Download test sight shaitan. Forbidden sight "Shaitan" for World of Tanks - what is the secret of bending? Among the features of aimbot shaitan can be distinguished

The goal of the Shaitan aimbot is to make projectiles in autoaim more likely to hit a moving enemy.


You have probably noticed that the standard auto-aim activated with the RMB is not capable of shooting at moving targets at all. All this is due to the fact that the sight looks at one point and does not calculate the lead necessary for a successful hit. But after installing Shaitan, everything will change, and shooting will be much more efficient, because the mod takes into account many parameters, for example, the distance to the enemy tank and its current speed. Thanks to this, almost no enemy will leave you without proper punishment.

Another advantage is that if the target has left the light, the auto-aim will still work, focusing on the last vector of movement of the equipment, that is, even a blind shot can be successful. There is also an indication of a shot, in the screenshot below you can see a red arrow, which means that there is some kind of obstacle in the way of the projectile, in this case it is a rock. In addition to the indication of the shot, you can also see the distance to the target.

This is far from the only automatic sight, you may prefer another option, for example, the famous mod, which has long been recognized among tankers.

The list includes any changes to how auto-aim works, so use Shaitan carefully, as there is a risk of getting banned from Wargaming.

Advanced users can customize the sight to their taste, for this, open the file called ZJ_AimBotShaytan.xml with Notepad ++, in which you can change about 15 different settings.


  • Just below, download the archive with the mod, inside there will be one folder, which you need to copy to World_of_Tanksres_mods [current patch version].

This cheat called "Shaitan" is a high-quality aimbot for WoT, which significantly improves auto-aim. It includes a smart lead that changes based on the enemy's speed and distance. This cheat modification will undoubtedly simplify the gameplay.

In addition, the mod contains the function of capturing a target located behind an obstacle, whether it is behind a house or a hill. Also, the modification can capture the specified points on the enemy tank. Like many other tank simulators, this one is quite popular among gamers.

Chit Shaitan download

Before installing a cheat mod, you should consider that it is prohibited by the game developers, and you can get banned for using it. Thus, think carefully before installing it. The authors of the modification advise against publishing screenshots and videos from WoT in the public domain.

To install the "Shaitan" cheat, you need to download the archive and extract the scripts from it to the update folder, agreeing to replace the files. If you wish, you can customize the mod in your own way. To do this, you need to edit the ZJ_AimBotShaytan file, which is located at the following path: /res_mods/[update folder]/scripts/client/mods/ZJ_Mods/xml/. There you can change 15 different parameters.

A new aimbot from DarkTeam, complete with a display of destroyed objects.

Modification features

The mod consists of two elements. The first is the aimbot, a modification that improves the auto-aim mode several times. The following features have appeared:

  • automatic calculation of lead on a moving enemy;
  • intuitive aiming weaknesses(can be disabled using the Numpad block);
  • if the enemy is hidden behind a house or landscape, then it can still be aimed at, the restriction on capturing only in the line-of-sight zone has been removed;
  • target lock indicator, distance to the enemy, information about the lead status and armor thickness at the point where the marker is pointing.

In addition to the new aiming, another extremely useful cheat is included in the mod. If at some point on the map the enemy interacts with an interactive object (for example, a car or a tree), then a marker will appear at that point. The mark appears not only on the minimap, but also on the battlefield itself, which is very convenient. The benefit of such information is especially noticeable when the player is left alone against several enemy tanks.

How is the scope installed?

  • Copy the configs folder to \World_of_Tanks\res_mods\. Copy the remaining folders and files to World of Tanks\res_mods\

The first screen shows the destruction of objects, the second is dedicated to the sight itself.

What is aimbot shaitan for? You ask, and even where to download it, and we will answer, it is needed in order to fire at moving enemy you need to take the fire lead, as well as predict the place where the tank will be in the next moment, and you can download it from the link below at the end of this article. If this doesn’t work at all, then a cheat will come to the rescue to prevent shooting, which is called Aimbot Shaitan. It also allows you to capture the target through various obstacles.

Automatic targeting of an enemy tank allows you to hit its most vulnerable parts of the tank and at the same time take into account the effectiveness of the armor. Before using it, you need to note that this is a cheat, and for its use in the game they can be blocked. It can be used as training to practice fire on a moving enemy.

In order to fire at the tank on the move, special skills are needed. In order for a projectile to hit effectively, several factors must be taken into account - the speed at which the enemy tank is moving, the distance to the target, and at what speed the projectile flies. When the player's number of battles grows, then the use of this cheat as an assistant is not required.

  • This sight is configured in the file (pictures are clickable)
  • res_mods\0 .9 .x \scripts\client\mods\ZJ_Mods\xml\ZJ_AimBotShaytan.xml
  • The cheat works according to the following parameters:

  1. To shoot, you need to point the aiming marker at the tank of a moving enemy

The cheat automatically measures the speed of the tank, the distance to the target and the speed of the projectile, and fires a shot.

See the picture below for the most frequently asked questions from users with answers.

Among the features of aimbot shaitan are:

  1. Tracking the dynamics of the target
  2. Automatic shot
  3. Stabilization system
  4. Ability to lock onto a target behind obstacles
  5. Targeting the most vulnerable points of the enemy tank

To configure the cheat, you will have 15 different options available. Any player who has a cheat can customize it to suit their play style.