What is spoilage with salt? Communication with spirits, remembrance of the dead

There are many types of damage, so it is not always possible to immediately recognize an energy strike. Evil eyes and damage to salt are very popular in this area due to the unique properties of salt.

How to determine salt spoilage

People who are far from esoteric practices are often exposed to the danger of the evil eye and damage. But to know for sure whether you have been jinxed or not, you only need minimal knowledge. Salt damage is a type of so-called lining, when somewhere outside your home an ill-wisher has cast a spell on a seemingly harmless thing for various negative attitudes. Such an object is thrown either into the apartment itself or at its doors.

The lining can be anything - from a piece of fabric to bird bones. One of the most popular linings is salt. It can be in a bag, or it can simply be scattered at the front door or even in the apartment. The danger with such a lining is that you may not recognize it and simply brush the salt off the table with your hand. And this should not be done under any circumstances.

If you have an ill-wisher who was in your home, and you felt bad or encountered failures, try to find the charmed salt. Lift the rug at the front door - you will find something “interesting” there too. In any case, the strange things found do not bring anything good.

Linings can have different character.

  • This could be a conspiracy of passion, when they want to separate lovers.
  • It could also be an evil eye or a conspiracy to cause illness so that the victim suffers from poor health.
  • Often conspiracies and subterfuges lead to banal failure and depression.

Damage linings are divided into various subspecies, the most common of which are magnets and vampires.

  • A damage magnet usually emits some kind of negative aura, gradually reducing its impact.
  • Vampire damage feeds on human energy, constantly intensifying. It must be found in any case.

Conclusion: if you are overtaken by failures, sudden problems with loved ones, poor health, causeless depression, look for salt or other lining in your house.

How to remove spoilage from salt

Why salt? The answer is simple - this substance perfectly absorbs negativity. That is why, since ancient times, salt has not even been borrowed from each other. This is an ideal object of conspiracy and, as a result, an ideal substance for lining. You can curse her without even resorting to special rituals. It is enough to sincerely wish evil and not be afraid of the opposite consequences. So such damage can easily be caused even by a person inexperienced in damage.

If you find salt at home or near the front door, do not rush to panic, because there are excellent effective ways to block the salt evil eye. As experts say, Under no circumstances should you touch the linings. In the case of salt, it is better to collect it using gloves, a broom and newspaper. After everything is collected, throw away the broom and gloves along with the lining.

If the salt is in a bag or has some other complex structure, you should not take it out under any circumstances. When wiping the surface of salt, choose a neutral rag. It shouldn't be someone else's thing, but just a rag.

Next you need destroy the lining. For this we need a fire away from home. Light a fire and line the area around it with salt. Salt is not only a good material for a curse, but also an excellent protective substance. Throw all things, including the lining itself, into the fire. If you need to move something, then do it only with a stick, burning it too. Take your own pure salt with you from home. After you throw everything dirty and spoiled into the fire, fill the coals with your salt. This will save you from possible residual effects.

Be careful and always pay attention to foreign objects in and around your home, especially if you have enemies or enemies. Any depression, quarrels and illnesses can be the cause of the evil eye or the lining, so check your home after the visit of not the most pleasant guests. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

21.04.2016 00:40

Salt has always been considered a magical, cleansing and protective product. Previously, it was used as a talisman. They say that evil people...

Let's talk about the magical meaning the Slavs attached to salt.

Salt was used separately or in combination with bread. Most often it was used in wedding ceremonies and maternity and baptism rites, as well as in folk medicine.

Salt, which was used in cooking, significantly enhances the taste of the food itself, which means it will reveal the essence of the food - its “salt” in a figurative sense.

In addition, salt was considered a talisman. This is due to the property of salt to preserve food - it was salt that made it possible to preserve meat, fish, and vegetables during the long winter period, and therefore was a kind of amulet against spirits who wanted to spoil food.

Communication with spirits, remembrance of the dead.

According to Ukrainian belief, the evil spirit is afraid of salt.

In the Kharkov province, the brownie was treated to porridge without salt - after the baptism of Rus', all the spirits that the Slavs worshiped began to be considered evil spirits. And the brownie had to be appeased - he could do a mischief to a person, or he could help with preserving the house.

In the Vladimir province they thought that the devil was afraid of salt and would never approach the fire if salt was thrown into it.

Unleavened food was prepared on the days of funerals and memorial rites. In the Chernigov province they did not salt the cake that was baked at funerals; in the Grodno region they ate flatbread without salt for their grandfathers. In Belarus, grandfathers cooked peas without salt; at the beginning of dinner, the owner poured the first spoon, intended for the dead, onto the table, then everyone ate a spoonful, and only then the dish was salted and everyone ate it together.

In some places in Ukraine, the bread that was going to be given away for the funeral of the soul was not enough salted, so that it would not be “salty” in the “other world.”

Birth of children, baptism.

In rituals associated with the birth of a child (as well as at a wedding), salt protected the house and people from the influence of hostile forces.

In Belarus, a pinch of salt was placed in the ears of a newborn at baptism to protect him from evil spirits.

In the Vologda province, a woman was taken to a bathhouse after giving birth; at the same time, the midwife rubbed her forehead with salt and said: “Just as this salt is not afraid of the eye, nor the drink, nor disgraces, nor slander, so you, (name) were not afraid of either disgraces or slander,” and threw the salt backhand .

There were also symbolic “taste” rituals: during the christening dinner, the child’s father was given a spoonful of highly salted porridge so that he would know how to “give birth salty and bitter.”

Conspiracies, magic.

In a love spell, a person’s attachment to bread and salt acts as an image of a love feeling: “As (name) loves bread and salt, so she would love me, (name) from now on and forever.”

Salt, like other types of food, was widely used in love magic, since its “saltiness” is similar to human sweat.

By the way, the expression “to annoy someone” is associated with methods of causing damage with the help of salt thrown into the house or food.


In the Novgorod province, the bride, having arrived at the bathhouse, undressed and lay down on the shelf to sweat thoroughly; the godmother wiped her with a bundle of salt, so that the salt became wet from sweat; she squeezed the sweaty moisture out of the salt onto a pie brought to the bathhouse, which is fed to the young man after the wedding, so that he would love his wife, and the bride put the salt itself in a pot of cabbage soup, which is treated to the groom’s relatives at the wedding dinner, so that all the groom’s relatives would love it.

Wondering about their future husband, the girls ate salted cake before going to bed; it was believed that in a dream the betrothed would appear and ask for a drink; S. was thus associated with the theme of love thirst.

Salty, like bitter, was opposed to sweet. Do you remember the surviving wedding custom of shouting “Bitter!”? When guests scream like that, the newlyweds should “sweeten” life with kisses.

Friendship, hospitality.

When treating people with bread and salt, symbolizing the establishment of friendly relations between people, salt gave these relationships a touch of heartfelt intimacy. During dinner, the Russian sovereign sent bread and salt to the guests from his table: “With such bread, the sovereign expresses his mercy to someone, and with salt, love. And he cannot give anyone greater honor at his feast than by sending him salt from his table.”


There is a tradition - on Holy Thursday to prepare the so-called. "Thursday salt" or "black salt". Rock salt was mixed with leaven grounds, rye flour or baked bread, wrapped in cabbage leaves and burned in an oven, after which it was necessary to consecrate the resulting black salt in the church. Thursday salt was stored throughout the year and was used against the “evil eye” and in the treatment of a wide variety of diseases, including children’s and livestock.

Salt really helped - the black color was due to finely dispersed coal, which is a good adsorbent and helps very well, for example, with poisoning.

The magical properties of salt.

In addition to its widespread use in cuisine and the presence of a large number of elements beneficial to the body, salt has always been considered magical and healers and sorcerers resorted to its healing and magical properties. First of all, salt can cope with any black energy, cleanse not only a thing or room, but also a person’s aura. Magic salt was used in ancient rituals to scare away dark forces and protect a person from damage from the evil eye, etc.

Our great-grandfathers also noticed that the easiest way to put the evil eye on a person is in conversation, distracting him with flattering words. That’s why it was customary in Rus' to place an open salt shaker on the holiday table, as it extinguishes the flow of negative information and returns it to its owner.

Dissolve one teaspoon of salt in one liter of boiled water and give it to the person you think has been jinxed. You need to drink 1 liter in 30 minutes. If a person begins to vomit or has an upset stomach, this indicates that the cleansing process is working. Four days during the waning moon, a person should drink 1 liter of water with salt. Usually, when treating a mild evil eye, this remedy is quite sufficient.

It should be remembered that for white magic salt is usually cast on the night from Thursday to Friday during the waxing moon.

You can guess by salt.
In order to have a prophetic dream on Christmas night, you need to eat something highly salted. In any case, that’s what was believed in the old days; and some girls, going to bed, said: “Whoever is my betrothed, whoever is my mummer, will give me a drink.”

Salt restores the strength we have lost and heals holes in the astral body. But evil people, and especially those who have taken upon their souls the sin of corruption or witchcraft, cannot tolerate salt. It was not for nothing that our ancestors took salt with them on the road as a talisman. In “unclean” places it was thrown over the shoulder so that evil forces could not harm a person. Salt was also used in magical rituals - white crystals restored happiness and removed evil witchcraft from a person.

How to protect yourself with salt?

RECIPE 1. Our great-grandfathers noticed that it is easiest to put the evil eye on a person at the moment when he is engrossed in conversation and does not pay attention to what is happening. This is where the envious person casts the evil eye, distracting you with flattering conversation. To avoid such a misfortune, it was customary in Rus' to place salt on the table in an open salt shaker. After all, it “quenches” negative energy and wards off the evil eye. And evil wishes return through the underworld to the one who sent them.

RECIPE 2. To determine whether there is an unclean spirit in the house, and immediately drive it out of the door, between 11 and 12 o’clock in the afternoon, take an ordinary clean metal frying pan (Teflon or enamel will spoil), put it on high heat and pour a thin layer of salt. The salt needs to be heated for one to three hours. If there is energetic dirt in the house, dark spots appear on the salt. As the evil spirits leave the house in panic, they lighten up. In addition, we advise you to walk through all the rooms with a hot frying pan to cleanse their energy. In urban environments, it is best to do “salt cleaning” weekly.

RECIPE 3. Well, if a spell has been cast on your house and the owners are in mortal danger, repeat the ritual with the frying pan: the salt will give a warning that the spell really exists, with a crash and loud “shots”.

RECIPE 4. Salt is also a great healer - it cures bad dreams and insomnia. If you were born under the sign of Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, dissolve three pinches of salt in water, place the liquid at the head of the head and at the feet on the floor at night. Those born under the sign of Aries, Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius or Capricorn just need to place two bowls of dry salt at the head and at the feet (on the floor). And in the morning, salt or salt water should be poured into the toilet. Do this procedure for three nights in a row, and your sleep will become sound and deep.

RECIPE 5. But what about salt for its intended purpose - in the kitchen? When adding salt to your food, especially soups and sauces, try to speak and think only about good things - remember that your wishes are written in the aura of the dish. Evil words can lead to indigestion. And it’s best if the housewife, when salting food, makes it a rule to read the “Our Father” aloud. This helps maintain health and strength of body and spirit.

For a home for a family.

Who among us hasn’t dreamed of changing our lives at least a little for the better: getting an interesting and also lucrative job, finding a reliable life partner, protecting our beloved child from adversity, getting rid of an illness? The only pity is that not everything works out according to our wishes, and there are still many more desires than possibilities. And yet there is no need to despair. There is a way to bewitch capricious happiness and luck! And this can be done using... ordinary salt.

Our ancestors saved themselves from troubles and misfortunes, mental blues and illnesses in a simple and rather traditional way for Orthodox Rus' - with enchanted salt. After all, from time immemorial she was considered a talisman against evil forces, an intercessor and assistant in good deeds. All kinds of evil spirits feared her like fire and ran away like the devil from incense. In addition, salt spells were surprisingly simple and unpretentious, and the result exceeded all expectations.
Interested? Then remember! On the Intercession (October 14), on Michaelmas Day (November 21) or on Maundy Thursday in Holy Week, do not be lazy to wake up at sunrise, pour a handful of salt into a linen bag and place it in the oven. Just keep in mind that all sorts of modern things like microwaves and sandwich makers are not suitable for these purposes. But a regular oven is just what you need. While the salt is warming up, read the “Our Father” prayer, and after exactly 10 minutes (not a minute earlier or later) remove the bag into the light of day. In complete silence, hide it in a secret place (which none of the household should know about) and use it for its intended purpose.
If adversity has settled in the house, add a pinch of charmed salt to your family’s borscht or porridge. Your favorite dachshund is sad - and treat him with a magical dish. Overcome by sadness, sadness - try the salty crystals yourself.
When a sick person appeared in the house, our great-grandmothers were in no hurry to stuff the unfortunate person with bitter pills and mixtures. Instead, they added the charmed salt to the yeast dough and baked small unsweetened buns at dawn. Take note of this miraculous recipe, just remember that sick children need to be fed cheesecakes and rolls for seven days (and certainly on an empty stomach). But for adults, a tasty diet can be extended until the 21st day. And one more indispensable condition is that your culinary masterpieces must be fresh every morning. It is not recommended to bake them for future use, because once they become stale, they lose their magical power.

“Salt, protect us from evil.
Like all demons flee from salt,
So from me, servant of God (name),
All sorrows will go away.


“As I, the servant of God (name), cannot live without salt
neither live nor be,
and how to me, a servant of God, without salt is tasteless and unpleasant,
so would it be for the servant of God (name) without the servant of God (name)
not to live, not to be,
and life without God’s servant (name) is distasteful and unpleasant for him.
Be my words strong and sculpted: stronger than stone and lighter
wax. Amen".

“The evil ones don’t like salt,
as if they were running from fire,
so are you - fear, crying, night dog
run from God's servant (name) a hundred miles.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

But no matter what purpose you use salt for, remember that it should lie scattered on the floor for three days and three nights. After this period, carefully mark it with a scoop and bury it in the ground away from the house. Just under no circumstances throw “production waste” into the trash can or toilet - evil and disease may come to visit you again.
Since time immemorial, salt has been used in Rus' to make amulets against evil. Get such protection and you will never be denied anything! And troubles and worries will completely bypass your home.
How to do it? Yes, very simple. Sew a small linen bag, pour the charmed salt into it and always carry it with you, attaching it to your underwear or to the inside of your clothes. You can put the bag in your pocket or purse - this will not affect the result in any way. And so that your amulet does not lose its magical power, do not show it to anyone and do not tell what exactly you owe for the luck that has befallen you. Let them be surprised!

But that's not all! It turns out that with the help of enchanted salt, our ancestors bewitched their loved ones and sought reciprocity from the boys they liked. This love spell was considered one of the simplest and most harmless, because its effect lasted no longer than 8-10 weeks. Fate seemed to give the lover a chance, and whether he managed to take advantage of it or not depended only on him. If, after the time allotted for the magic, the “sweet couple” began to quarrel, and the sweetheart kept glancing at others, it was clear that magic was powerless here. When, even after ten weeks, the lovebirds could not look at each other enough, the wedding was just a stone's throw away.

“There is a willow tree in an open field,
on that willow the bird built a nest,
dropped an egg with a chick into the sea.
How this bird has a heart about an egg
it hurt,
So that the servant of God (name)
my heart ached
And itched about me,
servant of God (name).
He will love me forever, he will never forget me,
Never change with anyone.
I'll lock the keys, bury the castles in the sand,
I'll throw the keys into the hole.
Who will get those keys?
That's the obstacle in my love
will become."

About conspiracies for salt.

Salt is used for spells; it, like water, in some way stores and transmits information and energy received from space. Most often, they use salt burned on Maundy Thursday (“Thursday salt”), or on other days, but burned at midnight for 10 minutes (this destroys the black energy of evil).

The ancient sages considered salt a symbol of eternity and wisdom, because it never spoils. Salt is considered the best remedy against the power of hell. According to popular belief, it is considered a bad omen if salt is spilled at the table. This can be corrected: take a pinch of scattered salt with your right hand and throw it over your left shoulder. Another sign is that if you spill salt, there will be a quarrel. To avoid this, you need to laugh or allow yourself to be hit on the forehead.

It is believed that sacred salt, taken as food, gives health and joy of life.

Prayer for the consecration of salt.

“God, our Savior, who appeared through the prophet Elisha in Jericho and thus, through salt, made harmful water healthy! You yourself bless this salt and make it an offering of joy. For you are our God, and we send glory to you, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen".

For the recovery of the patient.

Heat the salt in a frying pan and, after cooling, pour it into a canvas bag or wooden box (the weight of the salt should not exceed 100 g). Read the following spell over the container with salt three times:

"To attract mutual love."

Mix salt with vanilla and cinnamon (100 g of salt, 1 g of spices). Pour the mixture into a canvas bag or wooden box. Say three times:
“On the sea, on the ocean, on an island on Buyan, there stood a tree; on that tree sat seventy and one birds; these birds plucked the branches, these branches were thrown to the ground. The hares picked up these branches and brought them to their king. You, hare king, I bow and worship you - do me a service and make friendship - light the heart (name) for me (name) and light all the liver and lungs, and all the joints for me (name), keep my word strong, stronger than three damask steel forever!”

"To attract wealth."

You pour the salt into a canvas bag, previously soaked for 6 hours in “golden water” and dried in the sun. Place a piece of amber or a link from a gold chain into the bag. Read the plot (once):

the girl gives me silk embroidery. I do not take (name) silk sewing. The girl gave up silk embroidery and began to sew with silver. The girl handed me silver embroidery. I don’t take (name) silver embroidery. The girl gave up silver embroidery and began to sew in gold. The girl handed me the gold embroidery. I will take (name) gold embroidery so that gold will flow into my house. Amen, amen, amen."

It is best to prepare several types of magical substance; To avoid confusion, the bags need to be tied with threads of different colors. The charmed salt should not be shown to anyone. Each serving of this salt can only help one person. This magical attribute can be done only once a year, in early June.

Salt spell for health.

At sunset, take 1 tbsp. spoon of salt, lightly moisten it with water and pour into closed palms. While rubbing the salt between your palms, say three times:

As salt is white now,

It will always be like this
So are you, you have different ailments,
All kinds of hateful
Leave me for at least a year
And for all time and forever.

After reading the spell, wash your hands in running water, holding them with your palms facing away from you.

Salt spell against evil spells.

At sunset, add 1 tbsp. spoon of salt into a small bowl, place it on the table in front of you, and a lit candle to your right. Sit at the table as comfortably as possible, hold your hands over the bowl of salt and, looking at the candle flame, read the following plot three times:

Violent winds, take away the evil spell
Into the dense, distant forests,
The waters are fast,

Hateful thoughts
Get away from me
Servants of God (name).

After reading the plot, pour the salt into a paper bag and place it on the windowsill for three days, and then bury it in the ground or throw it into water.

Salt spell for good luck.

On Sunday before sunset, pour 2 tbsp into a cotton bag. spoons (heaped) of table salt. Sit in a comfortable position and hold the bag between your palms, opposite your forehead. At the same time, read this conspiracy:

I won't be too far off,

Not under a roof
Neither relatives nor strangers

These words are eternal, strong
Now and forever.

Then place the bag at the head of your bed.

Salt spell for money.

On Tuesday at sunrise, pour 3 teaspoons of salt into a paper bag and put it in your wallet along with the money. Then go to the window - hold the wallet with money and salt between your palms - and read the following plot seven times in a row:

Our business

Our business will work out

And let this money

In words, the key, the lock.

This conspiracy helps in making a profit, promotes successful negotiations, therefore, when going to a business meeting that should bring you money, transfer the bag of salt from your wallet to your right pocket, and at the end of the meeting, transfer it back to your wallet and store it there until you receive what you want. For each new task, it is necessary to perform the ritual again and take new salt.

Signs and tips.

Never borrow or lend salt, since in this case you inevitably take away the negative energy of another person, and when you give it away, you give away a particle of your own positive energy.

Avoid buying salt on Monday and Saturday, as it can lead to emotional instability.

At the table, do not pass the salt shaker from hand to hand, but place it on the table, since the person passing the salt deprives himself of wealth, attracts poverty, and the person accepting the salt shaker risks incurring losses, possibly even due to theft.

Before your loved one leaves, place a salt shaker on the table so that the road is smooth and nothing bad happens.

Try not to spill the salt, as even a minor conflict can then develop into a serious scandal, and a heavy atmosphere will remain in the house for a long time. If the salt does spill, quickly pick it up with a broom and wash the area with water.

It is better to store salt in wooden or birch bark salt shakers, since in this case it remains energetically pure and perfectly protects a person from any energy attacks from the outside. Storing in a metal salt shaker helps to cleanse the salt energetically, and thanks to glass or porcelain containers, the salt better absorbs energetic information. But any salt shakers, no matter what material they are made of, should always be kept closed. Then no “infection” will stick.

Salt shakers should not be given or accepted as gifts, since such a gift can negatively affect the health and financial situation of the recipient, and will also attract the evil eye and damage to him.

Leave the salt on the dining table overnight in a salt shaker with the lid closed. This will help to attract success to you during the coming day and drive out evil spirits, and relieve the residents of the house from the accumulated bad and disturbing emotions of the past day.

If you pour salt into a frying pan and fry it slowly over a fire, stirring occasionally, you will cleanse your home of negative energies. The salt may darken, which means it has absorbed all the “dirt.” Throw it in the toilet and flush it with the words:

Go back to where you came from!
Damage and the evil eye are not about us!

Removing damage from animals.

Take a cup of salt water. Walk around the spoiled animal three times and say, spraying it:

“I cut and salt, and do not give. I won’t let anyone spoil mine, someone else’s, or stupid people. Not out of stupidity, not out of greed, not out of envy, not out of self-interest, not out of anger. My foot will stand forward, my hand will fall over, and the damage will disappear. Amen"


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