Football lesson plans. Outline of a football lesson on the topic: "Techniques of movement of a football player" outline of a physical education lesson on the topic

Abstract of an educational and training lesson in football for children 9-10 years old (NP-3) Compiled by: Coach-teacher of the Youth Sports School of the Education Department of the Sarapul District Aleksey Evgenievich Saurin Objectives of the lesson: 1. Development of agility, speed, strength, endurance, flexibility through physical, technical and tactical exercises; outdoor and sports games. 2. Continue to teach how to dribble and pass the ball with different parts of the foot. 3. Improve hitting the ball with different parts of the foot. 4. Education of moral and volitional qualities through outdoor and sports games. Venue: sports hall of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Sigayevskaya Secondary School” Inventory and equipment:  football goals – 2 pcs.;  soccer balls – 4 pcs.;  shirtfronts – 8 pcs.;  markers – 16 pcs. No. Contents I Preparatory part 1. Construction, communication of the objectives of the lesson 2. Passing the ball with the inside of the foot with the right, left foot in pairs Dosage 15 min. 1 min. 100 passes 3. Dutch warm-up in pairs 5 min. A). Hit the ball with the inside of the foot from the air with the right and left foot 10 times b). Hit the ball with the inside foot after receiving the ball on the thigh 10 times c). Hit the ball with the inside of the foot after receiving the ball on the chest 10 times d). Hit the ball with your head 10 times General guidelines Pay attention to the appearance. Perform on bent legs while running in place, the supporting leg is opposite the ball, the kicking leg is turned with the inner side of the foot in the direction of the ball, heel down, toe up. The distance between those performing 4-5 steps facing each other. The partner serves the ball with his hands from the bottom up, alternately to the right and left legs, the performer runs in place and monitors the correct placement of the supporting and kicking legs and tries to hit the ball into the hands of the partner. After completing 10 times, the batter becomes the server and vice versa. The partner serves the ball with his hands from bottom to top, alternately to the right and left thigh. We try to receive the ball with the middle of the thigh, the rest is as in point a. The partner serves the ball with his hands from bottom to top onto his chest. When taking the chest, we try to bring the shoulder blades together so that the chest turns out round, the rest is as in point a. The partner serves the ball with his hands from bottom to top for 4. Game “Hand Ball” 5 min. II. 5. The main part of dribbling, passing, stopping the ball; dribbling (feints) 45 min. 30 min. A). Dribbling the ball with the inside of the foot with the right left foot Dribbling the ball with the inside and outside of the foot 1 time b). 1 time with the right 1 time with the left 1 time with the right 1 time with the left 1 time c) Dribbling the ball with the right, left side - with the sole d). Dribbling the ball backwards with the sole of the right - left foot Dribbling the ball with the sole - 1 time with the inside of the right foot 1 time with the left Dribbling the ball with a feint: 2 times with one foot we draw a circle with the right foot around the ball, with the other - 2 times with the outer side of the instep of the left we move the ball in the opposite direction d). e). and). Dribbling the ball with a feint: swing 2 times - dribble the kicker's head with the right 2 times with the left. We try to hit the ball with the middle of our forehead, while not closing our eyes, but looking at the ball or at our partner. The players are divided into two equal teams. The game is played according to the rules of mini-football, but not with your feet, but with your hands. The task is to score a goal against the opponent by passing the ball to each other. A goal is counted if it is scored from the opponent's half. You can take no more than 3 steps with the ball in your hands. When tackling the ball, you cannot attack your opponent by any part of his body. All players try to play with a square or a rhombus. Those who played walk on their hands, and the winners hold their legs, the floor of the hall. Exercises are performed in fours, two players are opposite the other two at a distance of 18-20 m from each other. Tasks are performed alternately by each player in the opposite column. While performing, we try to stay above the ball. Legs slightly bent at the knees. We move the ball forward - towards the direction of movement. During execution, we try to be above the ball, pressing the ball harder to the floor with the sole. We try to control the ball and have time to look around us. Stepping on the ball with the sole, we push it towards ourselves, and away from ourselves, we play it back with the inside of the foot. We place a marker (opponent) in the center between the two pairs, and perform a feint when approaching the marker. We try to draw a circle around the ball, and not above the ball. After performing the feint, we pass the ball to the opposite column with the inside of the foot, and the partner in the opposite column receives the ball with the inside of the foot. While dribbling, we touch the ball on each step with the outside of the instep. After completing the feint, we pass the pass to the opposite column with the inner h). Dribbling the ball with a feint: from one foot to the other 2 times with the right 2 times with the left i). Dribbling the ball with the inside of the foot circling the marker 2 times with the right 2 times with the left j). Dribbling the ball with the outside of the foot circling the marker 2 times with the right 2 times with the left 6. Game “Penalty King” 5 min. 7. Mini-football game 10 min. III 8. Final part A set of exercises for developing flexibility 5 min. 4 min. side of the foot, the partner in the opposite column receives the ball with the inside of the foot. We dribble the ball with the outside of the lift towards the marker, swing our foot to hit, and we ourselves throw the ball with the outside of the lift to the side - forward from the marker. After performing the feint, we pass the ball to the opposite column with the inside of the foot, and the partner in the opposite column receives the ball with the inside of the foot. We dribble the ball with the outside of the instep, beat the marker with the inside of the foot (1 circle), pass the ball with the inside of the foot, receive the ball with the outside of the foot. We dribble the ball with the outside of the instep, beat the marker with the outside of the foot (1 circle), pass the ball with the outside of the instep, receive the ball with the outside of the foot. The players play among themselves: who is the first to play in the goal and who is the first to shoot at the goal. Kicks are struck from a designated place for everyone (the distance from the goal to the point of impact depends on the size of the goal). The goalkeeper is positioned with his toes on the goal line, at the signal, the kicker shoots at the goal: if he scores, then the goalkeeper is awarded 1 point (1 goal) and the next kicker in turn kicks; if he does not score, then he takes the place of the goalkeeper and the next one after him kicks him at the signal, etc. Whoever scores 3 points first (misses 3 goals) is eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who does not miss 3 goals or less. The loser performs 20 exercises (from a standing position with a jump in a crouched position, then with a jump in a lying position, then with a jump in a crouched position and stand up). The rest are reduced by five depending on the location. The game is played according to the current mini-football rules. 1 goalkeeper and 3 field players. Everyone takes turns playing at the goal. In the field, players try to play in a triangle, the losers carry the winners halfway across the hall. Students sit in a circle, sitting on the floor facing the circle a). Pull your toes away from you for 30 sec. b). Pull your toes towards you for 30 sec. V). G). Toes of your feet away from you - towards you Pull your toes of your feet towards you with your hands Reach to your toes of your feet 30 sec. 30 sec. Construction, summing up the lesson 1 min. d). 9. 30 sec. At the signal, we try to pull our toes away from us as much as possible. At the signal, we try to pull our toes towards us as much as possible. At the signal, we bend - straighten the feet. At the signal, take hold of the toes (toes towards you). We try not to bend our knees. At the signal, hold your toes with your fingers (toes away from you). We try not to bend our knees. Homework (strengthening your feet using previously completed exercises). Highlight the positive aspects of the lesson and what shortcomings still need to be corrected. Summary of a football training session for children 7-8 years old. Group: initial training 1st year of study (NP-1) Topic: Hitting a stationary and rolling ball with the inside of the foot. Objectives: 1. Study of hitting a stationary ball and a rolling ball with the inside of the foot. 2. Securing the ball stops with the inside of the foot. 3. Practice kicks in the game “Square” and a two-way training game. 4. To cultivate moral and strong-willed qualities in athletes, a sense of collectivism. Venue: stadium, mini-football ground. Sports equipment: soccer balls - 10 pieces, chips - 50 pieces, stopwatch, jump ropes, benches. No. I. Contents of the lesson Introductory part. 1. Formation, report, greeting 2. Measurement of h.s.s. (number of beats per minute) 3. Checking homework. 4. Objectives of the lesson - Study of hitting a stationary ball and a rolling ball with the inside of the foot. - Securing ball stops with the inside of the foot. - Practice kicks in the game “Square” and a two-way training game. Dosage 2 min. Organizational and methodological instructions Quick construction, clear delivery of rapport. Remember heart rate at the beginning of the workout Preparatory part. 13 min. 1. Slow running with short rest intervals of 3 minutes. 2. General developmental exercises: 10 minutes We run together as a group, and at the signal we switch to walking. 1) I.p. - standing legs apart, arms to the sides. Circular movements of the arms forward and backward. 10-12 times Gradually increasing the amplitude. 2) I.p. – standing legs apart, arms along the body. 1-3 bends forward 8-10 times When bending, do not bend your legs, bends are springy, touch the floor with your hands. 3) I.p. - wide stance 8-10 times, legs apart, hands behind the head. 1-tilt the body to the left. 2-I.p.-3-4- the same in the other direction. We do not bend our legs, we monitor the position of the torso 4) Alternate swings of the right and left legs back and forth. 6-8 times Increase the amplitude of the swings 5) I.p. - legs wider than shoulders 1 - lunge to the left 2 - I.p. 3. – Lunge to the right 4. – I.p. 6-8 times Deeper lunge 6. Stretching exercise for the inner thigh 6 times Note how many cm you improved your result 7) I.p. - lying on your back, legs apart 1-2-3 roll the body 6-8 times Touch your legs behind your head back 4-5-6 return to the I.P. 8) Jumping - on a rope - over a bench II. 40-50 times 10-15 times Main part. 60 min Hit a stationary and rolling ball with the inside of the foot. 1. Hit a stationary ball. 20 min Training exercises: 1) Swinging the kicking leg forward with the foot turned 90 degrees. 2) With a step and positioning of the supporting leg. Imitation of a strike with the foot of the kicking leg turning. 3) Strike a stationary ball from a place with the inside of the foot in pairs from a distance of 6-8 meters. 4) Perform strikes on a stationary ball from one or several straight run-up steps. 2. Hit the rolling ball with the inside of your foot. Exercises for training. Work in pairs 1) strikes with the inside of the foot while standing for 6 minutes 4 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes We monitor proper breathing. During the strike, the foot is placed 10-12 cm behind the ball. The toe of the kicking leg is slightly raised. The position of the kicking leg at the moment of impact is maintained during the drive. We direct the ball directly to the partner, placing the foot at 90 degrees in relation to the ball. Perform strikes with the right and left foot. 10 min 3 min At the moment of impact, the toe of the striking leg is in place. 2) The same, but the distance between partners either increases or decreases. III. 3 min 3) passing the ball to each other, moving parallel to the field line. 4 min 3.Secure ball stops with the inside of the foot. 10 min Exercises for consolidation: 1) Stopping in place. 2) Traffic stops. 5 min Practice strikes in the game “Square”. 5 min Two-sided educational game of mini football. 15 min Final part. 15 min 1. Restoring breathing: - Slow walking with various movements of the legs and arms. - Exercises for attention and coordination. 2. Checking the Ch.S.S. 3. Summing up. 5 min 4 min rotates 90 degrees relative to the direction of impact. Direct the kick towards the center of the ball. At the moment of contact between the ball and the foot, the leg is retracted to the level of the supporting leg. We stop the ball and pass it with the inside of the foot. Back straight, inhale, exhale Monitor the score 1 minute Pay attention to the restoration of the pulse, after training 10 minutes Pay attention to the shortcomings when hitting the ball. Individual tasks for correcting and improving strokes. 4. Homework: - shuttle run 3*10; - run 30 meters; - hardening; - watching and attending football matches Compiled by: coach - teacher of the Youth Sports School of the Education Department of the Sarapul District Saurin Alexey Evgenievich.

Outline of the master class

in football with students of the U-12 educational and training group (stage of in-depth specialization).


    Improving the technique of deceptive movements: “escape” with a lunge, “kick” the ball.

    Improving the speed of: a) starting acceleration, b) selection reaction.

    Promoting the harmonious physical development of those involved.

    Promoting mental, aesthetic and labor education.

Number of students– 14 people.

Load components:

Specialization is specific.

Directionality – speed-strength.

The size is large.

The mode is developmental.

Type of lesson – consolidation and improving the material covered.

Place of classes: football field.

The date of the: 13. 11. 2013 of the year.

Required equipment: whistle, 12 cones, 8 soccer balls, 7 bibs, 2 soccer goals, 4 side flags.

The summary was compiled: D.V. Alekseenko - coach and teacher of the football department

MBOU DOD DYUSSH MO Krasnoarmeisky district.

Part of the lesson

1. Constructing and communicating the objectives of the lesson.

2. Exercises with the ball in columns:

Two columns of football players opposite each other at a distance of 30m. The first players in the columns simultaneously dribble the ball using a deception movement, stop the ball with the sole and leave it at the cone. Then they run with acceleration towards the ball left by the player of the opposite column and pass the ball with the inside of the foot to the second players of the opposite columns. Then they continue moving to the end of the opposite column, performing outdoor switchgear.

12m. 12m. 5m. 3. An active game with elements of football actions. Actions of player No. 1: dribbling the ball using deceptive movements, passing the ball with the inside of the foot, then jerking in the opposite direction and moving to the place of player No. 2. Actions of player No. 2: receiving the ball, passing with the inside with the side of the foot to partner No. 3, an attempt to insult player No. 1 as he crosses the line between the posts, then moving to the place of partner No. 3. Actions of player No. 3: receiving the ball, moving to the place of player No. 1.


Football players are divided into two groups of 7 people and each work in parallel with their own goalkeeper. The starters are positioned in front of the goalkeeper. They look ahead, not at the goalkeeper. The goalkeeper throws the ball in a straight line, with equal spacing between players. Players cannot cross the path of an opponent at a distance of 7 m after the start. The player who loses the run must switch to tackling the ball. The selector cannot place (creating conditions for beating). The player who wins the race, when receiving the pass, cannot move with the ball more than 2 m. There is an active pause between series - juggling in groups.


In pairs (1 ball for 2 people. The distance between players is 10 m.)

The supporting leg is 10-15 cm behind and to the side of the ball. The knee of this leg is slightly bent, and the toe is slightly turned inward. The foot of the kicking leg turns towards the ball so that its inner side is facing it. At the moment of impact, bend your torso over the ball. When hitting with a running start, the same conditions apply.

To deliver such a kick with your right foot to your right, you need to place your left (supporting) foot about half a step to the left of the ball and slightly behind it. After swinging to the side and past the supporting leg, with a reverse movement of the other leg, hit the middle of the ball with the middle of the outer side of the foot.

To perform a kick, you need to take your right leg back, swing it, and then point it towards the ball so that the toe hits the middle of the ball. Please note: the toe of the supporting leg should be facing forward. At the moment when the kicking leg moves towards the ball past the supporting leg, it must be sharply straightened, although at the moment the toe touches the ball it still remains slightly bent.

To stop the ball with the sole, you need to place your leg, slightly bent, towards the rolling ball so that the ball touches the sole. The foot at this moment is facing up

When passing the ball, the participant must stop the ball.

Plans - notes

football training

With. Zarechnoye

Outline No. 1(1,2)

Location: stadium.

Tasks: gradual involvement in training work with the help of high-speed outdoor gear.

Inventory: balls, stands.

    slow run 5 min.

    acceleration 15 meters 6 times 4

    dribbling the ball in a straight line into oncoming shots. 5

    dribbling the ball between the posts 5

    passing the ball on the spot in pairs with 2 touches 5

    passing the ball in one touch

    in pairs, headbutts (one set, the other performs a blow)

    also breast stop

    also a hip stop.

    also a “cheek” transmission from the air in one pass.

    juggling a ball in pairs

    two-touch 4x2 square game

    mid-rise shots on goal

    educational game

At the first lesson, instructions on t.b.

Outline No. 2(3,4)

Location: stadium.

Tasks: gradual involvement in training work through agility and technique exercises.

Inventory: balls, stands.

1. slow run 5

2. Outdoor switchgear in place, stretching.

3. special running and jumping exercises. 5

4. shuttle run 3x10m. 2 reps.

5. “football school”.

6. dribbling the ball between the posts - somersaulting - picking up the ball - playing at the wall - handling the ball - passing to a partner.

7. game of square 4x2 in two touches

8. dribbling the ball between the posts - hitting the goal with the middle of the rise.

9. Ball juggling in pairs

10. educational game.

Outline No. 3(5,6)

Location: stadium.

Tasks: advanced ball handling techniques and technical and tactical actions.

Inventory: balls, stands.

    slow run 5

    Outdoor switchgear and development of flexibility.

    special running and jumping exercises.

    "Football school"

    ball juggling.

    player A passes to player B and opens with a jerk towards the pass. Player B plays one-touch with player A and shoots at goal. After completion, the players change.

    Player A passes (diagonally) to Player B and rushes into his place. Player B, having received the ball in motion, dribbles, dribbles around the posts and shoots at the goal. Then they change places.

    game in an 8x8 square, the goalkeeper is free in the penalty area.

    ball juggling.

    educational game.

Outline No. 4(7,8)

Location: stadium.

Tasks: gradual involvement in training work with the help of speed-strength exercises, practicing technical techniques.

Inventory: balls, stands, whistle.

    slow run 5

    outdoor switchgear complex.

    special running and jumping exercises.

    jumping over the bench sideways to it 3 episodes.

    dribbling the ball in a straight line into oncoming shots.

    dribbling the ball from the right flank between the posts, passing along the goal to a partner, who handles it and hits the goal.

    also from the left flank.

    shots on goal from 16 meters from the spot.

    educational game.

Outline No. 5(9,10)

Location: stadium.

Tasks: Developing general endurance with the help of crosses, working on ball handling technique.

Inventory: balls.

    running at a slow pace 10-17 minutes, 15-18 minutes, 19 minutes.

    The outdoor switchgear is in place, stretched.

    individual work with the ball in pairs (“football school”)

    ball juggling.

    transfers on the spot in 1 and 2 touches with the inside of the foot.

    game of 4x2 square in two touches.

    ball juggling.

    playing rugby.

    educational game.

Outline No. 6(11,12)

Location: stadium.

Tasks: practicing shots on goal from the spot, after dribbling, developing arm strength and abdominal muscles.

Inventory: balls, stands.

    slow run 5

    The outdoor switchgear is in place, stretched.

    special running and jumping exercises.

    acceleration 20m. x 5 times.

    pull-up on the bar.

    raising and lowering the body from a supine position 20 times.

    juggling a ball in pairs.

    dribbling the ball between the posts - shooting at goal

    place kicks from 16m.

    shots after the game into the wall from 11 meters

    place kicks from 16m.

    rugby game

    educational game

Outline No. 7(13,14)

Location: stadium.

Tasks: development of speed, with improvement of technical and tactical training.

Inventory: balls, stands.

    slow running

    "School" of football in pairs in motion

    players of groups A and B are located diagonally on opposite sides of the football field first (numbers with balls), players of groups C and D - with balls near the goal lines on the side of the penalty areas. At the same time, the first numbers of gr. A and B begin dribbling, dribbling the posts, making a pass to the second numbers, who, having received the ball, complete the pass. Same. After the transfer, the players gr. A and B issue. dash towards the goal, shoot at the goal, pick up the ball and stand: players B - in the group. games. IN; players A - in group D.

    Player A passes on horseback to Player B. Player B makes a one-touch pass to Player A and then acts as a center back. Player A, having handled the ball in motion, beats player B and shoots at goal.

    ball juggling

    square game 4x2 2 touches

    educational game 55 min.

Outline No. 8(15,16)

Location: gym.

Tasks: development of speed and strength qualities, dribbling techniques, passing, stopping the ball in place and in motion.

Inventory: balls, stands, benches.

    slow running

    Outdoor switchgear and stretching

    jumping over a bench sideways to it - 5 episodes

    "school" of football

    passes in pairs on the spot with 2 and 1 touch.

    ball juggling

    players of groups A and B dribble between the posts, play a wall and pass players from group A to player group B, and players from group B to player group A, and stand at the end of the columns. etc.

    dribbling between the posts – playing in the wall – handling the ball – shooting at goal – picking up the ball – passing to a partner

    4x2 square game

    educational game 45 min.

Outline No. 9(17,18)

Location: gym

Tasks: developing endurance, practicing the technique of dribbling the ball, shooting on goal in motion, goalkeeper play.

Inventory: balls, stands, mat

    slow running

    Outdoor switchgear and stretching

    “school” of football in motion

    ball juggling

    dribbling the ball diagonally in opposing columns - passing with the inside of the foot

    also with lining of the pillars

    dribbling between the posts - roll the ball, perform a somersault - pick up the ball - throw it into the goal - kick at goal

    the same as No. 7, but instead of throwing it into the collar, it’s a wall game

    ball juggling

Outline No. 10 (19.20)

Location: gym

Tasks: advanced ball handling techniques in difficult conditions, shots on goal from the spot.

Inventory: balls, stands, mats

    slow running

    Outdoor switchgear and stretching

    specialist. running and jumping exercises

    playing basketball without dribbling

    relay races with dribbling, passing, outlining racks

    4x2 square game

    juggling a ball in pairs

    educational mini-football game 65 min.

Outline No. 11(21,22)

Location: gym

Tasks: improvement of technical and tactical training with a speed-strength orientation.

Inventory: balls, stands, benches, barriers

    slow running

    Outdoor switchgear and stretching

    specialist. running and jumping exercises

    “school” of football in motion

    ball juggling

    player A performs a wall game - dribbling the posts - passes the ball to player B - jumps over the barriers - stands in group B. Player group B, having received the ball, circles the posts - takes a shot at goal - stands in group A

    players in group A jump over barriers - receive the ball from player group B - circle the posts - take a shot at the goal - pick up the ball and go to group B; players in group B make a pass - run to group A

    square game with a free player

Outline No. 12(23,24)

Location: gym

Tasks: co-headers, chest stops, ball tackling, standing kicks

Inventory: balls,

    slow running

    Outdoor switchgear and stretching

    specialist. running and jumping exercises

    "school" of football

    in pairs of passes on the spot in 1 and 2 touches

    headbutts in pairs

    also breast stop

    in pairs, one dribbles, the other tackles the ball

    ball juggling

    mid-rise shots on goal

    head juggling

    educational mini-football game 45 min.

Outline No. 13 (25,26)

Location: gym

Tasks: advanced techniques of dribbling, hitting the wall, handling the ball, shooting on goal in motion

Inventory: balls, stands

    slow running

    Outdoor switchgear and stretching

    specialist. running and jumping exercises

    "school" of football


    on-the-spot passes in 2 and 1 touch

    players from groups A and B dribble between the posts - play a wall - handle the ball - shoot at goal - pass the ball to the next player

    wall game - beat the opponent - kick on goal

    4x2 square game

    educational mini-football game 55 min.

Outline No. 14 (27,28)

Location: gym

Tasks: state-of-the-art high-speed technology

Inventory: balls, stands

    slow running

    Outdoor switchgear and stretching

    specialist. running and jumping exercises

    juggling a ball with feet and head in pairs

    acceleration, jerks, 5x20 m, rest 20 sec

    one-touch transfers in pairs

    acceleration while dribbling the ball 5x15m – 20 sec rest

    2-touch passes

    4x2 square game

    educational mini-football game 65 min.

Outline No. 15 (29.30)

Location: gym


Inventory: balls, stands

    slow running

    Outdoor switchgear and stretching

    specialist. running and jumping exercises

    "school" of football

    juggling legs and head

    6-8 transitions from crouched to prone, starting jerks 5x15m -20 sec rest

    Heading the ball in pairs

    10-12 jumps on 2 legs in a squat, start. snatches 5x15m – 20 sec rest

    volleying a flying ball with the inside of the foot

    start. snatches with stroke 5 racks 5x15m - 20 sec rest

    breast treatment, trans. desk in pairs

    educational mini-football game 50 min.

Outline No. 16 (31,32)

Location: gym

Tasks: modern technical and tactical techniques.

Inventory: balls, stands

    slow running.

    Outdoor switchgear and stretching.

    specialist. running and jumping exercises.

    “school” of football in motion.

    ball juggling.

    in pairs of passing the ball in two touches.

    also in one touch.

    dribbling the ball to a partner and back - passing the ball to a partner.

    Jumping headbutts.

    hitting a flying ball with one touch into the hands of a partner.

    hip stop.

    4x2 square game.

    ball juggling.

    educational mini-football game.

Outline No. 17 (33.34)

Location: gym


Inventory: balls, stands

    slow running.

    Outdoor switchgear and stretching.

    specialist. running and jumping exercises.

    "school" of football.

    jumping over a bench sideways to it 5 episodes

    ball juggling.

    Jumping rope 100 jumps.

    dribbling the posts - hitting the goal with a lift.

    outlining the posts with the inside of the foot, making a circle around the post - a shot at the goal.

    dribbling with the outside of the foot, making a circle around the post - a shot at goal.

    dribbling in a straight line - avoiding an opponent using false movements - shooting at goal.

    educational mini-football game.

Outline No. 18 (35.36)

Location: gym

Tasks: modern technology and the development of “lagging” qualities.

Inventory: balls, stands

    slow running.

    Outdoor switchgear and stretching.

    specialist. running and jumping exercises.

    development of “lagging” qualities.

    co-dribble and pass along the goal to a partner, the partner takes a shot at the goal.

    shots on goal from the spot.

    4x2 square game.

    head juggling.

    educational game.

Outline No. 19 (37.38)

Location: gym


2. development of speed and agility.

Inventory: balls, stands, whistle.

    slow running.

    Outdoor switchgear and stretching.

    specialist. running and jumping exercises.

    acceleration from various i.p. 10 accelerations.

    in pairs, the “school” of football is in place.

    also in one touch.


    in pairs of passing the ball in 2 touches.

    juggling in pairs.

    game of 4x2 square in two touches.

    shots on goal from the spot.

    educational game.

Outline No. 20 (39.40)

Location: gym

Tasks: 1. advanced ball handling techniques.

2. development of strength of arms and legs.

Inventory: balls, stands, whistle.

    slow running.

    Outdoor switchgear and stretching.

    specialist. running and jumping exercises.

    pull-up on the bar.

    squat with weights.

    in pairs “school” of football in motion.


    passing the ball in motion with a shot at goal.

    Dribbling between the posts is a shot at goal.

    strikes from the spot.

    head juggling.

    game of 4x2 square in two touches.

    mini-football game.

Outline No. 21 (41,42)

Location: gym



    slow running.

    Outdoor switchgear and stretching.

    specialist. running and jumping exercises.

    raising and lowering the body from a supine position.

    relay races with balls.

    4x2 square game.

    juggling in pairs.

    head juggling.

    mini-football game.

Outline No. 22 (43.44)

Location: gym

Tasks: 1. advanced ball handling techniques.

Inventory: balls, stands, whistle, jump ropes.

    slow running.

    Outdoor switchgear and stretching.

    specialist. running and jumping exercises.

    jumping on a rope.

    game of 4x2 square in two touches.

    dribbling – playing at the wall – handling – shots on goal.

    strikes from the spot.

    Jumping headbutts.

    juggling in pairs.

    breast treatment.

    mini-football game.

Outline No. 23 (45.46)

Location: gym

Tasks: 1. advanced ball handling techniques.

Inventory: balls, stands.

    slow running.

    Outdoor switchgear and stretching.

    specialist. running and jumping exercises.

    "school" of football.

    ball juggling.

    6-8 transitions from a crouched position to a lying position, starting jerks 5x15m. 20sec. Recreation.

    headbutts in pairs.

    10-12 jumps on two legs, starting jerks 5x15m - 20sec. recreation.

    hitting the flying ball with the inside of the foot.

    game of 4x2 square in two touches.

    educational mini-football game.

Outline No. 24 (47.48)

Location: gym

Tasks: 1. advanced ball handling techniques.

2. development of speed.

Inventory: balls, stands.

    slow running.

    Outdoor switchgear and stretching.

    specialist. running and jumping exercises.

    acceleration 15m. from various i.p.

    juggling in pairs.

    in pairs of passing the ball in 2 touches.

    also in one touch.

    dribbling between the posts - playing at the wall - opening, handling - shooting at goal.

    strikes from the spot.

    dribbling between the posts - throwing a shot to a partner - partner handles - takes a shot at goal.

    strikes from the spot.

    head juggling.

    educational mini-football game.

Outline No. 25 (49.50)

Location: gym

Tasks: 1. advanced ball handling techniques.

2. development of speed and agility.


    slow running.

    Outdoor switchgear and stretching.

    specialist. running and jumping exercises.

    "school" of football.

    juggling in pairs.

    relay races with balls.

    square 4x2.

    educational mini-football game.

Outline No. 26 (51.52)

Location: gym

Tasks: 1. advanced ball handling techniques.

2. development of speed and strength qualities.

Inventory: balls, racks, jump ropes, benches.

    slow running.

    Outdoor switchgear and stretching.

    specialist. running and jumping exercises.

    "school" of football.

    juggling in pairs.

    in pairs of passing the ball in 2 touches.

    also in one touch.

    dribbling between the posts - playing at the wall - opening, handling - shooting at goal.

    strikes from a place in the middle of the rise.

    headbutts in pairs while jumping.

    square 4x2.

    educational mini-football game.

Outline No. 27 (53.54)

Location: gym

Tasks: 1. advanced ball handling techniques.

Inventory: balls, stands.

    slow running.

    Outdoor switchgear and stretching.

    specialist. running and jumping exercises.

    "school" of football.

    acceleration with a ball 5x15m. - 5 minutes. ball juggling.

    acceleration with a 5x10m ball. - 5 minutes. ball juggling.

7. One-touch transfers in pairs.

8. educational mini-football game.

Outline No. 28 (55.56)

Location: gym

Tasks: 1. advanced ball handling techniques.

2. development of endurance.

Inventory: balls, stands, mat.

    slow running.

    Outdoor switchgear and stretching.

    specialist. running and jumping exercises.

    "school" of football.

    dribbling between the posts - playing at the wall - handling the ball - rolling the ball, somersaulting forward - picking up the ball - passing to a partner.

    shots on goal after playing against the wall.

    shots on goal from the spot.

    4x2 square game.

    educational mini-football game.

Outline No. 29 (57.58)

Location: gym

Tasks: 1. advanced ball handling techniques.

2. development of strength of arms, legs, abdominal muscles.

Inventory: balls, racks, dumbbells.

    slow running.

    Outdoor switchgear and stretching.

    specialist. running and jumping exercises.

    Pull-ups on the bar, squats with 8kg dumbbells. with jumping up, raising and lowering the body from a supine position 15-20 times.

    Driving around the posts - a shot at goal.

    shots on goal from the spot.

    playing against the wall - beating an opponent - hitting the goal.

    shots on goal from the spot.


    breast treatment in pairs.

    two-touch passes in pairs.

    educational mini-football game.

Outline No. 30 (59.60)

Location: gym

Tasks: 1. advanced ball handling techniques.

2. development of speed.

Inventory: balls, stands.

    slow running.

    Outdoor switchgear and stretching.

    specialist. running and jumping exercises.

    "school" of football.

    acceleration 15m.x 10 times.

    dribbling the ball to the post and back.

    leading to the counter, around the counter with the inside of the foot with the right and left leg.

    one-touch passes in pairs.

    Jumping headbutts.

    juggling in pairs.

    educational mini-football game.

Outline No. 31 (61.62)

Location: gym

Tasks: 1. advanced ball handling techniques.

2. development of speed and strength qualities.

Inventory: balls, stands, bench.

    slow running.

    Outdoor switchgear and stretching.

    specialist. running and jumping exercises.

    jumping over a bench facing it, sideways to it - 5 episodes.

    jumping over a bench sideways to it - 5 episodes.

    stop with the chest, pass from the cheek to the hands.

    head blows.

    hip stop.

    one-touch volley pass.

    passing in pairs with two touches on the spot.

    passing the ball in motion with two touches.

    educational mini-football game.

Outline No. 32 (63.64)

Location: gym

Tasks: 1. advanced ball handling techniques.

2. development of special speed.

Inventory: balls, stands, bench.

    slow running.

    Outdoor switchgear and stretching.

    specialist. running and jumping exercises.

    "school" of football.

    acceleration with a 5x20m ball. - 5 minutes. ball juggling.

    acceleration with a 7x15m ball. - 5 minutes. ball juggling.

    acceleration with a ball 8x10m. - 5 minutes. ball juggling.

    passes in pairs with two and one touch.

    square game with a free player.

    educational mini-football game.

Outline No. 33 (65.66)

Location: gym

Tasks: development of special endurance and ball handling technique.

Inventory: balls, stands

1.slow running

2. ORU and stretching

3.special running and jumping exercises

4. “school” of football

5.juggling with legs and head

6.6-8 transitions from crouched to prone, starting jerks 5x15m -20 sec rest

7.heading the ball in pairs

8.10-12 jumps on 2 legs in a squat, start. snatches 5x15m – 20 sec rest

9. hitting the flying ball with the inside of the foot from the summer

10.start. snatches with stroke 5 racks 5x15m - 20 sec rest

11. breast treatment, lane. desk in pairs

12. educational mini-football game 50 min.

Outline No. 34 (67.68)

Location: gym

Tasks: 1. advanced ball handling techniques.

2. development of speed.

Inventory: balls, stands.

1.slow running.

2. ORU and stretching.

4.acceleration 20m. from various i.p.

5.juggling in pairs. pairs of passing the ball in 2 touches.

7.also one touch.

8.driving between the posts - playing “wall” - opening, handling - shooting at goal.

9. strikes from a place.

10.driving between the posts - throwing to a partner under a blow - the partner handles - executes a shot on goal.

11. strikes from a place.

12.head juggling.

13. educational game of mini-football.

Outline No. 35 (69.70)

Venue: stadium

Tasks: 1. advanced ball handling techniques.

2. development of strength of arms and legs.

Inventory: balls, stands, whistle.

1.slow running.

2. ORU and stretching.

3.special running and jumping exercises.

4.pull-up on the bar.

5. squats with weights. pairs, the “school” of football is in motion.


8. passing the ball in motion with a shot at goal.

9. dribble between the posts - shot at goal.

10. strikes from a place.

11.head juggling. of 4x2 square in two touches.

13. mini-football game.

Outline No. 36 (71.72)

Location: stadium

Tasks: 1. advanced ball handling techniques (with a speed focus).

2. development of abdominal muscle strength.

Inventory: balls, stands, whistle, jump ropes.

1.slow running.

2. ORU and stretching.

3.special running and jumping exercises.

4.raising and lowering the body from a supine position.

5. relay races with balls.

6. 4x2 square game.

7.juggling in pairs.

8.head juggling.

9.playing football.

Outline No. 37 (73.74)

Location: stadium

Tasks: 1. advanced ball handling techniques.

2. development of endurance.

Inventory: balls, stands, mat.

1.slow running.

2. ORU and stretching.

3.special running and jumping exercises.

4. “school” of football.

5. dribbling between the posts - playing at the wall - handling the ball - rolling the ball, somersaulting forward - picking up the ball - passing to a partner.

6. shots on goal after a wall game.

7. shots on goal from the spot.

8. 4x2 square game.

9. educational game of football.

Outline No. 38 (75.76)

Location: stadium

Tasks: 1. advanced ball handling techniques.

2. development of special endurance.

Inventory: balls, stands.

1.slow running.

2. ORU and stretching.

3.special running and jumping exercises.

4. “school” of football.

5.juggling a ball.

6.6-8 transitions from a crouched position to a lying position, starting jerks 5x20m. 20sec. Recreation.

7. Headbutts in pairs.

8.10-12 jumps on two legs, starting jerks 5x20m - 20sec. recreation.

9. hitting the flying ball with the inside of the foot. of 4x2 square in two touches.

11. educational game of football.

Outline No. 39 (77.78)

Location: stadium

Tasks: development of speed-strength qualities, mastery of feints, dribbling of posts, shots on goal in motion.

Inventory: balls, stands

1.slow running.

2. ORU and stretching.

3.special running and jumping exercises.

4. “school” of football.

5. jumping over the bench sideways to it 5 series

6.juggling a ball.

7. Jumping rope 100 jumps.

8. Driving around the posts - hitting the goal with a lift.

9.circling the posts with the inside of the foot, making a circle around the post - a shot at the goal.

10. Driving with the outside of the foot, making a circle around the post - a shot at goal.

11.driving in a straight line - avoiding the opponent with the help of false movements - hitting the goal.

12. educational game of mini-football.

Outline No. 40 (79.80)

Location: stadium

Tasks: 1. advanced ball handling techniques.

2. development of special speed.

Inventory: balls, stands.

1.slow running.

2. ORU and stretching.

3.special running and jumping exercises.

4. “school” of football.

5. acceleration with a 5x15m ball. - 5 minutes. ball juggling.

6. acceleration with a 5x10m ball. - 5 minutes. ball juggling.

7.transfers in pairs with one touch.

8. educational game of mini-football.