Cauliflower salad by. Cauliflower salad with tomatoes

She is a frequent guest of vegetable soups, side dishes and casseroles. For many, it will be a discovery that cauliflower can be eaten raw, but you will find that its taste is very similar to the taste of young walnuts and, moreover, raw cabbage is very healthy. Thermally processed food has many flavors, warms us and gives us energy, without it it is difficult to survive the cold Russian winter, but, unfortunately, there are practically no living vitamins and enzymes left in it, which raw vegetables and fruits are rich in. If you have signs of vitamin deficiency, your digestive system is not working well, and the endlessly gray winter sky brings melancholy and sadness, eat more fruits and raw vegetables. Replace your usual dinners with a large portion of fresh salad and the result will exceed all your expectations: weight and sleep will normalize, the morning will become fresh and cheerful, and your face will glow with joy and satisfaction with life.

There are just as many vitamins, minerals and nutrients in raw cauliflower as in regular white cabbage, but in terms of ascorbic acid content it is a clear champion. Vitamin C in the inflorescences of this vegetable there are three times more than in a regular head of cabbage. Unlike white cabbage, cauliflower contains more protein. Its milky-white “flowers” ​​are rich in a special substance, indole-3-carbinol. Once in the human body, it is actively involved in metabolic processes, normalizes hormonal levels and prevents serious diseases. Particularly valuable in cauliflower is its high content of vitamins. A, IN1 And AT 6, RR, and magnesium, calcium, potassium, gland, sodium And phosphorus. It contains acids: citric, malic, tartronic. The latter prevents the deposition of eaten food as fat, that is, it directly promotes weight loss.
My grandmother believed that cauliflower, like walnuts, should be eaten if for no other reason than that it is very similar to the brain))) No matter how touching it was, she was right, because cauliflower contains a lot of choline. It is choline that helps maintain the structure of cell membranes and is involved in the production of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that greatly affects brain health.
In general, eat cauliflower, lose weight, get smarter and be healthy!

Ingredients: (for 1 serving)

for a 1 liter salad bowl

  • cucumber 1 piece
  • avocado 0.5 pcs
  • blue onion 0.25 pcs
  • 1 clove garlic (optional)
  • green lettuce leaves


  • lemon juice 0.5 tbsp.
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • sesame seeds 1 tbsp.

Peel and cut the avocado. Chop the cucumber, onion and herbs. Place in a salad bowl. Squeeze the garlic through a press.

Complete the remaining volume with green salad leaves - I used Lettuce and Iceberg - tear the leaves with your hands.

Grind the cauliflower inflorescences, you can fine them, you can coarse them, you can grate them - whatever you like, and add to the salad.

For this portioned salad, I don’t make a separate dressing, just add salt, pepper, lemon juice and vegetable oil directly into the salad bowl and mix.

Minimum time and maximum benefit - the salad is ready!

If you care about your health, love raw salads, prepare them for your family and, of course, this recipe is just a small example of such a dish. Change the composition of the salad ingredients, add different nuts and seeds, grain sprouts, use different dressings - improvise!

In addition to cauliflower, among the vegetables we are familiar with, you can eat broccoli, young beets, celery, Jerusalem artichoke, zucchini, squash, pumpkin, and also champignons raw ⇒ ⇒I agree that the taste of these vegetables in their raw form is not very familiar to us, so just add them little by little in salads, as in this example.

No, I am not suggesting that you become vegetarians, much less raw foodists. Despite the undoubted benefits and many advantages of plant foods, it is very difficult to make this type of nutrition balanced. Vegetarianism can be a complete diet and even provide tangible health benefits, but the effort to maintain the balance of substances the body needs is too great, and errors in diet planning can cause irreparable harm. Undoubtedly, the basis of the diet should be plant foods, it should dominate. It is wise to eat meat as little as possible, but not give it up completely, especially white meat (and

Ingredients: (for 1 serving)

for a 1 liter salad bowl

  • raw cauliflower 4-5 florets
  • cucumber 1 piece
  • avocado 0.5 pcs
  • blue onion 0.25 pcs
  • 1 clove garlic (optional)
  • green lettuce leaves
  • parsley, dill, cilantro


  • lemon juice 0.5 tbsp.
  • virgin vegetable oil (olive, sunflower, mustard, sesame) 2-3 tbsp.
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • sesame seeds 1 tbsp.

Wash and dry vegetables and herbs. Peel and cut the avocado. Chop the cucumber, onion and herbs. Place in a salad bowl. Squeeze the garlic through a press. Top up the remaining amount with green salad leaves. Chop the cauliflower florets and add to the salad. Add salt, pepper, lemon juice and vegetable oil directly to the salad bowl and mix. Add ground sesame seeds in a coffee grinder and stir.

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Cauliflower salad - general principles and methods of preparation

Even, for example, in the 17th century, cauliflower, which was just brought to us from Asia, cost a lot of money and was available only to rich people. Today, anyone who is not too lazy to look at the market or supermarket can buy this healthy and tasty vegetable, rich in vitamins B, C, A and PP, mineral salts, various microelements - magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, calcium, etc. Cauliflower has one and a half times more proteins and carbohydrates than white cabbage, and it also contains a large amount of useful acids: pantothenic, citric, malic and folic.

Cauliflower salad - food preparation

It is very important to choose good cauliflower for the salad. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the uniformity of color, which should be the same for all inflorescences. If you are not going to prepare a salad from purchased cauliflower right away, you can keep it in a cool place for several days without losing its taste and nutritional properties.

To prepare the salad, you need to separate the cauliflower into florets. Some simply cut off the ends of the inflorescences and cut the thin stems into circles, and chop the stalk into cubes.

It is better to prepare holiday salads from the top part of the inflorescences with a short stem. Everyday salads can be simply cut into cubes. As for the rest of the salad products, they are prepared in accordance with a specific recipe.

Cauliflower salad - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Cauliflower, fresh cucumber and tomato salad

A wonderful summer salad, attractive for its freshness and excellent taste. Cauliflower goes very well with cucumbers, tomatoes and green onions, so this salad is sure to please all your loved ones.


300 gr. cauliflower;
2 cucumbers;
1 large tomato;
a small bunch of green onions;
2 tbsp. l. rast. oils;
salt and sugar to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the cabbage and cook until soft in salted water. When it cools down, divide it into inflorescences.

2. Cut cucumbers and tomatoes into cubes, onions into half rings. Combine the vegetables, mix them with sugar and salt, season the salad with vegetable oil and mix gently.

Recipe 2: Cauliflower and Mushroom Salad

A very original salad thanks to the combination of cauliflower with mushrooms and sweet peppers.


1 small fork of cauliflower;
250 gr. champignons;
2 sweet peppers
3 eggs;
half a lemon;
2 tbsp. l. canned beans;
50 gr. mayonnaise;
salt and pepper to taste;
greens for decoration.

Cooking method:

1. Boil the eggs and cut them into cubes.

2. Having disassembled the cabbage into inflorescences, finely chop it. Boil the mushrooms, then chop them finely. You can do it differently: first cut them and then fry them.

3. After washing the pepper, cut it into small strips.

4. In a salad bowl, mix eggs with cabbage, beans, mushrooms, add mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste, squeeze in the juice of half a lemon and mix again. Those who do not like to use mayonnaise for preparing salads can replace it with natural yogurt.

Recipe 3: Cauliflower and Egg Salad

This is a very tasty salad, and quite filling thanks to the eggs. The combination of cauliflower with boiled eggs and green onions is very interesting, so this easy-to-prepare salad is definitely worth making.


500 gr. cauliflower;
2 eggs;
several green onions;
1 tbsp. l. vinegar 3% with plant. oil;
salt and ground pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Boil the cauliflower (water should be slightly salted) and separate into inflorescences.

2. Boil the eggs and chop finely. Also finely chop the green onions.

3. Mix vegetable oil with vinegar, add ground pepper and salt. Pour the resulting dressing over the cabbage inflorescences. Top the salad with eggs and sprinkle chopped green onions.

Recipe 4: Raw Cauliflower Salad

This salad turns out crispy and truly rich in vitamins, because all the vegetables included in it - cauliflower, sweet peppers, carrots - are put into it raw. And at the same time it is very beautiful to look at and tasty.


1 fork cauliflower;
2 bell peppers;
1 carrot;
2 cloves of garlic;
1 small bunch of parsley;
1 tbsp. l. mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

1. Without boiling, separate the cauliflower into florets, or simply cut it into cubes. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the pepper into strips, and finely chop the garlic and parsley.

2. Having combined all the prepared vegetables, season the salad with mayonnaise and add salt to taste (but you don’t need to add salt).

Recipe 5: Spicy Cauliflower Salad

Fans of spicy dishes will surely appreciate this recipe. The dressing for it is prepared from olive oil, lemon juice and numerous seasonings, so it turns out to be quite spicy and very aromatic.


0.5 kg cauliflower;
2 cloves of garlic;
50 ml olive oil;
a pinch of saffron;
1 tbsp. l. white wine vinegar;
0.5 tsp. ground red pepper;
chili pepper on the tip of the knife;
1 lemon;
salt to taste.

Cooking method:

1. After washing the cauliflower, separate it into inflorescences, then immerse it in boiling salted water for a few minutes.

2. After peeling the garlic, chop it in a garlic grinder.

3. Prepare the dressing by mixing olive oil with garlic, saffron, red pepper and chili, juice of half a lemon, vinegar and salt. Mix it thoroughly until the salt dissolves.

4. Having cooled the cabbage, pour the sauce over it and let the salad brew for half an hour (at least) in the refrigerator.

Cauliflower salad - useful tips from experienced chefs

While cauliflower goes well with various vegetable oils, you need to be careful with spices when preparing a salad from it. It is best to season cauliflower salads with seasonings that have a pronounced but not strong taste and aroma, for example, parsley, lemon, saffron. Although those who love spicy dishes can certainly use pepper to suit their taste.

Other ingredients used to make cauliflower salads should also have a mild, not too strong flavor.

Delicious cauliflower salad: what else do you need for a great lunch? Why do I like coleslaw? Fresh cauliflower salad is original, healthy and easy to prepare. It turns out so delicious that my household eats everything without a trace! A temptingly appetizing, delicate salad with cauliflower, herbs and a spicy garlic aromatic sauce will please everyone. We offer an original recipe to all fans of cauliflower dishes - go for it!


  • cauliflower - 1 head (1 kilogram);
  • hot water - 1 liter;
  • salt - 2 teaspoons;
  • mayonnaise - 100-150 grams;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • fresh dill - 1 bunch.

Very tasty cauliflower salad. Step by step recipe

  1. To prepare an incredibly tasty, tender and temptingly appetizing cauliflower salad, we will need a container in which we will soak the cabbage in water. For this I use a deep glass salad bowl, or you can use any other deep container.
  2. For the salad, we need one kilogram of cauliflower: we peel it from the leaves (if your head of cabbage is a little heavier or smaller, then it’s okay).
  3. Wash the prepared cabbage thoroughly under running water and separate it into small inflorescences.
  4. Place the cauliflower inflorescences into the prepared salad bowl.
  5. There is no need to boil the cabbage for this salad, but simply pour hot water over the cabbage inflorescences in the salad bowl, add two teaspoons of salt and mix well.
  6. Cover the cabbage in the salad bowl with a lid and leave it under the lid for 5-6 hours.
  7. After this time, remove the cabbage from the water and move it to another container (for this I also used a deep salad bowl, only smaller in size).
  8. Now let's prepare the mayonnaise sauce for the salad. To do this, take a small bowl and put 100-150 grams of mayonnaise in it.
  9. Tip: Cauliflower salad will turn out much tastier and more appetizing if you use homemade mayonnaise for the sauce. Making mayonnaise at home is very easy and simple. On our website “I Love to Cook” you will find many simple step-by-step recipes for incredibly tasty homemade mayonnaise.
  10. We pass the garlic through a press (you can chop it very finely with a knife) and add it to the mayonnaise. If you have large cloves of garlic, then three cloves will be enough for your coleslaw. Or, if you like spicy food, you can add a little more garlic to this salad than according to the recipe. But for my taste, three cloves is exactly what is needed.
  11. Wash one bunch of fresh dill well, shake off excess moisture and chop with a knife (we try to chop fresh dill very finely).
  12. Finely chopped greens are placed in a container with mayonnaise and garlic.
  13. Mix the mayonnaise sauce very well until smooth (I mix the sauce with a whisk). The sauce with a subtle garlic aroma and herbs is ready.
  14. Transfer the delicate sauce into a bowl with the prepared cauliflower and mix well. Mix well, but carefully so as not to damage the cabbage inflorescences.
  15. Leave the finished salad of fresh cauliflower with herbs to brew for 2-3 hours.
  16. After this time, transfer the spring salad to a beautiful salad bowl and, if desired, decorate with a sprig of fresh dill.
  17. Spicy cabbage salad can be served. I serve the salad cold: I think it tastes much better this way.

This tender fresh cauliflower salad is so delicious that it simply cannot be put into words. The aromatic garlic sauce gives the spicy cabbage a rich flavor. Try to prepare a salad according to this recipe at least once: and it will become a frequent guest in your kitchen. My family, and especially my grandmother, are simply delighted with this dish - I prepare a salad according to this recipe very often. It is easy to prepare and will turn out great even for beginners in cooking. I can make this delicious fresh cauliflower salad every day and never get bored of it. “I love to cook” wishes you a bon appetit and a good mood. Here you will find many more simple recipes for amazingly delicious dishes!

In cauliflower, the “head” of juicy shoots with the rudiments of inflorescences, which are white or yellowish in color, is eaten. This cabbage is especially valuable in terms of its nutrient content, digestibility and taste.

The leaves of cauliflower are removed, the stalk is cut off at the level of the inflorescences, and dirty and damaged areas are cleaned. Before cooking, cauliflower is placed in salt water for 15-20 minutes so that insects float to the surface, which often crawl inside the head of cabbage.

To cook, cauliflower is placed in boiling salted water.

In order for cauliflower to retain its white color during cooking, you must place the head of cabbage in cold water acidified with vinegar before cooking and cook in an open container at a high boil.

To prevent cauliflower from giving off a specific smell when cooking, you can add a bay leaf to the water.

If you cook a whole large head of cabbage, the inflorescences may be overcooked, but the stem will remain tough. Cauliflower, disassembled into florets or cut into 4 parts, will cook in 5 minutes.

Boiled cauliflower is considered ready if the knife fits freely into the stalk.

Boiled cauliflower must be cooled before use.

Cauliflower is eaten raw or after a short blanching - immersion in boiling water for a few minutes.

To prepare salads, cauliflower is separated into inflorescences. You can cut off the ends of the inflorescences, cut the thin stems into circles, and cut the stalk into cubes.

For holiday salads, it is better to use only the upper part of the inflorescences with a short stem. For everyday salads, you can simply cut the cauliflower into cubes.

Cauliflower goes well with various vegetable oils, but does not like spices. Seasonings with a pronounced but not strong taste and aroma, such as parsley, lemon, and saffron, are suitable for cauliflower salads.

It is desirable that the other components of cauliflower salads are also soft, with a not very strong taste.

Cauliflower salad

500 g cauliflower, 15 ml vinegar, parsley, salt - to taste.

Wash the cauliflower, immerse it in salted water for 30 minutes, then rinse, boil in salted water and drain in a colander. Divide the cooled cauliflower into florets, sprinkle with vinegar and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Cauliflower Salad with Butter Dressing Recipe

500 g cauliflower, salt - to taste, dill, parsley, celery - for decoration. For the sauce: 50 ml vegetable oil, 30 ml vinegar, 1 teaspoon sugar.

Wash the cabbage, divide into inflorescences, boil in salted water, cool.
Prepare the sauce: Dissolve sugar in vinegar and beat with vegetable oil. Place the cauliflower in a salad bowl, season with sauce, sprinkle the salad with herbs.

Recipe for cauliflower salad with breadcrumbs

500 g cauliflower, 10-12 lettuce leaves, 50 g dill, 50 g ground crackers, 50 ml vegetable oil.

Boil the cabbage and divide into small florets. Place on a dish covered with lettuce leaves, sprinkle with chopped dill, pour over vegetable oil, sprinkle the cauliflower salad with ground breadcrumbs.

Cauliflower salad with walnuts

500 g cauliflower, 50 g chopped walnuts, 50 ml vegetable oil, salt, pepper - to taste.

Boil the cauliflower and cut into cubes. Add nuts, salt and pepper. Season the salad with vegetable oil.

Cauliflower salad with potatoes - recipe

400 g cauliflower, 200 g potatoes, 100 g cheese, ground white pepper, 50 ml vegetable oil.

Boil cauliflower and potatoes. Cut the cooled vegetables and cheese into cubes, pepper, mix and season the salad with vegetable oil.

Recipe for cauliflower salad with potatoes and green peas

400 g cauliflower, 100 g potatoes, 100 g canned green peas, saffron or turmeric - on the tip of a knife, 50 ml vegetable oil.

Boil cauliflower and potatoes. Cut the cooled vegetables into cubes, add green peas, spices, season with vegetable oil and mix the lean salad.

Recipe for cauliflower salad with fresh cucumbers and tomatoes

300 g cauliflower, 100 g cucumbers, 100 g tomatoes, 50 g green onions, 50 ml vegetable oil, salt, sugar - to taste.

Dip the washed and separated cabbage into boiling salted water and cook until soft. Divide the cooled cauliflower into florets. Cut cucumbers and tomatoes into cubes, onions into rings. Combine the vegetables, add sugar and salt, mix and season the salad with vegetable oil.

Cauliflower salad with carrots and sweet peppers - recipe

300 g cauliflower, 100 g carrots, 100 g sweet pepper, 50 g green salad, 50 ml vegetable oil.

Boil the cabbage, cool, and divide into inflorescences. Boil carrots and cut into cubes. Cut sweet peppers and lettuce into squares. Mix the ingredients, add salt and season the salad with vegetable oil.

Recipe for cauliflower salad with vegetables and plums

200 g cauliflower, 100 g tomatoes, 100 g carrots, 100 g apples, 50 g plums, 100 g cucumbers, 50 ml vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon powdered sugar, 2 teaspoons lemon juice, salt to taste.

Wash the cabbage, immerse it in salted water for 30 minutes, then rinse, boil and drain in a colander. Cut cucumbers, apples and tomatoes into cubes, carrots into thin strips, divide plums into halves and remove seeds. put everything in a heap in a salad bowl; pour lemon juice, salt, season with vegetable oil, sprinkle the salad with powdered sugar.

Cauliflower salad with vegetables and beans - recipe

300 g cauliflower, 100 g green beans, 100 g young carrots, 100 g sweet peppers, 100 g cucumbers, 50 g onions, 50 ml vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. tablespoon mustard, 1 tsp. a spoonful of powdered sugar, salt, pepper, parsley - for decoration.

Divide the cauliflower into inflorescences, remove the films and veins from the bean pods and cut into pieces. Wash the carrots, peel and cut into slices. Peel the pepper from seeds and cut into strips. Boil all vegetables separately in salted water and cool. Chop fresh cucumbers and onions, combine with cooled boiled vegetables, add salt and pour in a dressing made from vegetable oil mixed with mustard, sugar and ground pepper. Place in a salad bowl and sprinkle with parsley.

Recipe for cauliflower salad with beans and boiled vegetables

300 g cauliflower, 100 g green beans, 100 g carrots, 100 g sweet pepper, 50 ml vegetable oil, parsley or coriander - for decoration.

Boil cabbage, beans, carrots. Cut the carrots, cabbage and peppers into cubes, cut the bean pods into pieces about 1 cm long. Mix the prepared products and season with vegetable oil. Sprinkle cauliflower salad with finely chopped herbs.

Cauliflower salad with green peas, vegetables and fruits - recipe

300 g cauliflower, 100 g apples, 100 g grapes, 1 tomato, 1 cucumber, 100 g green peas, 75 ml vegetable oil, parsley or dill.

Boil the cabbage and divide into small florets. Cut apples, cucumber and tomato into thin slices. Combine everything, add green peas, seedless grapes and mix carefully. Before serving, season the salad with vegetable oil and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Recipe added: 21.11.2013

In England they love cauliflower, they say about it: “The best flowers are cabbage flowers.” The writer Mark Twain highly appreciated its taste. He called the vegetable “cabbage that graduated from university.” So when you eat cauliflower salad, address it as “you.”

Cauliflower salad with chicken, recipe with photo


  • Cauliflower (500 g) - a small head
  • Olives (200 g) - a can of ripe olives
  • Fresh cucumbers (2 pcs) - you can also use pickled cucumbers, so the salad will be spicier
  • Tomatoes (3 pcs)
  • Boiled chicken breast (350 g) - one breast
  • Parsley (1 bunch)
  • Dill (1 bunch)
  • Green onions (1 bunch)
  • Garlic (2 cloves)
  • Mayonnaise (4 tbsp)
  • Salt (1/3 tsp)


We separate the cabbage into inflorescences, wash them thoroughly and cook in salted water for no more than 2-3 minutes. Drain the water and cool.

We prepare the cucumbers, wash them, and for beauty you can peel one strip.

Cut the cucumbers into quarter rings and put them in a salad bowl

We cut tomatoes in much the same way as cucumbers.

Cut the brisket into cubes and place in a salad bowl

Place cooled cauliflower

Add olives

Finely chop the greens and also add to our salad

Mix everything well

Season the salad with mayonnaise and garlic and mix again. Check for salt, add a little salt if necessary.
If you prepare mayonnaise at home (according to our mayonnaise recipe, for example), then it is better to add garlic to the mayonnaise at the stage of preparing the mayonnaise itself.
Bon appetit!

Wise choice of vegetables for cauliflower salad

The stem of quality cauliflower is firm and heavy, surrounded on all sides by fresh leaves. The presence of the latter is an indicator of freshness. Cabbage inflorescences can be white, purple, or ivory. Color does not affect the taste at all, but depends on the type of variety and how the cabbage grew - in the shade or in the sun. Dirty spots indicate that the head of cabbage is spoiling; this is not suitable for cauliflower salad.

You can store cauliflower in the refrigerator for about a week. All nutrients and taste are fully preserved when frozen. So you are free to make cauliflower salad all year round.

Cauliflower salad - full of benefits

Cauliflower salad goes well with many dishes. At the same time, cabbage helps better absorption of other ingredients.

Many vitamins were found in cauliflower (A, PP, all B vitamins). It is ahead of white cabbage in the presence of proteins and ascorbic acid. Cabbage also contains microelements that humans need: calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron, phosphorus. Cabbage also contains pectin, as well as tartronic acid, a so-called fat blocker. The vegetable can be called medicinal - the indole-3-carbinol it contains is involved in the metabolism of the female hormone estrogen. So cauliflower salad can be called a women's dish. Well, for men, Korean-style cauliflower is suitable - it will help lower cholesterol and strengthen blood vessels.

The history of growing vegetables for cauliflower salad

Cauliflower is not found growing wild in nature. Farmers in Syria began to cultivate it, and then gradually the tasty cabbage spread to other countries. In 1237, the botanist Ibn Beitar described cauliflower in his work on 2,600 plant species.

The cultivation of exotic cauliflower in Russia began during the reign of Catherine II, in 1762. Seeds were ordered from overseas countries, but the cabbage grew poorly. Only after almost 200 years did cabbage finally take root in Russian latitudes with the help of selection. This is how, thanks to the breeder Bolotov, we have the pleasure of enjoying cauliflower salad.

Cauliflower salad, recipes for all occasions

Korean recipe

Cauliflower buds are often used in oriental cuisine. Its delicate consistency is perfectly complemented by specific sauces and various varieties of peppers. Korean cauliflower will allow you to enjoy the spicy-piquant taste of this salad.

Cauliflower salad with mushrooms

You will need: oyster mushrooms or champignons - 500 gr. large onion, oil for frying - 50 ml., boiled cabbage - 500 g., a can of green peas, ground black pepper, salt and mayonnaise mixed in half with sour cream or yogurt - 50 ml.

Preparation: Fry the onion in half rings in oil until tender in a frying pan and add the diced mushrooms there. Place cabbage in a bowl, fried mushrooms and peas on top, season with sauce, pepper, and salt to taste.

If you remove the peas from the recipe and season the dish with vinegar (2 tablespoons, mix with 2 tablespoons of water), you will get Korean cauliflower with mushrooms.

Cauliflower salad with carrots or Korean cauliflower

You will need: fresh cucumbers - 3 pcs., large carrots, 300 g., cauliflower boiled until half cooked, soy sauce mixed with olive oil and vinegar as 2/5/2, a bunch of parsley, half a head of garlic, ground coriander and hot paprika 1 each tsp, monosodium glutamate pinch (or without it)

Preparation: Peel the cucumbers, grate the carrots on a Korean grater, add the cabbage, disassembled into small florets, season everything with sauce with spices and let stand for about 3 hours. Then add the greens.

Hawaiian Cauliflower Salad

You will need: boiled green beans - 200 gr., canned white beans - 50 gr., bell pepper - 2 pcs., fresh pineapple - 300 gr., dry white wine - 50 gr. and water - 50 grams, raw cauliflower, a bunch of cilantro, grated nutmeg, on the tip of a knife, curdled milk or yogurt - 100 grams. salt 1 tsp, without a slide

Preparation: Cut the pineapple into cubes, place in a deep bowl and pour in a mixture of water, wine and nutmeg, let stand for 30 minutes. Then drain the brine, add beans, diced peppers and cabbage to the pineapples. Season with yogurt, cilantro and salt.

Cauliflower salad with cheese

You will need: bell pepper - 2 pcs. Maasdam cheese - 100 gr., and dor blue - 50 gr., undercooked cabbage - 300 gr., white bread croutons - 1 glass, natural yogurt - 100 gr. garlic - 2 cloves, a bunch of parsley and dill.

Preparation: cut the pepper into strips, maasdam into small cubes, and break the other pepper into crumbs with your fingers and put in yogurt, press the garlic there from a garlic press. Place all the ingredients in a salad bowl, pour over yogurt and cheese and sprinkle with chopped herbs. Before serving, sprinkle with crackers.

Cauliflower salad “Traffic light”

You will need: boiled cauliflower and broccoli until tender - 200 g each, red bell pepper - 1 pc. and a large ripe tomato, mayonnaise - 70 gr., red onion - half a head, salt 1/2 tsp, dill and parsley in a small bunch.

Preparation: Cut the pepper into thin strips, and the onion too. Cut the tomato into slices, mix all the ingredients in a bowl, add mayonnaise with chopped herbs and garlic, add salt and mix again.

Korean cauliflower with sesame seeds

You will need: 2 carrots, a bunch of cilantro and basil, red onion, a jar of seaweed, boiled cauliflower - 500 g, vinegar - 50 ml, sesame seeds - 3 tbsp. l., fried, oil - 50 ml., ground red pepper and coriander - 1 tsp., soy sauce - 3 tbsp. and garlic 4 cloves.

Preparation: Chop the carrots, cut the onion into half rings. Place all ingredients in a bowl, add sauce, garlic, vinegar and spices. Marinate overnight. Then sprinkle with sesame seeds and chopped herbs.

If you add more vinegar and pepper, you will get a spicier Korean cauliflower.

Video recipes for cauliflower salad

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