Open event for teenagers “Together we are stronger” (as part of a drug addiction prevention campaign). Anti-drug campaign “Against Evil – All Together! III

  1. Provide information about the consequences of drug use, alcohol and smoking, develop skills of self-analysis and resistance to outside pressure.
  2. Develop students' public speaking skills, teamwork, and communication skills.

Time: during the school day.

Stages of the promotion:

  1. In the morning, when students enter school, they are greeted by an initiative group of children (5-7 people), who differ from the rest in some attribute (for example: a bright tie). The music is upbeat and cheerful. Music plays the same way during all breaks.
  2. Before the first lesson, there is a radio broadcast, which tells us that today our school is holding the “Your Choice” campaign. We invite a specialist from the center for medical prevention, who also during the radio program briefly spoke about how important the sports spirit of children is and how various bad habits negatively affect the health of children.
  3. At all breaks, the same initiative group distributed propaganda leaflets “Everything is in your hands” ( picture 1 , Annex 1), “Answers to the most frequently asked questions about tobacco” ( appendix 2), booklets from the municipal institution “Our Time” ( figure 2).
  4. During one of the lessons, the guys conducted a survey of 8-9th graders, where they found out the children’s attitude to such concepts as “sport” and “drugs” (a copy of the testing form is rice. 3)

In our school the following survey results:

The concept of “sport”:

75% rate it very highly;
25% – rate it as average;

The concept of “drugs”:

97% rate it negatively;
3% – abstained from answering.

5. In the sixth lesson we spent round table among children in 10th grade. Two or three representatives were invited from each class.

Today we have gathered to discuss a pressing topic - the problem of drug addiction. I think you all know what drug addiction is and who drug addicts are.

Let's first look at history.

Humanity has indeed known drugs since ancient times.

They were consumed by people of different cultures and religions for various purposes.

– medicinal – to relieve pain, restore strength, as a sleeping pill

– in religious rites – during religious functions (ritual purposes)

- as an intoxicant

Gradually, people moved from group consumption to individual consumption.

You know that the First World War, which broke out in August 1914, significantly contributed to the spread of drugs. In particular, soldiers and officers of the allied European armies brought drugs into Russia, causing the first outbreak of drug addiction in its history. The outbreak was massive, huge. It became especially widespread among the creative intelligentsia.

From the 20s to the 60s there were no more outbreaks.

In the 60s, drugs appeared again (they were brought by tourists)

In 1957, when the VI World Festival of Youth and Students was held in Moscow, the first case of relatively massive (several dozen people) drug use was recorded.

More recently, in the second half of the 90s, there was also a large outbreak of drug use

And to this day this problem has persisted.

According to official information, approximately 80 thousand drug addicts are registered with the drug treatment services in Russia, but the “underwater” part of the drug treatment “iceberg” is more than 10 times higher than this figure.

– Why do you think people start using drugs?

– What is the average life expectancy of a drug addict?

– What causes lead to the death of drug addicts? What factors contribute to high mortality?

– How does a person’s life, in particular a teenager’s, change after he starts using drugs?

– How to behave if you accidentally meet a drug addict?

– If a drug addict is your friend or close relative, what should you do?

– Do you need to be compliant or, on the contrary, tough with drug-addicted family members?

– Is it worth expelling a drug addict from the family?

– Should we feel sorry for them?

– Do you need to inform parents of drug addicts that their children are sick if you have such suspicions?

– What do such people look like?

– How should you raise a child so that they do not become drug addicts?

– What punishment is imposed by law on those who use or possess drugs?

– Do you think this is a strict or lenient punishment for them?

– What punishment would you personally apply to drug addicts and drug dealers?

– What is needed to win on the drug front?

There are countries in which the sale of some drugs is legalized, i.e. they are quite accessible to anyone.

Let's think together whether it is possible to legalize drugs in our country and what consequences this could lead to.

Of course, there are always supporters and opponents of drug legalization.

Let's imagine that you were given the opportunity to speak out in defense of the legalization of drugs, as well as against the legalization of drugs.

Therefore, we will now divide into two groups to discuss this. One group will be supporters of legalization, the other will be opponents of drug legalization.

The guys are given the opportunity to prove why drug legalization is necessary (or, on the contrary, strictly prohibited) in our country.

After the discussion, the guys are invited to join the group of supporters

– Guys, what can you personally do to ensure that fewer of your peers become drug addicts?

– What can we do with you personally at our school?

(Working with primary schoolchildren and their parents).

6. At the end of the day, a concert is held for everyone - a performance by the campaign team.

Today, drug use is a universally recognized evil. Many countries are suffering from a real epidemic. On December 7, 1987, the UN General Assembly adopted resolution No. 42/112, in which it decided to observe June 26 as the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, as an expression of its determination to strengthen action and cooperation to achieve the goal of creating an international society free from drug abuse. drug addiction.

In April 2016, the UN General Assembly held a Special Session on the drug problem in the world. This Special Session was an important milestone in achieving the goal set out in the policy document “Political Declaration and Plan of Action for International Cooperation towards a Comprehensive and Balanced Strategy to Combat the World Drug Problem.”

The outcome document provides recommended measures to reduce supply and demand and increase access to controlled medicines, thereby preventing their inappropriate use. The recommendations also cover the areas of human rights; children, youth, women and communities; new problems, including new psychoactive substances; strengthening international cooperation and sustainable development. The document places particular emphasis on proportionate national sentencing policies and practices in drug-related offences, and highlights the role of prevention and treatment.

In 2018, the International Day Against Drug Abuse will be held under the motto “Let us build our lives – our society – our individuals without drugs.”

Today, drug addiction has affected all countries of the world. According to the most approximate estimates of experts, from 3 to 4 percent of the world's inhabitants use drugs.

For Russia, the problem of drug addiction is a global threat to the health of the country's population. In Russia, over 560 thousand drug addicts are registered in drug treatment clinics. The total number of Russians who occasionally use drugs and psychotropic substances exceeds 8.5 million people, one and a half million of whom use heroin. More than 100 thousand Russians die from overdose every year. Any of the drugs destroys health, the addict “burns out” in 4-5 years. Dependence sometimes occurs after one or two doses.

The problem of drug addiction is one of the most pressing for both healthcare and society as a whole. This is due to the severe medical and social consequences of substance abuse, among which characteristic personality changes are in the first place. Negative medical consequences include: the presence of a number of somatic diseases in patients, the spread of HIV infection, viral hepatitis B and C, and premature mortality. A third of HIV-infected people received their virus from a syringe containing drugs.

The negative social consequences of drug addiction include: low percentage of employment, high frequency of criminal behavior and criminal records, disruption of family ties.

For Moscow region The problem of drug addiction is very acute. The average relative indicator of the general incidence of drug addiction in the Moscow region in 2017 decreased and amounted to 228.9 per 100 thousand population (in 2016 - 234.1 per 100 thousand population). In 2015, this figure reached its peak - 236.9 per 100 thousand population.

In 2017, the average relative rate of primary incidence of drug addiction decreased to 12.0 per 100 thousand population (in 2016 – 13.7 per 100 thousand population). In 2015, this figure reached its peak - 18.4 per 100 thousand population.

The average relative indicator of the overall incidence of substance abuse has been decreasing in recent years, reaching 7.0 per 100 thousand population (in 2016 - 7.8 per 100 thousand population versus 8.2 in 2015).

Leaders in the prevalence of drug addiction, whose indicators significantly exceed the regional average are the following municipalities: Orekhovo-Zuevo (591.2), Serpukhov (502.3), Noginsk (367.5), Serebryanye Prudy (366.8), Podolsk (331.4), Pavlovsky Posad (314.5), Shchelkovo (252.0).

Essentially indicators below the regional average in municipalities: Lotoshino (30.2), Stupino (74.2), Shakhovskaya (89.4), Bronnitsy (107.2), Volokolamsk (111.8), Solnechnogorsk (117.9).

In recent years, drugs have become “younger”. Cases of children aged 10-13 years becoming addicted to narcotic and toxic substances have become more frequent. The main drug users are young people under 30 years of age.

The goal of preventive anti-drug work should be to reduce the demand for drugs, primarily among young people. It is recommended to focus on information propaganda - talk more about the dangers of drugs and early detection, that is, testing. The main target of preventive work should be children under 12-14 years of age, and preventive work should be carried out both by teachers together with medical workers at school, and always by parents in the family.

According to Professor L.M. Roshal, “Drug addiction is a huge business that affects people and, above all, children. Family daily drug addiction prevention is necessary. Parents need to be clear about what kind of work to do with their children so that they can resist the temptation of the first puff. Our task is to counter the spread of drug addiction at all levels – from the family to the state.”

The main goal of prevention is to develop among the population and, especially among young people, an active life position of rejection of drug use for non-medical purposes. It is necessary to strive to curb the involvement of children and youth in drugs through the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, the formation of anti-drug attitudes, and involvement in sports. Anti-smoking and anti-alcohol propaganda should be part of anti-drug propaganda, since drugs often follow smoking and alcohol consumption.

In order to increase awareness of the population, especially young people, about the harmful effects of drugs on the body, attracting the attention of government agencies and the public to the problem of drug addiction, the Moscow Regional Center for Medical Prevention (Branch for Medical Prevention of the State Autonomous Institution of Medical Sciences KTSVMiR) recommends organizing the following awareness-raising events in the municipalities of the Moscow region Events dedicated to International Day Against Drug Abuse:

  • widely inform the population about the International Day against Drug Abuse, including through the media;
  • organize and conduct thematic seminars and conferences for doctors and paramedical workers;
  • organize speeches by experts on the problem of drug addiction on radio and television;
  • publish articles in the local press, highlight the topics of the International Day against Drug Abuse on Internet sites;
  • use visual propaganda means, issue thematic information stands and sanitary bulletins in medical organizations;
  • together with the sports committee, organize sports competitions under the motto “Sports against drugs”;
  • organize mass events (health exercises, flash mobs, dance warm-ups) with the involvement of young people, incl. participants of public volunteer organizations whose activities are aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle, as well as in interaction with representatives of education, social protection, sports and youth policy, culture, and media persons;
  • distribute thematic leaflets, leaflets, booklets.

Please submit a report on the activities carried out to the Moscow Regional Center for Medical Prevention (Branch for Medical Prevention of GAUZMO KTSVMiR) by email [email protected] by August 10, 2018.

MOSCOW, May 14 - RIA Novosti. The anti-drug campaign of RIA Novosti "Start with yourself", which is carried out jointly with the Department of Family and Youth Policy of Moscow and the Federal Drug Control Service for the Moscow Region, started in the capital on Monday.

According to him, about 80% of drug users are young people under the age of 28. “The problem is scary because it is getting younger. If two or three years ago we said that people try drugs for the first time at the age of 15, now we are talking about the fact that children try drugs for the first time at the age of 13-14. In some cases According to data, up to 50% of ninth-graders in the Moscow region have tried drugs,” Biryukov emphasized.

According to I. O. Head of the Moscow Department of Family and Youth Policy Yulia Grimalskaya, the capital’s authorities already have experience in conducting large-scale anti-drug actions. “Five years ago, on June 26, we conducted voluntary testing at the All-Russian Exhibition Center. We offered everyone who wanted to test themselves. The campaign developed, and the year before, about 3 thousand young people aged 14 to 25 voluntarily took the test,” she noted.

Not all test results were negative, she said. “There were also positive results. This all took place anonymously, so no one registered the children,” Grimalskaya emphasized.

According to the acting Head of the department, one of the main problems that exists in Russia today is due to the fact that society as a whole does not realize the scale of the number of people involved in the process of distributing and using drugs. According to her, the necessary negative attitude towards drug addiction has not yet been created in Russian society.

Common trouble

Biryukov also emphasized that parents are often the last to learn about the problem of drug addiction in their children. “Therefore, as part of the campaign, we are planning to distribute free tests so that everyone can check and, if there are problems, take action,” he explained.

Grimalskaya, in turn, noted that the results of the distribution of tests last year showed that it was mainly parents who took them to test their children. According to her, today drug use statistics include children as young as 10 years old. Therefore, Grimalskaya believes that it is necessary to pay special attention to preventive work in schools.

According to the artist and rock musician Vasya Lozhkin (pseudonym of Alexey Kudimov), teenagers need to be explained not only that drugs are not fashionable, but also that drugs greatly interfere with social growth.

“Now young people want to have a lot of money, earn good money, have a car in the future, an expensive computer, and so on. But if a person uses drugs, then it is very difficult to earn all this, it is difficult to get a profession, because the brain already works a little differently,” he said He.

According to the head of the department of interdepartmental interaction of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Moscow Region, Evgeny Shevchenko, the problem of prevention should be taken under special control by society and the authorities.

In addition, experts agreed that the destruction of the system of leisure and employment for children leads to the fact that they find unconventional ways of entertainment. “It is necessary to develop leisure activities, for example, yard sports. It is necessary to involve children in sports, creativity, it is necessary to give them the opportunity to communicate, to be with each other. Look how sharply we are reducing the number of places where young people could gather for interests and these develop interests,” Shevchenko concluded.


On this planet called Earth, there is probably not a single person who has not heard about the dangers of drugs and the consequences that follow from the use of drugs. Doctors, the government, the media, deeply cover this problem, work on it, sound the alarm, comparing this problem with a national catastrophe, and report information about the evil that lies in the developing drug addiction.

Many intelligent people really understand that the harm that comes from drugs has a detrimental effect not only on those who are addicted to them, but it also extends to loved ones who suffer from the fact that their loved ones die before their eyes. People around you, friends and society as a whole suffer. Drugs cause social harm. Drugs are an open gateway to all troubles and misfortunes, they destroy people, the future generation and do not leave

no hope that the world will finally become safer.

Questions arise: “Why does everyone know about the dangers of drugs, about the harmful consequences that they bring, people do not stop using them, they are not afraid for themselves, not for their loved ones, not for their lives?

Why have people become so ignorant, lost their minds, afraid of the dark, but are ready to use drugs in broad daylight?”

The scale of the unfolding “drug epidemic” is impressive even according to official statistics, which far from fully reflect the situation. According to the Russian Ministry of Health, about 70% of adolescents (both boys and girls) have tried drugs at least once. The number of minors registered in drug treatment clinics and suffering from drug and substance abuse disorders has increased tenfold. In some cities and in a number of educational institutions, drug abuse has become total.

A common reason for drug use among young people is the influence of a company that stands out for its permissiveness and which has been affected by the narcotic style of the times. The inability of a teenager or young man to deeply appreciate difficulties and the desire to be independent plays into the hands of drug dealers; they, taking advantage of the opportunity, most often pull the child out of his usual environment with impunity and make him a slave to their potion.

The worst thing is that drug addiction is sweeping the world in ever wider strides. If previously only a few used drugs, and many of them could live with this habit for quite a long time, now drug addiction is becoming widespread, and with the spread of a huge amount of synthetic drugs, which have become very accessible and popular among young people, this evil has begun to encroach on the greatest value of humanity - children and young people.

The main question that modern science is looking for an answer to is: what makes young people start using drugs? Preventing a disease is much easier than treating it. This is not just a matter for specialists: doctors, psychologists. First of all, all parents need to think about this. Think about what you need to do to protect your children from drugs and how to help them if you have failed to protect them.

In MKOU "Popovo-Lezhachanskaya secondary school» Glushkovsky district, Kursk regionfrom October 16 to December 18, 2015 was held"Children against drugs" campaign.


prevention of drug use among children and youth.


    create a healthy lifestyle;

    draw public attention to the problem of drug use;

    teach teenagers to protect themselves from manipulation;

    disseminate information where families facing the problem of drug addiction can seek psychological and other help.

Preventive work was carried out taking into account the age characteristics of students.

Expected results:

    Raising public awareness about the problem of drug addiction;

    developing in adolescents the ability to protect themselves from manipulation;

    developing skills to prevent drug use among youth;


Promotionbeganassfrom the organizational line, where students were aboutfamiliarized with the action plan.

During the first days of the eventstudentsschoolsstated that theyhave a negative attitude towards drugs andtake an active position in life, promoterwowhealthy lifestyle.

October 20, 2015 The conversation between juvenile affairs inspectors M.Yu. Panchenko, T.I. Bondarenko and the head of the rural FAP Zhurbenko N.V., who told high school students about the harmful effects of narcotic substances on the human body, was educational.

10/23/2015 Students of grades 5-7 participated with interest in the children's drawing competition “We choose LIFE!”

The winners of the drawing competition “We choose LIFE!” become

Teslev Dmitry -7th grade, Vyacheslav Vyskrabtsev -7th grade.

October 27, 2015 Chemistry teacher Kondratenko O.V. A round table was organized for high school students on the topic: “Spice (smoking mixture).”

The lesson showed that this form of activity is interesting and therefore effective in working with students of this age.

04.11.2015 As part of the action, school students took an active part in the festive concert “National Unity Day” under the motto “Develop talents for the sake of life.”

From 11/10/2015 to 11/13. In 2015, the school started the competition “You have to live brightly in sports.” The children took part in a sports relay race and were also able to play basketball with enthusiasm.

11/18/2015 A meeting was held between 9th grade students and the authorized representative of the department in the town of Tetkino of the PUFSB of Russia in the Kursk region, Alexey Nikolaevich Kolosov, who once again reminded the children about criminal liability for the possession and use of narcotic substances, and also told what work is being done on border with Ukraine in terms of preventing drugs from entering the territory of the Russian Federation.

11/25/2015 In the rural House of Culture, a performance by the school propaganda team took place on the topic: “About the most important thing.” In their speech, high school students talked about the most valuable thing - human health and how not to cross the line and not get caught up in drugs.

01.12.2015 On AIDS Day, the children together with biology teacher V.I. Tkacheva held a debate on the topic: “Know so as not to stumble.” High school students were able to discuss with each other the problem of all humanity, and the teacher explained in detail how to protect themselves from a terrible disease.

04.12.2015 Students 2-5 grades. visited the library in the village of Tetkino, where the children took part in the educational quiz “What do I know about health”, and also had the opportunity to play the board game “Travel to the Country of Vitaminia”

08.12.2015 An exhibition of books “No to Drugs!” was organized in the school library. Students got acquainted with the presented literature and listened to reports on this topic.

12/11/2015 Students took to the streets of their native village to distribute booklets about the dangers of drug addiction. The guys informed, motivated and encouraged residents not to remain indifferent, to be attentive and vigilant to the people around them. This event showed that this information is relevant at the present time.

12/14/2015 High school students met with the juvenile affairs inspector Yu.V. Moeseenko. for a preventive conversation on the topic: “A teenager in the world of bad habits.” The children listened to the inspector’s informative story and were able to ask questions that interested them.

The “Children Against Drugs” campaign ended with a school-wide event, to which the district commissioner I.A. Repetenko was invited. and juvenile affairs inspector Moeseenko Yu.V.

The organizers of the action summed up the results of the survey, in which students from grades 6-11 participated.

The guys expressed their opinion, believing that all the events within the framework of this event were very useful and educational.