Alexey Pushkov: biography, personal life, family, photo. Alexey Pushkov: biography, personal life, family, photo Interests and hobbies

Alexey Pushkov is a hereditary diplomat, a popular TV presenter and a prominent representative of Russian politics. This person’s opinion is listened to in government circles and at the World Economic Forum in Davos, in the bureau of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), within the walls of Harvard and MGIMO. Pushkov is a State Duma deputy with the powers of a member of the Federation Council, the author of a number of books and a laureate of the “Power No. 4” award, awarded to the best political commentators.

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Alexey Konstantinovich gained the reputation of not just a supporter, but a propagandist of the ideas of President Vladimir Putin and an ardent patriot of Russia. However, many articles have been published on the Internet, the authors of which suspect the politician of hypocrisy and dislike for his homeland, since Pushkov’s relatives often publish photos from foreign resorts on social networks, accompanied by enthusiastic comments.

Childhood and youth

Pushkov Alexey Konstantinovich was born on August 10, 1954 in the capital of China in the family of Soviet diplomat Konstantin Mikhailovich and Chinese language teacher Margarita Vladimirovna. The early years of the future Russian political scientist and diplomat were spent in Beijing, but he had the opportunity to study in Moscow, since his father was transferred to work in the USSR.

Alexey Konstantinovich graduated from a special school with in-depth study of the French language. He differed from other children in his thirst for learning; he had a talent for learning foreign languages, which determined the main direction of his future activities.

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After graduating from school, Alexey Pushkov became a student at MGIMO at the Faculty of International Relations. In 1976, after graduating from university, he went to Geneva, where he worked at the UN office. Then the political scientist graduated from the master's program and in 1980 became a candidate of historical sciences, teaching at the department of history of international relations and foreign policy.

In 1983, Pushkov left for Prague, where he got a job at the editorial office of the international magazine “Problems of Peace and Socialism”, receiving the position of senior reviewer and consulting editor of the publication. After 5 years, having returned to his homeland, Alexey Konstantinovich became a speechwriter for Mikhail Gorbachev. He composed texts of speeches for speeches by the first and only president of the USSR, since even then he was well versed in politics and could interest the audience with interesting and relevant statements.

If there is no exact information about Pushkov’s nationality, then the question of citizenship was removed when the diplomat received a deputy mandate, which by law is awarded only to holders of a Russian passport.


After the collapse of the USSR, the biography of Alexei Pushkov did not change course - the political scientist continued to be active in the field of journalism, becoming a political observer and deputy editor-in-chief of the Moscow News weekly. At the same time, he supervised the foreign editions of the newspaper, where he later became editor-in-chief.


In 1993, Pushkov’s career growth rapidly gained momentum - he became a member of the editorial board of Foreign Policy magazine, which is published by the Andrew Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and at the same time became one of the experts at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

The next stage of Pushkov’s career was the Russian TV channel ORT, where he first took the position of director of public relations, and later headed the directorate of international relations. From 1995 to 1998, Alexey Konstantinovich was deputy general director of Channel One, whose broadcasts are distributed outside of Russia and cover almost the entire world.

In 1998, the diplomat became the director and host of the “Postscript” program with Alexei Pushkov. In the studio he receives famous foreign and Russian politicians, scientists and cultural figures. The TV presenter's releases are distinguished by balanced conclusions and assessments, the competence of experts, the accuracy of analyzes and facts, which made the program widely popular among the highest political elite of Russia and millions of television viewers.

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In an interview, Alexey said that for objective reasons he had been interested in politics since his youth, and considered “Postscriptum” “as a springboard for future personal projects that will lead further along the steps of political life.”

Pushkov dedicated three episodes of the television project to the American landing on the Moon. The creator of the program generally doubts the existence of the fact as such and wonders where those incredible powerful engines went that delivered the station, 400 tons of cargo to the Earth’s satellite, and then returned it back.

In the scientific community, these releases were criticized, with some academics and researchers feeling that a representative of the political elite was disrespectful to the scientific world and “represented our society as envious and ignorant.”


In 2011, Alexey Pushkov officially entered the world of big politics. First, he was elected to the State Duma on the lists of the United Russia party, whose ranks the diplomat, by the way, did not join. After that, he was appointed to the post of head of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs, and in 2012 he became vice-president and member of the PACE bureau, and headed the Russian delegation in Strasbourg.

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Zagra Magomedova, Alexey Pushkov, Magomed Kurbanov in the Federation Council

Pushkov’s achievements in politics are difficult to overestimate - Alexey is known as a strong defender of the interests of his homeland at all political levels, has a clear position on Ukraine and Crimea, for which in 2014 he was included in the sanctions list of the EU, Canada and Australia.

In 2015, the parliamentarian proudly and calmly responded to the PACE resolution on depriving the Russian side of the right to vote in the assembly and stated that Russia would leave the organization by the end of the year, because the country does not need such a dialogue that limits the rights of the Russian Federation in critical moments.

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Born into the family of a Soviet diplomat in China. Father, Konstantin Mikhailovich Pushkov (b. 1921), an employee of the USSR Consulate General in Beijing. Mother, Margarita Vladimirovna Pushkova (1927-2007), sinologist, translator, Chinese language teacher.

Wife: Nina Vasilievna Pushkova (born 1957), an actress by training, a graduate of the Theater School named after. Shchukin. Writer and producer Dr. films about culture and architecture. Author of the book "A Romance with a Postscript" Moscow, 2013. She has acted in films ("An Ordinary Miracle", "Meeting on a Distant Meridian", etc.).

Daughter: Daria Pushkova (born 1977), head of the London bureau of the television channel "Russia Today".


He studied at a Moscow special school with in-depth study of the French language (Moscow, Spasopeskovsky lane).

Graduated in 1976 MGIMO USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs with a degree in international relations. Worked at the UN (Geneva).

In 1980 he received a Candidate of Historical Sciences degree. In 1988-1991 he was a speechwriter Mikhail Gorbachev. In 1991-1995 he was deputy editor-in-chief of the weekly "Moscow News" in an international direction; in this capacity he was editor-in-chief of the English, French, German and Spanish editions of the newspaper.

In 1993-2000 - member of the editorial board of the American magazine Foreign Policy, published by the Carnegie Endowment Washington. Since 1993 - member and permanent expert of the World Economic Forum in Davos. In 1995-1998 - Deputy General Director of ORT. Was a political commentator "Nezavisimaya Gazeta", led the “Personal Opinion” column. Since 1998 - director and presenter of the program "P.S"(TVC). Since 2002 - member of the editorial board of the American magazine "National Interest"(National Interest), published by the Nixon Center in Washington. Since 2005 he has been a member of the London International Institute for Strategic Studies. In 2004 he was a member of the Supervisory Board Moscow Carnegie Foundation. In 2008-2011 - Director of the Institute of Current International Problems (IAMP) of the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry. In 2009 he became a laureate of the Bunin Prize for the book "Putin's swing. Postscript: ten years surrounded".

Has a number of awards: Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2014), Order of Honor (2007), Order of Friendship (2009), Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation (2004), Letter of Gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation (2007, 2008, 2011, 2012).

Pushkov is a winner of awards at many Russian and international television forums as the author, director and host of the “Postscript” program.

Author of more than 400 scientific publications and analytical articles in leading Russian and foreign periodicals, including The New York Times, International Herald Tribune, Die Zeit, Yomiuri Shimbun, The Wall Street Journal Europe, " Foreign Policy", "The National Interest", "Foreign Affairs", "NATO Review".


In 2011 he was elected as a deputy State Duma RF VI convocation according to the party lists, without being a member of it. Appointed Chairman of the International Affairs Committee of the State Duma. Member of the United Russia faction in the State Duma.

Since 2012 - head of the delegation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation to PACE (Strasbourg). Vice President and Bureau Member PACE.

In August 2014, he was included in the sanctions list by Ukraine for his position on the war in Donbass and the annexation Crimea to Russia.

Also included in the sanctions lists of the European Union, Canada and Australia.

At the end of January 2015, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, by a majority vote, deprived the Russian delegation of voting rights until April. In response, Pushkov stated that Russia would leave PACE before the end of the year.

At the beginning of February 2015, Pushkov commented on the PACE statement about the desire to continue the dialogue with Russia. He wrote about this on his Twitter: “The head of PACE: “We want to continue the dialogue.” PACE understands dialogue as depriving us of a number of rights, including the right to vote. We do not need such a “dialogue,” Pushkov said.

Previously head of PACE Anne Brasseur said that the Assembly wants to continue dialogue with Russia, clarifying that the organization has not deprived the country of all powers.

In February 2015, Pushkov responded to the proposal of Bundestag deputies to present the German Chancellor with Angela Merkel Nobel Peace Prize.

"The Bundestag proposed awarding Merkel the Nobel Peace Prize. Is not it too early? And isn’t Minsk-2 a joint achievement of Merkel, Hollande and Putin?"- Pushkov wrote on his Twitter.

At the beginning of March 2015, Pushkov, in an interview with the Izvestia newspaper, named three scenarios according to which they are trying to arrange "orange revolution".

Pushkov considers the first scenario to be the Russian Maidan, which could become Bolotnaya Square. The second scenario is the election of a pro-American president in Russia. The head of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs considers such a protege of the United States.

The third scenario, which, according to Pushkov, has been prepared for Russia, is economic destabilization, which, according to the plan, should lead to mass protests and undermine personal authority Vladimir Putin.

Pushkov believes that the US attitude towards Russia will not change in the near future. He named one of the reasons for this that in the presidential elections people with more radical views than Barack Obama.

In March 2015, Pushkov stated that to the European Union It would be worthwhile not to put pressure on Russia, but to convince the United States to abandon arms supplies to Ukraine.

"The essence of the question: in order to preserve the fragile truce in Ukraine, the EU should not put pressure on Moscow, but insist that the United States not send weapons there", he wrote on Twitter. Earlier it was reported that Pushkov called the words of the Lithuanian President about the threat from Russia “theater of the absurd.”


According to the Anti-Corruption Declaration of 2013, Pushkov’s income amounted to 14,944,648.83 rubles. He owns two apartments with a total area of ​​289.2 square meters. m, land plot of 3,000 sq. m. m and two garages with a total area of ​​26.4 sq. m. m. In addition, Pushkov owns two cars. Compared to the 2010 election declaration, his income doubled (from 7,078,496.89 rubles).

Alexey Konstantinovich Pushkov- Russian statesman and public figure, deputy of the State Duma of the VI convocation, was chairman of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs and head of the Russian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. On September 29, 2016, he became a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, where he works in the Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building. Member of the Presidential Council for the Development of Civil Society. Political scientist, professor at MGIMO. Journalist, author and presenter of the analytical program “Postscript” on the TV Center channel. Alexey Pushkov is an Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation; Pushkov’s articles can be found on the Free Press website.

Childhood and education of Alexey Pushkov

Father - Konstantin Mikhailovich Pushkov (1921) - Soviet diplomat, worked as an employee of the USSR Consulate General in Beijing.

Mother: - Margarita Vladimirovna Pushkova (1927-2007) - teacher of Chinese language, sinologist, translator.

Alexey Pushkov spent his early childhood in China, in Beijing. After the father was transferred to work in Russia, the parents sent their son to a special school with in-depth study of the French language. At school, Alexey showed great ability to learn foreign languages. This subsequently influenced the choice of future profession.

Alexei Pushkov should not have been forced to do his homework as a child. He was always enthusiastic about his studies, so the young man graduated from school successfully. Pushkov also successfully passed the entrance exams at MGIMO and became a student at the Faculty of International Relations.

Career of Alexei Pushkov during the Soviet period

After graduating from university in 1976, Alexei Pushkov was sent to Geneva to work at the UN mission.

In the photo: TV-3 political commentator Alexey Pushkov, 2001 (Photo: Konstantin Krymsky and Alexander Yakovlev / TASS)

In parallel with his work, Pushkov continued his studies and in 1980 defended his PhD thesis in history. After defending his dissertation, Alexey Pushkov became a teacher at the Department of History of International Relations and Foreign Policy at MGIMO.

But Alexey Pushkov did not work at his native university for long. Already in 1983, he left for Prague, where he took the position of senior referent and consulting editor of the international journal Problems of Peace and Socialism.

Returning to Moscow 5 years later, Alexey Konstantinovich Pushkov was appointed speechwriter Mikhail Gorbachev— composed texts of speeches for speeches by the first and last president of the USSR (1988−1991).

Alexey Pushkov's career injournalism

After the collapse of the USSR, there were no significant changes in Pushkov’s biography. Alexey Pushkov continued his work in journalism, becoming a political commentator and deputy editor-in-chief of the Moscow News newspaper. Alexey Konstantinovich was also entrusted with the supervision of all foreign editions of the newspaper, and later he became their editor-in-chief.

The active and successful work of Alexey Pushkov led to career growth. In 1993, Pushkov became a member of the editorial board of the journal Foreign Policy (published by the Carnegie Endowment).

Then Alexey Pushkov took the position of director of public relations at the ORT television channel, and later became director of international relations.

From 1995 to 1998, Pushkov worked as deputy general director of Channel One. Since 1998, Alexey Konstantinovich Pushkov became the director and presenter of the popular program “Postscript”.

This program immediately appealed to viewers, since Alexey Pushkov always carefully and competently covered and assessed the events taking place in the world.

Alexey Pushkov's career in politics

Alexey Konstantinovich’s multifaceted activities brought him to a higher career level. In 2011, Pushkov became a State Duma deputy on the list of the United Russia party, although he was not a member of this party. Nevertheless, Alexei Pushkov was appointed to the post of head of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs. And in 2012, Alexey Konstantinovich became vice-president and member of the PACE Bureau and headed the Russian delegation in Strasbourg.

In the photo: Chairman of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs Alexey Pushkov at a meeting of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, 2012 (Photo: Mitya Aleshkovsky / TASS)

In 2016, Alexey Pushkov lost the United Russia primaries in the Perm Territory, but was nominated by this party as part of the party list to the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Territory. As a result of the elections on September 18, 2016, he won, and on September 29 of the same year, at a meeting of the regional parliament, he was elected as its representative - a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. He is a member of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building.

Views of Alexey Pushkov

Wherever Alexey Konstantinovich worked, he always resolutely defended the interests of Russia at all political levels. Alexey Pushkov has a sharply defined view of the situation that is now happening in Ukraine. Of course, Pushkov was included in the EU sanctions list for his position.

Alexey Konstantinovich calmly reacted to the resolution according to which PACE deprived Russia of the right to vote in the assembly for several months. (Recall that Russia is one of the main payers to the budget of the Council of Europe. In the summer, Moscow blocked contributions to the organization for the first time).

The diplomat also said that Russia will leave PACE before the end of the year, because the country does not need such a dialogue with the assembly, which limits the rights of the Russian Federation.

In the photo: Chairman of the Russian State Duma Committee on International Affairs Alexey Pushkov during a conversation with journalists after the plenary meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), 2015 (Photo: Mikhail Japaridze/TASS)

Alexey Pushkov commented on the situation regarding relations with Ukraine and regarding its threats to terminate the treaty of friendship and cooperation: “By denouncing the 1998 Treaty with Russia, Kyiv will also cancel the article on recognition of the territorial integrity of Ukraine. They’re shooting themselves in the foot again,” he was quoted as saying by

Let us recall that on March 14, 2018, it became known that Ukraine could withdraw from the CIS, as well as denounce the treaty of friendship, cooperation and partnership with Russia. The deputy of the Verkhovna Rada "Independence" wrote about this on her Facebook page. Svetlana Zalischuk.

Alexey Pushkov called the appeal signed by deputies of Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Ukraine and Moldova to the heads of parliaments of European states demanding a discussion about the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline as “hysterical from impotence.” Deputies from 5 countries not related to Nord Stream 2 issued a letter of protest against its construction. I don’t think this will affect the course of events: the demand for Russian gas in Europe is growing and will continue to grow. Hysterical from powerlessness and anger,” the senator wrote on his Twitter page.

Of course, Pushkov was outraged by the gross provocation that Great Britain “organized” with the “case” of the now notorious Sergei Skripal. In the Postscript program, Pushkov pointed out the lack of any evidence to accuse Russia of involvement in the poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his daughter.

And in general, Alexey Konstantinovich ironically advised to hire the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuri Lutsenko- a specialist in accusations taken out of thin air. Take, for example, the case filed against the hero of Ukraine Nadezhda Savchenko: “The Prosecutor General of Ukraine Lutsenko accused Savchenko of planning a terrorist attack: to explode grenades in the Rada hall, “to bring down the dome of the Verkhovna Rada with mortars and to finish off those who survive with machine guns” (!!!). Even he has never given birth to THIS before. Theresa May we urgently need to hire him,” the senator wrote on his Twitter page.

Alexey Pushkov commented on the criticism of the American senator John McCain to the US President Donald Trump, who congratulated Russian leader Vladimir Putin by phone on his election victory.

“I don’t know where McCain found the “Russian people” who were offended by Trump’s call to Putin. Probably in my head. Trump, on the contrary, had enough political wisdom to, despite powerful pressure, come to the conclusion that a complete severance of contacts with Russia would be to the detriment of the United States itself,” Pushkov wrote on his Twitter page.

In March 2018, Alexey Pushkov suggested the onset of even more difficult times for the residents of Ukraine, when Kyiv finally abandons Russian gas.

“The head of Naftogaz accused the Ukrainians of “excessive consumption” of gas. They say they burn him and burn him just like that, for fun, so they could freeze and eat something cold... These are just flowers. Or will it happen when Kyiv buys expensive liquefied gas from Qatar and the United States and it will be worth its weight in gold,”

Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Successful TV presenter Pushkov has again become one of the most famous media figures in the Russian media thanks to the conflict around Ukraine. Over the past two years, the head of the international committee of the State Duma has become one of the significant figures in the international political arena, and has also become the “owner” of personal sanctions from the United States and other Western countries.


Born into the family of a Soviet diplomat in China. Father, Konstantin Mikhailovich Pushkov (b. 1921), an employee of the USSR Consulate General in Beijing. Mother, Margarita Vladimirovna Pushkova (1927-2007), sinologist, translator, Chinese language teacher.

Wife: Nina Vasilievna Pushkova (born 1957), an actress by training, a graduate of the Theater School named after. Shchukin. Writer and producer Dr. films about culture and architecture. Author of the book "A Romance with a Postscript" Moscow, 2013. She has acted in films ("An Ordinary Miracle", "Meeting on a Distant Meridian", etc.).

Daughter: Daria Pushkova (born 1977), head of the London bureau of the television channel "Russia Today".


He studied at a Moscow special school with in-depth study of the French language (Moscow, Spasopeskovsky lane).

Graduated in 1976 MGIMO USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs with a degree in international relations. Worked at the UN (Geneva).

In 1980 he received a Candidate of Historical Sciences degree. In 1988-1991 he was a speechwriter Mikhail Gorbachev. In 1991-1995 he was deputy editor-in-chief of the weekly "Moscow News" in an international direction; in this capacity he was editor-in-chief of the English, French, German and Spanish editions of the newspaper.

In 1993-2000 - member of the editorial board of the American magazine Foreign Policy, published by the Carnegie Endowment Washington. Since 1993 - member and permanent expert of the World Economic Forum in Davos. In 1995-1998 - Deputy General Director of ORT. Was a political commentator "Nezavisimaya Gazeta", led the “Personal Opinion” column. Since 1998 - director and presenter of the program "P.S"(TVC). Since 2002 - member of the editorial board of the American magazine "National Interest"(National Interest), published by the Nixon Center in Washington. Since 2005 he has been a member of the London International Institute for Strategic Studies. In 2004 he was a member of the Supervisory Board Moscow Carnegie Foundation. In 2008-2011 - Director of the Institute of Current International Problems (IAMP) of the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry. In 2009 he became a laureate of the Bunin Prize for the book "Putin's swing. Postscript: ten years surrounded".

Has a number of awards: Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2014), Order of Honor (2007), Order of Friendship (2009), Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation (2004), Letter of Gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation (2007, 2008, 2011, 2012).

Pushkov is a winner of awards at many Russian and international television forums as the author, director and host of the “Postscript” program.

Author of more than 400 scientific publications and analytical articles in leading Russian and foreign periodicals, including The New York Times, International Herald Tribune, Die Zeit, Yomiuri Shimbun, The Wall Street Journal Europe, " Foreign Policy", "The National Interest", "Foreign Affairs", "NATO Review".


In 2011 he was elected as a deputy State Duma RF VI convocation according to party lists "United Russia" without being a member. Appointed Chairman of the International Affairs Committee of the State Duma. Member of the United Russia faction in the State Duma.

Since 2012 - head of the delegation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation to PACE (Strasbourg). Vice President and Bureau Member PACE.

In August 2014, he was included in the sanctions list by Ukraine for his position on the war in Donbass and the annexation Crimea to Russia.

Also included in the sanctions lists of the European Union, Canada and Australia.

At the end of January 2015, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, by a majority vote, deprived the Russian delegation of voting rights until April. In response, Pushkov stated that Russia would leave PACE before the end of the year.

At the beginning of February 2015, Pushkov commented on the PACE statement about the desire to continue the dialogue with Russia. He wrote about this on his Twitter: “The head of PACE: “We want to continue the dialogue.” PACE understands dialogue as depriving us of a number of rights, including the right to vote. We do not need such a “dialogue,” Pushkov said.

Previously head of PACE Anne Brasseur said that the Assembly wants to continue dialogue with Russia, clarifying that the organization has not deprived the country of all powers.

In February 2015, Pushkov responded to the proposal of Bundestag deputies to present the German Chancellor with Angela Merkel Nobel Peace Prize.

"The Bundestag proposed awarding Merkel the Nobel Peace Prize. Is not it too early? And isn’t Minsk-2 a joint achievement of Merkel, Hollande and Putin?"- Pushkov wrote on his Twitter.

At the beginning of March 2015, Pushkov, in an interview with the Izvestia newspaper, named three scenarios according to which they are trying to arrange "orange revolution".

Pushkov considers the first scenario to be the Russian Maidan, which could become Bolotnaya Square. The second scenario is the election of a pro-American president in Russia. The head of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs considers such a protege of the United States Mikhail Khodorkovsky.

The third scenario, which, according to Pushkov, has been prepared for Russia, is economic destabilization, which, according to the plan, should lead to mass protests and undermine personal authority Vladimir Putin.

Pushkov believes that the US attitude towards Russia will not change in the near future. He named one of the reasons for this that in the presidential elections people with more radical views than Barack Obama.

In March 2015, Pushkov stated that to the European Union It would be worthwhile not to put pressure on Russia, but to convince the United States to abandon arms supplies to Ukraine.

"The essence of the question: in order to preserve the fragile truce in Ukraine, the EU should not put pressure on Moscow, but insist that the United States not send weapons there", he wrote on Twitter. Earlier it was reported that Pushkov called the words of the President of Lithuania Dali Grybauskaite about the threat from Russia with the “theater of the absurd.”


According to the Anti-Corruption Declaration of 2013, Pushkov’s income amounted to 14,944,648.83 rubles. He owns two apartments with a total area of ​​289.2 square meters. m, land plot of 3,000 sq. m. m and two garages with a total area of ​​26.4 sq. m. m. In addition, Pushkov owns two cars. Compared to the 2010 election declaration, his income doubled (from 7,078,496.89 rubles).

Russian politician, public figure and TV presenter.

Biography of Alexey Pushkov

Alexey Pushkov was born on August 10, 1954. Graduated in 1976 MGIMO Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR majoring in international relations. Candidate of Historical Sciences. Worked as a teacher at the Department of History of International Relations and Foreign Policy at MGIMO. From 1983 to 1988 worked in Prague as a senior referent and consulting editor for an international journal "Problems of Peace and Socialism". He was the author and host of a political program on the Moscow TV channel, deputy editor-in-chief and political observer of the weekly "Moscow News", editor-in-chief of the newspaper's foreign editions. Alexey Pushkov’s track record also includes the post of director in the Directorate for Public Relations and Media ORT. From 1996 to 1998 was director of the ORT International Relations Directorate, political observer "Nezavisimaya Gazeta".

Member of the journal's editorial board Foreign Policy(USA). He was involved in advising the President of the Russian Federation, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and assistants to the President of the Russian Federation, and was a member of the working analytical group under the Secretary of the Defense Council of the Russian Federation. Alexey Pushkov - member and permanent expert of the World Economic Forum (Davos, Switzerland), member of the presidium of the Russian Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, consultant to the Committee on International Affairs of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, member of the Advisory Council of the Carnegie Moscow Center, member of the political science “Club-93” (Moscow ).

His wife is Nina Pushkova, film actress, screenwriter and producer of documentaries about art and architecture. She starred in such films as “An Ordinary Miracle” and “I Hope Without Hope.” In 1977, the couple had a daughter, Daria. She also works on TV.

In 2014, Pushkov was included in the Ukrainian sanctions list.

Alexey Pushkov's career on television

Since 1999 he has been working for TV Center. He is the director and host of the Postscript program. In 2007, for his great contribution to the development of domestic television and many years of work, he was awarded the Order of Honor.

In 2017, Alexey was awarded the “Golden Pen of Russia” prize from the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation for creating the program “ P.S».