (M. Lermontov)

2. In a dark grove in a clearing
The bell cries with laughter. (S. Yesenin)

3. Eh, cloth, government-issued
Military overcoat,
Burnt by a fire in the forest,
Excellent overcoat.
Famous, punched
In battle with enemy fire
Yes, sewn with my own hand,
Who cares! (A. Tvardovsky)

4. Red brush
The rowan tree lit up.
Leaves were falling.
I was born. (M. Tsvetaeva)

5. You and the wretched one,
You are also abundant
You are mighty
You are also powerless... (N. Nekrasov)

a) Metaphor;

b) antithesis;

For comparison;

d) oxymoron;

d) epithet.

Task 10

1. The sounds of the cello curled, intertwined, grew and filled the frozen hall. (V. Garshin)

2. Where there was a table of food, there is a coffin. (G. Derzhavin)

3. And the country of birch chintz
It won't tempt you to wander around barefoot. (S. Yesenin)

4. I want to achieve everything
To the very essence.
At work, looking for a way,
In heartbreak. (B. Pasternak)

5. Planted trees in the garden.
Quietly, quietly, to encourage them,
Autumn rain whispers. (Base)

a) Antithesis;

b) gradation;

c) personification;

d) paraphrase;

d) parcellation.

Task 11

1. Wind, wind!
A man can't stand on his feet
Wind, wind -
All over God's world. (A. Blok)

3. War - there is no harsher word.
War - there is no sadder word.
War – there is no holier word. (A. Tvardovsky)

4. The theater is already full; the boxes shine;
The stalls and the chairs, everything is boiling. (A. Pushkin)

5. The light of the moon, mysterious and long,
The willows are crying, the poplars are whispering. (S. Yesenin)

a) Metonymy;

b) personification;

c) oxymoron;

d) parallelism, anaphora, epiphora,

d) hyperbole.

Task 12

1. A crowd rushed after him
These are the chicks of Petrov's nest...
His comrades, sons:
And noble Sheremetyev,
And Bruce, and Bour, and Repnin,
And, happiness, the rootless darling,
Semi-powerful ruler. (A. Pushkin)

2. Out of hateful love,
From crimes, frenzy -
A righteous Rus' will arise. (M. Voloshin)

3. Well, eat another plate, my dear. (I. Krylov)

4. The river will be covered with ice,
The doors will creak at night,
The mud in the yard will be deep. (N. Rubtsov)

5. I'm sad... because you're having fun. (M. Lermontov)

a) Metonymy;

b) antithesis;

c) oxymoron;

d) paraphrase;

d) anaphora.

Task 13

1. You, brother, are a battalion.
Regiment. Division. Do you want -
Front. Russia!.. (A. Tvardovsky)

2. At one hundred and forty suns, the sunset glowed. (V. Mayakovsky)

3. Gvozdin, an excellent owner,
Owner of poor men. (A. Pushkin)

4. The dog's eyes rolled
Golden stars in the snow. (S. Yesenin)

5. I wish you to avoid all kinds of troubles, sorrows and misfortunes. (A. Chekhov)

a) Hyperbole;

b) metaphor;

c) inversion;

d) gradation;

d) irony.

Task 14

1. I don’t need someone else’s sun,
Foreign land is not needed. (M. Isakovsky)

2. The old man brings it into the house from the frost
An armful of chilled firewood. (D. Samoilov)

3. The night casts a shadow and the wet shore judges,
The night pulls its golden net into the distance. (I. Bunin)

4. We were getting ready for work at night. Read
Reports, certificates, cases.
The verdicts were hastily signed.
They yawned. We drank wine. (M. Voloshin)

5. The earth was smoking like a pot of cabbage soup. (B. Pasternak)

a) Parcellation;

b) metaphor;

For comparison;

d) lexical repetition;

d) epithet.

Task 15

1. Then everything smells like night violet:
Summer and faces. Thoughts. Every case
Which in the past can be saved. (B. Pasternak)

2. The eye sees the most invisible distance,
The heart sees the most invisible connection.
The ear drinks - an unheard of rumor. (M. Tsvetaeva)

3. But the steppe sings. (I. Bunin)

4. Only ominous darkness shone for us. (A. Akhmatova)

5. The day was hot, stuffy, like air over a hot stove. (A. Green)

a) Metonymy;

b) oxymoron;

For comparison;

d) parallelism;

d) parcellation.

Task 16

1. The girl sang in the church choir
About everyone who is tired in a foreign land,
About all the ships that went to sea,
About everyone who has forgotten their joy. (A. Blok)

2. White acacia and lilac smell so strongly that it seems that the air and the trees themselves are freezing from their smell. (A. Chekhov)

3. So much has been thought, so little has been accomplished. (V.Bryusov)

4. Let thunder shake the sky,
Villains oppress the weak
Madmen praise their intelligence!
My friend! It's not our fault. (N. Karamzin)

5. Whisper, timid breathing,
The trill of a nightingale,
Silver and sway
Sleepy stream.
The light of the nights, the shadows of the night,
Endless shadows
A series of magical changes
Sweet face. (A. Fet)

a) Gradation;

b) non-union;

c) hyperbole;

d) antithesis;

d) anaphora.

Task 17

1. You know all the vagabonds, the poor and the sick,
You know all the helpless ones with sorrow,
If I call You, you will hear moans,
But if I remain silent, you know the speech of the dumb. (O. Khayyam)

2. He is a man! They are ruled by the moment
He is a slave to rumors, doubts and passions;
Let us forgive him his wrongful persecution:
He took Paris, he founded the Lyceum. (A. Pushkin)

3. The Golden Heart of Russia
Beats rhythmically in my chest. (N. Gumilyov)

4. O bard of love, distant nightingale. (V.Bryusov)

5. Whole life, needlessly wasted.
Tortured, humiliated, burned. (A. Blok)

a) Paraphrase;

b) metaphor;

c) metonymy;

d) gradation;

d) epiphora.

Task 18

1. Night flowers sleep all day,
But as soon as the sun sets behind the grove,
The leaves are quietly opening,
And I hear my heart bloom. (A. Fet)

2. About valor, about exploits, about glory
I forgot on the sorrowful land. (A. Blok)

3. Is it a whisper, a rustle or a rustle -
Tenderness, like Saadi's songs. (S. Yesenin)

4. And they immediately make it clear that they are the authorities. That's what they are. True, steel. (Yu. Trifonov)

5. The pushed-back chairs rattle;
The crowd pours into the living room;
So the bees from the tasty hive
A noisy swarm flies into the field. (A. Pushkin)

a) Gradation;

b) sound recording;

For comparison;

d) metaphor;

d) parcellation.

Task 19

1. They carried - now a brick, now a log,
That's a log. And they hid. (A. Blok)

2. Snow is like spongy honey,
He lay down under a straight picket fence. (S. Yesenin)

3. The doors suddenly began to dance,
like outside a hotel
does not hit tooth on tooth. (V. Mayakovsky)

4. The lights on the chandeliers are trembling...
How nice it is to read a book at home!
Under Grieg, Schumann, Cui
I found out Tom's fate. (M. Tsvetaeva)

a) Comparison;

b) parcellation;

c) oxymoron;

d) sound writing;

d) metonymy.

Task 20

1. Black velvet bumblebee, golden mantle. (I. Bunin)

2. On the street, about five steps away,
Winter stands, ashamed, at the entrance
And he doesn’t dare to enter. (B. Pasternak)

3. We are from William Shakespeare
Two verses. (M. Tsvetaeva)

4. I will forget the year, day, date.
I'll lock myself in alone with a piece of paper. (V. Mayakovsky)

5. He didn’t come, our curly singer,
With fire in his eyes, with a sweet-voiced guitar. (A. Pushkin)

a) Metonymy;

b) epithet;

c) gradation;

d) metaphor;

d) paraphrase.

Task 21

1. Your Pomeranian, a lovely Pomeranian, is no bigger than a thimble. (A. Griboyedov)

2. The earth sleeps in a blue glow. (M. Lermontov)

3. And a hand involuntarily crosses itself on the mortar of the bell towers. (S. Yesenin)

4. I lull my heart with delight. (V.Bryusov)

5. Meanwhile, as rural cyclops
Before the slow fire
Russian treatment with a hammer
Light product from Europe. (A. Pushkin)

a) Personification;

b) metonymy;

c) litotes;

d) paraphrase;

d) metaphor.

Task 22

1. The wondrous genius faded away like a torch,
The ceremonial wreath has faded. (M. Lermontov)

2. And the slave blessed fate. (A. Pushkin)

3. The gloomy organ grinder will come,
Crying in the yard...
About that free share,
That I'm not destined to. (A. Blok)

4. The candle was burning on the table,
The candle was burning. (B. Pasternak)

5. Receive him, call him, ask him, tell him he’s home. (A. Griboyedov)

a) Lexical repetition;

b) paraphrase;

c) gradation;

d) synecdoche;

d) parcellation.

Task 23

1. The youngest son was as tall as a finger -
How to calm you down
Sleep, my quiet one, sleep, my boy,
I'm a bad mother. (A. Akhmatova)

2. I don’t think, I don’t complain, I don’t argue.
Not sleeping.
I’m not eager for the sun, the moon, or the sea,
Not to the ship. (M. Tsvetaeva)

3. There is such a moon in the sky,
Like a tree cut down to the roots:
The fresh cut turns white. (Basho)

4. I was sitting by the window in a crowded room.
Somewhere the bows were singing about love. (A. Blok)

5. Unspeakable sadness
She opened two huge eyes. (O. Mandelstam)

a) Litotes;

b) metaphor;

c) gradation;

d) comparison;

d) metonymy.

Task 24

1. One-story houses,
Where are the like-minded generals?
They while away their weary lives,
Reading "Niva" and "Dumas". (O. Mandelstam)

2. Until recently, a free swallow
You completed your morning flight,
And now you will become a hungry beggar,
You can't knock at someone else's gate. (A. Akhmatova)

3. And travel for him,
Like everyone else in the world, I'm tired of it,
He returned and hit
Like Chatsky, from the ship to the ball. (A. Pushkin)

4. The river spread out. Flows, lazily sad
And washes the banks.
Above the meager clay of the yellow cliff
The haystacks are sad in the steppe. (A. Blok)

5. Lighter than a spring breeze
Thin fingers. (M. Kuzmin)

a) Antithesis;

b) hyperbole;

c) personification;

d) metonymy;

For comparison.

Task 25

1. Frosty white palms
They bloom silently on the glass. (V. Khodasevich)

2. And how could I forgive her?
The delight of your lover's praise?
Look, she has fun being sad
So elegantly naked. (A. Akhmatova)

3. The stern Dante did not despise the sonnet;
Petrarch poured out the heat of love in him;
The creator of Macbeth loved his game;
Camões clothed them with mournful thoughts. (A. Pushkin)

4. It was by the sea, where there was openwork foam,
Where a city crew is rarely found...
The Queen played in the tower of Chopin's castle,
And, listening to Chopin, her page fell in love. (I. Severyanin)

5. And what about the long torment,
How did she manage to save the ashes?
Pain, the evil pain of bitterness,
Pain without joy and without tears! (F. Tyutchev)

a) Metonymy;

b) paraphrase;

c) oxymoron;

d) lexical repetition;

d) metaphor.

Task 26

1. Most wore mustaches, mustaches and even mustaches. (A. Kuprin)

2. Let the ocean sleep on sand and rubble.
It's scary to hear this echoing howl in the darkness. (R. Burns)

3. How beautiful are your miracles,
Magician of love, spring! (M. Kuzmin)

4. I came to this world to see the Sun
And a blue outlook.
I came to this world to see the Sun
And the heights of the mountains. (K. Balmont)

5. Isaac turns white in the frosty fog.
Peter rises on a snow-covered boulder. (V.Bryusov)

a) Paraphrase;

b) personification;

c) gradation;

d) anaphora, parallelism;

d) metonymy.

Task 27

1. Yesterday I looked into your eyes,
And now everything is looking sideways!
Yesterday I was sitting before the birds, -
All larks these days are crows! (M. Tsvetaeva)

2. Midnight in the swamp wilderness
The reeds rustle barely audibly, silently. (K. Balmont)

3. Sick, tired ice,
Sick and melting snow. (D. Merezhkovsky)

4. He settled in that peace,
Where is the village old-timer?
For about forty years he was quarreling with the housekeeper,
I looked out the window and squashed flies. (A. Pushkin)

5. My love, wide as the sea,
The shores cannot contain life. (A. Tolstoy)

a) Hyperbole;

b) paraphrase;

c) antithesis;

d) epithets;

d) sound recording.

Task 28

1. Friend of idle thoughts, my inkwell;
I decorated my monotonous age with you. (A. Pushkin)

2. They fly, written hastily,
Hot from bitterness and negativity.
Crucified between love and love
My moment, my hour, my day, my year, my century. (M. Tsvetaeva)

3. All of Moscow knows us. God knows what they will tell, Moscow is such a gossip. (A. Kuprin)

4. Here you will meet a wonderful mustache, impossible to depict with any pen or brush. (N. Gogol)

5. They burn with gold leaf

There are Christmas trees in the forests. (O. Mandelstam)

a) Metonymy;

b) comparison;

c) gradation;

d) paraphrase;

d) hyperbole.

Task 29

1. God, what wonderful positions and services there are! how they elevate and delight the soul! but alas! I do not serve and am deprived of the pleasure of seeing the subtle treatment of my superiors. (N. Gogol)

2. Low greatness, divine dirt! (Charles Baudelaire)

3. There was grief, there will be grief,
There's no end to my burning
May Saint Yegory protect you
Your father. (A. Akhmatova)

4. Feminine flattery - swan's down. (M. Tsvetaeva)

5. Look, firstborn of freedom:
Frost on the banks of the Neva! (Z. Gippius)

a) Lexical repetition;

b) oxymoron;

c) irony;

d) paraphrase;

d) metaphor.

Task 30

1. These willows and birches,
These drops are these tears,
This fluff is not a leaf,
These mountains, these valleys,
These midges, these bees,
This sound and whistle. (A. Fet)

2. Accustomed to the steppes - eyes,
Accustomed to tears - eyes,
Green – salty –
Peasant eyes! (M. Tsvetaeva)

3. He has an excellent cook, but, unfortunately, his mouth is so small that he can’t miss more than two pieces; the other has a mouth the size of the arch of the main headquarters, but alas! must be content with some German potato dinner. (N. Gogol)

4. But not a single boss ever dared to shout at the cadet or insult him with a word. The whole school was bristling here. (I. Kuprin)

5. The ancestors were probably some kind of walkers at the court of the Russian boyars. Or Tatar Murzas. (Yu. Trifonov)

a) Parcellation;

b) anaphora, epiphora;

c) non-union;

d) metonymy, metaphor;

e) litotes, hyperbole.


Task 1: 1 – d, 2 – b, 3 – c, 4 – d, 5 – a.
Task 2: 1 – d, 2 – b, 3 – a, 4 – d, 5 – c.
Task 3: 1 – c, 2 – b, 3 – d, 4 – a, 5 – d.
Task 4: 1 – d, 2 – c, 3 – d, 4 – a, 5 – b.
Task 5: 1 – b, 2 – d, 3 – a, 4 – c, 5 – d.
Task 6: 1 – b, 2 – a, 3 – d, 4 – d, 5 – c.
Task 7: 1 – d, 2 – a, 3 – d, 4 – b, 5 – c.
Task 8: 1 – b, 2 – a, 3 – d, 4 – d, 5 – c.
Task 9: 1 – c, 2 – d, 3 – d, 4 – a, 5 – b.
Task 10: 1 – b, 2 – a, 3 – d, 4 – d, 5 – c.
Task 11: 1 – d, 2 – c, 3 – d, 4 – a, 5 – b.
Task 12: 1 – d, 2 – c, 3 – a, 4 – d, 5 – b.
Task 13: 1 – d, 2 – a, 3 – d, 4 – b, 5 – c.
Task 14: 1 – d, 2 – d, 3 – b, 4 – a, 5 – c.
Task 15: 1 – d, 2 – d, 3 – a, 4 – b, 5 – c.
Task 16: 1 – d, 2 – c, 3 – d, 4 – a, 5 – b.
Task 17: 1 – d, 2 – c, 3 – b, 4 – a, 5 – d.
Task 18: 1 – d, 2 – a, 3 – b, 4 – d, 5 – c.
Task 19: 1 – b, 2 – a, 3 – d, 4 – d, 5 – c.
Task 20: 1 – b, 2 – d, 3 – a, 4 – c, 5 – d.
Task 21: 1 – c, 2 – a, 3 – b, 4 – d, 5 – d.
Task 22: 1 – b, 2 – d, 3 – d, 4 – a, 5 – c.
Task 23: 1 – a, 2 – c, 3 – d, 4 – d, 5 – b.
Task 24: 1 – d, 2 – a, 3 – d, 4 – c, 5 – b.
Task 25: 1 – d, 2 – c, 3 – b, 4 – a, 5 – d.
Task 26: 1 – c, 2 – b, 3 – a, 4 – d, 5 – d.
Task 27: 1 – c, 2 – d, 3 – d, 4 – b, 5 – a.
Task 28: 1 – d, 2 – c, 3 – a, 4 – d, 5 – b.
Task 29: 1 – c, 2 – b, 3 – a, 4 – d, 5 – d.
Task 30: 1 – c, 2 – b, 3 – d, 4 – d, 5 – a.

L.V. Glotova,
Voronezh region

Option 1. Determine what means of linguistic expression are used in the following sentences:

1. At one hundred and forty suns, the sunset glowed.

2. He was so small in stature that he could not contain the laws.

3. The blue screen has replaced communication between people.

4. The whole room is illuminated with an amber shine...

5. I myself, like an animal, was alien to people / And I crawled and hid like a snake.

6. He spoke harshly to me.

7. The earth sleeps in a blue glow.

8. I drank a whole glass.

9. Moscow reached an agreement with Beijing.

10. Black evening. White snow.

11. I am a king - I am a slave, I am God - I am a worm.

12. When horses die, they breathe, / When grasses die, they dry up.

13. On Earth is mercilessly small / Once upon a time there was a small man.

14. Praise from others is like ash, / From you and blasphemy is praise.

15. Entering through the windows, through the doors, through the cracks, / a mass of sun fell.

16. She considered her uncle very stupid and simple. But good.

17. My friend, let’s dedicate our souls to the Motherland / Beautiful impulses!

18. How long will the authorities abuse our patience?

19. Generations do not pass through the earth without leaving a trace.

20. Swede, Russian - stabs, chops, cuts.

21. The ocean walked before my eyes, and swayed, and thundered, and sparkled, and faded, and glowed, and went somewhere into infinity.

Option 2. Determine what means of linguistic expression are used in the following sentences:

1. A yawn is wider than the Gulf of Mexico.

2. And star speaks to star.

3. Deep secrets have been entrusted to me...

4. Below a thin piece of grass / You have to bow your head...

5. We read Pushkin.

6. The fire of desire burns in the blood.

7. People in white coats helped him.

8. He is my sworn friend.

9. White collar workers are the main visitors to this cafe.

10. And slender reapers have short hems, / Like flags on a holiday, they fly in the wind.

11. I’m stupid, and you’re smart, alive, and I’m dumbfounded...

12. Your mind is as deep as the sea. / Your spirit is as high as the mountains.

13. Blessed is he who was young from his youth, / Blessed is he who matured in time...

14. And the waves crowd and rush back, / And they come again and hit the shore...

15. Night, street, lantern, pharmacy, / Meaningless and dim light.

16. Baby, we are all a little horse, /Each of us is a horse in our own way...

17. All facets of feelings, all facets of truth are erased / In worlds, in years, in hours.

18. Listen... Far away, on Lake Chad, / An exquisite giraffe wanders.

19. In everything I want to get to the very essence. / At work, in search of a path, in turmoil of the heart.

20. And you, arrogant descendants / Of the famous meanness of the illustrious fathers,

With the heel of a slave trampling down the wreckage / The play of happiness of the offended births!

21. And what Russian doesn’t like driving fast?


Option 1.


2. Litota

3. Periphrase

4. Epithet


6. Metaphor

7. Personification

8. Metonymy

9. Synecdoche

10. Antithesis.

11. Oxymoron

12. Anaphora

13. Epiphora

14. Syntactic parallelism

15. Gradation

16. Parcellation

17. Rhetorical address

18. Rhetorical question

19. Inversion

20. Asyndeton

21. Polysyndeton

Option 2.

1. Hyperbole

2. Personification

3. Epithet

4. Litota

5. Metonymy

6. Metaphor

7. Paraphrase

8. Oxymoron

9. Synecdoche

10. Comparison

11. Antithesis

12. Anaphora

13. Syntax parallelism

14. Polysyndeton

15. Asyndeton

16. Epiphora

17. Gradation

18. Inversion

19. Parcellation

20. Rhetorical address

21. Rhetorical question

TRAILS are words and expressions used by the author in a figurative meaning EPITHET - a figurative definition that answers the question what? which? which? which? And usually expressed by the adjective The moon makes its way through the wavy fogs, it pours a sad light onto the sad glades

PERSONIFICATION Animation of inanimate objects, likening them to a person; endowing inanimate objects with actions characteristic of humans. A storm covers the sky with darkness, spinning snow whirlwinds: now it will howl like an animal, now it will cry like a child. (A.S. Pushkin) The earth sleeps in a blue radiance. (M.Yu. Lermontov)

Algorithm for completing A3 1. Remember what the linguistic term specified in the task means; 2. Carefully read each sentence contained in the sample of answers 3. Determine which of them uses the means of linguistic expressiveness named in the task 4. Choose the correct answer

Task 1. In which sentence the means of expression is inversion 1. Because who will immediately bravely come out to meet the dinosaurs?.. 2. It turned out that he had already picked up a stray kitten at the entrance. He brought him home and is now raising him. 3. “Korzhikov is new in our class,” Tanya explained. 4. In the evening, when Tanya had already fallen asleep, I went out to walk our dog

Task 2. indicate the sentence that contains hyperbole 1. The women rushed to look for the hidden change and jumped out, overtaking one another. 2. The seller asked simply out of nothing to do, but the boy answered seriously and respectfully: “Nothing, uncle, there is no money.” 3.- Assalamualaikum, great merchant! - he said, narrowing his sly eyes. 4.- Now study, and if you don’t master reading and writing, you will stay with your grandfather forever in the mountains.

Task 3. Specify the proposal. In which the means of expressive speech is an epithet. 1.We have one like this,” sighed the owner of the cap, Sanka. 2. Peering diligently, I saw a barely noticeable star. 3. At a small station, of which passengers meet hundreds on their way, the train stopped, I went out onto the platform, took out the cigarettes and, taking out the last match from the box, lit a cigarette. 4. Without hesitation, I answered that there were seven stars in the Ursa’s bucket, and from the triumphant faces of the boys I realized that I had made some kind of mistake.

LITERATURE S.V. Drabkina, D.I. Subbotin. State final certification of 9th grade graduates in a new form. Russian language, 2012 – M., “Intelligence – Center”, Template for presentation taken from one of the sites

Option #1

    What are you howling about, night wind, why are you complaining so madly?

    The sunset lay like a crimson fire.

    Leontyev looked with fear and at the same time with some incomprehensible delight at the wall of living fire hitting the sky with a crash and roar.

    ...Most of all, take care and save a penny: this thing is the most reliable.

    The rich feast on weekdays, but the poor grieve on holidays.

    What is he looking for in a distant land?

What did he throw in his native land?

    Ivan Nikiforovich, on the contrary, has trousers with such wide folds that if they were inflated, the entire yard with barns and buildings could be placed in them.

    It was bright, fiery, red-hot on the paths from the maple and ash leaves.

That sad joy that I was alive?

    Play Brahms for me.

    Blue fog. Snow expanse.

Subtle lemon moonlight.

    He waited. Him and Petrovich.

    I love you, Petra's creation!

    Your Pomeranian, your lovely Pomeranian, is no bigger than a thimble.

Option No. 2

Specify the means of speech expression:

    The red sun does not shine in the sky,
    The blue clouds don’t admire him...

    Plunging into the cold boiling water of Narzan, I felt my physical and mental strength returning.

    He rules me. Prompts. Corrects.

    This rough-looking woman had a warm and calm voice.

    The night rushed past the windows, now opening with swift white fire, now shrinking into impenetrable darkness.

    From here we will threaten the Swede.

    The berries did not bear fruit this year.

    Land of the rising sun.

    The tongue is long, the thoughts are short.

    Venus lights up like blue crystal at dawn.

    A person's life is one moment.

    I told you a million times.

    She was admired, she was extolled, she was worshiped, she was idolized.

    I danced, cried in the spring rain, and the thunderstorm died down.

Option No. 3

Specify the means of speech expression:

1. The whole city came running.

2. The blizzard is angry, the blizzard is crying...

3. Are you getting old, dear friend?

No problem. Will there be something like this?

Others have a young old age.

4. Everything fell asleep. Window. And snow on the window.

5. There is not a crumb of bread in the house.

6. A red rowan fire is burning in the garden...

7. The fragile ice lies on the cold river, as if it were melting sugar.

8. A yawn is wider than the Gulf of Mexico.

9. Our smaller brothers.

10. Huge blue eyes glowed, burned, shone.

11. The stars shine in the blue sky, The waves lash in the blue sea.

13. Well, sit down, it’s shining.

14. They got together. Wave and stone

Poetry and prose, ice and fire

Not so different from each other.

Option No. 4

Specify the means of speech expression:

    I read all of Turgenev.

2. All facets of feelings, all facets of truth are erased in worlds, in years, in hours.

3. We worked for a long time. A very long time. Until morning.

4. I did my homework in five minutes.

5. The sky was already breathing autumn, the sun was shining less often.

6. The sun of Russian poetry.

7. They probably called a hundred times!

8. In autumn, a yellow leaf falls.

9. The maple leaf reminds us of amber.

10. Swamps and swamps, blue plateau of heaven.

11. The powerful are always to blame for the powerless.

12. Resonant silence

13. The earth sleeps in a blue radiance.

14. Foggy morning, gray morning.

Option No. 5

Specify the means of speech expression:

    The stubble of roadside horsetail sticks out all over the dust.

    The buyer chooses quality products.

    The fire destroyed the village.

    Her love for her son was like madness.

    Her tears flowed freely.

    Such a small mouth that it can’t miss more than two pieces.

    I will submit it to the Senate, to the ministers, to the sovereign.

    Conquerors of mountain peaks.

    Your mind is as deep as the sea.

Your spirit is as high as the mountains.

    He soon quarreled with the girl. And here's why.

    The earth sleeps in a blue glow.

    There is a vast field in front of us.

    The houses are new, but the prejudices are old.

    I'm sad because you're having fun.


Option #1

Option No. 2

Option No. 3

Option No. 4

Option #5


Syntactic parallelism



















Syntactic parallelism


Syntactic parallelism


















Syntactic parallelism










Syntactic parallelism









Russian language is one of the richest, most beautiful and complex. Not least of all, what makes it so is the presence of a large number of means of verbal expression.

In this article we will look at what a linguistic device is and what types it comes in. Let's look at examples of use from fiction and everyday speech.

Linguistic means in the Russian language - what is it?

The description of the most ordinary object can be made beautiful and unusual by using linguistic

Words and expressions that give expressiveness to the text are conventionally divided into three groups: phonetic, lexical (aka tropes) and stylistic figures.

To answer the question of what a linguistic device is, let’s take a closer look at them.

Lexical means of expression

Tropes are linguistic means in the Russian language that are used by the author in a figurative, allegorical meaning. Widely used in works of art.

Paths serve to create visual, auditory, and olfactory images. They help create a certain atmosphere and produce the desired effect on the reader.

The basis of lexical means of expressiveness is hidden or explicit comparison. It may be based on external similarity, personal associations of the author, or the desire to describe the object in a certain way.

Basic language means: tropes

We have been exposed to trails since we were in school. Let's remember the most common of them:

  1. The epithet is the most famous and common trope. Often found in poetic works. An epithet is a colorful, expressive definition that is based on a hidden comparison. Emphasizes the features of the described object, its most expressive features. Examples: “ruddy dawn”, “easy character”, “golden hands”, “silver voice”.
  2. Simile is a word or expression based on the comparison of one object with another. Most often it is formalized in the form of a comparative turnover. You can recognize it by the use of conjunctions characteristic of this technique: as if, as if, as if, as, exactly, that. Let's look at examples: “transparent like dew,” “white like snow,” “straight like a reed.”
  3. Metaphor is a means of expression based on hidden comparison. But, unlike it, it is not formalized by unions. A metaphor is built by relying on the similarity of two objects of speech. For example: “church onions”, “whisper of grass”, “tears of heaven”.
  4. Synonyms are words that are similar in meaning, but differ in spelling. In addition to classical synonyms, there are contextual ones. They take on a specific meaning within a particular text. Let's get acquainted with the examples: “jump - jump”, “look - see”.
  5. Antonyms are words that have exactly the opposite meaning to each other. Like synonyms, they can be contextual. Example: “white - black”, “shout - whisper”, “calm - excitement”.
  6. Personification is the transfer of signs and characteristic features of an animate object to an inanimate object. For example: “the willow shook its branches,” “the sun smiled brightly,” “the rain was knocking on the roofs,” “the radio was chirping in the kitchen.”

Are there other paths?

There are a lot of means of lexical expressiveness in the Russian language. In addition to the group that everyone is familiar with, there are also those that are unknown to many, but are also widely used:

  1. Metonymy is the replacement of one word with another that has a similar or the same meaning. Let's look at the examples: “hey, blue jacket (addressing a person in a blue jacket)”, “the whole class opposed (meaning all the students in the class).”
  2. Synecdoche is a transfer of comparison from a part to a whole, and vice versa. Example: “one could hear the Frenchman rejoicing (the author is talking about the French army)”, “an insect flew in”, “there were a hundred heads in the herd.”
  3. Allegory is an expressive comparison of ideas or concepts using an artistic image. Most often found in fairy tales, fables and parables. For example, a fox symbolizes cunning, a hare - cowardice, and a wolf - anger.
  4. Hyperbole is deliberate exaggeration. Serves to make the text more expressive. Places emphasis on a certain quality of an object, person or phenomenon. Let's look at the examples: “words destroy hope,” “his act is the highest evil,” “he has become forty times more beautiful.”
  5. Litota is a special understatement of real facts. For example: “he was thinner than a reed,” “he was no taller than a thimble.”
  6. Periphrasis is the replacement of a word or expression with a synonymous combination. Used to avoid lexical repetitions in one or adjacent sentences. Example: “the fox is a cunning cheat”, “the text is the brainchild of the author.”

Stylistic figures

Stylistic figures are linguistic means in the Russian language that give speech a certain imagery and expressiveness. They change the emotional coloring of its meanings.

Widely used in poetry and prose since the times of ancient poets. However, modern and older interpretations of the term differ.

In ancient Greece, it was believed that stylistic figures are linguistic means of language, which in their form differ significantly from everyday speech. Now it is believed that figures of speech are an integral part of spoken language.

What are the stylistic figures?

Stylistics offers a lot of its own resources:

  1. Lexical repetitions (anaphora, epiphora, compositional junction) are expressive linguistic means that include repetition of any part of a sentence at the beginning, end, or at the junction with the next one. For example: “It was a beautiful sound. It was the best voice I've heard in years."
  2. Antithesis - one or more sentences built on the basis of opposition. For example, consider the phrase: “I drag myself in the dust and soar in the skies.”
  3. Gradation is the use in a sentence of synonyms arranged according to the degree of increase or decrease of a characteristic. Example: “The sparkles on the New Year’s tree shone, burned, shone.”
  4. An oxymoron is the inclusion in a phrase of words that contradict each other in meaning and cannot be used in the same composition. The most striking and famous example of this stylistic figure is “Dead Souls”.
  5. Inversion is a change in the classical order of words in a sentence. For example, not “he ran,” but “he ran.”
  6. Parcellation is the division of a sentence with a single meaning into several parts. For example: “Opposite Nikolai. He looks without blinking."
  7. Polyconjunction is the use of conjunctions to connect homogeneous members of a sentence. Used for greater speech expressiveness. Example: “It was a strange and wonderful and wonderful and mysterious day.”
  8. Non-union - connections of homogeneous members in a sentence are carried out without unions. For example: “He thrashed about, screamed, cried, moaned.”

Phonetic means of expression

Phonetic means of expression are the smallest group. They involve repeating certain sounds to create picturesque artistic images.

This technique is most often used in poetry. Authors use repetition of sounds when they want to convey the sound of thunder, rustling leaves or other natural phenomena.

Phonetics also help to give poetry a certain character. By using certain combinations of sounds, the text can be made harder, or vice versa, softer.

What phonetic means exist?

  1. Alliteration is the repetition of the same consonants in the text, creating the image necessary for the author. For example: “With my dreams I caught the passing shadows, the passing shadows of the faded day.”
  2. Assonance is the repetition of certain vowel sounds in order to create a vivid artistic image. For example: “Do I wander along noisy streets, or enter a crowded temple.”
  3. Onomatopoeia is the use of phonetic combinations that convey a certain clatter of hooves, the sound of waves, or the rustling of leaves.

Use of verbal means of expressiveness

Linguistic means in the Russian language have been widely used and continue to be used in literary works, be it prose or poetry.

Writers of the Golden Age demonstrate excellent mastery of stylistic figures. Due to the masterful use of expressive means, their works are colorful, imaginative, and pleasing to the ear. It’s not for nothing that they are considered a national treasure of Russia.

We encounter linguistic means not only in fiction, but also in everyday life. Almost every person uses comparisons, metaphors, and epithets in his speech. Without realizing it, we make our language beautiful and rich.