On which lunar day is it better to quit? Moon phases and finding your dream job

To increase your chances of getting a prestigious job, you need to dress and prepare for the interview in accordance with the nature of the planet that rules the day of the week on which you are meeting with the employer and find out if the employer will be a representative of the fair half of humanity.


Even though this is the most difficult day of the week, you have every chance of getting a job. To do this, you need to choose light-colored clothes, speak in a quiet, calm voice and not make sudden movements. This day is ruled by the Moon - the planet of the water element, which includes not bright, blurred tones. Therefore, bright clothes on Monday will only irritate others. On the contrary, you need to look like a person who understands people well. Considering that the Moon is responsible for home, family, upbringing, caring, on this day it is easy to get a job related to home improvement, raising children, medicine and charity, or any other that emphasizes.


This day is ruled by Mars, a hot planet prone to quick action. Therefore, Tuesday is not the best day to look for a job. If, after all, the interview falls on Tuesday, preferably dress in red. Talk about yourself quickly, but without long, intimate stories. Show your enthusiasm, zeal for work and willingness to take on any task. It is best to look for a military job on Tuesday, because Mars is the planet of war.


The patron of this day is Mercury - the planet of youth and thought processes. If you are young, smart and well-spoken, a good job is guaranteed for you. When going to an interview, choose a light clothing style. Mercury is the patron of trade, therefore, it will be easiest to get a job as a seller or sales agent.


This day of the week is ideal for finding a promising job where you can make a good career. Jupiter, ruling this day, is responsible for expanding the sphere of influence and large-scale projects. The option of finding work related to foreign countries is not excluded. Dress style on Thursday does not play a big role, unlike knowledge and desire to work. Show that you are ready for long-term cooperation and constant self-education.


Appearance on Friday is key. After all, this day is patronized by Venus. Given that Venus is a feminine planet, men are much less likely to get a job on Friday than women. On this day it is easy to get a job in a design studio, beauty salon or flower shop. People of creative professions can also try their luck.


If the interview is scheduled for Saturday, be careful about your speech. Saturn, ruling this day of the week, loves everything strict. It is advisable to choose clothes in a classic style. This is a good day to get a management position or a job related to real estate.

Bad lunar days for changing jobs

1st lunar day: bad

The next one will start on 02/26/2017 at 17:58.
On this day it is not recommended to take any fateful steps or make important decisions.

4th lunar day: bad

The next one will start on 03/01/2017 at 08:37.
The fourth lunar day is a very unlucky period for changing employers. Do not change your field of activity, company or business environment during this period.

9 lunar day: bad

The next one will start on 03/06/2017 at 11:23.
It is not recommended to change jobs on the ninth lunar day. The day carries very negative energy, which especially affects certain areas

16th lunar day: bad

The next one will start on 02/11/2017 at 18:07.
Changing jobs is a very responsible and important decision in our lives. Our future and the future of our loved ones largely depends on the choice we make. Therefore, refrain from changing jobs on the sixteenth lunar day. In addition to the fact that this is not the best time for making fateful decisions, it is also a bad day for any global endeavors in our lives.

22nd lunar day: bad

The next one will start on 02/18/2017 at 01:09.
Today is a very bad time to change your occupation. Like all endeavors on this day, your decision will not be successful. You can be very disappointed in your new employer. If you make an unconsidered decision, you risk greatly regretting it. Be especially careful if a new job offer comes to you from competitors. Perhaps this is simply an element of a “political” game to lure away the best personnel to weaken the market position of your current company. You cannot be 100% sure that they feel a need for the vacancy you are filling and are truly interested in you as a vital specialist.

25th lunar day: bad

The next one will start on 02/21/2017 at 04:10.
It is strictly not recommended to change your place of work on this day. By doing this you can do a lot of harm to your career and worsen your financial condition.

Worst lunar days for changing jobs

3rd lunar day: terrible

The next one will start on 02/28/2017 at 08:14.
Today it is highly not recommended to change your job or direction of activity. Do not quit your current job on the third lunar day, even if circumstances are against you.

5 lunar day: terrible

The next one will start on 03/02/2017 at 09:01.
A terrible day for changing jobs or areas of activity! The moon today has an extremely unfavorable effect on any business activity, including changing jobs.

12th lunar day: terrible

The next one will start on 02/07/2017 at 13:28.
The twelfth day of the lunar calendar is simply a terrible time to change jobs. You simply cannot imagine how this will turn out for you.

13th lunar day: terrible

The next one will start on 02/08/2017 at 14:28.
The thirteenth day of the Moon is, without exaggeration, an incredibly bad time to change jobs! You should not make any drastic decisions on this day!

19th lunar day: terrible

The next one will start on 02/14/2017 at 21:47.
On this day, don’t even think about changing your job, the time for this is simply terrible! Having decided to change ... read more →

26 lunar day: terrible

The next one will start on 02/22/2017 at 05:01.
The twenty-sixth lunar day is one of the worst days of the lunar month for changing jobs. During this period, the Moon has an extremely negative impact on any endeavors, especially those associated with fundamental changes in our lives. Try to refrain from making any drastic decisions today.

It’s better to take a short break, stop any attempts to “sort everything out,” you won’t succeed anyway. On this day we will be extremely irrational, we will be guided by emotions and feelings, and not by common sense and logic. And decisions made under the influence of emotions often turn out to be wrong and can have an extremely negative impact on our future.

29 lunar day: terrible

The next one will start on 02/25/2017 at 06:57.
Today is one of the worst days to change jobs. It’s better not to even think about quitting, since this decision can turn your professional life in a completely different direction, making it unbearably difficult and uninteresting.

It is known that on the twenty-ninth lunar day, any undertaking, to put it mildly, does not lead to anything good. If you decide to radically change your life (and changing jobs is one of these changes), then be prepared for the worst possible consequences. There is a high probability that after a short time you will at least be terribly disappointed in this decision. At the most, you will feel its negative consequences for many years to come. This can either be a decrease in your income and constant financial difficulties, or actually put an end to your future career.

No matter how hard it is for you in your current workplace, no matter how strong the desire to change something, remember that on this day it is strictly not recommended to make life-changing decisions!

Many of us, especially during this difficult period, are interested in the problem of employment. At the first interview, candidates are sometimes lost and, as a result, do not present themselves in such a favorable light as they would like. The feeling of unfulfillment is depressing and undermines self-confidence... Or maybe you’re just unlucky? - many of those rejected asked themselves this question.

Astrologers offer a number of tips for those days of the week when you are going to get a job. Perhaps, by taking them into account, you will be able to move from the category of losers to the opposite: those lucky ones who have finally found something they like. Successful searches and equally successful employment!


The patroness of this day is the Moon - the planet of tenderness and tranquility. Therefore, you can count on success with your employer if you behave in a balanced, calm manner, without sudden movements, and speak softly and quietly. On this day, you should not irritate those around you and your potential boss with colorful, bright outfits - wear light or discreet clothes with blurry tones. It is very important to show that you know how to get along with people, understand them and have a fine mental organization. In general, on Monday it is easiest to get a job related to raising children. Teachers and also... housewives have many chances.


The patron saint of this day is Mars. In turn, he patronizes everything clear, sharp, definite and bright. Therefore, it is advisable to dress smartly, preferably in red tones. Go to get a job only if you are firmly confident in yourself - on this day, with an equal degree of probability, you can be quickly accepted, but just as quickly, in a harsh manner, without comment, you can be refused. To avoid the latter, explain yourself quickly, briefly, and with minimal emotion. Show that you are a man of action, able to immediately understand the essence of the situation, proactive and committed. Since Mars is the bearer of a militant principle, on this day it is easier to get a job in a military organization or in a new, newly created company.


The patron of this day is the planet Mercury, which favors young, free-thinking people who boldly express their thoughts. On Wednesday, you should prefer a youthful style of clothing - wear, for example, a sweater and jeans, talk a lot and, preferably, in complex phrases, try to give the impression of an intelligent person. Make an effort to look younger. Since Mercury is the god of trade, on this day it is easiest to find a job in the trade sector.


The patron of the day, planet Jupiter, is favorable to education and travel. If you speak foreign languages, have a higher education, and dream of a career related to foreign countries, you can safely get a job on Thursday. You can dress modestly, unpresentably, in a business style. But it is important to show the employer your knowledge and skills, to be able to show a rich imagination and inner content. Show that you are ready for constant self-education, long-term fruitful cooperation, and expansion of the company’s areas of activity.


The patroness Venus favors women and beauty. Therefore, representatives of the fair sex who want to get a job should pay special attention to their appearance on this day. Carefully select cosmetics, hairstyle, clothes, accessories - everything should be in harmony with each other, be discreet, but sophisticated. But men who are well dressed and eloquent also have good chances of finding a job. And the places where it is advisable to try your hand with the greatest success are beauty salons, flower shops, fashion studios or design centers - where creative ingenuity is required.


This day is under the influence of the planet Saturn. She is reputed to be a limiting planet, in charge of law and real estate. If you want to get a position, dress strictly, simply, in a classic style. No jeans, bare belly buttons or flashy jewelry! When communicating with a potential boss, try to remain serious, and if he provokes you to have fun (you never know, maybe he’s testing you like that), don’t laugh out loud, it’s only acceptable to smile a little. Be businesslike, restrained and very correct. Do not accept any informal proposals from the boss, refuse even a cup of coffee, not to mention visiting a cafe together - in a word, be “buttoned up!”

Calculation example.

28:12 = 2.33 vacation days.
2.33 x 8 = 18 days.

Two-week work

- retirement;

Looking for a new job

There are many reasons why employees leave their jobs in a hurry. Finding a worthy employee with a certain experience that meets all the requirements of the organization is not easy; it is much easier to keep an existing employee in his place.


Low wages

The most important reason for employees leaving voluntarily is because the wages for their work do not meet their expectations. Review the salaries of your employees; perhaps they leave much to be desired and can only satisfy people’s primary requirements. It makes sense to raise wages to motivate work.

Limited career opportunities

Often, employees leave their previous jobs due to the fact that when they were hired they received spectacular offers with the condition of career growth. Since the boss’s promises are not fulfilled for a long time, employees get tired of waiting, and they... Try to talk privately with employees who are valuable to the organization, it may be time to promote them.

Unnoticed merits to the employer

Try to notice employees who excel. Ambitious people who constantly introduce new ideas into production and into the company's activities need constant encouragement. Even if these are verbal comments or even certificates, people will be pleased to know that through their actions they have contributed to the organization. A person will not want to quit a job where the boss is attentive to his employees.

Lack of employment or routine work

Take a closer look at the responsibilities of your employees. Most likely, among most of them there are people who are busy too little or simply with the same type of work. If a person is not lazy, then sooner or later anyone will run away from such work. Try to add more interesting, exciting work to such employees. An option may be to deprive another employee of any duties, who already has too much to do.

Social package

Bonuses, bonuses, annual payments - all this also motivates employees. The lack of these incentive methods can also affect the desire to work.

Relationships with superiors

Think back to your last conversation with one of your employees. How did you behave, what did you do, what did you talk about? In what mood did the person leave you? Perhaps you speak rudely to employees, make threats, or demand the impossible. Watch yourself during such negotiations, maybe it’s you, and the employees are simply afraid to have a relationship with you, which is why they submit applications.


  • Dismissal at your own request. Why do employees leave?

Quitting is always stressful, even if it is a voluntary and informed decision. Before leaving work, calculate the most advantageous moment so as not to lose money or waste time. Nowadays there is no way to be without work, so people quit most often in two situations: if they have already found a new job or when they are just going to look for one.

Before you put your resignation letter on your boss’s desk, you need to find out from the HR specialist the vacation period. You should find out on what working date the previous vacation was used. There is a chance that you took him off in advance, without completing the reporting, working year. In this case, you will have to return part of your vacation pay. If you did not go on vacation, then upon dismissal you are entitled to compensation.

When calculating unused vacation days, full months are considered. Incomplete months are taken into account as follows: if the number of calendar days is less than 15, the month is discarded; more months are considered as complete. Next, you need to divide the number of vacation days by twelve months and multiply them by the actual number of hours worked.

Calculation example.
If eight months have passed since the previous vacation, and the vacation is 28 calendar days a year, then the calculation is as follows:
28:12 = 2.33 vacation days.
2.33 x 8 = 18 days.
Thus, the employer is obliged to pay you 18 days of vacation pay upon dismissal.

Two-week work

According to current legislation, an employee is required to notify the employer of dismissal two weeks in advance. This time is also called working off. This situation sometimes makes it difficult for an employee to move to another job, especially when the new place refuses to wait for this period.

You can resign on the day you submit your application, without working off, in the following situations:
- mutual termination of the employment contract;
- admission to an educational institution for full-time study;
- retirement;
- moving to a new place of residence;
- illness that prevents further work in the current position;
- caring for a sick family member;
- dismissal of disabled people and pensioners at their own request;
- dismissal of pregnant women;
- dismissal to care for a child under 14 years of age;
- Parents of large families with children under 16 years of age can also resign without work.

There is also a shortened working period of three calendar days. This type of work includes employees on a probationary period, seasonal workers and employees who have entered into an employment contract with the employer for a period of less than two months.

Looking for a new job

Looking for a job is also a job that takes a lot of time and effort, but sometimes the schedule at your current workplace is such that there is absolutely no time left to visit potential employers. If you don’t have free time, and your job doesn’t bring you money or moral satisfaction, you can do the most daring and even reckless thing - quit without having any alternative options. In this case, you should calculate the payments and compensation due to you upon dismissal, since you will have to live on these funds for some time. Before making the final decision to quit, look through several sites with vacancies, post your resume and outline your escape routes in the form of part-time jobs or temporary work. You can’t relax and take a long rest. The maximum amount of time you can afford is two days off. Now you have a new task - finding the ideal workplace where career growth and financial stability await you.

There are times in any company when, for whatever reason, several employees need to be laid off. How do you know if you are the next candidate to be eliminated? These signs literally lie on the surface, but many do not want to notice them until they receive a payment, and with it serious stress.

One of the signs of imminent dismissal is demotion, especially if you work as before and have not done anything wrong. If the company has positions that duplicate yours, then the omen is correct, and management considers you the least effective employee.

Some companies have seasonal salary cuts and increases, however, if only your salary was cut, this is also an alarming signal. Perhaps the boss simply does not want to sort things out with you, and thus makes it clear that your work does not suit him. Or unobtrusively pushes towards voluntary resignation.

If your manager's attitude towards you has changed, you should think about the reasons. It may be a matter of professionalism or personal qualities, this needs to be understood. Perhaps the boss is already looking for a replacement for you and has in mind a more valuable employee, in his opinion. This is especially noticeable if the attitude has changed dramatically recently.

In some companies, it is customary to criticize employees in writing - this is how the HR department collects material that will prove your mistakes and mistakes over a certain period of time. This is done in order not to waste time on unnecessary conversations, but to immediately present written evidence, providing grounds for dismissal. If such criticism towards you has become frequent, this can also be considered a sign of imminent dismissal.

If employees stop listening to your opinion and ignore your ideas and suggestions, this is a signal that they know something negative about you, which comes from management. They may have heard that you are going to be fired and therefore don't want anything to do with you. The same thing applies if the attitude of the boss and his associates has changed.

Frequent checks of your work and nitpicking over trifles also indicate that the trust of your superiors has been lost, and they have begun to look at you as a candidate for dismissal. This is especially true if you have previously made a serious mistake. In another case, checks may serve as a sign that they want to promote you and simply decided to get to know the candidate for a higher position better.

In the event of a merger of companies, it is worth carefully studying your prospects for further work in the new structure: are there any duplicate positions or specialists in the friendly company whose professional level is higher than yours? Is your boss happy with the way you are performing in this position? And other nuances unique to your company.

If it is customary for your company to wage so-called “office wars,” try to calmly assess your role in them. It is best to take a neutral position, but remain vigilant. If you are no longer given important tasks, and folders and documents disappear, this is a bad sign. This is how most often an unwanted employee is forced to resign voluntarily.

Take Action

If you notice one or more signs of such an attitude towards yourself, do not passively wait for a decision from management. If you want to stay in this job, you should definitely talk to your boss and find out how you are suited for your position and what you can change in your work to become a more effective employee.

It would be ideal if you offer something of your own to improve the work. Often such a conversation becomes the only opportunity to remain in this position. Or it will help you transfer to another position in the same company. If this does not help, you will at least find out the reasons for the dismissal, which can save you from unnecessary stress.

Tip 5: 5 Signs You Should Quit Right Now!

A person spends 160 hours a month at work if he has an 8-hour working day and a 5-day week. When working daily – more. If work is not satisfying, then with such a waste of time a person risks burnout, stress or depression. Therefore, if the feeling of fatigue from work does not go away, colleagues are annoying, there are no positive emotions - it’s time to change something.

Leaving on time is an important skill. It allows you to save resources: life, time and money. But recognizing that the moment to quit has come is not easy: it seems that the fatigue is temporary, you are afraid of not finding a new job, regretting the loss of your old one, etc. However, there are signs that can help you make a decision.

No development

When in the course of work a person gains new knowledge, meets new people, acquires new skills, he develops and grows. And even if development is difficult, the work will not seem boring. There will be no routine, but professional growth.

If work causes boredom, perhaps the person has stopped in his professional development. This is not yet a reason to write a letter of resignation, but it is already a bell. In this case, you can ask your boss for a transfer to another position or independently expand the scope of your activities.

No career growth

This may have natural reasons - the employee does not have the necessary qualifications, as an option. Or there may be troubling reasons:

  1. The boss does not see people as professionals, but judges them according to purely subjective criteria: “like/dislike.” These people usually have “favorites” that are promoted not because of their merits in their work, but because the boss enjoys spending time with them. This is an alarming signal, even if a person has fallen into the circle of “favorites,” since he can fly out of it at any time and for any reason.
  2. There is basically no career growth. This can be discovered if you take a closer look at your colleagues: when was the last time any of them received a promotion? And if people work in the same position for years, this is company policy. In this case, no matter how hard the employee tries, no matter how hard he works, there will be no promotion.

These are serious signs. Either one is enough to make you consider quitting.

No satisfaction

Satisfaction here is considered in 2 aspects: financial and moral. If a person works full time, there is overtime, but the salary does not change - this is a bad sign. Even if the wages are enough to live on, the work effort and the pay for it are not equal. In the future, this may result in an increase in responsibilities and a constant salary for a person. Sufficient reason for dismissal.

The moral aspect means that while working, a person knows that his work is not in vain. And if he spent a month working on a project that was abandoned, and this happens more than once, burnout is inevitable. Staying in such a job means creating stress or depression for yourself. You have to quit this job, despite the fear of unemployment.

There is no peace in the team

The atmosphere in the team is largely the guarantee that the work will be loved. If you have to work in a team of gossips, intriguers, or people who are “in their own heads” and who are not inclined to communicate in any way, there is a risk of getting a nervous breakdown. In addition, intriguers and gossips can not only wear out your nerves, but also ensure that a person does not get a promotion, so that his superiors think poorly of him, etc.

In this case, there is no need to be patient. It’s better to prepare mentally, gather courage and write a letter of resignation, because the team will not change.

Have your own project

If a person has everything ready to open his own business, he will have to quit, because combining his own business and working for his “uncle” will not work. Here it’s either one thing or the other, or everything will burn out at once, because your project requires complete dedication, which means you won’t be able to work well in another place. And vice versa, if you waste your energy at work, you won’t have enough for your business. Therefore, as soon as the preparation stage is completed, the business plan is drawn up, investors are found, you need to decide to quit and start a new life, work on your project.

Related article

Source: Laurie Reid Magic of the Moon. How the Moon rules us/Trans. from English P.A.Satanovskaya. - M.: LLC TD Publishing House World of Books, 2006

The influence of the Moon on the success of your business.

Everyone knows how important it is to be in the right place at the right time. Every day we make one or another choice in life: what to wear, what to cook for dinner, when to invite friends over, when to go on a trip. Some of us are accustomed to carrying out long-term projects: creating our own enterprise, building an estate, investing in real estate, works of art, jewelry.

As an astrologer, I can’t help but recommend taking the grandiose projects of your life more than seriously: that is, weighing the pros and cons, exploring the motivations for your choice and action, contacting a specialist to determine the moment of time for implementing the project - this is very effective in that case , if a person is focused on the final result. But many of us are interested not so much in the result as in the process itself. These are people of a fundamentally different type: they like to take risks, worry about the difficulties they face, and feel constantly busy. For example, such a person will start building a house without having in hand not only a project, but even a clear idea of ​​what he is actually building. Offering such a person the services of an architect, interior designer or astrologer is sheer nonsense. The goal of such a person is not to implement his project, but to gain experience interacting with the outside world through such personal creativity. This is his reward and main interest.

If you are not devoid of a bit of adventurism, then you know how pleasant it can be to embark on such a scam! But if you are more inclined to be sober, more practical and would like, in addition to an additional portion of adrenaline in the blood and strong emotional experiences, to also receive material dividends from your enterprise, you should act with an eye on the objective factors of life.

You should not run to a consultation with an astrologer for any reason. A mentally healthy person has a well-functioning intuition and inner confidence that he is doing everything right. You should contact an astrologer, like a doctor, when something really bothers you seriously: you yourself feel it or those around you persistently make it clear to you. And in a choice that does not go beyond the scope of everyday life, it is enough to be guided by knowledge of general laws, just as we are guided by knowledge of the rules of general hygiene, nutrition, sleep patterns and activity to maintain health.

The oldest and most accessible rule for success in everyday life is the rule of matching our actions with the phases of the Moon. To follow this rule, you don’t even have to look at the calendar: it’s enough to look at the sky on a clear night to determine the phase of the moon.

Moon phases

Over the course of a month, the Moon goes through four main phases: new moon, first quarter, full moon and last quarter. But since the Moon constantly waxes and wanes as it moves around the Earth, and changes the shape we see every night, the lunar cycle can be broken down into eight smaller phases. The first four phases are the phases of the waxing Moon, the next four are the phases of the waning Moon. The ninth phase is the phase of the Moon returning to the beginning.

  1. New Moon - There is no Moon in the sky; the Sun obscures it for an observer from Earth.
  2. Growing Moon - the Moon appears in the sky in the form of a thin crescent, the horns of which point to the left, and the belly of the outer bend points to the right. From this phase it begins to “grow”. Symbolically, the growing Moon is similar to the Russian letter “P” in the part that is adjacent to the stick with a crescent: “P” - “growing”.
  3. The first quarter Moon is the waxing Moon, which is visible from Earth as half an apple in profile, the belly side of which is on the right.
  4. The waxing Moon - to an observer from Earth it looks like a defective coin, with the left side a little short of a perfect circle.
  5. Full Moon - The Moon is perfectly round.
  6. Defective Moon is now a defective coin that is missing on the right side.
  7. The last quarter is half an apple in profile, the belly side of which is on the left. Symbolically, the falling Moon corresponds to the letter “P” displayed in the mirror.
  8. The waning month is a thin crescent, the horns of which point to the right and the belly to the left.
  9. And again the new moon.

Each phase of the moon lasts approximately three and a half days.

The moon itself does not emit light - it glows by reflecting the sunlight falling on it. As the Moon circles the Earth, the sun's rays illuminate different areas of its surface. When the Moon is directly between the Earth and the Sun, it does not reflect light at all to the Earth, since the sun's rays at this time illuminate its reverse side. That is why at this time the Moon is not visible from the Earth.

The Moon moves around the Earth, and the sun's rays illuminate it from different angles, making more and more of it visible.

Rules of the Solar-Lunar Cycle

To succeed in the business to which you devote your attention, you need to take into account the changing lunar phases and plan your activities in accordance with the most favorable data. The position of the Moon in the sky affects events happening in the world, people’s mood, their hopes, and, in general, changes the rhythm of life.

To be fully equipped at any moment, you need to learn to adapt to the rhythms of the Moon and take into account its impact on the environment. The basic rule of the Moon in business is very simple: on the waxing Moon (immediately after the new moon) we launch new projects; during the falling moon (from the period between the full moon and the new moon) we plan the final stages of projects.
Projects started during the two weeks of the waxing moon usually develop more successfully than those started immediately after the full moon. If you decide to launch a new project during the waning moon, keep in mind that it will develop very slowly and is most likely doomed to failure.

But, on the other hand, during the period between the full moon and the new moon it is good to plan the final stages of all kinds of projects, for example:

Reducing operations, laying off employees, cleaning up, exploring new directions, studying competitors.

The day when a new Moon is born can be called a day of development: from this moment the Moon begins to grow again, becomes brighter, and its influence intensifies. It's time to speed up and make new plans for the future both in personal and business life. Set yourself five to ten main goals for the near future or several months in advance and begin to gradually work towards their implementation.

On the day of the new moon, make plans, set goals and start new projects.

Make plans and start new projects between the birth of the new moon and the full moon.

Two weeks after the new moon is a time of growth and development. Use them to promote your career, work or business.

It is unwise to look for a job, apply for a new job, or launch a new product on the market in the two weeks between the full moon and the next new moon.

From the new moon to the first quarter follows:

Conclude new deals
- develop new contracts
- sign contracts and agreements
- sort out correspondence
- start dating
- ask for a raise or look for a new job
- present new ideas, proposals
- announce the price when acquiring a smaller company
- join partnerships and societies
- sue for damages caused
- laying new construction
- appoint important boards of directors
- run for election
- elect new members
- publish positive results of the company’s activities

From the first quarter to the full moon follows:

Launch advertising campaigns
- carry out attention-grabbing events - for example, to improve the company’s image
- take legal or economic advice
- borrow money
- inform employees about salary increases
- announce a merger

On the day of the full moon you should:

Slow down activities and evaluate the results obtained
- suspend current projects for the next two weeks
- plan to cancel time-consuming but ineffective projects

From the full moon to the last quarter:

Conduct investigations, undercover work and secret projects
- suspend important research
- explore new markets
- study information about new clients and customers
- prepare a budget or estimate
- carry out inventory
- carry out equipment repair and maintenance
- write reports
- view company policy
- develop new plans
- sign up for educational courses

From the last quarter of the new moon it follows:

Quit or retire
- fire employees
- report a salary reduction
- carry out restructuring
- transfer powers
- break off partnerships
- collect debts
- defend yourself in court
- publish official results of activities
- go on strike
- clean, paint, update the work area
- repay debts
- prepare to carry out new projects in the next phase of the new moon

Rules for the position of the Moon in the Zodiac Sign

Each zodiac sign in which the Moon is located has a unique, special effect on the markets, because each sign is unique in its properties.

No matter how big or small a company is, whether it is newly formed or has already established itself in the market, it must take into account the influence of the Moon in order to operate successfully. The moon has a tremendous impact on any business, as it is capable of changing important factors not only in the tactical, but also in the strategic activities of the company in the commercial market.

Modern calendars indicate the position of the Moon in a sign.

Moon in Aries

Favorable time for: trading, buying, selling, making intuitive decisions, taking tough measures, taking risks, starting new projects, starting a new business (especially one where there is risk).

Avoid: open conflicts, rash actions.

Beware: bad mood of others.

automotive industry, equipment trade, sports, new enterprises.

Moon in Taurus

Favorable time for: investing, leasing property, recruiting new staff, renovating work premises, building relationships with colleagues.

Avoid: don’t sit in the shadows, don’t stall in one place, don’t miss good opportunities.

Beware: inflexibility of others.

Good time for activities in the area: construction, decoration and home decoration, farming, agriculture and gardening, landscape design, confectionery art.

Moon in Gemini

Favorable time for: trade, purchase, sale, business trips, development of new solutions, correspondence, interior decoration, office reshuffles, commissioning of new equipment, including telecommunications, presentations, crisis management measures.

Avoid: do not be distracted from the main goal, do not assess the situation superficially, do not hide the truth, do not take on several important matters at once.

Beware: scammers.

Good time for activities in the area: media, audio and video equipment, communications, printing and printed products, postal services, school education, toy production.

Moon in Cancer

Favorable time for: signing various documents, forming a new company, eliminating unfavorable conditions.

Avoid: Don’t get stuck on one idea, don’t be afraid to take risks, don’t take criticism too seriously, don’t be influenced by the bad mood of others.

Beware: people who believe that the world should revolve around them.

Good time for activities in the area: household goods, property and real estate, furniture manufacturing, baby care products, shipping and fishing industries.

Moon in Leo

Favorable time for: renting out property, resolving money-related issues, active support, happy occasions, in order to take control of the situation.

Avoid: Don't spend too much money, don't treat colleagues and employees arrogantly, and don't have intimate relationships with colleagues.

Beware: careless actions of other people.

Good time for activities in the area: luxury goods, design projects, beauty products, first class travel, hospitality, performing arts, children's products, lottery and gambling.

Moon in Virgo

Favorable time for: trading, buying, selling, business trips, reorganization, presenting information on accounts, demonstrations, analyzing the effectiveness of mailings, purchasing shares.

Avoid: Don't lose sight of the big picture, giving too much importance to details, don't be overly critical, don't judge harshly.

Beware: fussy people.

Good time for activities in the area: medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmaceuticals, statistics, production of high-precision instruments, healthy nutrition, diet and fitness, voluntary medical practice, catering, production of food for pets.

Moon in Libra

Favorable time for: renovation and arrangement of work premises, disclosure of information, entering into new business alliances, conducting marketing campaigns and public relations events, signing contracts, negotiations, resolving disputes, holding corporate events.

Avoid: open manifestation of hostility, do not wait, hoping that someone will take on your responsibility, do not weave intrigues.

Beware: other people's indecisiveness.

Good time for activities in the area: diplomacy, show business, art, haute couture, wedding celebrations, advertising campaigns, public relations.

Moon in Scorpio

Favorable time for: signing documents, renting out property, painting work spaces, showing trust, solving problems, making detailed inquiries, launching campaigns against competitors, closing important deals.

Avoid: Don't try to hide the facts, don't reveal all your plans, don't be too tense, don't try to implement secret plans, don't pretend that you know more than you really do.

Beware: grievances of someone around you.

Good time for activities in the area: police control, surgery, research, intelligence, meat trading, mining, investment management, and in the field of funerals.

Moon in Sagittarius

Favorable time for: trading, promotions, advertising campaigns, important correspondence, travel, business meetings, borrowing money, dealing with legal or legal issues.

Avoid: Don't lose sight of the details, don't fuss, don't be irresponsible with money, don't be careless with your work.

Beware: inattention of others.

Good time for activities in the area: publishing, legislation, tourism, foreign trade and telecommunications, religious institutions, training, higher education.

Moon in Capricorn

Favorable time for: getting down to business, working overtime, making major financial transactions, reorganizing the filing system, creating new work schedules, managing things, applying for a promotion, starting a new business, hosting your boss.

Avoid: Don't be inflexible, don't get depressed about work, don't be too strict with colleagues and employees.

Beware: the cruel ambition of other people.

Good time for activities in the area: banking and finance, real estate, municipality, political parties, public administration, monarchy, superstars.

Moon in Aquarius

Favorable time for: leasing property, improving working conditions, transferring money, renovating and decorating an office, cooperation with colleagues.

Avoid: do not sacrifice one person for the sake of the entire team, do not take a completely opposite point of view, do not deviate from the intended direction.

Beware: delays

Good time for activities in the area: electric power industry, scientific research, trade union activities, new inventions, production of electronics and high-tech equipment, clubs, societies, social services.

Moon in Pisces

Favorable time for: signing documents, developing financial agreements, sending letters, necessary equipment repairs, purchasing shares.

Avoid: do not embellish the prospect awaiting you, do not be influenced, do not argue against logic, do not doubt yourself.

Beware: too unrealistic expectations and behind-the-scenes intrigues.

Good time for activities in the area: television and film industry, petrochemical production and refining, brewing trade, shipping, foot care and footwear industry.

Rules for aspects of the Moon with other planets

The zodiac contains 360 degrees. If we take a point on a circle and measure a certain number of degrees from it, we get an arc, which in astrology is called an aspect. Each number of degrees has a special nature, quality and symbolism.

During the course of a day, the Moon can form several different aspects with the Sun and planets. In our case, it is advisable to use the so-called major aspects: conjunction (0 degrees), sextile (60 degrees), square (90 degrees), trine (120 degrees) and opposition (180 degrees). To use information about aspects of the Moon in business, you can use special astrological calendars, which indicate the phase of the Moon, its position in the Zodiac sign and aspects. An example of such a calendar is the calendar of Alexander Zaraev, published in Russia for many years.

Influence of Moon aspects

In sextile or trine with the Sun: look for work, seek the favor of superiors. Make important decisions. Go on business trips and pleasure trips. If you need to make an impression, this is a good day.

In square or opposition with the Sun: a day on which you should avoid communicating with superior people and not seek their favor. This is not a good time to travel or start anything important. Do not rush to make a decision regarding new beginnings; postpone it until the next phase of the Moon. On this day, many people feel irritable and have a bad mood.

In conjunction, sextile or trine with Mercury: the day is good for all kinds of office work and travel. Devote it to study, compile reports, write letters, start things that require ingenuity.

In square or opposition with Mercury: not good for studying, traveling or sending messages, do not submit reports, do not write anything important, for example, do editorial work - and in general anything that becomes known to many. Many people give the impression of being slow-witted, ask questions several times, some of them fuss too much, are nervous, and talk a lot and not to the point.

Conjunct, sextile or trine Venus: wear new clothes and jewelry, look for new partners, hire servants, advertise.

In square or opposition with Venus: a bad day for social events. Clothes worn for the first time on this day will make an unfavorable impression on your partners. Advertising launched on this day will remain unnoticed. At this time, people of the opposite sex may behave inappropriately. Many people violate the rules of cultural behavior in society and behave in what is called ugly.

In sextile or trine with Mars: a day of enterprise, activity. At this time, you can successfully carry out a large amount of work, inspire your subordinates with your enthusiasm, and make the impression of an active and energetic person.

Conjunct, square or opposition Mars: Unlucky day for doing any kind of work requiring precision and patience. Avoid arguments, don't take trips, don't make new friendships, don't communicate with partners if possible. On this day, most people experience strong internal tension and a desire to get important things done as quickly as possible. This affects the increased accident risk on the roads. People can behave inappropriately rude and aggressively, seek conflict in order to take their anger out on someone.

In conjunction, sextile and trine with Jupiter: a good day for any endeavors. Ask for advice, consult judges and clergy, lawyers and people in government positions. Seek patronage and patronage.

Square and opposition to Jupiter: don't brag. If petitioners come to you at this time, do not give them money and do not form patronage. When communicating with famous and powerful people, behave respectfully, but not obsequiously, do not ingratiate yourself or ask for anything. At this time, people are called “rushing”: they want to show everyone the object of their pride. Many begin to unreasonably refer to authorities and flaunt their high connections. Many show inappropriate generosity or a tendency to put others down. Many people demand to be praised or rewarded.

Sextile and trine Saturn: Seek the company of older people and wise counsel. If you are a manager, the day is good for promoting an employee to a position with more responsibility. Successful for establishing long-term partnerships, starting a project that requires patience and concentration, concentration. A very good day for everything related to the earth: agriculture, real estate, building materials (not tools). Real estate purchased during this period will increase in value over time.
In conjunction, square and opposition with Saturn: do not start anything important, limit communication, do not go on a trip, do not negotiate, do not deal with issues related to real estate and production. Many people at this time are attacked by an attack of pessimism, blues and depression. Many may show unexpected stinginess or indifference, coldness. The boss may be in a very bad mood and unfairly oppress and criticize. Bureaucratic obstacles and delays are especially unpleasant during this period.

Sextile and trine Uranus: Favorable for matters related to advanced technology and wireless communications. All unusual ideas and inventions during this period contain a rational grain that should be considered carefully. Good for scientific research, mastering new mechanisms resulting from advances in science and technology.

Conjunct, square and opposition Uranus: Computer outages, electrical and electronic equipment and air transport problems. At this time, it is better not to engage in research and search for a strong solution - the ideas of this period, as a rule, lead down the wrong path.

Sextile and trine Neptune: Good for the film industry and any activity related to liquid. For people associated with art, these aspects bring inspiration, the vision of new images, the synthesis of disparate parts into a single whole, and a successful color and sound solution is found.

In conjunction, square and opposition with Neptune: human consciousness enters the world of illusions. During this time, any type of intoxication should be avoided, be it alcohol or strong emotions. A person can easily fall into error and believe in something that does not actually exist.

In sextile and trine with Pluto: the aspect is important for those who are associated with the energies of large groups and big money, power structures. Favorable for in-depth analysis of processes occurring in business and politics, organizing training courses for personnel training.

Conjunct, square and opposition to Pluto: dangerous for conducting large financial undertakings and interacting with large numbers of disorganized people.

Moon without aspects.

At some period of time, the Moon makes its last aspect and will not have any aspect before leaving a given zodiac sign. In astrology, such a moon is called the Moon without a course. It has its own characteristics that should be taken into account.

Material affairs are going poorly at this time, and the subconscious of many people is inhibited.

This has a particularly strong effect on those areas of life in which a person strives to get out from under the yoke of his mother, gain freedom, feel the flight of thought and spiritual soaring, which at other times, as a rule, is blocked by the subconscious, habits and instincts. Many people at this time are absent-minded, unsure of themselves, too trusting, indulge in daydreaming and stop paying attention to what is happening around them. During this period, “unfortunate misunderstandings,” unusual or even unpleasant events often occur.

With the Moon “without a course,” the Earth and people are inclined or forced to act at random, since they “see” only vague outlines of objects and can only find their way by touch. The fog clears as the Moon moves into the beginning of the next sign and situations become clearer and more defined.

Moreover, the nature of the influences of the Moon “without a course” depends on which planet the Moon made the last major aspect with. If the planet is favorable, then the influences of the Moon “without a course” will be more favorable. If the planet is malefic, then the influences will be unfavorable.

The moon “without a course” can affect situations in different ways.

The positive influence of the Moon “without a course” is a time of inner freedom, when many should think about the soul, devote time to their inner world, and simply relax. For single people, this is a time of breakthroughs, the implementation of new scientific and technical solutions, and for others - a rise in intuition, going beyond routine and standard solutions.

The negative influences of the Moon “without a course” are periods of making unrealistic decisions, unforeseen difficulties, lost profits, and the acquisition of useless things. Time of unplanned events, delays, difficulties, errors, shortcomings, alterations, disruptions in the transport schedule. Many people feel unwell, experience stress and are prone to nervous breakdowns. This is a difficult time for diagnosis, healing and any psychic practice. Moon time “without a course” is not suitable for making important decisions, since they may be based on incorrect premises or erroneous data.

In financial matters. Money received or paid during this time may return in a completely different way than planned, or may not return at all. If the last major aspect was with a favorable planet, then the obvious benefit will go unnoticed, and if with an unfavorable one, then transactions can result in large financial losses.

In collective financial affairs. Cases related to inheritance, large corporations, government agencies. Here, the Moon “without a course” indicates the opportunity to pull off some kind of scam and get rich personally (with the latter aspect with a favorable planet) or to come to the attention of tax authorities and courts and suffer losses (with an aspect with a malefic planet). In America, astrologers advise filing an income statement with the tax authorities precisely during the passage of the Moon “without a course,” since it has been noted that this position allows a person to more easily pass through the sieve of tax system checks and thereby avoid troubles.

Meetings and trips. Unusual situations, pleasant surprises and acquaintances are possible if the last major aspect was with a favorable planet. If the last aspect was with a malefic planet, then major losses, conflicts and troubles, risky situations, unforeseen circumstances and delays are likely.

Long trips, travel, contacts with sponsors. You will have to adjust plans and look for alternative options (if aspected by a favorable planet) or you will have to completely abandon trips and joint projects (if aspected by a malefic planet).

Gambling, entertainment and creative self-realization. Unexpected large wins (if aspected by a benefic planet) or losses (if aspected by a malefic planet). Moreover, at this time unexpected changes are possible that will force you to look for a different line of behavior or act in a new way in order to achieve success, because old techniques are unlikely to be effective.

Partnerships. When aspected by a malefic planet, it can ruin partnerships, misunderstandings, mutual claims and accusations are possible. When aspected by a favorable planet, relationships can unexpectedly reach a new level. In any case, this time should be used to rethink the experience, free yourself from old attachments and prepare for a new stage.

In career matters. With the last aspect with a malefic planet, there is a need to stay away from superiors and not make hasty conclusions, not try to make important decisions or put pressure on subordinates. With the last aspect with a favorable planet, it becomes possible to do your own business behind the boss’s back, and also to use your past authority to start new things, to grow in a new field or to look for a new job.

Note for safe storage and interaction with explosive substances, follow safety regulations both at work and at home. It is important to exercise caution and prudence, get more rest, and do ordinary, familiar things.

It is best to start any important events at least two hours before the moment of the aspect from which the Moon “loses course.”

Lunar and solar eclipses.

Eclipses have been known since ancient times for their significant influence on the course of personal and world events. This is a very big topic in astrology and requires separate consideration. The time of the eclipse and its quality can be found in the calendar.


Alan Leo. Complete Astrological Dictionary by Alan Leo / Translated from English. - Alexander Kolesnikov. - K.: “Sofia”, Ltd., M.: Firma “Konek”, 1996

Reid L. Magic of the Moon. How the Moon rules us / Per. from English P.A.Satanovskaya. - M: LLC "TD "Publishing World of Books", 2006

Anthony Lewis. Business strategies under the Moon without a course. Collection of articles edited by Noel Thiel. Volume 1.Trans. from English T.S. Drabkina - M:. Editorial board of the magazine "Urania", 1998

7 June 2008