Famous superheroes. The most powerful comic book superheroes

The Marvel Universe is one of the most successful industries producing comics, animated and gaming content. Today, under its auspices, the best artists and animators have been gathered, who delight their fans with new stories and original characters. The company was founded in nineteen thirty-nine by Martin Goodman, and was originally called Timely Comics. Over the course of seventy-six years, Marvel has undergone a lot of changes, from its editorial staff to its operations. Since the founding of the company, a huge number of very different, interesting and unique heroes have been born, whose task has always been the salvation of our world.

Great comics, films and games continue to capture the hearts of millions of fans well into the twenty-first century. Marvel is one of the few that has managed to maintain its high bar for such a long time. And throughout the long history of the company, from a large list of superheroes, some were especially loved by fans of this universe. These are the ones that will be discussed in this article.

Top 10 most popular heroes of the Marvel universe. Happy reading!

– also known as Charles Francis Xavier. He is the leader of the X-Men team. Stan Lee and Jack Kirby worked on its creation. The occupation of this character is the legal protection of mutants by legal means, their socialization in human society, as well as protection from extremist activities of the less conscious part of mutants. Xavier is an unshakable authority among Marvel characters, who often turn to him for advice on issues in various industries. For a long time, Charles kept his involvement with mutants secret, as well as his leadership in the X-Men team. Charles has impressive abilities, such as reading minds, the ability to create illusions in a person's mind, cause short-term paralysis of an opponent's body, complete or partial amnesia, use strong psychic waves as a weapon, and identify mutants within sight.

– also known as Ben Jacob Grim. His biography begins in New York, in a Jewish family that was financially disadvantaged. Ben's brother, Daniel, led a criminal gang. After his death, Benjamin became the head of the gang, but soon realized that this activity would not lead to anything good, which became the reason for changing the way and rhythm of life. He goes to college, where his success in academic disciplines turned out to be very mediocre, but he very successfully compensated for this with achievements in sports, in particular in American football. After graduating from an educational institution, having finally decided that there is no place for him in the scientific path, the young man goes to serve in the army. There his abilities as a pilot are revealed, and in a very short time Ben ends up on a team of testers of unique, cutting-edge equipment, where he is also given powers to carry out secret missions. He acquired his unique abilities after a flight into space, where a ship with a scientific team was caught in a storm of cosmic radiation, as a result of which Ben discovered his extraordinary abilities. After the mutation, the character's life changed dramatically. Given the fact that he had a crushing force and violent colors appeared in his life, the return of his former life turned out to be impossible. Because of his specific appearance, his wife left him, and in the eyes of other people he became nothing more than a freak. Against this background, Ben was gripped by severe emotional unrest, and, as a result, conflicts in the “four” became more frequent. During the height of the secret wars, he was given a unique opportunity to return to his former appearance, but the main character decided not to change anything, arguing that in this appearance he could do more good, and his real friends do not care about appearance. The Creature’s abilities consisted of enormous physical strength and invulnerability to various types of weapons due to its cover. His arsenal also includes knowledge of various martial arts, excellent piloting abilities, and the ability to transform from a rocky form to a normal human form.

- the son of the gods Odin and Gaia, who is a representative of German-Scandinavian mythology, appears in Marvel comics in nineteen sixty-two. Its popularity remains very high, and as a result, a full-length film of the same name was shot in two thousand and eleven.

Thor spent his childhood with his half-brother Loki, who was in constant envy of his older brother, since he got the most unique and best. It is worth noting that among his fellow tribesmen, Thor was always a favorite in all endeavors. In his eighth year, he received Mjolnir as a gift - a hammer on which special magic was applied. The condition for receiving it was the status of a brave warrior, which he receives after a short period of time...

Thor made his debut arrival on earth in the ninth century after the birth of Christ, the reason for which was the prayers of the Vikings. He was pleased with such boundless devotion on the part of the northern people, and for many years he was the leader in all campaigns, learning the intricacies of military craft, but after the blatant incident of the murder of clergy in a Christian monastery, Thor distanced himself from his admirers and returned to his native Asgard. Despite the achievements of good deeds and generous deeds, there was pride and stubbornness in his soul, which served as a significant reason for Odin’s worries, which served as the fulfillment of such an idea: he sent Thor to Earth in human form and with a defect in his leg, depriving him of all his abilities and memory. On Earth he was known as Donald Blake. One hoped that his son would change his attitude towards things and be more modest. In turn, Blake succeeded in the medical field, becoming an outstanding surgeon, gaining fame as a good doctor, and also opening a private clinic in New York. For an impressive period of time, Thor could not recall the memory of his previous life, but over time, most of his memory returned to him. As a result, Odin told Thor about the reasons for his exile to Earth. The peculiarity of this character also lies in the fact that the artifact he owns - the hammer, unlike many similar to it, does not give Thor strength, but only exaggerates it. These, by the way, include: flight, the ability to summon lightning, as well as incredible strength, endurance and reaction.

7. Jean Gray

Just like the Creature, she is an important member of the X-Men team, appearing there for the first time in nineteen sixty-three under the pseudonym Wonder Girl. Gray's abilities - telekinesis and telepathy - were with the girl from birth, but only appeared ten years later, after Jean saw the death of her best friend. Being next to her dying friend, the girl involuntarily penetrates her friend's mind, thereby feeling the same as she does. Such a strong test almost led to the death of Gina, however, instead of death, it led to a coma. Only Professor Xavier was able to bring the child out of the state of balancing between life and death.

He later found out that Gray's mind was too young to cope with her abilities. Based on this, he placed a block in Jean’s head, limiting her access to telekinesis. She became fully ready by the age of thirteen, after which she left her home and went to Xavier’s school, where she already became a full member of the X-Men team.

Possessing, in addition to her innate abilities, also the Phoenix Force, the girl rose from the dead several times. She is a very important person in the lives of many people, including Professor X, Wolverine, Cyclops and her two children, Rachel and Cable. With Cyclops - Scott Summers, from the very beginning, the girl had a warm and tender relationship, which, despite many difficulties, still led the couple to marriage and two children.
Green remained a central figure throughout much of the X-Men's history, and can also be seen in the animated series of the same name.

Another superhero of the Marvel universe revealed himself to the world in March nineteen sixty-three. A charismatic, brilliant and wealthy inventor with a reputation as a "playboy" is seriously injured and captured by terrorists who force him to create weapons of mass destruction. However, having enlisted the help of a local scientist, Tony Stark instead creates a kind of exoskeleton, with the help of which he leaves the place of his imprisonment.

A little later, having recovered, Stark decides to improve his suit in order to further use it to protect his country. Since at first Anthony decided to hide his identity, the image of the now famous Iron Man appeared.

At the time of publication, Iron Man was an integral part of the Avengers, as well as several other teams that branched off from them. His solo series was launched five years later, in May one thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight.

An important component of the entire Iron Man suit is, of course, the armor. She easily gives Stark superhuman strength and a very high level of physical protection. While wearing a suit that operates even in standard mode, Anthony is capable of lifting a load of up to ninety tons, and his jet-powered boots allow him to practically fly. In addition, the suit is equipped with all kinds of missiles, lasers and even a flamethrower.

Also, Tony Stark has a telepathic connection with the Internet, and can instantly gain access to any computer in the world.

This character was created in nineteen sixty-four. If we turn to the canon, we meet Matt Murdock, one of the few people who became superheroes, but were also disabled.

Matt went blind when he was a teenager. He was trained by an old and also blind martial arts master. Over many years of training, he managed to develop all his other senses so acutely that they very successfully compensated for his vision. And at the same time, Murdoc became an excellent fighter.
Plus, in addition to these qualities, the young man also receives a “sixth sense”, due to the radiation that blinded him. Seeing a blind old man who was crossing the road and could get hit by a truck, Matt rushed to push him away, but the radioactive liquid that was in the car got into the guy’s eyes, as a result of which he completely lost his vision.

After some time, Murdoch's father is killed by criminals. Burning with a desire for revenge, Matt creates a suit for himself from the boxing robe of the deceased and takes the name “Daredevil”. Having destroyed the killers, Matt decided to found his own law firm and devote himself to serving the law. So he fought crime. On the one hand, as lawyer Matt Murdock, on the other, as the superhero Daredevil.

One of the most famous and fan-favorite characters in the entire line of Marvel heroes is, of course, the Hulk.

Many years ago, physicist Bruce Banner received a fair amount of radiation while testing a bomb he created. This led to the birth of the Hulk, an uncontrollable monster whose enormous size and hot temper led to constant destruction around him. Because of this, both Banner and the persona he created are often targeted by the police.

The main guise of the Hulk - Dr. Banner, from comic to comic, retained his general character traits - a brilliant scientist, but devoid of any emotions. The splitting of his character with each outburst of anger only deepened the scientist’s isolation, and for years he could not build a serious relationship with anyone.

At the time of the experimental explosion, a stranger appeared at the test site - a very young boy who had come for testing. Seeing this, Banner rushed to save the guy. But, having pushed him, Bruce himself got into the epicenter of the explosion, thereby taking on the maximum dose of radiation exposure. Waking up some time later in the hospital wing, the doctor felt quite well, but at night he transforms into an incredible monster. Having broken through the wall, the scientist leaves the infirmary. Later, one of the soldiers who took part in the search described the unknown creature as a “hulk,” which in English sounds like “Hulk.” This is where the character's cannon name comes from.

The Hulk is famous for his strength, he is one of the strongest and most powerful characters in the entire Marvel Universe. Also, it is interesting that although in the comics the hero’s skin color was constantly changing, in the animated series and films he always remained green. One of his abilities is to absorb energy and magic, both light and dark, which makes him invulnerable to this type of damage.

The real name of the superhero is Steve Rogers, who was jointly created by artist Jack Kirby and writer Joe Samone in nineteen forty-one. The character stands out because his creation was a deliberate patriotic move. Captain America was very popular during World War II.

The biography of this hero also closely intersects with military themes. Stephen Rogers was a true patriot of his country, and with the onset of war he firmly decided to enroll as a volunteer. However, he was refused due to the guy’s poor physical fitness.

Desperate Steve was found by one of the officers in the active army, who needed experimental subjects who would agree to take part in a secret protection project. His goal was to create incredibly strong and resilient soldiers. Rogers gave his consent, and the serum given to him worked. Some time later, it was announced that Stephen was the first to introduce an entirely new human race, which was recognized as a “practically perfect being.” However, the production of a whole “batch” of superhumans was prevented by the murder of the chief scientist, who knew the required formula.

For many years, Captain America served the country, performing many functions at once. Towards the end of the war, in nineteen forty-five, during one of the operations, Steve crashed his plane and fell into the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Only a couple of decades later, the Avengers team finds Rogers' body and brings him back to life. And since then, Captain America has been working with superheroes for the benefit of the whole world.

The Captain's abilities, which distinguish him from other people, are the highest level of development of Steve's strength, agility, speed and reaction. Also, the serum enhanced the metabolic function of his body.

Wolverine first appeared in Marvel comics in nineteen seventy-four, and almost immediately fell in love with readers.

He is a mutant endowed with superpowers. Amazing regeneration allows this hero to survive wounds that would likely kill a mere human. Most of the various poisons and diseases cannot have any harmful effect on it either. The skeleton of this mutant is very unusual: it is equipped with six claws, which are quite sharp.

Mostly, Wolverine is portrayed as a sharp, hot-tempered hero, however, in parallel with this, he is also smart, with enormous willpower. He always achieved his goals and was devoted to the cause and his allies.

In the year nineteen eighty-two, Wolverine "got" his own comic book, most of which he spent trying to find information about the past. He succeeded in this only in two thousand and five, due to a rather major event in the Marvel universe - M-Day, when the hero completely restores his memory.

The undisputed leader and most famous Marvel character is Spider-Man.

The real name of this superhero is Peter Parker, and appearing in nineteen sixty-two on the pages of comics, he was still a teenager, raised by his uncle and aunt. This became a kind of break in the patterns that were familiar to everyone at that time - after all, previously, teenagers could only help real superheroes, but they could not reach them. Parker was created as the image of a lonely guy who matured early, who tried to fight crime, while also combining it with his studies.

Spider-Man boasts an incredible number of comics about himself - publishing continued until two thousand and twelve! However, even after this, the canons were continued by many other issues. Over such a long period of his existence, Parker managed to be both a modest student and a married man, and also managed to contribute to the activities of the Avengers, Fantastic Four and New Avengers teams. However, the most preferred image of Peter in comics (besides the role of a superhero) was a talented photographer defending his independence.

This merry fellow, even in two thousand and fifteen years, retains his popularity and the love of the audience, while becoming one of the most successful commercial heroes. With the growth of his celebrity, Spider-Man spawned not only films of the same name about himself, but also many computer games, television shows and even paraphernalia.

The most famous and popular performer of the role of Parker in films was Tobey Maguire.

Magneto is the most recognizable antagonist of the Marvel universe, being the main enemy of the X-Men team. Being of Jewish ethnic origin, he survived the Holocaust, which influenced his obsession with protecting mutants from a similar fate. Based on these views, he became a friend of Charles Xavier. Despite this, his status remains the same, and he is in confrontation with all the good characters of Professor X's team.

His primary abilities involve manipulating magnetic fields, giving him power over metal and a variety of secondary abilities demonstrated in various comic book titles. An example of his unique abilities is the control of all kinds of structures at the molecular level, the creation of electromagnetic pulses of impressive power, the manipulation of photons for invisibility, the increase in physical power, which consists of lightning-fast reactions and an increase in the strength indicator. In addition, Magneto has a high resistance to telepathic influence. This is explained by the presence of a specific helmet, electromagnetic fields that perform a protective function, the great realized potential of psionic abilities, as well as great endurance and stress resistance of the nervous system.

Magneto possesses impressive leadership abilities, allowing him to influence large numbers of mutants, thereby allowing him to earn the title of master of tactics and strategy. He also has good training in hand-to-hand combat. Magneto is able to identify a person's emotional state within seconds and use it to his advantage.

The most important thing about the most important things.

Your friends are always talking about superheroes and mutants in tights, but you can't get a word in? It's OK! We decided to remember the most super-strong, super-smart, super-beautiful - in general, superheroes. Only the most necessary information and nothing unnecessary. Go!


Universe: DC Comics

Alter ego: Bruce Wayne

Occupation: crime fighter, philanthropist, billionaire

Friends: Robin, Batgirl

Superpowers: intelligence, extensive knowledge, martial arts knowledge, agility

More details: Man-Bat's popularity is rivaled only by Superman. His image seems very mystical and dark: a black suit with a flowing cape, a terrifying Batmobile, headquarters in a damp cave. His biography is as dark as his image. As a child, his parents were killed in front of his eyes, and young Bruce vowed to protect his native Gotham from crime with all his might.

Bruce is famous despite his advanced age: the first issue with his participation was published back in 1939. Every year the popularity only grows stronger. Film adaptations played a big role in this: “The Dark Knight”, the TV series “Gotham” and several films of the same name. The main reason for such love among fans is the idea that anyone can become Batman.

If you think about it, this is one of the few heroes who achieved their position through intelligence and perseverance, and not through mutations.


Universe: DC Comics

Alter ego: Clark Kent

Occupation: Fighter for justice

Friends: dog Krypto

Superpowers: impenetrability, super strength, flight, self-healing, super vision and super hearing, cool suit

More details: the complete opposite of his opponent Batman. If Bruce Wayne was a simple man and became a hero, then Superman was born a hero, but was forced to pretend to come from a poor Kansas family.

The last member of the planet Krypton was sent to Earth just before its homeland was destroyed.

Superman is something of a chameleon from the world of comics. In his first release in 1938, he was just a huge muscle man who could only break walls and knock down doors. Later, the ability to fly was added to his skills. Further, there are numerous incarnations of Clark, from the teenager in " Smallville"to the majestic" Man of Steel", different levels and number of superpowers. His weak point remains unchanged - vulnerability to Kryptonite, a radioactive substance from his home planet.

iron Man

Universe:Marvel Comics

Alter ego: Tony Stark

Occupation: genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist

Friends: Avengers

Superpowers: high level of intelligence, broad knowledge of science and technology, connection with the World Wide Web, armored suits

More details: perhaps the most popular modern superhero. He has a lot in common with the dark bird of the night, Batman: both lost their parents as children, became crime fighters without any special superpowers, and are incredibly rich. Only if Batman is admired, then Tony Stark is adored :) Either it’s the brilliant acting of Robert Downey Jr., who beat out the role from Nicolas Cage and Tom Cruise, or a well-written character.

The prototype for the hero was Elon Musk and inventor Howard Hughes.

Iron Man didn't always wear a red fashion suit: in his first versions in 1963, he was a modest gray color. Alas, in the film version the armored suit was not even made of metal - it was made of plastic and fiberglass.


Universe:Marvel Comics

Alter ego: Peter Parker

Occupation: justice fighter, student, photographer

Friends: Avengers, Fantastic Four, X-Men

Superpowers: superhuman reflexes, spider-sense, ability to stick to hard surfaces, web production

More details: Spider-Man was born out of Marvel Comics' need to create a teenage hero. Other superheroes like Batman and Superman - adult men, and the target audience did not see them as role models. Fifteen-year-old Peter Parker made it clear to all the teenagers on Earth that it is possible to destroy the villains and marry a beauty. You don't even have to be super handsome to do this! All you need is a spider bite :)

Peter did not immediately use his powers for the benefit of people: initially he wanted to make money from them by participating in illegal fights without rules. Then his beloved Uncle Ben died at the hands of a robber, and the teenager vowed to cleanse his hometown of New York from evil.

However, after a while, the teenager realized that an oath alone was not enough and that “with great power comes great responsibility».

By the way, not all of Peter’s superpowers appeared due to mutation: the guy independently hacked Tony Stark’s technology, after which he earned his recognition.

Captain America

Universe:Marvel Comics

Alter ego: Steven Rogers

Occupation: super soldier

Friends: Avengers

Superpowers: strength, endurance, immortality, fast regeneration, mastery of stealth and combat

More details: Captain America is a character purposefully created to embody the ideals of patriotism. That's why it was especially popular during World War II. In the comics, the title "Captain America" ​​is applied to anyone chosen by the US government. Most of all, it stuck with Steve Rogers.

Steve was born in 1917 to Irish immigrants Sarah and Joseph Rogers. As a child, he was a very weak young man and was constantly subjected to ridicule from other children. His Irish roots made themselves felt, so the guy didn’t shy away from a fight. At the beginning of World War II, Stephen sought to go to the front. Naturally, he was refused due to his health.

As fate would have it, he was offered to take part in a secret defense project whose goal was to create super-soldiers.

Despite the difficulties during the experiment, the result was successful. Rogers transformed from a frail youth into a real Apollo. Actor Chris Evans coped with this role quite well :)


Universe:Marvel Comics

Alter ego: No; Full name: Thor Odinson

Occupation: fighter for justice, Scandinavian god

Friends: Avengers

Superpowers: everything a god can do, plus the hammer Mjolnir

More details: The character of Thor is based on the Norse god of the same name. Thor in the Marvel universe is the son of Odin and the ancient goddess Gaia. After the birth of his son, Odin took him to Asgard, where he raised him with his wife, the goddess Frigg. Thor always considered the latter to be his real mother and only much later learned the truth about his birth.

It is worth saying that before the current Thor, played by Chris Hemsworth, the superhero had several incarnations. In one of them, he died in a battle with the mythical serpent Midgard. This led to Ragnarok - a kind of apocalypse in Scandinavian mythology.


Universe:Marvel Comics

Alter ego: Bruce Banner

Occupation: superhero, fighter for justice, biochemical scientist

Friends: Avengers


More details: The idea of ​​creating the Hulk as a character can be attributed to the fantasy novel The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, in which a scientist cannot come to terms with his demonic alter ego. The Hulk's past is worse than ever: Bruce's father suffered from alcoholism and fits of rage, and his mother tried with all her might to protect her son from the wrath of her husband. She died protecting her only child from his beatings.

Having carried a heavy psychological burden throughout his childhood, Bruce grew into an extremely gifted, but withdrawn young man.

Although Bruce could not respect his father, he followed in his footsteps in science and chose nuclear physics. During the experiment, he injected himself with a test serum and exposed himself to large amounts of gamma radiation. Banner turned into a muscular, uncontrollable giant who destroyed everything around him and did not understand what was happening. So the name Hulk became a household name for people who cannot control themselves.

Wonder Woman

Universe: DC Comics

Alter ego: Diana Prince

Occupation: superheroine, assistant secretary

Friends: Justice League, Batman, Superman

Superpowers: superhuman strength and speed, endurance, flight

More details: It's time to spice up this men's party with a really cool girl :) The Amazon princess was born on the mystical island of Temescira, located in the center of the Bermuda Triangle, where planes disappear. Her real name is Diana she received in honor of the ancient Greek goddess of the hunt, and her superpowers - from the goddess of love Aphrodite.

The heroine was raised in an exclusively female society, so Wonder Woman often appears in culture as a symbol of feminism.

Diana has super equipment: the Lasso of Truth and the Tiara. The first was bound by the fire god Hephaestus, and it never misses. A person caught in his loop will inevitably tell his secrets, remember forgotten things, and even obey orders. The tiara works as a throwing weapon, capable of cutting through anything. A crown with a star in the center symbolizes the patriotism of the American heroine and serves as a stylish accessory :)

Before you try to figure out who is the most powerful superhero, you should define this concept. A superhero is a character who is generously endowed with extraordinary abilities (superpowers), which he uses solely for the common good. After the triumphant debut of the prototypical Superman in 1938, stories about these figures became the basis for countless comic books, and subsequently spread to cinema. Later, the declared character may not have had superpower to be called this honorary title.

Types of abilities and skills

It's no secret that photos of superheroes don't always reflect their extraordinary powers. Some outstanding personalities do not even possess it, but reach the top in scientific and martial arts, the most striking example is the Question and Batman. Some are helped by special weapons or suits - Green Lantern and Iron Man. Many use assistive devices - Spider-Man (web), Wonder Woman (bracelet), Wolverine (claws), Thor (hammer), Daredevil (club). So it’s simply impossible to determine who the most powerful superhero is. The only thing they have in common is that each character is resilient and is willing to sacrifice their life without hesitation. Most heroes work independently, but there are also an infinite number of groups and superteams: the Justice League, the Avengers, the X-Men, the Fantastic Four and others. A team of superheroes is an ideal find for a film; such films are simply a magnet for a wide audience.

From comics to movies

Most often, superheroes are comic book characters, and stories about their lives and adventures are fertile ground not only for American comics, but also for cinema. And if the film has a decent budget, then success and a high rating at the box office are definitely guaranteed. Movies about superheroes are always expected and popular, some become cult and do not lose their reputation for many years, spawning an incredible number of sequels, prequels and various offshoots. The most famous among them are: “Superman. Doomsday", "Superman Returns", "The Dark Knight" Return of the Legend”, “Batman”, “Green Lantern”, “Iron Man”, “Fantastic Four”, “Spider-Man”, “X-Men”, etc. Cartoons about superheroes are not inferior in demand, the most successful among which should be considered: “Batman”, “Ben 10”, “Iron Man”, “Kim Possible”, “Justice League”, “Avengers”, “Spider-Man”, “Hellboy” and others. We also need to pay tribute to the bright cartoon “The Incredibles”, which tells the story of a whole family of superhumans, and the entire storyline is an incendiary superhero action, which includes the traditional set: a battle with a supervillain and his minions, chases, explosions, a double life and a global threat to the entire city . Although films about superheroes are mostly positioned as fantasy and adventure, sometimes they still manage to move into other genres. Some films are reminiscent of crime films - “The Punisher”, “Batman”, horror films - “Spectre”, “Hellboy”, “Spawn”, and many very much gravitate towards science fiction - “Fantastic Four”, “X-Men”, “Green” flashlight".

Non-American superheroes

In fairness, it is worth noting that when raising the question of who is the most powerful superhero, it is necessary to consider candidates not only of American origin. This title can be claimed by the Japanese analogue of Superman - Goku from the Dragon ball series - or the Filipino girl Darna, who is capable of turning into a mature and dangerous woman warrior. By the way, there is even a full-length film released back in 1951.

The British characters are quite original - the Wizard and Zenith.

The French did not rack their brains and built their own images based on American analogues - Saltarella, Crabb and Micros are quite standard, but the metamorph-alien Wampus and Photonic attract with their uniqueness.

Even India has its own characters (a product of mythology): Super Commando Dhruva, Doga and Nagraj bring Hinduism to the masses. By the way, Indian cinema has also released a couple of films about the adventures of superhumans - “Shiva and Krrish”, “Mr. India”.

These are the international superheroes, the list of which can be continued endlessly.

There are heroes in our Fatherland

Domestic characters are not similar to the American standard, as evidenced by the films “The Sword Bearer” (2006) by Philip Yankovsky and “Black Lightning” (2009) by directors Alexander Voitinsky and In the first film, the main character Alexander has a unique ability - he, if necessary, removes a sharp sword from his palm , and the motivation for his actions is determined by a feeling of revenge.

The hero of the second film, Dima, having received an old Volga from his father, discovers its exceptional capabilities and fearlessly enters into battle with the villain in the skies of the New Year's capital.

What about modern domestic cartoons? The superheroes in them are Russian heroes! “Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent”, “Dobrynya Nikitich and the Serpent Gorynych”, “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber” - they are all about the struggle between good and evil, and the main characters of each picture are endowed with power and heroic (non-human) strength.

Top 10

If you try to list all the famous characters from memory, it will take quite a lot of time, and it is quite difficult to determine who the most powerful superhero is. Silver Surfer, Wolverine, Doctor Manhattan, Superman, Thor, Hulk, Spider-Man - each can be considered the strongest, depending on how you evaluate it. However, the Top 10 below includes the strongest contenders.


Hulk, aka Dr. Bruce Banner. Two personalities in one being. One distinguished scientist specializing in biology, engineering and gamma rays. The other is a green monster, which the angrier it is, the more powerful it becomes. He has infinite physical strength. How to defeat someone who becomes stronger and more powerful from the enemy’s blows? In one story, he even held the entire structure of time and space in an attempt to stabilize the distortions. The character is unsinkable, he is able to swim at any depth without the influence of pressure drop. It cannot be poisoned or infected. Ultra-fast regeneration makes the Hulk invulnerable, and his impenetrable skin does not react to either physical or magical influence. He is fast, hardy, and not subject to aging. Unlimited strength and intelligence make the green monster an ideal candidate for the role of the most powerful superhero. The only weakness of a unique creature should be considered his second “I”, because as long as he is Bruce, he can be finished off. Although this statement after watching the film “The Avengers” can also be questioned, because when Banner tried to commit suicide, his alter ego (Hulk) did not allow it.


Flipping through pictures of superheroes, you will most likely pay attention to this one’s ability to move, think, act with stunning speed, pass through walls - and that’s not all. He is subject to time distortion and movement in all dimensions. Nothing is known about his weaknesses; in order to find them out, the superhero must be caught, but this is impossible.


He is also Richard Ryder - the chief of the intergalactic police, who can fly at supersonic speed, is invulnerable, has the ability to regenerate, shoots bolts of energy and has constant access to the Xadarian mind. His weakness is predictability, because he acts exclusively within the framework of the law.


Itself. Completely invulnerable, incredibly durable, immensely strong. He can fly, summon lightning, and in addition has one of the most powerful weapons - Thor's hammer. It’s problematic to call him a weakness, but only a god equal to him can deal with God.

Doctor Manhattan

One day, scientist Jonathan Osterman falls inside a working reactor and survives, but is transformed into Doctor Manhattan - a hero with the ability to fly, read the thoughts of others, and control any matter at the atomic level. Now he is immortal and invulnerable, he can be in all time points at the same time. His ardor can be “cooled” with the help of tachyons.

Ghost rider

The right to claim the status of a superhero is given to this character by his demonic transformation, which provides superhuman abilities: colossal physical strength, super-endurance, invulnerability, fearlessness. Mystical energy grants rapid regeneration, and the ability to absorb other people's powers and a punishing gaze are powerful weapons of the Ghost Rider.


One of the most powerful characters, however, he uses his superpowers very carefully because of the darkness lurking deep in his soul. His strength is equivalent to the explosion of a million suns, and he is capable of lifting over 100 tons. Divine endurance and invulnerability are unparalleled. A superhero can resurrect himself. The Sentry's high-speed flight exceeds the speed of light, and its vision and hearing go far beyond the limits of human imagination.


The icon of American culture - Superman - is invulnerable (his body is super strong), capable of delivering blows of inhuman power, moving giant objects, and super-endurance. To this should be added regeneration, the ability to fly (both in the Earth’s atmosphere and in Space) and the ability to move at super speed, has x-ray vision, and can detect ultra- and infrasounds. The character has incredible mental abilities, plus he has hypnosis.


No superhero picture is complete without an image of Spider-Man. An ordinary student, Peter Parker, after being bitten by a radioactive spider, receives a whole set of superpowers: enormous physical strength, the ability to climb sheer walls, a sixth sense, a perfect sense of balance, incredible agility and speed. But the main skill is throwing out cobwebs from the palms, which are millions of times stronger than natural (spider) ones.

Green Lantern

Each Guardian of the Galaxy has a Power Ring, which gives its owner unlimited possibilities and abilities: invisibility, flight at supersonic speeds, movement around the Galaxy through portals, vision with X-rays, diagnosis of diseases, telepathy, hypnosis, changes in physical condition. Green Lantern also has the ability to heal wounds, the gift of invisibility and enormous physical power.

A society without a superhero is a society without hope

These are the superheroes... This list is far from complete. They have always been and will be necessary for human society for the reason that they set an example to follow. People are mostly selfish, everyone tries to protect only themselves, sometimes even at the cost of the lives of others. In the image of a superhero, we see someone who willingly sacrifices himself for the sake of common salvation or good. That is why these characters are popular and in demand at all times, which is why they will make movies and cartoons, the superheroes of which will surprise with their exploits, delight with their actions and set a worthy example to follow.

In an article about the most powerful superheroes, one cannot fail to mention the Hulk. Of course, he is not the strongest, but this guy can even beat up the gods. The strength of the Hulk depends on the level of his anger; the angrier the Hulk, the more he gets to his opponents.

The Hulk has an uncontrollable temper, which is a problem for everyone. One day the Avengers got tired of this, and they sent the Hulk into space.

Powers and abilities

  • Superpower
  • Impenetrable Skin
  • Endurance

The Surfer is one of the strongest characters in the Marvel Universe. Some fans compare the Silver Surfer's strength to Doctor Manhattan from the DC Comics universe. When Galactus came to the Surfer's home planet and began to devour it, the hero offered him his service in exchange for Galactus leaving his planet. The Silver Surfer can subjugate all 4 forces of the universe and, in essence, represents the pure power of the cosmos.

Powers and abilities

  • Cosmic Power
  • Divine Power
  • Invulnerability
  • Divine Endurance
  • Cosmic Sense
  • Cosmic Healing
  • Cosmic Self-Maintenance
  • Empower others

One Allfather has great physical and magical strength. He is a god for people and the permanent leader for the Asgardians. Odin can manipulate energy and magic, and can take power from any Asgardian or human and use it. The only chance to defeat him is to kill him during Odin's Dream. The rest of the time it is almost impossible to do this.

Powers and abilities

  • Superpower
  • The ability to take the powers of others
  • Strong Magic
  • Divine Endurance

The Phoenix Force isn't even a character, it's POWER. She just chose a “vessel” for herself in the form of Jean Gray’s body. After that, Jean Gray went crazy and started doing not the best things. After the Phoenix moved into Jean's body, she became one of the strongest beings in the universe. She even obeyed the laws of physics. Well, such little things as the destruction of entire stars and planets are not worth mentioning.

This force was created by the universe itself. When the universe was dying, the Force saved it, after which it was reborn from the ashes.

Powers and abilities

  • Telepath
  • Submission to the laws of physics
  • The power of the universe
  • Ability to revive

The Living Tribunal is considered the second most powerful in the Marvel multiverse. He is second in power only to the Almighty. Even Thanos, along with the Infinity Gauntlet, did not dare to call the Tribunal to fight. The age of the Tribunal is equal to the age of the universe, its powers are infinite. His main task is to protect the entire Marvel Multiverse. The Living Tribunal can hardly be called a hero, he is neither a hero nor a villain, he is above all this. If you read the crossover comic between the Marvel and DC universes, you know that the Tribunal was almost the only one who could truly protect the universes.

Powers and abilities

  • Infinite Power
  • Ability to create universes
  • Second most powerful in the universe
  • Resurrection Ability

The Beyonder is also difficult to call a hero or a villain. He has such power that he can revive people and kill anyone simply at will. Some believe that Beyonder is the universe itself, its reflection in him.

At one point, the Beyonder even defeated Lady Death herself.

Powers and abilities

  • Changing reality
  • Flight
  • Teleportation
  • Super Strength

It is difficult to write something specific about him. He simply is and he is omnipotent.

Powers and abilities

  • This guy can do anything

The Sentry is one of Marvel's most powerful characters. Its power is so great that it can be compared to the explosion of millions of stars. This dude is so cool he can resurrect himself.

Powers and abilities

  • Superhuman strength
  • Superhuman speed
  • Superhuman endurance
  • Superhuman Agility
  • Superhuman Senses

Scientist Jon Osterman tramped inside a working reactor and survived. But.. with minor changes. More precisely, very large ones. He began to have the ability to fly, read minds, and control everything at the atomic level. He became immortal and could be everywhere. There is an opinion that everything that happens in the current DC Comics universe is one big experiment by the Doctor. His only weakness is tachyons, speed particles, but even they cannot seriously weaken him.

Powers and abilities

  • Immortality
  • Create universes
  • Manage everything at the atomic level
  • Speed

Green Lantern has a Power Ring that gives him unlimited powers. This essentially makes him one of the strongest heroes in the universe.

Powers and abilities

  • Unlimited ring possibilities
  • Invisibility
  • Flight
  • Speed

This couple from Krypton is also quite strong. Not many on Earth can resist them. Their powers are already known to everyone, as is their history. I think there is no point in describing this again.

Powers and abilities

  • Impenetrable Skin
  • Flight
  • Speed

Scarlet Witch is capable of many things. One day she created her own entry, where everyone got what they wanted. True, it didn’t end well in the end. In the comics, she is the daughter of Magnetto; in the cinematic universe, her origin was changed.

Powers and abilities

  • Magic Expert
  • Flight
  • Good hand-to-hand fighter
  • Tactical Expert

Doctor Strange studied magic for seven years under the auspices of the Old One. Then he himself became the supreme magician of the earth and his power grew exponentially. Also, Strange is the keeper of one of the infinity stones, the time stone.

Powers and abilities

  • Expert in Destruction Magic
  • Flight
  • Good hand-to-hand fighter
  • Dark Magic Expert
  • Wielding the power of the Gods
  • Possession of the Infinity Stone

Ghost Rider made this list thanks to his Punishing Glare, which, by the way, is useless against those who do not consider their actions to be evil. But in general, the Racer is a very strong hero who is capable of dealing with almost all villains, including Mephisto himself.

Powers and abilities

  • Withering glance
  • Flame Chain
  • Increased survivability
  • Great power

Magnetto was the daughter, now the son of Professor X. The Legion has a very powerful and not everyone understands force. He can create whatever he wants, get into anyone’s head and do whatever he wants there.

Powers and abilities

  • The power of the mind
  • Creation of matter
  • People management