Aries horoscope from Tamara Globa.

Horoscope for 2017 according to zodiac signs from Tamara Globa will definitely help you make your plans for the future correctly, warn you against rash actions and give advice regarding many life situations.

Line of fate. There will be no time to relax this year. Capricorns must set themselves up for new achievements, new events and new acquaintances. To prevent the first half of the year from turning into chaos, make every effort to bring order to your affairs and plans. It may well be that in some situations you will want to give up, but you shouldn’t do this. If it’s hard for you, enlist the support of your loved ones and be positive. In the second half of the year, pay maximum attention to the financial sector. Business troubles may arise.

Personal relationships: marriage, family, dating. This year will bring many surprises. If you control your emotions and, if possible, avoid conflict situations, then relationships with loved ones will not collapse. You can avoid all unpleasant situations.

Health issues. Everything is stable in this area. You should not unnecessarily burden your body with sleepless nights and excess alcohol.

Line of fate. The New Year 2017 will bring you some circumstances that will happen contrary to your wishes. Aquarius, as usual, will want to take control of everything. But not everything is within your power; you have to adapt to some circumstances. In the second half of the year, you will understand that everything that is not done is for the better. The year is favorable for resolving financial issues. No bad events related to money capital are foreshadowed.

Personal relationships: marriage, family, dating. Don't let your love of freedom destroy what you worked so hard to create. Aquarians should devote more time to their loved one so that he does not become disappointed in you. There are no new serious relationships foreseen for single Aquarius this year; short-term hobbies are possible, nothing more.

Health issues. You should pay attention to your well-being. The energy potential is noticeably weakened. But this is not so scary, you just need to find time to relax and worry less about trifles.

Line of fate. The year is not stable. A lot will have to change, but the changes will change your life for the better. You will be subject to strict demands at work and at home. If you start new things, you will need considerable concentration. The second half of the year is better for everything new. Before that, you need to have time to put things in order with what you have been putting on the back burner. This year, too, there will be an opportunity to show your creativity.

Personal relationships: marriage, family, dating. You tend to adapt to your other half. This year does not foretell any special changes in your personal life. In family matters you will be calm and balanced. In general, this year will please you with its stability.

Health issues. All year round you need to pay attention to your body. There is a high probability of diseases of the stomach and genitourinary system. Pay attention to colds and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Give yourself rest more often, don't drive yourself into a corner. You can't change everything.

Line of fate. 2017 will bring surprises. You will have the opportunity to change your destiny. Your impulsiveness and determination know no bounds. Much that Aries previously simply dreamed of can become a reality this year. In the second half of the year everything will continue in the same spirit. Just don’t relax and let everything take its course.

Personal relationships: marriage, family, dating. Despite the fact that serious conflicts may arise in the family, Aries will be able to resolve them easily. You should be more attentive to your loved ones and try to listen to their opinions.

Health issues. During the year you will not always feel confident and cheerful. You need to take care of your own health. You need to be especially careful with the digestive organs, everything that concerns the heart. The pancreas and thyroid gland may be strained. Spend more time outdoors.

Line of fate. For Taurus, this year will not seem the easiest. Many undertakings will cost you enormous effort. Everything will require a lot of effort and time. The result will please you closer to the second half of this year. The main thing is, don’t despair if something goes wrong. Most likely, this did not happen according to your will. The financial situation in the first half of the year is unstable.

Personal relationships: marriage, family, dating. In this area you need to control the situation. If conflicts arise, try to bypass them and smooth out the angle of tension. No fundamental changes are expected.

Health issues. The energy potential throughout the year is low. If you have chronic diseases, you must consult a doctor promptly. But, you should remember that any illness is directly related to your emotional state. Try to find more time to relax.

Line of fate. It cannot be said that this year will bring you only positive surprises. You will have to show diligence, ability to work and resolve complex and controversial issues in your professional and financial affairs. Your business or the job you work in will undergo changes. The people you work with may change and new employees will appear. In any case, no matter what changes occur, you will be able to move forward. New friends and partners will appear. Financial issues will be stressful. But everything will improve; this requires additional time.

Personal relationships: marriage, family, dating. The first half of the year is quite difficult in family relationships. Your children will be greatly surprised. They can lead to unexpected expenses.

Health issues. In your case, there is nothing particularly to worry about. You will be in a great mood for the whole year, and your health will be the same. Mild colds will not affect the health of Gemini in any way.

Line of fate. Cancers will try to level out constant anxiety and self-doubt by active work and seeking emotional protection among friends. But it is unlikely that you will be able to find harmony in your soul with outside help. This year is good for you to understand yourself.

Personal relationships. The Cancer sign is by nature very sensitive, but in 2017 this quality will shine with completely new facets, having a positive impact on character and deep inner world. There will be peace and harmony in the family if married ladies do not place too high demands on their halves and wrap them in warm care.

Health issues. In the cold season, you need to protect yourself from colds, and in the summer, avoid emotional devastation in every possible way. Your daily schedule must include time for rest and meditation. If this advice is ignored, it will be difficult to return to normal without taking special medications.

Line of fate. It will be difficult for you to achieve inner peace. You will doubt a lot of things, but circumstances will work out in your favor. Leos need to take a closer look at their colleagues and make sure that no one is going to betray him. In the first and second half of the year, you will be satisfied with your financial situation, but you will not have enough time for rest. Perhaps this year you will receive a promotion.

Personal relationships: marriage, family, dating. The year promises to be very busy. Many Leos will find their soulmate, some will have a wedding ceremony, and some will have the birth of a child. Any of these events will radically change your life for the better.

Health issues. Those Leos who have chronic diseases should pay attention to their health so that there are no surprises. In general, the year does not pose any danger to your health.

Line of fate. Virgos may feel that they are not able to solve all the difficult problems that befall them. There is no need to look for those to blame. Fate itself tests your strength. Show your character and try to take control of the situation. The second half of the year is calmer, but you shouldn't hope for a miracle. Money goes away with stubborn consistency. Despite this, unpredictable profits are possible (there is a high probability of inheritance).

Personal relationships: marriage, family, dating. With love, not everything is so simple. You are always at work, throwing yourself into it so that nothing can overshadow your state. But you should devote more time to your family, and not just to work.

Health issues. Try to protect yourself from unnecessary conflicts and unnecessary stress. Entertain yourself more often, lead a healthy lifestyle. Don't get irritated as this will affect your daily activities. Take up unconventional practices.

Line of fate. No stability. You are always on a volcano. The first half of the year is in a tense struggle with oneself. Take fate into your own hands and overcome the tasks assigned to you. Otherwise, troubles will fully manifest themselves in your life, and when you least expect it. The money is fine, but it’s still not enough for you.

Personal relationships: marriage, family, dating. The year is unpredictable. Breakups, separations, unforeseen circumstances, internal irritation are possible. The cause of disagreement will be material matters and real estate. Your close circle will require special attention: parents and children. But you are not inclined to show concern for your neighbors, because you love yourself more than anything in the world, you want to be the center of attention and for everyone to revolve around you. It is necessary to fight internal egoistic tendencies and give love to your neighbors.

Health issues. Your health is stable, but don't overdo it. By abusing anything, you will cause irreparable harm to yourself, as a result of which you will struggle with it for a long time and scrupulously.

Line of fate. You will have new opportunities, but in order to take advantage of them, you will need to show your hard work. The year does not promise to be easy, especially in its first half. You need to set yourself up in a positive way and not give up. The result of your efforts will not take long to arrive.

Personal relationships: marriage, family, dating. Problems will arise in your close circle that you will experience painfully. Conflicts and quarrels are possible, as you have difficulty controlling your character. You tend to fall under the influence of those close to you, although you are not inclined to change at all. Your stubbornness does not want to admit your mistakes. There are likely to be problems with people who are nearby. It seems to you that they are frankly interfering.

Health issues. You need to protect yourself from the cold. Pay attention to the kidneys and reproductive organs. If you have surgery this year, it will be successful.

Line of fate. You will have the intention to leave your job or close down your business in a short time. But this will take enough time, since things will not be done immediately. Both the first and second half of the year are good for business negotiations and interviews. The year promises to reward you financially for your efforts.

Personal relationships: marriage, family, dating. During the first half of the year you will be dependent on your environment and your marriage partner. Your plans and intentions may change every now and then. There is a confusion of ideas and opinions in my head. You can fall in love in a short time and will be between two fires, unable to make the right choice. Tough choices lie ahead. Your heart will be broken. Many Sagittarius will have problems with children, this will entail large expenses. After some time, a favorable period will begin, and you will be able to enjoy the success of your children.

Health issues. No serious illnesses are expected this year. But Sagittarius must remember that they are not immune to colds and illness. Spend as much time as necessary on your health.

Feeling like a microscopic particle of a very changeable universe, I want some kind of stability and confidence. To know for sure that no major cataclysms are expected in the world and family. And that all close people will have at least a small grain of happiness, but every day. Don't be afraid of a very changeable future. That’s why we cherish the dream that perhaps someone knows more about our future than we do ourselves. Like a wonderful fairy tale with a wonderful ending, we believe in horoscopes. What is it asking us to believe? horoscope for 2019 from ?

No matter how much we try to see ourselves as independent of the country in which we live, this is not entirely true. There is order in the country and peace of mind. There is time to think about personal things, children. Something is wrong on a global scale and the treacherous idea is already leaking in that you can’t fall in love and have children because salaries are meager. What kind of money will be used to dress and educate these same children? And what kind of health can you think about if prices for medicines go through the roof, and an appointment with a good specialist at a city clinic is no longer a cheap option. This is how our life is connected not with a thin cobweb, but with a strong nylon rope with the life of the country. What do the stars promise us on a macroscale?

About Russia and the world

There will be no third world war. Yes, international relations are constantly heating up. This is especially true for the two superpowers. The third, China, will for now deal only with its own economic issues. But little by little, gradually looking back at the two unruly giants, Russia and the United States, it will emerge to the forefront in the world. In about five years, the now warring countries won’t even notice how easily the Celestial Empire will bypass them. By gross output income per capita of the country and by the quality of life index.

And Europe will not be its rival either. But at the same time, Russia will begin a systematic rapprochement with China in terms of integration and economic cooperation. This will be a very promising direction. China ranks first in the world pyramid in terms of population, and most of its territory is occupied by mountains. They are only suitable for animal husbandry. Crop production develops only on the Eastern Chinese Plain. There is not enough land, even with its non-extensive use, to further develop the food industry.

Horoscope for 2019 from Tamara Globa quite optimistic about . The country is famous for its black soil, which will be rented by wealthy residents of the Middle Kingdom. And from this it follows that the Russian outback will gradually begin the path to revival. And new technologies, introduced at the instigation of famous Russian scientists, will greatly speed up this process.

And also in Russia, the manufacturing industry will begin to develop at a rapid pace, gradually leaving behind the mining industry. And the country will export not only oil, timber, gas, metal and fertilizers, but also finished products that are in demand in the world. All these processes are already underway, but in 2019 they will begin to accelerate intensively. In connection with the development of rural areas, large cities will gradually begin to unload from commuting migrants. The economic situation is improving this year. Even the population will feel this in real, not nominal wages.

Riot of nature

Some astrologers predict eruptions of the supervolcano in Yellowstone, but Globa does not see this. And this is gratifying. Because not only North America will suffer, but also the rest of the earth's surface. And also a comet will not come to visit us with catastrophic consequences, and a meteorite will not fall. No threat from heaven is expected.

But there will be severe droughts and catastrophic fires as a result. A very frosty winter should also be expected. The harshest in the last hundred years. Especially in summer, the entire European part of Eurasia will be tested by stormy winds and infrequent, but heavy downpours. Even two months' worth of precipitation can fall in half a day.

Therefore, some regions of the European part of the country will receive a smaller grain harvest compared to the calculated amount, but it will be quite enough to make up a good part of the country’s exports.

Judging by the predictions, the current year will not upset us with anything particularly bad, and the stabilization of the economy inspires healthy optimism for the future.Horoscope for 2019 by year of birth from Tamara Globaand according to the signs of the zodiac, it will also not plunge you into despondency. There are general rules for this year to become successful at work, in love and in health:

– if you get up from the sofas and make minimal efforts at the workplace, then no financial difficulties are foreseen this year;

    • regular cash receipts into the household budget will half eliminate the reasons for quarrels in the family;
    • do not pass by your love for the sake of some urgent matter of yours;
    • be selective in your communications. Both in love and with partners;
    • try to get through the year using only your savings.

What does the year have in store for the signs?

Tamara Globa's horoscope for 2019 for Aries

A tough and stubborn sign. He understands what his interest is and tries to achieve what he wants by any means, even ignoring the state of his health. Therefore, depression at the beginning of summer and functional disorders of the nervous system are possible. And all because it seems as if not everything has been done yet and that you can’t break through the wall of legislation with your forehead.

This condition can even last up to two months if you don’t start accepting life as it is and take care of your health. And this is as simple as walking around the park with your loved one in the evening and being silent. Aries love to be pitied. But they carefully hide it, putting on the mask of a person who is alien to any kind of sympathy from other people. It really isn't necessary. You have made the choice. We found a worthy partner in business, and a loved one in life. Your task for the current year is to keep yourself in excellent physical shape. Start thinking about purchasing real estate.

Horoscope for 2019 according to the zodiac signs from Tamara Globa for Taurus

Take time for yourself. Your diligence and initiative are punishable because they guarantee promotion. But family... You will again be away from close contact with those closest to you for a long time, and this threatens conflicts and misunderstandings. If you are single, try to accept your friends' invitation and go to some fancy event in mid-summer or November. A pleasant surprise awaits you there, which you won’t be able to refuse for a long time.

The state of health is stable in the second half of the year, the first half threatens with colds, even in the summer months. Go on a diet for a while or try not eating for a short period of time in the evening before going to bed. Still, weight that is slightly higher than normal can significantly affect the condition of your circulatory system in the future.

Tamara Globa's horoscope for 2019 for Gemini

It's time for lonely Geminis to stop doing their favorite thing - flirting and counting the number of kissing partners and more. This is a very good year to start a serious relationship. If you commit yourself to an official union in the year of the Pig, then the marriage promises to be happy and truly long-lasting. No financial problems are expected. Not as much as you would like, but you still won’t be in poverty. Even if you really dream of leaving this suddenly hateful job, don’t risk it. As you get older, it’s so hard to find something you like, but for you it’s just a whim. If you don’t have enough money for a major purchase, it’s better to wait a couple of months. But with health, very minor problems will arise. Neuroses can be tormenting in the winter, and gastrointestinal diseases can worsen in the fall or spring. Be less nervous and accept life as it comes. You will not have another, and live for your own good.

Horoscope for 2019 according to zodiac signs from Tamara Globa for Cancer

Waltzing sign: one step forward, two steps back. But the Pig doesn’t like this. She has only the desire to move forward in her thoughts and will push you towards this. So, don't resist. No one will come to your home and offer to become a minister with a huge salary. Therefore, you should start actively looking for work in early spring, as soon as the threat of respiratory disease goes away.

Family Cancers have already had conflicts amid idleness, but this year they will move to a more aggressive level. And I would like to, but you can’t sit at home with such a psychological attack. Lonely Cancers, your close friend can’t understand how you feel about him. Therefore, confess your feelings to your beloved half, otherwise you will be waiting for something in the coming years.

Tamara Globa's horoscope for 2019 for Leo

Well-being in the family, I mean materially, is not yet an indicator of general health and an excellent microclimate there. For some reason, you decided that if you support your loved ones financially, then you can constantly impose your opinion, even when it is not required. Please note that not all sign halves can tolerate this calmly. Some will think that they can endure it for the sake of mutual peace of mind, while others will prefer to conflict. Be more tolerant of others, and fate will reward you.

Financial condition is stable. A traumatic situation may arise in August. Pay attention to your health, or it will itself turn it on you, but then it will be more expensive. Prevention against varicose veins and intestinal diseases is constantly needed.

Horoscope for 2019 according to the zodiac signs from Tamara Globa for Virgo

You have long dreamed of a promotion in your career. This year the wish will come true. Don’t conflict with your colleagues, tell your management about your work, stay a couple of times to work outside of school hours, and by the end of the year expect, if not a promotion, then definitely a salary increase. Numerous acquaintances, among which it was so difficult to find the right one, the one you love, will sharply decrease this year. And you will finally feel the vibes emanating from your loved one. Take a closer look, maybe the sympathy is mutual. In winter, go on a fruit-and-curd diet for a while. A spoonful of May honey is a must for the day, and you will forget what the word “hurts” means.

Horoscope for 2019 according to the zodiac signs from Tamara Globa for Scorpio

The management of the enterprise does not notice your diligence at work and this, of course, is very disappointing. But you enjoy authority among employees. Don't be too stubborn. Learn to accept other people's opinions. Weigh everything. Are you right or wrong? The year will delight you with incredible relaxation in the summer months. You will even travel a little several times during this period of time. You will visit places the contemplation of which will lift your spirits and help you end the year on a high.

In terms of money, of course, there will be some shortage due to inflation. But believe me, some signs might simply envy you if they found out about the amount that seems uncomfortable to you.

Tamara Globa's horoscope for 2019 for Sagittarius

You will succeed this year. There is peace and order in the family; it will even be a little boring by the end of autumn. Therefore, spend a couple of days together somewhere away from home, and if you can’t go somewhere in the middle of the year, organize a small party at home, sending the children to their parents.

Try not to delve into the cause of the conflict at work. Of course, you have authority, but why appoint yourself to the free position of referee.

It's time to start building the foundation for your own business. Let it be an individual form or a partnership, but it's worth a try. Because the production routine sucks you in a little, and from a very cheerful and friendly person you can turn into just a beech. At the slightest opportunity, change your field of activity.

Horoscope for 2019 according to the zodiac signs from Tamara Globa for Capricorn

You're having a bit of a difficult time. There may be discord in the family. There are supposedly several reasons, but among them a meeting with your first student or school love is also predicted. You will be faced with a decisive choice. You will begin to doubt the strength of the family. You don't have to do this. Light flirting will help you add a little color to your personal life, but don’t plan a serious relationship. During the year there will be trips to improve your qualifications, after which re-certification and a step forward in your position at work is possible.

Tamara Globa's horoscope for 2019 for Libra

The year is favorable for dating in any field. Good acquaintances can become excellent partners. A trip abroad or a business trip to nearby countries is possible. A lot of impressions will give you reason for optimism. In the life of married Virgos, the first half of the year is somewhat impulsive. You will have to make decisions that will not improve your mood and self-esteem. But it needs to be done. This year, the advice of loved ones will come in handy, so listen to those proven by life, whom you have learned to trust. Secure your home. During the vacation period, it is possible for a person to invade your abode for the purpose of profit.

Traumatic situation in October. Get a flu shot for yourself and your household. Don't forget about your parents. This year it is possible to cross the epidemiological threshold three times, and you will protect yourself.

Tamara Globa's horoscope for 2019 for Aquarius

It's time to renew old connections. They were useful to you before, now the right time has come again. Be a little more decisive in your personal life, otherwise you will have to remain single for a couple more years. Married ladies, most of you will have a child or grandchild this year. You will not be overjoyed at your baby when he, growing up, will embody all your innermost dreams about life.

Be stricter with your subordinates. It's time to do some analysis of their work. Maybe it's time to hire new staff. Or reconfigure the old one to perform better.

Horoscope for 2019 according to zodiac signs from Tamara Globa for Pisces

Do you want to change something in your life? It's time to do it. Change your place of residence, job, partner. Just don't do everything at once. Start with renovations in your apartment. If you succeed, continue the changes. Don't like the team you work for? Take a closer look at yourself. Maybe you haven't positioned yourself that way lately. In case of conflict, they decided to remain silent or took the wrong side. Analyze the situation. Maybe it's all about you, and not about the employees around you. This means that you should hold off on moving to another job, but please change your position. So is the department. By the way, at your new place of work, which is quite likely, you will meet a close and very kindred spirit person.

December 20, 2016

The forecast of the famous astrologer - especially for readers of the TV program magazine.

However, TV Program readers are lucky: here you can read the real forecast for 2017.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Aries needs to understand that the year is associated with partnership; he will not be able to handle his work and his affairs alone. Aries will not be left without money next year. But only a good team, successful, reputable partners will give him a chance to make money.

The family can grow. Partners can rise. And Aries will rise with them. But if he suddenly takes responsibility for all matters, he will fall into a deep hole.

In the second half of the year, you definitely need to learn something new, because studying is what will advance you in the future and bring changes. You will have to do a lot of things for free at the end of the year. But this is only for the good. My advice is to take on this work, you will definitely be rewarded for your efforts.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

A very interesting period is coming for Taurus in a spiritual sense. This could be a year of spiritual happiness, a year of returns, compensation for the problems and losses that have occurred over the past six years.

Many people will meet Taurus halfway and help, give chances. And completely unexpectedly.

The first half of the year will provide work opportunities, but the second will bring income. But there may also be losses. In the second half of winter and at the end of summer, expect changes at home, moving, and parents' problems will worry you. At the same time - career changes, problems with management, change of management.

You also need to protect your family’s health at the end of the year.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Geminis are very emotionally active. And therefore, like teenagers, they fit into any system. They want to be like everyone else. A little better than others, but still like everyone else.

You need to try a lot in the first half of the year, until summer. Just be yourself. Work and do what you know how to do. And then, starting in the summer, fate will provide very good chances. The person will feel loved.

This is a period of spiritual happiness, when suddenly there is a reassessment of values ​​and an understanding: what you do is needed by other people. This is a time of academic opportunity when your talents are noticed. It’s time for your wishes to come true, although the dream may come from an unexpected direction. Let's say you want to buy yourself a luxury apartment. But you don't have a chance. And suddenly they offer you some kind of work, people appear who invite you to go on trips. You think: “Why do I need this? I want something completely different." But then, over time, it becomes clear that this new job was given so that money would appear for that very palace. Or maybe this palace will simply become a gift of fate that will have to be worked off later. Fate will give Gemini very good advances and chances.

A good time for creativity, for love, for having children. But, of course, it will be difficult with finances. From time to time there will be concerns about your health, and there may be financial losses, because you will be spending a little more money than you would like. This may occur due to problems with colleagues (especially in the first third of the year) or due to illegal connections.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

The beginning of 2017 will open horizons in creativity, work, and personal life. Good time for real estate. An exciting time for prospects. It's very difficult for Cancers right now. A lot of things came at once. There are problems with children, worries about loved ones. But, nevertheless, authority in the house is growing. In the new year, significant prospects will open up, new friends will appear, and unexpected patronage will come. And this will help in business. The most important thing is not to be nervous and not to lose your temper. This may cause difficulties.

Working during the year can be difficult because you have to do a lot of things yourself at the same time... Colleagues who were invaluable leave. Well, what should we do? Life goes on as usual.

But autumn can bring Cancers compensation and success for what has been gained through back-breaking labor.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

A good period for Leos who work in society, with people, especially for those who move in secular circles. New authoritative acquaintances will appear. An amazing time to expand opportunities, this will be especially felt in the summer. You can start teaching, you can realize your talents, especially if they relate to the conversational genre, literature, jurisprudence, or the creation of some new communities. Thanks to this, money will come.

The only point: since we are so busy, we will have to periodically leave our loved ones and our home. Because of this, problems and difficulties may arise. Perhaps Leos will not feel very comfortable at home, especially in winter. But in the fall, on the contrary, you will want to not leave your apartment, but you will have to. Promising work will make you move. There will be a lot of new friends.

Because of the opportunities that have opened up, you will probably have to push your personal life and relationships into the background, but this is not bad. In general, the period is bright and light.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

The year will be dual. There are chances of good earnings, but they are unstable. You may feel precarious. At the end of winter, either your colleagues or your life partner will let you down; at the end of summer, your job may change, but good luck awaits you in your studies. On the other hand, you will still have money. There is property, there are savings.

Now there is still a period when the ascending karmic node is in Virgo. This means that nothing happens by chance. Everything that Virgo puts into work and life will definitely bear fruit, but the harvest depends on the quality of the labor invested - moral, mental, spiritual, physical. If Virgo invests a lot, it means there will be a big harvest.

Autumn and winter can bring illicit hobbies. Virgo will suddenly feel that everything in her life could turn out differently. This is a time of acquaintances, new people, a time of hobbies, bold projects that can be implemented. Even opponents can help during this period, seeing that a person is passionate about what he does and takes part in the work from the heart.

Based on the past, Virgo can build a new business. The situation at work will change in many ways at the end of the summer. And suddenly. You need to be mentally prepared for this. At the end of autumn and in winter there can be some interesting educational trips.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

The year will bring colossal changes. On the one hand, Libra awaits strengthening of authority and recognition. On the other hand, there are disputes with opponents and partners. Even in family life there is no need to hope for stability and permanence.

At work, colleagues will try to throw you out of your position. Personal relationships can also be on the brink, when the partner leaves and then comes. There is only one way out: just consistently do what you are doing. And remember that all the changes that will come this year can be very successful. It is necessary to change life and views, rebuild everything, keep up with changes, engage in charity. Then fate will meet you halfway.

In mid-spring, a period will open for working with partners from afar; this will bring the possibility of good dividends in the second half of autumn, compensation for losses in 2016.

In 2017, Libra may lose old friends, but others will come.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

It’s difficult for Scorpio in many ways right now. There is a period when they are not looked at quite the way they would like. They see something other than who they are. Words, gestures, deeds - all this is not very recognized. Or with suspicion, or with some special assessment. This is a time of spiritual tossing. The business that Scorpio will now begin may either wither or require a lot of effort - much more than before.

But in no case should you despair, because this is a period of internal preparation. It’s good if a person looks at life philosophically and relies primarily on family, partners, and people who reach out and want to help. Under no circumstances should you think that they want to harm or deceive you. Do people come to you with gifts and gift offers? Agree, because the chance is really good.

Almost nothing will change in love unless Scorpio himself pushes you away. Everything is the same in marriage. The partner will be your guardian angel. In the summer, this sign will experience a reassessment of values, and autumn will give a powerful boost in business and personal life. Authority can be restored. The main thing is not to get involved in any situations that could bring serious condemnation.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Now Saturn is in Sagittarius, and this brings some restrictions. Sagittarians sometimes feel that they are not loved and cannot be tolerated. Everyone around left, abandoned. Longing and loneliness. But the year still offers very good prospects. Patrons and powerful friends help. They will advance both in work and in business. The main thing is not to reject their help, but to meet them halfway. Then there may be a very good result in the future.

Work will be an outlet for Sagittarius. In 2017, if health problems arise, you need to deal with them immediately. If you drag it out and leave it to chance, it can lead to complications in the future and develop into chronic diseases. Health difficulties are possible at the end of February, March and late autumn. At the end of winter, housing problems and difficulties in construction and real estate may arise. You will also need to look after your parents.

Money will be tight at the end of June. And you need them for travel, for yourself, for your family. To prevent this from happening, you need to save up a little in advance. The affairs of relatives will be disturbed in the middle of winter and in August.

The second half of the summer will go well, in pleasant company. The only thing is that unexpected news can come on the roads at the end of summer. There will be some dividends coming in the fall, but they will come in partnership. You need to rely on people's help.

On the eve of the New Year there will be another difficult moment when there is no need to risk money. It is better not to do anything with finances during this period.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

For Capricorns, a very important year regarding issues of career change. In 2016, long-distance roads opened for them. But their prospects will be realized a little later - in the second half of winter. And this trend will last all year - both at the end of spring and in the autumn.

Capricorn's despondency will partially dissipate next year, because children will bring joy. There is a possibility of pregnancy or conceiving a child. Love will delight you, family and friends will warm your soul.

The coming year is a very good period for creativity. You will have to invest yourself spiritually, but later you will be pleased with the results. The shoots will bear fruit.

As for the house, much will be unreliable. You want to change your home. If you have not yet done this, then you may have to work hard on this issue.

Difficulties will arise for parents, because one parent can rise, and the other can hinder it.

Changes in your career can be unsettling throughout the year. But already in the summer, work will become an outlet. Joy and entertainment will become a duty, moral and business obligation. Pleasant responsibilities await Capricorns.

The most difficult and stressful, but very productive period is the time from October. There will be a flow: productive, powerful, interesting. Friends will help, patrons will come. And all changes will be beneficial.

Overall, it will be a very good year indeed. Capricorns will experience spiritual happiness, personal affairs will go well - and this pleases.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

2017 is a time of long trips, a time of spiritual revolution. The roads are pleasing, you will achieve success away from home, look at life differently. And even if you stay in your own home, your partners from afar will remember you and support you. And the news that they love you will definitely come. This will make you very happy.

In 2017, it is good to deal with real estate issues or think about adding to the family. As a last resort, buy a pet for your home, it will also be a very good purchase.

Difficulties with management will periodically arise in your work. It will press down, slightly suppress your flight, as it already does. But you will receive compensation at home. Relationships with parents will improve, understanding will come. Children will enjoy success, especially in summer and autumn. You will feel very comfortable at home - and that's great.

Your circle of friends may narrow a little. You will even lose someone, because envy behind your back, unfortunately, cannot be avoided. The period of complications with friends is from spring to winter, especially at the end of March and at the end of June.

In August and September, you will be disturbed by family and household affairs. But these troubles are pleasant. Just don’t lose sight of your partners’ problems and your own health.

The end of the year is ambiguous, successes alternate with losses. New goals, love and work are possible. You will create a new business, or maybe just give birth to a child. And this will bring mutual understanding and respect into your life.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Next year Pisces will have a lot of charitable and social work. It has already begun. This work will bring development, prospects and very good resonance. You need to take it on. Participation in a common cause will later bring moral and even material compensation.

In the first third of the year there may be difficulties on long roads. They concern health and costs. This will last until mid-spring. Here you need to control the situation.

A very good time for those who write or study, who work with words or with children. It is also a favorable period for those who create their own business, relying on what they previously knew and were able to do. You may be given advances. Some of them, unfortunately, will be lost. A particularly difficult period in this regard was the end of 2016, then the end of January, the end of February and the beginning of March. However, this is a good time for business trips, working with words, trade, science, acquiring movable property, learning and teaching. It's better to get into real estate in the summer. In general, this will be a year of development for Pisces.

The end of the year, just the second half of autumn, is a very good time to work away from home. For travel, relocation, for the implementation of ideas and plans. For social, political and spiritual growth.

Tamara Globa, one of the most successful female astrologers in Russia, regularly makes predictions: both individual and general for all zodiac signs. Among her clients are quite a few famous and popular show business stars, politicians and public figures. She became widely known as she became the co-host of the TV show Let's Get Married. Having earned herself a reputation as an authoritative astrologer, Globa opened her own center, which anyone can contact. Also already there horoscope for 2017 from Tamara Globa , which will tell you about the events that each zodiac sign should expect in the coming year.

Zodiac signs:

Horoscope for 2017 from Tamara Globa

In the coming year, all signs will feel the influence of the new totem-ruler of the year - the Rooster. His already hot temper will be strengthened by the element of fire, and therefore the year will be rich in conflicts and difficult situations - mainly in communication.

Many signs will be prone to philanthropy and even squandering that is unusual for them. This is due to the fact that the Rooster loves luxury and living on a grand scale, and therefore surrounds himself with beautiful, bright things and luxury items. But he is also hardworking, and therefore almost everyone will have money. At least if they take active steps to achieve this.

It is important to remember that work will occupy most of your interests, and therefore maximum energy will be spent in this area. The best way to accumulate energy for accomplishments is on vacation and you need to go as far as possible from your usual surroundings in order to actually relax and recharge with positive emotions.

The Rooster is very flirtatious and loves to be the center of attention. Thanks to this, he makes many acquaintances and is generally open to any communication. Including cupid. Be prepared for the situation to change dramatically on the love front: you will fight off offers. The main thing is to choose one - the most interesting. Or don't give in to temptation if you're already married.

Money should be handled with special care, as there is a possibility of unprofitable investments or unexpected, spontaneous expenses. It’s better to save up for big purchases, which are best done in the fall. You can end the year with a noisy party in the spirit of the totem of the year - a carnival or a theme evening.

As for health, the stars warn against hypothermia, drafts and any means of catching a cold. Few people pay attention to a runny nose, but this year untreated bronchitis can result in serious problems with the respiratory tract - take care of yourself. Also watch your diet: proper and healthy food is the key to your health. The stomach will be grateful if you exclude fatty, fried and smoked foods from your diet, and the liver will say “thank you” for giving up smoked foods.

The famous astrologer has also prepared a more detailed horoscope for all zodiac signs.

Horoscope for 2017 from Tamara Globa: Aries

  • Work, career, .You can achieve success in your work if you show diligence and perseverance. Several difficult projects await you, the implementation of which will determine your career advancement. Management is watching you closely, so try to show your best side and work on your reputation. Build relationships with your colleagues; you will need their help in the fall, when things get really bad. The most difficult period will be, oddly enough, in the spring, when you will be up to your ears with work and will be fulfilling your duties, barely managing to meet deadlines. Your efforts will be noted by your superiors, but you will receive financial rewards only at the end of the year. Most likely you will receive a promotion. It is better to save money, since in the fall you will need a fairly large amount for a serious purchase. It is recommended to relax outside the city or somewhere on your native coast. Postpone expensive foreign trips until next year.
  • Family Children.You will be popular with the opposite sex. Your charm will be enhanced by the charisma of the totem of the year - the Rooster, and his love for theatrical performances. You will always be the center of attention, people will get to know you and flirt with you. All this is good if you are free and can afford more than one romance - however, it is better for you to refuse a professional one, it will not last long, and you will have to deal with the consequences for almost the entire year. If you already have a significant other, do not give her reasons for jealousy, and certainly do not cheat on her. This will lead to a break in the relationship, since your move to the side will become known quite quickly. You should especially be wary of holiday romances and affairs.
  • Health.You have a fairly strong immune system, since you have previously suffered from many different diseases. But it won’t hurt to do some additional strengthening. Hardening, playing sports and proper nutrition will be the key to your good and strong health throughout the year. You will be spared colds and flu, the epidemic of which will again be in the winter. But you will not be able to avoid injuries unless you start following safety rules.

Horoscope for 2017 from Tamara Globa: Taurus

  • Work, career, finances.You should be careful at work. Everything you say can be used against you, so think about what you say and to whom. Pretty soon your words will become public knowledge and then you will bite your elbows, since most likely for this reason you will lose your job. The most dangerous time is spring; it is during this period that you will be especially irritable and sharp-tongued. Only your reputation will help compensate for this situation, which you need to work on now. You must be the boss's favorite to get away with such an offense. Your hard work and the care with which you usually approach your work will help you with this. It is the fact that you always finish what you start and do everything perfectly that will become your trump card. However, don't count on any increases this year. Perhaps in December you will receive a salary increase, but your competitor will get the new office. It is better not to spend money in the first half of the year, but go on vacation in the second half - provided that you have kept your job. It will be difficult to find a new job; you will receive an interesting offer no earlier than September.
  • Family, love, children.While working and squabbling with colleagues, don’t forget about your family. This does not mean that conflicts should be brought into the home. On the contrary, it is better to leave them outside the door. Your irritability and harshness in your statements can cause disputes and scandals in the family. Take anger management training, pick up a calming hobby, or simply go for a walk whenever you feel the urge to argue. This is of no use to you. Your partner will be grateful if you try to be understanding of his problems, and not focus on your personal fatigue. Free Taurus will be in search of their other half and will even be able to find it, but there is a risk of frightening off the fish with excessive intrusiveness and pressure. Be gentle and everything will work out.
  • Health.Your weak point this year is your stomach. Don't put everything you want into your mouth, especially if it's a new exotic food. There is a high probability of severe food poisoning. Even if you think a food is safe, think twice before eating it. You also need to monitor the condition of your skin: a rash, irritation or itching may mean that it’s time for you to take a course of vitamins and consult a dermatologist, of course. Eat more seasonal vegetables, fruits and greens.

Horoscope for 2017 from Tamara Globa: Gemini

  • Work, career, finances.The stars promise you success if you let go of your imagination and use your imagination. Non-standard solutions and bold proposals are literally expected of you. But it is important to choose the time and place to present your idea. Don’t be intrusive, show diplomacy, if necessary, wait a while and at the right moment stun your colleagues and superiors. Management will be delighted with your creativity, and your colleagues will respect you more. Although there will be this respect with a slight touch of envy. They predict a new position and a good salary for you this year, but you will also have to work hard for this. You will not be able to sit on the sidelines while others are working on implementing your own idea. You will need not only control of the situation, but also direct participation. The most difficult period for you is summer, so it is best to plan your vacation in the fall. The velvet season at sea is also good. But in order to have money for vacation, you will need to save a little. Don't spend too much during the year, give up excesses and spend the entire period comfortably. It is worth investing only in proven projects that are already profitable and profitable today.
  • Family, love, children.You need to choose your words more carefully when communicating with loved ones. A carelessly dropped phrase can cause a serious disagreement, or even a family scandal. The most tense situation will arise with older relatives: parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts will need your advice or help, do not refuse. Especially if the reason is false. As for relationships with your spouse, beware of harsh statements addressed to him. He will react very painfully to your words, which will lead to quarrels and resentments. On the contrary, try to support your half in everything. As he assures horoscope for 2017 from Tamara Globa Gemini woman must show lability and mitigate conflicts in the house.
  • Health.If you have a number of bad habits, it's time to get rid of them. Start with the most harmless ones: stop biting your nails. And gradually eradicate other vices in yourself. Give up nicotine, reduce the dose of caffeine and alcohol, and forget about gambling. Go in for sports and improve your body health. Your body needs a break and support. Meditation and other spiritual practices will help you. The main thing is to know when to stop and not to apply everything at once to achieve a faster result. Everything should happen gradually.

Horoscope for 2017 from Tamara Globa: Cancer

  • Work, career, finances.The year will be marked by success and stability for you. But if you suddenly feel an irresistible desire to change your occupation and receive an appropriate offer, agree without hesitation. The year is favorable for any changes, including changing the city and country of residence. But you will need to undergo additional training to be successful in your new job. It may be worthwhile to attend courses now, improve your knowledge of a foreign language, or take training courses that are offered today by many educational centers. Success awaits you if you enlist the support of a strong person who has weight in society. Without such help, you will not be able to open a new business. Financially, you shouldn’t expect significant income: you simply won’t get large sums this year. However, regular work will still provide you with a stable income. If you have nothing to invest to increase your capital, then just moderate your spending. You need to always have a small amount in reserve, just in case.
  • Family, love, children.No major changes await you in this area. Married Cancers will be absorbed in everyday problems and think little about the sensual side of marriage. This is your main mistake. Your partner expects from you not only the mechanical fulfillment of your duties, but also real care, love and affection. Show that you still want to continue this relationship and are not tired of everything in the world. However, if you are tired, then there is no point in pulling the strap, it will not get better. The Rooster will give you the courage to make a final decision. The stars advise free Cancers not to despair. Since they will spend this year completely alone: ​​you will have novels and acquaintances, but they will not lead to anything stable and lasting. The situation will change only next year.
  • Health.You should protect yourself from colds: dress warmly, drink more fluids and especially tea with lemon, do not get too cold and make sure your feet are always dry. During the year, you will often be exposed to stress, which can lead to a real breakdown or neurosis. Learn to relax and unwind. Yoga and meditation will help you with this. It will also be useful to take up running or cycling.

Horoscope for 2017 from Tamara Globa: Leo

  • Work, career, finances.You will finally be able to realize yourself as a leader and get a leadership position. Your rapid career growth will not go unnoticed, which will cause a lot of whispers and gossip behind your back. But you know exactly the price of your success, so you won’t pay attention to harshness and barbs, especially since no one dares to tell you this to your face. The management will evaluate your contribution to the overall work and allocate it in the spring, but you should expect documentary and financial evidence of your merits by the fall, when a vacancy becomes available. Some things will be given to you with amazing ease, while others will take an unreasonably long time. Learn from your more senior colleagues and you will gain their respect. Even just nodding in the right place will be enough to stop the rumors. Don't waste money on empty things that don't bring any benefit. Aesthetic pleasure is, of course, important, but preserving capital is more important. Also, do not rush into large purchases, only if the conditions are really favorable and it would be stupid to miss such a chance. You can invest additional funds (bonuses and salary increases will not keep you waiting) in new developments and high technologies. Don’t be afraid to take risks, most importantly, don’t keep all your money in one project.
  • Family, love, children.Everything is calm and prosperous in Leo’s family; no one doubts who is in charge here and why. Your authority is unanimously recognized by all family members. In all this, it is important not to slide into tyranny and not to bully your family for any reason. Beware of judgment. They will come to you for wise advice and help, do not moralize and lecture, you yourself are far from ideal. But your wife needs to be especially gentle. She expects you to surround her with care, especially if you are expecting a new addition to the family this year. Those children that you already have will also require more love and affection. Do not skimp on praise and encouraging gestures.
  • Health.You need to beware of excessive nervous tension. You take on too much. A signal that it’s time to take a time-out will be sleep disturbance, increased irritability and short temper. Alternate your work and rest schedule, delegate some of your responsibilities to subordinates when you get a new position. Exacerbation of chronic spinal diseases and injuries, especially fractures and sprains, is also possible; be careful on ice.

Horoscope for 2017 from Tamara Globa: Virgo

  • Work, career, finances.You are often called a careerist, but you simply do your job and do it well, which cannot fail to be noted by senior management. This year you should not expect high ups or sharp jumps, but even stability will be a good result. You need to be more careful with your colleagues, some of them are under your thumb and it would be good for you to find out who exactly before you share your plans for the future. There is no need to organize a witch hunt; it will be enough to simply use cunning (for example, by misinforming one of the employees) to lure him out and bring him to light. Of course, you can prove yourself and demonstrate your leadership qualities and organize a Komsomol court, but no one will appreciate it. Just draw a conclusion for yourself and limit communication with this person. By nature, you are quite thrifty, so it will not be difficult for you to collect the necessary amount for a large purchase. And this is exactly what awaits you this year: a new property or apartment. The purchase will be long-awaited, and therefore will bring you joy and pleasure.
  • Family, love, children.You will have slight fluctuations in family relationships, but all problems can be solved by a few conscientious evenings a week. All that is required of you is more time with your partner, heart-to-heart conversations, or simply discussing burning topics. Do household chores together: cook, clean, iron laundry - even these little things will help improve family relationships. But single Virgos will have to work hard if they want to settle down and complete the year of marriage. You will need to look after - and for quite a long time - your chosen one and constantly demonstrate the depth of feelings and your attitude towards her. Awaken your conqueror.
  • Health.Carefully monitor the signals that your body gives you; even mild illness is a cause for concern. Folk remedies will help you: herbal infusions and ointments, wraps and rubbing. But serious illnesses should not be treated with conspiracies and whispers. Still, be prudent and go to the doctor on time if you feel worse.

Horoscope for 2017 from Tamara Globa: Libra

  • Work, career, finances.Libra is finally getting what they have been striving for for the past several years. Your persistence and patience will be rewarded. Last year you already started a serious major project and will continue to work on it all next year. It is noteworthy that it will most likely end with 2017 and then you will be able to really reap the fruits of your efforts. At the same time, you will have to solve several more important problems, and if you cannot cope, you are not ashamed to ask your friends for help, they will not refuse you. In your work, you are recommended to be guided by your skills and previously acquired skills, but for successful completion you will have to master several new ones, as well as deepen your knowledge in some subjects. Try not to be too proud of your successes; there will be envious people at every step and one of them will probably move from words to actions and pretty much ruin your life. In general, be friendly with your colleagues and do not curry favor with your superiors; no one likes braggarts and hypocrites. They are unlikely to be sincerely happy for you if you demonstrate your superiority. Don’t rush to spend the money you receive, although you won’t need the funds throughout the entire period; it’s better to keep some amount in reserve.
  • Family, love, children.The year will be successful for free Libra. Already at the beginning of winter you will meet your soul mate. But the challenge will be keeping her around and developing the relationship well enough to finish the year in the registry office. Don’t be too intrusive and don’t rush things, even if you want to make a positive impression, don’t demonstrate all your virtues all at once - stretch out the pleasure and allow your chosen one (chosen one) to get to know you gradually. You will also have many acquaintances throughout the year, special attention should be paid to people you meet in the spring, mid-summer and early autumn, they will have a serious impact on your life this year. Family Libras will feel comfortable in the previously created home comfort: make efforts to maintain it and the year will pass calmly, without incidents.
  • Health.According to the stars, you don’t expect any health problems this year. At least serious ones. But this does not mean that you can do nothing for your body. Sports, healthy eating, taking vitamins and even hardening will be very useful. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of a good swim or sunbathe - but not to the point of sunburn, of course.

Horoscope for 2017 from Tamara Globa: Scorpio

  • Work, career, finances.Your career is now experiencing some kind of crisis, which will be replaced by a period of stagnation. Think of it as stability. You should not expect a promotion or transfer to a new position this year, since there are no prerequisites for it yet. What you definitely need to do is follow the rules carefully and not go beyond the job description. In your case, initiative will be literally punished. If you are not privy to the management's far-reaching plans, there is no need to rush things and try to predict them. Most likely you will break unnecessary wood. In general, you need to be careful not only with actions, but also with statements. Any unflattering word about your boss or one of your colleagues will immediately become public knowledge and a reason for open reproach and condemnation. Try what is called “not to reflect”; the more you participate in any conflicts, the greater the chances that you will be able to stay in your previous place. The risk of dismissal is very high, so do not waste money, it is better to save just in case. If you lose your job, it won't be long before you find a new one. Moderate your spending, avoid excesses and work hard. The end of the year will show who has been doing what throughout the entire period, and then the authorities may change their anger to mercy, and you will be in a more advantageous position.
  • Family, love, children.As a famous character said, if you are unlucky in something, you will definitely be lucky in love. Here it is for you too. In contrast to problems at work and with money, everything will turn out favorably for you on the love front. Family Scorpios will find support in their loved ones, who will treat their problems with understanding, provide all possible support and indulge them in every possible way. Answer them in kind and you will be guaranteed a family idyll for the whole year. Single Scorpios will finally meet their soul mate and will be happier than ever, especially in the first months of the romance. The main thing is not to develop vigorous activity, try not to rush and not to put pressure, let everything flow as usual. You have already met, there is nothing more to be afraid of.
  • Health.You need to learn to rest, otherwise overexertion will put you in bed for a long time. If you feel that your nervousness has begun to bring discomfort to others, go on vacation immediately! Important: do not eat anything exotic or difficult to digest; your stomach and intestines are not ready for such tests.

Horoscope for 2017 from Tamara Globa: Sagittarius

  • Work, career, finances.Sagittarius continues a successful period that began in the previous period. You are already set up for success, and therefore everything in your hands is arguing and practically burning. To an outside observer it will seem that everything is going smoothly in your hands, but since you yourself know the price of such success, you will be somewhat offended to listen to such comments from your colleagues. Involve them in your work, show them what and how you do. This way you will kill two birds with one stone: you will eliminate envious people and earn the respect of both management and other employees. By demonstrating yourself as a leader, you will make a strong application for promotion. Keep up the good work and your colleagues will support you when this issue is discussed at the end of the year. Organize your investment funds. Saving will allow you to save the necessary amount so that when a worthwhile business appears, you can invest in it. Try to choose not only by intuition, but also guided by calculations and facts. Your income will ultimately depend on this. Also, the stars recommend that you do not invest the entire amount in one project, choose several interesting ones and collect the cream from each.
  • Family, love, children.You are already overly active and emotional - this is part of your character, but it is these qualities that will be strengthened by the influence of the totem of the year - the Rooster. Usually, the ability to demonstrate your emotions is highly valued by your family, as it is important for them to understand your feelings, but this time you need to be more restrained. Not everyone is able to withstand the fountains and explosions that this year will be full of. Make a compromise, try to find a common solution and talk through more problems, rather than keep them to yourself, so that they eventually explode into a scandal. In such a situation, you will want to distract yourself and switch your attention to someone else, but this will only harm the relationship by offending your partner. More attention to detail and everything will work out. This rule also applies to free Sagittarius; when starting a new romance, keep your emotions under control.
  • Health.Since the gastrointestinal tract is susceptible to diseases and collapses this year, beware of junk food and exotic dishes. Stick to a diet and limit your intake of fatty, fried, smoked and spicy foods. Avoid fast food and snacks from street stalls.

Horoscope for 2017 from Tamara Globa: Capricorn

  • Work, career, finances.This year may be marked by a serious promotion for you, but for this you will have to work hard and repeatedly show creativity to overcome a crisis situation. Enlist the support of your colleagues, try to find a solution before the problem becomes completely complex, take advantage of the experience of senior employees. If you are appointed project manager, do not strictly “turn on” the boss. Be yourself and maintain a friendly atmosphere. This will be an added bonus for you when your candidacy for promotion is discussed. It is likely that you will receive a good bonus or cash incentive for the work done, but do not rush to spend the money. You will need a tidy sum this fall, hold on to it. But you can make a successful investment somewhere in the middle of summer, listen carefully to the offers that will come to you, or look at the opportunities yourself. Don’t rush into investing, if you are not sure, it is better to miss one chance - another will not be long in coming. Also, feel free to go on trips abroad - but only in the second half of the year, the first will not be very successful for business trips or travel.
  • Family, love, children.You need to do your best to preserve the relationship you are in at the moment. Even if everything is falling apart at the seams, try to strengthen the connection. There will be a new serious and worthwhile relationship for a very long time, you risk being alone for more than one year. You need to devote time and attention to your partner, be sensitive to his requests and problems, but do not forget to share your experiences, establishing an emotional connection and a trusting relationship will be the best option for saving your relationship. Free Capricorns can only sympathize: your love affairs will not be long and lasting, and new acquaintances will be empty. But someone from your circle, with whom you have known for a long time, would be an excellent candidate for the role of your soul mate, take a closer look.
  • Health.You have good immunity and a strong body - all this is the result of your work, keep up the good work. More vitamins, green vegetables and seasonal fruits in your diet will help strengthen your body and overall health. Most likely, this year you will not even experience an exacerbation of seasonal diseases.

Horoscope for 2017 from Tamara Globa: Aquarius

  • Work, career, finances.During the year, you need to carefully and diligently perform your duties and coexist peacefully with your colleagues. This will be quite enough for you to be offered a promotion or transfer to a new position with a significant increase in salary. However, this will come as a surprise and unexpectedness for you, since initially you did not set such a goal for yourself. But you should think about accepting this offer or not - a higher position will mean that there will be more responsibility, which means there will be greater demand from you. If you are ready for such a test and have strong nerves, feel free to agree, otherwise, give way to someone else. Also try to control your spending, impulsive and spontaneous spending can greatly empty your wallet, and this year you should not spend money on something bright and beautiful. The benefits and necessity of the purchase should come first - unnecessary spending can lead you to a difficult financial situation. You are also not recommended to make deposits or investments. You yourself are unlikely to be able to determine a obviously successful project, and you are strictly forbidden to take risks. The only exception is if you have an experienced consultant who can advise you on a good deal. But do you know him well enough to trust him with your money?
  • Family, love, children.For those lucky Aquarians who already have a family, the stars recommend restraining their emotions and not solving all problems in raised voices. Quarrels, scandals and disputes will be mainly due to the fact that you cannot control yourself. Take a deep breath, count to ten or twenty or even a hundred, but do not rush to scream and express your dissatisfaction with your partner. In the end, he may not be able to stand it and leave. Another reason for the breakdown of relationships can be betrayal. You will get momentary pleasure, but you will have troubles for months to come. As they say, the game is not worth the candle. For single Aquarians, the stars predict new relationships, but only at the end of the year; the rest of the time you can enjoy short-term romances and affairs.
  • Health.This year you are very susceptible to stress and anxiety. Try to minimize their effect on your body: take a sedative (but only on the recommendation of a doctor - no self-medication!), eliminate the cause of nervous tension. You also need to take care of your liver - fatty foods and alcohol should be completely excluded from your diet for quite a long time.

Horoscope for 2017 from Tamara Globa: Pisces

  • Work, career, finances.Your success at work will be directly proportional to the effort expended to obtain the result. That is, you will try and the result will be appropriate. Don’t let some projects and things take their course, try to control the implementation of the idea you submitted, even if you are not the executor. Most likely you will have to back up one of your colleagues, be on the lookout. A promotion will not be long in coming if you do your job conscientiously. Perhaps your competitors will try to lure you away by promising you a higher salary, their own office and a high position. If this is what you are striving for, agree. Changes this year will benefit you. Establish trusting relationships with some colleagues, especially those who like to collect gossip; you need to be aware of everything that happens in the office in order to bypass someone’s multi-step in time and not become a tool in it. Control your spending, even a small thing that at first glance will not hit your pocket hard may turn out to be unnecessary. You will need a small amount somewhere in the middle of the year, it will be better if you have it rather than have to borrow. It will be difficult to repay debts this year, but you can safely lend it to a friend - the money will come back to you pretty soon.
  • Family, love, children.Your relationship will sparkle with new colors this year. Several emotional and exciting events await you - mainly joint holidays, which will significantly enliven your marriage or partnership. According to horoscope for Pisces for 2017 from Tamara Globa , you will be in a state of euphoria for almost the entire year, but do not forget that you also need to try to please your partner and make him happy too. Free Pisces will meet a person with whom they will be very comfortable. A relationship that began as a strong friendship will develop into something more and quite strong, only Pisces themselves realize this almost at the moment of marriage proposal.
  • Health.Throughout the year you will feel weak and unwell, change your diet, add vitamins and green vegetables to it. Morning exercises or at least a contrast shower will give you energy. You need to beware of stress and nervous tension, get plenty of rest. Spend your vacation lazily lying on the sand, although if you feel a surge of energy, feel free to go on bike rides or excursions, positive emotions are also prescribed for you.

In October, according to astrologer Tamara Globa, people will experience a special restructuring of the body and energy in general. By following astrological recommendations, representatives of different Zodiac Signs will be able to make the coming month the happiest time of the year.

It turns out that the positive influence of planets can be enhanced. Certain talismans and amulets that match your Zodiac Sign will help you with this. With their help, all the good opportunities that you bypass every day will become available to you. The main property of any talisman is to renew energy and attract positive flows to the owner. As long as creative energy circulates freely, luck will not leave you a single step.


In October, the Moon and its changeable energy will act as your mentor. Its impact in itself is negative for you. However, this rule only applies if you do not know how to use the lunar phases to your advantage. The time has come to abandon all oppressive and downward relationships. Start actively getting rid of all emotional attachments - you will succeed without much difficulty. The secret is simple - people depend on you, not you on them.

At the beginning of October, hold off on making serious decisions. Take a closer look at people and life events. After the 12th, the Moon's activity will subside. At this time, you will be prone to independent and independent behavior. Start preparing the ground for refusing to cooperate with negative people. The best time for personal initiatives is October 13, 14 and 15.


The destructive energy of Neptune will influence you in October. This planet will draw strength from the constellation Pisces throughout the month. The stars signal the beginning of a very difficult period. Life events, like relationships with your loved one, will become unpredictable. Your love life may be on the verge of breaking down. In addition to this, all past unresolved issues may fall on you at once. The time has come to take out all your talismans and protective amulets.

The thing is that Neptune will try with all his might to lead you astray, pointing out all the shortcomings and weaknesses, touching bare nerves. This has its own advantage - you can look fear in the face.


In October, Jupiter will become the active planet for Gemini. Until October 9, he will remain in the Sign of Libra, which will make the first nine days more positive. But the presence of a cosmic giant in the constellation Scorpio from the 10th will complicate your life. Tensions will arise literally out of nowhere until you understand the main thing - all problems are created by you, or rather, by your thoughts. The law of attraction works like clockwork, and you will experience it for yourself in October.

First of all, you have to get rid of negative programs. Jupiter's character is destructive for you, so you should not expect easy victories. The stars will try to help you, but this will require attentiveness and a willingness to change. Free yourself from other people's opinions, relying only on your own worldview and intuition. In October, you will need to show considerable restraint in order to maintain the precarious balance that connects the present and the future.


The beginning of October, like the month as a whole, is painted in negative tones for Cancers. Mars will be the source of destructive energy. This militant planet will allow all resentments, doubts and anger to break out. It's time to pull yourself together and tame your emotions. Don't let your impulsive impulses affect those close to you.

The most dangerous period according to the horoscope is October 1-22. It is at this time that the meeting of Mars and Virgo will prevent you from finding harmony. In this position of the planet you will feel extremely uncomfortable. After the 22nd, Mars will give up its position, losing all its strength due to the transition to the Sign of Libra. It is the last 8 days that will free you from the shackles of negativity. Plan all the most important things for the end of the month.

a lion

In October, Leos will be strongly impressed by the influence of Venus, the patroness of feelings and emotions. Your antagonist will stay in the constellation Virgo until October 13, which will not cause unnecessary problems with your mood. You should be wary of the period from October 14 to October 30. At this time, Venus will gain strength and increase its activity, and personal problems will arise on the horizon.

Leos will have to prepare for the fact that their will will encounter obstacles that they did not expect at all. Try to remain calm in the face of Venus's tricks. Your chances of winning are still high, it will just take more effort than usual. It is advisable to consult with people who are authoritative for you - they will help you cope with what you cannot yet cope with.


Uranus, which will be moving backwards, will be the planet that determines your luck. In October, Virgos may develop psychic abilities. In any case, intuition will definitely work for you. Don't stand still, move along the given course. The stars promise to remove some of the obstacles.

A hot topic in October will be networking. People will reach out to you and try in every possible way to help. Forget about commercialism, arrogance and selfishness. Thank every person who gives you a helping hand. If you reciprocate with the world, you will experience a significant breakthrough in matters that are at the first level in importance.


In October, Libra will have to reckon with Mercury, which will change your view of the world. The influence of the planet in charge of the material side of life will be positive for you. Even his transition from Libra to the Sign of Scorpio on October 17 will in no way affect your energy.

Change will start from within. Mercury will replace your desire for harmony with more sober calculation and planned tactics. Emotions will subside, giving way to common sense, and you will be able to look at everything with a fresh look, free from everything unnecessary. The problematic topic will be laziness and lack of desire to change anything. Do not succumb to the provocations of your own consciousness. Change your life.


Throughout the month, Scorpio representatives will be bothered by annoying little things. In general, the astrological picture for October is going well for you, with the exception of the influence of Pluto, strengthened by the constellation Capricorn. This planet will promote coldness in relationships with people. The irony of this period is that it is through interpersonal relationships that you can go through all the thorns forward to your dream.

Scorpios will have to show how much they need the support and care of loved ones. If you find yourself at a dead end, do not hesitate to ask for help, exposing your vulnerability - you will cope with all problems. Just don’t waste time, energy and effort on things and people that affect you indirectly.


Sagittarius is expected to have a positive period in October. You will owe a lot to the Sun. Your patron will illuminate the path to happiness, carefully helping you overcome all difficulties. Personal, social and business life should be a priority. There will be plenty of time to resolve all the issues of concern. Until October 22, solar energy will continue to provide you with all the necessary resources.

After the 23rd, you will be left without tangible support from the daylight. The Sun will completely waste its creative energy by moving into the Sign of Scorpio. Left with problems alone, do not rush to make crazy decisions. Act gently, calmly and slowly.


Saturn will act as your cosmic patron. Thanks to the influence of this planet, luck will become your faithful companion in October. The Universe will give you tips that will help you shorten the road to personal success. The only obstacle to your dream will be the wrong prioritization. Listen to your inner voice, don't ignore your sixth sense.

In October, you will enjoy business activity, learning new things and realizing your potential. Hurry to bring all fresh ideas and new plans to life. Don't go against your desire to become better, smarter, more successful. You have a powerful weapon in your hands - ambition, so allow yourself to satisfy it.


Aquarius, no matter how much you would like to stay in the shadows in October, site experts do not advise doing this. Saturn will become your active planet, which means that you will have to concentrate on knowing yourself and your purpose. Laziness is a common autumn syndrome that needs to be combated. A lucky pill will be motivation that will come again and again, pushing you to action.

The stars advise you to look at yourself and the events of your life from a different angle. You will have to answer the main question - are you satisfied with your destiny? You will find a solution quickly. The only thing you should be afraid of is unexpressed energy, so engage in creativity, sports and search for new hobbies.