Documents for a subsidy for a young family. Grounds for refusal to participate in the program

One of the main directions of state development in modern Russia is the policy of increasing the birth rate and supporting young families. That is why the state annually develops programs at the federal and local levels to support young families in order to increase the birth rate in the country.

It's no secret that one of the main problems for young spouses is a low level of material or financial security. In the country as a whole, the income level of such categories of citizens is one and a half times lower than the average.

Young families, as a rule, receive income from wages, child benefits, state subsidies, etc. But this is not always enough to solve one of the most important problems.
The main problem facing young couples is housing difficulties. There are several solutions to these difficulties:

  • Renting residential premises;
  • Accommodation in a hostel;
  • Living with parents;
  • Buying your own square meters.

The last solution, as a rule, is the most expensive and unaffordable, however, the state has developed various programs, such as “Providing subsidies for improving housing conditions,” which young spouses can take advantage of.

A subsidy is a free, targeted monetary assistance issued for specific purposes.

Such assistance is issued at a time in non-cash form to certain categories of citizens by decision of the executive authorities.

Conditions for providing housing subsidies

As noted above, young couples have the right to apply for subsidies, but there are a number of requirements. One of the principles of subsidizing is targeting, that is, only those citizens who prove that they belong to certain categories can receive subsidies.

A subsidy for a young family may be provided subject to the following conditions:

  • The spouses are officially registered as married and have Russian citizenship;
  • The age of the husband and wife should not exceed 35 years;
  • Lack of own housing;
  • Presence of minor children (natural or adopted);
  • Recognition of a low-income family.

In accordance with the Housing Code, classified as poor spouses with an average income below the subsistence level.

The amount of the subsidy under the “Young Family” program for 2017 is calculated in each specific case individually. So the amount of assistance depends on the place of residence, family composition, cost of housing, and number of children.

However, there are general principles for calculating the amount of state support for the purchase of housing or improvement of living conditions:

  • For spouses with 1-2 children, the amount of the subsidy will not exceed 35% of the market value of housing (up to 600-800 thousand rubles);
  • Large families can count on assistance in the amount of 40-50% (up to 1 million rubles).

Thus, knowing the average cost per square meter of housing stock in a particular region, you can calculate the amount of the subsidy. The cost must be multiplied by the number of square meters required and the required subsidy amount (35-40%) subtracted from the resulting amount.

Subsidy amount for 2018

State support for young families is not only assistance to needy and low-income categories of citizens. This is, first of all, a contribution to the future development of Russian society as a whole. That is why the government of the country not only does not reduce the amount of subsidies, but plans to increase the volume of material assistance under the “Young Family” program, which is designed until 2020.

According to forecasts for 2018, it is planned to allocate up to 1 billion rubles to the state budget for the program. This amount, according to forecasts, should be enough to provide 70-100 thousand young families with square meters. It is also worth mentioning that vulnerable segments of the population, such as orphans and disabled people, can count on receiving priority government support.

List of documents

The completion of which has been postponed by the government to 2020. This project has already helped many young Russian families purchase their own housing. Of course, participants in the program will not be able to get an apartment for a young family free of charge from the state, as was the case many years ago, but there is a chance of receiving a subsidy for the purchase of housing in the amount of .

Conditions for participation in the program

To receive a subsidy, a young family must meet certain criteria. These primarily include the following conditions:

  1. The age of both spouses (or a single parent) cannot exceed the age of 35 years at the time of receiving the state benefit.
  2. The area of ​​the initial available housing when a young family receives an apartment through a state subsidy for one family member cannot exceed a certain limit established by regional laws and regulations.

    In different regions the indicator accounting standard for residential area may vary. If the regional housing supply threshold per person is exceeded, participation in the program will be impossible.

  3. A married couple must have their own savings to pay the down payment on the mortgage, which will have to be taken out to join the project - and now this is at least 20% of the cost of housing.
  4. To confirm and guarantee solvency, both spouses of a young family (or one working spouse) must have a permanent and official place of work.
  5. Both spouses in a married couple must be registered at the same address. Registration of program participants in different residential premises is not permitted.

Any questions you may have regarding participation in the “Young Family” project should be addressed to the housing departments of local governments (administration of a municipal district, city district, rural settlement, etc.). It is advisable to first read the answers to frequently asked questions.

Amount of subsidy for a young family in 2017

If a married couple meets all the above requirements, then they can qualify for benefits when purchasing a home. In this case, the state subsidy may be:

  • at least 30% from the estimated cost of housing - for young families without children;
  • at least 35% from the estimated cost of housing - for young families with one child or more.

In some regions participating in the program, an additional 5-10% of the cost of housing may be established as a subsidy for young families.

What documents are needed to receive a subsidy?

To participate in the program, married couples must collect package of documents:

  • application for a subsidy in two copies;
  • identity documents of all family members;
  • marriage certificate;
  • documents confirming that the family is recognized as in need of improved housing conditions (or a certificate of state registration of ownership of residential premises purchased or built using housing loan funds, if the family was recognized as in need of improved housing conditions at the time of concluding the loan agreement) ;
  • documents that confirm the family has the necessary income (when receiving a housing loan or a loan for building a house - a loan agreement and a certificate of the amount of the remaining debt and debt);
  • an extract from the house register;
  • certificate of personal details

Today, many young families are faced with housing problems. Knowing this, the state offers its assistance in the form of social programs. But, unfortunately, not every family knows about such programs. And those families who know about the existence of such support often do not take advantage of the opportunity due to ignorance of the principles of social programs. Therefore, we will devote this material to subsidies for young families in 2017 and learn about what conditions they imply. We will also analyze what documents need to be collected in order for the state to issue subsidies to young families.

What assistance options does the state apparatus offer to young families?

The state has always offered and continues to offer various benefits and privileges to those who need them. The largest subsidy can be called “Young Family”. From the name it is already clear that the program offers subsidies to improve housing conditions for young families.

What other benefits are available to families, besides the one mentioned above? Let's label them. This:

  • benefits related to state tax policy in relation to young families;
  • privileges for parents who have the status of “single parents”;
  • free travel for children under 6 years of age;
  • reimbursement by the state of a monthly allowance for a minor child if the amount of income for each family member does not reach the subsistence level;
  • the opportunity to purchase medications for children under 3 years of age free of charge (and if a child has serious illnesses, the opportunity to purchase free medications up to the age of 15);
  • children of parents who are students can attend kindergarten completely free of charge;
  • For children under 2 years old there is a free dairy kitchen.

The state apparatus also takes care of large families, offering them various options for social assistance.

Nuances of the “Young Family” program

Young families, as well as single-parent families consisting of one parent and one/several children, can be considered as program participants.

It should also be said that units of society (that is, families) that do not have children can also count on help from the Government of the Russian Federation. And this help will be a certificate for the purchase of housing.

Important! All types of assistance offered by the state apparatus free of charge to needy sections of society can be provided to all citizens of the country living in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Participants in the programs described above are subject to the following requirements:

  • age for the period of obtaining the certificate – no more than 35 years;
  • lack of own living space or the presence of living space unsuitable for living;
  • fact of permanent employment, which can confirm solvency;
  • Russian citizenship.

Social units will be recognized as needy when:

  • there is housing that is unsuitable for habitation;
  • a unit of society lives in a living space where the number of residential “squares” per citizen is less than the required norm;
  • living on site with a sick relative.

The funds provided by the state apparatus can be used not only for an apartment (that is, its purchase), but also:

  • to pay for a loan taken out for housing suitable for living;
  • for the construction of a house for a young family (in this case we are talking about a subsidy for the construction of a house);
  • down payment on a mortgage loan (implies a subsidy for repayment of the mortgage).

To receive a subsidy for the purchase of housing, it will take time to collect papers and wait for a decision from the competent structures.

How to get a subsidy for a young family: list of documents

The community unit that applies for assistance must provide the district administration with:

  • statement;
  • passports of each spouse, a certificate proving the fact of official registration of the marriage, a certificate proving the fact of the birth of the baby;
  • confirmation of solvency and a certificate proving that one of the spouses was issued a loan (if the loan has not yet been issued, but is about to be received, then the individual must provide a receipt of his consent to provide a certain amount to a specific citizen);
  • an extract from the house register;
  • if the housing in which the applicant and his relatives live is unsuitable for living, provide certificates about the condition of the property;
  • information reflecting the place of residence of the applicant with relatives over the past 5 years;
  • certificates from the BTI proving that the applicant and his relatives have not previously participated in this social program.

This list contains basic documents, but in each region local governments may require an additional range of documentation.

Important! In order for the application to be accepted, it is necessary to present not only the originals of all official documents, but also their copies.

Until what year is this state program valid?

It was originally planned that benefits under the Young Family program would be valid from 2011 to 2015. But since all the tasks assigned to this initiative could not be achieved, the program was extended.

So far it is said that it will be in effect until 2020. Whether it will be extended beyond 2020 is not yet known.

Have any adjustments been made to the program?

If we talk about global adjustments, it can be argued that they practically did not affect this legislative initiative. Although there were still some minor amendments, according to which:

  1. The certificate can be used by a young community unit only for the purchase of primary housing.
  2. The certificate cannot be used to close a mortgage that was issued for a previously taken living space.

In addition, some local governments made their own amendments to the operation of this program. To find out about this, you need to contact the regional competent structures directly.

How much assistance can be provided?

Cells of society consisting of at least two people can take advantage of the assistance described above from the state. The size of the subsidy is directly related to the number of people participating in the program. If the participants are two spouses, then they can count on receiving 35% of the average housing price from the state apparatus. If the participants are spouses with children or units of a society where there is only one parent and one child, then they will receive 40% of the average housing price.

But it should be understood that each region has the right to change the above amount of assistance.

What is known about the payment terms?

The only negative aspect of the program is the payment terms. An applicant who is in line for a subsidy can receive a certificate on average 12-18 months after submitting an application. But there are cases when the applicant received the certificate only 4-5 years after submitting the papers to the competent structure.

First of all, certificates are received by social units that:

  • classified as having many children;
  • classified as poor.

After the applicant has received the certificate, it is necessary to open an account with a banking institution within a 30-day period. It is to this account that funds from the state apparatus will be received. This certificate is considered valid for a 9-month period from the date of its receipt. If the recipient of this certificate does not have time to use it, the document is considered invalid. To get it again, you need to join the queue again.

How does the program work in different regions?

In many regions, local administrations have introduced their own rules. For example, in St. Petersburg the following rules apply: you can apply for state assistance when obtaining housing only if one of the spouses (or both) have lived in the city for at least 10 years. If this fact is observed, the state apparatus will be able to provide an interest-free mortgage, but a down payment of 30% of the cost of housing is required. Other regions of the country do not impose similar requirements for the duration of residence in the city.

There are also some regional differences in the number of square meters allowed per person. For example, in Tyumen the norm is 15 square meters per person. In Krasnodar and Novosibirsk, the norm is 18 “squares” per person (but this condition applies to social units of more than 3 people).

Let's sum it up

This material told how to get a housing subsidy for a young family. If, after studying the requirements of this program, you understand that your social unit is considered young, collect papers, submit them and seek a subsidy for the purchase of your own living space.

Discussion: 3 comments

    My husband and I would also like to take advantage of such a program; we don’t have our own home, but we really want to. But as far as I understood, it would only be possible to buy housing from developers? Secondary won't work?

    I had some experience in the field of “getting from the state what it promised me.” The state won :)
    I can advise young families who want to participate in the “Young Family” program - collect every piece of paper, be it a certificate from a university, or from kindergarten, in general, everything that has to do with the child and your financial affairs. This is a signature feature of our state - to “dig” into the absence of some kind of paper certificate (it seems not particularly necessary, at first glance), and refuse, citing the fact that not all documents have been prepared.

    Alexander, by law you have the right to deliver documents and continue to participate. Refusal to the program: Age over 35 years, deregistration (which participated in the program), purchase of housing, inheritance, i.e. improvement.

To answer the question of how to get on the waiting list for a young family to receive housing, you need to know all the intricacies of providing financial assistance for the purchase of housing under a state social project.

The “Young Family” program operates until 2020 and fulfills its main task - helping families get their own square meters on preferential terms. What will happen after the end of this period is still unknown, so it is better to join the list of participants now.

The essence of the program

The state issues subsidies in the form of a certificate for the purchase of apartments in new buildings to young families. The share of cash assistance for families with children in Moscow and St. Petersburg is 35% of the cost of housing, without children - 30%, in the regions - 40% and 35%, respectively. The remaining amount can be obtained through mortgage lending if there are no or insufficient funds available.

The certificate must be transferred to an authorized bank within 2 months, and the funds from there will be transferred to the company from which the living space is purchased.

In each specific municipality, prices are determined for 1 square meter, this affects the amount of government assistance. The average is 35,000 rubles.

The purpose of this program is to provide support to the low-income population and increase construction volumes throughout the country.

Changes in 2017:

  1. The money on the certificate should not be used to repay loans. The document is provided to the bank only at the initial stage of obtaining a mortgage for the purchased apartment.
  2. The certificate can only be used to purchase housing in new buildings or to participate in shared construction. The secondary market is not considered by the project.

The changes apply to all those who applied for participation in the program after 2015.

Conditions for participation in the program

Basic conditions:

  1. All family members are citizens of the Russian Federation.
  2. A family falls into one of the following categories: spouses without children, spouses with children, single parent with a child.
  3. The age of the spouses is from 18 to 35 years.
  4. The spouses live together.
  5. The family needs improved living conditions.
  6. The amount of income of all family members will be able to cover the mortgage loan: 2 family members - 21,621 rubles, 3 family members - 32,510 rubles, 4 family members - 43,350 rubles.

The Housing Code states that citizens who need to improve their living space are those who:

  • do not own their own housing and do not occupy public housing under a social tenancy agreement;
  • have housing that does not meet the established standards per person (figures vary in the regions of the Russian Federation - from 10 to 15 square meters);
  • registered in emergency housing;
  • live together with a seriously ill person and experience significant inconvenience.

Specialists who determine the level of housing compliance take into account the place of registration of each family member, the total area of ​​​​all available housing and how many people are registered there. The property of the spouses' parents, if the family submitting the application is registered with them, is also taken into account.

Required documents

Package of documents for participation in the “Young Family” program:

  1. Passports or birth certificates of all family members.
  2. Marriage certificate (not required for single parents).
  3. Work books for each working participant in the program.
  4. Information about bank accounts (statements) and a bank certificate about the approved amount for mortgage lending. Maximum – 2,200,000 rubles.
  5. Certificates of income from places of work.
  6. If there are paid loans, documents confirming this (relevant for those entering into a mortgage).
  7. Certificates of receipt of social assistance, if provided.
  8. Military ID.
  9. Certificate of participation in the Maternity Capital project, if available.
  10. Information about where family members have lived over the past 5 years (lease or purchase agreements for real estate, registration certificates).
  11. A document indicating that you have been placed on a waiting list for housing.
  12. Statement from a participant in the “Young Family” program.

The application form is established by the state. It must indicate the reasons proving the need to improve living conditions and the need for financial assistance, as well as a list of all documents provided.

The application is written in two copies. After submitting the information package, the second copy remains with the applicant. Copies must be made of all certificates, certificates and other documents. Please have the originals with you for certification.

Process of submission and review of documents

With a completed package of documents, one of the spouses or an authorized representative applies to the municipal authority at the place of residence. The period for consideration of the application does not exceed 10 days.

The result is given to the applicant in a letter, but a certificate for receiving financial assistance from the state can only be received when the turn comes.

The certificate can only be obtained once in a lifetime. It cannot be transferred to anyone or sold.

Mortgage repayment

In 2017, funds received from the state can be used to repay a mortgage loan only if the loan agreement was drawn up between 2006 and the end of 2010.

In this case, instead of information about the income of family members, the following is provided to the territorial body dealing with subsidies:

  • legal certificate;
  • loan agreement;
  • bank certificate about the outstanding part of the debt.

Grounds for refusal

The state has the right to refuse to provide a certificate under the “Young Family” program if:

  • the documents provided do not correspond to reality;
  • one of the family members owns the necessary living space;
  • the family is unable to pay the remaining amount of the cost of the apartment.

After eliminating all the shortcomings in the documents, you can contact the municipal authority again.

Using a certificate

The young family should provide the received certificate to the bank within 2 months, where the funds accrued by the state will be transferred.

9 months are allocated to find housing that meets all criteria. You should begin your selection as early as possible, because there may not be options on the real estate market that meet all the requirements, or prices per square meter may rise.

Under the terms of the program, the house must be put into operation and meet the requirements for livability and sanitary standards. The area of ​​the apartment must meet the standards for each family member.

Video about participation in the program

The project to help young families purchase housing has been operating in Russia since 2011. Its validity period has already been extended, and may be extended in the future.

During this period, more than 300,000 families were able to purchase their own housing, thanks to government support. Of all the social programs to improve living conditions, “Young Family” is the most effective and popular. But it must be remembered that the state provides the opportunity to take advantage of only one housing project (with the exception of Maternity Capital).

If you know all the nuances about the Young Family program, you can receive benefits and subsidies that will make it financially easier to buy your own home.

Let us clarify right away: the extended program has undergone some changes. Initially, the range of opportunities it opened up was wider. Now it has narrowed, but changing the conditions will allow the state to help more people buy their own homes.

Who can apply for improved living conditions?

Previously, a young family or a single parent could apply for improved living conditions in different ways.

A family that will take part in the Young Family program in 2019 will be put on a waiting list to receive a subsidy in the amount of no more than 30% of the total cost of housing. The extension of the “Young Family” program will help many families realize their cherished dream - purchasing their own living space. It is planned to provide housing to more than 170,000 Russian couples.

The program is designed to help young families acquire ownership of residential premises or create an individual housing construction project. In particular, social payments under the program can be used for:

  • payment of the price of the purchase and sale agreement for residential premises;
  • payment of the price of a construction contract for residential construction;
  • making the last payment towards the last share contribution, as a result of which the residential premises become the property of the young family;
  • paying a down payment when receiving a loan for the purchase or construction of housing;
  • payment of the contract price with an authorized organization for the purchase in the interests of a young family of economy-class residential premises on the primary housing market;
  • payment of the price of the agreement for participation in shared construction.

At the same time, residential premises cannot be purchased from close relatives (spouse, grandfather (grandmother), grandchildren, parents, adoptive parents, children (including adopted children), full and half brothers and sisters).

As a result of participation in such a program, a young family receives a certificate of right to receive social benefits. The validity period of such a certificate is no more than 7 months.

However, not all citizens are given the opportunity to receive assistance from the state.

There are a number of requirements for applicants:

  • The maximum age of family members should not exceed 35 years at the time the family is included in the list of applicants for receiving social benefits in the planned year;
  • The family has sufficient income to pay a loan to purchase housing or pay the average cost of housing;
  • In addition, it must be proven that applicants are in line for improved housing conditions and really need it.

The right to participate in the program is granted to a young family once; participation is on a voluntary basis.

Important: to participate in the program, the family does not have to be complete, and it is not necessary to have children. Also, one of the spouses may not be a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Social benefits are provided in the amount

  • 30 percent of the estimated average cost of housing for young families without children;
  • 35 percent of the average cost of housing, for young families with one child or more, as well as for single-parent young families consisting of one young parent and one child or more.

How to become a participant in the program

First, the family should ensure that it meets all the requirements outlined above.

And secondly, in order to participate in the “Young Family” program in 2019, you must submit a package of documents to the authorized body (most often the district administration).

Required documents

To participate in the program, the family must come to the local government office at their place of registration.

Before contacting the district administration, namely the housing department, you need to collect the entire package of documents. The list of documents is quite lengthy, but collecting them will not take much time:

  1. Application in two copies, which is written according to the form. In them, the spouses set out as clearly as possible the goals of receiving subsidies for their family. Applications are signed by both spouses, one copy is returned to the couple.
  2. Copies of husband and wife’s passports, as well as children’s birth certificates, if any.
  3. A copy of the marriage certificate. If the family is incomplete, this point may not be fulfilled.
  4. Documents confirming the family's need for improved housing conditions.
  5. All documents indicating the family's monetary income. They must confirm that the spouses are able to systematically pay the mortgage on time. Such documents may include certificates from the couple’s place of work about the average monthly salary, certificates of social benefits (if any), a bank statement confirming the presence of their own account (preferably).
  6. Copies of SNILS.

To repay the principal amount of the debt and pay interest on loans, to purchase residential premises or build a residential building, you will also need

  1. An extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on the rights to residential premises or a house acquired or built using earthly funds, or a construction contract or other documents confirming the costs of constructing a residential building.
  2. A copy of the loan agreement.
  3. A certificate about the amount of the remaining debt and the amount of debt to pay interest for using the loan.

Having prepared a complete package of documents, you can contact the appropriate authority. Both spouses or one of them can perform the procedure. The person who accepts your documents is obliged to advise you regarding the further fate of your participation in the program.

The decision to include you in the list of program participants is made within 10 days from the date of acceptance of your application. The grounds for refusal are strictly defined by law:

  • the young family does not meet the requirements,
  • failure to submit or incomplete submission of documents,
  • unreliability of information contained in the submitted documents,
  • previously realized right to improve housing conditions using social benefits.

Resubmission of documents is allowed after the reasons for refusal have been eliminated.

If at the time of the formation of the lists of young families - applicants for receiving social benefits in the corresponding year, the age of at least one of the members of the young family exceeds 35 years, such a family is subject to exclusion from the list of young families who have the opportunity to participate in receiving subsidies.

You can ask all your questions at local authorities. The Young Family program will allow you to get your own home and not worry about the future!

Do you need information on this issue? and our lawyers will contact you shortly.

Where to get advice on the program

If you have questions about the possibility of participating in the program, we recommend that you visit the official websites of government agencies. There you can get complete information on the program and conditions of participation in it.

Another opportunity to get a full consultation is to contact a lawyer who will show you all your prospects for participating in the program and answer all your questions.

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To quickly resolve your problem, we recommend contacting qualified lawyers of our site.