Folk signs for all occasions. Everyday signs of the Russian people - what did our ancestors know? Household signs about the human body

Household signs

All utensils must be covered, even with a splinter, so that the demon does not take over.

When you sit down to eat without closing your books, you forget your memory.

A spoon forgotten on the table goes to the guest.

A fly gets into your drink (tea, compote) - to quick luck.

Choking at dinner - the guest is in a hurry.

If you wipe your hands with a tablecloth, there will be hangnails.

Spilling salt accidentally means a quarrel.

If the bread or spoon falls out at the table, the guest is in a hurry.

A brick falling out of the oven is not good.

Do not sweep the floor when someone dear to you has left, so as not to block his path to your home.

You should not give or accept knives as gifts - this is a sign of enmity.

After sunset, new bread is not cut, as this can lead to quarrels and lack of money.

To neutralize an unkind message, sprinkle spilled salt on your head, or you need to laugh or hit yourself on the forehead.

The salt shaker should not be passed from hand to hand. You need to put it on the table.

Also, you should not knock keys and put them on the table - this leads to conflicts.

To avoid a quarrel at a party, cross the threshold with your right foot.

To prevent two brothers from quarreling, one magnet is sewn into their clothes.

Do not place an open umbrella in the bedroom or living room - this may cause tears to be shed.

Anyone who dangles his legs while sitting on a chair shakes the devil.

You cannot wipe the table with paper - this leads to quarrels and losses.

If the pin was found, the friend remembered.

If someone is called by the name of a person who has left, then this person will be angry when he arrives.

If the dishes are left uncleaned on the table, then the devil or other evil spirits will live in the house.

If you have to pass a needle to someone, you need to lightly (jokingly) prick this person. This is done so that there is no enmity with him.

Stepping over a broom means it’s hard to give birth to children.

If you step on the place where the bucket stood, then sores will spread throughout your body.

Large frost throughout the winter is a difficult summer for health.

A large rowan harvest means a difficult year, frost.

In one hut there is no revenge with different brooms: wealth will disperse to the corners.

A raven croaks at a church - to a dead man in the village; croaks in the hut - to the dead man in the yard.

Jackdaws and crows sitting screaming in front of the house, especially in the morning, are bad luck.

Scattering peas means tears.

Thunderstorm is God's mercy (literally and figuratively).

Two people can wipe themselves with one towel, and in the next world they will be torn apart.

For a girl to wear shoes on her right foot is good luck.

A hollow in a log house is not good.

If you are afraid of the evil eye, wear something sharp on your clothes, for example, a pin.

Finding a horseshoe is lucky. Hang it above the front door, and good luck will not leave your home, and troubles will bypass you.

If on the day of the exam you meet an old man with a stick on the street, you will be in big trouble.

If there is swearing or gossiping in the house, then the flowers die.

If a tit or another bird (except a crow or raven) knocks on the window, good news awaits you.

If a piece of tea floats in your glass or cup of tea, a gift awaits you.

If two people say the same word or phrase at the same time, then you need to grab each other’s hair and ask: “When is my happiness?” Each tells the other the date and time of a good event.

If you walk around the fire with icons or become kind people in the corners, then it won’t go any further.

There is a hum in the chimney - the soul of the dead man has arrived.

If your ears are burning, someone is scolding you.

If your cheeks are burning, someone is talking about you.

If a girl adds too much salt to her food, it means she has fallen in love.

If you hiccup, someone remembers. To find out who remembers you, mentally go through the names of your friends. The one on whom the hiccups will stop remembers.

A butterfly flew in - let it out so that there is no misfortune in the house.

If someone praises a girl’s virtues (beauty or health), he must spit over his left shoulder three times so as not to jinx him.

If a fly gets into the soup, expect a quick and unexpected gift.

If a pimple appears on the tip of your nose, it means someone has fallen in love.

Don't point the end of the pin towards yourself.

If the found pin lies with its head towards you, a friend remembered; if the tip is towards you, the enemy is plotting.

If the first thunder begins in the afternoon (from the south), the summer will be formidable.

If by chance an apple falls from the table, a date with your lover awaits you.

If your cat washes its face with its paw, go to the guests.

If a black cat crosses your path, you won't have any luck that day. To get rid of this, you need to: turn around your axis, that is, start the path again; break the rod, that is, open the road closed by the cat; To cross fingers; grab the button.

If a person with empty buckets comes towards you, you will spend an empty, unsuccessful day.

If you forgot to remove the spoon from the table after dinner - when you have a guest, you can prepare.

If you are asked to pass salt at the table, you must smile when passing it, otherwise you will quarrel.

If you left the house, but for some reason returned halfway, just before leaving, look in the mirror and stick out your tongue.

You can also look under a rug or rug.

If you give someone a wallet, then put a coin or a banknote in it so that it is never empty.

If you make a wish and say it out loud, you need to spit over your left shoulder three times and say: “So as not to jinx it.”

If you say hello or goodbye on the threshold, this can lead to a quarrel.

If you find a nail or something sharp on the road, you are in trouble.

If you don't recognize a person you know, he should be rich.

If you put on your underwear or outerwear inside out, ask someone from your household to knock on your back, otherwise you will be beaten.

If you spill tea, a misunderstanding may occur.

If you tripped on the road: on your right foot - bad luck, on your left foot - good luck.

If you see a spider on a web, you will soon receive a letter.

If you are setting off on a long journey and it suddenly starts raining outside, don’t be upset - this is a sign of a successful journey.

If you are sitting or standing between people with the same names, immediately make a wish: it will definitely come true.

If you get up on your left foot in the morning, there will be no way.

If you want your cherished wish to come true, find clover leaves with 4 or 2 petals and eat it.

If you want your wish to come true, find a lilac flower with five petals and eat it.

If you stumbled while returning home, a quarrel with your family awaits you at home.

If a mirror breaks in your house, you must immediately throw away all the pieces.

If you have a lot of moles on your body, especially those that you can’t see, be happy.

If you have a thread hanging from your clothes, it means someone will like you. A white thread means a blond or brown-haired fan, a black or dark thread means a brunette. The thread must be removed and wound around the little finger of the left hand, pronouncing the letters of the alphabet on each turn. Whichever letter the thread ends with is where the fan’s name begins.

If your eyes itch: the right one means chagrin, the left one means love.

If your hands are itching: the right one is to say hello, the left one is for money.

Eating from cracked, broken dishes means, unfortunately, a “cracked” life.

You can't eat from a knife - you'll be mean.

Earth from seven graves saves good people from all troubles.

The mirrors in the house where the deceased is are covered so that he cannot look in them.

Breaking a mirror means bad luck.

The icon will fall - to the deceased.

When the sun has set, don’t throw your rubbish on the street: you’ll throw it away.

If a dog howls at night, then turn the pillow under your head, saying: “On your head!” - and she will fall silent.

If you step on someone else's footsteps, your feet will hurt.

A lump of grave earth to the heart - grief will subside.

If you kill a cat, you won’t see any luck in anything for seven years.

Whoever kills a snake is forgiven forty sins.

Whoever sings in the forest and sees a raven will stumble upon a wolf.

It is not advisable to have thirteen people at the table. You shouldn't sit thirteenth.

Whoever plants a willow prepares a spade for himself (he will die when a shovel can be hewn out of the willow).

He who loves cats will love his wife. Whoever is born on a new moon is tenacious, long-lasting. Someone sneezed - confirmed the veracity of the words just spoken.

Whoever carries a double nut in his pocket will be rich.

Soap in your bosom will save you from damage.

Throw as many heads as the treasure is placed on (treasures are placed with a spell and are given only to the one who fulfills the vow).

Sew up a dress on yourself, sew on a button - you sew up a memory.

Never look in the mirror at the same time with your friend - fall in love with the same person.

Don't drink from someone else's well - your own water won't flow.

Don’t take someone else’s handkerchief - other people’s tears will be transferred to you with it. If they give you a new handkerchief, pay the ransom, at least a penny.

Don't spit to the right - there is a guardian angel, spit to the left - there is Satan.

Do not call kittens little mice when petting them: the mother will bite them to death.

Never kill a ladybug - it can turn into disaster.

Never brush crumbs off the table with your hand, otherwise you won’t have any money.

To be identified as a person means a wedding or a deceased person.

Don't whistle in the house - there won't be any money. Clothes inside out - you're either drunk or you'll be beaten. After cutting off a slice of bread, you cannot stick a knife into the loaf - you will starve.

Before the road, you shouldn’t sew anything up - luck will turn away from you.

By stepping over someone's outstretched legs, you can interrupt his growth. To prevent this from happening, you must immediately step back.

Losing a glove is bad luck.

The roof under which pigeons live does not burn.

When the sun sets, they don’t lend bread or money.

Monday and Friday are hard days; Tuesday and Saturday are easy.

Damage is walked back with heels (walking backwards).

When moving to a new house, a cat and a rooster are allowed to spend the night in advance.

When combing your hair, remove your hair, otherwise you will get a headache.

Two needles crossed against the heart protect it from damage.

Don't put an empty bottle on the table - there will be no money.

The bee stings only the sinner.

Monday - hangover; Tuesday - repeat; Wednesday - fasting; Thursday - pass; Friday - not a worker; Saturday - cleaning; Sunday is a party.

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Section I. Little things in life (everyday signs) PIN - this sign is strictly followed by people of the older generation: borrowing pins is considered a bad sign. What misfortune will happen is unknown, but the sign is still observed. And, in addition, it is not recommended to lift

If a man and a woman were in a relationship, they will feel each other for a long time, even at a great distance. You can find out what your ex or current partner thinks about you even on an energetic level. Obvious signs:

  • chance encounters in unexpected places,
  • Things that connected you constantly catch your eye,
  • frequent dreams related to your man.

Folk signs that a man remembers you

  • If you suddenly feel feverish and your cheeks begin to burn, this means that your loved one is remembering you at that moment.
  • If your right breast itches, the man you are interested in is thinking about you. Most likely, on this day he will manifest himself through a call or SMS message.
  • If you hit your right elbow, it means that at that moment your man is thinking or talking about you.
  • If you smoke, pay attention to the cigarette. If it smolders on only one side, it means that your loved one remembers you.
  • A sure sign that a man remembers you and misses you is the moment when you choked while pronouncing his name or talking about him.

Fortune telling: does a man think about me?

If the signs do not help you, try telling fortunes and find out the answer to your question. For the ritual you will need red threads, a container of cold water, a sewing needle, a red candle and a photograph of your loved one.

Place a bowl of water in front of you and light a candle. Hold the candle over the water so that the wax drips into the same place, forming a figure. At this time, look at the photo of your lover and think about your question. After 2-3 minutes, set the candle aside and take the cooled wax. Pierce the figure with a needle and thread a thread into the hole. You should end up with a structure that resembles a pendulum.

Hold the thread with the float over the photo and ask questions of interest: “Does this man think about me? Is he sad? Would you like to meet? The movement of the pendulum in a circle means a positive answer, from side to side - a negative answer.

Is it possible to make a man think about you?

Esotericists believe that the person with whom you have an energetic connection can be inspired with the necessary thoughts. When you are next to a man, look into his “third eye” and convey your intentions. This must be done discreetly so that the man does not suspect anything.

Ordinary water absorbs information very well. Bring the glass of liquid close to your lips and whisper your wish: “Think about me more often. Be sad, be sad, remember.” Words can be anything, but they should not carry a negative connotation or aggressive message. Ideally, a man should drink all the water, but you can simply spray his clothes or shoes discreetly.

You can remind a man about yourself with a simple ritual. Sit back in your room and hold a photo of your loved one in your hand. Concentrate on your intention and read the spell three times:

How did Adam think about Eve?
So think about me, miss me,
Don't let go of your heart and thoughts.
I will say this, so it will be. Amen.

After that, take your photograph and put it face to face with the man’s photograph. Wrap the images in white cloth and put them under the pillow. This night your chosen one will definitely have a dream with your participation. This method can be used no more than once every 14 days.

Everyday signs cover a huge layer of our lives - from how we eat, how we receive guests, to our habits.

Household signs about the human body

Why does it itch...

Ears itch for news, for rain. - This sign can be considered correct. Before rain, the atmospheric pressure decreases, and the eardrum in the ear plays the same role as the membrane in the barometer; It bends a little and makes it itchy.

By the way, this sign existed in ancient Rome and was called timutus aurium - “ringing in the ears.”

My head itches - I hear swearing at myself. The back of the head itches - to sadness. Lips itch - for kissing. The left eye is itching to cry, the right is to look at a loved one.

The forehead itches - beat the forehead; on the right side - for a man, on the left - for a woman. The elbow itches - to grief. The nose itches for news, wine, christenings. Itching in the nose - good news.

In the right ear there is a ringing - a good wake-up call, in the left - a bad wake-up call. A ringing in the right ear means good news, and a ringing in the left ear means bad news.

The bridge of the nose itches - to the deceased; nostril - for christening; on the side - to the news; the tip of the nose - to the wine. The knees are itching - they can hear the road. The soles are itching - towards the road. The right eyebrow itches and praises, the left eyebrow scolds.

The eyebrow itches - for a bow, for a date, for tears. The right eyebrow itches - for a date with a friend, the left - with a hypocrite. The right eyebrow itches - to bow to a man, the left - to a woman.

The right palm itches - to receive, the left - to give money. The right palm itches - to profit, the left - to loss. On the road, the right foot will get cold before the left - for good. If you spit on yourself, there will be a renewal. Stumbling - someone mentioned it with abuse.

The mustache itches - before a gift. The mustache itches - for a date, for kissing, for gifts, for a delicacy. Scratching your elbow means sleeping in a new place. The neck itches for a feast or a beating.

Why are my ears burning?

If your ears are burning, someone is scolding you. If your cheeks are burning, someone is talking about you. If your left ear is burning (it’s hot), they say bad things about you, the right ear says good things.

A ringing in the right ear means good news, and a ringing in the left ear means bad news. - These superstitions are based on the fact that on the right side of a person there is a guardian angel, and on the left there is a devil - the tempter. Whoever's ear is on fire, they say about him: the right one is the truth, the left one is a lie. Cheeks itching or burning means tears.

Why do hiccups happen?

The hiccups overcome - it means someone is remembering. - This is just one of the many beliefs associated with hiccups: they also say that someone is jealous, scolds, etc. To find out who remembers you, mentally go through the names of your friends.

The one on whom the hiccups will stop remembers. Good, so remember, and evil, so full (they say with a hiccup).

Why are you sneezing?

If you sneeze on an empty stomach on Monday - for a gift, on Tuesday - for visitors, on Wednesday - for news, on Thursday - for praise, on Friday - for a date, on Saturday - for the fulfillment of desires, on Sunday - for guests.

To bite your tongue means someone is scolding or leading to a quarrel. At noon it makes you sleepy - because of the rain. If you hurt your leg - hurry up. A girl pricks her finger with a needle - hear praise.

Signs about hair

If you leave your hair on the floor or scatter it around the yard, your head will hurt. - The belief is connected with the cult of hair. They symbolized health and wealth.

In addition, hair is part of you, and therefore you cannot throw it anywhere. From an everyday point of view, we are again talking about elementary neatness.

On Annunciation Day, girls are not allowed to braid their hair: they won’t have their own home. - The key to the solution is in the proverb: “On Annunciation, a bird does not build a nest, a maiden does not braid her hair.”

The cuckoo once violated this rule and was severely punished for it. She made a nest in Annunciation - and now all the mother cuckoos are paying for it, leaving eggs in other people's nests.

The same thing can happen to a girl if she dares to do even such a small job as braiding her hair. The belief is based on the highest veneration of one of the most solemn Christian holidays.

It is not appropriate for a woman to be bare-haired, especially in church. - Only girls could walk “plain-haired” (without a headscarf or cap on their heads).

Their hair was always neat: long hair braided.

On the wedding day, the bridesmaids unraveled the girl’s braid with a ribbon, carefully combed her hair, braided it into two braids and placed them in a crown around her head.

Later, a woman could no longer collect her hair in braids, but in a bun, covered with a scarf or cap.

However, at home a woman could still afford to go bare-haired; when going out into the street, she certainly covered herself with a scarf, and in cold weather, with a shawl over the scarf.

Scarves and shawls were traditionally beautiful, with a variety of patterns, woven or lace. It was believed that a simple-haired woman did not like her own Guardian Angel and was deprived of his help and protection.

Signs about health and hygiene

Signs about health

There are many moles on the body, especially those that you cannot see yourself - be happy. - The belief is associated with popular ideas about damage.

The gaze of a spiteful critic immediately falls on something unusual that attracts attention, and loses its power. Amulets and jewelry serve as artificial distractions, while moles serve as natural distractions.

Stepping over someone's outstretched legs means interrupting his growth. If this happens, you must immediately step back. - The meaning of the belief is the prohibition to “stop”, symbolically violate integrity.

Everyday signs about memory

When a person reads and thinks, blood rushes to the brain, providing it with oxygen.

When a person eats, blood rushes to the stomach, because at this time it must ensure its normal functioning (that’s why after a hearty lunch you want to sleep so much).

When a person reads while eating, the brain does not perceive what is read to its full potential, we do not remember what we read, we “jam” the memory.

Don't sew anything directly on yourself - you can sew up the memory. - A belief based on the fact that something done in a hurry will not lead to success.

In addition, having carelessly sewn something right on himself and remaining all day in these clothes, a person mentally returns to whether his clothes are in order, whether they look at him like a slob.

In other words, he gets distracted from his work and doesn’t remember everything. Hence the threat to “sew up the memory.”

Signs about hygiene

If you wash your hands, dry them, but don’t shake off the water, don’t create devils. - The ban goes back to an old legend about how the devil, who fell from the sky and was left alone, asked God for an army.

God advised him to dip his hands in the water and shake it off - there will be as many devils as there are splashes.

Don't wash yourself before a long journey - you will avoid trouble. - The recommendation may be aimed at preventing a person from catching a cold, since everything is done in a hurry before the road.

This ban is also explained by the fact that a person washes away his homely, protective aura and appears unprotected among strangers.

And the advice to take a shower after going outside, after a crowded environment, to wash away negative energy is not without meaning.

Signs about food and feasting

Signs about guests

All utensils must be covered, even with a splinter, so that the demon does not take over. A spoon forgotten on the table goes to the guest. A fly gets into your drink (tea, compote) - to quick luck. If a leaf of tea floats in a glass or cup of tea, a gift awaits.

If a fly gets into the soup, expect a quick and unexpected gift.

Choking at dinner - the guest is in a hurry. If you wipe your hands with a tablecloth, there will be hangnails. If the bread or spoon falls out at the table, the guest is in a hurry. You cannot wipe the table with paper - this leads to quarrels and losses.

If the dishes are left uncleaned on the table, then the devil or other evil spirits will live in the house.

If a girl adds too much salt to her food, it means she has fallen in love. If you spill tea, a misunderstanding may occur. You can't eat from a knife - you'll get angry.

The salt shaker should not be passed from hand to hand. You need to put it on the table. Spilling salt accidentally means a quarrel (and to avoid a quarrel, sprinkle the spilled salt on your head, or you need to laugh or hit yourself on the forehead).

After sunset, new bread is not cut, as this can lead to quarrels and lack of money. After cutting off a slice of bread, you cannot stick a knife into the loaf - you will starve.

Signs about the feast

Anyone who drinks the rest of the wine from someone else's glass will be a drunkard. The knife is dull - the owner is stupid, the tablecloth is black - the hostess is stupid. - The explanation lies on the surface.

You can't have thirteen people at the table. Don't sit thirteenth. - This belief, like many others associated with the “unlucky” number 13, has its roots in biblical times: at the Last Supper, the traitor Judas was the thirteenth.

Until the hostess finishes her tea, guests should not leave the house. - This everyday belief echoes the belief about the tablecloth not being removed from the table. Both there and here: really, what’s the rush?

While the guests drank, ate, and had fun, the hostess looked after them and served them.

And so, when everyone was already full and happy, she, poor fellow, sat down to drink a cup of tea and hear praise for her dishes - and instead the guests were getting ready to leave. Of course, it’s inappropriate to offend or upset the hostess.

If you sit between people with the same names, immediately make a wish: it will come true. - The name contains characteristics of a person. Through the name there is a connection with the Guardian Angel.

It is no coincidence that to this day it is believed that a name is destiny, and in order not to tempt fate, they try to give a person a name according to the Saints.

Sitting between people with the same names, a person seems to be in the beneficial field of their common Guardian Angel - hence the belief that the wish will come true.

If after dinner the guests leave before the hostess removes the tablecloth from the table, the brides in this house will not get married. - First of all, this applies to guests.

It turns out that they only came to eat, and when everything is eaten, they immediately leave, although the rules of decency require thanking the hostess and communicating. They say about it this way: a table is not a trough to eat and run away from.

But, I think, there is a deeper meaning contained in this belief in relation to the hostess.

If she is such that she only knows how to feed, and guests do not expect anything else in this house, or if she is so clumsy that she cannot remove the tablecloth from the table for two hours after dinner, then it is no wonder that suitors will avoid such a house.

After all, as is the mother, so is the daughter.

Signs about love and family

Signs about love

If a pimple appears on the tip of your nose, it means someone has fallen in love. If by chance an apple falls from the table, a date with your lover awaits you. If there is a thread hanging from your clothes, it means that someone will like you.

A white thread means a blond or brown-haired fan, a black or dark thread means a brunette. The thread must be removed and wound around the little finger of the left hand, pronouncing the letters of the alphabet on each turn.

Whichever letter the thread ends with is where the fan’s name begins.

Signs about quarrels

To avoid a quarrel at a party, cross the threshold with your right foot. If you say hello or goodbye on the threshold, this can lead to a quarrel.

To prevent two brothers from quarreling, one magnet is sewn into their clothes. You cannot knock keys and put them on the table - this leads to conflicts.

Do not place an open umbrella in the bedroom or living room - this may cause tears to be shed.

Signs about wealth and luck

Signs about wealth

If you don’t recognize a person you know, he might be rich. - This belief is one of the so-called “deceptive” beliefs.

When they wanted rich flax to grow, they sowed it naked: let the flax see that the sower doesn’t even have anything to wear, and therefore it will grow.

They sowed grain from hand to mouth: let rye and wheat know that the peasant has nothing to eat, and therefore take pity.

To be deceived when meeting an acquaintance means to symbolically meet not one, but as if two, and therefore double his wealth.

Everyday signs about luck

For a girl to wear shoes on her right foot is good luck. A hollow in a log house is not good. If you are afraid of the evil eye, wear something sharp on your clothes, for example, a pin.

Finding a horseshoe is lucky. Hang it above the front door, and good luck will not leave your home, and troubles will bypass you.

If two people say the same word or phrase at the same time, then you need to grab each other’s hair and ask: “When is my happiness?” Each tells the other the date and time of a good event.

If you want your cherished wish to come true, find clover leaves with 4 or 2 petals and eat it. If you want your wish to come true, find a lilac flower with five petals and eat it.

Household signs about the evil eye

When one praises one's bodily virtues (beauty, stature, health, etc.), one must spit three times over one's left shoulder to avoid the evil eye. - Now many are inclined to believe that the gaze is to some extent material, that is, it carries a certain energy.

This belief is by no means only Russian - something similar existed in Ancient Rome.

The Romans worshiped a deity named Fascinus, who supposedly protected people from the evil eye. Black eyes are considered especially dangerous.

To spit over your left shoulder in response to praise (of course, symbolically) means to express disbelief in them, not to take them into your soul.

If someone praises a girl’s virtues (beauty or health), he must spit over his left shoulder three times so as not to jinx him.

If you make a wish and say it out loud, you need to spit over your left shoulder three times and say: “So as not to jinx it.” Soap in your bosom will save you from damage. Two needles crossed against the heart protect it from damage.

Magic in everyday life. Important signs you should know.

Turns out, The life of a modern person is full of signs or rituals that can easily be attributed to magic. .

Everyone knows that spilled salt - to a quarrel. But not everyone knows where this sign came from.

In the old days, salt was a very rare and therefore expensive product. And wasting such value in vain inevitably led to a showdown.

Hence omen.

There are many such examples, including the sign of an empty or full bucket being carried towards you, or the need to sit down in your home before the road.

Several centuries ago, mothers knew how to treat their children, since it was believed that a person connected by blood ties was able to heal from any ailment.

In especially difficult situations, they turned to the help of otherworldly forces. Every woman of childbearing age had in her arsenal spells for almost all occasions: protection from those in power, from unjust judges, from illness, from the evil eye, and so on. Such "conspiracies" were based not only on words. This is a unique combination of words, desires, thoughts, actions and special auxiliary objects.

Nowadays, few people practice conspiracies and spells in everyday life, but it is still necessary to know them in order to protect your home from troubles and misfortunes, in order to be able to resist negative influences from other people, in order to bring wealth and prosperity to your home.

One of the most important rooms in the house is the bedroom.

It is especially important to harmonize the space if a young couple lives in the room. It is believed that a sleeping place by the window is a sign of constant travel. It is better if spouses sleep on the same bed - a sofa or a double bed. Two shifted “one and a half” cars are not the best option if you don’t want discord in your intimate life.

By the way, it is recommended to sleep under a large one-piece blanket. Any obstacle between the bodies of partners entails energetic separation; it is extremely important to prevent this, especially in the first few months of life together.

If during sleep the body is positioned with its feet towards the exit of the room, then vital forces are lost during the night. The custom of carrying the deceased forward feet first is very closely related to this sign.

It is imperative to place mirrors correctly in the apartment.

In the bedroom, under no circumstances should you place or hang a mirror so that sleeping people, even some part of the body, are reflected in it. The mirror in the hallway should be on the side of the front door, but not opposite.

Since ancient times, magical properties were attributed to the mirror, considering it a door to another world. And again we remember the signs about the dead. If there is a body of a deceased person in the house, then the mirrors must be covered with dark cloth so that they do not “remember” grief and sorrow, and the soul does not get lost in the “looking glass.”

If you want to lure money into your home, you can do one or more rituals.

Count the money in your wallet regularly. You should not give or borrow in the evening, especially after sunset.

You can place a few coins with the heads facing up under the front door mat. And put a bill under the tablecloth in the kitchen. Try not to brush crumbs off the table with your hand.

You should not throw anything out the window, even if it is just a cigarette butt. This action entails leaving the house of material values.

You can hide “treasures” in the house. Coins and bills are put away in hard-to-reach places: in several books in the closet, behind the desk, under clothes on the shelves. Every time you put the money away in a secluded place, say: “money to money.” And then prosperity will definitely come to you, because you will already surround yourself with various amounts of money everywhere.

When guests come to you, you should be especially attentive.

Do not allow them to wash dishes in your house, this can lead to discord in the family.

The custom of treating guests also has a fairly good reason. Previously, it was believed that you should not attack a person, wish him harm or harm him if you shared bread and salt with him.

If a holiday is celebrated in the house, then you need to cover it for all invited guests plus one more for an unexpected guest. Even if the place is free all evening, this simple sign will attract money and peace to your hospitable home.

By the way, this custom also has a very practical orientation. If suddenly an unexpected guest appears, the hostess will not need to fuss to find him cutlery, plates, and a chair.

When guests have left your home, you need to pay attention to several points when clearing the table. Under no circumstances should you finish eating from other people's plates or drink from other people's glasses - you can take the illnesses of others for yourself.

There are many everyday signs that can predict your future or even influence it.

If you often hold on to the corner of the table, then there is a high probability that you will have your own living space in the near future.

Broken or chipped dishes should be immediately taken out of the house in order to maintain harmony and prevent quarrels.

If you are returning or giving someone a certain container (a jar, a box, a bucket), then you must definitely put something inside, preferably a small coin. Having given part of yours, you will receive it back in an increased equivalent.

You cannot look in the same mirror at the same time - this means a quarrel and division of any property. For two young girls, this could mean that they will fall in love with the same guy.

And finally, the most important sign.

She should be treated with special respect. If you are doing anything for your home like what is listed in this article, DON'T TELL ANYONE ABOUT THIS. You are doing this for yourself and for your home; someone else’s eye (and sometimes it can be unkind) is completely useless here.

Everything that love portends exists within us and next to us. You just need to be a little more attentive and trust signs that have their roots in antiquity.

Have you ever thought you smelled like gold? Or money, although money doesn’t seem to smell like money? So, all sorts of non-standard smells also indicate a change in life associated with a strong feeling. For example, if in winter you imagined the smell of cherry, peach or any jam on the street, then this event foreshadows some kind of romantic adventure. True, the smells of sugar, marshmallows, cakes and chocolate are not taken into account.

It is believed that nothing in life is accidental, so all your unexpected finds and encounters are also very symbolic. And since we are talking about love signs, your best bet is to find someone’s wedding invitation, veil or horseshoe on the street.

If you see someone’s lost talisman, rejoice too, but it’s better not to pick it up.

Love is also foreshadowed by some forms of our absent-mindedness. In this sense, it is useful to trip on the first step when climbing onto the stage or podium. Or about the threshold - if you are going to visit the man or woman you are interested in for the first time.

It’s a good omen to stumble out of the blue while rushing on a date for the first time. But... a fall in such situations changes the prediction exactly the opposite.

Small women's troubles often also foreshadow love. These include, say, a torn floral scarf, the hem of a dress, a stocking, or a broken heel, earring and nail. It’s not a bad sign to drop a ring or, after meeting the “object,” to lose money (better, of course, not all of it) or a notebook.

The biggest evidence of approaching love is the obsessive desire of everyone you know to change your hairstyle. It happens that you wear the same haircut for several years and everything seems fine. But suddenly, out of the blue, everyone, as if by agreement, begins to cling to your hair and offer to cut your hair or grow a braid. Maybe they went crazy, maybe they didn't. After all, in ancient times there was a ritual in which a woman, when getting married, always changed her hairstyle...

If a girl meets her lover and kisses him on the new moon, this is very good, because in this case she will soon become his bride. At the same time, in marriage, love to the grave and wealth await both.

If a girl, thinking about her chosen one, hears the cry of a rooster, the bird foreshadows an imminent wedding.

When choosing a place to meet, lovers should prefer the seashore, or the foot of a hill, or a forest thicket - this means that they will be faithful to each other, and their feeling will not pass. It’s good if heather grows nearby or a stream (river) flows. Poplars, on the other hand, should be avoided.

If you are writing a letter to your loved one, you should finish it when the clock starts striking midnight. You should not send letters to your loved one on Christmas or February 29, which, as you know, occurs only once every 4 years. You need to carry the message to the post office very carefully - dropping it on the way portends a quarrel.

The best time for a marriage proposal is Friday evening, and in this case the engagement should be announced on Saturday.

Turquoise is considered a lucky stone for lovers - its blue color symbolizes constancy.

Another pledge of fidelity used to be a broken sixpence, the halves of which lovers carried with them so as never to part. For the same purpose, they kept each other's locks, intertwined in a special way.

Engaged couples should not be photographed together, otherwise they will soon separate or their life together will be unhappy. To avoid this, they should also not jointly admire the new moon through the tall grass and make appointments at crossroads and bridges, near canals and ponds, as well as on the plains. Otherwise, their passion will turn into mutual hatred, and respect into mocking contempt.

Those who want their romance to proceed easily and smoothly should not meet on the steps (kissing or hugging while standing on the stairs is considered especially bad luck). Writing amorous letters in ink of any color except blue or in pencil will also lead to discord.

When you decide to give a gift to your other half, do not buy gloves, a watch, a brooch or a knife (for separation). Some believe that bad luck can be averted by getting change from the seller in small coins.

Giving your fiancé a knife is a sign that you want to break off the engagement. But if he does not accept the gift, misfortune will happen to him.

An engaged girl should not try on an engagement ring yet, as this may result in a sudden break with the groom. And, of course, under no circumstances should you lose this ring.

A girl who forgets to look north when leaving the house risks remaining an old maid.

They say if your chest itches, it's time for a date.

If a guy steps on a girl's foot, it means he wants to spend the day with her.

If a guy and a girl look into each other's eyes, it means they love.

If a guy and a girl take something away from each other, they love, but cannot admit it.

Love lies in the fact that proud - on the cheek, and warm - on the lips.

It is still believed, for example, that if a girl over-salts her food, she is in love.

If a girl pricks herself with a needle, she will hear praise or fall in love. He will hurt his elbow - the single guy remembers.

If you put your shoes with their toes in different directions, you will never find a pair

If you pour tea from a teapot while holding it together, you will have a baby.

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