Magic symbols of power. Magic symbols for attracting money - signs of wealth and prosperity

They can be presented in the form of ordinary plants: rose, orchid, clover leaf. Or, for example, act in the form of mythical animals: a dragon, a unicorn. Can be signs: magic knot of luck, infinity sign. It doesn’t matter in what form the magical power of a symbol appears before us, what is important is the impact that the symbol has on a person’s life. Let's get to know some of them.


Turtles are the most popular in the practice of using Feng Shui symbols. It is believed that the turtle gives strength, endurance, and longevity. She is a symbol of stability and constancy. The turtle is a traditional family talisman protecting peace and tranquility in the house.

In order to protect their child from the evil eye and the negative influence of others, mothers put a talisman in the form of a turtle on him. Thus, they seem to give the child under the protection and patronage of their family. There can be one turtle, or the talisman can consist of three turtles representing three generations of the genus together. For a children's talisman, it is best to use, first of all, eye quartz, which is traditionally considered a talisman stone. Falcon, tiger, bull's and cat's eyes will be reliable protectors of your child. You can also use: rose quartz, amethyst, jasper, turquoise. A talisman can be a figurine carved from stone, or a product made of natural stones decorated with a metal pendant in the shape of a turtle.


In Feng Shui, fish symbolize wealth. They are used to attract prosperity and abundance in the home or office. A fish looking up promotes movement up the career ladder, guarantees high achievements, recognition and fame.

Most often, carp, goldfish, and also dragon fish are used as a talisman. A goldfish with a coin in its mouth brings good luck in business and is a symbol of wealth. A fish jumping out of the water symbolizes the growth of prosperity.

A figurine of a fish carved from stone is good to place in the house in the area responsible for finances. These figures can also be used as a keychain. Traditionally, rhodonite is considered a stone for attracting money, helping a person gain self-confidence and giving the ability to focus on the main thing. Whoever wears it becomes more purposeful and, as a result, his financial situation increases. The bull's eye will be your assistant in a labor-intensive and lengthy project. He will give you the strength to complete the job you started and make a profit, despite the difficulties. A tiger eye amulet will help you defeat ill-wishers, and carnelian will give you the opportunity to clearly assess the current situation.

The Dragon

The dragon is one of the four celestial animals and is an important and powerful symbol in Feng Shui. The dragon creates positive chi energy, which brings good fortune to the homes of its owner. The dragon figurine is a symbol of success, power and high social status. The dragon sector is located in the eastern direction, a talisman placed in this zone brings good health and longevity. Usually, to attract good luck when making dragon figurines, stones such as aventurine, agate, carnelian, and jasper are used.


Dolphin is a symbol of health. Whoever wears a dolphin pendant around his neck will always be protected from evil spirits and deadly illnesses. Since ancient times, the dolphin has been the personification of selfless love for man, so it has become a symbol of friendship.

The dolphin represents the power of the sea, speed, devoted love, salvation, transformation. The meaning of this symbol is directly based on the natural kindness, intelligence and playfulness of this mammal. It is a symbol of the sea element. In some religions, this cute mammal signifies joy, unpredictability and playfulness. A creature that lives in two elements, sea and air, is the link between the earthly and the heavenly, the king of fish, the savior of shipwrecked people. He is an allegory of salvation, inspired by ancient legends that depict him as a friend of man.


In Feng Shui, the horse symbolizes success, loyalty, courage, speed and endurance. A symbol of life, optimism, diversity of feelings and perpetual motion. The horse carries the wind of change, forces that renew nature, eliminate cold, stagnation and bring positive changes to human life. In the East, the Horse is considered a friend of man and a protector from evil spirits. It is also considered a manifestation of the spiritual principle and patronizes gifted people - artists, poets, musicians. The horse helps to reach the heights of spirit and immortality. The horse represents quickness of thought, brightness of imagination, talent and creativity.

A talisman made in the shape of a horse figurine brings success in career and business, and helps create the image of a powerful and dynamic person. It is not for nothing that horse figurines carved from stone are presented as gifts to business managers, thus emphasizing the status and high position of the boss. Onyx, sardonyx, and jasper are often used as materials for making talisman.


In Feng Shui, a cat attracts money luck, prosperity and new opportunities. A cat's raised paw to money means an increase in wealth and profit. A sacred animal among many peoples, the cat symbolizes cunning, developed intuition, clairvoyance, sensual beauty, and the ability to transform. The cat figurine is a symbol of independence, grace and strength.


In Feng Shui, the rooster is a symbol of good luck and large monetary profits. A figurine in the shape of a rooster helps to gain wealth. Typically, such figurines, carved from stone or made from metal, are presented as gifts to people to fulfill wishes associated with large sums of money. To attract wealth, you can also wear a talisman in the form of a pendant in jewelry.


In Feng Shui, the elephant is a symbol of wisdom, strength, longevity, and stability. A talisman in the form of an elephant figurine helps you make the right decisions and emerge victorious from a difficult situation with dignity. The elephant personifies support and protection, teaches patience and worldly wisdom, which says that every difficult task in life is given to us along with the strength to implement it. The elephant is also considered a good family amulet. He keeps peace in the family by preserving and increasing the love of spouses for each other. For these purposes, it is best to purchase a figurine of an elephant made of carnelian or jasper.


The Chinese believe that the unicorn has a sacred power with which it brings good to people. The Chinese unicorn or Qi Lin symbolizes longevity, luxury, celebration, splendor, happiness and joy. In Chinese mythology, the unicorn is believed to love being alone. And he always appears at the moment when a sage is born or when an outstanding ruler rules the country.

The unicorn talisman in Feng Shui has two strong functions - attracting wealth and eliminating negative influences.

There are no special rules for placing a unicorn. The main thing is to place it so that it faces the door, no matter where it is standing, in a room or in a corridor.


The eagle in Feng Shui represents wisdom, knowledge, freedom and power. This majestic bird symbolizes the path of enlightenment and enlightenment. A figurine in the shape of an eagle carved from stone will help its owner in revealing spiritual powers, will influence clarity of thinking, and will help to more clearly understand one’s true goals and intentions. Such a talisman is worth purchasing and wearing to activate your creative, intellectual and physical potential when you start a new business or project. Recommended stones: falcon, bull's and tiger's eye, onyx, sardonyx, rock crystal, serpentine, agate, jasper.


The butterfly is a symbol of the soul, immortality, rebirth and resurrection. It symbolizes the ability to transform, to transform, since this beautiful winged creature is born, transforming from a small crawling caterpillar. The butterfly carries creativity within itself, helps to easily perceive the surrounding reality, coloring gray everyday life with its rainbow colors. Figures in the shape of a butterfly help to gain lightness, independence, and creativity. This is a symbol of creative people: artists, writers, poets, musicians. This talisman will also help those who want bright changes in their lives.


In all traditions, the Ladybug acts as a symbol of good luck and good news, as well as a symbol of grace, kindness and forgiveness.

It is believed that the Ladybug acts as a messenger between people and God between the world of the living and the dead. That is why different nations have a custom of asking the most intimate questions about life and death, about the weather and the harvest, about marriage to this insect.

For the Dutch, a ladybug landing on a person is considered a good omen. The Czechs believe that finding a ladybug brings good luck. The French believe that a talisman with her image will protect children from misfortune and warn of danger. For these purposes, you can use pendants in the shape of a ladybug, placing them in a bracelet or wearing them as a pendant on a chain.


This exquisite and beautiful flower is considered in Feng Shui a symbol of the desire for perfection in everything. Orchids are the personification of calm, beauty and inner harmony. In China, they are also symbols of luxury, elegance, patronage and fertility. The living flower itself, its images or pendants made in its shape have become a symbol of abundance, spiritual growth, beauty and purity. It's no wonder that orchids are such popular houseplants.


Roses are a very ancient symbol. In Feng Shui practice, the rose symbolizes love and beauty, romance and passion. According to Feng Shui, Roses are considered a good choice for the bedroom, as they promote harmony and tenderness, creating an atmosphere of romance. Rose brings good luck and promotes love in the family.


In Feng Shui, the lotus is considered one of the most powerful talismans for attracting happiness and romance into your life. An image or carved stone figurine in the form of this flower placed in the southwest of the room will ensure favorable luck for the house and its inhabitants.

four leaf clover

As you know, clover has a leaf consisting of three parts (trefoil). Quatrefoil is very rare in nature. Therefore, it is considered a symbol of good luck. At the same time, the first leaf means faith, the second – hope, the third – love, and the fourth – luck. In Irish culture, a clover with 3 parts (shamrock) symbolizes the Holy Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. If you come across a four-leaf clover, then the 4th leaf signifies God's grace.


An acorn is just the fruit of an oak tree. However, it is a symbol of prosperity, youth, strength and good luck. The Scandinavians believed that oak protected from lightning, therefore, in order to protect yourself from lightning entering the house, you should put an acorn on the windowsill. Even during the time of the Norman conquest of England in 1066, the English carried dried acorns in their pockets, hoping that trouble would pass them by. And today, the acorn is endowed with both protective properties and the ability to attract good luck and long life.

The acorn symbolizes strength, power and energy. An acorn-shaped talisman can help in implementing long-term projects. Promotes the correct and harmonious distribution of one’s forces on the path to the goal, helps to see the true state of affairs. It is good for these purposes to use it in the form of a keychain, or to wear it as jewelry on the body.


Orange symbolizes fertility, splendor, love. Orange blossoms are an ancient symbol of abundance, used in brides' wreaths. This tradition existed for a long time in Christian countries, but it meant chastity. The orange color of oranges is associated with fire and luxury, except in Buddhist countries, where the orange robes of monks symbolize humility. It is customary to eat oranges on the second day of Chinese New Year as a guarantee of wealth and success.


One of the three trees that bloom in winter - an oriental symbol resilience, longevity, happiness and spiritual truth. Bamboo was an attribute of the compassionate bodhisattva Guan-ying and noble people in general. Its tubular, ringed stem was associated in the East with the stages of initiation; it could also symbolize the Buddha himself.

Tree of Happiness

The tree of happiness in Feng Shui is considered a symbol of prosperity and wealth. The talisman is an artificial tree with leaves made of semi-precious stones. The tree of happiness is a family talisman; its roots actively absorb negative Sha energy, and its branched crown saturates the atmosphere of the house with positive Qi energy.

For each individual person or his seven tree leaves are made from a certain type of stone, depending on the tasks of the talisman. You can use a tree of happiness talisman made in the form of a pendant, then the stones are selected according to the owner’s horoscope.


The pyramid is a powerful tool for creating and balancing positive energy. By using pyramid crystals, we harness our own hidden powers to achieve a better future and create good feng shui.

The pyramid in Feng Shui is a practical tool for harmonizing the mind, body and spirit with the environment.

Magic knots

Magic or mystical knots are knots connected in this way, when neither the beginning nor the end of this figure is visible, therefore the main idea of ​​​​such knots is that they symbolize the infinity of the process. The number of elements or knots that make up the figure itself can be different, and the knot itself can be knitted from thread, ribbon, metal wire, or simply drawn on paper. The mystical knot is a popular element of carving, embroidery, door patterns, vases, and furniture.

In literature you can find different names for this figure: mystical knot, knot of happiness, endless knot, knot of luck, eternal knot. The Mystic Knot is not a symbol invented by Feng Shui, it is simply used in Feng Shui practice to enhance an idea. It is popular in many cultures in both Asia and Europe. In fact, this is a traditional Buddhist symbol of good luck, symbolizing the idea of ​​​​the infinity of life, the idea of ​​​​reincarnation - the idea of ​​​​the continuous rebirth of a person from one body to another. It is one of the eight auspicious symbols of the Buddha.

In Feng Shui, the mystical knot also symbolizes the idea of ​​continuity, but not the process of rebirth, but the processes of obtaining good luck, achieving happiness and well-being. In Feng Shui there are many symbols that bring good luck in one area or another of life. If a mystical knot is tied or simply attached to any symbol or amulet, this symbolizes the endless duration of the process that the amulet itself symbolizes. If the amulet is for money, then the knot means an endless influx of money. If the symbol is for love, then the knot means endless love. If the symbol is for health and longevity, then the knot means a very, very long life.


The horseshoe is one of the oldest symbols of good luck. It is believed that she is able to ward off the “evil eye.” Since a horseshoe protects a horse's hooves, people may have thought that it would protect them too. Horseshoes are forged by blacksmiths, and they, in turn, are considered the creators of happiness, because they work with one of the main elements - fire. Some theories claim that the shape of a horseshoe resembles a horned moon, and this is also a symbol of good luck. If the horseshoe is hung upside down, great luck awaits you. People usually hang horseshoe magnets above their doors, hoping to attract good luck.

Sacred number 7

Number 7 is the number of completeness, completeness, perfection of eternity, infinity, space and time. In Scripture, the number 7 is of extreme importance. It can be considered in two respects: as 6 + 1 or as 4 + 3.

In the first case, its symbolic meaning is determined by the narrative of the creation of the world. In 6 days God created heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested from work. On the other hand, the number 4 is the image of the world: 4 angles, 4 winds, 4 verses and 3 the image of the Holy Trinity. So 4 in conjunction with 3 represents the world united with God, creation reunited with its Creator. Thus, seven is a cherished number expressing harmony, unity, perfection and peace. Seven rays of light, seven colors of the rainbow, seven tones of sound, seven days a week.

Sacred number 9

As a triple triad, the number nine has exceptional significance in most cultures. In China, it is considered the most auspicious number and the most powerful and effective in the context of the philosophical system “yin-yang”; the number nine was the basis for calculations both in architecture and land use, and in Taoist religious rituals. In mysticism, "nine" is considered a threefold synthesis of mind, body and spirit.

This number was a Jewish symbol of truth and a Christian symbol of order within order, hence perhaps the division of angels into nine orders or choirs. Nine heavens were present in many traditional ideas about the structure of heaven.

The number nine was a key element in shamanic rituals in North and Central Asia. The nine days and nights during which the Scandinavian god Odin, having pierced himself with a spear, hung nailed to the world tree Yggdrasil, symbolized the period required for his magical restoration and rejuvenation.

Eye of Horus

An Egyptian symbol, a painted image of an eye with a spiral line underneath, reminiscent of the coloring of some types of falcons - the emblem of the falcon-headed sky god Horus, a symbol of his all-seeing power, the integrity of the universe. The right eye is considered a symbol of the active and solar principle, the left - of the passive and lunar principle. According to ancient Egyptian myth, the lunar eye of Horus was torn out by Set in the battle for supremacy among the gods, but after Horus's victory in this battle it grew again. This myth became the reason for the extreme popularity of the Eye of Horus as an amulet to ward off evil.

The Eye of Horus represents the Sun and Moon, symbols of light and the victory of wisdom over darkness, taking away pain and suffering. This amazing amulet attracts good luck and protects against misfortune.

Eye of God

For Christians, the eye is a symbol of God the Father (triangle with an eye inside - the emblem of the Divine Trinity). Symbolizes omniscience, the all-seeing eye, the ability for intuitive vision.

The mystical third eye, sometimes called the “eye of the heart,” symbolizes spiritual vision, which in different religions is associated with different concepts: in Hinduism with the power of Shiva and the synthesizing power of fire; in Buddhism with inner vision; in Islam with supernatural clairvoyance. The third eye depicted on Shiva's forehead is also called the inner eye.

Medusa Gorgon, whose gaze turned people to stone, was a symbol of the “evil eye.” Perseus used a mirror, reflected in which, Medusa's gaze killed her. This myth is the reason why the eye talisman is considered to ward off evil; its image is still placed above the doors of houses in Turkey.

Infinity sign

On the one hand, it is a simple mathematical symbol, and on the other, it has a deep symbolic and even magical meaning.
The sign of infinity means the eternity of existence, innumerability and the impossibility of knowing this world. The infinity sign is a symbol of man's desire for everything perfect and ideal.
The infinity sign has been used in Tibetan rock engravings. He was depicted as a snake biting its tail. According to legend, this snake, named Ouroboros, tried to eat its tail, but over time it grew back and this went on forever. Therefore, it began to denote the beginning and the end, and their connection in natural cycles.
The meaning of the infinity symbol in paired bracelets and jewelry expresses the desire of lovers to be together forever, and at the same time is a symbol of fidelity to each other.
Also, infinity is the desire to live without boundaries and restrictions, because the infinity sign itself was conceived as a symbol indicating the impossibility of specifying boundaries, numerical or quantitative measures.


Cross with a loop, symbol of immortality - corresponds ancient Egyptian symbol of life, or soul. The most sacred cross of the Egyptians is a sign of a living, oath, covenant, which was held in the hands of their Gods, the pharaohs. Accepted by the Christian Church as a sign of eternal life in Christ. Its form can be interpreted as the rising sun, as the unity of the masculine and feminine principles or other opposites, and also as the key to esoteric knowledge and the immortal life of the spirit.


WHEEL- a figure symbolizing the solar path.

The wheel symbolizes perpetual motion. In a spinning wheel, the movement repeats itself. The wheel is a sign of the solstice.

In Buddhism, the wheel symbolizes a continuous chain of rebirths. In addition to the “wheel of life”, the “wheel of law” - karma - was popular in Buddhist semiotics.

The wheel also acts as a symbol of Fortune, a happy occasion, testifying at the same time to the impermanence of life. In a drawing popular in the Middle Ages, four royal persons were placed at the Wheel of Fortune. According to the dynamics of the rotation of the wheel, their mottos are: “I will reign,” “I reign,” “I reigned,” and “I fathered.”

The wheel is a sign of dynamic life, eternal continuous movement. It acts as an emblem of speed.

Occultism refers to teachings that recognize the presence of hidden forces in the human body. If you translate this word from Latin, you can get a meaning that symbolizes something secret and unknown. Magic symbols have always been present in esotericism, which also refers to the occult. Often these teachings have religious overtones.

General value

Typically, anything that cannot be explained is considered paranormal or supernatural. This is something that is not achievable, even when turning to God, so only Satan can help. For many, the occult sciences are associated with something negative. However, not all rituals that are performed in religion are directly related to the occult.

Occultism has in stock different variants of mythical symbols. Each of them has its own purpose and is defined in its own way. If you need to choose one of them, then first you should find out what magic symbols are and their meaning.

Since it often happens that a person uses an esoteric amulet or a magical talisman, and the individual does not even suspect what it can bring. This often causes problems and troubles.

Interpretation of signs

It is worth considering some ancient signs and symbols; you need to know their meaning, since today it is becoming fashionable to decorate yourself with various pendants or rings with mysterious designs. The most common in occultism are the following:

There are other mystical signs, and their meaning should definitely be known before you start using them.

There are those that are used in the form of amulets; it is believed that they can give strength and protect the body and mind of a person.

Yulia Alekseevna Caesar

Hereditary witch. Tarot reader. Runologist. Reiki Master.

Articles written

One of the important aspects of a happy life is a feeling of peace of mind about your own health, the health of loved ones and property. However, if the house can be protected with a reliable lock and alarm, what to do when you have to deal with the negative energy of enemies. Over the course of many centuries, our ancestors learned to interact with different energy flows. Runic protection is based on attracting energy to a specific area of ​​life. Runic energy protects against the evil eye, negativity, damage, evil tongues and even powerful black magic. What is a protective rune and how to wisely use its power against enemies.

Runes of protection - history of appearance

For the first time, runes to protect housing, material assets and people appeared in the legends of Scandinavia. One of the myths told how mortally wounded Odin hung on a tree for more than a week. Ten days later, the god was miraculously healed by drinking the elixir and, by sacrificing his eye, gained unique, magical runic knowledge. Odin painted protective runes on the tree with his own blood.

Since then With Strong runic protective magic was actively used to protect the home and human health. These magical symbols have been helping to prevent attacks from enemies for many centuries.

In the 2nd century, mysterious symbols were combined into a runic alphabet, which Hitler used; a sign was depicted on the uniform of the Nazi army, meaning protection from witchcraft and enemies.

Rune symbols - basic information

Protective runes for people - what they look like

A rune is any natural material on which special characters are depicted. Stone and wooden surfaces, leather, and papyrus are used as a base. The strength of the amulet depends on the strength of the chosen material. For example, the runic protection of a person or a house made on stone is much stronger than the symbol depicted on a piece of leather

How are protective runes used?

First of all, it is necessary to determine the ultimate purpose of using runic protection. You can make or purchase a magic sign for yourself, protecting your home from enemies and any negativity.

Magic signs are important for successful work, because it is here that our successes and achievements haunt our colleagues. Streams of evil, negativity and corruption can haunt you at the slightest success in your career.

Interesting fact: please note that for effective and reliable protection it is advisable to use narrow-range symbols. For example, signs aimed specifically at home, health or work are much more effective than general symbols that protect against negativity.

Harmony between runic symbol and person

To ensure that protection from evil and witchcraft for people is as strong as possible, it is important:

  • choose only natural material - wood or stone that corresponds to your zodiac symbol or a sign associated with the owner’s name;
  • depict the symbol as accurately as possible - free interpretation of the rune is not allowed, all lines and dashes must be drawn very clearly;
  • when the protective symbol is ready, you need to energetically tune in to it, feel its power in your heart, accept the energy, in this case the evil forces will not be afraid of you.

Placement of runes in the home and at work.

There are several methods for placing runes to protect a home:

  • a symbol placed at the entrance to the living room or bedroom protects against damage, negativity, evil, the evil eye and witchcraft;
  • to protect the place of work, it is enough to depict a small, almost invisible to the eye of an outsider, sign;
  • If you are confident in your strong energy, to protect yourself and your home, as well as your place of work, simply draw a rune in the air with your hand; such signs are no less effective than those depicted on natural material.

Advice: if you are not confident in your knowledge of runes, contact a specialist in runic art, he will help you choose a sign for a specific situation and reveal its potential. Remember that incorrectly used formulas can be dangerous to people.

How to create a rune against the evil eye and damage with your own hands

In order for the signs to protect against evil tongues and not allow negativity into the home, three conditions are necessary:

  1. a sincere desire to protect oneself from damage, the evil eye and evil people;
  2. good mood;
  3. silence and loneliness.

A combination of runes to protect a pregnant woman and a newborn

It is believed that a woman during pregnancy and her newborn baby are most vulnerable to the forces of evil and are subject to envy and damage. The combination of the Algiz and Berkana runes will help protect the expectant mother and her child from the evil eye and evil tongues.

To protect family relationships

To strengthen relationships in a couple and protect against envy, use the power of two runes: Gebo and Algiz. A third sign is added to the runic symbol for a married couple - Otal.

Powerful for critical situations

When the situation gets out of control and you are unable to cope with the flow of negative energy, protect yourself with a combination of two runes: Teyvaz and Thurisaz. It should be depicted as follows: Teyvaz is surrounded between two Thurisaz runes. Be careful, this combination of symbols exacerbates a person’s aggression and temper.

How to enable runes

In this video we answer a frequently asked question: “How to activate runes?”

Despite the fact that we live in modern society, just like our ancestors, we are faced with situations in which we have to turn to higher powers for help. Runic art refers to ancient wisdom, which contains the experience and practice of many generations. A respectful attitude towards the strength and power of protective runes will help you in any situation, even one that at first glance seems hopeless.

The magical signs proposed below have a universal effect, and their use is always justified. They can also be combined with all other signs. To do this, first draw a universal sign, and then a special one. Before using these magic signs, we recommend that you read the article:.

A universal magical sign will enhance the magical effect of any other sign, as well as more intensively change the magical properties of water (you can find out how to perform rituals associated with water magic and occult symbolism here), making it more susceptible to subtle energies and vibrations.

In order for you to clearly understand the impact of this or that universal occult sign, a brief information about each of them is given.

Magic signs


Strengthening spell: Stag you pari court.
Effect of use: develops abilities in various sciences, especially astronomy and astrology, increases communication skills.


Time for the ritual: before dawn.
Enhancing color: red, burgundy, brown.
Strengthening spell: hzvan rug nap you.
Effect of use: develops physical strength, endurance, dexterity, and helps strengthen communication abilities.

Period of the ritual: spring and autumn.
Time for the ritual: before dawn.
Enhancing color: red, burgundy, brown.
Strengthening spell: kreg sturg stap.
Effect of use: promotes the development of communication abilities, enhances the functioning of the intellect, helps to achieve success in the exact sciences, especially astronomy, physics, and mathematics.


Period of the ritual: spring and autumn.
Time for the ritual: before dawn.
Enhancing color: red, burgundy, brown.
Strengthening spell: gran boring stopr.
Effect of use: develops self-confidence, strengthens willpower, makes it possible to become more active, tough, learn to defend your own opinion and not stop halfway to achieving your goal.


Period of the ritual: winter and summer.
Time for the ritual: before dawn.
Enhancing color: red, burgundy, brown.
Strengthening spell: krav uston zavr ting.
Effect of use: enhances the functioning of the intellect, helps to achieve success in the exact sciences, especially in astronomy, physics, and mathematics.


Period of the ritual: spring and autumn.
Time for the ritual: before dawn.
Enhancing color: red, burgundy, brown.
Strengthening spell: bromine utr nag stavg.
Effect of use: helps develop intuition, enhances extrasensory abilities, especially omniscience, the ability to see through illusions,
distinguish between deception and lies, and also promotes general intellectual development.


Period of the ritual: spring and autumn.

Strengthening spell: ing stan shor gran.
Effect of use: develops magical abilities, especially the ability to feel the power of stones and plants, see their magical properties and, of course, gives knowledge of how to use them. It also develops general extrasensory abilities and makes a person sensitive to the perception of subtle energies.


Period of the ritual: winter and summer.
Time for the ritual: morning.
Enhancing color: orange, yellow, golden.
Strengthening spell: chorg stack above you.
Effect of use: reveals a person’s ability to make predictions, enhances intuition, makes it possible to clearly see the past, understand the human psyche, especially his subconscious desires. Develops communication skills, in particular the ability to joke.


Period of the ritual: spring and autumn.
Time for the ritual: morning.
Enhancing color: orange, yellow, golden.
Strengthening spell: urg ing stod shan.
Effect of use: intensively develops magical abilities, in particular gives the strength and ability to understand the language of birds and animals, and also enhances clairvoyance abilities, develops the ability to make predictions, reveals intuition and gives the ability to understand people, their psychology and the true motives of their actions.


Period of the ritual: winter and summer.
Time for the ritual: morning.
Enhancing color: orange, yellow, golden.
Strengthening spell: shir gir varg stag.
Effect of use: develops the ability to attract the opposite sex, gives sexual strength and dexterity in love affairs and intrigues.


Period of the ritual: spring and autumn.
Time for the ritual: morning.
Enhancing color: orange, yellow, golden.
Strengthening spell: tikt rank starg lor.
Effect of use: develops communication skills, helps to comprehend the secrets of human psychology, endows with wit and magnetism, which enhances the ability to win over people.


Period of the ritual: winter and summer.
Time for the ritual: morning.
Enhancing color: orange, yellow, golden.
Strengthening spell: lir kurt ing nig.
Effect of use: helps to reveal extrasensory abilities, enhances the ability to perceive subtle energies, makes it possible to understand the principles of magic, develops the ability to predict and clairvoyance, promotes the development of sensitivity to the magical properties of minerals. Brings success in the study of chemistry and alchemy.


Period of the ritual: spring and autumn.
Time for the ritual: morning.
Enhancing color: orange, yellow, golden.
Strengthening spell: card us stab urg.
Effect of use: promotes success in the field of studying magical sciences due to the fact that it increases sensitivity to subtle energies, develops intuition, gives strength to perform witchcraft operations, helps to gain the ability to perceive the magical properties of stones and plants. Promotes success in the study of exact sciences, especially mathematics, astronomy, chemistry and physics.


Period of the ritual: winter and summer.
Time for the ritual: morning.
Enhancing color: orange, yellow, golden.
Strengthening spell: Stig nag ingus prak.
Effect of use: develops intuition, the ability to see through illusion, increases sensitivity to energies associated with time, that is, helps to clearly see the past and future, enhances fortune-telling abilities.


Period of the ritual: spring and autumn.
Time for the ritual: morning.
Enhancing color: orange, yellow, golden.
Strengthening spell: forg nag shirg stav.
Effect of use: intensively develops intellectual abilities, especially in the direction of comprehending religious mysteries, philosophy and other sciences. It also develops the ability to work with the magical properties of plants - to feel their aura, energy - and gives sensitivity to the subtle vibrations necessary for achieving success in the magical sciences. Develops healing abilities.


Period of the ritual: winter and summer.
Time for the ritual: morning.
Enhancing color: orange, yellow, golden.
Strengthening spell: trunk ingur rast log.
Effect of use: enhances communication skills, the ability to attract and win over people of any gender, enhances the ability to achieve success in material matters - money, business contracts. Develops cunning, ingenuity, and dexterity in trading operations. Develops the ability to create confusion with words, and also develops sensitivity to energies that bring success in the financial sphere.


Period of the ritual: spring and autumn.

Strengthening spell: gar tyr pang stav.
Effect of use: reveals abilities for intellectual activity, in particular increases the speed of thinking, develops a non-standard approach to solving difficult situations, and reveals creative abilities.

Strengthening spell: rune ran orshor us.
Effect of use: enhances clairvoyance abilities, develops intuition, enhances the aura, and increases the overall energy level. Gives you the strength to develop your ability to predict, gives you the gift of fortune telling and the ability to understand human psychology.


Period of the ritual: winter and summer.
Time for the ritual: noon.
Enhancing color: green, emerald, sea green.
Strengthening spell: granig shirg ortoing stav.
Effect of use: helps to gain success in water magic, as it develops sensitivity to this type of energy and vibration, helps to develop intuition, divination abilities and the power to clearly see the past and future. Brings success in all matters related to water in one way or another: from success on a sea voyage to good luck on the path to career growth in naval affairs. Develops sensitivity to weather changes and gives the strength to predict its changes.


Period of the ritual: winter and summer.
Time for the ritual: noon.
Enhancing color: green, emerald, sea green.
Strengthening spell: tirgus ingus becoming us.
Effect of use: helps to reveal clairvoyance abilities, the ability to see through the veil of deception, helps to understand human psychology, and develops intuition. Gives powerful magical powers and the ability to control the magical powers of other people and astral beings.


Period of the ritual: winter and summer.
Time for the ritual: noon.
Enhancing color: green, emerald, sea green.
Strengthening spell: brong arus dan yan.
Effect of use: enhances the ability to perceive subtle vibrations. Volak develops intuition, helps develop the ability to make predictions, clairvoyance, and the ability to understand the true meaning of people's behavior. It especially helps in revealing the secrets of the past, and also develops the ability to sense nature, in particular the energies of the earth.

Recently, various symbols and signs, which for many are called “supernatural”, have played an important role in people’s lives. After all, protection from evil spirits, negative energy and everything negative has always been given great importance. The pentagram of protection against dark forces is a powerful symbol that can be used as a pendant, tattoo, amulet, and made with your own hands.

A pentagram for home protection is a talisman that protects a person’s home from black magic, dark forces, the devil, demons and bad people.

Everything dark and supernatural will bypass the entrance to such a house.

The pentagram allows you to protect your home in several ways:

  • perform a special ritual;
  • create a charm pendant.

Below we will look at these two methods that are suitable for protecting your home. In order to create a talisman for a person, not only a pendant, but also a tattoo is suitable. However, the choice of a tattoo artist should be approached with utmost care. It is best if the specialist understands magic and believes in the effectiveness of such tattoos.

Pentagram Ritual

The pentagram of protection as a talisman is also a special ritual that allows you to activate the protective function in your home.

To perform this ceremony you will need a church candle.

You will also first need to think about the places where the sign will be depicted: the pentagram should cover every wall, ceiling and floor. It cannot be depicted opposite mirror surfaces, mirrors and windows, since the effect may be exactly the opposite.

Performing the ritual involves depicting burning candles with pentagram symbols on all thoughtful surfaces. This should be done by concentrating on the amulet and on protective thoughts.

Pentagram pendant

The pentagram pendant is an excellent amulet for the home, which will protect the home and its inhabitants from negative influences, demons, the devil and dark people. To create a talisman you will need a sheet of thick paper or cardboard. On this sheet you will need to draw a five-pointed star with equal angles and enclose it in a circle.

It is recommended to draw a star and a circle with red ink, and when the image is ready, it should be dipped in hot wax. Now the pendant is ready, all that remains is to charge it with energy. To do this, the sheet is placed on the left palm, and the fingers of the right hand need to gently touch the amulet. At this moment, you need to concentrate on what you want to protect your home from.

Now, in a prayer gesture, when the pendant is between two palms, you should bring the pendant to your heart and close your eyes. When you open your eyes after a few minutes, place the pendant on your palm in the correct position, with one ray down - this is a pentagram that protects.

The pentagram of protection should be located near the entrance to the house. This is necessary to protect the home from demons, evil spirits, the devil and bad people. Remember, if you are in doubt about how to correctly depict a symbol, it is best to play it safe by studying photos and images of the sign.

Pentagram of human protection

Pentagrams are used not only as a talisman at home, but are also considered an excellent means of personal protection. The symbol can be enclosed in an amulet, talisman, or be a tattoo.

The sign can be depicted on jewelry, clothing, a belt, a bracelet, and so on. Although amulets and tattoos are considered the most powerful.

Pentagram tattoo

A protective pentagram tattoo is the most effective magical amulet. She constantly accompanies a person and becomes stronger every day.

A tattoo is more practical, unlike an object such as an amulet, which can get lost or break. Therefore, it is difficult to find something better and stronger than a tattoo for personal protection. Various photos will help you decide on the symbol, ensuring that the pentagram is depicted correctly and that the tattoo is effective in terms of protection.

If you decide to get a tattoo with this symbol, then you should carefully choose the artist. It is recommended to give preference to someone who practices applying magical symbols to the skin and believes in their effectiveness. The image color must be black. It should not contain other signs, symbols and objects.

Pentagram amulet

As for amulets, those made of silver are considered the most powerful. The combination of metal and symbol is a win-win. Because silver in itself protects against dark forces, magic, demons, the devil and everything bad. And in combination with the desired sign, its strength increases.

If you decide to make a pentagram amulet yourself, then wood, in particular aspen, will do. Having cut the sign out of wood, it can be used with a thread and worn constantly around the neck. Before using it, you need to charge it with your energy by holding it in your palms for at least fifteen minutes, concentrating on the amulet.

You need to carry the pentagram amulet with you at all times and preferably under your clothes. Strangers should not know what you use for protection. Also, do not give your symbol to anyone. If someone touched it, then in the evening you will need to charge it with your energy. To do this, you will need to leave it overnight on the windowsill under the light of the moon.

The pentagram of protection is a talisman that can be a tattoo, an amulet or any other magical item. This amulet can be made with your own hands or it can be purchased at a special magic store.

For some, such a symbol is something supernatural. However, upon getting to know each other better, you will understand that this is a powerful protection against the devil, demons, dark forces and black magic.