Lower back pain in women. Why does the lower back hurt in women? Gynecological and kidney diseases

Lower back pain in women can be a sign of a variety of diseases of the spinal column and internal organs. Therefore, ignoring such manifestations is extremely dangerous, which is fraught with problems with childbirth and other pathologies, including disability. Next, the causes of pain localized in the lumbar region will be considered, as well as recommendations for identifying the problem and competently overcoming it.

Most common reasons

Why does the lower back hurt in women? Most often, pain localized in the lumbar region is associated with intense physical work and excessive stress. With repeated bending or lifting heavy weights, a similar problem can arise both in women who are far from fitness and in professional athletes. Another common cause of lower back pain is due to a sedentary lifestyle.

Prolonged sedentary work and hobbies such as knitting and embroidery create increased stress on the spinal column, which leads to various negative consequences. Pain in the lumbar region is often caused by hypothermia. Moreover, “” is possible not only in the cold season, but even in the summer when working indoors with a draft created by the air conditioner. Lower back pain can be caused by chronic diseases of the spine or internal organs.

For example, pain localized symmetrically on both sides of the spinal column usually indicates problems with the ovaries or kidneys. Some gynecological diseases have similar symptoms.

Spine pathologies

Acute discomfort in the lower back, caused by damage to the osteochondral tissue of the spine, is often caused by the following chronic ailments:

  • spondyloarthrosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis in women is diagnosed several times more often than in men due to hormonal changes and various metabolic disorders. Bone tissue with osteoporosis acquires a porous, fragile structure. Women over 50 years of age often experience a calcium deficiency and a lack of hormones, which leads to senile (or senile) osteoporosis. The most common sign of the disease is distorted posture and severe pain in the lower back.

Extra pounds and poor posture place a high load on the spinal column

If a woman over 45 years old has constant lower back pain, she may need bone densitometry, which allows you to determine the parameters of bone density and mineral mass. Osteoarthritis is a joint disorder accompanied by irreversible destruction of cartilage. When the degenerative process provoked by osteoarthritis is localized in the lumbosacral region, it often develops into spondyloarthrosis, which is expressed in the formation of bone growths, severe pain and limited mobility of the spinal column, up to complete loss of ability to work and disability.

Osteoarthritis is called inflammation of the joints, which manifests itself in their immobility and high wear and tear of cartilage tissue. The disease can easily go from chronic to acute as a result of a cold, hypothermia or transportation of heavy objects. With osteochondrosis localized in the lower spine, the back hurts severely and the following complications and symptoms are observed:

  • high fatigue, lethargy and apathy;
  • goosebumps and tingling of the lower extremities;
  • pain in the left or right side;
  • intense sweating;
  • the tailbone and sacrum ache;
  • pain in the abdomen (lower part);
  • nervousness and irritability.

If such unpleasant sensations are accompanied by various disorders of the genitourinary system, you need to consult a competent doctor who will select the optimal diagnosis such as computed tomography or x-ray of the lumbar region. The causes of lower back pain in women, which radiates to the leg, are most often associated with an intervertebral hernia. Such manifestations require immediate medical attention, since otherwise there is a high probability of developing various serious complications.

Causes of lower back pain during pregnancy and menstruation

Lower back pain often plagues women during pregnancy. The reason for this phenomenon is rapid weight gain and redistribution of the load on the spinal column. The muscles of the back do not have time to adapt to rapidly occurring changes in body parameters, so the only way to prevent pain is to pay attention to strengthening the corresponding muscles even before pregnancy. If the moment has been missed, then pregnant women are recommended to use a special bandage, which must be selected with special care.

The lower back may hurt due to weight gain due to hormonal changes that occur during the menstrual cycle. Critical days for many women are accompanied by fluid retention in the body and swelling. In such situations, they usually resort to natural remedies that have a diuretic effect. However, they can only be used under the supervision of a physician. It is important to consider that any diuretics, along with the liquid, also wash out a number of mineral substances, which leads to various disruptions in the functioning of the body.

During pregnancy, muscle tone decreases and the center of gravity shifts, resulting in a significantly increased load on the lumbar spine.

This is interesting! Lower back pain during the menstrual cycle occurs due to the influence of special hormones that are responsible for the tone of the uterus. Many gynecological diseases worsen during menstruation and cause pain in the lower back. Due to menopause, the level of estrogen in the blood becomes unstable, which often leads to impaired blood supply to the pelvic organs and pain in the lower back.

Gynecological and kidney diseases

Girdle pain in the lumbar region on the left or right may be a symptom of renal pathology, such as pyelonephritis. When this disease worsens, an acute inflammatory process occurs in one or two kidneys, which is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • decreased appetite;
  • headache;
  • high body temperature;
  • intense sweating.

Pain syndrome, localized in the lower back and in the lateral areas, often accompanies gynecological diseases, which include benign formations on the inner walls of the uterus, varicose veins in the pelvic floor and ovarian cysts. In case of decreased vitality, loss of strength and permanent irritability, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. Otherwise, there is a high risk of menstrual cycle disruption and problems with childbearing.

Aching, stabbing or pulling pain in the lower back, occurring mainly in the morning, and accompanied by renal colic, migraine, frequent urination, nausea and fever, is often a sign of pyelonephritis, urolithiasis or kidney abscess. An attack can be triggered by large amounts of liquid consumed. With paranephritis, there is constant tension in the lumbar region with further protrusion in the lumbar region.

Uncomfortable shoes and large breasts

Pain in the lower back can be associated with wearing uncomfortable high-heeled shoes. While walking, an unusual bend occurs, which entails severe pain in the lower back and gradual deformation of the spinal column. It is for this reason that it is recommended to avoid shoes with a heel height of more than five centimeters. Girls who have large breasts often experience pain in the lower back, which is associated with systematic poor posture and increased stress on the spine.

You can avoid trouble by doing exercises that strengthen your extensor muscles and making time for regular exercise.

Influence of psychosomatic factors

The lower back can also become sore due to stress or nervous strain. Pain syndrome in such cases usually occurs immediately after waking up in the morning. Increased pain is provoked by emotions such as anger, fear or rage. A surge of adrenaline negatively affects the muscles located below the kidney area, and due to the constantly increased tone, certain areas become clamped and blood supply to the entire lower back, including the spinal column, deteriorates.

How to get rid of pain syndrome

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out what causes lower back pain in women. If the cause is not related to kidney disease and is caused by incorrect body position at the time of sleep, it is recommended to sleep on a high-quality orthopedic mattress. In case of constant lower back pain that has been bothering you for several days, it is worth making an appointment with a neurologist to determine the exact cause of the discomfort.

The use of analgesic drugs is acceptable as an emergency measure, but prolonged use does not solve problems and can only worsen the health condition. It is necessary to treat severe lower back pain in a hospital setting, where patients are given a blockade in order to eliminate the manifestations of the pain syndrome, after which the optimal therapeutic course is selected.

To create an individual set of strengthening exercises, you should contact a specialist.

Diagnostics includes biochemical tests, x-rays, ultrasound, computed tomography of the spinal column and ECG. Various benefits of civilization, such as a car, an elevator or a TV, have led to a passive lifestyle, and, as a result, to a decrease in the tone of the muscles that support the spinal column. Therefore, it is worthwhile to engage in your own physical development at least several times a week. Preventive measures can strengthen your lower back and avoid health problems.

Cycling, running, race walking, swimming and other aerobic exercise are great for strengthening muscles and preventing lower back pain. Treatment with traditional methods can be very effective in many cases. For example, using a salt compress (100 g of salt per liter of hot water in which a piece of gauze is soaked) can reduce the intensity of pain and get rid of severe discomfort. Folk remedies are usually used for lower back pain associated with menstruation or pregnancy.

Lower back pain in women usually occurs for the same reasons as. These are relapses, lumbago, sciatica. But there are certain internal factors that provoke the appearance of uncomfortable sensations specifically in the fairer sex, for example, inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system. Regardless of severity in women, their cause must be established and appropriate treatment provided.

Features of lower back pain in women

The main difference in the mechanism of development of lumbar pain in women is frequent changes in hormonal levels throughout life. They occur during adolescence, the premenstrual period, during pregnancy and natural menopause. The level of hormones in the body increases or decreases - biologically active substances that are produced by specialized cells of the endocrine glands. After entering the bloodstream, they bind to the receptors of target cells, and then take part in metabolic processes and regulation of the functioning of almost all vital systems.

An increase or decrease in the amount of bioactive substances is physiological, but in some cases it can cause the development of a disease. Changes in hormonal levels can predispose to the appearance of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and internal organs. Many of them manifest themselves with pain in the lower back.

Types of lumbar pain

One of the important criteria for making a primary diagnosis is the patient’s complaints. The doctor asks to describe in detail the pain syndrome that worries the woman - its severity, localization, duration. He can ask about the time of the first appearance of discomfort, the place of work, and the peculiarities of the working day.

If lower back pain occurs sporadically, does not differ in intensity and quickly disappears after a short rest, then there is a high probability of diagnosing a pathology of 1-2 severity. Carrying out therapy at the initial stage improves the prognosis for full recovery and avoids complications. Severe pain, radiating (spreading) to neighboring areas of the body, often indicates a relapse of the pathology, which has taken a chronic form.


This type of lumbar pain is a protective reaction of the body, signaling an already developed inflammatory or degenerative pathology. There are usually specific reasons:

  • irritation of superficial or deep tissues, internal organs;
  • dysfunction of smooth muscles.

When nerve endings are pinched by spasmed muscles, inflammatory edema, or a displaced intervertebral disc, severe, piercing, burning pain occurs. It is so acute that it causes pale skin, cold sweat and chills. This set of symptoms is characteristic of lumbago, urolithiasis, an attack of cholecystitis, pancreatitis.


Low back pain is not a typical symptom of natural menopause. It indicates a development characterized by a decrease in bone density. This is fraught with spontaneous fractures even with harmless falls or bruises.

Excess weight

The higher a woman’s body weight, the greater the load on the spine. Obesity not only causes psycho-physical discomfort and causes sexual disorders, but also provokes the development of the spine. Therefore, lower back pain can occur in obese women due to destructive and degenerative processes already occurring in the intervertebral discs and vertebral bodies. With obesity, small and large joints are also subject to stress.


More than half of women experience moderate pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation, which can radiate to the lower back. This is a normal physiological phenomenon, but provided that the discomfort disappears immediately after the end of menstruation. The following accompanying symptoms indicate a developing pathology:

  • peristalsis disorders;
  • seizures, vomiting;
  • dizziness, fainting.

This is how algomenorrhea manifests itself - one of the disorders of menstrual function. The woman’s well-being deteriorates significantly, and her ability to work is limited. Algomenorrhea may also indicate developed inflammatory pathologies of the genital organs, endometriosis.


Wearing narrow high-heeled shoes leads to excessive tension in the skeletal muscles of the back. It arises due to the need for constant stabilization of vertebral structures. If a woman often wears high-heeled shoes, then, in addition to muscle spasms, blood circulation in the legs and lower back is disrupted. Therefore, the appearance of the first aching, nagging pain in the lower back often indicates microtrauma of cartilage tissue and the development of degenerative-dystrophic pathology.

Osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia

This is the most common cause of lower back pain in women and men. As a result of a sedentary lifestyle, excessive physical exertion, endocrine pathologies, and circulatory disorders, intervertebral discs begin to deteriorate. They can no longer soften the loads that occur when walking, which leads to destruction of the bone vertebrae with the formation. The following signs indicate the development of lumbosacral osteochondrosis:

  • increased pain when bending and turning;
  • lower back stiffness;
  • , clicks, crackling sounds when moving.

When the intervertebral disc is displaced beyond the boundaries of the spinal canal, it occurs. If the annulus fibrosus ruptures and the nucleus pulposus bulges, a hernia is formed. Such conditions provoke a significant increase in pain in the lower back.


Lower back pain during hypothermia is most often caused by inflammatory muscle damage. It is aching, worsens when walking, spreading to the buttocks, thighs, and upper back. Myositis is clinically manifested by muscle weakness, slight redness of the skin, and swelling. In severe cases, chills and fever occur, and painful lumps are felt on palpation.

The lumbosacral spine is subjected to increased stress when lifting heavy objects, frequently bending or turning the body, walking for a long time or staying in one body position for a long time. As a result of deterioration of blood circulation or microtrauma, the nutrition of the intervertebral discs is disrupted. At this stage, it begins to develop, rapidly progressing if absent.

Bust size

In women with breast size 4 and above, pain in the lumbar region occurs first sporadically, and then can become constant. The reasons for its appearance are varied. Some young girls are embarrassed by curvy figures, so they slouch, which provokes. Pain syndrome also develops due to increased load on the spinal segments and microtrauma of the intervertebral discs.


Often, pain in the lower back indicates developing endometriosis. This is the name of the hormonal-dependent pathological growth of the glandular tissue of the uterus outside its boundaries. One of the leading symptoms of endometriosis is menorrhagia, or heavy and prolonged menstruation.

If a woman does not seek medical help, severe complications soon develop. These are infertility, hemorrhages, scar changes that provoke the formation of adhesions in the pelvis and abdominal organs.

Which doctor should I contact?

If you experience discomfort in the lower back, you should consult a neurologist. But it won’t be a mistake to make an appointment with a general practitioner - a general practitioner. He will prescribe all the necessary instrumental and biochemical studies of the spinal column and internal organs. After studying the diagnostic results, the patient will be referred for further treatment to a doctor of appropriate specialization.

Diagnostic methods

The primary diagnosis is made after an external examination of the patient and collection of anamnestic data. Instrumental studies are required - radiography, magnetic resonance or computed tomography, ultrasound. The results of general clinical tests allow us to assess the woman’s health status and suggest the development of endocrine pathologies. If tumor formation is suspected, histological studies of biological samples are carried out.

First aid: how to relieve pain

If the pain is aching, dull, then you need to lie down, taking a body position in which its severity is minimized. You can rub 1-2 cm strips of any external non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug or alcohol tinctures into the lower back. This will lead to the spread of inflammation to healthy tissue.

Stages of effective treatment

Therapy is carried out immediately after identifying the cause of lower back pain. Only the cure of the pathology that provoked them will allow you to get rid of uncomfortable sensations. Patients are prescribed a course of pharmacological medications, physiotherapeutic procedures, and wearing orthopedic devices - corsets, bandages.

At the rehabilitation stage, regular exercise therapy, classical, point vacuum, and acupuncture are indicated.

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Sometimes the human body signals certain problems with pain. In this article I would like to consider the most common causes of lower back pain in women.

About the nature of pain

It is worth saying that the nature of pain in the lumbar region can be completely different. So, it can be aching, dull, sharp, shooting, burning, local or spreading over large areas of the back. In addition, these unpleasant sensations can arise in different ways. The pain can increase, appear instantly, and intensify day by day. If this happened once and does not happen again, it’s okay. In this case, there is no need to panic. However, if the pain occurs periodically or, worse, increases, in this situation you should immediately seek help from a doctor. After all, this indicates the presence of a certain disease in the body.

Reason number 1: women's days

What are the causes of lower back pain in women? The first of these is menstruation. Quite a few women feel pain at this time. Why is this happening? This is due to the accumulation of fluid in the body and, as a result, a slight increase in body weight (no more than 2 kg). About a couple of days before bleeding, this unpleasant symptom appears. And the pain occurs because at this time the lady’s center of gravity shifts somewhat, which affects the lumbar region. It is possible to cope with this. So, experts recommend drinking diuretics at this time. You should avoid taking medications, giving preference to infusions or teas made from medicinal herbs.

Reason #2: pregnancy

Another very common answer to the question of why lower back pain in women is carrying a child. Unpleasant sensations arise even when the expectant mother’s belly just becomes noticeable and begins to cause some inconvenience. This is due to the extra weight in the waist area, which causes discomfort. In addition, during pregnancy, a woman’s body produces the hormone progesterone, which makes joints and ligaments weak. And this leads to an increase in the load on the woman’s spine. In this case, it is aching and nagging pain that occurs. You can cope with them with regular exercise or moderate physical activity.

Reason #3: breasts

We further consider the causes of lower back pain in women. So, unpleasant sensations may arise if a woman has impressively sized breasts. In this case, lumbar pain often occurs. The reason is a shift in the center of gravity. It is slightly higher than that of girls with small breasts. At the same time, in order to maintain normal balance, the lady’s pelvis tilts slightly back and shifts. The muscles experience excessive stress, signaling this by pain. In this case, you can solve the problem with the help of a special bra that will support the breasts and improve your posture.

Reason #4: shoes

If the lower back hurts, the reasons for women can even be hidden in the wardrobe. So, wearing high-heeled shoes too often can lead to a similar phenomenon. Stiletto heels help the natural curve of the body change, and the pelvis rises slightly. An imbalance appears in the body, which leads to pain. It is possible to cope with this. You just need to wear comfortable shoes, the heel of which does not exceed 5 centimeters.

Reason #5: heavy bags

What other causes of lower back pain in women exist? For example, heavier bags may be to blame. Ladies in our country have not yet gotten used to carrying a huge number of heavy bags of groceries from the market or store. Experts say that if a woman without special physical training often carries packages or bags weighing more than 5 kg, within a month she will experience pain in the lumbar region. Dealing with this problem is easy. You need to either completely stop carrying such weights, or try to distribute the weight correctly.

Reason No. 6: gynecological diseases

The next problem of why lower back pain in women is various gynecological diseases. This could be, for example, inflammation of the appendages or adnexitis. In this case, the pain is localized mainly in the lower abdomen, but often also radiates to the lower back.

Reason #7: menopause

Lower back pain in women can also occur during menopause. In this case, there are two main reasons to blame:

  1. Instability of estrogens - special hormones that affect blood flow in the pelvic area.
  2. At this time, women may also experience diseases such as osteoporosis and hernia, which leads to pain in the lumbar region.

Listed above are the causes of lower back pain that only affect women. However, these unpleasant sensations can also occur in other cases.

Reason #8: Obesity

Why does my lower back still hurt? The reasons for women may be hidden in excess weight. This problem occurs especially often in older women. So, pain appears if the patient has third or fourth degree obesity. In this case, excess weight causes multiple problems in the body, including excessive stress on the lumbar region.

Other causes of lower back pain

Why does the lower back hurt in women? What other reasons could there be for its occurrence?

  1. Osteoporosis. In this case, the bone tissue is severely depleted, which causes pain. By the way, it is women who suffer from this pathology more often than men. Although representatives of the stronger sex are also susceptible to this problem.
  2. Kidney diseases. In this case, pain will occur along with other symptoms. Thus, uremic signs of the disease will appear, the patient’s blood pressure may change, and edema often occurs.
  3. Appendicitis. In this case, most often the pain is in the right lower abdomen. But often the pain can radiate to the lower back, mainly to its right side.
  4. Pancreatitis. In this case, the pain occurs around the entire circumference of the waist (including the lumbar region). This disease is diagnosed by other accompanying symptoms: defecation disorders, vomiting, coating on the tongue, etc.
  5. Infections. Low back pain can occur if bone tissue is involved in the pathogenesis. Most often this occurs due to bone tuberculosis. Again, the disease is diagnosed based on other symptoms, as well as the results of additional studies.
  6. Myositis, i.e. muscle inflammation. It is worth saying that inflammatory processes in the lumbar region are quite common, since the load on this area is extremely high. This symptom can occur due to the simplest hypothermia of the specified area. The nature of the pain can be completely different.
  7. Tumors. If it hurts below the lower back in women, as well as in men, the cause may be tumors (benign or malignant). They arise along the nerve fibers, irritating them. Symptoms may also vary, depending on the disease and the degree of its development.

What to do?

We further consider the topic “lower back pain in women: causes.” Treatment is what I also want to talk about. At the very beginning, it must be said that it is very important to find out exactly why these unpleasant sensations appeared. Let's consider different situations:

  1. If the pain is due to a bruise or sprain, you can take a painkiller. It will relieve inflammation and eliminate pain for a while. This could be a drug such as Diclofenac.
  2. If lower back pain is due to swelling, you should try taking a diuretic. This could be a drug such as Veroshpiron.
  3. In all other cases, it will require specific treatment, which should be prescribed exclusively by a qualified specialist.

What not to do

If the cause of lower back pain is unknown, it is worth remembering what not to do in this case:

  1. Do not heat the area of ​​pain. Heat increases blood flow, which can exacerbate the inflammatory process.
  2. Relieve pain with painkillers for a long time. If discomfort appears periodically, you should definitely seek help from a doctor. Indeed, in this case, the body can simply signal a problem that needs to be dealt with.
  3. Insert vertebrae yourself. After all, the reason may not be displacement. And these actions can lead to the opposite result.

Risk group

There is also a certain risk group. These are people who are more likely than others to develop such a problem as lower back pain. These include:

  1. Ladies who have a sedentary job.
  2. Women who do manual labor. Often, excessive stress on the body can lead to a similar symptom.
  3. Summer residents can also develop this problem. You need to remember that you cannot stay in one position for a long time.
  4. Women who dress too lightly in the cold season. You need to remember that the lower back and pelvic organs should be warm. This is the only way a lady will be able to avoid catching a cold and, therefore, not develop lower back pain.

If a woman experiences pain in the lumbar region, she should seek help from a doctor as soon as possible. In this case, they go to an appointment with a neurologist, gynecologist, urologist, or simply a therapist.

Back pain in women can develop as a result of improper curvature of the spine, excessive physical activity, chronic diseases or during pregnancy. Women are more likely than men to experience pain in the lumbar spine due to hormonal effects on bones, as well as physical changes during pregnancy. Common causes of pain in the lower back (lumbar region) are: muscle tension, nerve inflammation, lumbar radiculopathies, osteoporosis and bone and joint diseases. Many causes of back pain are the same for women and men and have the same symptoms. However, there are some conditions that are unique to women. It is important that women understand how back pain can be associated with various life situations and various diseases.

Back pain is divided into primary and secondary. Primary pain is associated with diseases of the spine, while secondary pain appears as a result of problems in the body not related to the spine, such as fractures due to osteoporosis, a tumor in the lumen of the spinal canal, prolonged muscle tension, endometriosis, ovarian cyst, complicated pregnancy, etc. d.

Back pain in women - Lumbar muscle strain

Strained back muscles are the most common cause of back pain. Predisposing factors are poorly developed muscle corset, inactive lifestyle and excess weight. The immediate causes of injuries are most often heavy physical work, strength exercises, heavy lifting, etc. Warming up your muscles before exercising is known to reduce the incidence of muscle strains and back pain. Stretching and microtears of the back muscles are accompanied by the development of painful muscle spasms. In this case, muscle contraction performs a protective function, stabilizing damage to the spinal segment, blocking movements in it. This prevents further damage to the muscles, ligaments and joints of the spine. Muscle recovery occurs in just a few days, while restoration of damaged ligaments can last from 6 months to 1 year.

Back pain in women - Menstrual cycle

Back pain in women

Menstruation can cause back pain; nagging pain in the lumbar region is especially common in women with deviation of the uterus towards the spine. The pain can also be explained by hormonal changes and increased production of prostaglandins. If back pain is accompanied by a rise in temperature, you should consult a doctor. Back pain before menstruation can also be associated with fluid retention in the body and increased stress on the spine. Back pain during menstruation can be a real problem for many women. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and menstrual cramps can also cause lumbar discomfort.

Back pain in women - Large breasts

Large breasts can cause back pain, which can be a lifelong condition for some women. The constant stress on the spine that large breasts place can lead to changes in posture and skeletal changes, as well as cause severe pain.
Special styles of bras can be helpful for back pain caused by large breasts.

Back pain in women - Pregnancy

Pregnancy can cause lower back pain in women due to the added weight and changes in the body's center of gravity. Pregnancy often leads to lower back pain due to increased stress on the lumbar spine and changes in the normal curvature of the lumbar spine associated with the position of the fetus inside the abdominal cavity. In addition, the effects of the female hormone estrogen and the ligament-relaxing substance relaxin can also contribute to loosening of the ligaments and cause back pain. Bending and stretching exercises are often recommended to relieve this pain. Women during pregnancy need moderate physical activity to maintain physical condition during pregnancy (assuming a normal pregnancy.
Back pain during pregnancy is normal. Back pain can also develop as a result of stress associated with pregnancy, lowering the pain threshold as a result of stress.

Back pain in women - Osteoporosis

Women are more likely to develop osteoporosis than men. Osteoporosis in women develops earlier than in men, in addition, according to statistics, women live longer than men, all these factors indicate that osteoporosis can be a real problem for women and one of the serious causes of lower back pain. Women's bones are naturally thinner and lighter than men's, and it is also more genetically tolerated in women than in men. Osteoporosis can cause vertebral compression fractures, which lead to severe pain in the lower back. This is common in women after menopause.

Back pain in women - Ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids and endometriosis

Ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, and endometriosis often cause lower back pain. An accurate diagnosis may require a gynecological examination and certain tests. Problems and pathologies in the reproductive organs are often the causes of back pain.

Back pain in women - Kidney diseases

Kidney infections, stones, and blood clots are often associated with low back pain. Diagnosis may require urinalysis, ultrasound, or other abdominal imaging studies.
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) can also cause low back pain. In most cases, the pain goes away after the UTI is treated.

Back pain in women - Pelvic infections

Pelvic area infections are uncommon, but may be a complication of conditions such as diverticulosis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) with infection in the fallopian tubes and/or uterus, and appendicitis. Pelvic infection is a serious complication of these conditions and is often associated with fever, low blood pressure, and life-threatening conditions.

Back pain in women - Bleeding in the pelvic area

Bleeding in the pelvic area is rare without significant trauma and usually occurs in patients taking blood thinners such as warfarin. In these patients, the acute onset of sacral radiculitis may be a sign of internal bleeding. The accumulation of blood can lead to compression of the spinal nerves.

Back pain in women - Irritation of nerve endings

The nerves of the lumbar spine can be irritated by mechanical pressure from bone or other tissue. This condition can be caused, for example, by pathologies of the lumbar discs (radiculopathy), inflammation of the nerves caused by a viral infection (shingles).

Back pain in women - Lumbar radiculopathy

Lumbar radiculopathy causes nerve irritation that is caused by damage to the discs between the vertebrae. Disc damage occurs due to degeneration (“wear and tear”) of the outer ring of the disc, traumatic injury, or a combination of both. As a result, the central, softer part of the disc may bulge (herniate). The lumbar disc acts as a joint and shock absorber between the vertebrae. It consists of a cartilaginous plate and an outer ring surrounding the core. Degenerative changes begin in the disc after the age of twenty and are observed in most people by the age of 40. Age-related disc changes and severe or minor trauma can cause a ruptured disc. The most common direction of rupture is posterolateral. Disc prolapses and bulges can cause compression of a nerve, nerve root, or (most commonly) the cauda equina. C Spinal stenosis at the level of the lumbar spine.

Back pain in women - Arthritis

Arthritis can affect the joints of the spine and lead to lower back pain in women. Spinal arthritis occurs with equal frequency in both women and men. Spinal osteoarthritis is often combined with osteoporosis. Acute, intense low back pain is often the result of nonspecific sprains and strains. Acute lower back pain may develop as a result of muscle and ligament strains and may be accompanied by sciatica, a term used to describe pain extending down through the buttock into the leg as a result of irritation of the sciatic nerve.

Back pain in women - Narrowing of the spinal canal or spinal stenosis

The narrowing of the spinal canal, which contains the spinal cord and nerve roots, can be congenital or acquired. The most common cause of narrowing of the spinal canal is a herniated disc and the proliferation of intervertebral joints as a result of arthrosis. The most common manifestation of narrowing of the spinal canal is radicular pain syndrome. If the spinal canal is narrow from birth, then even a slight narrowing by the age of 30 can cause senile pain in the spine. Often a narrowed spinal canal can be combined with a disc herniation, usually with a protrusion; in this case, even a small protrusion can cause severe symptoms. Thus, pain in the legs when walking may be a manifestation of a narrowing of the spinal canal, and manifestations of osteochondrosis are associated not only with changes in the intervertebral disc, but also with the width of the spinal canal.

Back pain in women - Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is characterized by an abundance and variety of subjective sensations with scanty objective signs of the disease. The main symptom of fibromyalgia is diffuse musculoskeletal pain, which is present in various anatomical areas: in the right and left halves of the body, above and below the belt, and in the projection of the spine. The pain is usually accompanied by a feeling of morning stiffness, a feeling of swelling in the extremities, rapid muscle fatigue, and a sensation of pins and needles or tingling. Characteristically, the above symptoms intensify when the weather changes, overwork, and stress. According to the diagnostic criteria of the American College of Rheumatology, the duration of symptoms should exceed 3 months, since the appearance of diffuse muscle pain and fatigue can be caused by a viral infection, temporary sleep disturbance and stressful situations. Chronic fatigue is observed in 87%, sleep disturbances in 79% of patients, frequent headaches are observed in more than half of patients with fibromyalgia.
Patients are characterized by emotional disorders, which can vary from a slight decrease in mood to severe depression. Along with psychological disorders, a number of disorders can be detected in patients with fibromyalgia (premenstrual syndrome, irritable bladder syndrome, primary dysmenorrhea, mitral valve prolapse, joint hypermobility, etc.).

Back pain in women - Tumors

Back pain can be caused by tumors, both benign and malignant, which may originate in the spine, pelvis, or spinal cord (primary tumors) or have spread secondarily to these areas (metastatic tumors). Symptoms may include pain, sensory disturbances, and sometimes urinary and fecal incontinence. Back pain can occur with breast cancer. Back pain from breast cancer can be a direct consequence of the disease or a side effect of treatment.

Back pain in women - Curvature of the spine

The adult spine has slight physiological curves, which are necessary to absorb the loads experienced by the spine during various movements. If the curves differ from physiological ones, then in this case we can talk about deformation or curvature of the spine - pathological scoliosis, lordosis or kyphosis. Curvature of the spine can cause poor posture and the development of pain in the back. In addition, with significant curvature of the spine, the functioning of internal organs may be disrupted.

Back pain in women - Paget's disease

Also known as: osteitis deformans or ostosis or osteodystrophy.
The body undergoes a constant process of bone tissue formation, which is called remodeling. In the bones, with Paget's disease, the remodeling process is disrupted, which leads to disruption of the bone structure, the bone is not restored properly, fragility of the bones develops, which are deformed, overstretched, twisted and easily broken.
Paget's disease can occur in any bone in the body. In one third of patients, only one bone is affected, but the average number of bones affected is approximately three. Bones most often involved in the process: pelvis, spine, skull, long tubular bones of the arms and legs.
Up to 3% of people of European descent over 40 years of age are affected by Paget's disease, and the prevalence of the disease increases with age. The disease occurs twice as often in men than in women. When the pelvic bones and spine are affected, the person experiences severe back pain, which intensifies after rest.

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Various pains below the lower back in women can be a sign of many diseases: from minor to deadly. Sometimes women feel a nagging pain in the lower back with sudden movements. Lower back pain is common during menstruation. But such symptoms are usually short-lived. But chronic pain in the lumbar spine already indicates some obvious illness. It is important to identify the characteristic symptoms of dangerous or harmless diseases and, in any unclear situation, visit a local physician.

What could be the causes of lower back pain in women? There are many different ailments. Constant pain in the lumbar region in women is a bad sign. After all, lumbar pain of this type usually does not bode well.

Some nagging lower back pain in women is caused by unusual physical activity. If a girl was almost unfamiliar with sports disciplines and put a sudden increased load on her back, there is a high chance of muscle strain.

If aching pain in the lower back does not stop for 3-4 days, you need to visit a doctor. After all, under load, not only muscles, but also intervertebral discs can be damaged, and this is a serious reason.

Osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia

A common cause of lower back pain in women is the progression of pathological processes in the spinal column under the influence of a sharply increased load.

The cause of pain in the lower back in women can be osteochondrosis. With this pathology, a change in the structure of the intervertebral discs and destruction of cartilage tissue occurs. The previously elastic disc becomes rigid and loses its shock-absorbing properties.

If a woman has lower back pain that does not stop for several days and worsens when lifting heavy objects or sudden movements, there is a high probability of osteochondrosis.

Be sure to read: lower back pain after lifting weights

The next stage of pathological changes is compression of the intervertebral discs, during which they protrude. Because of this, the spinal nerves are compressed, blood circulation and coordination of movements are disrupted, and the pain intensifies.

The final stage of osteochondrosis is the appearance of intervertebral hernias. This pathology is another reason why lower back pain occurs in women. As a rule, pain in the lumbar region is very pronounced, radiating to the limbs and other areas of the back. In this condition, the spine can ache in almost any position of the body (except lying down).

Gynecological diseases

Gynecological diseases very often cause pain below the lower back in women. Both the lower back and the sides may become sore.

There are such diseases:

Tumor formations (cysts) in the ovaries; Pathologies of the uterus; Varicose veins of the organs surrounding the pelvic floor; Benign formation in the inner wall of the uterus; Rupture of ovarian tissue. It is for these reasons that women often experience lower back strain. Unpleasant sensations, loss of strength, irritability and other symptoms occur.

However, there can be many truly dangerous consequences: problems with having children, disruption of menstrual cycles.

If there is pain in the lower back on the right or left, or even girdle pain in the lower back, there is a high probability of renal pathologies, one of which is pyelonephritis. With an exacerbation of such an infectious disease, inflammation of the kidney (one or two) occurs. Lower back pain on the right is not the only symptom of this pathology. A person feels a number of negative manifestations:

Increased body temperature; Increased sweating; Migraine; Dysfunction of the genitourinary system; Loss of appetite; Exudative discharge.


Many women who decide to have children and become pregnant often experience lower back pain. Low back pain associated with physiological changes in the structure of the hip girdle is absolutely normal and does not require treatment.


Aching pain in the lower back occurs due to a sharp increase in body weight and the fetus is localized in the lumbar region. In the last months of pregnancy, both the lower back and lower abdomen may hurt. Such symptoms are not uncommon, but if you wish, you can discuss the problem with your doctor.

Another cause of lower back pain in women is excessive epithelial coverage. With this disease, the upper skin layer of the uterus covers the excess area of ​​the pelvic organs. Endometriosis not only provokes pain in the lower back, the pathology can lead to serious consequences. If treatment is untimely or the disease is ignored, reproductive function is impaired. And back pain below the waist can result in infertility.

If a woman’s lower back hurts, her period may have begun. This phenomenon repeats regularly, so the girls know what to expect. Pain in the lower back on the right, pain in the lower back on the left and lower abdomen occur as a result of contractions of the uterus and a sharp increase in body weight from stagnation of water in the body.

Bust size

If the lower back hurts in women precisely because of menstruation, you can take diuretics. This treatment will help remove excess water from the body and alleviate the condition.

Another reason why lower back pain in women is prolonged wearing of shoes with too high heels. When walking, the pelvis goes up a little and an unusual bend appears in the lower back. The load increases and aching pain occurs in the lower back.

Try to avoid stiletto heels. The optimal heel height should be no more than 5 centimeters.

Some pain in the lower back on the right side is associated with a certain period in the life of every woman. During menopause, hormonal disruption occurs and blood circulation in the pelvic area is disrupted. As a result, the spine does not receive the required amount of nutrients. And, directly, the causes of pain are complications from vitamin deficiency (osteoporosis, etc.).

Excess weight

The female body contains more fat tissue than the male body. In old age, women who are prone to obesity can gain a lot of excess weight. In such a situation, the spine experiences a strong constant load.

Excess weight can cause lower back pain on the left, right or center. This happens because the maximum pressure is on the lower back.

Oncology diseases

Tumors of any kind, reaching a certain size, begin to create pressure on the nerve endings. As a result, pain may occur below the lower back on the left or right, depending on the location of the tumor. Whether the pathological formation is benign or malignant, treatment must be started immediately. Any tumor can sooner or later become deadly.


Why else does pain occur in the lower back or abdomen? If you dress inappropriately for the weather or sit on cold surfaces, hypothermia may occur. Pain below the lower back on the right occurs if the girl has a cold in the organs surrounding the pelvic floor. However, it is possible to overcool the lumbosacral spine. Acute pain in the lower back on the right in women can be the cause of just such hypothermia.

What kind of pain is there?

Various reasons can cause pain in women. The nature of the pain may vary. In order to help the doctor make the correct diagnosis, it is necessary to be able to determine the properties of pain.

Here are the main types:

Very pronounced pain that occurs suddenly and is localized at a specific point. For example, lower back pain on the left. Nagging pain in the lower back that occurs during monotonous processes in an uncomfortable body position. The appearance of such a symptom answers the question of why the lower back is pulled. Radiating pain. It is characterized by non-local manifestations. Such pain from the lower back, radiating to the legs and groin, indicates an intervertebral hernia of the lumbosacral region.

Radiating pain requires immediate medical attention. Such symptoms always signal danger.

Localized, sharp, aching pain in the lower back on the left or right is usually not serious, but you still need to see a doctor. There are some diseases with vague symptoms, and in such cases diagnostics are performed.

One of the most dangerous cases is lower back pain on the left, back or right, which does not stop even in a comfortable body position (lying down). Very often this is how cancerous tumors reveal themselves.


If you have pain in the lower back on the right, left, or any other, the most correct solution would be to contact your local physician. After conducting an individual examination, prescribing tests and some procedures, the doctor determines the need to involve other specialists. If the disease is serious, the therapist prescribes a consultation with a neurologist, gynecologist, nephrologist, or oncologist. After conducting the necessary examinations, doctors make a conclusion and determine the disease.

There is a very low chance that the patient has metastases, but a biopsy is required, because every minute is important in this case.

Any lower back pain in women has causes and treatment. It is important to correctly diagnose and determine the cause. Some diseases are difficult to treat, others can be cured in a few weeks. Of course, each disease has its own treatment methods; complex therapy is often used. But for mild illnesses or even simple complications (during menstruation or pregnancy), folk remedies can be used.

After a complete diagnosis, when the doctor gives permission, you can use some painkillers of traditional medicine. Such medications are used for pain on the right side of the lower back, on the left side. In short, localization is not important.

Some recipes to combat pain in order to calmly look at the world around you:

Tincture of elecampane root is effective against lower back pain in women. You need to take about 5 g of root and put it in a glass of boiling water. You can use a tablespoon several times a day. A tincture based on horsetail has analgesic properties. It is necessary to put about 20 g of roots in a volume of boiling water equal to two glasses. You can take 50 ml once an hour. A tincture based on celery root also has an analgesic effect. Take celery root (35g) and put it in a glass of plain water. The tincture takes several hours to prepare. Then you can take a small glass (70g) several times a day. Tincture based on dry raspberry leaves. You need to take 2 glasses of boiled water and pour 70g of dried raspberry leaves over them. You can take it twice an hour for several days in a row.

Lower back pain in women

As you know, the female body is quite different from the male body and therefore the appearance of pain in certain areas in men and women can be caused by various diseases. Lower back pain in women can be one of the signs of pregnancy, a symptom of a digestive disorder, or indicate a life-threatening emergency for the woman.

Causes that can cause lower back pain

The causes of lower back pain in women can be very different, let’s look at the most common ones:

Excessive physical activity Herniated intervertebral discs Osteochondrosis Gynecological diseases Kidney diseases Pregnancy Menopause Endometriosis Complications during menstruation

Let's look at some of these reasons in more detail.

Strong physical activity

Very often, the cause of lower back pain in women is quite simple and banal - excessive stress on the back muscles.

If a woman has not been involved in sports for a long time and has not performed heavy physical activity, then after weeding the beds in the country, a long walk with heavy bags, or suddenly doing exercises or performing other activities, especially those associated with bending, the next day she may experience serious discomfort caused by lower back pain .

Most often, there is nothing dangerous in these pains - a normal muscle strain or strain that will soon pass. In this case, a regular warming ointment will help. However, you need to keep in mind that after exercise, pain caused by other diseases, in particular those associated with pathological changes in the spine, may appear. Therefore, if lower back pain in women does not go away within several days, then this is a serious reason to consult a doctor.

Spinal diseases

Hernia of the lumbar spine

Painful sensations in the lumbar region may also indicate the development of pathology in the spinal column. This could be a herniated disc or osteochondrosis.

With osteochondrosis, the cartilage tissue of the intervertebral disc is destroyed. As a result of this, the intervertebral disc changes its original shape and ceases to function as a kind of shock absorber for the vertebrae, which in turn begin to infringe on the nerve endings, which causes pain, which intensifies when bending and making sharp turns. Osteochondrosis is characterized by increased pain when bending over and problems when walking due to the pain radiating to the leg.

Also, pain in the lower back and back can be caused by a herniated disc of the lumbar spine. The intervertebral disc consists of a pulpous nucleus pulposus and a dense fibrous membrane. With age, due to deterioration of the blood supply to the spine, the fibrous membrane becomes less elastic, and microcracks appear. If the integrity of this fibrous ring is disrupted, the semi-liquid contents protrude outward - a hernia is formed, which puts pressure on the nerve endings, which leads to pain in the lumbar region.

Gynecological diseases

Cystic formations in the ovary

Another of the most common causes of lower back pain in women is gynecological problems. It should be noted that a significant part of women's problems often manifests itself as pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Sometimes the pain spreads to the sides. Lower back pain in women can occur due to the following diseases:

cystic formations in the ovary; uterine leiomyoma; endometrial polyp; ovarian apoplexy, varicose veins of the pelvic organs.

Any of these gynecological diseases can become not only an annoying nuisance, which is nagging and aching pain, but also lead to infertility and changes in the menstrual cycle.

Kidney diseases

The occurrence of pain in the lower back or back can be caused by impaired kidney function. In particular, girdle pain in the lower back is characteristic of exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis. This is an infectious-inflammatory disease that causes inflammation of the kidney parenchyma. This disease is caused by pathogenic microorganisms that enter the kidney through the blood or from the bladder through the ureters.

In addition to lower back pain, acute pyelonephritis may cause the following symptoms:

temperature; fever; sweating; headache; difficulty urinating; the appearance of pus and blood in the urine; decreased appetite.

Pain during pregnancy

Lower back pain during pregnancy

During pregnancy, pain in the lumbar region of varying intensity occurs in almost every woman. Such pain is a consequence of an increase in the load on the spinal column due to an increase in a woman’s weight, as well as a change in the location of the center of gravity, hormonal changes and weakening of the muscles and ligaments in the abdominal area.

In the later stages of pregnancy, pain in the lower back and lower abdomen may occur, which is a manifestation of false Braxton-Hicks contractions. In this case, such a manifestation is a variant of the norm and does not require any special treatment.


Pain below the lower back in women can be caused by endometriosis - the growth of epithelium outside the uterus. With this pathology, the inner layer of the uterus is nonfunctional. It grows excessively and thereby disrupts the functionality of the reproductive system in women.

This disease usually develops in the early stages asymptomatically and as a result can lead to infertility if emergency measures are not taken. Rare pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen is usually considered a manifestation of approaching menstruation and therefore is not promptly consulted by a doctor. As a result, the disease progresses and can ultimately lead to serious consequences.

Pain during menstruation

Pain in women in the lower back can occur during menstrual periods. The fact is that during menstruation, a woman’s body undergoes a powerful change in hormonal levels, due to which water begins to be retained and, accordingly, weight increases and the load on the lower back increases. During this period, the amount of estrogens and prostaglandins in a woman’s body increases significantly, which significantly increases sensitivity and increases pain.

In addition, during menstruation, due to contractions of the uterus caused by physiological reasons, it can tilt back and put pressure on other organs and the spine. This can also be the cause of lower back pain during menstruation.

Identifying the causes of pain

If you experience persistent lower back pain, you should definitely consult a doctor. First, it is best to contact a therapist who will conduct an initial examination, find out why lower back pain occurs, and, if necessary, refer you to other specialists.

If you suspect spinal diseases, you should definitely be examined by a neurologist, who will conduct an examination and, if indicated, prescribe a computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging of the lumbar spine. In order to exclude the presence of inflammatory changes in the kidneys, consultation with a nephrologist is required. It is also mandatory to undergo an examination by a gynecologist.

After passing all the necessary diagnostic procedures and identifying the main cause of pain in the lower back, treatment will be prescribed.

Against the background of physiological causes and the action of pathological factors, women experience pain in the lower back, sacrum, and coccyx. The discomfort varies in severity and duration, often the pain radiates to the leg, and cerebral complications appear.

What to do if you are worried about lower back pain in women? Is it possible to use homemade rubs and warming ointments? Is a dog hair belt effective? The answers are in the article.

Probable Causes

Pain in the lower back, coccyx, and sacral area often occurs in women at certain periods of life. Natural factors do not affect the condition of the spine; after a certain time, the discomfort disappears.

Physiological reasons:

  • pregnancy;
  • menstruation period;
  • menopause

Spinal diseases

Support column diseases:

What are Schmorl nodes of the intervertebral disc and how to get rid of the formations? Read useful information.

You can learn about the probable causes of pain in the upper back and neck, as well as the specifics of treating pain in this article.

Projection pain sensations

Projection pain in the lower back occurs with the development of pathologies:

  • acute or chronic pyelonephritis;
  • inflammation of the uterus, appendages;
  • cystitis;
  • endometriosis;
  • urethritis;
  • ovarian tumors;
  • polyps in the uterus;
  • oncopathology of the female genital organs;
  • renal colic;
  • nephritis;
  • renal failure;
  • severe liver damage;
  • acute cholecystitis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • inflammation of the intestinal walls;
  • blood stagnation in the pelvis;
  • chlamydia, ureaplasmosis;
  • constipation for a long period;
  • infectious lesion against the background of a previous purulent sore throat or influenza.

Risk factors

Doctors identify more than a dozen negative factors that increase the risk of lower back pain:

  • obesity;
  • hard labour;
  • congenital diseases of the spine;
  • sedentary work;
  • nervous and physical overload;
  • scoliotic changes;
  • smoking, large amounts of alcohol;
  • physical inactivity;
  • slouch;
  • working in a draft or outdoors in the autumn-winter period;
  • a woman is forced to stand/sit/bend for a long time while working;
  • frequent stress;
  • bad ecology;
  • irradiation, which provokes the development of dangerous tumor processes;
  • poor diet;
  • weakness of the back muscles;
  • moving weights.

Other harmful factors:

  • long-term use of potent drugs;
  • unhealthy diet with excess carbohydrates, fats, purines;
  • hormonal disruptions during pregnancy, menopause, during menstruation;
  • uncomfortable bed, uncomfortable workplace;
  • lack of minerals for bone strength;
  • active overload in the lumbar area when frequently carrying a small child in your arms;
  • traumatic sports;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • joint damage due to rheumatism, gout;
  • decreased calcium levels in bones in osteoporosis;
  • refusal of full breaks and warm-ups when working at the computer.

The pain syndrome can be moderate and pronounced, periodic and constant; in the absence of treatment, cerebral disorders occur. The addition of an infection provokes the appearance of additional signs: the temperature rises, the affected area swells, often turns red, palpation causes discomfort, jumps in blood pressure are possible, especially with kidney damage. Doctors identify pain on one side of the back and surrounding pain, localized in the lumbar region, sacrum, tailbone, or spreading to the buttocks, perineum, legs, down to the feet and fingers. When the sciatic nerve and sensitive structures of the piriformis muscle are compressed, painful lumbar pain occurs.

View a selection of general areas of therapy and effective methods for treating cervical vertebral subluxation in a child.

The characteristic symptoms and methods of treating inflammation of the sciatic nerve with medications at home are described in this article.

On the page http://vse-o-spine.com/bolezni/osteohondroz/narushenie-krovoobrasheniya.html learn about the symptoms and treatment of cerebrovascular accident in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

General rules and effective treatment methods

Many women are busy at home and at work, and health care often takes a backseat. Such carelessness can lead to serious consequences. Despite the lack of time, you need to find a few hours to visit a therapist and specialized specialists in order to understand the causes of the pain syndrome. It is important to know: discomfort in the lumbar region sometimes indicates the development of a malignant tumor.

Taking analgesics is an option suitable for a short period of time, for example during menstruation. You cannot mask the problem with pills and pain-relieving ointments: advanced cases of neurological and orthopedic pathologies are difficult to treat. Pain in the lower back is also dangerous due to inflammatory and tumor processes, infectious pathologies of the kidneys, uterus, appendages, bladder, if there is no adequate therapy.

For gynecological and urological diseases, the patient is observed by a specialized specialist. The doctor selects the optimal set of drugs, physiotherapy, and prescribes compounds to prevent relapses. If there are indications and conservative therapy is poorly effective, surgical treatment is performed.

When identifying diseases of the back and spine, you need the help of a vertebrologist, neurologist, or orthopedic traumatologist. The therapy is long-term, using several types of exposure. In advanced cases of osteoporosis, injuries to the coccyx and sacrum, and compression fractures of the vertebrae, surgical intervention is required to stabilize and restore the structure of bone and cartilaginous elements.

The main methods of treatment for damage to the back and spine:

  • taking several groups of drugs. NSAIDs, analgesics, chondroprotectors, B vitamins, muscle relaxants, drugs to stimulate blood circulation, sedatives. Transdermal patches are effective. In case of severe pain, shooting, or if the leg is pulled, then medicinal spinal blockades, corticosteroids, and injections of neurotropic vitamins are prescribed. Addition - the use of ointments for back pain, rubbing, gels for treating the sacrum and lumbar area;
  • physiotherapy. Exercises increase the elasticity of ligaments and muscles, strengthen the spine and joints, and reduce the load on the support column. It is necessary to dose the load so as not to create excess pressure on the weakened support column and ligaments. The stronger the muscles, the less compression on the intervertebral discs. The first classes are conducted under the guidance of a physiotherapist or rehabilitation specialist, later you can perform a complex of exercise therapy at home. Positive results in combination with physical therapy are achieved by aqua aerobics, swimming in the pool, Pilates, yoga, and exercises to strengthen the spine;
  • physiotherapy. For back pain in women, visiting a physical therapy room gives excellent results. Effective methods: mud therapy, phonophoresis, magnetic therapy, UHF, paraffin and ozokerite applications, turpentine baths, amplipulse therapy, massage, electrophoresis with NSAIDs, analgesics, calcium. Some procedures, for example, pine baths, paraffin applications, can be performed at home;
  • spinal traction. Pain in the lumbar region is often associated with disc compression. Reducing the distance between the vertebrae negatively affects the condition of hard structures and cartilage tissue, the tension of the ligaments decreases, and severe pain appears. In the conditions of sanatorium-resort complexes and medical institutions, underwater and dry traction of the support column is carried out. Traction of the vertebrae at home requires caution so as not to harm the discs and vertebrae;
  • additional treatment methods. Unconventional methods, the effectiveness of which has been confirmed by several generations of doctors and patients, help to cope with pain in the lumbar area and reduce the severity of neurological disorders: the original treatment has been used since ancient times. Many procedures are approved by the Ministry of Health and are included in the list of permitted types of therapeutic effects. Acupuncture, hirudotherapy, apitherapy, reflexology, cupping and acupressure, osteopathy, and manual therapy have beneficial effects. Many are helped by the Lyapko needle applicator, an effective plastic mat with spikes - the Kuznetsov applicator;

The lumbar region of the back is the most vulnerable area, as it bears a significant load. The spinal column performs important functions in the human body: it protects the spinal cord, acts as a support, and participates in motor activity. In this case, the lumbar vertebrae are subject to constant pressure, which over time leads to degenerative changes and herniated intervertebral disc. Excessive stress on the spine is a fairly common cause of lower back pain in women. However, there are many other factors and conditions that can lead to the development of lower back pain.

A feeling of pain of various types in the lumbar region and sacrum can appear in women before menstruation, or during menstruation, after heavy physical exertion, or as a result of serious illnesses. As a rule, minor pulling sensations in the lower back and sides can develop after a working day spent on your feet. Such symptoms do not pose a danger to the female body and disappear after rest.

But if pain persists for a long time, there is a possibility that there are serious pathological processes in the body that require diagnosis and treatment.

Excessive or insufficient physical activity

A common cause of lower back pain in women is frequent physical activity (carrying heavy objects, heavy professional activities). For example, when carrying large bags with grocery items, there is an uneven load on the spinal column and back muscles.

A sedentary lifestyle can cause pain in women in the lower back on the left, right or middle, often of a pulling nature. This happens due to weakness of the spinal muscles and spinal column. In this case, it is necessary to carry out daily gymnastics, which will help strengthen the back muscles, go swimming, and run.

Uncomfortable shoes

Nagging pain in the lower back is often observed in women who wear high-heeled shoes every day. This leads to the fact that the entire load goes to the legs and lumbar back, while the vertebrae quickly wear out and degenerative processes begin. It is better to wear high heels on holidays, that is, not all the time. The recommended heel height is 5 cm; these shoes are considered comfortable and do not cause harm to health.

4-5 breast size

Breast size plays an important role in the appearance of pain in the lower back in the absence of other diseases in women. With sizes 4 or 5, a large load is placed on the thoracic and lumbar spine, and develops. Pain in this case is the cause of stooping and incorrect posture. The only way to eliminate pain below the lower back in women is constant moderate physical activity, which helps strengthen the back muscles, as well as an active lifestyle.


Damp and cold weather is a reason to dress warmly, but often it is not possible to dress for the weather, as a result this can lead to hypothermia. Hyperthermia can also be triggered by sitting on cold benches and other surfaces; more often this leads to inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs or damage to the sacrum. When the body is overcooled, women experience pain in the back right side of the lower back of an acute nature.


Pain in the lower back often occurs in women in the second and third trimester of pregnancy due to fetal growth and increased stress on the muscles and ligaments of the lumbar back.

But some women may experience aching lower back pain early in pregnancy. The reason for this is hormonal changes and weakness of the spinal muscles. As the fetus develops, pain sensations may increase, so doctors often recommend using a special bandage to relieve stress from the back. And also to eliminate pain, it is necessary to exclude a sharp increase in weight; for this, you need to adjust your diet.

Onset of menstruation

It is quite common for women to experience pain in the lower back and lower abdomen before the onset of menstrual flow. This is due to hormonal changes: before menstruation, increased production of certain hormones begins, which leads to hypertonicity of the uterus. At the same time, the tone of the lower back muscles increases. The feeling of pain in the back below the lower back in women during menstruation is exacerbated against the background of pathological processes in the genitourinary organs.

Other possible causes of pain in the back at the beginning of menstruation are fluid retention in the tissues, the development of swelling and slight weight gain.

Diseases of the female genital organs

Severe lower back pain due to diseases of the genital organs is rare; as a rule, this is a sign of an ectopic pregnancy or ovarian rupture. More often, pain in the lumbar region in women occurs of a pulling nature, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. The most common diseases are:


Menopause (menopause) is the decline of the reproductive function of women, occurs after the age of 50, is accompanied by hormonal disorders and deterioration of blood circulation in the pelvic organs. The reasons for the sensation of pain in the lower back on the right are the insufficient supply of useful nutrients to the spinal column, which leads to its fragility.

Kidney diseases

With pathological processes in the kidneys, girdling pain in the lower back is observed, and in women the sensations can be localized on the right or left side. The most common disease is pyelonephritis, which is characterized by damage to the renal tubular system. The disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • right lower back pain
  • headache
  • body temperature increases
  • urinary disorders

Without timely treatment, the process becomes chronic.

Oncological diseases

The appearance and growth of tumors over time puts pressure on the nerve endings. This leads to aching pain in the lower back on the right or left, depending on the location of the pathological process. With gynecological oncological diseases, the symptoms are not always pronounced, therefore, to prevent serious complications, it is necessary to consult a doctor at the first appearance of lower back pain.

Causes of lower back pain on one side (right or left)

Lower back pain on the right or left in women occurs with the following pathologies:

Cause of severe pain

If your lower back hurts in the morning, but the sensation goes away in the evening, this may be a symptom of the development of an intervertebral disc. In this case, pain appears in the groin area with radiation to the lower limb.

Why do women experience strong sensations of shingles? Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract not only lead to pain in the abdomen, but also spread to the lower back. Additional symptoms are the appearance of acne and pimples on the lower back. At the same time, the condition of the hair and skin deteriorates.

Women's lower back may ache when... With increased physical activity or heavy physical activity, or carrying heavy objects, lumbar pain becomes more pronounced.

Severe pain in the lower back, radiating to the legs, can cause metabolic disorders in cartilage tissue.

Diagnostic measures

To identify the cause of persistent lower back pain, you need to seek help from a general practitioner. After an initial examination and collection of anamnestic data, the woman is prescribed a comprehensive examination.

The main diagnostic measures include ultrasound, laboratory tests and ECG. After identifying the cause of unpleasant sensations in the back below the waist, the therapist refers the woman for a consultation with a specialist (gynecologist, neurologist, osteopath and others).

Treatment of lower back pain

If lower back pain occurs in women, the cause of this condition is initially identified, on which treatment measures depend. It happens that women suffer from pain at home, which as a result can aggravate the condition and provoke complications of a possible serious illness.

To eliminate pain, painkillers are prescribed. In case of pronounced sensations on the right or left below the lower back, medications are used by injection for intravenous and intramuscular administration. Injections will help eliminate lower back pain much faster.

In certain cases, the doctor performs. To do this, the injection is performed in the area where pain is felt. For back injuries, sprained muscle fibers, and bruises, treatment consists of administering drugs that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, for example, Diclofenac.

If the cause of discomfort is the accumulation of excessive fluid in the tissues, drugs that have a diuretic effect (Veroshpiron) are used.

And also quite effective is the use of a decoction based on corn silk or bearberry. Such products remove excess fluid from the body well, have no side effects, and have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Basic procedures for strengthening the lumbar region:

Traditional medicine methods

If a woman has lower back pain, she should undergo treatment using traditional medicine. Elecampane root has proven itself well; it has been used for various diseases, in particular for menstrual irregularities. To treat back pain, use a tincture of elecampane root: 1 tbsp. l. pour 1 glass of hot water, leave for 40 minutes. During the day you should take 1 tsp. in the morning and in the evening.

Pain syndrome in the lumbar back manifests itself in over 15 different disorders of the female body. Given the health risks of each, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Even with many years of practice, a specialist will not be able to find out why lower back pain in women is based solely on an external examination. Therefore, the patient should be prepared to undergo diagnostics - laboratory and instrumental.

When visiting a specialist, it is important to inform him about the type of pain, its location, severity, and frequency of attacks. It should also be explained at what time of day the discomfort intensifies and when it becomes less pronounced. Making a preliminary diagnosis only on the basis of information about the type of pain is incorrect. But information received from the patient will allow the doctor to clarify the clinical picture.

Drawing-aching pain

This type of discomfort is characterized by the presence of sluggish inflammatory processes - organs of the reproductive system, digestive tract, muscles. Deterioration in health is preceded by excessive physical activity, hypothermia, and infection with viral diseases.

Sharp and sharp pain

This type of pain is manifested by rupture of the ovary, torsion of the pedicle of its cyst, appendicitis, cholecystitis, and ectopic pregnancy. Also, severe cramping pain is characterized by inflammation of the ovary and the movement of stones through the urethral canal. A dangerous condition in which sharp pain occurs is peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

It is important to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms. If the underlying causes of pain are the listed pathologies, vomiting of blood occurs and a decrease in blood pressure. Additionally - increased body temperature, vaginal bleeding, bitterness in the mouth.


This type of pain manifests itself as dyskinesia, pancreatitis, kidney inflammation, and spinal diseases (osteochondrosis, scoliosis). Constraining unpleasant sensations are characteristic of the course of colitis. It is important to give meaning to accompanying signs. If one of these pathologies is relevant, the woman is concerned about:

  1. Nausea and vomiting (attacks repeat up to 10 times a day)
  2. Flatulence, constipation, loud bowel movements, tension in the anterior abdominal wall, loss of appetite
  3. Limitation of physical activity due to back stiffness
  4. Crunches, squeaks and clicks in the lower back

Additional symptoms are associated with neurological disorders resulting from sleep deprivation due to pain. Such signs include irritability, feeling tired, dizziness, darkening of the eyes.


Cartilaginous degeneration is facilitated by weakening of the muscle corset. This is the result of multiple pregnancy, difficult childbirth, and sudden weight loss. Failure to maintain intimate hygiene and hypothermia are predisposing factors for the development of inflammatory processes. Malnutrition and adherence to debilitating diets are the cause of not only intestinal problems, but also salt deposits. They later become kidney and gallstones.

When physical activity is not commensurate with the real capabilities of the human body, damage occurs. Lifting weights leads to premature wear of the vertebral tissue and causes muscle strain. The lower back is vulnerable to problems of this kind. Daily performance of monotonous, especially jerking movements also increases the risk of their development.

The degenerative-inflammatory process of the cartilage of the intervertebral discs is a common condition of the lumbar spine. The tissue becomes thinner, which subsequently becomes the cause of a complex of unpleasant phenomena. The pathology is manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. Painful sensations in the back
  2. Swelling of the problem area of ​​the body
  3. Local temperature rise
  4. Crunching when turning the body

The disease develops as a result of abnormal physical activity, prolonged and regular stay in a stationary position.

99% of gynecological pathologies are manifested by pain, only some of the female diseases are asymptomatic. Pain is characterized by the following disorders:

  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • All inflammatory processes - endometritis, oophoritis, salpingitis, vaginitis
  • The origin of the listed pathologies is fungal, bacterial, viral
  • Oncological processes of the second or more stages
  • Damage, torsion, erosion

From the pelvic cavity, inflammation can spread to the abdominal cavity. In this case, the doctor has to carry out differential diagnosis with intestinal and urological pathologies. But the cause of lumbar pain is often an intense pathological process that is prone to irradiation.

The kidneys are located in the lumbar region - any dysfunction of the paired organ, a change in its condition, becomes the root cause of pain. The most noticeable burning sensation is with renal colic, when the stone moves along the urethra. Pain is caused by the tumor process, pyelonephritis (inflammation).

If the cause of pain in the lumbar region is a disorder of the kidneys, the following signs are characteristic:

  • Increased body temperature
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • The presence of sand, small stones in the urine, staining of urine with blood
  • Weight loss

With all kidney diseases, the process of urine excretion is disrupted - its volume increases or decreases, and the frequency of urge increases.

As the fetus develops, the size and weight of the uterus increases, and the placenta becomes heavier. In combination with an increase in the volume of amniotic fluid, the load on the spine increases. After the 12th week of pregnancy, the uterus leaves the pelvic cavity, its location is determined in front of the lumbar spine. Considering the load on it, soreness is an understandable but unwanted sensation. To minimize it, gynecologists recommend using fixing devices - bandages. After childbirth, lumbar pain resolves on its own (in 90% of cases).

The disease belongs to the field of gynecology and is the growth of the inner layer of the uterus beyond the genital organ. Pain syndrome in the lumbosacral region is a characteristic sign of pathology. It is supplemented by:

  • bleeding from the genital tract
  • the appearance of dark brown spotting during the period between menstruation
  • discomfort during intimacy

The disease occurs as a result of previous injuries, difficult childbirth, and frequent abortions. Defects of various shapes form on the inner mucous membrane of the uterus. If endometriosis is not treated, infertility occurs, and there is a high probability of the formation of a tumor process.


During the first days of menstruation, the uterus becomes larger due to blood flow. Even minimal filling of the bladder provides pressure on the reproductive organ (they are located in close proximity). Pain in the lumbosacral region intensifies, and the volume of blood released increases. Timely emptying of the bladder and taking diuretics help reduce the unpleasant sensation.

Bust size

The size of the breast affects the likelihood of low back pain. In women with an asthenic physique, large breasts create a load on the spine and back as a whole. Especially the appearance of unpleasant sensations occurs in the period after breastfeeding and middle age.

In both cases, the glandular tissue of the breast becomes more flabby, which increases the load on the lower back. To minimize discomfort, you need to use a comfortable bra. Without squeezing, it keeps the mammary glands in their normal position.


Incorrect selection of shoes causes uneven distribution of weight on the foot. In this case, the load falls on the spine, and the lower back is the most vulnerable part of the back. The use of orthopedic shoes is mandatory, especially if there is a genetic predisposition to poor posture or problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Hormonal changes during menopause primarily affect the structure of the ovaries. Malfunctions of this paired organ lead to pain in the lumbosacral region. Additionally, the patient notes vaginal discharge, a feeling of a rush of heat to the face, and excessive sweating. At the end of menopause, the pain goes away on its own.

Excess weight

Excessive amounts of fat deposits create additional stress not only on functioning internal organs. The musculoskeletal system suffers no less. The lower back muscles experience tension as they support the existing body weight, distributing it across themselves.

Oncology diseases

As the tumor process develops, the patient experiences minor pain. At stage 2 of the tumor, the unpleasant sensation intensifies. If a woman does not undergo surgery, radiation or chemotherapy, only narcotic analgesics can normalize her well-being. The lower back hurts both when the tumor is localized in the immediate vicinity and due to metastases developed by a distant tumor.


Staying in a draft and inappropriate clothing for weather conditions leads to myositis - muscle inflammation. Along with lumbar pain, the woman is worried about limited mobility, insomnia, weakness, hyperthermia, and swelling of the affected area. Warming ointments and balms help - after rubbing into the skin of the lower back, insulate it with a scarf and observe bed rest.

What kind of pain is there?

There are several types of lumbar pain:

  1. Aching – due to muscle inflammation
  2. Expulsion - the result of accumulation of gases, intoxication due to constipation
  3. “Dagger” pain accompanies peptic ulcer disease
  4. A feeling of aching in the pelvis and lower back is the onset of labor, a sign of rejection of the fertilized egg.
  5. Intense pain – with “acute abdomen” syndrome, terminal stage cancer tumors
  6. Spasms – with renal, intestinal pathologies

Shooting occurs in vertebral and joint pathologies.

If your back hurts in the lumbar region, after questioning and examination, the following types of diagnostics are carried out:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic and abdominal organs, kidneys.
  • X-ray examination (perform an overview and targeted image). If kidney disease is suspected, a series of images is taken after intravenous administration of a contrast agent. X-ray examination of the spine allows us to determine degenerative changes in the cartilage tissue of the discs.
  • MRI. An informative and highly accurate method of radiation visualization.
  • Laboratory types of research. The patient will have to donate blood and urine for biochemical and clinical testing. If problems with the spine are suspected, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and synovial fluid are examined.

The specialist prescribes other types of diagnostic measures based on the suspected disease. Such tests include blood culture for sterility and blood culture, smears to determine vaginal microflora, and cytological examination.

Treatment – ​​which specialist should I contact?

If you experience lower back pain, you should initially consult a therapist. The doctor will refer you to specialized specialists only on the basis of the information received and the diagnostic procedures completed. Treatment of pain in the lumbar back includes:

  • vertebrologist – if the discomfort is caused by a disorder of the spine;
  • neuropathologist - when identifying intercostal neuralgia
  • gynecologist – when discomfort is associated with diseases of the reproductive system or accompanies the period of gestation
  • traumatologist, surgeon – if the lower back hurts after a sprain or injury
  • gastroenterologist - if the results of the examination reveal that there is a violation of the condition of the intestines, gallbladder, liver

In addition to eliminating pathologies manifested by lower back pain, physiotherapists and massage therapists are involved. If lumbar discomfort is a consequence of a previous or existing infectious disease, treatment is carried out by an infectious disease specialist.

Therapy includes the use of antibiotics, chondroprotectors, and hyaluronic acid. For digestive disorders, enzymes and antispasmodics are prescribed. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, uroseptics are used, active vitamin therapy is carried out, and dietary nutrition is prescribed. In case of bleeding, hemostatic agents and iron supplements are additionally administered. For joint diseases and problems with the condition of the spine, decongestants and medications that improve blood circulation are prescribed.

Pregnancy is a limiting factor for the use of almost 100% of medications. Therefore, in order to relieve pain, it is recommended to purchase a special pillow for expectant mothers (this product is available in specialized stores). Additionally, use a bandage and avoid tight clothing.

Video: Causes of lower back pain in women