Research project “Why do children like to watch cartoons? Cartoons as a tool for shaping a child’s worldview What is animation.

Elena Borodina
Research project “Why do children like to watch cartoons?”

Supervisor: Borodina Elena Valerievna

Executor: Borodina Daria

preparatory group "B"

MKDOU No. 11 "Rowanushka"

« Why do children love watching cartoons?

Target: To figure out why do children watch cartoons and why is it interesting to them?.


1. Find out what it is cartoon.

2. Conduct a survey of children in the kindergarten.

3. Draw conclusions.

Hypothesis: I suppose that

What's happened cartoon?

I'm like everyone else children, I love you very much to watch cartoons. Quantity I can’t even count the cartoons I’ve watched. I was wondering why do children love to watch cartoons and what is it?? Information about cartoons searched in different sources: from books, the Internet, educational television programs. First we turned to our home library, where we read in the dictionary that cartoons, cartoon, cartoon, animation- it’s all the same thing... that’s what they call animation in our cinema, translated from Latin it means "soul", "animation" or "revival".

What have we learned about cartoons

Animation is a type of cinematic art, whose works are created by the method of frame-by-frame shooting of successive phases of movement of drawn (or three-dimensional objects. Art cartoons are done by cartoonists(animators).

There are many genres cartoons:

Old cartoons

Educational cartoons

Cartoons according to epics and fairy tales

Cartoons fantasy or modern style

Magical cartoons

We asked the children in kindergarten questions.

Which cartoons you like to watch?

Why do you love to watch cartoons?


While working on we were convinced of the project that my hypothesis was confirmed children love to watch cartoons because they are interesting, educational and bright.

Family watching cartoons- this is a great way to have fun and usefully spend your free time.

WHAT IS A CARTOON? Animation (from the Latin multiplicatio - multiplication, increase, increase, reproduction) - technical techniques for creating the illusion of moving images (movement and/or changing the shape of objects - morphing) using a sequence of still images (frames) replacing each other with a certain frequency. Animation (from French animation) - revival, animation.

The history of creating cartoons began back in 1877 in the most beautiful country of France. Self-taught engineer Emil Reynaud presented the first personal praxinoscope he had created to the entire public. For reference: a praxinoscope is a device for examining drawings printed on a paper tape attached to a rotating drum.

The very first cartoons took the form of hand-drawn and hand-painted pantomimes, and were about fifteen minutes long. Sound could have been used already at that time, and was completely synchronized with the picture.

The American Winsor McCay made further contributions to the overall development of all animations. It is he who creates the first cartoon character in history, endowed with bright personal qualities - the dinosaur Gertie. This is the first film about dinosaurs. This film was the first to use keyframe animation. It is included in the National Film Registry and is ranked sixth on the list of the 50 greatest cartoons of all time. Gertie the Dinosaur is an American short film.

ANIMATION GENRE OF CINEMATOGRAPH Film cameras were used to make cartoons. To create hand-drawn animation, there were cartoon machines. Such devices were produced in a special version for animation, distinguished by vertical installation and a special magnifying glass for ease of sighting from this position. The design of professional cartoon machines made it possible to create multi-layered images on separate media and included lighting equipment. Currently, for hand-drawn animation, a computer or an animation machine with a digital camera is used.

1911-1913 - in Russia, the first three-dimensional cartoons were produced by director V. A. Starevich. 1936 - the Soyuzmultfilm film studio (originally Soyuzdetmultfilm) was founded in the USSR. 1958 - Through the efforts of Osama Tezuka, a unique style of hand-drawn animation - anime - is created in Japan.

1967-1971 - the first Soviet animated series "Mowgli", 1969 - in Roman Kachanov's film "Crocodile Gena" the visual image of Cheburashka appears for the first time. 1988 - the first non-state animation studio in the USSR, Pilot, was founded. 1995 - the first full-length computer animated film - “Toy Story” (Pixar studio)

In 1999, the cartoon “The Old Man and the Sea” directed by Alexander Petrov became the first cartoon in the history of cinema for large format IMAX cinemas. In 2000, the same cartoon was awarded the Academy Award "Oscar".

Nomination "Aesthetic cycle"

I, like all children, really love watching cartoons. I can’t even count the number of cartoons I’ve watched. And it seemed that I knew everything about them... But one day, after another viewing of my favorite “SonixX”, I thought: what are cartoons? I asked my classmates, but they also found it difficult to answer...

First I went to the library, where I read in the dictionary that cartoons, a cartoon, an animated film, an animation are all the same thing... this is what animation is called in our cinema, translated from Latin it means “soul”, “animation” or “revival” "

I looked for information about cartoons from various sources: books, the Internet, educational television programs.

I became very interested and wanted to try myself as an animator. The plot of my cartoon is simple: a plot about a multibot dance competition. For a long time I couldn’t decide what kind of main character would be: drawn, plasticine, puppet or computer. And I decided to make three completely different heroes: Rissundo, Plastillinius and Robo.

Lighting fixtures are included. The camera is charged. The filming process has begun. More than 2 thousand frames were shot for our five-minute cartoon. After all, in order for the character’s movement to seem smooth, a very fast frame change is required - 24-30 per second!

The resulting images were processed on a computer using a special program, where frame changes occurred at a certain speed. Musical accompaniment was selected. Voices were recorded and overlaid onto audio tracks... Titles were drawn up.

And now my own cartoon is ready! I was a screenwriter, a director, an animator, a graphic artist, a designer, an announcer, a sound engineer, a video and photo operator, and even a producer... Oh, and it’s not an easy job to make cartoons... How it turned out is up to you to judge. And now I know exactly what a cartoon is. Cartoon is talent and creativity, hard work of people and a very interesting activity!

A survey among classmates revealed the following: just like me, all the kids in my class really love watching cartoons, devoting 15 minutes to 2 hours to this activity every day, but just like me, they don’t know what cartoons are, they have difficulty characterizing their favorite cartoon (0 - 1 sign).

As a survey in the ascertaining experiment showed, the most favorite and popular animated films among classmates are foreign-made cartoons - 100% ("Spider-Man" - among boys; "Winx Club" - among girls).

Information about the origin, history of development and production technologies of animated films was obtained from various sources (books, dictionaries, educational television programs, videos, the Internet). Personally, during the research alone, I watched about 40 animated films of various content. I defined cartoons as a special type of film art created by animators who use various materials and techniques to create characters, and “animation” occurs through rapid changes of frames.

Various classifications of cartoons have been created: according to production technology; goals and objectives; by duration; by age criteria and interests; by nationality (producing countries)

Using the classification of cartoon-making technology, 3 characters were chosen to create our own cartoon at home: plasticine, puppet and hand-drawn. An editing table was made from scrap materials, and the whole family made the scenery and the main characters.

The plot is simple: Cheburashka’s TV report from the intergalactic dance competition of multibots, held at our gymnasium, where 3 finalists (Robo, Plastillinius and Rissundo) demonstrate their dancing skills to the fiery rhythms of “techno”. To create a 5-minute cartoon, it took more than 2 thousand photo frames, which were then edited in a video editor at a certain speed (0.03 s).

After introducing the guys to the project and demonstrating the cartoon, he suggested comparing and evaluating the main characters. Most of all, the kids liked the plasticine hero Plastilinius (53%), Rissundo scored 28%, and the puppet hero Robo 19%! Indeed, the lowest cost, excellent plasticity and visual effectiveness were observed in the plasticine hero, but he easily deformed after each trick and “melted before our eyes” from the heat of the lighting lamps, getting his hands dirty. The puppet hero was more durable, but limited in movements and the ability to perform various tricks.

Creating a hand-drawn character seemed to me the most difficult, painstaking and costly, provided that I used the simplest hand-drawn animation technology - the “overlay” method! This requires special creative and professional skills to draw not only objects, but also the movement of objects, moving objects in space and great patience.

At the defense of the project, I introduced the children to the classifications of cartoons that I had developed, which were presented in the form of reminders. Thanks to this, the guys were able to easily characterize any cartoon. This is also evidenced by a control survey: 89% of children were able to define animation and characterize their favorite cartoon based on 3-5 characteristics (86%).

The knowledge gained during project activities helps me treat animated films with even greater interest, analyze, compare, classify... In the future, I would like to continue researching technologies for creating animated films, for example, master computer 2-D and 3-D animation and, perhaps , create a new cartoon.

Film by Mikhail Polyakov

The theoretical part of the study in the form of a presentation

    Cartoon, cartoon(from the merger of Latin multiplicatio - multiplication and English film - film; colloquial cartoon) is a film made using frame-by-frame rendering tools (including 3D modeling) and intended for demonstration in a cinema, broadcast on television, or viewing on a computer screen and other electronic devices.

    List of cartoons, made in the style of stop-motion animation, is based on the amounts earned from ticket sales in cinemas. Profits from video rentals, television broadcasts, etc. are not taken into account. Data taken from Box Office Mojo and The Numbers. Amounts are expressed in US dollars and do not take into account inflation. Due to inflation, movie ticket prices increase over time, giving new films higher rankings on the list. Therefore, a list that does not take into account inflation cannot be objective...

    List based on the amount films have earned from ticket sales in theaters to date. Profits from video rentals, television broadcasts, etc. are not taken into account. Amounts are expressed in US dollars and do not take into account inflation. All data taken from Box Office Mojo.

    Big Cartoon Festival(BFM) is an international festival of animated films held in Russia. The festival has been held annually since 2007 in Moscow. Also, festival events are held in a number of other Russian cities (Voronezh, Krasnoyarsk, Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg). BFM is a spectator festival, programs are formed by two program directors, there is no professional competition. In several program blocks, audience voting is carried out, and the authors of the winning films are awarded...