How to calculate wealth code by date of birth. Numerology of money and wealth

Our whole life is influenced by numbers. They not only provide certain information about our life, about a person’s character, but also help change this life for the better. Listen to advice that numerology gives us. You can find them advice on which path to take to achieve well-being. Here is one of them: personal wealth code .

Calculation of personal wealth code by date of birth and name

Add up the numerical value of the name: A(1) +H(6)+A(1)+C(1)+T(2)+A(1)+C(1)+I(1)+I(6) = 20. Now we add the resulting number 20 with the birthday 26 = 46 and bring it to the single-digit number 4+6=10 and 1+0=1. We received a personal wealth code for Anastasia born on the 26th - this is 1. Now let’s look at the decoding of the code:


Finance comes to you through personal independent projects, through your practical experience. You need creative freedom, the opportunity to act individually, to work with new projects and ideas. You can start your own business or head a separate direction where you will act on your own. The main condition for success is your knowledge and practical experience.


For you, money in life is not the most important thing, if you have it, it’s good, if you don’t, it will come where it goes. Activities related to entertainment, improving the quality of life of people, and expressing your talents and personal qualities are suitable for you. An activity where there is a lot of activity, a change in types of work, where you will be interested will suit you. It is possible to receive an inheritance or financial protection from relatives.


You are the owner of one of the money codes of wealth, which means you will always have money, although perhaps not always in large quantities. Their number depends on your type of activity. The most suitable activities for generating income are those related to the creation of long-term, reliable, material objects and projects. Income will grow gradually, but reliably and constantly.


To generate income, you need a team, the ability to collaborate, as well as knowledge and practical experience. Activities related to risk, adventure, travel, trade, experimentation and innovation are suitable for you.


6 is a money code meaning “money under your feet,” the main thing for you is to be able to see it. You can have many sources of income related to your knowledge, information, as well as improving the quality of life of people, caring for other people, and communicating. Be careful and your money will not pass you by.


You are a non-profit person, and you will prefer your favorite business or spiritual, creative search to searching for money. You are a specialist in your field, your income depends on your professionalism and level of knowledge. This could be the field of science or art. There must be freedom of action and creativity in your activities, the results of your work must be unique and exquisite.


You are the owner of the most monetary code of wealth. You are a “money magnet”, but only if you have the right attitude towards money. Don’t put them first in your life, don’t worry about them, act calmly and confidently, money will come to you in sufficient quantities. A serious scale of plans is required, possibly working in international companies.


This is a monetary number, but you can either gain a lot or lose a lot. Your activities may be related to charity. The main thing in this is the attitude towards money: with what feeling you give it and receive it. True charity is found within, when a person both gives and receives with gratitude, when he develops as a person and supports others.


Your finances are related to the scale of your plans. The more people these plans benefit, the more rewards you will receive from the Universe. At the same time, in the first place is your development as a person, spiritual leadership (when, thanks to your personal qualities, character traits and their manifestations, you are an example for other people).

Money is a powerful energy, without which it is very difficult to live in this world. That is why people are constantly looking for methods to attract them. Esotericism also did not stand aside. Let's take a closer look at how the energies of money and numbers interact. In principle, of all the esoteric sciences, numerology is closest to finance. Look at the bills. All of them, without exception, have numbers - denomination, serial number. And they carry a certain energy.

Very often a person intuitively chooses the amount that he puts aside for a deposit, in a piggy bank, or somewhere else. This figure alone can already tell a lot about his thinking, subconscious attitude towards finance, and the material world. You know very well that some people push money away from themselves, while others attract it. For some, even large sums slip through their fingers, while for others they multiply at incredible speed. Numerology of money and wealth gives tips on how to change the situation, reduce unnecessary expenses and increase finances.

Unlucky numbers in monetary numerology

Each number carries a certain energy. For digital to be beneficial, it must be used correctly. For example, some numbers are good in the love sphere, others in the spiritual sphere, and others in the material sphere. Since we are considering a monetary issue, let's analyze the numbers from the point of view of their impact on finances. Please remember the numbers that do not bring wealth.

1 – wasteful energy

A one in combination with a zero has wasteful energy. It is not recommended to save amounts with these numbers, for example, 100, 1000, 10,000, etc. It is also undesirable to receive a salary or display the cost of goods in such sums. Money energy will not stick to a person. She will leave and will not bring much benefit. By saving such amounts, you will encounter circumstances in which you will have to spend them.

2 – energy of poverty

The number 2 in monetary numerology symbolizes need, sacrifice, and duty. It is undesirable to receive a salary or buy goods with two marks. The same applies to 11, since when added it turns out to be 2. Under no circumstances should you take out a loan for such an amount; returning it will be problematic. Also, do not borrow 2000, 20,000, 11,000, there is a high probability that the debt will never be repaid. Don't put your money in two wallets. Although you can’t keep all your eggs in one basket, it’s not recommended to divide your savings between two banks, as you could end up going broke. It is better to already select four financial institutions. 2 is economy, and also duplicity, theft, deception.

7 – energy of material losses

Many people consider seven to be the number of luck and divine care. This is indeed true if we consider the topic of spirituality and self-development. But in monetary numerology, 7 is very dangerous. Numbers love surprises, and savings love stability. It is undesirable to give or inherit amounts from 7, put them on deposit, or lend them. You should also not buy goods with a seven in the price tag; some losses are possible.

Two-faced numbers in monetary numerology

Some monetary numbers in numerology seem to have a dual meaning. They can bring both profit and waste. It is important to know how and where to use them.

3 – energy of expansion and movement

Number 3 in money numerology is very lucky if the matter is connected with a constantly moving financial flow. This is the energy of expansion, potential opportunities, additional earnings. Three adores movement, action, and activity. But at the same time, it is not suitable for savings. Three will not lie like a dead weight on a card or in a piggy bank. Save 300, 3000, 30,000, etc. not recommended, they will be spent quickly. But you are always welcome to do something with them.

5 – energy of acquisitions and pleasures

In numerology, luck and money are associated with the number 5. Five is great for any acquisition. If it is present in the price tag, buy the product without hesitation. Amounts starting from 5 are suitable for investments and contributions. This number loves risk, which is why people often win at casinos with it. 5 can be spent on purchasing a gift; the gift will bring good dividends in the future. But the number is not suitable for storage. 5 will constantly urge you to spend money on pleasure.

6 – energy of work and routine

The number 6 in monetary numerology attracts money, but only for the most necessary things. She will not allow you to starve, walk in shoes with holes, or accumulate utility debts. But it doesn’t promise a luxurious life either. In numerology, the magic of money is directly related to the energy of the number. 6 is energetically connected with labor and restrictions. If a person receives a salary of 6,000, 60,000, etc., most likely, it is difficult for him, he works from morning to evening, puts up with some restrictions. It is not recommended to invest amounts over 6 or put them on deposit. Income will be meager.

9 – energy of giving

Like 7, 9 patronizes the spiritual world more than the material one. She doesn't care about finances. But unlike the seven, the nine does not have a negative attitude towards money. In addition, she benefits those who know how to take care of others. 90, 900, 9000, etc. can and should be donated to charitable organizations and given to those in need. The energy of giving will return to you a hundredfold.

Lucky numbers for money in numerology

So we got to the two most monetary numbers. They are the ones who patronize the material world, attract wealth, and increase savings.

4 – energy of stability

An excellent number for those who like stability and predictability. Amounts starting from 4 are good for bank deposits and savings for the family budget. If the figure is present in the price tag of the product, you can buy it in installments. 4 does not promise great wealth; usually the sums with it are earned through honest labor. But on the other hand, it makes it possible to plan expenses and income, and protects you from unexpected, meaningless expenses.

8 – energy of great possibilities

The number 8 in monetary numerology is considered a kind of magnet that attracts financial opportunities. It is also called the number of infinity or God. Eight attracts opportunities for making money and increasing capital. It also facilitates the flow of finance from various sources. Number 8 patronizes people working on currency exchanges, whose work is fraught with risk. Very good for investment.

Successful combinations of numbers

Money numerology teaches you how to attract money to yourself without straining too much. Think about the purposes for which you need finance and use the following combinations of numbers:

  • 13, 300, 333, 3000
  • 44, 46,48, 440, etc.
  • 50, 500, 5000, 50000, etc.
  • 60, 66, 68, 660, 666, 668
  • 80,84, 86,88,800,888
  • 108 – number of God

Non-monetary combinations of numbers

To prevent losses and unexpected expenses, avoid the following combinations:

  • 10,11,12, 17
  • 20, 21
  • 7,70,777
  • 100, 1000
  • 200, 2000, etc.

Money and wealth numerology will help you increase your income and live a happy, abundant life.

P.S. Do you want to know the personal “money number” that will bring wealth and prosperity to you? Take advantage FREE consultation an experienced numerologist right now. After all, why put off important things until tomorrow if you can improve your life today?

The numerology of money interests both those who have it and those who only dream of “unlimited material possibilities.” If you are a rich person, you need to make sure that the amount of money does not decrease. If you are just going to get rich, you need numerology to attract money, since not everything depends on luck and the availability of starting capital. Attracting money is a science, it is an art that you need to master in order to ensure a comfortable existence for yourself.

Numerology of numbers and wealth are inextricably linked. The attention of people involved in finance to numbers sometimes borders on superstition. However, sooner or later everyone understands that a system is needed in everything. This is the numerology of finance, a method that allows us to avoid losses and ensure profit, I simply record the clues that the numbers give us.

Number of money

What is money numerology, and how should it be used in practice? First of all, it should be said that money numbers in numerology are constant, never changing indicators. Their presence or absence is your answer “yes” or “no” to any commercial proposal.

You can focus on anything – it’s a purely personal choice. Some use calendar dates for this, others use numbers on financial documents, and finally, others use the amount in question. You can find another reference point for yourself, for example, the number of the potential partner’s last name or the number of the name of his company.

It is important to remember: some numbers are monetary numbers in numerology, promising financial success, while others are not. And this means that their presence, from the perspective of the rating system you have chosen, is a warning about risk and a high probability of losses.

Interpretations of basic numbers

Money numbers.

Troika. The most unambiguous and unconditional number of money in numerology. If you see a three, then have no doubt that any financial initiative will end successfully. A sum of money with the number 3 will not be lost, no matter what you do with it. Spend, lend, it will come back.

Six. Favorable number for financial transactions. It promises minimal risk and quite a good profit if you don’t bury yourself. But to get the most out of it, you have to make an effort. It is better to keep the amount with the number 6.

Eight. The number of wealth, but far from single digit. Its use is associated with constant tension, but if you show composure, you will not lose money. The amount with the number 8 must be put into circulation.

Losing numbers

Unit. Considered the number of poverty. If you come across one, beware of making rash decisions. The amount with the number 1 needs to be exchanged as quickly as possible - it has a suppressive effect on your financial abilities.

Two. It is considered the number of dishonesty. Its presence suggests the presence of an opponent trying to get around you. In the best case, you will get half of the profits, while losses can be quite significant. Do not buy anything for an amount with the number 2 - wasted money.

Seven. In any case, a word of caution. Refuse any proposal where seven is present in one way or another. A sum with the number 7 brings losses, even lying “in a box”. Add or spend, just change the number to another.

Special numbers

Four. Unshakable financial situation. Insurance. If there is a four in a financial matter, there may be no profit, but there will definitely be no losses. An amount with the number 4 is suitable for both storage and investment. In the latter case, you will have to work.

Five. This number suggests speed of action in money matters. If you see a top five, don’t hesitate and don’t hesitate. The more often you put into circulation the amount with the number 5, the more profit you will get in the end. The risk is justified.

Nine. Number of non-profit expenses. Good for people involved in charity. The amount with the number 9 is donations, contributions to various funds and social programs. It’s better not to expect dividends from nine.

For everyone, financial stability is represented differently: for some it is the presence of yachts, factories and ships, for others - restaurants and beautiful things, for others - the opportunity to travel, and for others - just to eat well, but to find a way to provide for yourself monetary happiness, one... increase your well-being with all your might.

Numerology of money and wealth, money numerology can help with this. Like money, this science is related to numbers, which means it will be the one that will answer which numbers will attract finance and which, on the contrary, will repel. Thanks to this knowledge, you can easily answer the following questions: “What amount can you borrow and what is better not to borrow?”, “How much money should I put in the bank?”, “How much should I invest in the business?” and others.

Determining the numerological number of a given amount of money

So, you decided to lend money to someone, but you don’t know whether to do it or not. For example, you were asked for 1200 monetary units. Calculate the resulting numerological number: 1+2+0+0=3. Three is a good money number, so you can give money without worrying that it won’t be returned or it will hit your pocket. If you come across an unlucky number, for example, 7, then you just need to add a little more, 20-30 monetary units, bringing the amount to a favorable numerological figure.

Calculate your money and wealth number for free using this online form:

Amount of money in numbers:

The meaning of numbers in monetary numerology:

This number is next to zero, so any number - one - is a kind of zero, emptiness, irresponsibility. Under no circumstances should such a sum of money be invested in banks, given as a loan, and it is not worth borrowing, since the financial situation will become worse every day in any case. You should not purchase goods for an amount that corresponds to one, you may not sell them or they will be stolen, some kind of trouble will happen - a fire, a flood, etc.

This number indicates that you will have to share this amount of money, so you should not have it with your partners; a conflict over finances is possible. If a person receives a salary, the amount of which corresponds to two, then he will quickly spend it or completely give it away for debts, that is, he will share it. The fact is that the two is unstable and does not try to be balanced - a symbol of poverty and economy. For the same reason, you should not put bills with deuces in a piggy bank, in two wallets or in two banks - you will never see them. To correct the influence of a deuce, you need to divide the amount corresponding to it into three banks or invest only part of it.

One of the best numbers in terms of money, because it is a sign of financial opportunity and high earnings. If you happen to have an amount of money that is a multiple of three, you urgently need to give it movement - borrow, invest, or purchase goods with it; storing it will only slow down your material well-being. Try to invest the “three-thirds” amount in a new business, and also buy a lottery with it - it will most likely be a winning one.

Four is the number of reliability and guarantee of financial success, both in the present and in the future. It is better to put aside the amount under the influence of the four, as it will last for a long time and even bring dividends. This money won't go anywhere. By the way, such an amount can be excellent for starting a joint business, however, you will have to work a lot to earn what you want, and it is advisable to invest them in four different places, since it is better to keep a four-fold amount, as they say in the well-known folk wisdom about eggs, in “different baskets” so that they are more whole.

Five is the number of spending, in contrast to three, which makes money, and from four, which is a hoarder. The amount under the influence of the A is good to take on a trip to make it fun and educational. By the way, a “five” can become a money magnet, and a loan will help you return the money with interest. Under no circumstances should you buy large purchases such as a car, real estate, furniture, etc. with a five-ruble sum. - very soon they will leave your life. ...And it’s not always good - fires, accidents and other accidents.

This number is a limitation, since this amount of money will only be enough for what is necessary. It will not be possible to put something aside from it, and there will always be an obsessive idea of ​​loss, a desire to count the balance. But such an amount is easy to earn together - as a family, as a team, or by opening a business with someone, then it will bring prosperity and business development. Although the opportunity to spend more than planned will not be possible.

A dangerous number for material well-being, since this is a risk number, an adventure number. It’s not for nothing that swindlers and freeloaders love it so much. However, free cheese can only be found in a mousetrap, so the amount under the influence of the seven comes easily and goes away quickly, but with consequences, often severe - problems with the law, the influence of criminal structures, etc. It is better not to lend a seven-sum amount, not to put it aside, and also you should not borrow it or give it as a gift, since nothing good will come of it. Unless the owners of gambling and gambling establishments are lucky.

The number of infinity, so eight can be called the most monetary number. It will always increase investments and deferred funds, and will always ensure the movement of financial flows. Although this “infinitely rich” eight has one big drawback - it never brings money to those who want to spend it on something bad - buying stolen or “wronged”, there is a big risk of parting with this amount forever.

This is the number of spirituality, so the amount of money under the influence of nine should be spent on buying paintings, books, musical instruments and other works of art. It will bring neither profit nor large waste, a neutral number. Therefore, investing such an amount in a bank will not bring any interest.

Numerology covers many spheres of existence, not avoiding the topic of money, especially since banknotes are measured in numerical terms.

If there are numbers, then there is counting. By applying simple numerological secrets, you can succeed in achieving material wealth. Let's consider which numbers attract money and which, on the contrary, act unfavorably. Knowing the influence of numbers will give answers to many questions, for example, what amount to deposit in a bank account, how much to value your services at, how much to apply for a loan, how much to lend and how much to donate to charity.

How to calculate the numerological value of a sum of money?

It's very simple. Sum up all the digits of the number. The result is the numerological value. For example, you are considering whether to borrow a certain amount of 2,500 rubles. We add up all the available digits of the number: 2+5+0+0 = 7. We get the numerological value of this amount: 7. And if so, then such an amount should not be lent. Why? Seven is an unfavorable number for the material sphere, which means that the debtor may have problems fulfilling his obligations. Offer a loan of 2400 rubles, the numerological value of which is 6, or 2100, which in the sum of the numbers will give 3. Six and three are numbers of wealth, so you can be sure that these numbers can increase your wealth. Let's talk about the features of numbers in more detail.

Three, six, eight - numbers of wealth

Number "3"

Three is the ideal number for increasing wealth. This number literally attracts new financial opportunities, increasing capital. If you intend to invest money in expanding your business, use numerological knowledge: the number "3" is very favorable in this sense. You can safely operate with a sum of money that has the numerological value of “three”: lend or borrow, determine the cost of your services using this number. If you have an electronic wallet, choose a password for it so that all its digits add up to “three”. This way you increase the chances that the funds in your electronic wallet will increase significantly.

You just need to take into account such a feature of the troika as continuous movement, which is why the troika is not a suitable value for accumulating funds. There is no need to set aside such a sum for storage; it is better to put it into circulation so that it works to improve your situation here and now.

Number "6"

Six is ​​another number suitable for attracting wealth. Unlike the three, there is something more associated with routine in the six. For the purpose of daily expenses, it is advisable to spend an amount whose digits add up to the number six. You can use the six when paying loans, shopping, purchasing clothes. It must be taken into account that six is ​​the number of stability. It turns out that amounts equal to six are ideal for saving money. This means that you can put this amount on deposit or put it aside in reserve. At the same time, the money will increase and work for you. You will not have the desire to direct them in a dubious direction.

Number "8"

Eight is a controversial number. There is constant instability of the financial situation. Eight then
increases or decreases profits. But be that as it may, “8” is the number of wealth. Therefore, no matter how the matter ends, you will still be a winner. You are not in danger of collapse. If you are embarking on bold projects, you can be confident in your endeavors. If you have a balanced nervous system, try the Eight in achieving financial results. With it, you can both achieve great success and simply get back all the money you spent. All risks will be minimized.

One, two, seven are not monetary numbers

Number "1"

In finance, one is not the best value, since its position is not much better than zero. You can't expect any income from a single unit. This number is a symbol of poverty. Make sure that you never use the number “1” in your money transactions. A unit will not lead you to prosperity, no matter how other circumstances contribute to it. Avoid using such amounts. Even if you don’t have exactly 100 or exactly 10,000 monetary units in your wallet, because zeros give off a vibration of poverty, amplified by the value of one.

Number "2"

The 2 also gives off a vibration of poverty. Let no amounts be involved in financial transactions, the numerological value of which is reduced to two. The number "2" is capable of dividing and dividing other numbers. In the monetary sphere, the two symbolizes deception and theft. If any item is purchased for an amount with the value “2”, it will quickly fail or simply turn out to be unnecessary. If you lend an amount equal to two in digital value, there is a high probability that it will never be returned. Two is a symbol of empty expenses. It is also not recommended to split money into two wallets. If you go on a trip, don’t divide your money into two piles or two pockets; it’s better to put it in four different places.

Number "7"

The number seven is a very lucky number in numerology. But it will not bring success in accumulating wealth. Seven is a symbol of spirituality, which means this number is opposite to everything material. This is why you should not lend an amount with a value of “7”. Do not borrow or lend such an amount, and do not put it in storage. Avoid the Seven when dealing with money issues if you do not want to face material needs.

The number "4" is the number of stability

Four is a symbol of stability. If amounts with the vibration of the number “4” appear in the solution of your financial issues, you are guaranteed well-being in the material sphere. Just remember that the four support those who are not afraid of hard work. Thus, do not expect money to rain from the sky by allocating $4,000 or another amount with a value of four for business development. Of course, you will not be left without money, but to make a profit you will need to work hard. If you need to pay utility bills, purchase goods for your home and family, feel free to use the vibration of the number “4”. Amounts that result in a four are favorable for saving for the future. The amount you deposit into your account is unlikely to increase quickly. But this money is ideal for unexpected expenses.

The number "5" is good for spending

The number five is favorable for anything new in the financial sector. Five belongs to the numbers of material well-being, but does not always attract wealth in the same way as three, six or eight. Five is to some extent associated with risk, so everything depends on chance, as they say: “it’s either hit or miss.” But the five has another, no less important quality: it is very favorable in terms of spending. Spend the amounts that ultimately add up to the number “5” with pleasure - for relaxation, entertainment and everything that brings joy. Under this condition, all the money spent will return to you in the near future. Attention! The number "5" is not suitable for accumulation. Everything that you put off will go inappropriately and much earlier than the allotted time.

Number "9" - for charity

Nine is not the most monetary number. It does not help in increasing wealth. The number "9" helps a person to realize the hidden wisdom of true happiness, which does not lie in material things. Therefore, if you have in your hands an amount equal to the number "9", it will bring good luck if it is given or donated to those in need.