Monstera deliciosa or “a hybrid of banana and pineapple. Lemon, banana, pineapple: which fruits are best to eat with the peel? To make a smoothie from pineapple and banana you will need

It turns out that I still remain a Soviet person with Soviet ideas about the world around me.
But I really hoped that since the times of the USSR I had completely changed, but in fact, I just got older...
My older brother Maxim recently asked me a simple test problem, which he had already asked a hundred times to different people, in many countries of the world from America to Vietnam, and the results were the same: Not a single person born and lived in the USSR or its neighbors vegetable gardens, it was never possible to correctly answer this question, but for a native of the rest of the world (even a snotty schoolchild) this problem did not present much difficulty and was devoid of any zest. It’s the same as asking: “Who will reach the target faster, Uncle Borya in new sneakers, or a 50-caliber bullet?”
Personally, I miserably failed this test for understanding the cause-and-effect relationship in an economically free world and now, gloatingly rubbing my hands together, I will expect the same from you, my dear reader.
Maxim, about twenty-five years ago, lived for a year in an old house, on a small, cozy street in Amsterdam, where, among other things, he observed this picture:
On their street, on the ground floor of one of the houses, there was a small grocery store, where the owners themselves, an elderly married couple, traded (the couple was black, however, for the purpose of the task - this does not matter at all, but still).
Although there was only one stationary shop on the entire street, you could buy any vegetables and fruits at every step; they were sold by everyone and anyone, some from bulky stalls with wheels, and some simply from cardboard boxes stacked on top of each other.
The traders also catered for all tastes: Chinese, blacks, Arabs, and even the indigenous people themselves.
And what’s interesting is that the assortment in the store and on the street stalls is absolutely the same, the same vegetables - fruits, pineapples, bananas, greens. Apparently everyone gets their supplies from the same wholesale warehouse.
But there was a small, but still a difference - the blacks in the stationary store, although they sold everything the same, but a couple of guilders more expensive...
My brother, naturally, began to stock up on street vendors; he’s not an idiot to overpay in a store, even if it’s a mere trifle, but to overpay.
However, over time, he began to notice that his neighbors, the indigenous inhabitants of the street, were buying cucumbers and tomatoes in the store from blacks. Maxim thought about it and decided that this is how it’s supposed to be here, and local, self-respecting people buy everything only in a stationary store, and buying pears and potatoes on street stalls is bad manners and sloppiness.
So, so be it, my brother thought, after all, the difference in price is tiny, but it will look like a real Dutch Van Max.
And since then, he, too, began to proudly stock up exclusively in the store.
But one day, one fine day, my brother noticed local, not at all poor, Dutch people who just yesterday were buying oranges in a black store, but today, for some reason, they were already buying on the street, from the most unpresentable cardboard boxes, and the next day, you see, again in store.
The picture of the world was shaken, my brother completely stopped understanding the logic of what was happening, but somehow he didn’t dare ask...

...At this point, any person born in Europe or New Zealand could easily give the correct answer: “Of course, the bullet will reach the target faster, even if a Caucasian shepherd dog runs after Uncle Borey...”
But we, the Soviet people, still remained in a dead end of misunderstanding, and then Maxim continued to chew on the problem and throw in new clues:
Vigorous street trading occurs only from spring to autumn, but in winter, when it already becomes a little cold to stand with boxes in the rain turning into sleet, all the Chinese and Arabs run away until warmer times and fruits and vegetables can only be bought from blacks, in the only the whole street of a stationary store.
Well, for the most meticulous, the last hint: - There are never queues either on the street or in the store, and neither here nor here customers are fooled or deceived.

So why the hell do these strange Dutch people buy apples in the summer, either on the street, where the prices are a little cheaper, or, look, already in the store, although you can on the street, the quality of the goods is absolutely the same here and there...?

...And the answer is:
Poor store owners are squeezed all summer, they set the lowest prices, but still, they lose out to the competition to street vendors.
The residents of the surrounding houses every now and then support the blacks by buying radishes from them, and not because they are so kind, but without their help the store will fold over the summer and then in the winter the old Dutch women will have to go all the way to the next street to buy potatoes, which is far away, hard and troublesome.
In addition, the store owners very clearly track every summer customer, and in winter, when such a person has stocked up in their store, when he comes home, he will definitely find an unexpected orange or pineapple in his potatoes...

Hello, dear smoothie lovers! 🙋🏻

A smoothie made from sweet bananas and pineapple with the addition of orange juice is one of my favorites 🍌🍍🍊. This orange drink lifts your spirits with its bright and appetizing appearance alone. It contains the daily requirement of vitamin C, many useful trace elements and minerals.

This smoothie is great for fighting the onset of a cold and is suitable for those who want to lose weight, as fresh pineapple will help cope with excess calories and dull the feeling of hunger for a long time. It is also best to use natural orange juice or fresh orange juice in this smoothie to get the maximum taste and benefits from the cocktail.

Remember that if you want to lose weight, then you need to use only natural ingredients in smoothies, that is, no canned pineapples or juice from a pack. It contains a lot of refined sugar, which will make your smoothie not only less healthy, but also full of unnecessary calories.


(for 4 servings)

  • 2 medium bananas
  • 300 g fresh or canned pineapple
  • 500 ml. orange juice (preferably freshly squeezed natural juice)
  • honey or any honey you like

Additional ideas

  • If you use canned pineapple, there will be plenty of sugar in it, so don't add any sweeteners.
  • If you like your smoothies colder, then it is advisable to cool the fruits and orange juice before preparing. Alternatively, you can add a few ice cubes to the rest of the ingredients, or freeze the bananas in advance and use them to make a cold drink.

How to cook

  1. Let's prepare the pineapple. If you use fresh pineapple, you must first peel it. The easiest way to do this is with a special knife. Cut off the top of the pineapple 🍍, screw the knife inside and take out the pulp already cut into rings. Then cut the sweet rings into medium pieces, so it will be easier to grind them in the blender bowl. If you prepare this smoothie from canned pineapples, then you need to drain all the liquid or juice from them and also chop them into smaller fragments with a knife.
  2. Let's prepare the remaining ingredients. Peel the bananas and cut into arbitrary circles.
  3. Mix and beat. Now transfer the bananas and chopped pineapple into a blender, cover with a lid and blend until a thick, homogeneous mixture.
  4. Add liquid. Finally, add orange juice to the half-cooked smoothie. It is possible (and even better) to use juice with pulp. This will be even healthier, since the fruit pulp contains a large amount of fiber.
  5. Whisk all the ingredients for the smoothie again until it is smooth and smooth.
  6. Making smoothies perfect. Taste the cocktail. If you like sweeter drinks, you can add a little liquid honey or other sweetener. If you decide to sweeten the drink, then beat the whole mixture again.
  7. Enjoy the taste. Pour the drink into glass cups, garnish with a slice of banana and pineapple and enjoy your tropical cocktail!

Bon appetit and good mood! 😘

I would have been planning to make a smoothie with banana and pineapple for a long time, if not for the accidental purchase of an incredibly luxurious, beautiful pineapple. Huge, with a lush green cap of leaves, sunny yellow-orange color, it captivated us in an instant. It was even a pity to cut it, so we first photographed the handsome man from all angles, and then decided to taste it. Imagine our disappointment! Beautiful on the outside, it turned out to be relatively edible on the inside.

From conversations with local residents, we found out that this is a pineapple from a home plantation, and, most likely, some kind of different variety from what is sold on the market. Although the fruits there are inconspicuous, not very large and with a small pompon of leaves, they taste incomparable! Juicy, sweet or sweet and sour, aromatic, there are almost no thorns inside and the flesh does not have to be cut off. The middle can be a little tough, but edible. What we got was not only sour, but it was also watery, not tasty at all, no smell, and didn’t have that specific pineapple taste. And the thorns penetrated so deep inside that it was necessary to cut it into small pieces to remove them.

In general, our purchase was not suitable for anything other than smoothies. It’s good that on the way home we bought a couple of kilos of small bananas, and the owners of the house treated us to coconuts the day before. All this became the basis of the future drink. Instead of coconut juice, you can use regular drinking water or mineral water that is not carbonated.

To make a pineapple and banana smoothie you will need:

  • Fresh pineapple cubes or one fresh pineapple;
  • bananas – 5-6 pcs. small or 2 large;
  • coconut juice or drinking water – 1 glass;
  • lime/lemon juice – 1-2 teaspoons;
  • brown sugar or regular white sugar - to taste;
  • cinnamon or ground cardamom - a couple of pinches (optional).

Smoothie recipe with banana and pineapple

Peel the bananas, cut them and put them in the freezer for half an hour - they will harden and make the smoothie thick, like cream.

I strongly advise you to buy a pineapple at the market, taking a closer look at what fruits the locals choose. Or, if you can’t get to the market, buy a couple of bags of peeled pineapples; they are sold in stores, fruit shops and on the beach. Peel a whole pineapple, remove any remaining spines from the pulp, and cut into pieces. Cut the dense center (trunk) too, don’t throw it away, the blender will grind everything.

First, place the pineapple in the blender and chop. Add frozen bananas and beat everything again. You will get a thick fruit pulp. Pour in as much coconut juice or regular drinking water (or still mineral water) as needed. Lemon, lime juice, sugar and spices are all to taste while whisking and tasting.

If you are preparing a drink from pineapple juice, first chop bananas and other fruits, then dilute with juice and water.

During the chopping process, the fruit has time to heat up, so ice cubes to cool the drink will not be superfluous. Immediately pour the finished banana and pineapple smoothie into glasses, add ice and serve.

At the Funchal market, one’s eyes run wide from the abundance of familiar and unfamiliar exotic things; everything is democratic and strawberries can peacefully coexist with garlic

These cones are the fruits of the attractive Monstera vine, which used to grow in abundance in bureaucratic offices and party halls (I don’t know how it is now)

They are called bananas here and many believe that they are a hybrid of banana and pineapple. Cube segments are broken off from the fruit; they taste like banana-pineapple and are a little fibrous. A common tourist puncture - without practice it is very difficult to guess the ripeness - if you buy an unripe one, it is not clear at what moment you can eat it. Both unripe and stale All these fruits, like southern women, are equally tasteless

Let me introduce you to the family that is the second most diverse and numerous after the banana family - the passion fruit. It comes from Brazil and has many names: passion flower, passion flower, granadilla or passion fruit.

Pope Paul V knelt in reverence before the flower, which "represents divine revelation" - five petals surrounded by a crown, symbolizing the five wounds and crown of thorns of Christ going to the crucifixion. The Hindus called it passion fruit - food in a bowl.

Although it would be more correct to say passion fruit. The main and most famous fruit is purple-red; the wrinkled skin is a sign of ripeness. Traditionally, when there was no electricity, dried passion fruit peels were used to make lamps for processions during Holy Week.

The Brazilian poet Manoel Botelho de Oliveira (1636 -1711) wrote a poem about vegetables and fruits in the Baroque style, where he called passion fruit beautiful and cold, with the proudest name, and the most delicious seeds of pleasure.
This is passion fruit with lemon flavor,

it is yellow-green. There's passion fruit-orange, it's like an orange

And passion fruit banana

Banana passion fruit, locals say, grows like a weed, entwining fences:

The biggest surprise is the passion fruit tomato (Tamarillo, tomato tree, tomate de árbol), chutney and everything tomato are made from it.

Here it is in cross-section, the taste (if ripe) is slightly salty, with the taste of tomato. Unripe ones have a hard skin and are bitter, so the skin must be peeled before cooking and eating.

And at breakfast it was very pleasant to feast on the “queen of subtropical fruits”, which Mark Twain called: “Admiration itself” - a relative of papaya

Fruits contain many vitamins and are beneficial for the body - not a single nutritionist will argue with this. But before eating, we often cut off the peel. Recent studies have shown that in this way you can lose a significant proportion of nutrients that are beneficial for the skin and overall tone and even prevent cancer. Experts have compiled a list of foods that are recommended to be eaten with the skin, and some of the items are quite unexpected, reports Mirror.

Orange. The peel of an orange (as, in fact, of all citrus fruits) contains powerful antioxidants - flavonoids. They lower the level of “bad” cholesterol and, in addition, destroy free radicals. The peel also contains a lot of pectin, which acts as a probiotic and helps the proliferation of beneficial bacteria in the intestines.

Of course, hardly anyone would agree to eat an entire orange peel, because it has a pronounced bitter taste. But it’s quite possible to add zest to salads or hot dishes.

Apple. Almost half of the vitamin C is contained within one millimeter of the surface of the fruit, so it is not worth cutting off the top layer. In addition, it is the peel that is “responsible” for the aroma of the apple, and without it it may seem bland.

The skin of red apples is rich in antioxidants, which protect against several types of cancer, including prostate cancer. Yellow apples are a source of carotenoids, which are beneficial for eye and heart health. Greens contain lutein, which is important for the prevention of cataracts and cancer. It is also recommended for pregnant women to prevent birth defects in children.

In general, the bright color of an apple indicates sufficient levels of beneficial polyphenols. The heartwood and seeds are not very rich in antioxidants, but are an excellent source of easily digestible fiber, improve digestion and normalize blood sugar levels.

Nutritionists advise dipping apple slices in peanut butter - this protein-carbohydrate snack will quickly restore strength.

Garlic. Six antioxidant compounds were found in garlic peel, in particular, phenylpropanoids, which slow down the aging process and promote heart health.

Banana. A group of scientists from Taiwan discovered that it helps fight depression as it is rich in serotonin. In addition, the skins contain lutein, which protects the retina from ultraviolet radiation. The researchers conducted an experiment with two groups of retinal cells that were exposed to intense bright light for several days. Cells soaked in banana peel extract were not damaged, but the control group died.

Nutritionists advise boiling the peel (whether yellow or brown) for 10 minutes and drinking after cooling. You can add other fruit juices.

Kiwi. The peel of kiwi fruit contains a large amount of phenolic compounds such as flavonoids, which have anti-cancer, anti-allergenic and anti-inflammatory properties. Experts note that it is three times richer in antioxidants than pulp, and helps fight staphylococcus and E. coli, a common cause of gastrointestinal disorders.

If the skin of a regular kiwi fruit seems inedible, you can try the yellow (or “golden”) fruit. Its shell is thinner and more palatable. Nutritionists also do not recommend straining skin fragments from freshly squeezed juices.

Potato. Peeled potatoes lose half of their nutrients. Meanwhile, it contains more vitamin C than oranges, as well as potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and soluble fiber.

A pineapple. Pineapples contain not only vitamin C and fiber, but also the enzyme bromelain. It breaks down protein molecules and improves digestion, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Useful for hay fever, arthritis and gout.

The pith contains twice as much of this beneficial enzyme as the pulp, so it should not be removed. The stem can be used as a component of various. Important: when canning, the beneficial elements are destroyed, so only fresh pineapples are healthy.