Сценарії фільмів англійською.

It was Mr. Bean’s birthday, and he wanted to enjoy it! What could he do?
“How can I make this important day a happy day?” he thought. “I know. I'll go out to a restaurant for dinner цей večer! I'll enjoy that.”
Mr. Bean didn’t often eat in restaurants. Вони були деякими дуже expensive. And he sometimes did things wrong when he was in a new or strange place.
Oh dear! Life wasn’t easy for Mr. Bean!

Що evening, Mr. Bean put on a clean shirt. He put on his best coat and trousers. He put on his best shoes. Then he drove to a restaurant в центрі міста.
He arrived at eight o’clock and went inside. It was a very nice restaurant. Everybody був wearing своїми великими clothes, і вони були flowers on every table.
“I'm going to like it here,” thought Mr. Bean. “This is a good restaurant for my birthday dinner.”

manager met him at the door.
“Good evening, sir,” he said. “How are you? Would you like a table for one?”
"Yes, please," said Mr. Bean.
"Follow me, sir," said the manager.
Він їздить по дорозі до столу, і Mr. Bean went after him.
"Here you are, sir," said the manager. “This is a nice table.”

He pulled the chair away from the table. Then he waited for Mr. Bean to sit down. Mr. Bean looked at him.
“Why is he taking my chair away?” thought Mr. Bean. “What's he doing?”
And he pulled the chair away from the manager and sat down quickly.

When the manager went away, Mr. Bean sat quietly for a minute. Then he remembered something. He took a birthday card and envelope out of his jacket. Далі, я можу запропонувати pen і wrote “Happy Birthday, Bean” всередині карти. Були поставлені картки в обкладинку і загортають його ім'я назовні. He put it on the table, і put his pen back в his jacket.
Після хвилин або два, Mr. Bean pretended to see the card for the first time.
“Oh! A card – for me? he said.
Він оговтався до обкладинки і стріляти з картки. He read it carefully.
“Now that’s nice!” he said. “Somebody remembered my birthday!”
And he stood the card on his table.

manager arrived with the menu and gave it to Mr. Bean. Mr. Bean started to read it.
“Oh, dear!” he thought. “Everything's very expensive! What can I have?”
Mr. Bean got out його гроші. He had a ten-pound note and some coins. He put the money on to a plate.
“How much have I got?” he said, and he moved the money round on the plate. “Ten, eleven … And forty, fifty, fifty-five! Eleven pounds and fifty-five pence.”
He looked at the menu again. What could he eat for eleven pounds fifty-five?

The manager came to його table.
“Are you ready, sir?” he asked.
"Yes," said Mr. Bean. He put his finger on the menu. “I'll have that, please.”
manager looked at menu. “The steak tartare, sir. Yes, of course.”
"Yes," said Mr. Bean. "Steak."
manager стріляти в меню і went away.

Mr. Bean sat and looked round the restaurant. Там були багато людей в особняку. Там був чоловік і жінка в найближчому столі. Вони ate and talked.
Suddenly, waiter arrived at Mr. Bean's table with a bottle of wine.
“Would you like to try the wine, sir?” he said.
“Oh, yes please,” said Mr. Bean.
The waiter put some wine в Mr. Bean's glass and Mr. Bean had a drink. It was very nice! He smiled, and the waiter tried to put more wine into glass.

Of course, the waiter був right. Перший, customer tries his wine. Whe he is happy with it, the waiter gives him more wine. Але Mr. Bean didn’t know this, and he quickly put his hand across the glass.
“No, thank you,” he said. “I don't drink wine when I'm driving.” The waiter looked at him strangely – and walked away. He didn’t say, “Why did you try the wine when you didn’t want it, you stupid man!”
Mr. Bean took the knife from the table and started to play with it. He pretended to be a bad man. He pretended to push the knife into somebody. But he didn’t дійсно want to kill anybody, of course. It was a game.

The woman at the next table looked at him angrily, і Mr. Bean quickly переміщується в бісер. Далі, він hit glasses and plate on his table with it. Ping, ping, ping they went! And after a minute, he played the song “Happy Birthday’ on the glasses. He smiled and thought, “I'm very clever!”
But the woman at the next table didn't think, “That's clever!” or “Oh yes, that’s funny!” She thought, “That man's really stupid!” And she looked hard at Mr. Bean.
Mr. Bean put the knife down and looked at his napkin.
“It's a very nice napkin,” he thought.

The waiter saw Mr. Bean looking at his napkin. He didn’t say anything, але suddenly -flick! - he opened it for Mr. Bean.
“That's clever,” thought Mr. Bean. "I'll try that!"
And he began to move his napkin. Flick! Flick! Flick!
Suddenly, напкін flew out of his hand. Це flew across on to the next table. The woman at table looked round again. Але Mr. Bean pretended not to see her. His face said, “It's not my napkin!”

За хвилину більше, waiter arrived with his food. Там була велика поїздка на тарілку і Mr. Bean couldn't see the food. Але будь-який затримує готівку грошей на стіл.
Customers don’t usually give a waiter money when he arrives with the food. Але waiter didn’t say anything. Він кине гроші і put it в його jacket.
Mr. Bean was happy. “I'm doing everything right,” he thought.

waiter took the cover off the plate and walked away. Mr. Bean looked at the food in front of him. He put his nose near the meat and smelled it. The he put his ear next to it.
“What's this?” he thought.
He put some of the meat into mouth.
Suddenly, manager arrived at його table.
“Is everything all right, sir?” he asked. “Are you happy with everything?” "Mmmmm," said Mr. Bean. He smiled.

The manager smiled, too. He walked away - and Mr. Bean's face changed. There was no smile now. "Aaagh!" he thought. “They didn’t cook this meat!”
But he had to eat it. “I don't want people to think that I'm stupid,” he thought. “But I'll невідомо для стеку tartare again! Never!”
He pushed його plate away.

Але це waiter went past його table.
“Is everything all right, sir?” he asked.
"Oh, yes," said Mr. Bean. He smiled. “Yes, everything's very nice, thank you.” He smiled and pretended to eat some meat. Але waiter went away before Mr. Bean put it у його mouth.
"What can I do with it?" he thought. “I can't eat this. Where can I hide it?” Then he had an idea. Зрозуміло, що стріляти в муки в мізерну каструлю і почати cover on it.
“Where can I put some now?” he thought. “I can't eat it, so I've got to hide all of it. Oh, yes, the flowers!”

He took the flowers out of the vase. Але вони manager went past, so Mr. Bean pretended to smell the flowers.
"Mmm, very nice!" he said.
The manager smiled and walked away.
Quickly, Mr. Bean put деякий meat into vase and pushed the flowers in on top of it.
He looked round the table.
"Where next?" he thought. “Yes! The bread!”

He took his knife and cut the bread roll. The he quickly ate the middle of it. Now he could push some meat inside the roll. He did this, then he put the roll down.
He looked at the meat on his plate. “There's a lot of it,” he thought. “Where can I hide it now?”
He looked at the male plate on the table. Perhaps he could hide some meat under the plate. He looked round.
“Nobody's watching me,” he thought.

So he took more meat from the big plate in front of him, and put it under the male plate. Then he pushed down hard with his hand.
Waiter walked past його table again. Mr. Bean smiled at him і put his arm on plate. Після того, як waiter went away, he pushed down on the male plate again.
“That's better,” he thought. “Now you can't see the meat. Good. But there’s more meat. Where can I hide it?”
He looked round the table.
"The sugar pot!" he thought. “But it's got sugar in it. What can I do?”

Він думав, що це кидається в яблуко. Далі, я поставлю деякий масу в сирі каструлю. Це було запущено цукор з wine glass on top of it.
"Good!" he thought. “Nobody can see it in there.”
Suddenly, Mr. Bean could hear music.
“Where's that coming from?” he thought.

He looked round - and saw a man with a violin. Після хвилини або двох, людина може братися до Mr. Bean's table and played for him.
Mr. Bean smiled. “This is nice,” he thought.
Then the man saw Mr. Bean's birthday card, and the music changed. The man started to play “Хапки Birthday”!
Люди на інших кількох ліжках з'являються колеса, коли вони з'являться вгору. “Who's having a birthday?” вони думають. Then they saw Mr. Bean and smiled at him. Mr. Bean smiled back at them.

He pretended to eat some of the meat, but he didn't put it into his mouth. Man with violin walked round Mr. Bean's table and watched him. He played his violin and waited for Mr. Bean to eat the meat. And he waited … and waited … and waited …
“I'll have to eat some,” thought Mr. Bean. “He'll only go away when I eat it.”
So he put the meat into його mouth.
And the man with the violin turned away to the next table.

The meat was in Mr. Bean's mouth, but he didn't want to eat it. He wanted to put it somewhere. Але where? He looked at the man with the violin. He moved quickly. Він кинувся від back of the's trousers і огортається його mouth. The meat fell inside the trousers!
He smiled. “That was clever,” he thought.
Man with violin moved round the next table. He played a song до the man and the woman. The music was very beautiful. Вони прикрашені і витягнути своє wine. Вони помітили людину з фіолетовим, коли їхні очі були на Mr. Bean. Nobody's eyes were on Mr. Bean. He saw this, and he had an idea.

Mr. Bean quickly took the woman's bag from the floor. He opened it і pushed some meat inside it. The put the bag on the floor again.
Але коли я хотів це, то accidentally put його foot out.
waiter walked past з кількома plates of food - and he fell over Mr. Bean's foot! The plates fell on to Mr. Bean's table, and on to the floor. Вони були вільні CRASH!, і люди на інших Tables кинулися вгору.
“What happened?” вони said. Then they saw the waiter on the floor. “Oh, dear!” вони said.

Now Mr. Bean had another idea. Тут була відповідь на її питання!
He moved very quickly. He pushed the meat from his plate on to the table with thether food. Then he pretended to be very angry.
“Look, you stupid man!” he said to the waiter. “Oh, look at this!”
Waiter got up from the floor.
"I'm sorry, sir," he said. “I'm really very sorry.”

Manager arrived at the table.
"I'm very sorry, too, sir," he said. "Oh, the food -!"
“Yes, it’s everywhere!” said Mr. Bean. “Look! It's in the mustard pot. It's in the bread roll. It's in the vase of flowers.” He took the woman's bag from the floor. “And it's in here!” Він кинувся з back of the violin player's trousers. "And here!"

The waiter couldn't understand it.
“Go back to the kitchen,” the manager told him, and the waiter went away. The manager turned to Mr. Bean. "Please, sir," he said. "Come with me."
"What?" said Mr. Bean. "Oh, yes, all right."
The manager took Mr. Bean to a clean table.
"Sit here, sir," he said.
Mr. Bean sat down.
“Thank you,” he said.

The manager Open Mr. Bean's napkin. The he got the birthday card from the other table. He put it on Mr. Bean's clean table.
“Thank you,” said Mr. Bean.
The man with the violin came across and played “Happy Birthday” to him again. Mr. Bean smiled. Now everything був all right.
“Now I can start again,” he thought. “And this time I'll do everything right.” Waiter arrived at Mr. Bean's table. He put a plate в front of Mr. Bean. manager smiled and took off the cover.
Mr. Bean looked down.
And he stopped smiling.
There, в front of him, був дуже великий плаш - of steak tartare!

The Launderette

A lot of Mr. Bean's clothes were dirty.
“I'll go to the launderette this morning,” he thought. "I'll take the car."
He put his dirty clothes into very large black bag, and took bag out to his car. He put it inside. Then he got in and drove to the launderette.

The launderette wasn’t very busy that morning. Before Mr. Bean arrived, там були тільки дві жінки. Younger woman was with launderette manager.
“I've got to wash a lot of clothes,” the young woman said to the manager. “I'll want a big washing machine.”
“Це є одним з наших великих машин,” said the manager. “Use this.”
При що хвилині, Mr. Bean arrived. He had the black bag on his back, and he couldn’t get it through the launderette door.
"Oh!" he said.

He pulled і he pushed. He pushed and he pulled. Наприкінці, я збираю шпильку всередині. He took it across to one of the washing machines.
“Money,” he thought. “I want два один-північні верстати для washing machine.”
Він штовхає два один-південь кінчики з його ящику і почати їх на верхній частині машини.
Але Mr. Bean saw a note above the washing machine: Machines now cost 3 pounds.
"Oh, no!" thought Mr. Bean. “Have I got another one-pound coin?”

He looked в його jacket і його trousers, але я можу тільки find a five-pence coin. He put this on top of washing machine.
Then Mr. Bean remembered деякі. He did have інший one-pound coin, але… He looked round.
Young woman був next to big washing machine.
Mr. Bean saw her putting some clothes into it. The launderette manager був busy in his little office.
“Nobody's watching me,” thought Mr. Bean. “Good.”

He opened the front of його trousers. Then he started до пальця від деяких string.
The young woman turned suddenly and saw Mr. Bean pulling string out of his trousers.
“What is that man doing?” she thought.
Mr. Bean saw her looking and turned away quickly.
Але зараз oldder woman looked at him. Her eyes opened wide. “That's a strange man,” the woman thought. “He's got string inside his trousers!”

Наприкінці скриньки був один матеріал, і всередині сторінки був один кінець. Mr. Bean smiled. Він стрілятиме стріляти з паперу і виконати його на top of the washing machine. The he put the five-pence coin back вhis jacket.
Next, he opened the washing machine.
A man came в launderette with tagged clothes під його arm. He was young and strong. When he saw Mr. Bean, he smiled. But it wasn’t a nice smile. He didn't say “Hello” or “Good morning”. He pushed Mr. Bean away from the washing machine.
"What-!" began Mr. Bean.

Then the young man pushed Mr. Bean's one-pound coins on the the next machine.
Mr. Bean був angry. Він кинувся вниз до слова angrily - але ти мусиш того молодого чоловіка, що тримає білий керамічний залізо з його шпаку.
“A karate suit!” thought Mr. Bean. “So he can fight. Perhaps I won’t say anything.”
Young man pushed його білий karate suit в washing machine. The he put some money into machine and sat down on a chair. He took a magazine out of his bag and began to read.

Mr. Bean started to put його clothes into його washing machine. Там були деякі шпальти з underpants.
“Monday,” he said, and he put one pair into the machine. “Tuesday” He put the next pair into the machine. “Thursday. Friday. Saturday.” Три пари went into the machine.
Mr. Bean stopped.
“Wednesday!” he thought. “Where are Wednesday's underpants? Oh, it’s Wednesday today, and I’m wearing them!”
What could he do? He had to wash them, so he had to take them off. He looked round.
“Where can I go?” he thought.

Там була партія поблизу кишенькових машин.
“I'll go behind that,” he thought.
He started to walk to the partition, але молодий чоловік put його ноги на floor. He wanted to make Mr. Bean angry. Але Mr. Bean remembered the karate suit. The man could fight! He walked round the young man's legs and said nothing.
Він хотів, щоб партія і суворо бігти від своїх чорних троє.

Young woman put some of her clothes into one of the very big washing machines. Інші вироби були на стовпці машини поблизу партій.
She didn’t watch her clothes very carefully. She didn’t see Mr. Bean put a hand round the partition. And she didn’t see him put his brown trousers down with her clothes.
Mr. Bean took off his underpants - Wednesday's underpants. The he put his hand round the partition. He took something - but it wasn’t his brown trousers.
It was a long brown skirt.

Mr. Bean put on skirt and came out from behind the partition. He walked back to his washing machine.
Young woman took the brown trousers from the top of smaller washing machine. She didn’t look at them. Це put them in the big machine. Далі, це shut the door of the machine and took a magazine. Then she sat down on a chair near the dryers and started to read. She had her back to Mr. Bean, so she didn’t see him wearing її skirt.
Mr. Bean put його Wednesday underpants у його washing machine. Вони були closed the door and put в його трьох 1-pound coins.

He sat down on a chair - and saw the skirt!
"Oh, no!" he thought. “What's this? A skirt? Where are my trousers?”
The young man walked past and Mr. Bean tried to hide the skirt with his hands.
“I don't want him to see me in this skirt,” he thought. “What will he think?”
Young man went across to a machine на wall і bought a cup of conditioner.

Mr. Bean got up і went back to the partition. He looked at the washing machine next to it і remembered the young woman’s clothes.
“She put my trousers in the big washing machine with her things!” he thought.
He went across to the big washing machine and tried to open it. But he couldn't do it.
“I'll have to wait,” he thought, and he walked back to his chair.
Young man put his cup conditioner на top of his washing machine. Then he looked at Mr. Bean - and saw the skirt. He started to laugh.

Mr. Bean looked away quickly. He got his black bag – and pair of underpants fell out of it.
“Oh! Sunday's underpants!” he said.
He tried to stop his washing machine and open the door. But the machine didn’t stop.
“What can I do?” he thought. He looked down at the skirt. “I know! I'll wear Sunday's underpants under this skirt! That's a good idea.”

Він скидався коло, ось went across до кондиціонера машини, away від інших людей. Carefully, he started to put on Sunday's underpants. He put his feet into them and - suddenly, he couldn't pull them up. He couldn’t move them. There was a strange foot on them!
It was the young man's foot.
Mr. Bean turned round and saw the young man laughing at him. Mr. Bean wanted to shout, “Go away, you stupid man!” but he was too afraid.
Після хвилини, молодий чоловік лайкає через і біжить до його chair.

Mr. Bean quickly pulled up Sunday's underpants. He was angry.
“I don't like people laughing at me,” he thought, and he looked at the young man. “What can I do to him? I can't fight him. He's too strong.”
Then he had an idea.
Там була машина coffee next to machine for conditioner. Mr. Bean went across to it and got a cup of black coffee. Він зміг і ходьба вниз до його washing machine with the coffee.

The young man's eyes were on his magazine. He didn’t look at Mr. Bean or the washing machine.
"Now!" thought Mr. Bean
And he quickly changed the young man's cup of conditioner для his cup of black coffee. Були покладені на контур кондиціонера до його chair and sat down.
He smiled. “That will teach him a lesson,” he thought.

Після хвилини, молодий чоловік стрибає і збирається його машина. Він мусить почати кондиціонера в цей час. Він стоїть далі до машини і лайки в Mr. Bean's skirt. So he didn’t look at the cup when he put the “conditioner' into the top of his washing machine.
But, of course, it wasn’t conditioner. It was black coffee. Mr. Bean tried not to laugh.
Young man sat down в його chair again and looked across at his washing machine. Там була window в бісеру, і молодий чоловік мусить бачити його білий karate suit going round and round in the water. But the suit wasn’t white now. It was brown!
"What-!?" he shouted.

He скакнув вгору. He ran across to the cup and looked inside it. The put it to this nose and smelled it.
"Coffee!" he shouted. Then he looked across at Mr. Bean. “Did you … ?”
Mr. Bean didn’t answer, but his face said, “Who, me?” He pretended to drink his cup of “coffee”. But it wasn’t coffee, it was conditioner.
Young man went to find the launderette manager. Mr. Bean stopped drinking and said, “Aaaagh!”

Young man showed brown karate suit to launderette manager.
“What's wrong, sir?” said the manager.
“Це karate suit was white when I came in here,” said the young man. “Now look at it!”
"What did you do to it?" said the manager.
“Me? I didn’t do anything to it,” said the young man, angrily. He pulled the manager across to його washing machine. “This is your machine. Is that right?”
"Y-yes," said the manager.

Young man showed him the karate suit again.
“This cost me two hundred pounds!” he said. “What are you going to do about it?”
“Er – will you come to my office please, sir?” said the manager. “We може розмовляти про це.”

Mr. Bean sat opposite a large dryer. Його underpants і інші things були в машині. Вони були clean now, and nearly dry.
Mr. Bean waited.
Після хвилини, водій схилився. He got up and opened the door. Then he started до вийняти його clothes.
A хвилини або два останніх, молода жінка біжить до Next Dryer і перейде до виходу з її сукні. Вони були dry, too.
"Perhaps my trousers are in there!" thought Mr. Bean.

Young woman took some clothes out of machine and put them into a bag. Вони збираються назад до великої води машини для її інших clothes.
Mr. Bean переміщувався quickly. He started to look through her clothes for his trousers, but he couldn’t find them.
“Where are they?” he thought. “They're here somewhere. Wait a minute! Perhaps she left them in the dryer.”
So he looked inside it. First, he put his head вmachine.
“I can't see anything,” he thought. “It's too dark.”

Next, він climbed в машині.
Young woman bussy at the big washing machine. She didn’t see Mr. Bean climb into dryer. Then she took something out of the big washing machine. Her eyes opened wide.
“What's this?” she thought. “A pair of trousers. I haven’t got any brown trousers.”
Це три на них на одному з інших водяних машин, будуть його стріляти її білизна натиснути на водій.
Mr. Bean was inside the dryer.
“Where are my trousers?” he thought.

Suddenly, the woman's washing began to fly into the machine - a skirt, a dress and some shirts.
"What-?" began Mr. Bean.
Then dryer door shut with a BANG!
"Oh, no!" thought Mr. Bean. Він перекинувся і climbed back to the door. "Help!" he shouted через window in the door. “There's somebody in here!”
But the woman couldn't hear him. Натисніть на південь і put it в дрієр.

Mr. Bean hit the window in the dryer door. Bang! Bang! Але nobody heard him.
"I can't get out!" he shouted.
Suddenly, it був дуже hot inside the dryer. There was a noise - and the machine started!
The clothes began to go round and round!
And Mr. Bean began to go round and round … and round … and round …

Mr. Bean decided to go to the restaurant на його Birthday, because he wanted до enjoy його celebration. Але в ресторанах була необхідна зайнятість для нього. І наші герої продемонстрували свою сторону ходу. People didn’t understand him. He hadn’t enough money for the order, so he choosed “steak tartare”. He didn’t like this food and big plate for food had bad impression on him. Mr. Bean didn’t know what to do with it. And had found a great decision to hide the meat in things surrounding him. Він розглядав йогосаме smart в цій ситуації. Than he showed до waiter цього майна і manager took him a new table and he had a new embarrassing position… Later our hero had to clean його dress and went to the launderette. У the launderette he has found a new adventures…

Text Analysis: Unique words: 430 Total words: 4246

Hard words: steak tartare, bread roll, coin cover, hide, manager, mustard, pot, napkin, pretend, smell, vase, violin, conditioner, launderette

Mr. Bean in town - Penguin Readers

Retold by John Escott

First published in 2001 by Pearson Education Limited

Printed and bound in Denmark

ISBN 0-582-46855-8

It was Mr. Bean"s birthday, and he wanted to enjoy it! What could he do? "How can I make this important day a happy day?" he thought. "I know. I"ll

go out to a restaurant for dinner this evening! I"ll enjoy that."

Mr. Bean didn"t often eat in restaurants. They були sometimes very expensive. And he sometimes did things wrong when he was in a new or strange place.

Oh dear! Life wasn"t easy for Mr. Bean!

Що evening, Mr. Bean put on a clean shirt. He put on his best coat and trousers. He put on his best shoes. Then he drove to a restaurant в центрі міста.

Він був на кожній годині і всередині. Вона була дуже гарна reštaurácia.

"I"m going to like it here," thought Mr. Bean. "This is a good restaurant for my birthday dinner."

manager met him at the door.

"Good evening, sir," he said. "How are you? Would you like a table for one?" "Yes, please," said Mr. Bean.

"Follow me, sir," said the manager.

Він їздить по дорозі до столу, і Mr. Bean went after him. "Here you are, sir," said the manager. "This is a nice table."

He pulled the chair away from the table. Then he waited for Mr. Bean to sit down. Mr. Bean looked at him.

'Why is he taking my chair away?' thought Mr. Bean. 'What's he doing?" And he pulled the chair away from the manager and sat down quickly. When the manager went away, Mr. Bean sat quietly for a minute.

remembered something. He took a birthday card and envelope out of his jacket. Далі, він стріляє з pen і wrote "Happy Birthday, Bean" всередині картки. Були поставлені картки в обкладинку і загортають його ім'я назовні. He put it on the table, і put his pen back в his jacket.

Після хвилин або два, Mr. Bean pretended to see the card for the first time. "Oh! A card - for me?" he said.

Він оговтався до обкладинки і стріляти з картки. He read it carefully. "Now that"s nice!" he said. "Somebody remembered my birthday!" And he stood the card on his table.

manager arrived with the menu and gave it to Mr. Bean. Mr. Bean started to read it.

"Oh, dear!" he thought. "Everything"s дуже expensive! What can I have?"

Mr. Bean got out його гроші. He had a ten-pound note and some coins. He put the money on to a plate.

"How much have I got?" he said, and he moved the money round on the plate. "Ten, eleven ... And forty, fifty, fifty-five! Eleven pounds and fifty-five pence."

He looked at the menu again. What could he eat for eleven pounds fifty-

The manager came to його table. "Are you ready, sir?" he asked.

"Yes," said Mr. Bean. He put his finger on the menu. "I"ll have that, please." The manager looked at the menu. Yes, of course." "Yes," said Mr. Bean. "Steak."

manager стріляти в меню і went away.

Mr. Bean sat and looked round the restaurant. Там були багато людей в особняку. Там був чоловік і жінка в найближчому столі. Вони ate and talked.

Suddenly, waiter arrived at Mr. Bean's table with a bottle of wine.

"Чи ви хотіли б вірити, сире?" he said. "Oh, yes please," said Mr. Bean.

The waiter put some wine в Mr. Bean's glass and Mr. Bean had a drink. It was very nice!

Of course, the waiter був right. Перший, customer tries his wine. Whe he is happy with it, the waiter gives him more wine. Але Mr. Bean didn't know this, and he quickly put his hand across the glass.

"No, thank you," he said. "I don"t drink wine when I"m driving." Waiter looked at him strangely - і walked away. He didn"t say, "Why did you try the wine when you didn"t want it, you stupid man!"

Mr. Bean took the knife from the table and started to play with it. He pretended to be a bad man. He pretended to push the knife into somebody. But he didn't really want to kill anybody, of course. It was a game.

The woman at the next table looked at him angrily, і Mr. Bean quickly переміщується в бісер. Далі, він hit glasses and plate on his table with it. Ping, ping, ping they went! And after a minute, he played the song "Happy Birthday" on the glasses. He smiled and thought, "I"m very clever!"

Але ця людина на найближчому table didn"t think, "That"s clever!" or "Oh yes, that's funny!" She thought, "That man"s really stupid!" And she looked hard at Mr. Bean.

Mr. Bean put the knife down and looked at his napkin. "It"s a very nice napkin," he thought.

The waiter saw Mr. Bean looking at his napkin. He didn't say anything, але suddenly -flick! - he opened it for Mr. Bean.

"That"s clever," thought Mr. Bean. "I"ll try that!"

And he began to move his napkin. Flick! Flick! Flick!

Suddenly, напкін flew out of his hand. Це flew across on to the next table. The woman at table looked round again. Але Mr. Bean pretended not to see her. His face said, "It"s not my napkin!"

За хвилину більше, waiter arrived with his food. Там була велика поїздка на тарілку і Mr. Bean couldn"t see the food. But he gave the waiter the money on

Customers don't usually give a waiter money when he arrives with the food. But the waiter didn't say anything. Він кине гроші і put it в його jacket.

Mr. Bean was happy. "I"m doing everything right," he thought.

waiter took the cover off the plate and walked away. Mr. Bean looked at the food in front of him. He put his nose near the meat and smelled it. The he put his ear next to it.

“What”s this?” he thought.

He put some of the meat into mouth. Suddenly, manager arrived at його table.

"Is everything all right, sir?" he asked. "Are you happy with everything?" "Mmmmm," said Mr. Bean. He smiled.

The manager smiled, too. He walked away - and Mr. Bean"s face changed. There was no smile now. "Aaagh!" he thought. "They didn"t cook this meat!"

But he had to eat it. "I don"t want people to think that I'm stupid," he thought. "Бут I"ll невідомий для стека tartare again! Never!"

He pushed його plate away.

Але це waiter went past його table. "Is everything all right, sir?" he asked.

"Oh, yes," said Mr. Bean. He smiled. "Yes, everything"s very nice, thank you." He smiled and pretended to you some meat.

Mr. Bean put it у його mouth.

"What can I do with it?" he thought. "I can"t eat this. Where can I hide it?" Then he had an idea.

the cover on it.

"Where can I put some now?" he thought. "I can"t eat it, so I"ve got to hide all of it. Oh, yes, the flowers!"

He took the flowers out of the vase. Але вони manager went past, so Mr. Bean pretended to smell the flowers.

"Mmm, very nice!" he said.

The manager smiled and walked away.

Quickly, Mr. Bean put деякий meat into vase and pushed the flowers in on top of it.

He looked round the table.

"Where next?" he thought. "Yes! The bread!"

He took his knife and cut the bread roll. The he quickly ate the middle of it. Now he could push some meat inside the roll. He did this, then he put the roll down.

He looked at the meat on his plate. "There"s a lot of it," he thought. "Where can I hide it now?"

He looked at the male plate on the table. Perhaps he could hide some meat under the plate. He looked round.

"Nobody"s watching me," he thought.

So he took more meat from the big plate in front of him, and put it under the male plate. Then he pushed down hard with his hand.

Waiter walked past його table again. Mr. Bean smiled at him і put his arm on plate. Після того, як waiter went away, he pushed down on the male plate again.

"That"s better," he thought. "Now you can"t see the meat. Good. But there"s more meat. Where can I hide it?"

He looked round the table.

"The sugar pot!" he thought. "But it"s got sugar in it. What can I do?"

Він думав, що це кидається в яблуко. Далі, я поставлю деякий масу в сирі каструлю. Це було запущено цукор з wine glass on top of it.

"Good!" he thought. "Nobody can see it in there." Suddenly, Mr. Bean could hear music. “Where”s that coming from?” he thought.

He looked round - and saw a man with a violin. Після хвилини або двох, людина може братися до Mr. Bean's table and played for him.

Mr. Bean smiled. "This is nice," he thought.

Then the man saw Mr. Bean's birthday card, and the music changed.

man started to play "Хапки Birthday"!

Люди на інших кількох ліжках з'являються колеса, коли вони з'являться вгору. "Що ви маєте п'ять днів?" вони думають.

Він хотів, щоб хтось м'яса, але хотів, щоб піти його в свою mouth. He played his violin and waited for Mr. Bean to eat the meat. And he waited ... and waited ... and waited ...

'I'll have to eat some," thought Mr. Bean. "He'll only go away when I eat it." So he put the meat into його mouth.

And the man with the violin turned away to the next table.

The meat was in Mr. Bean's mouth, but he didn't want to eat it. He wanted to put it somewhere. Але where? He looked at the man with the violin. He moved quickly. Він кинувся ззаду в бік людей, кинувся й огортав його mouth.

He smiled. "That was clever," he thought.

Man with violin moved round the next table. He played a song до the man and the woman. The music was very beautiful. Вони прикрашені і витягнути своє wine. Вони помітили людину з фіолетовим, так як їхні очі були "t on Mr. Bean. Nobody"s eyes були на Mr. Bean. He saw this, and he had an idea.

Mr. Bean quickly took the woman's bag from the floor. He opened it and pushed some meat inside it.

Але коли я хотів це, то accidentally put його foot out.

waiter walked past з кількома plates of food - and he fell over Mr. Bean's foot! The plates fell on to Mr. Bean's table, and on to the floor. Вони були вільні CRASH!, і люди на інших Tables кинулися вгору.

"What happened?" вони said. Then they saw the waiter on the floor. "Oh, dear!" вони said.

Now Mr. Bean had another idea. Тут була відповідь на її питання!

He moved very quickly. He pushed the meat from his plate on to the table with thether food. Then he pretended to be very angry.

"Look, you stupid man!" he said to the waiter. "Oh, look at this!" Waiter got up from the floor.

"I"m sorry, sir," he said. "I"m really very sorry." Manager arrived at the table.

"I"m very sorry, too, sir," he said. "Oh, the food-!"

"Yes, it"s everywhere!" said Mr. Bean. "Look! It's in the mustard pot. It's in the bread roll. It"s in the vase of flowers." He took the woman"s bag from the floor. "And it"s in here!" He pulled open the back of the violin player"s trousers. "And here!’

The waiter couldn't understand it.

"Go back to the kitchen," the manager told him, and the waiter went away. The manager turned to Mr. Bean. "Please, sir," he said. "Come with me."

"What?" said Mr. Bean. "Oh, yes, all right." The manager took Mr. Bean to a clean table. "Sit here, sir," he said.

Mr. Bean sat down. 'Thank you,' he said.

The manager Open Mr. Bean"s napkin. The he got the birthday card from the other table. He put it on Mr. Bean"s clean table.

"Thank you," said Mr. Bean.

Людина з violin came across і грає "Happy Birthday" to him again. Mr. Bean smiled. Now everything був all right.

"Now I can start again," he thought. "And this time I"ll do everything right." He put a plate в front of Mr. Bean.

manager smiled and took off the cover. Mr. Bean looked down.

And he stopped smiling.

There, в front of him, був дуже великий плаш - of steak tartare!

A lot of Mr. Bean's clothes були dirty.

"I"ll go to the launderette this morning," he thought. "I"ll take the car."

He put his dirty clothes into very large black bag, and took bag out to his car. He put it inside. Then he got in and drove to the launderette.

The launderette wasn"t дуже busy that morning. Before Mr. Bean arrived, there були тільки дві women there. The younger woman was with the launderette manager.

"I"ve got to wash a lot of clothes," the young woman said to the manager. "I"ll want a big washing machine."

"Це є одним з наших великих машин," said the manager. "Use this."

При що хвилині, Mr. Bean arrived. He had the black bag on his back, and he couldn"t get it through the launderette door.

He pulled і he pushed. He pushed and he pulled. Наприкінці, я збираю шпильку всередині. He took it across to one of the washing machines.

"Money," he thought. "I want два один-південь coins for washing machine." He took два один-південь coins out of his jacket and put them on the top of

Але Mr. Bean saw a note above the washing machine: Machines now cost £3.

"Oh, no!" thought Mr. Bean. "Have I got another one-pound coin?"

He looked в його jacket і його trousers, але я можу тільки find a five-pence coin. He put this on top of washing machine.

Then Mr. Bean remembered деякі. He did have another one-pound coin, but...

He looked round.

Young woman був next to big washing machine.

Mr. Bean saw her putting some clothes into it. The launderette manager був busy in his little office.

"Nobody"s watching me," thought Mr. Bean. "Good."

He opened the front of його trousers. Then he started до пальця від деяких string. The young woman turned suddenly and saw Mr. Bean pulling the string out

of his trousers.

"What is that man doing?" she thought.

Mr. Bean saw her looking and turned away quickly.

Але зараз oldder woman looked at him. Her eyes opened wide. "That"s a strange man," the woman thought. "He"s got string inside his trousers!"

Наприкінці скриньки був певний матеріал, і всередині сторінки був напідписі. Mr. Bean smiled. Він стрілятиме стріляти з паперу і виконати його на top of the washing machine. The he put the five-pence coin back вhis jacket.

Next, he opened the washing machine.

A man came в launderette with tagged clothes під його arm. He was young and strong. When he saw Mr. Bean, he smiled. But it wasn"t a nice smile. He didn"t say "Hello" or "Good morning". He pushed Mr. Bean away from the washing machine.

"What-!" began Mr. Bean.

Then the young man pushed Mr. Bean"s one-pound coins on to the next machine.

Mr. Bean був angry. Він кинувся вниз до слова angrily - але ти мусиш того молодого чоловіка, що тримає білий керамічний залізо з його шпаку.

"A karate suit!" thought Mr. Bean. "So he can fight. Perhaps I won"t say anything."

Young man pushed його білий karate suit в washing machine. The he put some money into machine and sat down on a chair. He took a magazine out of his bag and began to read.

Mr. Bean started to put його clothes into його washing machine. Там були деякі шпальти з underpants.

"Monday," he said, і he put one pair into the machine. "Tuesday" He put the next pair into the machine. "Thursday. Friday. Saturday." Три пари went into the machine.