Why dream of an avalanche of snow covers. snow avalanche

If you dreamed of an avalanche, then you need to know what you wanted to convey in your dream and turn to the interpretation of dream books. In general, a dream about an avalanche serves as a kind of warning that you are taking unnecessary risks, that you have unresolved problems that are required for a quiet life, or that you are taking adventurous activities.

Why dream of an avalanche, an avalanche - this is all well described in various modern dream books. Before you turn to dream books, you should remember how far at that moment was between you and the mountains, whether and with what degree the snow avalanche flew down. After you remember this information, which is very important for the correct interpretation of sleep, after that you can safely take on the decoding of sleep and turn to dream books for help.

According to Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book reports that a person who has a dream about a rapidly falling snowfall is waiting for cardinal life changes. In this case, there is a relationship between the scale of the avalanche and the changes that will occur in reality. That is, the larger the scale of the avalanche, the greater the significance of changes in life. If, with such a spectacle, you experienced positive emotions, then changes in the future will be to your taste.

But, at the same time, the world-famous psychologist Miller points out that if a snow landslide covered you in a dream, then this is already a warning that once again you should not take risks in any business. Most likely, you should think about how to protect yourself and check all your intentions for their rationality.

According to Vanga's dream book

The interpretation of Vanga's dream book does not indicate a bad outcome. On the contrary, the clairvoyant provides descriptions of every detail of the dream in great detail and indicates the possibility of joyful events.

According to the interpretations of the healer Vanga, to see a snowfall in a dream means the following:

  • If the person who had the dream is at the epicenter - a danger that can happen from partners, partners;
  • The person who dreamed of an avalanche is watching others - someone from your environment will need support;
  • A person who sees such a dream will get out of the blockage - this person will defeat his rivals;
  • The joy on the part of a person who saw a dream about elemental power is sudden guests.

Islamic dream book

The snow that fell in the winter season means that the year will be different in yield. For a person, this means that things will bring benefits and a person will recover from diseases. The snow that falls during the summer season indicates that the sleeper will experience waste as well as loss.

If in a dream the sleeper sees snow that has fallen at the moment of sleep, then this should be interpreted as achieving complete harmony, both at home and at work. The combination of mud and snow, which is caked, will serve as a warning that concessions must be made to the person who turns out to be stronger.

A snowstorm is a sign that you will have to be sad for a short amount of time. Seeing large snowflakes in a dream, distinguished by their beauty, means experiencing material difficulties in reality, or you may have a quarrel with your loved one. Trees covered with snow portend good luck.

The probability of the fulfillment of dreams

Since some people are more influenced by the Moon and others by the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 2nd day of the month. The dreams that I had on the night of today are empty and mean nothing.

Today is the 10th lunar day. Dreams, dreamed on the night of today, will soon come true.

Today is Thursday. Thursday is the day of the social planet Jupiter. Thursday's dreams in the same form tell about work, about the prospects that open before you. Thursday's dreams will show activities that can bring great success. "Jupiterian" dreams can also tell about your superiors or about patrons, sponsors, mentors. On Thursday night, you can see the solution to any issues related to social, public life.

It's great if in a Thursday dream you took part in a major event. Large-scale paintings in a dream of Jupiter mean your quick success in social activities, rapid promotion, love for you from your superiors. If a small number of participants are involved in "Jupiterian" dreams, then work is not the main thing now and no major changes are expected in this regard. If you see your ancestors or pictures of distant times, then life will force you to continue the work of your parents, to study their profession.

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AVALANCHE - Modern Dream Interpretation

If you dreamed of an avalanche that fell from the mountains with a deafening roar and covered with snow and crushed everything in its path, then this means that you will soon receive news that is harmful or regrettable for you. Another interpretation of the dream: being preoccupied with your problems, you will not show the necessary sensitivity to your friend, he will consider your attitude indifferent and will be offended if you do not improve the situation, then you risk losing your friend.

An avalanche seems to be moving right at you - despite the horror that you experience in a dream, this dream is good. Your love feeling will not go unanswered, you and your chosen one will be swallowed up by an avalanche of love.

If you dream that you were covered with snow, then misfortune threatens you or your loved ones. Grief will fall on you, like the snow that covered you in a dream.

The descent of mudflows in a dream portends need, sadness, loss of fortune.

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An avalanche in a dream is a warning about vain risks, unresolved problems, adventurous activities. Why dream of her gathering is well described by modern dream books. Remember how far the mountains were from you at that moment and how fast the snow was flying down, only after that start interpreting the dream.

Miller's dream book calls for vigilance

Gustav Miller claims that if you dreamed of a powerful landslide or a stream of snow in the mountains, it means that serious life changes are coming. The stronger the snow avalanche turns out to be in a dream, the larger the area it buries under itself, the more difficult it will be to get out of a difficult situation in real life.

In addition, the famous psychologist’s dream book says that it’s time to think about your own safety and not take risks where you can do without bravado and insolence. Seeing a collapse and understanding why there is an abundance of snow in a dream will help the sensations received in a dream. The more positive emotions there were, the better the interpretations will be.

Don't lose your presence of mind

If you dreamed that an avalanche suddenly hit you, be careful with your finances. Do not risk in vain, do not invest in dubious activities. A dream means your unpreparedness for serious deals, big adventures, important steps.

Seeing in a dream, buried under a monstrous landslide, a whole village or a large number of people - to cataclysms and disasters. But even in this case, you should not be afraid - if you are not a soothsayer or a prophet, the dream may turn out to be just a "dummy". Modern dream books they promise: you will stay afloat and even improve your financial situation if you dreamed that you managed to get out of the abyss safe and sound.

Keep things under control

You can find out more about what the collapse is dreaming of from Vanga's dream book. The clairvoyant does not predict a bad outcome. On the contrary, she describes in detail every detail of the dream and prophesies joyful events. According to the interpretations of the healer, to see an avalanche means:

  • to be at the epicenter yourself - to danger from companions;
  • watch others - someone from the environment will need support;
  • get out of the blockage - to victory over rivals;
  • rejoice at the power of the elements - to sudden guests.

Find the benefit, use it

Seeing an avalanche in a dream and stopping it is wonderful. Dream Interpretations predict stunning success. Ample opportunities will open before you, people will appear who can solve the accumulated problems in one fell swoop. If you dreamed that you own magical powers and be able to change the direction of the landslide, rejoice - you will win even hopeless lawsuits.

An invasion of guests, sudden celebrations associated with wedding chores, christenings, a swift farewell to the army, or an unexpected acquaintance - this is exactly what a snow avalanche dreams of, descending from the top of the mountain to the foot away from you and your loved ones. A stormy surge of feelings in relation to loved ones and loved ones on your part is guaranteed.

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from Tuesday to Wednesday

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday is under the auspices of Mercury. Such a dream or several short dreams are related to your environment. Dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday are light and fleeting, they are not remembered. Mercury is an airy planet that governs people's communication skills and their ability to express themselves. It's good when there is movement in the "Mercury" dream, moving from city to city, for example. Movement means diversity, saturation of life, change for the better, recovery, building relationships with interesting people. If Wednesday night passed in flights, it means that soon a lot of information will be available. You will become more independent of circumstances.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse Lavina

Seeing - disrespect, great danger: being bombarded - misfortune: snowy - sadness

Dream Interpretation of Freud Lavin

If you were bombarded with a snow avalanche, sandy, earthen or some other landslide, then you constantly encounter various difficulties in the life around you and you are overcome by stress. If you are trying to dig yourself out on your own without waiting for help, then this indicates your strong character, that you do not shy away from difficulties. If you do not try to do anything and blame yourself for everything, then you are constantly in a depressed and depressed state and blame everything and everyone for all your troubles and failures. If outside help comes to you, then you are constantly struggling with the difficulties you have encountered and strive to overcome them. If you managed to hide from an avalanche or somehow avoid it, then you can easily find a way out of the most difficult situations, and if you still get into them, you do not lose your presence of mind.

Lavin's modern dream book

To dream about how an avalanche fell from the mountains is a warning that you must be careful in order to avoid a dubious situation in time. If you find yourself under a thick layer of snow from a mountain avalanche, sad events await you.


Anchor points:

  1. see an avalanche
  2. Avalanche Rescue
  3. Get into an avalanche
  4. destruction

see an avalanche

A dreaming snow avalanche is a sign that you are in danger. You should be extremely careful to avoid misfortune. Mud avalanche, mudflow- your reputation will be damaged seriously and for a long time. If you clearly understood that she would not get you, and you are safe, you know exactly how to avoid dangerous situations.

Avalanche Rescue

To see the readiness of an avalanche to descend - unexpected problems may appear. Seeing yourself trying to dig out - your strength, both physical and spiritual, is enough to overcome any obstacles, it is important not to start feeling sorry for yourself. You were able to hide, hide from the avalanche - you will overcome all the troubles on your own. Other people helped you - you are destined to experience a lot.

Get into an avalanche

Seeing yourself caught in an avalanche is very bad news that can unsettle you for a long time. They couldn’t get away from her, they fell under the snow, to see themselves falling asleep are sad events. She carried you- could have avoided trouble, but did not notice the danger in time.


The avalanche destroyed exactly your house in a dream - there will be difficulties with money. Your financial condition deteriorate noticeably. These were other people's houses., uprooted trees, etc. - with difficulty, but stay afloat. She left nothing behind - feelings will overwhelm you so that you forget about everything in the world.

If you were covered with a snow avalanche, sandy, earthen or some other landslide - you constantly encounter various difficulties in the life around you and you are overcome by stress.

If you are trying to dig yourself out on your own without waiting for help, this indicates your strong character, that you do not shy away from difficulties.

If you do not try to do anything and blame yourself for everything, you are constantly in a depressed and depressed state and blame everything and everyone for all your troubles and failures.

If outside help comes to you, you are constantly struggling with the difficulties you have encountered and strive to overcome them.

If you managed to hide from an avalanche or somehow avoid it, you can easily find a way out of the most difficult situations, and if you still get into them, you do not lose your presence of mind.

Avalanche according to Hasse's dream book

To see an avalanche is disrespect, a great danger; being bombarded is a misfortune; snowy - sadness.

Avalanche according to the Family Dream Book

Avalanche - Seeing an avalanche in a dream - to risky ventures. If you see an avalanche in a dream, then this indicates that the events that you are witnessing are developing rapidly. If in a dream you see that an avalanche carries you away, then this is a warning that you are involved in some kind of risky venture and cannot fully control the situation. If you are watching an avalanche from a safe distance, then in reality you will show prudence and will not suffer as a result of an adventure. If you dream that someone is being carried away by an avalanche, it means that one of your loved ones really needs help. If you see in a dream that your house is swept away or destroyed by an avalanche, then this is a warning that your material well-being is in danger. If you dream that the surrounding houses were hit by an avalanche, but your house is safe and sound, then in reality you will be able to stay afloat in a difficult crisis situation. If you dream of an avalanche from Wednesday to Thursday, then this warns you that someone has started a risky game with you. To see a dream from Thursday to Friday in which you are escaping from an avalanche is a sign that you should think more about your family. If you dreamed of an avalanche from Friday to Saturday, then your undertaking is very risky and you should carefully consider everything before you set things in motion. A blizzard to see a blizzard in a dream - to look for a way out of this situation. If you dream of a blizzard, then you should show more determination, otherwise your business may decline. If you dream that you are lost due to a snowstorm, then in reality you will find a clarification of the situation and resolution of issues. If in a dream you are trying to hide from a blizzard, then you are in no hurry to sort things out and do not want to aggravate the situation. If in a dream you dream of a blizzard, and it knocks you down, then in reality your beloved woman is deceiving you. If in a dream snow falls asleep on you and you cannot get out, then this means that you will have very strong feelings about breaking up with your beloved. If you see that in a dream a blizzard is hitting your house, then in reality you will have problems with money and misunderstanding on the part of colleagues. If you dreamed that your house was destroyed during a snowstorm, then this is a warning that you can lose a large amount of money due to an unsuccessful investment. If you see a snowstorm in a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday, then such a dream warns you of a possible bankruptcy and the need to urgently take action. If you saw a blizzard in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, then you need to conclude a contract without delay, otherwise you will miss the opportunities that open up. To dream of a blizzard from Friday to Saturday means to be attacked by ill-wishers. And if you dream of a blizzard from Saturday to Sunday, then a big but, alas, unrequited love awaits you.

Avalanche according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A snow or any other avalanche in a dream is a sign of accumulated tension and unresolved problems.

Seeing a powerful avalanche that does not threaten you usually indicates that you have given up or are ready to give up on some problems and you may feel great relief in the near future.

A threatening avalanche or dangerously hanging mountains of snow, ready to break off the slope, is a sign that unresolved problems threaten to cover you with your head.

Avalanche according to the latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Avalanche - get rid of something painful.

Avalanche according to the Spring dream book

A snow avalanche seen in a dream will blow everything in your path away - everything that prevented you from living a normal life. Fate will finally turn to you with a smile on your face.

Avalanche according to the Summer dream book

An avalanche that sweeps away everything in its path - to crazy love.

Avalanche according to the Autumn dream book

Seeing an avalanche coming down from the mountains is bad weather.

Dream book avalanche from A to Z

If in a dream you see an avalanche in the mountains, it means that you are in danger, which you will be able to avoid if you are warned about it in time.

Getting into an avalanche means that you will soon receive sad news that will unsettle you.

Dirty mudflow avalanche - portends insinuations around your participation in a scandalous case.

Avalanche according to the dream book of Simon Kananit

Avalanche - Seeing - disrespect, great danger - being bombarded - misfortune - snowy - sadness

Avalanche according to the Modern Dream Book

To dream about how an avalanche fell from the mountains is a warning that you must be careful in order to avoid a dubious situation in time.

If you find yourself under a thick layer of snow from a mountain avalanche, sad events await you.

Avalanche according to the dream book of Catherine the Great

Avalanche - you see in a dream an avalanche coming down from the mountains, being busy with your problems, you will not show the necessary sensitivity to a friend; he will consider your attitude indifferent and offended; if you do not correct the situation, you risk losing a friend. An avalanche seems to be approaching right at you - despite the horror that you experience in a dream, this dream is good; your love feeling will not go unanswered; you and your chosen one will be swallowed up by an avalanche of love.

Avalanche according to the dream book of the healer Akulina

You dreamed Avalanche - The dream warns of misfortune. Imagine that the temperature is rising rapidly, the avalanche is melting. And now there is a waterfall in place of the avalanche. Admire the waterfall that appears in front of you.

Avalanche according to the Creative dream book

You dreamed about Avalanche what it is for. 1. To see an avalanche in a dream means to experience destructive power in reality. If we are in its epicenter, then circumstances have covered us headlong. 2. From a psychological point of view, we need to regain control of forces outside of ourselves. Or we are in a dangerous position. 3. The power of repressed emotions can overwhelm us.

Avalanche according to the dream book of a housewife

Avalanche - tension; suppression of emotions.

Avalanche according to the Male dream book

Seeing an avalanche in a dream is a risky venture.

If you see an avalanche in a dream, then this indicates that the events that you are witnessing are developing rapidly. If in a dream you see that an avalanche carries you away, then this is a warning that you are involved in some kind of risky venture and cannot fully control the situation. If you are watching an avalanche from a safe distance, then in reality you will show prudence and will not suffer as a result of an adventure. If you dream that someone is being carried away by an avalanche, it means that one of your loved ones really needs help.

If you see in a dream that your house is swept away or destroyed by an avalanche, then this is a warning that your material well-being is in danger. If you dream that the surrounding houses were hit by an avalanche, but your house is safe and sound, then in reality you will be able to stay afloat in a difficult crisis situation.

If you dream of an avalanche from Wednesday to Thursday, then this warns you that someone has started a risky game with you. To see a dream from Thursday to Friday in which you are escaping from an avalanche is a sign that you should think more about your family. If you dreamed of an avalanche from Friday to Saturday, then your undertaking is very risky and you should carefully consider everything before you set things in motion.

Dream book avalanche for the whole family

Seeing an avalanche in a dream is a risky venture.

If you see an avalanche in a dream, this indicates that the events you are witnessing are developing rapidly.

If in a dream you see that an avalanche carries you away, this is a warning that you are involved in some kind of risky venture and cannot fully control the situation.

If you are watching an avalanche from a safe distance, in reality you will show prudence and will not suffer as a result of an adventure.

If you dream that someone is being carried away by an avalanche, it means that one of your loved ones really needs help.

If you see in a dream that your house is swept away or destroyed by an avalanche, this is a warning that your material well-being is in danger.

If you dream that the surrounding houses were hit by an avalanche, but your house is safe and sound, in reality you will be able to stay afloat in a difficult crisis situation.

If you dream of an avalanche from Wednesday to Thursday, this warns you that someone has started a risky game with you. To see a dream from Thursday to Friday in which you are escaping from an avalanche is a sign that you should think more about your family.

If you dreamed of an avalanche from Friday to Saturday, your undertaking is very risky and you should carefully consider everything before setting the matter in motion.

Avalanche according to the dream book of the XXI century

Seeing an avalanche in a dream is bad news.

Avalanche according to the Slavic dream book

Avalanche - to violent passion or great danger. Speed ​​of action is required. Scorpion.

Avalanche according to the Children's dream book

Avalanche - soon there will be literally a collapse of various events in your life, and it may happen that all these events will take you by surprise and are unlikely to bring joy.

Dream book avalanche 2012

An avalanche is an urgent need to choose the main thing and concentrate on it.