What are first row vowels? Differentiation of vowels of the first and second row

Topic: Second row vowels


Correctional - educational

Introduce students to the formation of second row vowels.

Learn to determine the place of vowels of the second row in a word and indicate it on the diagram.

Practice highlighting second row vowels in pronunciation and writing.

Improve the skill of reading words with second vowels.

Develop the skills of self-control and mutual control.

Corrective and developmental goals:

To promote the development of phonemic hearing, phonemic perception, phonemic representations, skills of sound-letter analysis and word synthesis, intonation expressiveness.

Develop attention, visual, auditory and spatial perception, memory, logical thinking, creative imagination, general and fine motor skills.

Correctional and educational goals:

Cultivate attention to sounds, maintain interest in the material being studied through games and gaming techniques.

Cultivate curiosity.

Cultivate a diligent attitude towards learning.


The letters “I”, “Y”, a table of vowels, a drawing “Vowel Choir”, a split alphabet, pictures containing vowels of the second row, colored pencils, a ball, a hedgehog, a tape recorder and a recording of a musical composition, a basket of apples according to the number of students.

Lesson plan.

    Org. moment.

- - Guys, good afternoon! Now I will smile at you, and you will smile at me, smile at each other and at our guests.


Before we start our lesson, we need to wake up our fingers, our eyes and our head.

How do we usually do this?

(Rub your palms until hot, pinch your ears until they are red, close your eyes several times)

Well done guys, guess the riddle and you will find out who will come to visit us for class.

The fur coat is needles, you can’t take it with your hand.

It curls up - it's prickly. Who is this? (Hedgehog)

That’s right, it’s a hedgehog (a picture of a hedgehog is posted). The hedgehog came to us not with empty paws, but with tasks. We need to try to complete all the tasks in order to receive a surprise from the hedgehog.

2. Introduction to the formation of second row vowels

Guys, now I’ll tell you a fairy tale about vowel sounds, and you listen carefully.

“Once upon a time there were two letters - sisters I and Y. They were very similar. They were written almost identically. Only the letter “Y” had a beret on top, while the “I” did not have one. They sounded almost the same. Only “I” is drawn-out, and “Y” is short, abrupt. They were often confused and the letter “Y” was very unpleasant.

One day, the letter “Y” came to visit the vowels of the first row and invited them to sing together (a drawing of the “Vowel Choir” was posted). "Y" started - "A" picked up. Their sounds merged, and it turned out so beautifully that the sounds “O”, “U”, “E” also wanted to sing along with “Y”.

“A”, “O”, “U”, “E” became close friends with their new girlfriend, and they decided never to part. They went to the Queen of Grammar and began to ask her to allow them to always live together. The wise Queen of Grammar told them: “I cannot allow you to live together forever, because my words will be offended if you leave them. I’d better come up with new letters for you in which you will meet.” And the Queen of Grammar came up with new letters “I”, “Yo”, “Yu”, “E”, which consist of two sounds: “YA”, “YO”, “YU”, “YE”.

Delighted, the sounds “Y”, “A”, “O”, “U”, “E” went home. Since then, they have been found in the vowels “I”, “Yo”, “Yu”, “E”, and so that the vowel sounds would not be far from the sound “Y”, the Queen of Grammar made the new letters vowels and placed them side by side, in the second row .

It so happened that the vowels “A”, “O”, “U”, “E” turned out to be senior and began to be called vowels of the first row, and the vowels “I”, “Yo”, “Yu”, “E” turned out to be junior and became are called second row vowels.

The vowels of the first row are joined by the vowel “Y”, the vowels of the second row are joined by the vowel “I” (a table of vowels of the first and second row is posted).

Did you like the fairy tale? (Yes)

If you listened to her carefully, then remember that Queen Grammar divided the vowels into 2 rows, let's read the vowels of the 1st row. (a, o, u, y, e)

Now let’s read the vowels of row 2. (i, e, yu, i, e).

Guys, please tell me why the vowels a, o, u, e, y are in the first row? (because 1 sound is denoted by 1 letter)

Why did the vowels i, e, yu, i, e end up in the 2nd row? (because 2 sounds are denoted by 1 letter)

From what sounds were the vowels of the second row formed: “I”? (YA), "Yo"? (YO), "Yu"? (YU), "E"? (YE).

Let's open the notebooks and write down the number and topic “Vowels of the second row”

Let's now see what tasks the hedgehog brought us.

1. “Guess the letter.”

You have the letters on your tables: i, e, yu, e, i.

What vowel series are these? (second)

Well done! Now I will tell you the words, and you will raise the letter that appears at the beginning of the word.

Yasha, pit, hawk, box, apple, lizard (students raise the letter I)

Hedgehog, Christmas tree, ruff, Christmas tree, cowering. (Students raise the letter e)

Skirt, Yura, Julia, young, southern, yurt. (students raise the letter u)

Spruce, ate, eat, go, go, ate. (students raise the letter e)

Name, iris, Igor, turkey. (students raise the letter and)

Well done, you did a good job.

Let's see the hedgehog's next task.

2.- The next task is called"Guess the picture"

- Now I will show you pictures, and you must guess it and write down only the first letters of the named words in your notebook.

Christmas tree, skirt, pit, raccoon, iris, box.

Let's check now. (One student gets up, goes to the board and writes, the rest check)

3 .- The next task is called"Find the vowels of the second row"

Guys, you have cards with letters on your tables, you need to circle the vowels of the second row with a red pencil. (I AM Y U R P E D S I)

Let's check.

Let's see what other tasks the hedgehog brought

4.– The next task is called"Encryptor"

- Guys, please guess the riddles, the words - the answers must begin with the vowel of the second row. We will write down the answers in the form of a syllabic diagram, writing the vowels of the second row (children go to the board along the chain)..

1. It may break. 2. Spins on one leg 3. If it weren’t for him

It might get cooked. Carefree, cheerful. Wouldn't say anything.

If you want, into a bird In a colorful skirt, a dancer (tongue) _ya_ ___

It may turn. Musical…

(egg) _ya_ ___ (spinning top) _yu_ ___

4. A thin thread is threaded into a narrow eye 5. Runs among the stones

And she quickly swam after the boat. You can't keep up with her.

She sews, embroiders and needles sharply. He grabbed the tail, but Ah!

And they call it a boat... She escaped with the tail in her hands.

(needle) _and_ ___ ___ (lizard) _i_ _e_ _and_ __

6.Round, ruddy,

I'm growing on a branch.

Adults love me

And little children.

(apple) _I_ ___ ___

Good! You did a good job on this task.

Guys, you are probably tired, let's rest a little now.

5. Physical education minute

Game “Name it kindly” (with a ball): berry - ..., egg - ..., tongue - ..., blackberry - ..., Christmas tree - ..., ruff - ..., skirt - ..., box - ..., hole - ..., apple - ...

- We rested a little, let's see what other tasks the hedgehog brought us.

6.Insert the missing letters.

Guys, there are words written on the board, you need to fill in the missing letters.

Berry, spinning top, hedgehog, name, spruce, clear, southern, fir tree, needle.

Well done, you completed this task too.

7.- The next task is called "Development of fine motor skills"

It is necessary to outline and shade the mushroom stencil with oblique parallel lines (children complete the task in notebooks accompanied by a musical composition).

8 . "Pure talk"

Repeat the following phrases in unison:

I-I-I – I can do everything! Yo-yo-yo – ironing clothes with grandma.

E-e-e - I help everyone in the family! Yu-yu-yu – I sing songs with dad.

Yu-yu-yu- together with my mother I sew dolls. I-I-I – I’m walking with the baby!

10. Lesson summary

The hedgehog says goodbye to us and wants to know what vowels we met? (Vowels of the second row: Ya, Yo, Yu, E, I).

Well done! Today you have done a good job and the Hedgehog gives you gifts - ripe apples.

Class: 2

Target: consolidation of knowledge about vowels of the 2nd row, their functions of softness of the consonant in front.


  • consolidate knowledge about the importance of row 2 vowels to indicate the softness of sound.
  • practice finding and naming hard and soft consonants in syllables and words.
  • correct the work of the visual-auditory analyzer in exercises to identify the vowels of the 2nd row and the soft consonants that precede them.
  • develop thinking and attention when working with sentences and text.
  • promote the formation of coherent, expressive speech.
  • continue to develop learning skills and self-control skills.

Material: table of sound symbols of row 2 vowels (Ya - ya, E - yo, E - ye, Yu - yu); table with vowel letters 1 and 2 rows in pairs (A-Z, O-E, E-E, U-Y, s-I); cards with words (rad - row; nose - carried; bow - hatch; soap - mil); hourglass; signs “+”, “-”, “tick”.

For each child: lined notebooks; cards with syllables, words, text; pencils (red, blue, green); “fives”.

Progress of the lesson

“Roll call” - the one who identifies himself by name sits down.

What vowels did we talk about in the last lesson? (Vowels of the 1st row: A, O, U, E, y) How did we pronounce them? (Stretched and sang) What consonants come before these vowels (Hard) Remember and name the syllables with vowels of the 1st row.

The speech therapist teacher announces the topic of the lesson: “Vowels of the 2nd row”; The purpose of the lesson is to consolidate knowledge about the vowels of row 2, their influence on the consonant in front of them, and one of the ways to soften consonants.

Vowels of row 2 consist of two sounds (a table with sounds is shown). We will agree that we will not make these sounds like small, stupid donkeys. We will call the vowels of row 2 briefly and clearly: “I, E, E, Yu.” (The teacher-speech therapist calls, then the children.) Which vowel from row 2 can you stretch out and even sing? (Vowel “I”).

A table with vowels of rows 1 and 2 is entered. Children name the vowels of the 1st row, stretching them out, and the 2nd row - briefly and clearly. Then the speech therapist teacher reads a poem, the children name the vowels in pairs. Once again, attention is drawn to the fact that children call the vowels of row 2 “Ya, E, E, Yu” briefly, clearly, without prolonging them.

  • We call the letter “A”, and the friend’s letter is “I”,
  • Let’s draw the letter “O” with you, and the friend’s letter is “E”,
  • The letter “U” sang a song, and “Y” answered it,
  • We sang the letter “E”, and in response we hear “E”,
  • And with the baby the letter “y” sings the song “I”.

Work in notebooks. Remind children about posture when completing tasks in their notebooks.

The speech therapist teacher shows cards with words written in pairs (rad - row; nose - carried; bow - hatch; soap - mil), suggests listening to two words on the first card; set their meaning; determine the nature of the sound of consonants; clarify that the 2nd row vowel is used to indicate the softness of consonants.

I will say two words, and you think about how they differ: glad - row.

What is rad? What is a row? This means that these words have different meanings.

And what else? What do the first consonants sound like? “RAD” (pause)... firmly. Name the sound (“P”). Let's write this word down. Read what happened: ....... HAPPY. (Vowels, hard and soft letters are highlighted in color. It is specified that red is used to indicate vowels, hard consonants are blue, soft consonants are green.)

And now we need: “ROW”. Name the first sound (“Рь”). After “Рь” we will write the letter....... “I”. Let's write this word down. Read what happened: ....... “ROW”.

In our word “row”, the vowel of row 2 “ya” serves......... to soften the sound “R”.

Work with pairs of words “nose - carried” is carried out in a similar way; bow - hatch; soap - nice.” Children come up with sentences using these words.

What are the vowels of row 2 used for? (Vowels of row 2 are needed to soften the consonant that comes before it).

There are two ways to indicate soft consonants in writing. The first method: using the vowels of the second row “i, e, e, yu, i”. The second one is?...... We will talk about it in the next lessons.

Game exercise “Captains”. Children perform movements only if the speech therapist teacher gives the command “Captains”. (For example, “Captains, clapped their hands!” - performed; “Stamped their feet!” - no, etc.)

Tasks on cards.



No. 3 Friends.

Kolya is sick. He lay in bed and looked out the window. Suddenly he saw a green ball. There was a face drawn on the balloon. Kolya guessed that the guys had come up with this idea. Then Lyuba, Seryozha and Tima came. They brought a book with pictures. Kolya felt good.

Task No. 1. Reading syllables, circling syllables only with vowels of the 2nd row, softening the consonants in front of them.

Speech material: ga, GYA, ro, RE, NYA, na, sy, LA, SI, TYU, po, fy, VE, DYA, BYU, we, shu, for, HI, so, NYA, BE, ry, PU , ky.

Children name syllables with soft consonants. The speech therapist teacher repeatedly names the syllables, the children - a vowel of the 2nd row and a soft consonant in a syllable.

Then the children put a “+” sign if they liked the task and completed it easily; “-” sign if it was difficult or you didn’t like the task; “check” if not everything worked out, there were errors.

Oral task: the teacher-speech therapist names words, and children name syllables with 2nd row vowels and soft consonants in front of them: RU-KI, GRI-BY, MARK-KI, DOS-KA - !, KLYAK-SA, TABLE - !, TOF-LI, YU-LA -!, KOS-TER, RAIN-DI, YAB-LO-NYA, ZEB-RA, ZON-TIK, SWEK-LA.

To develop attention and thinking, children are given “provocative” variants of words (there is a vowel of the 2nd row, but there is no consonant in front of it; there are no vowels of the 2nd row and soft consonants).

After completing the task, children put “+”, “-” or a tick on the cards.

Task No. 2: write down 5 words syllable by syllable, circle the vowels of row 2 in red, highlight the soft consonants that precede them in green.


After completing the task, children put “+”, “-” signs or a tick.

Physical education minute.

  • Option 1: children perform voluntary movements to cheerful music.
  • Option 2: children perform movements in accordance with the text, pronouncing words.

We kick top - top,
We clap our hands - clap!
We are the eyes of a moment - a moment,
We shrug our shoulders.
One - here, two - there,
Turn around yourself.
Once - they sat down, twice - they stood up.
Everyone raised their hands up.
One - two, one - two,
It's time for us to get busy!

Task No. 3. Working with text:

Expressive reading of the text by a speech therapist teacher, children determining the number of sentences, words in sentences (paying attention to “small” words - prepositions);

Reading the text by children (you can offer reading one sentence at a time - “in a chain”, at the choice of the reading student by the speech therapist teacher);

Reading sentences proposed by the speech therapist or chosen by the students themselves with different intonations.

Attention exercise: children find 2 rows of vowels in the text, circle them in red (you can suggest highlighting the soft consonants before the vowels with a green pencil). The teacher uses an hourglass so that the children can control the time they complete the task.

Kolya is sick. (2) He lay in bed and looked out the window. (8) Suddenly he saw a green ball. (5) A face was drawn on the ball. (5) Kolya guessed that the guys had come up with this idea. (6) Then Lyuba, Seryozha and Tima came. (6) They brought a book with pictures. (5) Kolya felt good. (3)

After completing the task, the children exchange cards, check each other’s assignments, then put “+”, “-” or a tick on their cards.

Summary of the lesson.

What are row 2 vowels needed for? (Vowels of row 2 are needed to soften the consonant that comes before them.)

How did we agree to call the vowels of row 2? (Shortly, clearly, without drawing out)

What tasks did you find difficult? Can you say that you did a good job today? Why?

Children receive “A” grades for diligence and active work in class.

After the lesson, when checking the completion of tasks by children and the signs they put down (“+”, “-”, “tick”), the speech therapist teacher analyzes the level of development of control and self-control skills.

1. Raise the red circle if you hear a vowel in a series of sounds.

a - m - y - t - o; t-s - s - a - R; e -a - m - y - t; o - p- y - a - s - s - w; k - e - o - u - p - y- n

2. Select vowels from a series of letters and name them.

r, y, s, o, s, a, w, k, e, p, l, n

Raise the blue circle if you hear a consonant sound in a series of sounds. Determine the location of the obstacle.

m, o, p, y, s, k, r, s, t, f

4. Select consonants from a series of letters and name them. (The speech therapist monitors the brief pronunciation of consonant sounds.)

a, p, c, o, s, f, k, w, s, r, l, e, f, x

5. Name the letters written on your cards. Place blue circles under consonants and red circles under vowels. (The work is completed by students independently.)

Sample card:

r a t k u

6. Place the letter under the corresponding circle.

(Students receive four letters, two of them are vowels and two consonants. There are red and blue circles on the board. Students name the sound, determine whether it is a vowel or a consonant, and put the letter under the corresponding circle.)

7. Write the letters on two lines.

(The speech therapist names vowels and consonants mixed in. On the top line, students write vowels, on the bottom - consonants. When checking, the speech therapist asks students to read only vowels or only consonants. Errors are corrected as they work.)

First row vowels

Lesson notes

Subject. Vowel sounds.

Target. Teach children to hear and identify first row vowels.

Equipment. Subject pictures, table with vowels of the first row, red circles.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Organizational moment.

The student who names the vowel sound will sit. II. Reinforcement of the material from the previous lesson. Students name vowels based on the silent articulation of the speech therapist. The speech therapist pronounces silent vowels in the following order: a, o, u, e, s, At the same time, he draws the children’s attention to the position of the lips when pronouncing these sounds: A- mouth wide open; O- lips are rounded and slightly pulled forward; at- lips are rounded and more extended forward; uh, s- lips stretch slightly into a smile. (This sequence will help students remember the vowels of the first row.) For clarity, you can use a table. Students learn these vowels in the order given.

III. Isolating vowels of the first row from a number of other sounds. The speech therapist pronounces vowels and consonants mixed together. Students for a vowel sound: a) show a red circle, b) the corresponding letter, c) write down the vowel letter in a notebook, a, m, p, y, s, t, s, r, l, e, o, k, t, y, a, l, e, p, o

IV. Isolation of vowels of the first row from syllables. s The speech therapist names the syllable, emphasizing the vowel sound with his voice, the students: k) name the vowel, b) show the corresponding letter,

a) am, mind, ym, us, op, yr, al, ys, ak, from

b) ma, mu, we, su, po, ry, la, sy, ka, then

V. Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist. Today we learned to hear and identify vowel sounds.

Isolating first row vowels from words

Select the initial vowel from the words and write down the corresponding letter. Anya, Olya, duck, Elya, wasps, Asya

Select the vowel from the middle of the words and write it down.

varnish, smoke, soup, mouth, juice, steam, ray, bull, itself, poppy

3.Name the pictures. Identify the vowel sound from the names of these pictures. Write the corresponding vowel letter.

An approximate list of pictures selected by a speech therapist: beetle, moss, tooth, bough, cheese, cancer.

4. Select a vowel from these words and write it down.

mole, bush, table, closet, floated, rumor, hail, bent, throw, who

5. Name the pictures. Select the vowel sound from their names. Write down the corresponding letter.

An approximate list of pictures selected by a speech therapist: crane, chair, wolf, goose, tail, fang, elephant, bridge, eye, eyebrow.

Lesson notes

Subject. Vowel sounds.

Target. Introduce students to the formation of second row vowels.

Equipment. Letters and, th, table with vowels of the second row.


I. Organizational moment.

The speech therapist asks students to name the vowels of the first row.

II.Introduction to letters and, y.

Formation of second row vowels.

Speech therapist tells a tale about letters and, y.

Once upon a time there were two sister letters. They were very similar. They were written almost identically. Only the letter Y had a beret on top, but the I did not. They sounded almost the same. Only I is drawn out, and Y is short, abrupt. They were often confused, and the letter Y was very unpleasant.

One day the letter Y came to visit the vowels of the first

row and suggested we sing together. Y started, A picked up. Their sounds merged and a new letter Y was formed. Then the other letters O, U, E also began to sing along with Y. And new letters E, Yu, E began to be formed.

New letters took their place in the second row. The letter I was added to them. This is how the vowels of the second row turned out.

The speech therapist hangs up a table with the vowels of the second row and invites students to memorize these vowels.

Then the speech therapist asks the children what sounds the letters are made from I, yo, yu, e.

III. Lesson summary.

Speech therapist. What interesting things did you learn in class today?

Second row vowels

a) pit, Yasha, anchor, clear, hawk

b) hedgehog, Christmas tree, ruff, Christmas tree, cowering

c) Yura, Julia, south, nimble, southern, yurt

d) spruce, eat, ate, go, go

e) Ira, name, Inna, games, caviar, sparks

e) anchor, hedgehog, yurt, spruce, needles

a) mine, yours, Zoya, Raya

b) sing, mine, dig, mine, yours

c) mine, yours, yours, linen, old stuff

d) me, you, myself, everywhere

d) sing, my, sleep, yours, underwear

(The speech therapist shows the picture without naming it; the students name it, highlight the vowels and write them down in their notebooks.)

An approximate list of pictures: hedgehog, apple, Christmas tree, yurt, sparks.

Syllabic composition of the word

Class notes

Lesson 1

Subject. The syllabic composition of the word.

Target. Teach children to divide two-syllable words into syllables.
Equipment. Notebooks, pens. ^

Progress of the lesson.

I. Organizational moment.

II. Repetition of what has been covered.
Students remember and name the vowels of the first and second rows.

III. Introducing the syllable. The speech therapist pronounces a syllable ra and asks if it is clear what he wanted to say. The students answer that it is not clear. Similarly, a speech therapist works with the syllable ma. Then pronounces the word syllable by syllable frame.

Speech therapist. At first, parts of the word were spoken, so it was not clear/When the parts were combined, a word was formed. Part of a word is called a syllable.

In a similar way, a speech therapist works with words flour, paw and so on.

IV. Dividing words into syllables.
Students are asked to clap the number of syllables in the words,

pronounce these words syllable by syllable and name the first and second syllables, fly, vase, rose, sleigh, cotton wool, puddle, fish

V. Graphic representation of syllables.
Speech therapist. Put a question to the word fish. What does it mean

(this word? " (Fish- who is this? The word "fish" denotes an object.)* Pupils depict the word on the board and in their notebooks fish graphically (one line). Then the speech therapist, together with the students, established... pours out what's in the word fish two parts, i.e. two syllables. Graphic

the image is divided into two parts by a vertical line. V Similarly, words consisting of two are depicted graphically ." open syllables: juices, linden, leg, moon, hand, Valya, Misha, Lida. I VI. Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist. What did you learn in class?

Lesson 2

Subject. Is the same.

Target. Teach children to divide three-syllable words into syllables

Equipment. Word schemes.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Organizational moment.

In the Russian language there are 10 vowel letters, 6 vowel sounds. Vowel letters: a, i, e, ё, o, u, ы, e, yu, ya. Vowel sounds: [a], [o], [u], [e], [i], [s]. In the school curriculum, vowel sounds are indicated in red on the diagrams. In the elementary grades they explain: vowel letters are called that because they “voice”, are pronounced “vocally,” while consonant letters received this name because they “agree” with the vowels.

Scheme 1. Vowels and vowel sounds of the Russian language.

Stressed and unstressed vowel sounds

Vowel sounds are:

  • percussive: juice [o] - ice ['o], forest ['e] - mayor [e], drill [u] - hatch ['u],
  • unstressed: in O yes [a], s at dak [u], l e juice [and].

Note. It is correct to say “stressed syllable” and “unstressed syllable”. Instead of “the stress falls on the vowel,” say “the stress falls on the syllable with the vowel.” However, in the literature there are formulations “stressed vowel” and “unstressed vowel”.

Stressed vowels are in a strong position and are pronounced with greater force and intonation. Unstressed vowels are in a weak position, they are pronounced with less force and can be subject to change.

Note. The designation of the letter e in weak position differs in different school programs. Above we showed the sound [and], in other school programs the designation [e] is found, in the institute program - [e and ] (e with the overtone and).

Scheme 2. Division of vowels into stressed and unstressed.

In the Russian language there are compound words with primary and secondary stress. In them, we highlight the main stress with strong intonation, and the secondary stress with weak intonation. For example, in the word foam blocks, the main stress falls on the syllable with the letter o, the secondary stress on the syllable with the letter e. In phonetic analysis, the vowel with the main stress is stressed, the vowel with the secondary stress is unstressed. For example: tricuspid, three-year-old.

Yotated vowel sounds

The letters i, yu, e, e are called iotized and mean two sounds in the following positions of the word:

  1. at the beginning of the word: fir tree [y "olka], Yana [y "ana], raccoon [y "inot];
  2. after a vowel: hare [zai"its], bayan [bai"an];
  3. after ь or ъ: streams [ruch "y", rise [fall "om].

For ё and stressed vowels I, yu, e, a replacement is made: I → [y’a], yu → [y’u], e → [y’e], ё → [y’o]. For unstressed vowels, a replacement is used: i → [th"i], e → [th"i]. In some school programs, when compiling a transcription of a word and during phonetic analysis, the Latin j is written instead of th.

Sections: Primary School

  • Activating children's attention, preparing for the upcoming lesson, focusing on the topic of the lesson and updating relevant vocabulary.
  • Practice indicating the softness of consonants when writing using vowels of the second row.
  • Correction of memory and attention processes.
  • Developing communication skills, answering questions, and controlling one’s own behavior.

Equipment: Table with vowels of the first and second row; syllable table; cards for independent work; colour pencils; ball; boards with adhesive tape (30/30) for the development of fine motor skills, boxes of beans.

Progress of the lesson

  1. Organizing time.

Checking readiness for class.

  1. Development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Guys, in front of you is a board with adhesive tape and a box of beans. I suggest you put a Christmas tree, the sun, a house on the board. Well done, you did a great job.

  1. Repetition of earlier material covered.

Let's remember and pronounce with you the vowels of the first and second row. (We draw the children’s attention to the vowel table).Please tell me how the second row vowels are formed? (iotated consonant + vowel sound).

Now compare pairs of vowels: A-Z; O–E; U-Yu; E-E; Y-I. (We identify the similarity of these pairs in articulation and the difference in spelling). Guys, these vowels are called paired vowels and in order not to confuse them in writing, you and I will learn to distinguish between them.

  1. Posting new material.

In our lesson we will learn to distinguish paired vowels, and we will learn with you that the vowels of the second row are magical, they make the consonant soft. Here is a table with straight syllables. Let's read straight syllables in chorus, combining M, (N, S, etc.), in pairs with vowels of the first, then second row.

I E E Yu I I E E Yu I

(When reading again, pay attention to the change in the sound of the consonant from the proximity of the vowels of the second row).

Guys, what happens to consonants when a second vowel comes after it? (The consonant becomes soft).

I suggest you play a little.

  1. Game "Magic Ball".

(An exercise in auditory pronunciation differentiation of hard and soft and soft consonants).

Guys, I will tell you the hard option and throw the ball, and you call the soft option and throw the ball back to me. (We throw the ball one by one).

  • isolated.

B-B"; B-B"; G-G"; T-T"; D-D" etc.

And now back, you call the soft version, but I call it hard.

  • B-B"; B-B"; G-G"; T-T"; D-D"; etc.
  • in syllables (throwing the ball).
  1. Working in a notebook

Syllable dictation.

I will pronounce the syllables, and you write down syllables containing a soft consonant in one column, and a hard consonant in the other.

SA, SE, LE, RE, MU, MI, ZYA, FA, DO, RE, KI, BO, GE, YOU, TE, LA. (We check by ear).

Look at the board, there are pairs of words written in front of you. Let's read them out loud.


Look, read again and tell me, are they the same in spelling, pronunciation, and meaning? Pay attention to the first consonants in these words. What are they like, where are they hard and where are they soft. Write these words in a notebook and use colored pencils to mark the soft and hard consonants (blue for hard, red for soft).


Well done, now let's rest a little.

  1. Physical exercise.

We got up, came out from behind our desks, raising our hands, taking a deep breath up through our nose, lowering our hands down, exhaling, air through our mouth. The arms are not tense (4-5 times). Fine. Now let’s dance a little to some lively music.

Right hand in front
And then her back,
And again in front of her,
And we'll shake it up a little.
We dance boogie-woogie
We turn in circles and clap our hands like this. (The same thing only with the left hand).

You and I haven’t had much rest, but now we’ll continue working.

  1. Working with cards.

Guys, in front of you are cards with sentences where vowels are missing from the words. Insert them and circle the hard and soft consonants with colored pencils (soft - green, hard - blue and red vowel of the second row).

V...li has flowers. L...sya l...bit l...k. Yur... was r...d that he got into the first r...d. P...t...ut...t..., and V...t...cat...t.... You need to water the cherries....

We check the work.

(Valya’s flowers have wilted. Lyusya loves onions. Yura was glad that he was in the first row. Petya has ducklings, and Vitya has kittens. We need to water the cherries).

  1. Independent work.

(This work is given if the children worked actively in class and there is time left; if not, then the task is given at home).

Come up with three words each starting with a soft consonant. Write them down in your notebook. Use a colored pencil to highlight the soft consonant. (The consonants with which words begin are written on the board.)

  • M- (example: ball, Misha, bear).
  • L- (example: lion, laziness, people).
  • D- (day, business, woodpecker).
  • T- (shadow, body, Timofey).

Make up one sentence with any of the words. (Example: Misha played ball).

  1. Summary of the lesson.

Let's remember our vowels of the first and second row and pronounce them again. If the vowel of the second row comes after a consonant, then what kind of consonant will we have?

What did we learn and what did we learn in our lesson?

Guys, today in our lesson you did a great job, you were attentive, active, you made me very happy. Thank you very much! The lesson is over. Goodbye.