Why do Ukrainians put pots on their heads? Two years ago, Kiev residents put pots on their heads

    Ukrainians wore similar headdresses to protect themselves from bullets from Berkut and other similar people. Helmets, unlike saucepans, are more effective because they are made of iron.

    They wear such utensils not to distinguish themselves, as written in another answer, but for self-defense.

    I think that everyone who sees it will immediately understand: it’s very European.

    At the very beginning it was just a protest, I don’t think this thing can help and protect from bullets.

    That is why all the pots are decorated and made with great attention to design, each one stood out in its own way.

    Probably in order to protect their heads in case of emergency, these are such turbulent times. Suddenly there is a bombing, and your head is protected. Or maybe they want to distinguish themselves in this way, to show creativity, everyone has their own reasons.

    Ukrainians are creative people. It was a sign of protest against the law against rallies adopted by Yanukovych in January 2014, which prohibited protesters from wearing helmets and setting up tents. True, this law did not last long and was repealed. It is worth noting that on the night of November 29-30, 2013, Euromaidan was violently dispersed, people were injured, including blows to the head.

    On December 4, 2013, the first commander of the Berkut regiment, Anatoly Kulikov, stated that there were no grounds for the use of force by the Berkut soldiers.

    There is no money for helmets. And there is no law requiring ordinary citizens to wear helmets. And you can take the pots from your late grandmother. According to administrative law number 175, this is not hooliganism, unlike smoking in a public place.

    These photos will soon be 2 years old. If someone marked them with today's day, then he did it by mistake or with intentions only known to him.

    Appearing with pots on their heads was a protest against the mentioned ban on wearing helmets; they say the law says nothing about pots and colanders.

    The laws of January 16 were repealed by the Supreme Council of Ukraine on January 28. According to the latest version of the Law on Higher Education, deputies who voted for the laws on January 16 are prohibited from running for positions of university rectors (see here). This is perhaps the only modern consequence of the introduction and repeal of the laws that gave rise to walking with pots on their heads about two years ago.

    Probably, instead of helmets to protect the head from all kinds of surprises in such turbulent times. You can’t get a helmet so easily, but there is a saucepan in every house, and more than one. Perhaps one person came up with such a trick, and the rest began to imitate it, and so it turned out to be a mass insanity.

    Well, or this is some kind of protest and people show that the pots are empty, there is nothing to cook with, there is no food - they want to eat.

    Or they just got confused (or forgot) that they need to put a sieve on their head. This is how (the sieve) the head was previously ruled in the villages. And then scientists found that cellular structures have a beneficial effect on health and psyche.

    Even during Euromaidan, I noticed Ukrainians in saucepans and colanders.

    When asked what this interesting headdress means, I was told that a colander or a saucepan on the head is a symbol of Ukrainian freedom. Let me remind you that this fashion originated precisely at Euromaidan, when free Ukrainians rebelled against the tyrant Yanukovych and showed the people’s will to become part of civilized Europe.

    Even the American Stephen Colbert supported the Ukrainians by decorating the top of his head with an elegant colander.

    Some particularly creative Ukrainians decorated fashionable headdresses with portraits of Yulia Tymoshenko.

    Judging by the fact that Ukrainian hats are worn by people of different genders, ages and social status, I conclude that these are unisex pots and colanders.

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17.01.2016 - 17:28

Exactly two years ago, Kiev residents came to the Maidan with saucepans on their heads, protesting against Yanukovych’s “draconian” laws, which, in particular, prohibited the wearing of face masks and helmets for participants in mass rallies.

The people of Kiev were having fun, reveling in their wit and, in their opinion, biting response to the “tyrant”, not noticing how the state was living out its last weeks. Members of the so-called were still alive then. “Heavenly Hundred”, a dollar cost 8 hryvnia, and men were not sent to slaughter in the distant and unnecessary Donbass for the majority of Kiev residents and Westerners. Harmless troubles on our heads turned into mobilization, inflation and impoverishment. Ukrainian columnist Andrey Kislov writes about this.

In terms of wages, Ukraine is on par with poor African countries, although the authorities promise European integration, experts say. They predict that in the coming year, citizens will face further impoverishment due to the depreciation of the hryvnia and rising prices. They note a reduction in social spending, and even the abolition of compensation for the salaries of ATO soldiers, although the General Staff does not rule out a new wave of mobilization.

Seventh wave

The General Staff announced the seventh wave of mobilization to the ATO zone at the beginning of the year. And the speaker of the Administration of the President of Ukraine (APU) on ATO issues, Colonel Alexander Motuzyanyk, clarified that the need for the next wave of mobilization will be determined by presidential decree. According to him, as part of the seventh wave, those liable for military service with experience will be called up.

“These are military personnel who have already taken part in hostilities, anti-terrorism operations, these are military personnel with combat experience. In addition, it will also depend on those military units that will need additional staffing.

For example, if a certain number of tankers, artillerymen, scouts, infantrymen, and so on are needed,” Motuzyanik said.

According to him, the next wave “will depend on the military-political situation both within the country and abroad”.

Let us remind you that the plan for the last wave of mobilization was completed within 60%. According to the General Staff, of those called up for the sixth wave, 8.5% were volunteers, 25.7% were temporarily unemployed citizens. In addition, 26.8 thousand draft dodgers were identified.

In March 2015, President Poroshenko reported that among the soldiers who fell under the first wave of mobilization, the percentage of deserters was almost 30%. And in October, chief military prosecutor Anatoly Matios reported that during the ATO, 16 thousand cases of desertion were opened.

Political scientist Andrei Zolotarev then noted that the unfavorable economic situation, when people can barely make ends meet, makes people think about how the loss of a breadwinner will affect the financial situation of families.

The expert does not rule out repetitions of protests, when the mothers and wives of those mobilized blocked the Kyiv-Chop international highway. Protests in connection with the mobilization took place in the Kyiv, Odessa, Kherson, Nikolaev, Lvov, Rivne, Kharkov, and Transcarpathian regions.

Moreover, from Article 119 of the Labor Code, the provision was removed that the average salary at the place of work during the period of military service is compensated from the budget. Now the employer is obliged to pay military salaries at his own expense.

Visa-free regime

“The pro-European government of Yatsenyuk is already being cursed, no reforms are being made, corruption is prohibitive, the standard of living is rapidly falling, the country has declared a default to Russia. There is no chance of the situation improving. Everyone understands that it will be even worse. As a result, recent opinion polls have shown that only 35% of Ukrainians are in favor of joining the EU,” notes economic expert Andrey Golovachev.

It is noteworthy that the authorities are announcing the possibility of the EU introducing a visa-free regime with Ukraine in April or July 2016 (this is due to the schedule of meetings of the EU Council at the level of interior ministers). However, experts doubt the reality of such expectations. Thus, the director of the Ukrainian Institute for Policy Analysis and Management, Ruslan Bortnik, believes that a visa-free regime with the European Union will be introduced in Ukraine no earlier than 2017.

“According to the most optimistic estimates, this decision will be considered by the European Council no earlier than May-June 2016. If everything works like clockwork and there are no delays. And a visa-free regime will become possible no earlier than 2017,” he emphasized.

And the director of the Institute of Political Analysis and International Studies, Sergei Tolstov, recalls that official Brussels never recognized even the remote prospect of Ukraine becoming a member of the European Union.

“Not once have any of the European politicians, including the resolutions of the European Parliament, clearly recognized Ukraine’s European prospects as a prospect for membership in the European Union,” the political scientist emphasized.

At the same time, the expert recalled that the current Association Agreement was signed within the framework of the “neighbourhood policy”, which has never recognized the prospects for EU membership of the countries with which it is being conducted. Expert, Ukrainian politicians continue to actively exaggerate the topic of Ukraine’s European prospects - including through the Association Agreement - to win the electorate.

And economist Alexander Okhrimenko notes:

Most likely, over the next ten years after Ukraine receives a visa-free regime, 5–7 million Ukrainians will leave Ukraine for the EU. These are mostly able-bodied Ukrainians who will try to find, albeit illegal, work.

He recalls that according to official data, about 2.5 million Ukrainians have lost their jobs over the past two years.

European integration and...impoverishment?

Alexander Okhrimenko predicts that due to the severance of economic ties with the Russian Federation, a large number of engineering, chemical, metallurgical and food enterprises will close in the next two to three years.

Economists believe few industries will be able to recover next year.

“Many hopes are placed on the agro-industrial sector, but the agro-industrial complex cannot carry such a heavy load alone. Farmers will continue to generate critically important foreign exchange earnings for Ukraine, but if the metallurgical complex and chemical industry cannot expand the range of sales markets, then serious problems will arise,” Egor Perelygin, head of the strategic planning department of UniCredit Bank, said in the media.

He forecasts that 2016 will end with GDP growth of 0.7–1.4%, below the government's target of 2% growth.

Political scientist Nikolai Spiridonov believes that in 2016 the population expects even greater impoverishment. In particular, he draws attention to the preconditions for the collapse of the exchange rate, “We never plan for the collapse of the hryvnia, but this could very well happen within a year.”, he notes.

The hryvnia exchange rate for 2016 is set at 24.1-24.4 UAH. for a dollar. However, experts predict a greater devaluation. Former Minister of Economy Viktor Suslov believes that the dollar will cost 30 UAH.

“Ukraine is in a state of default, if the cooperation program with the IMF is disrupted, the exchange rate could reach 40 hryvnia. Under normal conditions, the exchange rate will drop to at least 30 hryvnia,” he is confident.

Director of economic programs at the Razumkov Center Vasily Yurchyshyn believes that the possible dollar exchange rate next year is 28–29 UAH. for a dollar.

At the same time, economists do not agree with the Cabinet of Ministers’ forecasts that prices will rise by 12%. The ICU company released a forecast according to which prices in Ukraine next year will increase by 29.2%. The IMF announced a forecast of 12% inflation. Vasily Yurchyshyn believes that an increase in tariffs for housing and communal services will lead to inflation of 20%. The same forecast was voiced by former Minister of Economy Viktor Suslov.

Let us remind you that this involves increasing social standards by 12% in two stages throughout the year. Until May, the cost of living is 1 thousand 330 hryvnia, at the end of the year it will be increased to 1.5 thousand hryvnia. But Chairman of the Committee of Economists of Ukraine Andrey Novak notes:

This is not a promotion. An increase occurs when the rate of income growth exceeds the rate of inflation. And this is just indexing, nothing more. However, it is not a fact that inflation will actually be 12% and not more. If it is more than 12%, then the growth of social payments will not even catch up with official inflation.

And the president of the Ukrainian Analytical Center, Alexander Okhrimenko, notes that even the average (and not the minimum) wage in Ukraine in dollar equivalent was 190 US dollars. Although in 2013 it was at $407.

“Instead of the promised increase in wages, Ukrainians received a significant reduction in wages. Now, in terms of wages in dollar terms, Ukraine is closer to the African countries of Ghana and Senegal than to the European ones,” the expert concluded.

In terms of wages, Ukraine is on par with poor African countries, although the authorities promise European integration, experts say. They predict that in the coming year, citizens will face further impoverishment due to the depreciation of the hryvnia and rising prices. They note a reduction in social spending, and even the abolition of compensation for the salaries of ATO soldiers, although the General Staff does not rule out a new wave of mobilization. Seventh wave The General Staff announced the seventh wave of mobilization to the ATO zone at the beginning of the year. And the speaker of the Administration of the President of Ukraine (APU) on ATO issues, Colonel Alexander Motuzyanyk, clarified that the need for the next wave of mobilization will be determined by presidential decree. According to him, as part of the seventh wave, those liable for military service with experience will be called up. “These are military personnel who have already taken part in hostilities, anti-terrorism operations, these are military personnel with combat experience. In addition, it will also depend on those military units that will need additional staffing. For example, if a certain number of tankers, artillerymen, scouts, infantrymen, and so on are needed,” Motuzyanik said. According to him, the next wave “will depend on the military-political situation both within the country and abroad.” Let us remind you that the plan for the last wave of mobilization was completed within 60%. According to the General Staff, of those called up for the sixth wave, 8.5% were volunteers, 25.7% were temporarily unemployed citizens. In addition, 26.8 thousand draft dodgers were identified. In March 2015, President Poroshenko reported that among the soldiers who fell under the first wave of mobilization, the percentage of deserters was almost 30%. And in October, chief military prosecutor Anatoly Matios reported that during the ATO, 16 thousand cases of desertion were opened. Political scientist Andrei Zolotarev then noted that the unfavorable economic situation, when people can barely make ends meet, makes people think about how the loss of a breadwinner will affect the financial situation of families. The expert does not rule out repetitions of protests, when the mothers and wives of those mobilized blocked the Kyiv-Chop international highway. Protests in connection with the mobilization took place in the Kyiv, Odessa, Kherson, Nikolaev, Lvov, Rivne, Kharkov, and Transcarpathian regions. Moreover, from Article 119 of the Labor Code, the provision was removed that the average salary at the place of work during the period of military service is compensated from the budget. Now the employer is obliged to pay military salaries at his own expense. Visa-free regime “The pro-European government of Yatsenyuk is already being cursed, no reforms are being made, corruption is prohibitive, the standard of living is rapidly falling, the country has declared a default to Russia. There is no chance of the situation improving. Everyone understands that it will be even worse. As a result, recent opinion polls have shown that only 35% of Ukrainians are in favor of joining the EU,” notes economic expert Andrey Golovachev. It is noteworthy that the authorities are announcing the possibility of the EU introducing a visa-free regime with Ukraine in April or July 2016 (this is due to the schedule of meetings of the EU Council at the level of interior ministers). However, experts doubt the reality of such expectations. Thus, the director of the Ukrainian Institute for Policy Analysis and Management, Ruslan Bortnik, believes that a visa-free regime with the European Union will be introduced in Ukraine no earlier than 2017. “According to the most optimistic estimates, this decision will be considered by the European Council no earlier than May-June 2016. If everything works like clockwork and there are no delays. And a visa-free regime will become possible no earlier than 2017,” he emphasized. And the director of the Institute of Political Analysis and International Studies, Sergei Tolstov, recalls that official Brussels never recognized even the remote prospect of Ukraine becoming a member of the European Union. “Not once have any of the European politicians, including the resolutions of the European Parliament, clearly recognized Ukraine’s European prospects as a prospect for membership in the European Union,” the political scientist emphasized. At the same time, the expert recalled that the current Association Agreement was signed within the framework of the “neighbourhood policy”, which has never recognized the prospects for EU membership of the countries with which it is being conducted. Expert, Ukrainian politicians continue to actively exaggerate the topic of Ukraine’s European prospects - including through the Association Agreement - to win the electorate. And economist Alexander Okhrimenko notes: “Most likely, over the next ten years after Ukraine receives a visa-free regime, 5–7 million Ukrainians will leave Ukraine for the EU. These are mostly able-bodied Ukrainians who will try to find, albeit illegal, but work." He recalls that according to official data, about 2.5 million Ukrainians have lost their jobs over the past two years. European integration and...impoverishment? Alexander Okhrimenko predicts that due to the severance of economic ties with the Russian Federation, a large number of engineering, chemical, metallurgical and food enterprises will close in the next two to three years. Economists believe few industries will be able to recover next year. “Many hopes are placed on the agro-industrial sector, but the agro-industrial complex cannot carry such a heavy load alone. Farmers will continue to generate critically important foreign exchange earnings for Ukraine, but if the metallurgical complex and chemical industry cannot expand the range of sales markets, then serious problems will arise,” Egor Perelygin, head of the strategic planning department of UniCredit Bank, said in the media. He forecasts that 2016 will end with GDP growth of 0.7–1.4%, below the government's target of 2% growth. Political scientist Nikolai Spiridonov believes that in 2016 the population expects even greater impoverishment. In particular, he draws attention to the prerequisites for the collapse of the exchange rate. “We never plan for the collapse of the hryvnia, but this could very well happen within a year,” he notes. The hryvnia exchange rate for 2016 is set at 24.1-24.4 UAH. for a dollar. However, experts predict a greater devaluation. Former Minister of Economy Viktor Suslov believes that the dollar will cost 30 UAH. “Ukraine is in a state of default, if the cooperation program with the IMF is disrupted, the exchange rate could reach 40 hryvnia. Under normal conditions, the exchange rate will drop to at least 30 hryvnia,” he is confident. Director of economic programs at the Razumkov Center Vasily Yurchyshyn believes that the possible dollar exchange rate next year is 28–29 UAH. for a dollar. At the same time, economists do not agree with the Cabinet of Ministers’ forecasts that prices will rise by 12%. The ICU company released a forecast according to which prices in Ukraine next year will increase by 29.2%. The IMF announced a forecast of 12% inflation. Vasily Yurchyshyn believes that an increase in tariffs for housing and communal services will lead to inflation of 20%. The same forecast was voiced by former Minister of Economy Viktor Suslov. Let us remind you that this involves increasing social standards by 12% in two stages throughout the year. Until May, the cost of living is 1 thousand 330 hryvnia, at the end of the year it will be increased to 1.5 thousand hryvnia. But Chairman of the Committee of Economists of Ukraine Andrey Novak notes: This is not an increase. An increase occurs when the rate of income growth exceeds the rate of inflation. And this is just indexing, nothing more. However, it is not a fact that inflation will actually be 12% and not more. If it is more than 12%, then the growth of social payments will not even catch up with official inflation. And the president of the Ukrainian Analytical Center, Alexander Okhrimenko, notes that even the average (and not the minimum) wage in Ukraine in dollar equivalent was 190 US dollars. Although in 2013 it was at $407. “Instead of the promised increase in wages, Ukrainians received a significant reduction in wages. Now, in terms of wages in dollar terms, Ukraine is closer to the African countries of Ghana and Senegal than to the European ones,” the expert concluded.