Fire safety norms and rules - regulatory framework, forum. Pressure testing of the heating system: SNiP standards Additional requirements for testing pressure pipelines and water supply and sewerage structures built in special natural and climatic conditions

Hydraulic testing of water supply pipelines usually becomes the next step after completion of installation work. This stage cannot be avoided when working with networks that operate under pressure.

When performing this procedure, a pump is used to build up pressure. This contributes to the timely detection of defects.

After conducting a hydraulic test of the pipeline, they proceed to drawing up a report. Only after its signing the operation of the pipeline becomes available.

The procedure for testing water supply pipelines and its purpose

When testing water supply pipelines, experts check several indicators at once:

  1. Detection of defective areas.
  2. Tightness.
  3. Reliability.

Heating testing is carried out before a newly built facility is put into operation. This applies not only to the introduction of new communications, but also to its overhaul.

If defects are found, they are eliminated as soon as possible. The tests are repeated until the results are found positive.

The pipeline tests themselves are carried out in two passes.

  • First come the preliminary ones.
  • These are followed by the final ones.

The first stage involves pumping water into the pipeline under high pressure. The main thing is that the pressure is one and a half times greater than normal operating indicators.

IMPORTANT! Hydraulic testing of water supply pipelines is also prescribed before finishing the interior. Specially trained people are responsible for hydraulic testing of water supply systems.

The underground sections of the pipeline are completely closed before final testing begins. At this stage, it is necessary to complete all installation work.

But the installation of plumbing fixtures has not yet begun. During these activities, the pressure is increased by 1.3 times compared to normal.

The methodology allows for additional rules.

  • Hydraulic checks of water supply systems should be carried out only 24 hours after installation is completed. The ambient temperature must be above zero.
  • During this event, the pipes are completely filled with water. Until it reaches the top of the risers. Before this, the condition of the pipes undergoes a visual inspection to control. If noticeable deficiencies are identified, they are corrected immediately. The system is considered to have successfully passed the test if no leaks occur within 20 minutes of operating condition. And if the water maintains the previously noted level.

Watch the video

Under what conditions is it necessary to carry out hydraulic testing of pipelines?

It is necessary to realize how complex the hydraulic testing of plumbing systems is. The reliability of the structure itself and its quality largely depend on the competence of this procedure. Therefore, the work is trusted only to specialists with the appropriate classification.

The requirements for the test work itself include several items. This is required by any technique.

  1. All points of use in the riser are switched on simultaneously to check efficiency. But the need at this stage is determined individually, at each enterprise separately.
  2. The condition of heated towel rails is tested when the hot water supply is checked.
  3. Temperature measurements take place only at the extreme sections of the system. Water is poured with predetermined characteristics.
  4. The liquid must be completely drained after completion of all stages of the activity.
  5. Filling of pipelines begins from the lower floors, gradually moving to the upper ones. Then the air will be properly forced out of the pipes. And there is no danger of air pockets appearing in the pipeline.
  6. The first stage in filling the water pipeline affects only the main section. Only at the next stages they move on to small local networks and individual risers.
  7. Outdoors or indoors during work the temperature should not fall below +5 degrees.

Carrying out the procedure at the preliminary stage

Video: hydraulic testing of water supply and heating

Building codes govern the order in which inspections are carried out.

  • First, the water supply is filled with liquid. And leave it in this state for two hours.
  • They proceed to create increased pressure for two hours. It happens very slowly. At this stage, it is already possible to identify a number of leaks.
  • The pressure is reduced until they reach the calculated values. Then they move on to examining the general condition of the route.
  • This pressure is maintained for thirty minutes or more. Without such a step, the deformed shape of the pipes simply cannot be stabilized.
  • The next stage is turning off the taps at the entrances. The water is slowly drained using a pressure test pump.
  • The track is checked for serious problems.

IMPORTANT! It is better to find out in advance what pressure is standard for a particular line, according to SNiP. This will allow you to compare the readings with the limits shown on the devices themselves. And follow the method exactly.

What is the final hydraulic test of water supply lines?

Such hydraulic checks of water supply pipelines are carried out after completion installation of plumbing fixtures for hot water.

  1. They start by pumping up the working pressure in the water supply. It must be raised to the initial level if the indicator has dropped by 0.02 MPa.
  2. The pressure rises ten minutes before the test readings. The system remains in this state for two hours.

This indicator depends on several factors:

  • The height difference between elements located above and below.
  • The thickness of the walls.
  • The material from which the pipeline is made.

Video: hydraulic test of heating pipelines

The pressure value according to SNiP usually does not exceed 10 MPa. A specific indicator is individually calculated for each type of pipeline, for certain types of hydraulic tests of water supply systems.

How is the work results report filled out?

The document must display information related to:

  1. Signs of a violation of tightness, reliability in threaded and welded connections, if present. Have drops appeared on the surfaces of pipes and fittings?
  2. The results of direct verification.
  3. Methods for eliminating identified faults.
  4. Address and date of inspection. And the names of the citizens who signed the act. Typically, signatures are provided by the owners of houses or apartments. Or this function is assigned to representatives of the repair and maintenance organization.
  5. The project in accordance with which the circuit was installed.
  6. The crimping method applied in practice.

About pressure standards for crimping

When testing water supply, the pressure indicator according to SNiP depends on what indicator is considered working for a particular system. In turn, the base materials in the pipes determine the value of the operating pressure itself.

No less attention is paid to radiators used during installation work. When pressure testing is carried out in new systems, the pressure indicator according to GOST is two times higher than the working norm. For existing systems, an excess of 20-50 percent is acceptable.

Each type of pipe and radiator can withstand a certain maximum pressure. This factor must be taken into account when choosing the optimal performance indicator for a particular system. And when choosing the parameters on which crimping is carried out.

At the input unit, crimping deserves special attention. The minimum required level for such work is 10 atm.

Without special electric pumps, creating a parameter of this type is impossible. The result is considered positive if the parameter drops by no more than 0.1 atm in half an hour.

Private houses: we carry out pressure testing

Private houses require the use of closed water supply systems. According to GOST, the maximum operating pressure for them is 2 atmospheres.

When carrying out hydraulic tests, one cannot do without pumps with manual and electric drives, which help to build up pressure to 4 atmospheres. Connection to the heating main is acceptable.

Video: hydraulic test of cold water supply systems

Water begins to fill the structure from below, using a drain tap. Next comes the air, it easily pushes out the water. Excess is removed through air-type valves mounted at the very top. The same thing happens on every radiator. Or in places where air traffic jams appear.

To test water supply communications, use water whose temperature does not exceed 45 degrees according to GOST.

Carrying out pressure testing yourself is mandatory if the owner installs the entire pipeline system himself. The procedure is the same as in houses with many apartments.

If it is then planned to be used as a coolant.

It is permissible to use melt or rain water. It is completely drained if no further use is planned.

Additional information about documents

In the report on the results of the hydraulic test, it is necessary to write about what brand of pressure gauge was used. They also indicate measurements of pressure readings in the system at the time of inspection. They write about the height at which the measuring device was located in relation to the pipe axis.

The pipeline must be disinfected before it is put into operation. To do this, use ordinary water, to which active chlorine is added in an amount of 20-30 grams, according to GOST.

At the next stage, they proceed to flushing the pipeline. You can use the liquid from the pipes only if the bacteriological analysis is positive. Flushing is carried out for as long as necessary to change the liquid inside ten times.

Trial operation after hydraulic testing of water supply pipelines lasts up to several days.

Design of external sewerage, gutters and drainages
Pipeline installation

8.1 According to SNiP 3.05.04, pressure and non-pressure water supply and sewerage pipelines are tested for strength and density (tightness) by hydraulic or pneumatic methods twice (preliminary and final).

8.2 Preliminary test (excessive) hydraulic pressure during strength testing, performed before backfilling the trench and installing fittings (hydrants, safety valves, plungers), must be equal to the design operating pressure multiplied by a factor of 1.5.

8.3 The final test hydraulic pressure for density tests performed after backfilling the trench and completion of all work on this section of the pipeline, but before installing hydrants, safety valves and plungers, in place of which plugs are installed during the test, must be equal to the design working pressure multiplied by coefficient 1.3.

8.4 Before testing pressure pipelines with socket connections with O-rings, temporary or permanent stops must be installed at the ends of the pipeline and at the bends.

8.5 Preliminary hydraulic testing of pressure pipelines should be carried out in the following order:

Fill the pipeline with water and keep it without pressure for 2 hours;

Create test pressure in the pipeline and maintain it for 0.5 hours;

Reduce the test pressure to the design pressure and inspect the pipeline.

The pipeline is kept under operating pressure for at least 0.5 hours. Due to deformation of the pipeline shell, it is necessary to maintain test or operating pressure in the pipeline by pumping water until complete stabilization.

The pipeline is considered to have passed the preliminary hydraulic test if no ruptures of pipes or joints and connecting parts are detected under test pressure, and no visible water leaks are detected under operating pressure.

8.6 The final hydraulic test for density is carried out in the following order:

A pressure should be created in the pipeline equal to the design operating pressure and maintained for 2 hours; when the pressure drops by 0.02 MPa, water is pumped;

The pressure is raised to the test level within a period of no more than 10 minutes and maintained for 2 hours.

The pipeline is considered to have passed the final hydraulic test if the actual leakage of water from the pipeline at the test pressure does not exceed the values ​​​​specified in Table 5.

Outer diameter of pipes, mm

Permissible leakage, l/min, for pipes

with permanent (welded, glued) connections

with socket connections on O-rings

8.7 Hydraulic testing of gravity sewer networks is carried out after completion of waterproofing work in wells in two stages: without wells (preliminary) and together with wells (final).

8.8 The final test of the sewerage pipeline together with the wells is carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.05.04.

8.9 Hydraulic tests of systems made of polymeric materials of internal pipelines are carried out at positive ambient temperatures no earlier than 24 hours after the last welded and adhesive joint is made.

8.10 Hydraulic testing of internal drainage systems is carried out by filling them with water to the full height of the risers. Tests are carried out after external inspection of pipelines and elimination of visible defects. Hydraulic testing of glued pipelines begins no earlier than 24 hours after the last connection. The drainage system is considered to have passed the test if, 20 minutes after its filling, an external inspection of the pipelines reveals no leaks or other defects and the water level in the risers has not decreased.

8.11 Pneumatic tests of pipelines made of polymer materials are carried out during ground and above-ground installation in the following cases: ambient air temperature below 0 °C; the use of water is unacceptable for technical reasons; There is no water in the quantity required for testing.

The procedure for pneumatic testing of pipelines made of polymeric materials and safety requirements during testing are established by the project.

8.12 Preliminary and final tests of gravity sewer networks made of large-diameter pipes may be carried out pneumatically. Preliminary tests are carried out before the final filling of the trench (welded joints are not covered with soil). The test pressure of compressed air equal to 0.05 MPa is maintained in the pipeline for 15 minutes. At the same time, welded, glued and other joints are inspected and leaks are detected by the sound of leaking air, by bubbles formed in places of air leakage through butt joints coated with soap emulsion.

Final pneumatic tests are carried out when the groundwater level above the pipe in the middle of the pipeline under test is less than 2.5 m. Final pneumatic tests are carried out on sections 20-100 m long, and the difference between the highest and lowest points of the pipeline should not exceed 2.5 m. Pneumatic tests are carried out 48 hours after backfilling the pipeline. The test excess pressure of compressed air is indicated in Table 6.

Groundwater level h

Test pressure, MPa

Pressure drop,

from the pipeline axis, m

excessive initial p

final p 1

p - p 1, MPa

0 < h < 0,5

0,5 < h < 1

1 < h < 1,5

1,5 < h < 2

2 < h < 2,5

8.13 Acceptance of pipelines for operation must be carried out in accordance with the basic provisions of SNiP 3.01.04, as well as SNiP 3.05.04. When testing water supply and pressure sewerage pipelines and putting them into operation, the following must be drawn up:

Acts for hidden work (on the base, supports and building structures on pipelines, etc.);

Acts of external inspection of pipelines and elements (units, wells, etc.);

Test reports for the strength and density of pipelines;

Certificates for washing and disinfection of water pipelines;

Establishing compliance of the work performed with the project;

Certificates of incoming quality control of pipes and connecting parts.

8.14 In addition to the acceptance of hidden work and verification of pipeline testing reports for density and external inspection, the acceptance of non-pressure pipelines must be accompanied by a straightness check, as well as an instrumental check of trays in wells.

When accepting internal water pipelines, passports or certificates for polymer pipes, connecting parts and fittings are additionally checked.



SNiP 3.05.04-85*


Moscow 1990

DEVELOPED BY VODGEO Research Institute of the USSR State Construction Committee (candidate of technical sciences) IN AND. Gotovtsev- topic leader, VC. Andriadi), with the participation of the Soyuzvodokanalproekt of the USSR State Construction Committee ( P.G. Vasiliev And A.S. Ignatovich ), Donetsk Industrial Construction Project of the USSR State Construction Committee ( S.A. Svetnitsky ), NIIOSP named after. Gresevanov of the USSR State Construction Committee (candidate of technical sciences)V. G. And Galitsky DI. Fedorovich ), Giprorechtrans of the Ministry of River Fleet of the RSFSR (M.N. Domanevsky ), Research Institute of Municipal Water Supply and Water Purification, AKH named after. K.D. Pamfilova of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the RSFSR (Doctor of Technical Sciences) ON THE. Lukins , Ph.D. tech. sciences V.P.


), Tula Promstroyproekt Institute of the USSR Ministry of Heavy Construction. INTRODUCED BY THE VODGEO Research Institute of the USSR State Construction Committee.PREPARED FOR APPROVAL BY Glavtekhnormirovanie Gosstroy USSR ().


A. Shishov

SNiP 3.05.04-85* is a reissue of SNiP 3.05.04-85 with amendment No. 1, approved by Decree of the USSR State Construction Committee dated May 25, 1990 No. 51.

The change was developed by the VODGEO Research Institute of the USSR State Construction Committee and the TsNIIEP Engineering Equipment of the State Committee for Architecture.

Sections, paragraphs, tables to which changes have been made are marked with an asterisk.

Agreed with the Main Sanitary and Epidemiological Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Health by letter dated November 10, 1984 No. 121212/1600-14.


When using a regulatory document, one should take into account the approved changes to building codes and regulations and state standards published in the journal “Bulletin of Construction Equipment” of the USSR State Construction Committee and the information index “State Standards of the USSR” of the State Standard.

* These rules apply to the construction of new, expansion and reconstruction of existing external networks 1 and water supply and sewerage structures in populated areas of the national economy.

1.1. When constructing new, expanding and reconstructing existing pipelines and water supply and sewerage structures, in addition to the requirements of projects (working projects) 1 and these rules, the requirements of SNiP 3.01.01-85 *, SNiP 3.01.03-84, SNiP III-4-80 * must also be observed and other rules and regulations, standards and departmental regulatory documents approved in accordance with SNiP 1.01.01-83.

1 Projects (working projects) - in the following text “projects”.

1.2. Completed pipelines and water supply and sewerage structures should be put into operation in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.01.04-87.


2.1. Excavation and foundation work during the construction of pipelines and water supply and sewerage structures must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.02.01-87.



3.1. When moving pipes and assembled sections that have anti-corrosion coatings, soft pliers, flexible towels and other means should be used to prevent damage to these coatings.

3.2. When laying pipes intended for domestic and drinking water supply, surface water or waste water should not be allowed to enter them. Before installation, pipes and fittings, fittings and finished units must be inspected and cleaned inside and outside of dirt, snow, ice, oils and foreign objects.

3.3. Installation of pipelines must be carried out in accordance with the work project and technological maps after checking compliance with the design of the dimensions of the trench, fastening of the walls, bottom marks and, for above-ground installation, supporting structures.

The results of the inspection must be reflected in the work log.

3.4. Socket-type pipes of non-pressure pipelines should, as a rule, be laid with the socket up the slope.

3.5. The straightness of sections of free-flow pipelines between adjacent wells provided for by the project should be controlled by viewing “into the light” using a mirror before and after backfilling the trench. When viewing a circular pipeline, the circle visible in the mirror must have the correct shape.

The permissible horizontal deviation from the circle shape should be no more than 1/4 of the pipeline diameter, but not more than 50 mm in each direction. Deviations from the correct vertical shape of the circle are not allowed. ± 100 mm in plan, elevations of trays of non-pressure pipelines - ± 5 mm, and elevations of the top of pressure pipelines - ± 30 mm, unless other standards are justified by the design.

3.7. Laying pressure pipelines along a flat curve without the use of fittings is allowed for socket pipes with butt joints on rubber seals with a rotation angle at each joint of no more than 2° for pipes with a nominal diameter of up to 600 mm and no more than 1° for pipes with a nominal diameter over 600 mm.

3.8. When installing water supply and sewerage pipelines in mountainous conditions, in addition to the requirements of these rules, the requirements of Section. 9SNiP III-42-80.

3.9. When laying pipelines on a straight section of the route, the connected ends of adjacent pipes must be centered so that the width of the socket gap is the same along the entire circumference.

3.10. The ends of pipes, as well as holes in the flanges of shut-off and other fittings, should be closed with plugs or wooden plugs during breaks in installation.

3.11. Rubber seals for installation of pipelines in conditions of low outdoor temperatures are not allowed to be used in a frozen state.

3.12. To seal (seal) butt joints of pipelines, sealing and “locking” materials, as well as sealants, should be used according to the project.

3.13. Flange connections of fittings and fittings should be installed in compliance with the following requirements:

flange connections must be installed perpendicular to the pipe axis;

the planes of the flanges being connected must be flat, the nuts of the bolts must be located on one side of the connection; The bolts should be tightened evenly in a cross pattern;

elimination of flange distortions by installing beveled gaskets or tightening bolts is not allowed;

Welding joints adjacent to the flange connection should be performed only after uniform tightening of all bolts on the flanges.

3.14. When using soil to construct a stop, the supporting wall of the pit must have an undisturbed soil structure.

3.15. The gap between the pipeline and the prefabricated part of the concrete or brick stops must be tightly filled with concrete mixture or cement mortar.

3.16. Protection of steel and reinforced concrete pipelines from corrosion should be carried out in accordance with the design and requirements of SNiP 3.04.03-85 and SNiP 2.03.11-85.

3.17. On pipelines under construction, the following stages and elements of hidden work are subject to acceptance with the drawing up of inspection reports for hidden work in the form given in VSNiP 3.01.01-85: preparation of the foundation for pipelines, installation of stops, size of gaps and sealing of butt joints, installation of wells and chambers, anti-corrosion protection of pipelines, sealing of places where pipelines pass through the walls of wells and chambers, backfilling of pipelines with a seal, etc.


3.18. Welding methods, as well as types, structural elements and dimensions of welded joints of steel pipelines must comply with the requirements of GOST 16037-80.

3.19. Before assembling and welding pipes, you should clean them of dirt, check the geometric dimensions of the edges, clean the edges and the adjacent inner and outer surfaces of the pipes to a metallic shine to a width of at least 10 mm.

3.20. Upon completion of welding work, the external insulation of pipes at the welded joints must be restored in accordance with the design.

3.21. When assembling pipe joints without a backing ring, the displacement of the edges should not exceed 20% of the wall thickness, but not more than 3 mm. For butt joints assembled and welded on the remaining cylindrical ring, the displacement of the edges from the inside of the pipe should not exceed 1 mm.

3.22. The assembly of pipes with a diameter of over 100 mm, made with a longitudinal or spiral weld, should be carried out with an offset of the seams of adjacent pipes by at least 100 mm. When assembling a joint of pipes in which the factory longitudinal or spiral seam is welded on both sides, the displacement of these seams need not be made.

3.23. Transverse welded joints must be located at a distance of no less than:

0.2 m from the edge of the pipeline support structure;

0.3 m from the outer and inner surfaces of the chamber or the surface of the enclosing structure through which the pipeline passes, as well as from the edge of the case.

3.24. The connection of the ends of joined pipes and sections of pipelines when the gap between them is larger than the permissible value should be made by inserting a “coil” with a length of at least 200 mm.

3.25. The distance between the circumferential weld seam of the pipeline and the seam of the nozzles welded to the pipeline must be at least 100 mm.

3.26. The assembly of pipes for welding must be carried out using centralizers; It is allowed to straighten smooth dents at the ends of pipes with a depth of up to 3.5% of the pipe diameter and adjust the edges using jacks, roller bearings and other means. Sections of pipes with dents exceeding 3.5% of the pipe diameter or having tears should be cut out. The ends of pipes with nicks or chamfers with a depth of more than 5 mm should be cut off.

When applying a root weld, the tacks must be completely digested. The electrodes or welding wire used for tack welding must be of the same grade as that used for welding the main seam.

3.27. Welders are allowed to weld joints of steel pipelines if they have documents authorizing them to carry out welding work in accordance with the Rules for Certification of Welders approved by the USSR State Mining and Technical Supervision.

3.28. Before being allowed to work on welding pipeline joints, each welder must weld an acceptable joint under production conditions x (at the construction site) in the following cases:

if he started welding pipelines for the first time or had a break in work for more than 6 months;

if pipe welding is carried out from new grades of steel, using new grades of welding materials (electrodes, welding wire, fluxes) or using new types of welding equipment.

On pipes with a diameter of 529 mm or more, it is allowed to weld half of the permissible joint. The permissible joint is subjected to:

external inspection, during which the weld must meet the requirements of this section and GOST 16037-80;

radiographic control in accordance with the requirements of GOST 7512-82;

mechanical tensile and bending tests in accordance with GOST 6996-66.

In case of unsatisfactory results of checking a permissible joint, welding and re-inspection of two other permissible joints are carried out. If, during repeated inspection, unsatisfactory results are obtained at at least one of the joints, the welder is recognized as having failed the tests and can be allowed to weld the pipeline only after additional training and repeated tests.

3.29. Each welder must have a brand assigned to him. The welder is obliged to knock out or deposit a mark at a distance of 30 - 50 mm from the joint on the side accessible for inspection.

3.30. Welding and tack welding of butt joints of pipes may be carried out at ambient temperatures down to minus 50° C. Moreover, welding work without heating the welded joints may be performed:

at outside air temperature to min. 20 ° C - when using pipes made of carbon steel with a carbon content of no more than 0.24% (regardless of the thickness of the pipe walls), as well as pipes made of low-alloy steel with a wall thickness of no more than 10 mm;

at outside air temperatures down to minus 10 °C - when using pipes made of carbon steel with a carbon content of over 0.24%, as well as pipes made of low-alloy steel with a wall thickness of over 10 mm. When the outside air temperature is below the above limits, welding work should be carried out with heating in special cabins, in which the air temperature should be maintained not lower than the above, or the ends of the welded pipes for a length of at least 200 mm should be heated in the open air to a temperature not lower 200 °C.

After welding is completed, it is necessary to ensure a gradual decrease in the temperature of the joints and adjacent pipe areas by covering them after welding with an asbestos towel or other method.

3.31. When multilayer welding, each layer of the seam must be cleared of slag and metal spatter before applying the next seam. Areas of weld metal with pores, cavities and cracks must be cut down to the base metal, and the weld craters must be welded.

3.32. When manual electric arc welding, individual layers of the seam must be applied so that their closing sections in adjacent layers do not coincide with one another.

3.33. When performing welding work outdoors during precipitation, the welding sites must be protected from moisture and wind.

3.34. When monitoring the quality of welded joints of steel pipelines, the following should be done:

operational control during the assembly and welding of the pipeline in accordance with the requirements SNiP 3.01.01-85 *;

checking the continuity of welded joints with the identification of internal defects using one of the non-destructive (physical) control methods - radiographic (X-ray or gammagraphic) according to GOST 7512-82 or ultrasonic according to GOST 14782-86.

The use of the ultrasonic method is allowed only in combination with the radiographic method, which must be used to check at least 10% of the total number of joints subject to control.

3.35. During operational quality control of welded joints of steel pipelines, it is necessary to check compliance with the standards of structural elements and dimensions of welded joints, welding method, quality of welding materials, edge preparation, size of gaps, number of tack welds, as well as serviceability of welding equipment.

3.36. All welded joints are subject to external inspection. On pipelines with a diameter of 1020 mm and larger, welded joints welded without a backing ring are subject to external inspection and dimensional measurements from the outside and inside of the pipe, in other cases - only from the outside. Before inspection, the weld seam and adjacent pipe surfaces to a width of at least 20 mm (on both sides of the seam) must be cleaned of slag, splashes of molten metal, scale and other contaminants.

Based on the results of external inspection, the quality of the weld is considered satisfactory if the following is not detected:

cracks in the seam and adjacent area;

deviations from the permissible dimensions and shape of the seam;

undercuts, depressions between rollers, sagging, burns, unwelded craters and pores coming to the surface, lack of penetration or sagging at the root of the seam (when inspecting the joint from inside the pipe);

displacements of pipe edges exceeding the permissible dimensions.

Joints that do not meet the listed requirements are subject to correction or removal and re-control of their quality.

3.38. Welded joints for inspection by physical methods are selected in the presence of a customer representative, who records in the work log information about the joints selected for inspection (location, welder's mark, etc.).

3.39. Physical control methods should be applied to 100% of welded joints of pipelines laid in sections of transitions under and above railway and tram tracks, through water barriers, under highways, in city sewers for communications when combined with other utilities. The length of controlled sections of pipelines at sections of transitions should be no less than the following dimensions:

for railways - the distance between the axes of the outer tracks and 40 m from them in each direction;

for highways - the width of the embankment at the bottom or the excavation at the top and 25 m from them in each direction;

for water barriers - within the boundaries of the underwater crossing determined by section. 6SNiP 2.05.06-85;

for other utility lines - the width of the structure being crossed, including its drainage lines near the structure, plus at least 4 m in each direction from the extreme boundaries of the structure being crossed.

3.40. Welds should be rejected if, upon inspection by physical control methods, cracks, unwelded craters, burns, fistulas, and also lack of penetration at the root of the weld made on the backing ring are detected.

When checking welds using the radiographic method, the following are considered acceptable defects:

pores and inclusions, the sizes of which do not exceed the maximum permissible according to GOST 23055-78 for class 7 welded joints;

lack of penetration, concavity and excess penetration at the root of a weld made by electric arc welding without a backing ring, the height (depth) of which does not exceed 10% of the nominal wall thickness, and the total length is 1/3 of the internal perimeter of the joint.

3.41. If unacceptable defects in welds are detected by physical control methods, these defects should be eliminated and the quality of a double number of welds should be re-tested compared to that specified in clause. If unacceptable defects are detected during re-inspection, all joints made by this welder must be inspected.

3.42. Areas of the weld with unacceptable defects are subject to correction by local sampling and subsequent welding (as a rule, without overwelding the entire welded joint), if the total length of the sampling after removing the defective areas does not exceed the total length specified in GOST 23055-78 for class 7.

Correction of defects in joints should be done by arc welding.

Undercuts should be corrected by surfacing thread beads no more than 2 - 3 mm high. Cracks less than 50 mm long are drilled at the ends, cut out, thoroughly cleaned and welded in several layers.

3.43. The results of checking the quality of welded joints of steel pipelines using physical control methods should be documented in a report (protocol).


3.44. Installation of cast iron pipes produced in accordance with GOST 9583-75 should be carried out with sealing of socket joints with hemp resin or bituminized strand and device asbestos-cement lock, or only sealant, and pipes produced in accordance with TU 14-3-12 47-83, rubber cuffs supplied complete with pipes without a lock device.

Compound asbestos-cement mixtures for the lock device, as well as sealant, are determined by the project.

3.45. The size of the gap between the thrust surface of the socket and the end of the connected pipe (regardless of the joint sealing material) should be taken, mm, for pipes with a diameter of up to 300 mm - 5, over 300 mm - 8-10.

3.46. The dimensions of the sealing elements of the butt joint of cast iron pressure pipes must correspond to values ​​given V.

Table 1

Embedment depth, mm

when using hemp or sisal strands

when installing a lock

when using only sealants


25 (35)


40 (50)


50 (60)


55 (65)


70 (80)

3.53. Sealing of butt joints of seam free-flow reinforced concrete and concrete pipes with smooth ends should be carried out in accordance with the design.

3.54. The connection of reinforced concrete and concrete pipes with pipeline fittings and metal pipes should be carried out using steel inserts or reinforced concrete shaped connecting parts manufactured according to the design.


3.55. The size of the gap between the ends of the ceramic pipes being laid (regardless of the material used to seal the joints) should be taken, mm: for pipes with a diameter of up to 300 mm - 5 - 7, for larger diameters - 8 - 10.

3.56. Butt joints of pipelines made of ceramic pipes should be sealed with hemp or sisal bituminized strand with subsequent installation of a lock made of cement mortar grade B7, 5, asphalt (bitumen) mastic and polysulfide (thiokol) sealants, if other materials are not provided for by the project. The use of asphalt mastic is allowed when the temperature of the transported waste liquid is no more than 40 ° C and in the absence of bitumen solvents in it.

The main dimensions of the elements of the butt joint of ceramic pipes must correspond to the values ​​​​given in.

Table 3

3.57. The sealing of pipes in the walls of wells and chambers should ensure tightness of connections and water resistance of wells in wet soils.


3.58. The connection of pipes made of high pressure polyethylene (HDPE) and low pressure polyethylene (LDPE) with each other and with fittings should be carried out using a heated tool using the method of contact butt welding or socket welding. Welding pipes and fittings made of polyethylene of various types (HDPE and LDPE) together is not allowed.

3.5 9. For welding, you should use installations (devices) that ensure maintaining the parameters of technological modes in accordance with OST 6-19-505-79 and others regulatory and technical documentation approved in the established order.

3.60. Welders are allowed to weld pipelines made of LDPE and HDPE if they have documents authorizing them to carry out work on welding plastics.

3.61. Welding of LDPE and HDPE pipes can be carried out at an outside air temperature of at least minus 10° C. At a lower outside air temperature, welding should be done in insulated rooms.

When performing welding work, the welding site must be protected from exposure to precipitation and dust.

3.62. Connection of pipes from polyvinyl chloride(PVC) with each other and with the shaped parts should be carried out by gluing together (with the use of glue brand GI PK-127 in accordance with TU 6-05-251-95-79) and using rubber cuffs supplied complete with pipes.

3.63. Glued joints should not be subjected to mechanical stress for 15 minutes. Pipelines with adhesive joints should not be subjected to hydraulic tests within 24 hours.

3.64. Gluing work should be carried out at an outside temperature of 5 to 35 °C. The work place must be protected from exposure to precipitation and dust.


4.1. Construction of crossings of pressure pipelines for water supply and sewerage through water barriers (rivers, lakes, reservoirs, canals), underwater pipelines to water intakes and sewerage outlets within the bed of reservoirs, as well as underground passages through ravines, roads (roads and railways, including metro lines and tram tracks) and city passages must be carried out by specialized organizations in accordance with the requirements SNiP 3.02.01-87,SNiP III-42-80(section 8) and this section.

4.2. Methods for laying pipeline crossings through natural and artificial barriers are determined by the project.

4.3. The laying of underground pipelines under roads should be carried out with constant surveying and geodetic control of the construction organization over compliance with the planned and altitude positions of the casings and pipelines provided for by the project.

4.4. Deviations of the axis of protective casings of transitions from the design position for gravity free-flow pipelines should not exceed:

vertically - 0.6% of the length of the case, provided that the design slope is ensured;

horizontally - 1% of the length of the case.

For pressure pipelines, these deviations should not exceed 1 and 1.5% of the length of the case, respectively.



5.1. The construction of structures for the intake of surface water from rivers, lakes, reservoirs and canals should, as a rule, be carried out by specialized construction and installation organizations in accordance with the project.

5.2. Before constructing the foundation for channel inlets, their alignment axes and temporary benchmark marks must be checked.


5.3. In the process of drilling wells, all types of work and main indicators (penetration, diameter of the drilling tool, fastening and removing pipes from the well, cementation, measurements of water levels and other operations) should be reflected in the drilling log. In this case, the name of the rocks passed, color, density (strength), fracturing, granulometric

composition of rocks, water content, the presence and size of a “plug” during the excavation of quicksand, the appeared and established water level of all encountered aquifers, absorption of the flushing fluid. The water level in wells during drilling should be measured before the start of each shift. In flowing wells, water levels should be measured by extending pipes or measuring water pressure.

5.4. During the drilling process, depending on the actual geological section, it is allowed, within the aquifer established by the project, for the drilling organization to adjust the well depth, diameters and planting depth of technical columns without changing the operational diameter of the well and without increasing the cost of work. Changes to the well design should not worsen its sanitary condition and productivity.

5.5. Samples should be taken one from each rock layer, and if the layer is homogeneous, every 10 m.

By agreement with the design organization, rock samples may not be taken from all wells.

5.6. Isolation of the exploited aquifer in a well from unused aquifers should be performed using the drilling method:

rotational - by annular and intertubular cementation of casing columns to the marks provided for by the project:

impact - by crushing and driving the casing into a layer of natural dense clay to a depth of at least 1 m or by performing under-shoe cementation by creating a cavern with an expander or an eccentric bit. 5.7. To ensure the project granulometric

composition of the well filter backfill material, clay and sand fractions must be removed by washing, and before backfilling, the washed material should be disinfected.

5.9. Water intake wells, after completion of drilling and installation of a filter, must be tested by pumping, carried out continuously for the time stipulated by the project.

Before pumping begins, the well must be cleared of sludge and pumped, as a rule, with an airlift. In fissured rock and gravel and pebble In aquiferous rocks, pumping should begin from the maximum design drop in the water level, and in sandy rocks - from the minimum design drop. The value of the minimum actual decrease in water level should be within 0.4 - 0.6 of the maximum actual one.

In case of forced stoppage of water pumping work, if the total time shutdown exceeds 10% of the total design time for one drop in water level, pumping water for this drop should be repeated. In the case of pumping from wells equipped with a filter with sprinkling, the amount of shrinkage of the sprinkling material should be measured during pumping once a day.

5.10. The flow rate (productivity) of wells should be determined by a measuring tank with a filling time of at least 45 s. It is allowed to determine the flow rate using weirs and water meters.

The water level in the well should be measured with an accuracy of 0.1% of the depth of the measured water level.

The flow rate and water levels in the well should be measured at least every 2 hours during the entire pumping time determined by the project.

Control measurements of the well depth should be made at the beginning and at the end of pumping in the presence of a customer representative.

5.11. During the pumping process, the drilling organization must measure the water temperature and take water samples in accordance with GOST 18963-73 and GOST 4979-49 and deliver them to the laboratory to test the water quality in accordance with GOST 2874-82.

The quality of cementation of all casing strings, as well as the location of the working part of the filter, should be checked using geophysical methods. Estuary self-flowing At the end of drilling, wells must be equipped with a valve and a fitting for a pressure gauge.

5.12. Upon completion of drilling the water intake well and testing it by pumping out water, the top of the production pipe must be welded with a metal cap and have a threaded hole for a plug bolt to measure the water level. The design and drilling numbers of the well, the name of the drilling organization and the year of drilling must be marked on the pipe.

To operate a well, in accordance with the design, it must be equipped with instruments for measuring water levels and flow rate.

5.13. Upon completion of drilling and pumping testing of the water intake well, the drilling organization must hand it over to the customer in accordance with the requirements SNiP 3.01.04-87, as well as samples of passed rocks and documentation (passport), including:

geological-lithological section with well design, corrected according to geophysical research data;

acts for laying a well, installing a filter, cementing casing strings;

a summary logging diagram with the results of its interpretation, signed by the organization that performed the geophysical work;

log of observations of pumping water from a water well;

data on the results of chemical, bacteriological analyzes and organoleptic water indicators according to GOST 2874-82 and the conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological service.

The documentation must be agreed upon with the design organization before delivery to the customer.


5 .14. When installing concrete and reinforced concrete monolithic and prefabricated tank structures, in addition to the requirements of the project, the requirements of SNiP 3.03.01-87 and these rules should also be met.

5.15. Backfilling of soil into the cavities and sprinkling of capacitive structures must be done, as a rule, in a mechanized way after laying communications to the capacitive structures, carrying out a hydraulic test of the structures, eliminating identified defects, and waterproofing the walls and ceilings.


After all types of work are completed and the concrete reaches its design strength, a hydraulic test of the tank structures is carried out in accordance with the requirements. 5.17. Installation drainage and distribution

systems of filter structures may be carried out after a hydraulic test of the structure’s container for leaks.

5.18. Round holes in pipes for the distribution of water and air, as well as for collecting water, should be drilled in accordance with the class indicated in the design.

Deviations from the designed width of slot holes in polyethylene pipes should not exceed 0.1 mm, and from the designed clear length of the slot ± 3 mm.

5.19. Deviations in the distances between the axes of the couplings of the caps in the distribution and outlet systems of filters should not exceed ± 4 mm, and in the marks of the top of the caps (along the cylindrical protrusions) - ± 2 mm from the design position.

When installing overflows with triangular cutouts, deviations of the marks of the bottom of the cutouts from the design ones should not exceed ± 3 mm.

5.21. There should be no shells or growths on the inner and outer surfaces of gutters and channels for collecting and distributing water, as well as for collecting sediment. The trays of gutters and channels must have a slope specified by the design in the direction of the movement of water (or sediment). The presence of areas with a reverse slope is not allowed.

5.22. Filter media can be placed in structures for water purification by filtration after hydraulic testing of the containers of these structures, washing and cleaning of the pipelines connected to them, individual testing of the operation of each of the distribution and collection systems, measuring and shut-off devices.

5.23. Materials of filter media placed in water treatment facilities, including biofilters, according to granulometric the composition must comply with the project or the requirements of SNiP 2.04.02-84 and SNiP 2.04.03-85.

5.24. The deviation of the layer thickness of each fraction of the filter media from the design value and the thickness of the entire media should not exceed ± 20 mm.

5.25. After completion of work on laying the loading of the drinking water supply filter structure, the structure must be washed and disinfected, the procedure for which is presented in the recommended one.

5.26. Installation of flammable structural elements of wooden sprinklers, water-catching gratings, air guides panels and partition fan cooling towers and spray pools should be carried out after completion of welding work.


6.1. When constructing pipelines and water supply and sewerage structures in special natural and climatic conditions, the requirements of the project and this section must be observed.

6.2. Temporary water supply pipelines, as a rule, must be laid on the ground surface in compliance with the requirements for laying permanent water supply pipelines.

6.3. The construction of pipelines and structures on permafrost soils should be carried out, as a rule, at negative outdoor temperatures while preserving the frozen foundation soils. In the case of construction of pipelines and structures at positive outside temperatures, the foundation soils should be kept frozen and not disturbed temperature and humidity mode established by the project.

Preparation of the foundation for pipelines and structures in ice-saturated soils should be carried out by thawing them to the design depth and compaction, as well as by replacing ice-saturated soils with thawed compacted soils in accordance with the design.

The movement of vehicles and construction machinery in the summer should be carried out along roads and access roads constructed in accordance with the project.

6.4. The construction of pipelines and structures in seismic areas should be carried out in the same ways and methods as in normal construction conditions, but with the implementation of measures provided for by the project to ensure their seismic resistance. Joints of steel pipelines and fittings should be welded only using electric arc methods and the quality of welding should be checked using physical control methods to the extent of 100%.

When constructing reinforced concrete tank structures, pipelines, wells and chambers, cement mortars with plasticizing additives should be used in accordance with the design.

6.5. All work to ensure the seismic resistance of pipelines and structures performed during the construction process should be reflected in the work log and in the inspection reports of hidden work.

6.6. When backfilling the cavities of tank structures built in mined areas, the preservation of expansion joints should be ensured.

Gaps of expansion joints over their entire height (from the bottom of the foundations to the top above the foundation parts of structures) must be cleared of soil, construction debris, concrete deposits, mortar and formwork waste.

Certificates of inspection of hidden work must document all major special work, including: installation of expansion joints, installation of sliding joints in foundation structures and expansion joints; anchoring and welding in places where hinge joints are installed; installation of pipes passing through the walls of wells, chambers, and tank structures.

6.7. Pipelines in swamps should be laid in a trench after water has been drained from it or in a trench flooded with water, provided that the necessary measures are taken in accordance with the design to prevent them from floating up.

The pipeline strands should be dragged along the trench or moved afloat with plugged ends.

Laying of pipelines on dams that have been completely filled with compaction must be carried out as in normal soil conditions.

6.8. When constructing pipelines on subsidence soils, pits for butt joints should be made by compacting the soil.



7.1. If there is no indication in the project about the testing method, pressure pipelines are subject to testing for strength and tightness, as a rule, by hydraulic method. Depending on the climatic conditions in the construction area and in the absence of water, a pneumatic testing method can be used for pipelines with an internal design pressure P p , not more than:

underground cast iron, asbestos-cement and concrete glands - 0.5 MPa (5 kgf/cm 2);

underground steel - 1.6 MPa (16 kgf/cm 2);

above-ground steel - 0.3 MPa (3 kgf/cm 2).

7.2. Testing of pressure pipelines of all classes must be carried out by a construction and installation organization, as a rule, in two stages:

first- preliminary testing for strength and tightness, carried out after filling the sinuses with soil tamping to half the vertical diameter and powdering the pipes in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.02.01-87 with butt joints left open for inspection; this test can be carried out without the participation of representatives of the customer and the operating organization with the drawing up of a report approved by the chief engineer of the construction organization;

second-Acceptance (final) testing for strength and tightness should be performed after the pipeline is completely backfilled with the participation of representatives of the customer and the operating organization with the drawing up of a report on the test results in the form of mandatory or.

Both stages of the test must be performed before installing hydrants, plungers, and safety valves, instead of which flange plugs should be installed during the test. Preliminary testing of pipelines that are accessible for inspection in working condition or that are subject to immediate backfilling during the construction process (work in winter, in cramped conditions), with appropriate justification in the projects, may not be carried out.

7.3. Pipelines of underwater crossings are subject to preliminary testing twice: on a slipway or platform after welding the pipes, but before applying anti-corrosion insulation to the welded joints, and secondly - after laying the pipeline in a trench in the design position, but before backfilling with soil.

The results of preliminary and acceptance tests must be documented in a mandatory form.

7.4. Pipelines laid at crossings through railways and roads of categories I and II are subject to preliminary testing after laying the working pipeline in a case (casing) before filling the interpipe space of the case cavity and before backfilling the working and receiving pits of the crossing.

7.5. The values ​​of internal design pressure Р Р and test pressure Р and for preliminary and acceptance testing of the pressure pipeline for strength must be determined by the project in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.02-84 and indicated in the working documentation.

The value of the test pressure for tightness P g for carrying out both preliminary and acceptance tests of the pressure pipeline must be equal to the value of the internal design pressure P p plus the value P taken in accordance with the upper limit of pressure measurement, the accuracy class and the pressure gauge scale division. In this case, the value P g should not exceed the value of the acceptance test pressure of the pipeline for strength P i.

7.6* Pipelines made of steel, cast iron, reinforced concrete and asbestos-cement pipes, regardless of the testing method, should be tested with a length of less than 1 km - at one time; for longer lengths - in sections of no more than 1 km. The length of the test sections of these pipelines during hydraulic testing is allowed to exceed 1 km, provided that the permissible flow rate of pumped water should be determined as for a section 1 km long.

Pipelines made of LDPE, HDPE and PVC pipes, regardless of the test method, should be tested at a length of no more than 0.5 km at a time, and for longer lengths - in sections of no more than 0.5 km. With appropriate justification, the project allows testing of the specified pipelines in one step for a length of up to 1 km, provided that the permissible flow rate of pumped water should be determined as for a section 0.5 km long.

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1. For the disinfection of pipelines and drinking water supply structures, it is allowed to use the following chlorine-containing reagents approved by the USSR Ministry of Health:

Dry reagents - bleach according to GOST 1692-85, calcium hypochlorite (neutral) according to GOST 25263-82 grade A;

Liquid reagents - sodium hypochlorite (sodium hypochlorite) according to GOST 11086-76 grades A and B; electrolytic sodium hypochlorite and liquid chlorine according to GOST 6718-86.

2. Cleaning the cavity and flushing the pipeline to remove remaining contaminants and random objects should be performed, as a rule, before conducting a hydraulic test by water-air (hydropneumatic) flushing or hydromechanically using elastic cleaning pistons (foam rubber and others) or only with water.

3. The speed of movement of the elastic piston during hydromechanical flushing should be taken within the range of 0.3 - 1.0 m/s at an internal pressure in the pipeline of about 0.1 MPa (1 kgf/cm2).

Cleaning foam pistons should be used with a diameter within 1.2-1.3 of the pipeline diameter, a length of 1.5-2.0 of the pipeline diameter only on straight sections of the pipeline with smooth turns not exceeding 15°, in the absence of ends protruding into the pipeline pipelines or other parts connected to it, as well as when valves on the pipeline are fully open. The diameter of the outlet pipeline should be one gauge less than the diameter of the flushed pipeline.

4. Hydropneumatic flushing should be carried out by supplying compressed air through a pipeline together with water in an amount of at least 50% of the water flow. Air should be introduced into the pipeline at a pressure exceeding the internal pressure in the pipeline by 0.05 - 0.15 MPa (0.5 - 1.5 kgf/cm2). The speed of movement of the water-air mixture is taken in the range from 2.0 to 3. 0 m/s.

5. The length of the flushed sections of pipelines, as well as the places where water and piston are introduced into the pipeline and the order of work must be determined in the work project, including a working diagram, route plan, profile and detailing of wells.

The length of the pipeline section for chlorination should, as a rule, be no more than 1 - 2 km.

6. After cleaning and washing, the pipeline must be disinfected by chlorination at a concentration of active chlorine of 75 - 100 mg/l (g/m3 with a contact time of chlorine water in the pipeline of 5 - 6 hours or at a concentration of 40 - 50 mg/l (g/m3)s contact time of at least 24 hours. The concentration of active chlorine is prescribed depending on the degree of contamination of the pipeline.

7. Before chlorination, the following preparatory work should be performed:

carry out the installation of the necessary communications for the introduction of a solution of bleach (chlorine) and water, air release, risers for sampling (with their removal above ground level), installation of pipelines for the discharge and disposal of chlorine water (while ensuring safety measures); prepare a working chlorination scheme (route plan, profile and detailing of the pipeline with the application of the listed communications), as well as a work schedule;

Determine and prepare the required amount of bleach (chlorine), taking into account the percentage of active chlorine in the commercial product, the volume of the chlorinated section of the pipeline with the accepted concentration (dose) of active chlorine in solution according to the formula

T = 0.082 D(2)lK ,

Where T is the required mass of the commercial product of a chlorine-containing reagent, taking into account 5% for losses, kg;

D and l are the diameter and length of the pipeline, respectively, m;

K - accepted concentration (dose) of active chlorine, g/m3 (mg/l);

A is the percentage of active chlorine in the commercial product, %.

Example. For chlorination with a dose of 40 g/m3 of a pipeline section with a diameter of 400 mm, a length of 1000 m using bleach containing 18% active chlorine, a commercial mass of bleach will be required in the amount of 29.2 kg.

8. To monitor the content of active chlorine along the length of the pipeline during its filling with chlorine water, temporary sampling risers with shut-off valves should be installed every 500 m, leading above the ground surface, which are also used to release air as the pipeline is filled. Their diameter is taken by calculation, but not less than 100 mm.

9. The introduction of a chlorine solution into the pipeline should continue until water with an active (residual) chlorine content of at least 50% of the specified value begins to flow out at points farthest from the point of supply of bleach. From this point on, further supply of chlorine solution must be stopped, leaving the pipeline filled with chlorine solution during the estimated contact time specified in paragraph 6 of this appendix.

10. After the end of contact, chlorine water should be discharged to the places specified in the project, and the pipeline should be flushed with clean water until the residual chlorine content in the wash water decreases to 0.3 - 0.5 mg/l. For chlorination of subsequent areas pipeline, chlorine water can be reused. After disinfection is completed, the chlorine water discharged from the pipeline must be diluted with water to an active chlorine concentration of 2 - 3 mg/l or dechlorinated by introducing sodium hyposulfite in an amount of 3.5 mg per 1 mg of active residual chlorine in the solution.

The places and conditions for the discharge of chlorine water and the procedure for monitoring its discharge must be agreed with the local sanitary and epidemiological service authorities.

11. At the points of connection (insertions) of a newly constructed pipeline to the existing network, local disinfection of fittings and fittings should be carried out with a solution of bleach.

12. Disinfection of water wells before putting them into operation is carried out in cases where, after washing them, the water quality according to bacteriological indicators does not meet the requirements of GOST 2874-82.

Disinfection is carried out in two stages: first the above-water part of the well, then the underwater part. To disinfect the surface part of a well above the roof of the aquifer, it is necessary to install a pneumatic plug, above which the well should be filled with a solution of bleach or other chlorine-containing reagent with a concentration of active chlorine of 50 - 100 mg/l, depending on the degree of expected contamination. After 3-6 hours of contact, the plug should be removed and, using a special mixer, a chlorine solution should be introduced into the underwater part of the well so that the concentration of active chlorine after mixing with water is at least 50 mg/l. After 3-6 hours of contact, pump out until the noticeable smell of chlorine disappears in the water, and then take water samples for control bacteriological analysis.

Note. The calculated volume of chlorine solution is taken to be greater than the volume of wells (in height and diameter): when disinfecting the surface part - 1.2-1.5 times, the underwater part - 2-3 times.

13. Disinfection of tank structures should be carried out by irrigation with a solution of bleach or other chlorine-containing reagents with an active chlorine concentration of 200 - 250 mg/l. Such a solution must be prepared at the rate of 0.3 -0.5 liters per 1 m2 of the internal surface of the tank and, by irrigation from a hose or hydraulic remote control, cover the walls and bottom of the tank with it. After 1-2 hours, rinse the disinfected surfaces with clean tap water, removing the spent solution through the dirt outlets. Work must be carried out in special clothing, rubber boots and gas masks; Before entering the tank, you should install a tank with a bleach solution for washing boots.

14. Disinfection of filters after loading them, settling tanks, mixers and small-capacity pressure tanks should be carried out using the volumetric method, filling them with a solution with a concentration of 75 - 100 mg/l of active chlorine. After contact for 5-6 hours, the chlorine solution must be removed through the mud pipe and the containers must be rinsed with clean tap water until the rinse water contains 0.3 - 0.5 mg/l of residual chlorine.

15. When chlorinating pipelines and water supply structures, the requirements of SNiP III-4-80* and departmental safety regulations must be observed.


SNiP 3.05.01-85




Date of introduction 1986-07-01

DEVELOPED by the State Design Institute Proektpromventiliya and the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Hydromechanization, Sanitary-Technical and Special Construction Works (VNIIGS) of the USSR Ministry of Montazhspetsstroy (Candidate of Technical Sciences P.A. Ovchinnikov - topic leader; E.N. Zaretsky, L.G. Sukhanova, V.S. Nefedova; candidates of technical sciences A.G. Yashkul, G.S. Shkalikov).

INTRODUCED by the USSR Ministry of Montazhspetsstroy.

PREPARED FOR APPROVAL BY Glavtekhnormirovanie Gosstroy USSR (N.A. Shishov).

APPROVED by Decree of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs dated December 13, 1985 N 224.

With the entry into force of SNiP 3.05.01-85 “Internal sanitary systems”, SNiP III-28-75 “Sanitary equipment of buildings and structures” loses its force.

These rules apply to the installation of internal systems of cold and hot water supply, heating, sewerage, drains, ventilation, air conditioning (including pipelines to ventilation units), boiler rooms with steam pressure up to 0.07 MPa (0.7 kgf/ ) and water temperatures up to 388°K (115°C) during the construction and reconstruction of enterprises, buildings and structures, as well as for the manufacture of air ducts, assemblies and parts from pipes.

* These rules apply to the construction of new, expansion and reconstruction of existing external networks 1 and water supply and sewerage structures in populated areas of the national economy.

1.1. Installation of internal sanitary systems should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of these rules, SN 478-80, as well as SNiP 3.01.01-85, SNiP III-4-80, SNiP III-3-81, standards, technical specifications and plant instructions - equipment manufacturers.

When installing and manufacturing components and parts of heating systems and pipelines to ventilation units (hereinafter referred to as “heat supply”) with water temperatures above 388 K (115 ° C) and steam with a working pressure of more than 0.07 MPa (0.7 kgf/sq. cm) you should also follow the Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of Steam and Hot Water Pipelines, approved by the USSR State Technical Supervision Authority.

1.2. Installation of internal sanitary systems and boiler rooms must be carried out using industrial methods from pipeline units, air ducts and equipment supplied complete in large blocks.

When installing coatings on industrial buildings from large blocks, ventilation and other sanitary systems should be installed in the blocks before installing them in the design position.

Installation of sanitary systems should be carried out when the object (occupancy) is ready for construction in the amount of:

for industrial buildings - the entire building with a volume of up to 5000 cubic meters and part of the building with a volume of over 5000 cubic meters, which, based on location, includes a separate production room, workshop, bay, etc. or a complex of devices (including internal drains, heating point, ventilation system, one or more air conditioners, etc.);

for residential and public buildings up to five floors - a separate building, one or several sections; over five floors - 5 floors of one or more sections.

1.3. Before installation of internal sanitary systems begins, the general contractor must complete the following work:

installation of interfloor ceilings, walls and partitions on which sanitary equipment will be installed;

construction of foundations or sites for the installation of boilers, water heaters, pumps, fans, air conditioners, smoke exhausters, air heaters and other sanitary equipment;

construction of building structures for ventilation chambers of supply systems;

installation of waterproofing in places where air conditioners, supply ventilation chambers, and wet filters are installed;

construction of trenches for sewerage outlets to the first wells and wells with trays from the building, as well as laying inputs for external communications of sanitary systems into the building;

installation of floors (or appropriate preparation) in places where heating devices are installed on stands and fans installed on spring vibration isolators, as well as “floating” bases for installing ventilation equipment;

arrangement of supports for installing roof fans, exhaust shafts and deflectors on building surfaces, as well as supports for pipelines laid in underground channels and technical undergrounds;

preparation of holes, grooves, niches and nests in foundations, walls, partitions, floors and coatings necessary for laying pipelines and air ducts;

drawing on the internal and external walls of all rooms auxiliary marks equal to the design marks of the finished floor plus 500 mm;

installation of window frames, and in residential and public buildings - window sill boards;

plastering (or cladding) the surfaces of walls and niches in places where sanitary and heating appliances are installed, pipelines and air ducts are laid, as well as plastering the surface of grooves for hidden installation of pipelines in external walls;

preparation of installation openings in walls and ceilings for the supply of large equipment and air ducts;

installation in accordance with the working documentation of embedded parts in building structures for fastening equipment, air ducts and pipelines;

ensuring the possibility of turning on power tools, as well as electric welding machines, at a distance of no more than 50 m from one another;

glazing of window openings in external fences, insulation of entrances and openings.

1.4. General construction, sanitary and other special work should be performed in sanitary facilities in the following order:

preparation for floors, plastering of walls and ceilings, installation of beacons for the installation of ladders;

installation of fastening means, laying of pipelines and carrying out their hydrostatic or pressure testing;

waterproofing of floors;

priming walls, installing clean floors;

installation of bathtubs, brackets for washbasins and mounting parts for flush cisterns;

first painting of walls and ceilings, tiling;

installation of washbasins, toilets and flush cisterns;

second painting of walls and ceilings;

installation of water fittings.

Construction, sanitary and other special work in ventilation chambers must be carried out in the following order:

preparation for floors, installation of foundations, plastering of walls and ceilings;

arrangement of installation openings, installation of crane beams;

work on the installation of ventilation chambers;

waterproofing of floors;

installation of heaters with piping;

installation of ventilation equipment and air ducts and other sanitary and electrical work;

water filling test of the irrigation chamber tray;

insulation work (heat and sound insulation);

finishing work (including sealing holes in ceilings, walls and partitions after laying pipelines and air ducts);

installation of clean floors.

When installing sanitary systems and carrying out related civil works, there should be no damage to previously completed work.

1.5 The dimensions of holes and grooves for laying pipelines in floors, walls and partitions of buildings and structures are taken in accordance with recommended Appendix 5, unless other dimensions are provided for by the project.

1.6. Welding of steel pipes should be done by any method regulated by standards.

The types of welded joints of steel pipelines, the shape, and structural dimensions of the weld must comply with the requirements of GOST 16037-80.

Welding of galvanized steel pipes should be carried out with self-shielding wire grade Sv-15GSTYUTSA with Se in accordance with GOST 2246-70 with a diameter of 0.8-1.2 mm or electrodes with a diameter of no more than 3 mm with a rutile or calcium fluoride coating, if the use of other welding materials is not agreed upon according to established order.

The connection of galvanized steel pipes, parts and assemblies by welding during installation and at the procurement plant should be carried out under the condition of ensuring local suction of toxic emissions or cleaning of the zinc coating to a length of 20 - 30 mm from the joining ends of the pipes, followed by coating the outer surface of the weld and the heat-affected zone with paint, containing 94% zinc dust (by weight) and 6% synthetic binders (polysterol, chlorinated rubber, epoxy resin).

When welding steel pipes, parts and assemblies, the requirements of GOST 12.3.003-75 must be met.

The connection of steel pipes (non-galvanized and galvanized), as well as their parts and assemblies with a nominal diameter of up to 25 mm inclusive, at the construction site should be done by lap welding (with one end of the pipe spreading out or a threadless coupling). Butt joints of pipes with a nominal diameter of up to 25 mm inclusive can be performed at procurement plants.

When welding, threaded surfaces and flange surfaces must be protected from splashes and drops of molten metal.

The weld should be free of cracks, cavities, pores, undercuts, unwelded craters, as well as burns and leaks of the deposited metal.

Holes in pipes with a diameter of up to 40 mm for welding pipes must be made, as a rule, by drilling, milling or cutting out on a press.

The diameter of the hole must be equal to the internal diameter of the pipe with a permissible deviation of +1 mm.

1.7. Installation of sanitary systems in complex, unique and experimental buildings should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of these rules and special instructions in the working documentation.


Manufacturing of pipeline components and parts

made of steel pipes

2.1. The manufacture of pipeline components and parts from steel pipes should be carried out in accordance with technical specifications and standards. Manufacturing tolerances should not exceed the values ​​​​specified in table. 1.

Table 1

Tolerance value



from the perpendicularity of the ends of the cut pipes

workpiece length

No more than 2°

±2 mm for lengths up to 1 m and ±1 mm for each subsequent meter

Dimensions of burrs in holes and ends

cut pipes

No more than 0.5 mm

Ovality of pipes in the bending zone

No more than 10%

Number of threads with incomplete or broken threads

Thread length deviation:


2.2. The connection of steel pipes, as well as parts and assemblies made from them, should be performed by welding, threads, union nuts and flanges (to fittings and equipment).

Galvanized steel pipes, assemblies and parts must be connected, as a rule, on threads using galvanized steel connecting parts or non-galvanized ductile iron, on union nuts and flanges (to fittings and equipment).

For threaded connections of steel pipes, cylindrical pipe threads should be used, made in accordance with GOST 6357-81 (accuracy class B) by rolling on light pipes and cutting on ordinary and reinforced pipes.

When making threads using the rolling method on a pipe, it is allowed to reduce its internal diameter by up to 10% along the entire length of the thread.

2.3. Turns of pipelines in heating and heat supply systems should be performed by bending pipes or using seamless welded bends made of carbon steel in accordance with GOST 17375-83.

2.4. In cold and hot water supply systems, turns of pipelines should be performed by installing elbows in accordance with GOST 8946-75, bends or bending pipes. Galvanized pipes should only be bent when cold.

For pipes with a diameter of 100 mm or more, the use of bent and welded bends is allowed. The minimum radius of these bends must be at least one and a half nominal diameter of the pipe.

When bending welded pipes, the weld seam should be located on the outside of the pipe blank and at an angle of at least 45 degrees. to the bending plane.

2.5. Weld welding on curved sections of pipes in heating elements of heating panels is not allowed.

2.6. When assembling units, threaded connections must be sealed.

As a sealant for threaded connections at temperatures of the transported medium up to 378 K (105 ° C) inclusive, tape made of fluoroplastic sealing material (FUM) or flax strands impregnated with red lead or white mixed with drying oil should be used.

As a sealant for threaded connections at temperatures of the moving medium above 378 K (105°C) and for condensation lines, FUM tape or asbestos strand together with flax strands, impregnated with graphite mixed with drying oil, should be used.

FUM tape and flax strands should be applied in an even layer along the thread and not protrude in or out of the pipe.

As a sealant for flange connections at a temperature of the transported medium of no more than 423 K (150°C), paronite with a thickness of 2-3 mm or fluoroplastic-4 should be used, and at a temperature of no more than 403 K (130°C) - gaskets made of heat-resistant rubber.

For threaded and flanged connections, other sealing materials are also allowed, ensuring the tightness of the connections at the design temperature of the coolant and approved in the prescribed manner.

2.7. The flanges are connected to the pipe by welding.

Deviation from the perpendicularity of the flange welded to the pipe relative to the pipe axis is allowed up to 1% of the outer diameter of the flange, but not more than 2 mm.

The surface of the flanges must be smooth and free of burrs.

The bolt heads should be located on one side of the connection.

On vertical sections of pipelines, the nuts must be placed at the bottom.

The ends of the bolts, as a rule, should not protrude from the nuts by more than 0.5 bolt diameters or 3 thread pitches.

The end of the pipe, including the flange-to-pipe welding seam, must not protrude beyond the flange face.

Gaskets in flange connections must not overlap the bolt holes.

Installation of multiple or angled gaskets between flanges is not permitted.

2.8. Deviations in the linear dimensions of assembled units should not exceed ±3 mm for a length of up to 1 m and ±1 mm for each subsequent meter.

2.9. Assemblies of sanitary systems must be tested for leaks at the place of their manufacture.

Pipeline assemblies of heating systems, heat supply, internal cold and hot water supply, including those intended for embedding in heating panels, valves, taps, gate valves, mud traps, air collectors, elevators, etc. must be subjected to hydrostatic (hydraulic) or bubble ( pneumatic) method in accordance with GOST 25136-82 and GOST 24054-80.

2.10. In the hydrostatic method of testing for leaks, air is completely removed from the units, filled with water at a temperature of at least 278 K (5°C) and kept under test

pressure that the connections can withstand at normal operating temperature under operating conditions.

If dew appears on the pipeline during testing, the test should be continued after it has dried or wiped off.

Sewage units made of steel pipes and flush pipes to high-mounted tanks should be maintained under a test overpressure of 0.2 MPa (2 kgf/ for at least 3 minutes.

Pressure drop during testing is not allowed.

2.11. Assemblies made of steel pipes of sanitary systems are considered to have passed the test if there are no drops or spots of water on the surface and at the joints of which there will be no drop in pressure.

Valves, gate valves and faucets are considered to have passed the test if no drops of water appear on the surface and in the places of the sealing devices after turning the control devices twice (before testing).

2.12. With the bubble method of testing for leaks, pipeline components are filled with air with an excess pressure of 0.15 MPa (1.5 kgf/, immersed in a bath of water and held for at least 30 s.

Assemblies that have passed the test are those which, when tested, do not produce air bubbles in the water bath.

Tapping connections, turning control devices and eliminating defects during testing are not allowed.

2.13. The outer surface of units and parts made of non-galvanized pipes, with the exception of threaded connections and the surface of the flange mirror, must be coated with a primer at the manufacturer, and the threaded surface of units and parts must be coated with anti-corrosion lubricant in accordance with the requirements of TU 36-808-85.

Manufacturing of sewerage system components

2.14. Before assembling into units, the quality of cast iron sewer pipes and fittings should be checked by external inspection and light tapping with a wooden hammer.

The deviation from the perpendicularity of the ends of the pipes after cutting should not exceed 3 degrees.

At the ends of cast iron pipes, cracks of no more than 15 mm in length and waviness of the edges of no more than 10 mm are allowed.

Before sealing joints, the ends of the pipes and sockets must be cleaned of dirt.

2.15. The joints of cast iron sewer pipes must be sealed with impregnated hemp rope in accordance with GOST 483-75 or impregnated tape tow in accordance with GOST 16183-77, followed by filling with molten lump or ground sulfur in accordance with GOST 127-76 with the addition of enriched kaolin in accordance with GOST 19608-84, or gypsum-alumina expanding cement in accordance with GOST 11052-74, or other sealing and joint-filling materials approved in the prescribed manner.

The sockets of pipes intended for the passage of aggressive wastewater should be sealed with tarred hemp rope or impregnated tape tow, followed by filling with acid-resistant cement or other material resistant to aggressive influences, and in revisions, install gaskets made of heat-freeze, acid-alkali-resistant rubber of the TMKShch brand in accordance with GOST 7338-77.

2.16. Deviations of the linear dimensions of units made of cast iron sewer pipes from detail drawings should not exceed ±10 mm.

2.17. Sewage system components made of plastic pipes should be manufactured in accordance with CH 478-80.

Manufacturing of metal air ducts

2.18. Air ducts and parts of ventilation systems must be manufactured in accordance with the working documentation and duly approved technical specifications.

2.19. Air ducts made of thin-sheet roofing steel with a diameter and a larger side size of up to 2000 mm should be made spiral-locked or straight-seam on seams, spiral-welded or straight-seam welded, and air ducts with a side size of more than 2000 mm should be made of panels (welded, glue-welded).

Air ducts made of metal plastic should be made on seams, and from stainless steel, titanium, as well as sheet aluminum and its alloys - on seams or welding.

2.20. Steel sheets less than 1.5 mm thick should be overlap welded, and 1.5-2 mm thick should be overlapped or butt welded. Sheets thicker than 2 mm must be butt welded.

2.21. For welded joints of straight sections and shaped parts of air ducts made of thin-sheet roofing and stainless steel, the following welding methods should be used: plasma, automatic and semi-automatic submerged arc or in a carbon dioxide environment, contact, roller and manual arc.

For welding air ducts made of sheet aluminum and its alloys, the following welding methods should be used:

argon-arc automatic - with a consumable electrode;

argon-arc manual - non-consumable electrode with filler wire;

To weld titanium air ducts, argon arc welding with a consumable electrode should be used.

2.22. Air ducts made of sheet aluminum and its alloys with a thickness of up to 1.5 mm should be made on seams, with a thickness from 1.5 to 2 mm - on seams or welding, and with a sheet thickness of more than 2 mm - on welding.

Longitudinal seams on air ducts made of thin-sheet roofing and stainless steel and sheet aluminum with a diameter or larger side size of 500 mm or more must be secured at the beginning and end of the air duct section by spot welding, electric rivets, rivets or clamps.

Seams on air ducts, regardless of metal thickness and manufacturing method, must be made with a cutoff.

2.23. The end sections of seam seams at the ends of air ducts and in the air distribution openings of plastic air ducts must be secured with aluminum or steel rivets with an oxide coating, ensuring operation in aggressive environments specified in the working documentation.

Seam seams must have the same width along their entire length and be uniformly tightly seated.

2.24. There should be no cross-shaped seam connections in seam ducts, as well as in cutting charts.

2.25. On straight sections of rectangular air ducts with a side cross-section of more than 400 mm, stiffeners should be made in the form of ridges with a pitch of 200-300 mm along the perimeter of the duct or diagonal bends (ridges). If the side is more than 1000 mm, in addition, it is necessary to install external or internal rigidity frames, which should not protrude into the air duct by more than 10 mm. The stiffening frames must be securely fastened by spot welding, electric rivets or rivets.

On metal-plastic air ducts, the stiffening frames must be installed using aluminum or steel rivets with an oxide coating, ensuring operation in aggressive environments specified in the working documentation.

2.26. Elements of shaped parts should be connected to each other using ridges, folds, welding, and rivets.

Elements of shaped parts made of metal-plastic should be connected to each other using folds.

Zig connections for systems transporting air of high humidity or mixed with explosive dust are not allowed.

2.27. The connection of air duct sections should be made using a wafer-type method or using flanges. Connections must be strong and tight.

2.28. The flanges on the air ducts should be secured by flanging with a persistent zig, by welding, by spot welding or by rivets with a diameter of 4-5 mm, placed every 200-250 mm, but with no less than four rivets.

Flanges on metal-plastic air ducts should be secured by flanging with a persistent zig.

In air ducts transporting aggressive media, securing flanges using zigs is not allowed.

If the wall thickness of the air duct is more than 1 mm, the flanges can be mounted on the air duct without flanging by tack welding and subsequent sealing of the gap between the flange and the air duct.

2.29. The flanging of air ducts in places where flanges are installed should be carried out in such a way that the bent flange does not cover the holes for bolts in the flanges.

The flanges are installed perpendicular to the axis of the air duct.

2.30. Regulating devices (gates, throttle valves, dampers, air distributor control elements, etc.) must be easy to close and open, and also be fixed in a given position.

The damper engines must fit snugly against the guides and move freely in them.

The throttle valve control handle must be installed parallel to its blade.

2.31. Air ducts made of non-galvanized steel, their connecting fasteners (including the internal surfaces of the flanges) must be primed (painted) at the procurement plant in accordance with the project (detailed design).

The final painting of the outer surface of the air ducts is carried out by specialized construction organizations after their installation.

Ventilation blanks must be equipped with parts for connecting them and means of fastening.

Complete set and preparation for installation of sanitary equipment, heating devices, components and parts of pipelines

2.32. The procedure for the transfer of equipment, products and materials is established by the Rules on capital construction contracts, approved by the Council of Ministers of the USSR, and the Regulations on the relationship of organizations - general contractors with subcontractors, approved by a resolution of the USSR State Construction Committee and the USSR State Planning Committee.

2.33. Assemblies and parts made from pipes for sanitary systems must be transported to sites in containers or packages and have accompanying documentation.

A plate must be attached to each container and package with the marking of the packaged units in accordance with the current standards and technical specifications for the manufacture of products.

2.34. Fittings, automation devices, instrumentation, connecting parts, fastening devices, gaskets, bolts, nuts, washers, etc. that are not installed on parts and assemblies must be packaged separately, and the markings of the container must indicate the designations or names of these products.

2.35. Cast iron sectional boilers should be delivered to construction sites in blocks or packages, pre-assembled and tested at manufacturing plants or at procurement enterprises of installation organizations.

Water heaters, air heaters, pumps, central and individual heating points, water metering units should be supplied to facilities under construction in transportable assembly-complete units with fastening means, piping, shut-off valves, gaskets, bolts, nuts and washers.

2.36. Sections of cast iron radiators should be assembled into devices on nipples using sealing gaskets:

made of heat-resistant rubber 1.5 mm thick at coolant temperatures up to 403 K (130°C);

made of paronite with a thickness of 1 to 2 mm at a coolant temperature of up to 423 K (150 ° C).

2.37. Rearranged cast iron radiators or blocks of cast iron radiators and finned pipes must be tested using the hydrostatic method at a pressure of 0.9 MPa (9 kgf/ or the bubble method at a pressure of 0.1 MPa (1 kgf/ The results of bubble tests are not grounds for making quality claims to manufacturers of cast iron heating devices.

Steel radiator blocks must be tested using the bubble method at a pressure of 0.1 MPa (1 kgf/

Convector blocks must be tested using the hydrostatic method with a pressure of 1.5 MPa (15 kgf/ or the bubble method with a pressure of 0.15 MPa (1.5 kgf/

The test procedure must comply with the requirements of paragraphs. 2.9-2.12.

After the test, water must be removed from the heating units.

Heating panels after hydrostatic testing must be purged with air, and their connecting pipes must be closed with inventory plugs.


General provisions

3.1. The connection of galvanized and non-galvanized steel pipes during installation should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of sections 1 and 2 of these rules.

Detachable connections on pipelines should be made at the fittings and where necessary according to the conditions of pipeline assembly.

Detachable connections of pipelines, as well as fittings, inspections and cleaning must be located in places accessible for maintenance.

3.2. Vertical pipelines should not deviate from the vertical by more than 2 mm per 1 m of length.

3.3. Uninsulated pipelines of heating systems, heat supply, internal cold and hot water supply should not be adjacent to the surface of building structures.

The distance from the surface of the plaster or cladding to the axis of uninsulated pipelines with a nominal diameter of up to 32 mm inclusive with open installation should be from 35 to 55 mm, for diameters of 40-50 mm - from 50 to 60 mm, and for diameters more than 50 mm - accepted according to working documentation.

The distance from pipelines, heating devices and air heaters with a coolant temperature above 378 K (105 °C) to structures of buildings and structures made of combustible (combustible) materials, determined by the project (detailed design) according to GOST 12.1.044-84, must be at least 100 mm.

3.4. Fastening means should not be located at pipeline junctions.

Sealing of fastenings using wooden plugs, as well as welding of pipelines to fastening means are not allowed.

The distance between the means of fastening steel pipelines in horizontal sections must be taken in accordance with the dimensions indicated in the table. 2, unless otherwise indicated in the working documentation.

table 2

Pipe diameter, mm

Maximum distance, m, between pipeline fastening means



3.5. Means for fastening risers made of steel pipes in residential and public buildings with a floor height of up to 3 m are not installed, and for a floor height of more than 3 m, fastening means are installed at half the height of the floor.

Means for fastening risers in industrial buildings should be installed every 3 m.

3.6. The distances between the means of fastening cast-iron sewer pipes when laying them horizontally should be no more than 2 m, and for risers - one fastening per floor, but not more than 3 m between the fastening means.

Fastening means should be located under the sockets.

3.7. Connections to heating devices with a length of more than 1500 mm must have fastenings.

3.8. Sanitary and heating fixtures must be installed plumb and level.

Sanitary cabins must be installed on a level base.

Before installing sanitary cabins, it is necessary to check that the level of the top of the sewer riser of the underlying cabin and the level of the preparatory foundation are parallel.

The installation of sanitary cabins should be done so that the axes of the sewer risers of adjacent floors coincide.

The connection of sanitary cabins to ventilation ducts must be made before laying the floor slabs for a given floor.

3.9. Hydrostatic (hydraulic) or manometric (pneumatic) testing of pipelines when laying hidden pipelines must be carried out before they are closed with the drawing up of a survey report for hidden work in the form of mandatory Appendix 6 of SNiP 3.01.01-85.

Testing of insulated pipelines should be carried out before applying insulation.

3.10. Heating systems, heat supply, internal cold and hot water supply, boiler house pipelines upon completion of their installation must be washed with water until it comes out without mechanical suspensions.

Flushing of domestic and drinking water supply systems is considered complete after the release of water that meets the requirements of GOST 2874-82 "Drinking Water".

Internal cold and hot water supply

3.11. The installation height of water fittings (distance from the horizontal axis of the fittings to sanitary fixtures, mm) should be taken as follows:

water taps and mixers from the sides of sinks - by 250, and from the sides of sinks - by 200;

toilet taps and mixers from the sides of washbasins - by 200.

Installation height of taps from the finished floor level, mm:

water taps in bathhouses, toilet flush taps, inventory sink faucets in public and medical institutions, bath faucets - 800;

faucets for viduars with oblique outlet - 800, with direct outlet -1000;

mixers and sinks for oilcloth in medical institutions, general mixers for bathtubs and washbasins, elbow mixers for surgical washbasins - 1100;

taps for washing floors in toilets of public buildings - 600;

shower mixers - 1200.

Shower screens should be installed at a height of 2100-2250 mm from the bottom of the screen to the level of the finished floor. Deviations from the dimensions specified in this paragraph should not exceed 20 mm.

Note. For sinks with backs that have holes for taps, as well as for sinks and washbasins with table-top fittings, the installation height of the taps is determined by the design of the device.

3.12. The sockets of pipes and fittings (except for double-socket couplings) must be directed against the movement of water.

The joints of cast iron sewer pipes during installation must be sealed with tarred hemp rope or impregnated tape tow, followed by caulking with a cement mortar of a grade of at least 100 or pouring a solution of gypsum-alumina expanding cement or molten and heated to a temperature of 403-408 K (130-135 ° C) sulfur with by adding 10% enriched kaolin according to GOST 19608-84 or GOST 19607-74.

It is allowed to use other sealing and joint-filling materials, approved in accordance with the established procedure.

During the installation period, the open ends of pipelines and drainage funnels must be temporarily closed with inventory plugs.

3.13. Sanitary fixtures should be attached to wooden structures with screws.

The toilet outlet should be connected directly to the socket of the outlet pipe or to the outlet pipe using a cast iron, polyethylene pipe or rubber coupling.

The outlet pipe socket for a direct outlet toilet must be installed flush with the floor.

3.14. Toilet bowls should be secured to the floor with screws or glued with glue. When fastening with screws, a rubber gasket should be installed under the base of the toilet.

Gluing must be carried out at a room temperature of at least 278 K (5°C).

To achieve the required strength, glued toilet bowls must be kept without load in a stationary position until the adhesive joint becomes strong for at least 12 hours.

3.15. The installation height of sanitary fixtures from the finished floor level must correspond to the dimensions indicated in the table. 3.

Table 3

Sanitary fixtures

Installation height from level

clean floor, mm

in residential, public and industrial

Washbasins (up to the top of the side)

Sinks and sinks (up to the top of the side)

High-mounted flush cisterns for toilets (to the bottom of the tank)

Wall-mounted urinals (up to the side)

Flush pipes to tray urinals (from the bottom of the tray to the axis of the pipe)

Hanging drinking fountains (up to the side)

Notes: 1. Permissible deviations in the installation height of sanitary fixtures for free-standing fixtures should not exceed ±20 mm, and for group installation of similar fixtures +/- 5 mm.

2. The flush pipe for washing the urinal tray should be directed with its holes towards the wall at an angle of 45° downwards.

3. When installing a common mixer for a washbasin and bathtub, the installation height of the washbasin is 850 mm to the top of the side.

4. The installation height of sanitary fixtures in medical institutions should be taken as follows, mm:

cast iron inventory sink (up to the top of the sides) - 650;

washing for oilcloths - 700;

viduar (to the top) - 400;

tank for disinfectant solution (to the bottom of the tank) - 1230.

5. The installation height of sanitary fixtures in preschool institutions should be taken in accordance with SNiP II-64-80.

3.16. In domestic premises of public and industrial buildings, the installation of a group of washbasins should be provided on a common stand.

3.17. Before testing sewage systems, in order to protect them from contamination, the bottom plugs in siphons must be removed, and the cups in bottle siphons must be removed.

Heating. Heat supply and boiler rooms

3.18. The slopes of the lines to the heating devices should be made from 5 to 10 mm per length of the line in the direction of movement of the coolant. For line lengths up to 500 mm, the pipes should not be sloped.

3.19. Connections to smooth steel, cast iron and bimetallic finned pipes should be made using flanges (plugs) with eccentrically located holes to ensure free removal of air and drainage of water or condensate from the pipes.

For steam connections, concentric connection is allowed.

3.20. Radiators of all types should be installed at distances, mm, not less than: 60 - from the floor, 50 - from the lower surface of the window sill boards and 25 - from the surface of the plaster walls.

In the premises of medical, preventive and children's institutions, radiators should be installed at a distance of at least 100 mm from the floor and 60 mm from the wall surface.

If there is no window sill board, a distance of 50 mm should be taken from the top of the device to the bottom of the window opening.

When laying pipelines openly, the distance from the surface of the niche to the heating devices should ensure the possibility of laying connections to the heating devices in a straight line.

3.21. Convectors must be installed at a distance:

at least 20 mm from the surface of the walls to the fins of the convector without casing;

close or with a gap of no more than 3 mm from the wall surface to the fins of the heating element of a wall-mounted convector with a casing;

at least 20 mm from the wall surface to the casing of the floor convector.

The distance from the top of the convector to the bottom of the window sill must be at least 70% of the depth of the convector.

The distance from the floor to the bottom of a wall-mounted convector with or without a casing must be at least 70% and no more than 150% of the depth of the installed heating device.

If the width of the protruding part of the window sill from the wall is more than 150 mm, the distance from its bottom to the top of convectors with a casing must be no less than the lifting height of the casing necessary to remove it.

Connecting convectors to heating pipelines should be done by threading or welding.

3.22. Smooth and ribbed pipes should be installed at a distance of at least 200 mm from the floor and window sill board to the axis of the nearest pipe and 25 mm from the plaster surface of the walls. The distance between the axes of adjacent pipes must be at least 200 mm.

3.23. When installing a heating device under a window, its edge on the riser side, as a rule, should not extend beyond the window opening. In this case, the combination of the vertical axes of symmetry of heating devices and window openings is not necessary.

3.24. In a one-pipe heating system with one-sided connection of heating devices, the open riser should be located at a distance of 150 ± 50 mm from the edge of the window opening, and the length of the connections to the heating devices should be no more than 400 mm.

3.25. Heating appliances should be installed on brackets or on stands manufactured in accordance with standards, specifications or working documentation.

The number of brackets should be installed at the rate of one per 1 sq.m of heating surface of a cast iron radiator, but not less than three per radiator (except for radiators in two sections), and for finned pipes - two per pipe. Instead of upper brackets, it is allowed to install radiator strips, which should be located at 2/3 of the height of the radiator.

The brackets should be installed under the radiator necks, and under the finned pipes - at the flanges.

When installing radiators on stands, the number of the latter should be 2 - for the number of sections up to 10 and 3 - for the number of sections more than 10. In this case, the top of the radiator must be secured.

3.26. The number of fasteners per convector block without casing should be:

for single-row and double-row installation - 2 fastenings to the wall or floor;

for three-row and four-row installations, 3 fastenings to the wall or 2 fastenings to the floor.

For convectors supplied complete with mounting means, the number of fastenings is determined by the manufacturer in accordance with the standards for convectors.

3.27. Brackets for heating devices should be fastened to concrete walls with dowels, and to brick walls - with dowels or by sealing the brackets with cement mortar of a grade of at least 100 to a depth of at least 100 mm (without taking into account the thickness of the plaster layer).

The use of wooden plugs for embedding brackets is not allowed.

3.28. The axes of the connected risers of wall panels with built-in heating elements must coincide during installation.

The connection of risers should be carried out using lap welding (with one end of the pipe spreading out or connecting with a threadless coupling).

The connection of pipelines to air heaters (heaters, heating units) must be made using flanges, threads or welding.

The suction and exhaust openings of heating units must be closed before they are put into operation.

3.29. Valves and check valves must be installed in such a way that the medium flows under the valve.

Check valves must be installed horizontally or strictly vertically, depending on their design.

The direction of the arrow on the body must coincide with the direction of movement of the medium.

3.30. The spindles of double adjustment valves and regulating walk-through valves should be installed vertically when heating devices are located without niches, and when installed in niches - at an angle of 45° upwards.

The spindles of three-way valves must be positioned horizontally.

3.31. Pressure gauges installed on pipelines with a coolant temperature of up to 378 K (105 degrees C) must be connected through a three-way valve.

Pressure gauges installed on pipelines with a coolant temperature above 378 K (105 degrees C) must be connected through a siphon tube and a three-way valve.

3.32. Thermometers on pipelines must be installed in sleeves, and the protruding part of the thermometer must be protected by a frame.

On pipelines with a nominal bore up to 57 mm inclusive, an expander should be provided at the location where thermometers are installed.

3.33. For flange connections of fuel oil pipelines, gaskets made of paronite soaked in hot water and rubbed with graphite should be used.

3.34. Air ducts must be installed regardless of the availability of technological equipment in accordance with design references and marks. The connection of air ducts to process equipment must be made after its installation.

3.35. Air ducts intended for transporting humidified air should be installed so that there are no longitudinal seams in the lower part of the air ducts.

Sections of air ducts in which dew may form from the transported moist air should be laid with a slope of 0.01-0.015 towards the drainage devices.

3.36. Gaskets between the flanges of the air ducts must not protrude into the air ducts.

Gaskets must be made of the following materials:

foam rubber, tape porous or monolithic rubber 4-5 mm thick or polymer mastic rope (PMZ) - for air ducts through which air, dust or waste materials with temperatures up to 343 K (70 ° C) move; asbestos cord or asbestos cardboard - with a temperature above 343 K (70 °C);

acid-resistant rubber or acid-resistant cushioning plastic - for air ducts through which air with acid vapors moves.

To seal wafer-free air duct connections, the following should be used:

sealing tape "Gerlen" - for air ducts through which air moves at temperatures up to 313 K (40 ° C);

Buteprol mastic - for round air ducts with temperatures up to 343 K (70° C);

heat-shrinkable cuffs or tapes - for round air ducts with temperatures up to 333 K (60 ° C) and other sealing materials approved in accordance with the established procedure.

3.37. Bolts in flange connections must be tightened, and all bolt nuts must be located on one side of the flange. When installing bolts vertically, the nuts should generally be positioned on the underside of the joint.

3.38. Fastening of air ducts should be carried out in accordance with the working documentation.

Fastenings of horizontal metal non-insulated air ducts (clamps, hangers, supports, etc.) on a wafer connection should be installed at a distance of no more than 4 m from one another when the diameter of a round duct or the size of the larger side of a rectangular duct is less than 400 mm and at a distance of no more than 3 m from one another - with diameters of a circular duct or dimensions of the larger side of a rectangular duct of 400 mm or more.

Fastenings of horizontal metal non-insulated air ducts on a flange connection with a circular cross-section with a diameter of up to 2000 mm or a rectangular cross-section with dimensions of its larger side up to 2000 mm inclusive should be installed at a distance of no more than 6 m from one another. The distances between the fastenings of insulated metal air ducts of any cross-sectional sizes, as well as non-insulated air ducts of a round cross-section with a diameter of more than 2000 mm or a rectangular cross-section with a larger side of more than 2,000 mm, must be specified in the working documentation.

The clamps must fit tightly around the metal air ducts.

The fastenings of vertical metal air ducts should be installed at a distance of no more than 4 m from one another.

Drawings of non-standard fastenings must be included in the set of working documentation.

Fastening of vertical metal air ducts inside the premises of multi-storey buildings with a floor height of up to 4 m should be carried out in the interfloor ceilings.

The fastening of vertical metal air ducts indoors with a floor height of more than 4 m and on the roof of a building must be specified in the design (detailed design).

Attaching guy wires and hangers directly to the air duct flanges is not allowed. The tension of adjustable suspensions must be uniform.

The deviation of air ducts from the vertical should not exceed 2 mm per 1 m of air duct length.

3.39. Freely suspended air ducts must be braced by installing double hangers every two single hangers with a hanger length of 0.5 to 1.5 m.

For hangers longer than 1.5 m, double hangers should be installed through each single hanger.

3.40. Air ducts must be reinforced so that their weight is not transferred to the ventilation equipment.

Air ducts, as a rule, must be connected to fans through vibration-isolating flexible inserts made of fiberglass or other material that provides flexibility, density and durability.

Vibration isolating flexible inserts should be installed immediately prior to individual testing.

3.41. When installing vertical air ducts from asbestos-cement ducts, fastenings should be installed every 3-4 m. When installing horizontal air ducts, two fastenings should be installed per section for coupling connections and one fastening for socket connections. Fastening should be done at the socket.

3.42. In vertical air ducts made from socket ducts, the upper duct must be inserted into the socket of the lower one.

3.43. In accordance with standard flow sheets, socket and coupling joints should be sealed with strands of hemp strands soaked in an asbestos-cement mortar with the addition of casein glue.

The free space of the socket or coupling should be filled with asbestos-cement mastic.

After the mastic has hardened, the joints must be covered with fabric. The fabric should fit tightly to the box around the entire perimeter and should be painted with oil paint.

3.44. Transportation and storage in the installation area of ​​asbestos-cement boxes connected with couplings should be carried out in a horizontal position, and socket boxes - in a vertical position.

The shaped parts should not move freely during transportation, for which they should be secured with spacers.

When carrying, stacking, loading and unloading boxes and fittings, do not throw them or subject them to shock.

3.45. When making straight sections of air ducts from polymer film, bends of the air ducts are allowed no more than 15°.

3.46. To pass through enclosing structures, the air duct made of polymer film must have metal inserts.

3.47. Air ducts made of polymer film should be suspended on steel rings made of wire with a diameter of 3-4 mm, located at a distance of no more than 2 m from one another.

The diameter of the rings should be 10% larger than the diameter of the air duct.

Steel rings should be secured using wire or a plate with a cutout to a supporting cable (wire) with a diameter of 4-5 mm, stretched along the axis of the air duct and secured to the building structures every 20-30 m.

To prevent longitudinal movements of the air duct when it is filled with air, the polymer film should be stretched until the sagging between the rings disappears.

3.48. Radial fans on vibration bases and on a rigid base installed on foundations must be secured with anchor bolts.

When installing fans on spring vibration isolators, the latter must have a uniform settlement. Vibration isolators do not need to be attached to the floor.

3.49. When installing fans on metal structures, vibration isolators should be attached to them. The elements of metal structures to which vibration isolators are attached must coincide in plan with the corresponding elements of the fan unit frame.

When installed on a rigid base, the fan frame must fit tightly against the sound-insulating gaskets.

3.50. The gaps between the edge of the front disk of the impeller and the edge of the inlet pipe of the radial fan, both in the axial and radial directions, should not exceed 1% of the diameter of the impeller.

The shafts of radial fans must be installed horizontally (the shafts of roof fans must be installed vertically), the vertical walls of the casings of centrifugal fans must not be distorted or tilted.

Gaskets for multiple fan shrouds should be made of the same material as the duct gaskets for that system.

3.51. Electric motors must be accurately aligned with the installed fans and secured. The axes of the pulleys of electric motors and fans when driven by a belt must be parallel, and the center lines of the pulleys must coincide.

The electric motor slides must be mutually parallel and level. The supporting surface of the slide must be in contact along the entire plane with the foundation.

Couplings and belt drives should be protected.

3.52. The fan suction opening, which is not connected to the air duct, must be protected with a metal mesh with a mesh size of no more than 70X70 mm.

3.53. The filter material of fabric filters must be stretched without sagging or wrinkles, and also fit snugly against the side walls. If there is a fleece on the filter material, the latter should be located on the air intake side.

3.54. Air conditioner heaters should be assembled on gaskets made of sheet and cord asbestos. The remaining blocks, chambers and units of air conditioners must be assembled on gaskets made of rubber strips 3-4 mm thick, supplied complete with the equipment.

3.55. Air conditioners must be installed horizontally. The walls of chambers and blocks should not have dents, distortions or slopes.

The valve blades must turn freely (by hand). In the “Closed” position, tight fit of the blades to the stops and to each other must be ensured.

The supports of chamber units and air conditioner units must be installed vertically.

3.56. Flexible air ducts should be used in accordance with the project (detailed design) as shaped parts of complex geometric shapes, as well as for connecting ventilation equipment, air distributors, noise suppressors and other devices located in false ceilings and chambers.


General provisions for testing cold storage systems

and hot water supply, heating, heat supply,

sewerage, drains and boiler rooms

4.1. Upon completion of installation work, installation organizations must carry out:

testing heating systems, heat supply, internal cold and hot water supply and boiler rooms using the hydrostatic or manometric method with drawing up a report in accordance with mandatory Appendix 3, as well as flushing systems in accordance with the requirements of clause 3.10 of these rules;

testing of internal sewerage and drainage systems with drawing up a report in accordance with mandatory Appendix 4;

individual tests of installed equipment with drawing up a report in accordance with mandatory Appendix 1;

thermal testing of heating systems for uniform heating of heating devices.

Testing of systems using plastic pipelines should be carried out in compliance with the requirements of CH 478-80.

Tests must be carried out before finishing work begins.

Pressure gauges used for testing must be calibrated in accordance with GOST 8.002-71.

4.2. During individual testing of equipment, the following work must be performed:

checking the compliance of the installed equipment and the work performed with the working documentation and the requirements of these rules;

testing equipment at idle and under load for 4 hours of continuous operation. At the same time, the balancing of wheels and rotors in pump and smoke exhauster assemblies, the quality of the stuffing box packing, the serviceability of starting devices, the degree of heating of the electric motor, and compliance with the requirements for assembly and installation of equipment specified in the technical documentation of the manufacturers are checked.

4.3. Hydrostatic testing of heating systems, heat supply systems, boilers and water heaters must be carried out at a positive temperature in the premises of the building, and cold and hot water supply systems, sewerage and drains - at a temperature not lower than 278 K (5 ° C). The water temperature should also not be lower than 278 K (5 °C).

Internal cold and hot water supply systems

4.4. Internal cold and hot water supply systems must be tested by hydrostatic or manometric method in compliance with the requirements of GOST 24054-80, GOST 25136-82 and these rules.

The test pressure value for the hydrostatic test method should be taken equal to 1.5 excess operating pressure.

Hydrostatic and pressure testing of cold and hot water supply systems must be carried out before installing water taps.

Systems are considered to have passed the tests if, within 10 minutes of being under test pressure using the hydrostatic test method, no pressure drop of more than 0.05 MPa (0.5 kgf/ and drops in welds, pipes, threaded connections, fittings and water leaks through flush devices.

At the end of the hydrostatic test, it is necessary to release water from the internal cold and hot water supply systems.

4.5. Manometric tests of the internal cold and hot water supply system should be carried out in the following sequence: fill the system with air at a test excess pressure of 0.15 MPa (1.5 kgf/; if installation defects are detected by ear, the pressure should be reduced to atmospheric pressure and the defects eliminated; then fill the system with air at a pressure of 0.1 MPa (1 kgf/, hold it under test pressure for 5 minutes.

The system is considered to have passed the test if, when it is under test pressure, the pressure drop does not exceed 0.01 MPa (0.1 kgf/

Heating and heat supply systems

4.6. Testing of water heating and heat supply systems must be carried out with the boilers and expansion vessels turned off using the hydrostatic method with a pressure equal to 1.5 working pressure, but not less than 0.2 MPa (2 kgf/ at the lowest point of the system.

The system is considered to have passed the test if, within 5 minutes of being under test pressure, the pressure drop does not exceed 0.02 MPa (0.2 kgf/ and there are no leaks in welds, pipes, threaded connections, fittings, heating devices and equipment.

The test pressure value using the hydrostatic test method for heating and heat supply systems connected to heating plants must not exceed the maximum test pressure for heating devices and heating and ventilation equipment installed in the system.

4.7. Manometric tests of heating and heat supply systems should be carried out in the sequence specified in clause 4.5.

4.8. Surface heating systems must be tested, usually using the hydrostatic method.

Manometric testing can be carried out at negative outdoor temperatures.

Hydrostatic testing of panel heating systems must be carried out (before sealing the installation windows) with a pressure of 1 MPa (10 kgf/ for 15 minutes, while the pressure drop is allowed no more than 0.01 MPa (0.1 kgf/ .

For panel heating systems combined with heating devices, the test pressure value should not exceed the maximum test pressure for the heating devices installed in the system.

The test pressure value of panel heating systems, steam heating and heat supply systems during manometric tests should be 0.1 MPa (1 kgf/ Test duration - 5 minutes. The pressure drop should be no more than 0.01 MPa (0.1 kgf/

4.9. Steam heating and heat supply systems with a working pressure of up to 0.07 MPa (0.7 kgf/ must be tested by the hydrostatic method with a pressure equal to 0.25 MPa (2.5 kgf/ at the lowest point of the system; systems with a working pressure of more than 0.07 MPa (0.7 kgf/ - hydrostatic pressure equal to the working pressure plus 0.1 MPa (1 kgf/, but not less than 0.3 MPa (3 kgf / at the highest point of the system.

The system is recognized as having passed the pressure test if, within 5 minutes of being under test pressure, the pressure drop does not exceed 0.02 MPa (0.2 kgf/ and there are no leaks in welds, pipes, threaded connections, fittings, heating devices .

Steam heating and heat supply systems, after hydrostatic or pressure testing, must be checked by starting steam at the operating pressure of the system. In this case, steam leaks are not allowed.

4.10. Thermal testing of heating and heat supply systems at positive outside temperatures must be carried out at a water temperature in the supply lines of the systems of at least 333 K (60 ° C). In this case, all heating devices should warm up evenly.

If there are no heat sources during the warm season, a thermal test of heating systems must be carried out upon connection to a heat source.

Thermal testing of heating systems at negative outside air temperatures must be carried out at a coolant temperature in the supply pipeline corresponding to the outside air temperature during testing according to the heating temperature schedule, but not less than 323 K (50 ° C), and the circulating pressure in the system according to the working documentation .

Thermal testing of heating systems should be carried out within 7 hours, while checking the uniformity of heating of the heating devices (to the touch).

Boiler rooms

4.11. Boilers must be tested using the hydrostatic method before lining work is carried out, and water heaters - before applying thermal insulation. During these tests, the heating and hot water supply systems must be disconnected.

Upon completion of hydrostatic tests, it is necessary to release water from boilers and water heaters.

Boilers and water heaters must be tested under hydrostatic pressure along with the fittings installed on them.

Before hydrostatic testing of the boiler, the covers and hatches must be tightly closed, the safety valves are jammed, and a plug must be placed on the flange connection of the flow device or bypass closest to the steam boiler.

The test pressure value for hydrostatic tests of boilers and water heaters is accepted in accordance with the standards or technical specifications for this equipment.

The test pressure is maintained for 5 minutes, after which it is reduced to the maximum operating pressure, which is maintained for the entire time required to inspect the boiler or water heater.

Boilers and water heaters are recognized as having passed the hydrostatic test if:

during the time they were under test pressure, no pressure drop was observed;

There were no signs of rupture, leakage or surface sweating.

4.12. Fuel oil pipelines should be tested with a hydrostatic pressure of 0.5 MPa (5 kgf/ The system is considered to have passed the test if, within 5 minutes of being under test pressure, the pressure drop does not exceed 0.02 MPa (0.2 kgf/

Internal sewerage and drains

4.13. Testing of internal sewerage systems must be carried out using the water flow method by simultaneously opening 75% of the sanitary fixtures connected to the area being tested for the time required for its inspection.

The system is considered to have passed the test if, during its inspection, no leaks were detected through the walls of the pipelines and joints.

Tests of sewer outlet pipelines laid in the ground or underground channels must be carried out before they are closed by filling them with water to the level of the ground floor floor.

4.14. Tests of sections of sewerage systems hidden during subsequent work must be carried out by pouring water before they are closed with the drawing up of an inspection report for hidden work in accordance with mandatory Appendix 6 of SNiP 3.01.01-85.

4.15. Internal drains should be tested by filling them with water to the level of the highest drain funnel. The duration of the test must be at least 10 minutes.

The drains are considered to have passed the test if no leaks are found during inspection and the water level in the risers has not decreased.

Ventilation and air conditioning

4.16. The final stage of installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems is their individual testing.

By the start of individual testing of systems, general construction and finishing work on ventilation chambers and shafts should be completed, as well as installation and individual testing of support equipment (electricity supply, heat and cold supply, etc.). In the absence of power supply to ventilation units and air conditioning according to a permanent scheme, the general contractor will connect electricity according to a temporary scheme and check the serviceability of the starting devices.

4.17. During individual tests, installation and construction organizations must perform the following work:

check the compliance of the actual execution of ventilation and air conditioning systems with the project (detailed design) and the requirements of this section;

check the air duct sections hidden by building structures for leaks using the aerodynamic test method in accordance with GOST 12.3.018-79, based on the results of the leak test, draw up an inspection report for hidden work in the form of mandatory Appendix 6 of SNiP 3.01.01-85;

test (run in) ventilation equipment with a drive, valves and dampers at idle, in compliance with the requirements stipulated by the technical specifications of the manufacturers.

The duration of the run-in is taken according to the technical conditions or the passport of the equipment being tested. Based on the test (run-in) results of ventilation equipment, a report is drawn up in the form of mandatory Appendix 1.

4.18. When adjusting ventilation and air conditioning systems to design parameters, taking into account the requirements of GOST 12.4.021-75, the following should be done:

testing fans when operating in a network (determining compliance of the actual characteristics with the passport data: air supply and pressure, rotation speed, etc.);

checking the uniformity of heating (cooling) of heat exchangers and checking the absence of moisture removal through the drop eliminators of the irrigation chambers;

testing and adjustment of systems in order to achieve design indicators for air flow in air ducts, local suction, air exchange in rooms and determination of leaks or air losses in systems, the permissible value of which due to leaks in air ducts and other elements of systems should not exceed design values ​​in accordance with SNiP 2.04.05-85;

checking the operation of natural ventilation exhaust devices.

For each ventilation and air conditioning system, a passport is issued in two copies in the form of mandatory Appendix 2.

4.19. Deviations of air flow rates from those provided for in the project after adjustment and testing of ventilation and air conditioning systems are allowed:

± 10% - according to the air flow passing through the air distribution and air intake devices of general ventilation and air conditioning installations, provided that the required pressure (rarefaction) of air in the room is ensured;

10% - according to the air consumption removed through local suction and supplied through the shower pipes.

4.20. During comprehensive testing of ventilation and air conditioning systems, the commissioning work includes:

testing simultaneously operating systems;

checking the performance of ventilation, air conditioning and heat and cold supply systems under design operating conditions, determining whether the actual parameters correspond to the design ones; identifying the reasons why the design operating modes of systems are not ensured and taking measures to eliminate them;

testing of equipment protection, blocking, alarm and control devices;

measurements of sound pressure levels at design points.

Comprehensive testing of systems is carried out according to the program and schedule developed by the customer or on his behalf by the commissioning organization and agreed upon with the general contractor and installation organization.

The procedure for conducting comprehensive testing of systems and eliminating identified defects must comply with SNiP III-3-81.




completed in ______________________________________________________________________________

(name of the construction site, building, workshop)

_____________________________________ " " ___________________ 198

Commission consisting of representatives:


(name of company,

position, initials, surname)

general contractor ______________________________________________________________

(name of company,


position, initials, surname)

installation organization ________________________________________________________________

(name of company,


position, initials, surname)

has drawn up this act as follows:

1. __________________________________________________________________________________

[(fans, pumps, couplings, self-cleaning filters with electric drive,


control valves for ventilation (air conditioning) systems


(system numbers are indicated)]

have been tested within ___________________________________ in accordance with the technical specifications,


2. As a result of running in the specified equipment, it was established that the requirements for its assembly and installation given in the documentation of the manufacturers were met and no malfunctions were found in its operation.

Customer representative ___________________________________


Representative of the General

contractor ___________________________________


Assembly representative

organizations ___________________________________