Surface pumps with a suction depth of 20 meters. How to choose a pumping station for a well on your own site

To supply water from deep wells and wells, it is recommended to use special borehole and well pumps, but self-priming surface pumps with an external ejector and pumping stations based on these pumps can be used for these purposes. Pumps of this type are represented in our product range. You can get information about pumping stations on the page.

The company "SUBLINE SERVICE" offers self-priming surface pumps with an external ejector of the UNIPUMP and SEA-LAND series.

You can get technical information about our pumps of a specific series, which will help you select and buy the necessary equipment, by clicking on the link to the corresponding page.

Pumps with external ejector

The SUBLINE SERVICE company offers surface pumps for water supply with an external ejector. This group of pumps is represented by the DP series (UNIPUMP trademark) and the JAP series (SEA-LAND trademark). Their design feature is the presence of an external unit (external ejector), which is immersed in a reservoir, from which the pump supplies water.

The scope of pumps of this group largely coincides with the scope of pumps with an internal ejector, however, pumps with an external ejector allow water to be sucked in from a depth of more than 8 meters.


Before installing the pump, check that all pipes (metal, plastic) are clean to avoid clogging the external ejector. A non-return valve must be installed at the outlet of the external ejector. After installing the pump, it is necessary to fill the pipes and the pump with clean water. For efficient use of an external ejector, it is recommended to install a hydraulic accumulator in the system.

Pumps with an external ejector are very demanding on the quality of the installation of the external ejector. The pipes connecting the external ejector with the pump must be mounted strictly vertically and ensure that no air locks form in the inlet line.

With an increase in suction height, the pressure-flow characteristic of pumps with an external ejector deteriorates. Some external ejector pump manufacturers claim that this type of pump is capable of lifting water from depths of up to 45 meters. However, it must be borne in mind that the characteristics of the pump are extremely unsatisfactory.

Pumps with an ejector are not as critical to the content of small impurities in the water as, for example, vortex pumps. They allow pumping water containing mechanical impurities with a linear size of not more than 1 mm, the total amount of which does not exceed 100 g/m3.

Scheme of operation of a surface pump with an external ejector:

The scope of pumps with an external ejector largely coincides with the scope of pumps with an internal ejector, however, pumps with an external ejector allow water to be sucked in from a depth of more than 8 meters. The "abnormally" high suction lift is not contrary to physical laws, since a pump with an external ejector has a suction unit located outside the pump, well below the level of the surface on which the pump itself is installed.
The physical principle of operation of the ejector in pumps with an external and with an internal ejector is the same, but the design of the external ejector differs from the design of the internal ejector. The ejecting jet, escaping from the ejector nozzle, creates a vacuum in the suction chamber, where water rushes from the reservoir into which the external ejector is immersed. After mixing, water, passing through an expanding diffuser, is sent to the pump.
In pumps with an external ejector, the ejector jet moves away from the pump (down), while the jet from the mixing chamber must move in the opposite direction (up, towards the pump). In appearance, the external ejector looks like a "tee", connected to the pump by two pipes of different diameters. Through a pipe of a smaller diameter, the ejecting jet is fed into the ejector, and through a pipe of a larger diameter, the source water, together with a portion of new water from the reservoir, returns to the pump. Through the third hole, new water enters the suction chamber.

Main features of DP pumps with external ejector (UNIPUMP)


Suction, m

Productivity, l/min

Head, m

The main characteristics of pumps of the JAP series manufactured by SEA-LAND (Italy)


R, (kW)




Q, m 3 / hour

Q, l/min


The installed pumping station for the well will help solve a lot of problems: it will be possible to fill various containers with water and also easily empty them, water household plots, irrigate gardens and much more. That is, autonomous hydraulic systems will make country life much more comfortable.

In addition, this system can be a link in a common network, with which you can adjust the pressure and water pressure. Let's take a closer look at which stations for a well are best to choose and how to connect a pumping station to a well.

What factors are considered when choosing a pumping station?

Each well differs from each other in technical features, which should be indicated in the passport. They should be taken into account when choosing pumping stations for wells. What about these features:

  • well productivity;
  • indicator of the optimal height of the water drop;
  • indicators of all water levels (static and dynamic);
  • the largest level of depth;
  • pressure indicators;
  • filter part;
  • design features;
  • maximum power in working condition;

Useful advice: it is better not to purchase a pumping station if you have not yet received the documents for the well. After all, the operation of the water pressure system is completely dependent on all the technical nuances.

How to choose the right pumping station, and what factors should be taken into account?

  1. Distance from filter to liquid. It should be more than a meter to avoid contamination of the well.
  2. You need to take into account how often the unit will turn on, and its maximum power.
  3. Water can completely disappear from the well if all resources are exhausted.
  4. It should be borne in mind that in the hot season, water is consumed more intensively.
  5. The more people use the house, the higher the water consumption. Therefore, it is worth considering the number of users.
  6. The area of ​​the site itself, to which the system is connected, and which requires watering.
  7. Availability of plumbing.
  8. Connection features and pool design (if any).

Components of pumping equipment for wells

Pumping equipment consists of the following components:

  1. Reverse valve.
  2. Inlet pump filter.
  3. Pump tank.

Check valve

This is a device that protects the hydraulic system from the backflow of water. The valve turns on automatically, and, depending on the characteristics of the device, both vertical and horizontal connections can be used. But installation must be carried out strictly in the direction of the water flow. This is a necessary component for any pump, as it protects the water supply system from various emergencies.

Inlet pump filter

A very important part of the pump, ensuring the smooth and efficient operation of the hydraulic system. If the equipment is started without a filter, then it will be put out of action very quickly due to the wear of important structural elements. The inlet filter carries out a rough purification of water from contaminants of even the smallest fractions that come out of the depths of the well. You can always remove the filter yourself, clean it and install it back. This fact will save the owner of the pump time and money.

pump tank

The pump tank has two sections - one with compressed air, the second - with water. This tank allows the pump not to stop working in the event of a power outage. Water pumped into the tank in advance enters the pipes under air pressure and does not flow back, as it is inhibited by a check valve.

This tank works as a hydraulic accumulator and provides a normal flow of water, thanks to the pressure generated. Thanks to this element, the pump can work uninterruptedly for a long time with a minimum number of on-off switches. The water supply of the tank is about 25 liters, so the residents of the house will not be left without water in the absence of electricity. In addition, there is no need to install additional storage tanks.

Pumping equipment for a well and the principle of its operation

When the pump is turned on, water begins to be pumped into the accumulator, which creates pressure in all pipes. As soon as a water faucet is opened somewhere, whether it be a bathtub, a kitchen or a garden hose, the pressure decreases. Next, a switch is activated, which drives the pump.

The pumping of water begins again, thereby compensating for its consumption, and again raising the pressure. Having pumped a certain amount, the unit automatically turns off. How to install a pumping station so that it works non-stop? She just needs a constant electrical supply and the required water level.

What types of pumps are there?

For a country house, the best option would be to install a pumping station in a well, which has a self-priming and centrifugal configuration and a built-in ejector. What are its benefits?

  • High vertical liquid head (more than 40 meters);
  • suction depth can reach 10 meters;
  • lack of reaction to air;
  • convenient start function.

Pumps with an external ejector are suitable for deeper wells (more than 45 meters). To install the pump, you must first install the station itself in a special utility room, and then fix the ejector itself on two pipes, which is then lowered to a depth. One pipe lifts water, the second delivers it to the ejector.

There were some drawbacks here: such pumps are sensitive to air flows and various earth impurities.

The advantage of the pump is that the station can be placed in the house, and the ejector can be installed in the well. They can be separated from each other by 25 meters.

Suction height of pumping systems

This is a very important technical characteristic for any pump, as some of them only lift water from a depth of eight meters, while others from 20 to 45 meters.

It is important to know! If the technical passport of the station indicates a low suction depth, this does not mean at all that it cannot be used for deeper wells.

If groundwater is located deeper than 10 meters, then submersible pumps are used. They are installed in the well at the right depth to ensure the normal supply of water. The feed height can be quite large. For example, if the depth of the well is 70 meters, then the pump can be installed at 40 meters.

Installation rules

In the hot season, connecting a pumping station to a well with your own hands can take place anywhere, you just need to place it next to a hydraulic source. How to properly install the station in cold weather? Simply position it indoors to avoid pipes freezing.

Installation of a pumping station implies some rules:

  • it is necessary to begin the installation of a pipe supplying liquid to the pump, and connecting the station to the house, below the line of possible freezing of soil rocks, and the well itself must be carefully closed and insulated;
  • at the end of the pipe, a check valve must be installed, which, at the time the station is turned off, will not allow the liquid to flow back;
  • if the resources of the well were used up to the maximum, then water with pollution and earth will flow from the tap. Do not sound the alarm - just turn off the pump and wait for the water to rise to the required level;
  • if a natural reservoir is used as a source of water, then it is better to put a grate on the valve, which will more effectively protect water from foreign elements.

Pumping equipment for the Abyssinian well

A driven or Abyssinian well is a very wise and profitable solution that is chosen for an autonomous water supply system in a private house. The main feature of this water connection is the small diameter (1-2 inches). It is this fact that makes it possible to turn to this type of hydraulic supply, moreover, it is much easier to create a driven well with your own hands than other sources.

Due to the narrow diameter, the use of surface pumping equipment is implied. Now in Russia it is very popular.

Abyssinian wells are quite simple and have a high speed. You can prepare such a source in absolutely any area. In addition, the question of how to connect a pumping station to a well will not confuse even an inexperienced person. The scheme is very simple and the work takes 3-4 hours. For installation, you will need only two pairs of hands, as you will not have to deal with complex technical processes.

Until recently, this type of wells was used infrequently, because the water from it was heavily polluted due to poor filtration. But then, a fine mesh was installed at the end of the pipe, which perfectly purifies water from impurities and increases the life of pumping equipment.

To use the Abyssinian well all year round, it is necessary to make a closed hole about 2 meters deep, since at this level the soil no longer freezes. Next, connect all the details and pump the well with a conventional hand pump. You need to pump water until visible transparency is achieved. Then liquid is poured into the system, and the pump starts to work. If water does not appear, then repeat all operations from the beginning. With good tightness of the barrel, the absence of liquid is excluded.

After all these actions, the pump is turned off, and all the water is retained in the system - the check valve does not allow it to exit. From now on, the pumping station installed for the Abyssinian well is ready for operation!

Pumps are used to supply water to the house or water the garden. There are different types and designs, and each of them finds its own scope. If you need an inexpensive and reliable device for pumping water from a well, a deck or some kind of container, pay attention to a self-priming pump. These are relatively inexpensive devices that are installed on the surface, they can pump water from a fairly decent depth - 8-9 m. If necessary, the models are supplemented with ejectors, then the suction depth increases to 20-35 m.

Self-priming pumps: device and types

Self-priming pumps pump water from a depth of 8-9 meters, while they themselves are on the surface. Water rises due to the fact that in the central part of the body, due to the movement of wheels with blades, a low pressure area is created. In an effort to fill it, the water rises. So it turns out that the pump sucks water.

Like any other pump, a self-priming one consists of an engine and a working chamber in which the discharge mechanism is located. The shafts of the pump and motor are connected through a coupling, the reliability of the connection and tightness is determined by the type of seal. There are two types of seals:

  • stuffing box - cheaper and less reliable;
  • end seal - more reliable, but expensive.

There are models of self-priming pumps with magnetic couplings. They do not require sealing, since they do not have through connections. This is by far the most reliable design, but also the most expensive too.

Structure and principle of operation

According to the mode of action, a self-priming pump can be vortex and centrifugal. In both, the key link is the impeller, only it has a different structure and is installed in a housing of a different handicap. This changes the principle of operation.


Centrifugal self-priming pumps have an interesting structure of the working chamber - in the form of a snail. Impellers are fixed in the center of the body. There can be one wheel, then the pump is called single-stage, there can be several - a multi-stage design. Single-stage always operate at the same power, multi-stage can change performance depending on the conditions, respectively, they are more economical (less energy consumption).

The main working element in this design is a wheel with blades. The blades are bent in the opposite direction with respect to the movement of the wheel. When moving, they seem to push the water, squeezing it to the walls of the case. This phenomenon is called centrifugal force, and the area between the blades and the wall is called the "diffuser". So, the impeller moves, creating an area of ​​increased pressure on the periphery and pushing water towards the outlet pipe.

At the same time, a zone of reduced pressure is formed in the center of the impeller. Water is sucked into it from the supply pipeline (suction line). In the figure above, incoming water is indicated by yellow arrows. Then it is pushed by the impeller to the walls and rises up due to centrifugal force. This process is constant and endless, repeating as long as the shaft is spinning.

Their disadvantage is connected with the principle of operation of centrifugal pumps: the impeller cannot create centrifugal force from the air, therefore, the housing is filled with water before operation. Since pumps often operate in intermittent mode, so that water does not flow out of the housing when stopped, a check valve is installed on the suction pipe. These are the features of the operation of centrifugal self-priming pumps. If the check valve (it must be mandatory) is at the bottom of the supply pipeline, the entire pipeline has to be filled, and this will require more than one liter.

NamePowerpressureMaximum suction depthPerformanceHousing materialConnecting dimensionsPrice
Caliber NBTs-380380 W25 m9 m28 l/mincast iron1 inch32$
Metabo P 3300 G900 W45 m8 m55 l/mincast iron (stainless steel drive shaft)1 inch87$
ZUBR ZNS-600600 W35 m8 m50 l/minplastic1 inch71$
Elitech HC 400V400W35 m8 m40 l/mincast iron25 mm42$
PATRIOT QB70750 W65 m8 m60 l/minplastic1 inch58$
Gilex Jumbo 70/50 H 37001100 W50 m9 m (integrated ejector)70 l/mincast iron1 inch122$
BELAMOSS XI 131200 W50 m8 m65 l/minstainless steel1 inch 125$
BELAMOS XA 06600 W33 m8 m47 l/mincast iron1 inch75$


The vortex self-priming pump differs in the structure of the casing and the impeller. The impeller is a disk with short radial baffles located at the edges. It's called an impeller.

The housing is made in such a way that it quite tightly covers the “flat” part of the impeller, and a significant lateral clearance remains in the baffle area. When the impeller rotates, the water is carried away by the bridges. Due to the action of centrifugal force, it is pressed against the walls, but after some distance it again falls into the zone of action of the partitions, receiving an additional portion of energy. Thus, in the gaps, it also twists into vortices. It turns out a double vortex flow, which gave the name to the equipment.

Due to the peculiarities of work, vortex pumps can create pressure 3-7 times more than centrifugal ones (with the same wheel sizes and rotation speed). They are ideal when low flow and high pressure are required. Another plus is that they can pump a mixture of water and air, sometimes they even create a vacuum if they are filled only with air. This makes it easier to start it up - no need to fill the chamber with water or a small amount is enough. The disadvantage of vortex pumps is low efficiency. It cannot be higher than 45-50%.

NamePowerHead (lifting height)PerformanceSuction depthHousing materialPrice
LEO XKSm 60-1370 W40 m40 l/min9 mcast iron24$
LEO XKSm 80-1750 W70 m60 l/min9 mcast iron89$
AKO QB 60370 W30 m28 l/min8 mcast iron47$
AKO QB 70550 W45 m40 l/min8 mcast iron68 $
Pedrollo RKm 60370 W40 m40 l/min8 mcast iron77$
Pedrollo RK 65500 W55 m50 l/min8 mcast iron124$


The greatest depth from which surface vortex and centrifugal pumps can lift water is 8-9 meters, often it is located deeper. To "get" it from there, an ejector is installed on the pumps. This is a tube of a special shape, which, when water moves through it, creates a vacuum at the inlet. So such devices also belong to the category of self-priming. The ejector self-priming pump can lift water from a depth of 20-35 m, and this is already more than enough for most sources.

External ejector connection diagram for wells of different diameters - two-inch on the right, four-inch on the left

The disadvantage is that in order to ensure operation, part of the understood water must be returned back, therefore, productivity is significantly reduced - such a pump can provide not very large water consumption, but no less electricity is spent on ensuring performance. When the injector is installed in a well or well of sufficient width, two pipelines are lowered into the source - one supply of a larger diameter, the second, a return one, of a smaller one. An ejector is connected to their outlets, and a filter and a check valve are installed at the end. In this case, the disadvantage is also obvious - double consumption of pipes, which means a more expensive installation.

In small diameter wells, one pipeline is used - the supply pipeline, and the well casing is used instead of the return one. Thus, a rarefaction zone is also formed.

Vortex and centrifugal - comparison and scope

First the generalities:

  • maximum suction depth - 8-9 meters;
  • installation method - surface;
  • there must be a pipe or a reinforced hose on the suction pipeline (do not install the usual one, it will be flattened by negative pressure).

Now about what are the differences between vortex and centrifugal models. Peripheral pumps are more compact, cost less, but produce more noise during operation. Centrifugal - quieter, at the exit they create a small pressure. Vortex with the same dimensions of the impeller and the speed of its rotation can create a pressure of 3-7 times more. But it cannot be said that this is their advantage - far from always a large output pressure is required. For example, it is not needed when watering the garden. Water supplied with high pressure will simply wash away the soil, exposing the roots. Therefore, it is better to take a self-priming pump of a centrifugal type as a pump for irrigation.

High outlet pressure may be required when organizing a home water supply system. This is where the characteristics of vortex pumps will be required. They only have one drawback: they cannot provide a large flow. So more often for these purposes they use the same centrifugal, but paired with. True, then it turns out already.

The main disadvantage of surface centrifugal self-priming pumps is the need to fill them with water before starting. Not the most pleasant activity, which adds to the hassle when using such a pump for irrigation.

The efficiency of the functioning of the entire autonomous water supply system that such a device serves depends on how correctly the pump is chosen for a well of 30 meters or for underground sources of greater depth. Modern manufacturers produce many different models of borehole pumps, which differ from each other both in design and in principle of operation. In order to correctly select pumping equipment for solving a specific problem, you should understand both its design and types.

Types of pumping equipment for equipping wells

Electric pumps used to service underground wells, depending on the location relative to the pumped liquid medium, are divided into two categories:

  1. surface-type equipment, which is installed on the surface of the earth, in close proximity to an underground source;
  2. submersible or deep equipment placed in the thickness of the liquid medium pumped by it.

According to the design and principle of operation, pumps for wells are divided into several categories of devices:

  • centrifugal type devices;
  • vibration pumps for wells;
  • screw pumping equipment;
  • borehole pumps of vortex type.

Surface pumps for wells are convenient to use, among other things, due to the fact that such devices, due to their location on the surface of the earth, are easy to maintain. Meanwhile, hydraulic machines of this type can only be used for pumping liquid medium from wells with a depth of no more than 10 meters. If you are thinking about which pump to choose for a well of 20 meters, 50 meters and even 100 meters, then you need to consider submersible type devices.

An important advantage of using submersible pumps for equipping wells is that such devices, constantly being in the thickness of the liquid medium pumped by them during operation, do not need additional cooling.

According to the way the principle of controlling a borehole pump is implemented, such a device can be of a manual or automatic type. A manual hydraulic machine, unlike an automatic one, which requires electricity to operate, is non-volatile.

On what principle do well pumps of various types work?

When choosing a pump for a well of 15 meters, 30 meters or to equip an underground source of greater depth, as mentioned above, it is necessary to know the principle of operation of various types of pumping equipment.


When wondering which pump to choose for a well of 30 or 40 meters, it should be borne in mind that surface-type devices are not suitable for this. They can only be used if the depth of the source from which water is to be pumped does not exceed 10 meters. Pumps of this type are installed on the surface of the earth or on a specially equipped floating platform, and the liquid medium is supplied from an underground source through a hose or pipe. When using surface pumps, care must be taken to ensure that the pumped liquid does not fall on the body of the device.


Downhole centrifugal pumps are the most common equipment used for pumping liquid media from wells of considerable depth. The basis of the design of such hydraulic machines, with the help of which even a very deep well can be successfully serviced, is the impeller. Vanes are fixed on the outer surface of the impeller, moving the pumped liquid medium through the inner chamber.

When the impeller rotates, which is equipped with a centrifugal downhole pump for a well, a centrifugal force acts on the pumped liquid medium, which pushes the liquid through the discharge pipe. When the liquid is thrown to the walls of the working chamber, an air rarefaction is created in the central part of the chamber, which ensures the suction of the next portion of the liquid medium through the inlet pipe.

Centrifugal pumping equipment is characterized by high performance. In addition, such devices are capable of creating a liquid medium flow characterized by a significant pressure, due to which this pump can be used for a 40-meter well, for a 50-meter well, and even for equipping an underground source, the depth of which is 100 meters.

There are many different models of deep centrifugal pumps on the modern market, so the consumer has plenty to choose from. When using a centrifugal submersible pump for a well 20 meters, 30, 40, 50 or even 100 meters deep, it must be borne in mind that it is critical to the content of solid impurities in the pumped liquid medium, so care must be taken to equip it with a filtration element.


Vortex deep pumps, which in their design are a modification of centrifugal type devices, are used for wells with a depth of 30 meters or more. Along with the impeller, the pumps of this type have grooves made on the walls of the inner working chamber. Moving along these grooves, the flow of the pumped liquid medium acquires additional acceleration. Due to this design feature, these pumps can be installed on wells with a depth of 40 meters or more, even those characterized by a small debit, since these hydraulic machines are able to generate a flow that is characterized by a stable pressure.

Vortex-type deep-well pumps are not designed to work with a liquid medium that contains solids in excess of 40 g/l. In addition, it should be borne in mind that such equipment, when compared with centrifugal, has less productivity.


Screw borehole pumps used for pumping liquid medium from wells, the depth of which does not exceed 15 meters, are distinguished by the lowest cost among all pumping equipment on the modern market. The basis of the design of such pumps is a screw (or auger), which, rotating, moves the liquid medium through the internal chamber of the device and pushes it into the pressure pipe.


Vibration-type pumping equipment, which is not characterized by high performance, is used to pump water from shallow tanks, the walls of which are reliably protected from destruction. Such pumps during operation create vibration waves in the surrounding liquid medium, which contributes to the destruction of unprotected walls of wells and wells. When using pumping equipment of a vibration type, it should also be borne in mind that it is quite critical of a liquid medium, which contains insoluble solids.


Manual borehole pumps, which are characterized by low productivity and are driven by a special lever, should be used only in cases of power outages. As a rule, pumps of this type are used when it is required to pump out a small amount of liquid medium from an underground source.

Pumps for wells up to 20 meters deep

For wells with a depth of 10 or 15 meters, surface pumping equipment of the injection type can be used, which is much more convenient to maintain than submersible devices. Meanwhile, it should be borne in mind that such equipment is characterized by low efficiency. Because of this, submersible-type equipment is most often purchased to pump out a liquid medium from wells of such a depth.

In order to select for a well, the depth of which does not exceed 20 meters, pumping equipment with the appropriate characteristics, you must perform the following steps:
  1. The value of the depth of the well (it can be measured with a simple rope with a load at the end) must be added to the distance over which the liquid medium must be transported along the horizontal section of the pipeline.
  2. From the value obtained, the distance at which the submersible pump will be removed from the bottom of the underground source should be subtracted.
  3. According to the calculated distance, you can select pumping equipment with the required characteristics. In this case, it should be borne in mind that to transport a liquid over a distance of 10 meters, a pressure equal to 1 atmosphere is required.
  4. The power of the selected equipment, in order to take into account the hydraulic losses that occur in the pipeline, must be increased by 10%.

For example, let's select a pump for a well 20 meters deep, which should create a pressure equal to 2 atmospheres (20 meters) in a pipeline 40 meters long. With a distance at which the pump is located from the bottom of the well equal to 4 meters, the pressure that the selected equipment should create can be calculated as follows:

20+20–4+(40x0.1) = 40 m

Based on the value obtained, you can choose inexpensive models of pumps made in China or Russia or more expensive equipment from European manufacturers.

Pumps for equipping wells from 20 to 30 meters

If the drilling of a well that needs to be equipped with a deep pump is carried out to a depth exceeding 20 meters, then the choice of equipment for it is also carried out according to the principle described above. So, if a pump is needed to service a well 25 meters deep and transport a liquid medium through a pipeline 40 meters long at a pressure of 3 atmospheres (30 meters), then the pressure generated by equipment suitable for solving such a problem is calculated as follows:

25+30–5+(40x0.1) = 54 m

Based on the obtained value and the cross-section of the casing pipe, which is installed in the well, pumping equipment with the appropriate characteristics is selected. To equip wells of such a depth, as a rule, centrifugal-type deep-well pumps are selected.

Devices for wells up to 40, 50, 80 and 100 meters deep

The value of the pressure that the pump must create to equip wells of considerable depth is also calculated according to the above scheme. Given the fact that it is quite difficult to lift pumping equipment from wells of such depth, it is better to choose better and more reliable models for their maintenance. For this purpose, as a rule, either powerful submersible pumps or surface pumping stations are used, equipped, in addition to the pump itself, with a hydraulic accumulator.

To ensure the efficient and uninterrupted operation of the pumping equipment used to service the well, it is necessary to properly install it, for which you can use the following recommendations.

  1. In the event that not a surface, but a submersible pump is installed to service the well, it is located in an underground source at least 1 meter above the bottom. Submersible pumps are lowered into a well or well using a special cable, while a pipe or hose is preliminarily connected to them to lift the pumped liquid medium, as well as a power cable.
  2. Surface-type pumping equipment is installed either in a specially prepared room or in a well caisson. A hose is lowered into the well itself to pump out the liquid medium, connected to the suction pipe of the hydraulic machine. In the event that an ejector is used in conjunction with a surface pump, then a pressure hose is lowered into the well along with the suction hose.
  3. When using both a surface and a submersible pump for servicing a well, it is recommended to purchase a check valve and a coarse filter, which will protect the equipment from idling and ingress of solids contained in the pumped liquid medium into its internal part.
  4. Before installing pumping equipment, the well shaft is recommended to be thoroughly cleaned.

Selection Options

When choosing a pump with which a well or well will be serviced, one should be guided by the following parameters of equipment and an underground source:

  • the head of the liquid medium flow created by the pump, measured in meters of water column;
  • device performance;
  • debit of an underground source;
  • inner diameter of the casing string;
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Which pump to choose for a well 20 meters

Today we will continue to select a pump for a well of a certain depth. In the past material, we chose for a 10 meter well, today we will consider slightly deeper ones - 20 meters.

It is worth recalling that a review article on pumps and their selection is located, perhaps there you will find something new and interesting for yourself. All the latest articles on borehole pumps are posted.
Now we will see which pump is better for a well of 20 meters.

How to choose a pump for a well 20 meters

So, you have drilled a 20 meter artesian well (or sandy) and you need to buy a submersible pump for it, what to do. Your first and most important step: look in the passport for the well, recommendations are already given on choosing a well pump. Select it by following these instructions and you don't need to do anything else.

Don't have a well permit?
Then let's go point by point, first we will find out which pump diameter is right for you, for this you need to know what casing diameter you have.

We have made a small plate for you, this will help you determine the diameter of the pump:

4" pumps have different diameters in millimeters (98-105mm). In practice, drillers can fit a 98mm pump into a 117mm HDPE casing. Its inner diameter is 102 mm and such a pump can be inserted end-to-end. But you must understand, plastic pipe can narrow, expand and bend. Having installed the pump back to back, with almost 100% probability it can be argued that it will not work to get it back.

All submersible pumps have their own markings (example Grundfos 2-70), in which the first number (2 m 3 / hour) indicates productivity, and the second (70 meters) indicates pressure. Simply put, this pump can pump 2 m 3 /hour from a depth of 70 meters. To choose the right submersible pump, you need to know these parameters.
Remember, the performance of a borehole pump should not exceed 90-95% of the well flow rate.
The pressure is easy to calculate on your own, now we will do it.

Pump for a 20 meter well for irrigation

If you are planning a summer arrangement and want to water strawberries near the bathhouse, then ordinary and cheap models will suffice.
Let's pick up a pump for irrigation from a well 20 meters.
We need to lift water from a depth of about 15 meters, which means that the required head should be 15 meters. Plus, we need a pressure of at least 2 atmospheres (1 atm = 10 meters of pressure).
In total, the required pressure is 35 meters. We select ...

The flow rate of the well is 1.5 m 3 /hour.
For a sand well with a low flow rate, the following pumps are suitable:

  • Aquarius 0.32-32U
  • Gilex Water Cannon 40/50
  • SPERONI STS 0513 or SPS 0518
  • UNIPUMP MINI ECO 1 (3 inches)
  • Grundfos SQ 1-50 (3")

The flow rate of the well is 2 m 3 /hour.
A sandy well with a slightly higher flow rate will normally be combined with such pumps:

  • Aquarius 0.32-40U
  • SPERONI SPS 1009
  • Gilex Water Cannon 55/50 or Water Cannon 60/52
  • UNIPUMP MINI ECO 1 (3 inches)
  • SPERONI SQS 1-45 (3 inches)

The flow rate of the well is 2.5 m 3 /hour.
For such a flow rate, you need one of these pumps:

The flow rate of the well is 3 m 3 /hour.
For a shallow artesian well, the following pumps are well suited for irrigation:

The flow rate of the well is 3.5 m 3 /hour.

  • SPERONI SPS 1812 or STS 1308
  • UNIPUMP MINI ECO 3 (3 inches)

The flow rate of the well is 4 m 3 /hour.

  • Aquarius 1.2-32U
  • SPERONI SPS 1815
  • Grundfos SQ 3-40 (3")

Such small wells are most likely drilled into the sand, which means that their service life is 5-7 years. Therefore, when choosing a pump, it is not necessary to study it for a long time in terms of reliability. Such a period will work any of the pumps indicated above. Not to mention Grundfos or Speroni.

Pump for water supply at home

Consider the water supply of a one-story and 2-story house from a 20 meter well. To do this, you need to calculate the pressure.

So, let the pump need to lift water from 15 meters, then we need 15 meters of pressure to raise water to ground level. The highest draw-off point is on the 2nd floor, it is another 5 meters in height. In total, to raise water from a well to a tap on the 2nd floor, you need 20 meters of pressure. The tap should have a pressure of 3 atmospheres (1 atm = 10 meters of pressure), which means we add another 30 meters of pressure. Already 50 meters, and we will add 20 meters for losses and for reserve so that the pump does not work at the limit and can quickly create the necessary pressure.

A good headroom is especially important for SNT. In garden partnerships, the voltage is often very weak and your pump simply will not be able to develop the required power.

Total for a 2-storey building and wells of 20 meters need a pump with a head of 70 meters.
For 1-storey house we’ll just remove 3 meters, because now you don’t need to raise water to the 2nd floor. This means that the required pressure will be equal to 67 meters.
Experience has shown that the pumps of the following manufacturers are of the highest quality in their price segment:

The flow rate of the well is 2 m 3 /hour.

The flow rate of the well is 2.5 m 3 /hour.
For such a marginal well, we chose the following pumps:

  • Aquarius 0.5-80U or 0.5-100U.
  • SPERONI SPS 1023
  • SPERONI SQS 2-90 (3 inches)

The flow rate of the well is 3 m 3 /hour.
This is a typical well flow rate for the southern part of the Moscow region and here are the pumps for it:

The flow rate of the well is 3.5 m 3 /hour.
You should look towards these models: